I have two SQL servers I am dealing with. I have some tables in one database
on one SQL server that I want to transfer into a database on the other SQL
server. I want to xerox copy the tables including all primary keys,
identities, defaults etc. I used the export/import feature in Enterprise
Manger, but when I do it, and view the tables that got imported, all of my
defaults are gone and all the primary keys are gone. What is the best way to
just copy a few tables from one database to another. I do NOT want to copy
the entire database from one SQL server to the other, only a few tables. I
just want to make sure that when they are imported they are exactly the same
as where they came from. THANKS
How will I be able to transfer table that have stored procedured specifc to them to another server? This is from sql server 7 to another sql server 7. Would this be possible without losing any data or procedure or which ever may be attached to the tables?
Here is the different problem which is irretating me alot from last 2 weeks. Could any body suggest on this problem?
I am using the ADO.net providerODBC provider connection for Data Reader source. I don't know why the total records are not populating from source(lotun notes db) to Destination (SQL server 2005). The package is populating only 2000 records out of 10000 records. Please suggest me how to fix this problem. There is no error message is coming for this problem
I have a oracle database that creates a table (to store call records) everyday and places data into it. How can i use Interation services to transfer the newly created tables to an SQL server database (SQL server 2005).
here's my prediciment, I need to transfer my SQL DB to another SQL Server, but I don't have access to the server, I get the login through a third party company.
So what do I need to do to transfer the database to another server as an EXACT copy of my original database, IDENTITY Fields and all.
Hi all, How do I transfer a database from a SQLEXPRESS instance on my PC to another SQLEXPRESS instance on my laptop? I tried backing it up and restoring it on the laptop but it comes up with errors. This is the error Restore failed for Server 'DOUGYDOESQLEXPRESS' System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master' (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.Smo). Do I need to perform some configuration somewhere? Any leads will be most appreciated. Thanks
Is there a utility to transfer the logins for a database for one server to another without setting the login passwords to null as the SQL transfer utility does?
Really easy question I think. I've been working on a website using a back end SQL database. All the tables, views etc have been designed and built. There is some data in the tables. Now that I have developed it I want to move the whole database onto the live Server which resides on another machine. How can i transfer a database from my development server to the live one?
I am having Access database in my local system . Values in the access database will be updated for every 5 min . I am also having Sqlserver database online with the same structure database of Access in my local system . What i want is my Access database values must be updated in my online sqlserver at every 5 min automatically .How to do that ?
Hi, I've a problem that I haven't experienced before and need some help. I've developed an app that works fine locally and have uploaded via FTP to my host provider - .NET 2 and SQL2005 Express. I'm now getting problems accessing the site. In the application load event I load a couple of application state items from the database. When it hits the default aspx page, it throws an Object reference not set to an instance of an object. error because the application state items haven't been loaded. The host then tried to load the database using SQL Management Express to ensure there wasn't a problem with the database and this is where I get confused..... When they try to attach it, the message column n the "Attach Databases" screen says the file cannot be found. In the "Current File Path" column, it points to the path of my local machine, i.e. H:SourceClubApp_Dataclub.mdf. This leads me to believe that somewhere in the database the original file path is noted and used. I can't find this and wondered if anyone has come accross this issue before?? The log file has been deleted. Any help and advice appreciated. Terry.
I need to create a stored procedure that copies records with DeptID = 'S' from Table1 into Table2.Is there anywhere i can check up information on how to go about doing this or the SQL syntax for this?
Hi I need to copy all the jobs from one server to another server. How i have to do. I tried to take script of MSDB database, but it is not scripting all the jobs. PLs anyone suggest me what i have to do with scheduled jobs in 65. it is very urgent pls. thank u --Rk
I've read about using starsql odbc and sql server 7.0 DTS utility to transfer the database or data from a DB2 to SQL Server. I have a SQL Server 6.5 and need to transfer data from a DB2. Is the operation the same? Is there a utility in sql server 6.5 that allows this?
i ave transfered all the users from one of my sql server to another sql server but what the problem is that all the users that are on new sql server having a NULL password.....
so that means that when u transfer users from one sql servers to another the passwords will be remain as null for all users......
I have a SQL Server 2000 database in a remote host and I want to move all my data to another remote (virtual) host, where on both machines I do not have direct access.
Can you advise me what is the best way to make this transition?
I have an application that runs off an sql server 2000 sp3 database. I have taken a backup (.bak file) of the production database and restored it to another server for testing purposes. the users cannot login to the new server because the logins have not been transfered to the new server. I am looking to transfer the logins using the procedure outlined at the following link: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/246133/ under the header "Create and Run Stored Procedures in the Master Database". what I need to know is will this procedure affect the production server in any way? (I can't have that) and is there anything else I need to do after this to let the users login to the test server with the same name and passwords?
I have created two SSIS packages one is development and another is test. I used near about 15 global variables in my test SSIS package.Both development and test package working on transfering data from database and put into text files now i want to implement all these variables into development package how i will do that wheather i have to create all these variables in development package also or there is way to transfer these variables from one package to another
When restoring DBs to other environments the SIDS don't transfer causing access problems, and when I use a SID scripting method and deploy on the target environment SQL says the login already exists.
