I have a big problem to solve: I use MsSqlServer 2000, Analysis service. I have cubes and virtual cubes. I have a dimension of consult, they have a hierarchy that change every month. for example: In june the consult "John" is in D11, in September he is on D14,... Hierarchie: D10 -> D11, D12, D13 - > C1, C2.. For this reason when i want analysis The consult John in a year(12 months) my result is wrong. With this changes in the hierarchie my analysis become wrong! I thought in the end of every month store the cube in a local cube, like a picture of every consult, with his sales e others measures. With this i can analysis the consult in a specific month rightly, but i need the anlysis in a year. And in a year i would have 12 local cubes, then i could acess them and do a right analysis. How could i access 12 local cubes? Can i create a virtual cube with this 12 local cubes? Is there another solution for this problem?
I'm am writing a report in SSRS 2005 on a local PC that uses cubes in AS 2000 on another server as a datasource. I am using the Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Extension (OLAP9) to connect to the cubes using windows authentication. I can save and preview the report in visual studio and publish the reports on IIS on my local PC with no problems but when I go to view the report in IE, I get the following error:
An error has occurred during report processing. Query execution failed for data set 'dataset'. Unable to recognize the requested property ID 'ReturnCellProperties'.
Have read various articles on the net with no conclusive explanation.
I have seen another post on this forum that suggests using OLEDB for Analysis Services instead but if I do this it doesn't allow me to use the MDX visual query designer. Creating the report using OLAP9 then changing to OLEDB and pasting in the query code doesn't work so well either.
I went and read http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms159219.aspx about data sources supported by SSRS 2005 and it should be ok.
I am using sql server 2005 with the latest service pack 2.
Is there any way that cubes built on Analysis Server 2005 can be migrate or copy to Analysis Server 2000. I have built cubes on 2005 and i want the cubes to be also on another server whicih is unfortunately running Analysis Serviuces 2000. Is it poosible ?
I have two machines one 64bit machine with SQl 2005 on it and another 32 bit machine which I use as my web server both running win2003. I have followed the knowledgebase article from Microsoft (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/sql/2005/httpasws.mspx) and also researched postings on this site but can't seem to access the cubes remotely. I have changed to msmdpump.ini file to have the <ServerName>mycomputername</ServerName> which points to the SQL box.
I can connect to the cubes from the 32 bit machine using somethign like crystal reports and connecting directly to the server name but can't connect to https://localhost/olap/msmdpump.dll I get an error about could not connect to the computer name or the computer is not runing analysis services.
I need to use cubes in VS 2005 web project. I have no clue how to create cubes or use them in my web page. I am familiar with Reporting Services but not cubes. thanks in advance!
I am trying to build a report that access data from multiple cubes. Is it possible to join multiple cubes based on their shared dimensions? Or is it possible for report to display data from multiple cubes properly aligned based on the dimension.
Environment: SQL Server Analysis Services 2005 and Reporting Services 2005
Example: We have multiple cubes with “Year� as a shared dimension and each one has different Rate info. The cubes have other set of shared dimensions which I am planning to set it up as a parameter. I would like to display the report as Year Rate1 Rate2 Rate3…
Normally I would be using SSAS but our finance department make use of Hyperion Essbase. I was wondering whether it was possible to upload data into an Essbase cube using SSIS in the same way that you can use the Analysis Services processing task? I realise there are no specific task for Essbase, but are there any suggestions about what would be the best way of going about this?
I need to extract data from SSAS' cubes into a SQL Server table.
I already read examples using Linked server (with openquery), SSIS, etc. However, the result always return as many columns per dimension as levels. I need to extract all members of a dimension in a column. E.g., when excecuting the following MDX query in Adventure Works 2014:
select [Measures].[Sales Amount] on columns,     Non Empty [Date].[Calendar].members on rows  from [Adventure Works]
I would like to get this result (MDX query in SSMS), but with keys displayed intead of names:
I currently have a question about unknown member in cubes (as we know, there is always an additional member called unknown in an OLAP dimension)for data mining. I mean is there any way for us to deal with unknown member in cubes when mining cubes?
Thanks a lot in advance for any guidance and help.
