Transaction Logging

Oct 20, 2005

Lets say I have version 1 of a database - DB1. I  am creating the second database, DB2.

What I need is a log of all the SQL statements that where used to
change DB1 into DB2. This means recording both what happened in the GUI
and in the SQL Query Analyser.

Is there a way I can do this? I know SQL Server has a transaction log
somewhere. Is there a way to set this to output all the changes made
from a set date on a database into a SQL log file?

Thanks in advance for any help.


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DTS And Transaction Logging

Jan 29, 2001

If you use the import feature of DTS to import data into various tables and your database is setup with truncate log on checkpoint set to false, will SQL Server log those transactions?



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Logging Output In A Transaction

Oct 17, 2005

We have a publish job that we are trying to automate, the problem is getting the output back to the app. or a file. Originally we had print statements, this worked great when we manually ran the proc in QA and could capture the output, now that we are automating it from an application I am not sure how to capture these Print statements - ideally I would like to find this out.

The App. is doing a Try-Catch block so using something like isql.exe will not do the trick otherwise that is the route we would go.

I tried logging everyting to a table but those inserts get rolled back with XACT_ABORT. What about the xp proc that logs it to the event log? Thought of that but that would make a real mess of the event log with all of our status messages.

Now we are considering using xp_cmdshell that calls a batch file to output our status text, is this my best option? I would prefer to capture all of the print statements so if anyone knows how to do this that would be preferable!


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Transaction Logging Backup Set

Jul 20, 2005

HiI take one nightly full database backup at 02:00 and backup thetransaction log to one backup set every 15mins.The commands to do this are as follows and are set up to run asdatabase jobs:-- Database BackupBACKUP DATABASE [ThikosDatabase] TO [DatabaseBackUp] WITH NOINIT ,NOUNLOAD , NAME = N'ThikosDatabase backup', NOSKIP , STATS = 10,NOFORMAT-- Transaction Log Backup Every 15mins.BACKUP LOG [ThikosDatabase] TO [TransactionLog] WITH NOUNLOAD , NAME= N'TransactionLogBackUp', NOSKIP , STATS = 10, DESCRIPTION =N'BackUp the transaction Log every 15 minutes every day.', NOFORMAT,RETAINDAYS = 0At the moment the transaction log backups every 15mins are simplybeing added one by one to the one backup set. I want the backed uptransaction logs in the backup set after 24hrs to be overwritten sodisk space does not add up. I thought RETAINDAYS would do this as anexpirydate is set to expire on the time it is created so i would haveexpexted it to be overwritten when that time comes around the nextday. (But is doesent)I think it is ok to overwrite the transaction log in the backupsetafter 24hrs as you only need the transaction logs since the last fullbackup (which happens nightly at 02:00) for recovery.Does anyone have any ideas?Many thanks.Thiko!

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Minimize Transaction Logging

May 14, 2007

We use SQL PE 2000 in our lab to store sampled data (lots of data collected at high sampling rate) in real-time. i know this may be an uncommon use of SQL server. For this particular application, performance is much more important than data recoverability. In other words, once-in-a-while data loss is acceptable. Actually we have never used the transaction log for recovery since we started using the SQL PE in this way a few years ago. Certain transaction logging such as bulk deletion is particularly wasteful of the resource. As my understanding from reading the online book and some threads on this forum, the best thing we can do is using bulk-logged recovery model. I am not sure if that helps us at all because it seems that bulk deletion (i.e. DELETE FROM MyTable WHERE ..., may affect hundreds of thousands of records) is not on the list of minimally logged transactions.

I am wondering if anyone could share some good advice.

Thanks in advance!

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Disable Transaction Logging

May 8, 2007


We have a DW project where I would like to disable the transaction logging. Any good advices anyone?

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Disable Transaction Logging For Table

May 9, 2000

Is it possible to disable the logging operations for insert/update/delete in the transaction file for certain tables?

I have an application where I have to write temporary tables for calculations and printing and all the insert/update/delete absolutely don't have to be logged. They get deleted after use anyway.