I usually end up with the cumbersome process of explicitly removing the logins and re-applying - how to other DBA's get round this?
Hello all,I am currently working on upgrading the old website to an asp.net website.Current website uses flat-files as its database, so I need to convert a few files into SQL tables.The file that I am having difficulties with has the following structure (tab and coma separated):OrderID CustomerID ItemNO1 1 1,2,3,42 1 5,6,73 1 4,5,67,4576A,234 2 4,56,678,DF23,75 2 78,2,567,4556,3,45,FG456 3 2,45, F35 etc.... and I need my table to be structured like this: OrderID CustomerID ItemNO1 1 11 1 21 1 3 1 1 42 1 52 1 62 1 7.......................The import function in SQL database will not do this. Is it possible to automate this somehow? Thanks
Has anyone had a problem transfering a database to a server. This is the first time I have done this. I have a site and sqldatabase hosted by a hosting company and I am supposed to transfer my database This is what I'm doing
From the Start Menu, select "Programs" -> "Microsoft SQL Server" -> "Import and Export Data" then click "Next". In the "Server" field, type in the Name or IP of the source server (your server), choose "Use SQL Server Authentication," type in your username and password, choose your database from the "Database" field, click "Next". Note: You can also use Windows Authentication if the SQL server is a local server. In the "Server" field, type in the hostname of the DiscountASP SQL Server (this is listed in your hosting control panel), choose "Use SQL Server Authentication," type in your DiscountASP database username and password (this was sent in your database order confirmation email), choose your database from the "Database" field, click "Next". Choose "Copy objects…", click "Next". Uncheck Use Default Option. Click Options, uncheck "Copy Database users and database roles", "Copy SQL Server logins", "Copy object-level Permissions". Leave next window as is, click "Next". Click "Finish".
It seems to work ok untill it gets to about 90% done then a message says "There has been an error" and gives no more info. Can anyone help me out
i really need some help from all of you. I currently have some DTS package which will transfer data from text file to the SQL 7.0 This transformation is schedule using the Sql Agent.
The problem is the transfering data which have the Date datatype. the Date format is in the dd/mm/yyyy. But the default language i set in my sql server is english which suppose will use the date format mm/dd/yyyy.
therefore, the Sql server will treat my data which in dd/mm/yyyy as mm/dd/yyyy. so, the data like '08/09/2000' (in dd/mm/yyyy) become '08/09/2000' (in mm/dd/yyyy)
i already set my user'language who will login in the sql agent as 'british english'. I also the OLE connection in the DTS package that i built using 'british english'.
when i run the agent in the Sql Enterprice Manager, it use the dd/mm/yyyy format which is correct. BUt when i log out and let it run as services which mean let the agent excute the DTS. it use back the mm/dd/yyyy fromat which cause the data become wrongs.
i hope someone can give me some advice on this. Thanks for your help
We are having problems finding out how to transfer user permissions and passwords to a new server when we copy a database. We have tried sp_helprotect and looked at system tables to try and retrieve the details to no avail. The reason for this is that we are trying to write an application to automate this as we have many databases to transfer.
We have transfered some jobs to new server using DTS 'export jobs' task, but they are failing when trying to execute DTS packages in them saying 'login failed for user----though everything is correct with the user!
I need to transfer seven tables from Informix DB to SQL Server every night. Any suggestions for the best way of doing it? Is DTS the best way? How about through replication?
I've been trying to get the scripts posted earlier to the group byClay Beatty to work properly. Using the three components he posted, Ihave managed to get a new SP generated. However, when I paste thisscrip into a new copy of the original database (different name, samestructure as a test), I get an Invalid Object Name for the temp table#PersistedVariables.Has anyone run into something like this before? Or used the scripts Imentioned successfully? Help would be appreciated. The resultingsection of code causing the error is posted below. This is running onSQL-Server 2000.Tim PascoeCREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Create Diagrams] AS-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Database Diagram Reconstruction Script-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Created on: 2004-07-19 11:54:43.327-- From Database: CABIN-- By User: dbo---- This SQL Script was designed to reconstruct a set ofdatabase-- diagrams, by repopulating the system table dtproperties, inthe-- current database, with values which existed at the timethis-- script was created. Typically, this script would be createdto-- backup a set of database diagrams, or to package up thosediagrams-- for deployment to another database.