Transfering Data From Informix To Sql Server

Feb 6, 2004

I need to transfer seven tables from Informix DB to SQL Server every night. Any suggestions for the best way of doing it? Is DTS the best way? How about through replication?

Thanks in advance.

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Transfering Data From DB2 To SQL Server

Jun 27, 2000

I've read about using starsql odbc and sql server 7.0 DTS utility to transfer the database or data from a DB2 to SQL Server.
I have a SQL Server 6.5 and need to transfer data from a DB2. Is the operation the same? Is there a utility in sql server 6.5 that allows this?

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Transfering Data From DB2 OS/390 To SQL Server 2005

Aug 3, 2006

How can I make a connection in SSIS Data Flow to connect to DB2 on the mainfrain? Have several DTS packages in SQL Server 2000 that uses the ODBC connection.

Please help!

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Transfering Data From A Web Form Into Sql Server Database

Sep 20, 2005

Hi I am trying to develop a web based application. I am trying to insert data from my web form into sql server database using stored procedures. I am having a problem while i try to exceute the command. The error given by system is System.InvalidCastException: Object must implement IConvertible. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQueryany suggestion what am i missing?With Regards,Sameer Jindal

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Downloading Data From Our Informix Server

Jan 7, 2004

Our entire sales database sits on an Informix server and users run their reports directly to this server.

Because of the volume of data - upwards of 7 million rows in some tables we are finding performance is becoming an issue. We realise that Informix is not the best for running queries and so are looking to replicate to a SQL server and use that as a reporting server.

My chosen method is DTS using ODBC which works fine. However due to the sheer volume of data to be downloaded each night (over a 512K wan link) we only want to download changed data.

Is there any way we can get SQL2000 to download only change data - i.e a differential download or something? We don't have a unique field in the table (for whatever reason) such as sales date or transaction ID (shops might upload old / back-dated transactions for example due to a systems failure).

If I do have to download all the data every night is my method the most efficient or is there some other approach I could use?

Ultimatly the aim here is to relieve the Informix server of the reporting overhead so any alternative ideas are welcome!

Many thanks

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Transfering Tables And Data From Oracle To Sql Server 2005

Nov 15, 2006

I have a oracle database that creates a table (to store call records) everyday and places data into it. How can i use Interation services to transfer the newly created tables to an SQL server database (SQL server 2005).

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Transfering Data From SQL Server Standard To SQL Server Express

Feb 28, 2008

Hello folks,Are there any tools that can transfer database and it's content fromSQL Server Standard version to SQL Server Express database?I tried to backup database in SQL Server Standard and then restore itinto SQL Server Express but it didn't work. Are there any tools thatcan extract SQL clauses to create database, tablesand data inserts into file? Or any other method to transfer database/data from SQL Server Standard to SQL Server Express?Cheers,

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Connection Problem To Informix From SQL Server 2005 With Unicode Data

Dec 5, 2007

I have Informix 9.4TC6 and SQL Server 2005.DB_LOCALE in Informix DB is en_US.utf8 (en_US.57372).First, I created DSN to Informix. Then tried to get data with WinSqltool and it works fine.But when I created linked server in SQL Server 2005 I have problemswith languages other than English.I get a string like:è 'å· åŒ-å|å·¥æ¥æ ªå1/4 ä1/4šç¤3/4It seems to me that SQL Server splits 2-byte characters in 2 1-bytecharacters.If in options of linked server we set Collation Name to exactlanguagewe want --then string data will be correct (of course only oflanguage that we choose).Do you have any suggestions?????????P.S. I don't want to use SSIS (DTS) for extraction from Informix DB

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Transfering Sql Data Into Csv File

Jul 20, 2006

Is there any way the i can write query in sql statment and transfer the result set into csv file with header info and one row option.

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Transfering Data From One Machine To Another.....

Sep 6, 2003

Hello all

I have a SQL Server 2000 database in a remote host and I want to move all my data to another remote (virtual) host, where on both machines I do not have direct access.

Can you advise me what is the best way to make this transition?

Thank You in advance


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Transfering Data Between Tables At Different DB's

Dec 27, 2007


I have two similar tables at different databases. Their ID columns are same. I want to update one of them like:

Table A
ID Name

Table B
ID Name

UPDATE DB1.dbo.TableA SET Name = (SELECT Name FROM @DB2.dbo.TableB)...

I have problem with WHERE clauses. Can't figure it out. Can you help me?

Thanks in advance.

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Transfering Data To SQL Express

Apr 24, 2008

I have a database that I have created and I would like to transfer it to an Sql Express instance I am not sure how to do it... Can anyone help?