Thomas Schoch

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Task/transaction Token By Logging

Jul 23, 2005

Hallo All,I'm making in my DB some logs.I have a separate table containing:ID,Date,Source,Type,ErrorNo,DescriptionAcctualy the table struct is not immportand that's why I do not postthe script.I have one procedure, which I call in my other function procedures,triggers etc. with parameters.This procedure (WriteToLog) is called, if in other procedures, triggersis any validation, exception or only information which I would like tolog me separately, and it writes the record into this table.But sometimes, it is very hard, to follow much logs, and I figured out,if I could have something like transaction ID, task ID, it will be mucheasier.Firs idea was to, by going from procedures to other procedures, pass aself generated token (ie. date with any additional number). But then, Ineed to change everywhere where I call WriteToLog procedure the callsyntax.Let's say that we have following situation:Procedure1:Action1Select1CompareOfValues1exec WriteToLogAction2CompareOfValues2exec WriteToLogAction3exec Procedure2Procedure2:Action1exec WriteToLogSelect1Insert1Trigger1Started:Action1CompareOfValues1exec WriteToLogAction2Trigger1Exit:Procedure2Exit:Procedure1Exit:Now ... I could pass this my generated number, from SP to SP and so on.But I would like to now, does the MS SQL server has something whatidentifies transaction like descripted below.In this case, I do not need to pass any number, only I need to get thisnumber anyhow in SP WriteToLog, and insert it into my log table.Any sugestions?Thank's in advance.Mateusz

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Long Blocked Transaction Logging

May 5, 2007

Is there anyone know any feature in SQL server which can detect/log the transaction which has been blocked unusually long? My idea is:

If a transaction has run for over 30 minutes, then log the following information in SQL server log:

1. State of the transaction : Blocked, Running, Sleeping

2. Time happeing

3. Duration

4. Last SQL it run

5. Blocked by which thread and info of the thread : the last SQL it run, the state of the thread.

Possibly it would be run in SQL server agent or SQL profiler has such feature, I am not sure about it. Can anyone suggest? Thanks.

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How To Switch Off Transaction Logging For Inserts/updates?

Nov 22, 1999

Is there a way to switch off transaction logging for insert and update statements and not only for select into bulk copy?

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Copy Table In A Database Without Transaction Logging.

Mar 18, 2008

Hi y'all, I am doing some searching in the archived threads, but I have a need to copy a table in a database to a new table in the same database, but the new table will be just a table with test data. There are several million rows in the table and I want to do the copy without logging the new inserts in the transaction log.

Is there an easy way to do this? I found this in my search efforts so far, but am just wondering if there is an easier/better way to accomplish what I want to do.

BTW, I normally wouldn't care, but the boss is complaining that it is taking too long to do the copy for a different team, so asked if I knew a way to copy data to a new table without logging. I don't, so here I am ;)

Here is what I found so far:Following 3 things need to be done
1) create table as not logged initially
2) set autocommit=off
3) and activate the not logged initially option
Now the inserts happen without the use of transaction logs

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SQL Server 2012 :: Server Autonomous Transaction Logging

May 14, 2014

I know Oracle provide pragma directives to execute autonomous transactions which i used before on Oracle for logging. Now i want to repeat the same in SQL Server but unfortunately i found such pragmas are not existing in SQL Server.After several google searching, i have found that i can use loopback linked server to generate autonomous transaction calls.

If i have Server A & Server B where server B is a loop back server of Server A and all my objects are existing on Server A. I just wanted to user Server B for logging only. should i have logging tables on Server B? Logging procedures on Server A? and call logging procedures (via Execute ) from application procedures residing on Server A?

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Logging To Event Viewer Fails But SQL Server Logging Works OK - Why?

Jun 18, 2007


I am developing a package on my local workstation. I have defined two logging service providers. One is for SQL Server and the other is for the Windows Event Log. I am using the Dts.Log method in a script task to write log entries.

Logging is working properly with the SQL Server provider and rows are being inserted into the sysdtslog90 table. However, the only events that are being logged in the Windows Event Log are the package start and end events which I believe SSIS is doing automatically anyway.

Is there something I need to do to enable WIndows Event Log logging other than defining a log provider and making sure it is checked active? Won't SSIS write to two different logs with one Dts.Log call? Any ideas on what might be going wrong with my approach?



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Logging Package Name For Any Event In Sysdtslog90 Logging Table

Oct 17, 2007

I decided to use the SQL Server log provider to store logging data of all my Integration Services packages. I also created some reports about this data for operating purposes.
I have a problem occurs the name of the executing package is not always written to the log,but the name of the single task which failed. But that is not very useful information for operating, because I do not see any chance to get the name of the package by the information which is logged in the sysdtslog90 table in the database which I defined for SSIS Logging.

How do I configure the package to always log the package information into the table, too?