---- Minimally, all that needs to be done to recreate the target-- diagrams is to run this script. There are several options,-- however, which may be modified, to customize the diagrams tobe-- produced. Changing these options is as simple as modifyingthe-- initial values for a set of variables, which are definedimmediately-- following these comments. They are:---- Variable Name Description-- --------------------------------------------------------------------- @TargetDatabase This varchar variable will establishthe-- target database, within which thediagrams-- will be reconstructed. This variableis-- initially set to database name fromwhichthe-- script was built, but it may bemodified as-- required. A valid database namemust be-- specified.---- @DropExistingDiagrams This bit variable is initially setset to a-- value of zero (0), which indicatesthat any-- existing diagrams in the target-- to be preserved. By setting thisvalue to-- one (1), any existing diagrams inthe target-- database will be dropped prior to-- reconstruction. Zero and One are theonly-- valid values for the variable.---- @DiagramSuffix This varchar variable will be usedto append-- to the original diagram names, asthey-- existed at the time they werescripted. This-- variable is initially set to take onthe-- value of the current date/time,although it-- may be modified as required. Anemptystring-- value would effectively turn off thediagram-- suffix option.--------------------------------------------------------------------------SET NOCOUNT ON-- User Settable Options------------------------Declare @TargetDatabase varchar (128)Declare @DropExistingDiagrams bitDeclare @DiagramSuffix varchar (50)-- Initialize User Settable Options-----------------------------------SET @TargetDatabase = 'CABIN2'SET @DropExistingDiagrams = 0SET @DiagramSuffix = ' ' + Convert(varchar(23), GetDate(),121)--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END OF USER MODIFIABLE SECTION - MAKE NO CHANGES TO THELOGIC BELOW----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Setting Target database and clearing dtproperties, ifindicated------------------------------------------------------------------Exec('USE ' + @TargetDatabase)IF (@DropExistingDiagrams = 1)TRUNCATE TABLE dtproperties-- Creating Temp Table to persist specific variables-- between Transact SQL batches (between GO statements)-------------------------------------------------------IF EXISTS(SELECT 1FROM tempdb..sysobjectsWHERE name like '%#PersistedVariables%'AND xtype = 'U')DROP TABLE #PersistedVariablesCREATE TABLE #PersistedVariables (VariableName varchar (50)NOT NULL,VariableValue varchar (50)NOT NULL)ON [PRIMARY]ALTER TABLE #PersistedVariables ADD CONSTRAINTPK_PersistedVariables PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED(VariableName) ON [PRIMARY]-- Persist @DiagramSuffix-------------------------INSERT INTO #PersistedVariables VALUES ('DiagramSuffix',@DiagramSuffix)GO-- Insert a new dtproperties row--------------------------------INSERT INTO dtproperties (objectid,property,value,uvalue,lvalue,version)VALUES (0,'DtgSchemaOBJECT',null,null,null,0)DELETE #PersistedVariablesWHERE VariableName = 'NextObjectid'INSERT INTO #PersistedVariables VALUES ('NextObjectid',Convert(varchar(15),@@IDENTITY))Declare @NextObjectid intSELECT @NextObjectid = Convert(int, VariableValue)FROM #PersistedVariablesWHERE VariableName = 'NextObjectid'UPDATE dtpropertiesSET Objectid = @NextObjectidWHERE id = @NextObjectidGO-- Insert a new dtproperties row--------------------------------Declare @NextObjectid intSELECT @NextObjectid = Convert(int, VariableValue)FROM #PersistedVariablesWHERE VariableName = 'NextObjectid'INSERT INTO dtproperties (objectid,property,value,uvalue,lvalue,version)VALUES (@NextObjectid,'DtgSchemaGUID','{EA3E6268-D998-11CE-9454-00AA00A3F36E}','{EA3E6268-D998-11CE-9454-00AA00A3F36E}',null,0)GO-- Insert a new dtproperties row--------------------------------Declare @DiagramSuffix varchar (50)SELECT @DiagramSuffix = Convert(varchar (50), VariableValue)FROM #PersistedVariablesWHERE VariableName = 'DiagramSuffix'Declare @NextObjectid intSELECT @NextObjectid = Convert(int, VariableValue)FROM #PersistedVariablesWHERE VariableName = 'NextObjectid'INSERT INTO dtproperties (objectid,property,value,uvalue,lvalue,version)VALUES (@NextObjectid,'DtgSchemaNAME','CABIN Detail' + @DiagramSuffix,'CABIN Detail'+ @DiagramSuffix,null,1)GO-- Insert a new dtproperties row--------------------------------Declare @NextObjectid intSELECT @NextObjectid = Convert(int, VariableValue)FROM #PersistedVariablesWHERE VariableName = 'NextObjectid'INSERT INTO dtproperties (objectid,property,value,uvalue,lvalue,version)VALUES (@NextObjectid,'DtgDSRefBYTES','2502','2502',null,12)GO-- Insert a new dtproperties row--------------------------------Declare @NextObjectid intSELECT @NextObjectid = Convert(int, VariableValue)FROM #PersistedVariablesWHERE VariableName = 'NextObjectid'INSERT INTO dtproperties (objectid,property,value,uvalue,lvalue,version)VALUES (@NextObjectid,'DtgDSRefDATA',null,null,cast('0' as varbinary(10)),12)GO---SNIP----
I want to connect through a pivot table in excel to an OLAP cube I created in SSAS but it gives connection error. But I can connect to tables, databases in SSMS through pivot tables in excel. Any ideas what might be the problem? Some settings maybe etc
How can I make a connection in SSIS Data Flow to connect to DB2 on the mainfrain? Have several DTS packages in SQL Server 2000 that uses the ODBC connection.