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Need Help Transfering Data From A Texfile To A SQL Table

Nov 29, 2007

 Hello all,I am currently working on upgrading the old website to an website.Current website uses flat-files as its database, so I need to convert a few files into SQL tables.The file that I am having difficulties with has the following structure (tab and coma separated):OrderID    CustomerID    ItemNO1            1                    1,2,3,42            1                    5,6,73            1                    4,5,67,4576A,234            2                    4,56,678,DF23,75            2                    78,2,567,4556,3,45,FG456            3                    2,45, F35 etc.... and I need my table to be structured like this: OrderID    CustomerID    ItemNO1            1                        11            1                        21            1                        3 1            1                        42            1                        52            1                         62            1                        7.......................The import function in SQL database will not do this. Is it possible to automate this somehow? Thanks 

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Date Format In Transfering Data In DTS

Aug 24, 2000

Dear all DBA,

i really need some help from all of you.
I currently have some DTS package which will transfer data from
text file to the SQL 7.0
This transformation is schedule using the Sql Agent.

The problem is the transfering data which have the Date datatype.
the Date format is in the dd/mm/yyyy. But the default language i set in my
sql server is english which suppose will use the date format mm/dd/yyyy.

therefore, the Sql server will treat my data which in dd/mm/yyyy as mm/dd/yyyy. so, the data like '08/09/2000' (in dd/mm/yyyy) become '08/09/2000'
(in mm/dd/yyyy)

i already set my user'language who will login in the sql agent as 'british english'. I also the OLE connection in the DTS package that i built using 'british english'.

when i run the agent in the Sql Enterprice Manager, it use the dd/mm/yyyy format which is correct. BUt when i log out and let it run as services which mean let the agent excute the DTS. it use back the mm/dd/yyyy fromat which cause the data become wrongs.

i hope someone can give me some advice on this.
Thanks for your help

samuel yeong

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How To Select A Different Member Name When Transfering Data From AS400 To SQL

Apr 4, 2007

I have been trying to transfer some data from a file located in a AS400 Server to SQL , but the file has more than one Member Name. I'm not sure how to specify a different member name on the SQL query . Please help.

The name of the file is:

Library = MTGLIBP2

File Name = CHSAVQPL

Member Name = INS

this is the query I have so far but I still need to reference the Member Name


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Which Method Is Better For Transfering Data Using Direct Inserts/SSIS?

Feb 7, 2007


I'm transfering legecy data to SQL Server.

Can anybody tell which method is best.

My boss wants cutome user interface to choose options and Need to update UI during processing.

Currently I'm using Direct INSERT Stmt (T-sql) Execution.

Can Anybody suggest the best.

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Problem In Transfering Of Tables Data From Lotus Notes Db To SQL Db

May 29, 2008

Here is the different problem which is irretating me alot from last 2 weeks. Could any body suggest on this problem?

I am using the providerODBC provider connection for Data Reader source. I don't know why the total records are not populating from source(lotun notes db) to Destination (SQL server 2005). The package is populating only 2000 records out of 10000 records. Please suggest me how to fix this problem. There is no error message is coming for this problem

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Import From INFORMIX (Cannot Get The Supported Data Types)

Mar 14, 2006


I'm trying to import data from an Informix Database to my SQL Server 2005 database with the import/export wizard.
I have an ODBC-connection that works, Access fetches data with no errors.  From the wizard I can only choose to use the IBM Informix OLE DB Provider as datasource. As fare as I know the OLE DB Provider is using settings from the ODBC-driver?

In SQL Server 2000 there is a posibillity to choose Other(ODBC provider) as datasource which works against this database. Any ideas how i can use an ODBC-datasource?

If I try to use the IBM Informix OLE DB Provider I get an error message after the first step of the wizard:

Cannot get the supported data types from the database connection "Provider=Ifxoledbc;Password=;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=uid;Data Source=db@server".


IErrorInfo.GetDescription failed with E_NOINTERFACE(0x80004002).
IErrorInfo.GetDescription failed with E_NOINTERFACE(0x80004002). (System.Data)


Anyone have any experience with this problem? I can't find any information that will solve this, but I have seen several questions about this.

I would be very grateful for some help!

Best Regards

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Transfering Jobs From One Server To Another

Aug 7, 2000

I need to copy all the jobs from one server to another server. How i have to do. I tried to take script of MSDB database, but it is not scripting all the jobs. PLs anyone suggest me what i have to do with scheduled jobs in 65.
it is very urgent pls.
thank u

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Transfering Users From One Sql To Another Sql Server

Sep 24, 2000

hi everybody,

i ave transfered all the users from one of my sql server to another sql server but what the problem is that all the users that are on new sql server having a NULL password.....

so that means that when u transfer users from one sql servers to another the passwords will be remain as null for all users......

or any sql server patch is required for that.....

thanks in adv.