Best regards,

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Tie Together Custom Logging And SSIS Logging?

Sep 12, 2005

I recently read the project real ETL design best practices whitepaper. I too, want to do custom logging as I do today, and also use SSIS logging. The paper recommended using the variable system::PackageExecutionId to tie the 2 logging methods together.

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Error 8525: Distributed Transaction Completed. Either Enlist This Session In A New Transaction Or The NULL Transaction.

May 31, 2008

Hi All

I'm getting this when executing the code below. Going from W2K/SQL2k SP4 to XP/SQL2k SP4 over a dial-up link.

If I take away the begin tran and commit it works, but of course, if one statement fails I want a rollback. I'm executing this from a Delphi app, but I get the same from Qry Analyser.

I've tried both with and without the Set XACT . . ., and also tried with Set Implicit_Transactions off.

Begin distributed Tran
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1 and DONE = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
update OPENDATASOURCE('SQLOLEDB','Data Source=;User ID=*****;Password=****').TRANSFERSTN.TSADMIN.FIXED
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1

It's got me stumped, so any ideas gratefully received.Thx

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SSIS, Distributed Transaction Completed. Either Enlist This Session In A New Transaction Or The NULL Transaction.

Feb 22, 2007

I have a design a SSIS Package for ETL Process. In my package i have to read the data from the tables and then insert into the another table of same structure.

for reading the data i have write the Dynamic TSQL based on some condition and based on that it is using 25 different function to populate the data into different 25 column. Tsql returning correct data and is working fine in Enterprise manager. But in my SSIS package it show me time out ERROR.

I have increase and decrease the time to catch the error but it is still there i have tried to set 0 for commandout Properties.

if i'm using the 0 for commandtime out then i'm getting the Distributed transaction completed. Either enlist this session in a new transaction or the NULL transaction.


Failed to open a fastload rowset for "[dbo].[P@@#$%$%%%]". Check that the object exists in the database.

Please help me it's very urgent.

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Distributed Transaction Completed. Either Enlist This Session In A New Transaction Or The NULL Transaction.

Feb 6, 2007

I am getting this error  :Distributed transaction completed. Either enlist this session in a new
transaction or the NULL transaction. Description:
An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web
request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and
where it originated in the code. Exception Details:
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Distributed transaction completed. Either
enlist this session in a new transaction or the NULL transaction.have anybody idea?!

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Distributed Transaction Completed. Either Enlist This Session In A New Transaction Or The NULL Transaction.

Dec 22, 2006

i have a sequence container in my my sequence container i have a script task for drop the existing tables. This seq. container connected to another seq. container. all these are in for each loop container when i run the package it's work fine for 1st looop but it gives me error for second execution.

Message is like this:

Distributed transaction completed. Either enlist this session in a new transaction or the NULL transaction.

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Distributed Transaction Completed. Either Enlist This Session In A New Transaction Or The NULL Transaction. (HELP)

Jan 8, 2008


i am getting this error "Distributed transaction completed. Either enlist this session in a new transaction or the NULL transaction.".

my transations have been done using LINKED SERVER. when i manually call the store procedure from Server 1 it works but when i call it through Service broker it dosen't work and gives me this error.

Thanks in advance.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Restore Lost Transaction From Transaction Log File

Jun 10, 2015

I have Full database backup upto previous day and transaction logfile of Today transaction. my database has crashed. I have restored previous day's Full backup. I have faced difficulty to restore today's transaction from today's transaction log. What are the steps to restore full database back and one day's transaction log file. Note: there is no differential database backup and transaction backup.

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I Need Away To Show The Pending Transaction From Transaction Replication In A User Friendly Format.

Jul 11, 2007

I want to list out the pending transaction for transaction replication by publication.

Help needed.

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Nov 14, 2006

I'm receiving the below error when trying to implement Execute SQL Task.

"The ROLLBACK TRANSACTION request has no corresponding BEGIN TRANSACTION." This error also happens on COMMIT as well and there is a preceding Execute SQL Task with BEGIN TRANSACTION tranname WITH MARK 'tran'

I know I can change the transaction option property from "supported" to "required" however I want to mark the transaction. I was copying the way Import/Export Wizard does it however I'm unable to figure out why it works and why mine doesn't work.

Anyone know of the reason?