On the subject of Data Warehouses, Data Cubes & OLAP….I would like to speak frankly about Data Warehouses, Data Cubes andOLAP (on-line analytical processing). Has it dawned on anyone elsethat these buzz words were created by some geek who decided to take astab at marketing? Knowing that to the backwoods manager who knowslittle of technology that new innovative names for old concepts wouldhelp to sale their products.I mean seriously, what is the story here? In a nut shell, and pleasestop me if you disagree, but isn’t a data warehouse simply adatabase? Can’t you do everything on a conventional databaselike SQL Server, Oracle or DB2 that you can do on these newproprietary Data Warehouse constructs? I mean who are they trying tofool?Take a look, for instance, at Data Cubes. Who hasn’t noticedthe striking similarity between data cubes and views used in all themore robust databases? Also, what about OLAP? OLAP is nothing morethan a report generator. There’s nothing you can do with thesemillion dollar price tagged Data Warehouse total solution packagesthat I can’t do with SQL Server, Oracle or DB2…for thatmatter Microsoft Access.As an example some sales people for Metadata Corporation has the VicePresident of I.T. in Nashville, for Healthspring, sold on their totalsolution data respository which is such a scam. All they had to dowas throw a couple of buzzwords at him and they have him hypnotized.Personally, I feel that these kinds of marketing practices undermineour industry. It helps to unravel what little standards orconsistency we have. What do you guys think?Stuart
I have virtual PC loaded on my machine .Everytime i try to view data in the Data Pane in Analysis Manager,it comes up with an error "Unable to browse the data(Unspecified error).I have tried restarting the DHCP services but has not no effect . Could someone please advice me.
Have 2 virtual PC's running on is the Domain Controller named as London and the other one is Brisbane which is a memebr of the domain controller. Niether the London and Brisabn are able to dispaly the data in the data pane in Analysis Manager. Please Advice.
I use the SQL Analysis Manager to create a cube and it can process successful, but when i want to browse the cube, it shows the error message: " Unable to browse the cube "my cube name", Unspecified error"
can anybody tell me what's wrong with that? thanks
I have created a cube in sql server analysis manager and now i want to give that to end user...like .exe program what are all the possible ways we can give that to the end user.....
how to do I use these cubes on web for browsers as I do in business intelligent IDE in visual studio. Are there any free component available for web throught which cubes dtaa can be browsed or are there any methods available in SQL server to publish cubes to web
Any help in this regard will greately appriciated. Thanks
I'm looking into adding OLAP Cubes as part of our software to be distributed with our OLTP and eventually OLAP databases. Is there any books that deal with distributing OLAP Cubes and or security. Our clients will have SQL Server with our databases. Thanks
I am working on datawarehouse using sql server analysis manager. I created a cube ..that is working fine but now i have to distribute to end users so how to do it and how many ways we can do that
1)can we make that .cub file 2)how can give access to endusers without giving access to database 3)how to host a cube and access from excel or any other software
I have a Analysis Servises installed in a Windows 2000 server and I created a cube on it. I created also an ASP page with Web Pivot Control to access the cube, but when the users open my ASP page they can´t access the cube. Their machines doen´t have Excell 2000 installed.
Is it necessary to heve the Pivot table Service installed in the user machine? Or I only have toinstall the Office Web Components ? Or both? If it´s true how can I install Pivot Table Service in the user machine? Is there a specific setup program to install it or is the same setup program used to install Analysis Services? How should I do this? Should I have a link in the ASP page to run the setup program? Should I do a download?
I created a DTS which does some data transformations before processing some cubes. It finished processing in abt 10mins when I run this DTS manually. However, when I schedule this DTS to run, it took around 3 over hours to run. Does anybody know where the problem lies? I have been looking for a solution for this for a long time and I'm hoping that somebody can help me...
We have created Dimensional Model within SQL 2005 and created SSIS packages to load. We have Pk's on Dimensions and FK's on one Fact table. We are thinking about adding clustered index to Fact that consists of the FK's and order by the Hierarchy within the Fact by Dimension. IS THIS A GOOD IDEA IF WE DRILL DOWN AND DRILL THROUGH = QUESTION #1
I cannot seem to find a group where this question would fit so I amposting it here. I have what I believe is a unique situation. I amusing SQL Server Analysis Server to build a cube of "snapshot"month-end type of data. This data is from an instance of MicrosoftNavision and I have successfully used SQL-DMO and DTSPackage Libraryobjects to allow the user to rebuild the cube through Navision. Thisis accounting data and as such, the accountants want to be able toarchive this data by month. I know through Analysis Server Managerinterface I can copy the cube and save it to a different name.I would like to know if there is a way to programmatically save a cubeto a different name with some type of automation object?Thanks
I have defined a cube with translations on every dimension and measure group.
when I query this cube from BIDS, the captions of each column have text in the right language (whatever is chosen in BIDS at the time of query)
Now, my customers will be sending queries from SSRS. when i fire the MDX query from SSRS I want to extract the MEMBER_CAPTION dimension property (I think this will contain the translated text for each columns header)
While creating a model, i can access to relational tables as data source, but not to olap cubes. Is it possible to browse olap cubes for mining? If yes, how? Thanks...
I've not found much guidance so far about the pros and cons of mining OLAP cubes vs their underlying fact and dimension tables. Can anyone offer advice in this area, or point me to more info about this?