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Transfering Logins To A New Sql Server

Oct 26, 2005

I have an application that runs off an sql server 2000 sp3 database. I have taken a backup (.bak file) of the production database and restored it to another server for testing purposes. the users cannot login to the new server because the logins have not been transfered to the new server. I am looking to transfer the logins using the procedure outlined at the following link: under the header "Create and Run Stored Procedures in the Master Database". what I need to know is will this procedure affect the production server in any way? (I can't have that) and is there anything else I need to do after this to let the users login to the test server with the same name and passwords?

thanks for any help

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Transfering MSSQL Database To Server

Sep 9, 2004

Has anyone had a problem transfering a database to a server.
This is the first time I have done this.
I have a site and sqldatabase hosted by a hosting company and I am supposed to transfer my database
This is what I'm doing

From the Start Menu, select "Programs" -> "Microsoft SQL Server" -> "Import and Export Data" then click "Next".
In the "Server" field, type in the Name or IP of the source server (your server), choose "Use SQL Server Authentication," type in your username and password, choose your database from the "Database" field, click "Next".
Note: You can also use Windows Authentication if the SQL server is a local server.
In the "Server" field, type in the hostname of the DiscountASP SQL Server (this is listed in your hosting control panel), choose "Use SQL Server Authentication," type in your DiscountASP database username and password (this was sent in your database order confirmation email), choose your database from the "Database" field, click "Next".
Choose "Copy objects…", click "Next".
Uncheck Use Default Option.
Click Options, uncheck "Copy Database users and database roles", "Copy SQL Server logins", "Copy object-level Permissions".
Leave next window as is, click "Next".
Click "Finish".

It seems to work ok untill it gets to about 90% done then a message says "There has been an error" and gives no more info.
Can anyone help me out

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Jobs Not Working After Transfering To New Server!

Mar 5, 2004

We have transfered some jobs to new server using DTS 'export jobs' task, but they are failing when trying to execute DTS packages in them saying 'login failed for user----though everything is correct with the user!

Any help is appreicated..

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Informix------SQL Server.....URGENT

Feb 21, 2000

Hi ,
I am an Informix user who has shifted to SQL Server,,,,I just wanted to know the equivalent of 'ISOLATION TO DIRTY READ' as in Informix in SQL SERVER....


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Need A Way To Port From Informix To Sql Server

Jan 5, 2001


Could anyone tell me how the data can be ported from informix to sql server ?

Is there a way to run the informix query from sql server ?


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SQL Server Versus Informix

Oct 25, 2000

Hi all,

Anyone here ever used the Informix database and can give me some differences between Informix and SQL.

One of our users is thinking about purchasing a COTS product that only supports an Informix database. I need to convince the user to evaluate other rival applications that can support SQL and need some arguments in favor of not going with Informix.

Any ideas appreciated,

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Link Informix To SQL Server

Oct 6, 2006


I am considdering to link a Informix database (running on SCO Unix) to a SQL Server 2005. Only problem is ... I have no idea how to do this! The reason I'm attempring this is to try and see if it would fix a problem I'm experiencing when using Reporting Services to generate reports from a Informix data source. I've been told that setting up a linked server might fix the problem. If anyone could perhabs guide me through setting up the linked server I would be very grateful! The ODBC credentials for setting up a connection to the Informix DB as follows:

Servername : pal_tli
Hostname : server_name
Service : pal_ser
Protocal : sesoctcp
Database : db_name
Username : user_name
Password : pword


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Transfering SQL SERVER 2000 Database To Access

Nov 5, 2003


I have managed to transfer the SQL SERVER 2000 database tables to access database by using DTS. But how can I transfer stored procedures in SQL SERVER to Access 2000

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Transfering A Flat Text File In DTS To SQL Server

Dec 26, 2006

How do I tranfer a flat file (text) to SQL Server using DTS? Please point me in the right direction.

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Connecting To Informix Dtabase From SQL Server

Jun 14, 2001

I want to know how to connect to informix from SQL server and how can I run queries for the tables in Informix from sql server.


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Linking Informix Database To Sql Server

Sep 7, 2005

Can anyone halp me with this?

I want to link/access informix database to Sql Server stored procedure.

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Integration Of SQL Server With Cache DB, Informix

Mar 12, 2008

we r doing some application and SQL server as backend DB Server. this sql server has to be updated continiously 24*7 with data from 3 external sources Cache DB, Iformix and Oracle DB servers. How to handle this in such away that all changes at 3 external sources to be updated to SQL server and this data will use by our application at frondend.
we though of ODBC., but ODBC is very very slow. It should lke Shadowing.
How to handle this?. any help will greatly appreciated.

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Sep 8, 2005


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