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Analysis :: Find Amount Distribution Across Different Transaction Types Under Spend Transaction

Jul 27, 2015

I created a Calculated measure in cube something like this : ([TransType].[TransTypeHierarchy].[TransTypeCategoryParent].&[SPEND],[Measures].[Transaction Amount]). To get only spend transactions. Now, I want to slice this measure with same hierarchy to find the amount distribution across different transaction types under spend transaction. But this query behaving like the measure doesn't have relation with measure.

you can think this as below query:
MEMBER SPEND AS ([TransType].[TransTypeHierarchy].[TransTypeCategoryParent].&[SPEND],[Measures].[Transaction Amount])
,NON EMPTY ([TransType].[TransTypeHierarchy].[TransTypeCategoryParent]) ON 1

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How Do I Make Use Of Begin Transaction And Commit Transaction In SSIS.

Jun 1, 2007


How do I make use of begin transaction and commit transaction in SSIS.

As am not able to commit changes due to certain update commands I want to explicitly write begin and commit statements. but when i make use of begin and commit in OLEDB commnad stage it throws an error as follows:


descriptionyntax error or access violation.

its definately not an syntax error as i executed it in sql server. also when i use it in execute sql task out side the dataflow container it doesnt throw any error but still this task doesnt serve my purpose of saving/ commiting update chanages in the database.



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Sql2005:Cannot Use SAVE TRANSACTION Within A Distributed Transaction

Oct 10, 2005

Error returned when trying to commit the transaction to a database that is a replication distributor. (sql2005 ctp16)

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Problem With SSIS Transaction...Transaction Scope

Jun 1, 2006


I am having some problem with SSIS transaction. Eventhought I tried to imitate the concept that Jamie presented at

. My workflow is as followed

For Each ADO.Record in Oracle (transaction=not supported)

If (Certain_Field_Value = 'A')

Lookup Data in SQL DB with values from Oracle (transaction=not supported)

DO Sequence A (Start a Transaction , transaction=required)

INSERT/UPDATE some records in SQLDB(transaction=supported)
Finish Sequence A ( transaction should stop here)
UPDATE Oracle DB ( Execute SQLTask, transaction=not supported)
If (Certain_Field_Value = 'B')

Lookup Data in SQL DB with values from Oracle (transaction=not supported)

DO Sequence B (Start a Transaction , transaction = required)

INSERT/UPDATE some records in SQLDB (transaction=supported)
Finish Sequence A ( transaction should stop here)
UPDATE Oracle DB ( Execute SQLTask, transaction=not supported)
If (Certain_Field_Value = 'C')

End ForEach Loop
My requirements are that I want separate transaction for each Sequence A, B, C, etc... If Sequence A transaction fails, the other should still be continuing with another transaction.
But I am getting an error regarding the OLEDB Error in next Task (e.g in Certain_Field_Value = 'B') "Lookup Data in SQL DB with values from Oracle ", the error message is ".......Distributed transaction completed. Either enlist this session in a new transaction or the NULL transaction. ".
What is it that I am doing wrong?

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Logging In

Dec 6, 2006

How can I check from database username and password? It doesent need any special authentication, just a lookup through the database and if the user exist than continue with the next page.Thanks 

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Logging Who Did What

Oct 1, 2004

I have a web application accessing a SQL Server database (the ususal stuff).

I want to be able to log who did what on which table. I need to display this information on the web application. Is there an easy way of doing this, rather that making duplicates of a lot of data?

The best way I have thought of so far is making a new table with the following fields:

Every time someone changes something, it is logged in this table, so that, at any time, I can display who changed what.
I have one more question. If I do do it this way, is there a way of getting the primary key value of any table? E.G. could I do something like this_table.primary_key.value ?


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May 30, 2001

Is there a way to produce a log of all SQL statements hitting a database in a given range of time by a specific SPID? Obviously the SQL Server activity logs do not go into that much detail, except when errors are produced or a change is made to a system table. Is there a setting to add more detail, or to log a specific SPID's actions, or maybe a third party software that will give me what I am looking for?

Thanks. JT

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Logging ?

Aug 22, 2000

does SQL 7.0 have any built in logging capabilities to identify row level actions by operator. For instance, can it tell me that a particular user deleted or inserted a row? How would I tell it who the operator is?

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DML Without Logging

Jun 11, 2004

Is there a way to stop logging DML? I have a large delete and I dont want to log the operation, is it possible?

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SQL Logging

Dec 9, 2004


is there any chance to log all incoming SQL-statements with date/time and duration ?

Thx for help.


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