Transferring From SQL 6.5 To SQL 2000

Jul 20, 2005


I am a novice with SQL server as i have experience with access. I need
to do some front end development in access for a client who runs SQL
6.5 or so he tells me... (i have been told that data files under 6.5
are .dat and under 7.0 they are .mdf? is this correct?)

I have taken a copy of the data file which is an mdf file with the
intention of running it on my machine which has SQL 2000 Developer Ed
installed on windows XP pro.

I cannot attach the database as i do not have the log files, i cannot
use DTS as the database is not registered with sql server.

do i need to get a copy of the log .ldf files before i can progress?
Is there any other files i need?

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Transferring Databases From MSDE 2000 To SQL 2000

Jan 28, 2007

Trying to transfer databases from MSDE to SQL. When I use SQLEnterprise Manager - DTS - import or export, it works for the firstdatabase, but then fails for the others. I select the to and fromdatabases using DTS - Import - 'MS OLE DB Provider for SQL Server',then select 'Copy objects and data between SQL Servers'. It failswith the generic error message: 'Copy objects failed', nothingfurther. I tried to just copy data, and it doesn't work totally. Ontwo databases, it said that it copied everything, but when I go inunder Enterprise manager, some of the tables are incomplete, i.e. nodata, table shows up in the list, but if you try to look at it, itsays that it is missing or empty. Also, one table was not evencopied. In the other two cases, I get errors, does not copy alltables. I get errors, like insert fails, but the column it referencesfor the table does not even exist in that table. Any suggestionswould be appreciated.

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Transferring Objects From 2000 To 2005

Dec 1, 2006

I am having immense difficulties trying to transfer tables, sprocs, udfs, etc, from a production SqlServer2000 server to a testing SqlServer2005 server.

Under SS2000 this was easy, using the DTS wizard. Apparently that's no longer an option.

I've tried the Transfer Database, Transfer Sql Server Objects tasks and the wizard in BIDS, and they all fail (for different reasons).


- Mark

p.s. -- As a side question, why in the world did you guys get rid of the one workhorse tool in Enterprise Manager that made synchronizing databases easy?

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0x80040E37 Table Does Not Exist At The Source - Transferring 2000 To 2005

Nov 28, 2007

Hi All, I've got a problem transferring objects between SQL Databases.
The source database is an SQL 2000 dbase, and the destination is a local SQL2005 instance. When trying to transfer I get the error:
0x80040E37 (table) does not exist at the source - but it does.

I am guessing its a schema related issue, I've tried setting the copyschema setting to true, but no joy.
The copyallschemas function doesn't work with an SQL 2000 box so its set to false.


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Import And Export Wizard: Transferring Multiple Tables From SQL Server 2005 To SQL Server 2000

Jun 15, 2007


I just used the SSIS Import and Export Wizard to copy 50+ tables from SS05 to SS2K.

I found that the wizard created a package that I could not figure out how to edit, e.g., to change whether or not it had to CREATE a table, or just use an existing one. (I created some problems by manually editing the receiving table names to be ones that already existed -- but the original names it had did not exist, so it knew it had to create them. What I should have done, and eventually ended up doing, was scroll through my list of tables in the "receiving" box; I just figured editing the name would be faster, not realizing what problems I would create for myself.)

Anyhow, now that I see the complex package that the wizard creates, with a LOOP over the 50+ tables, I would like to know how/where in the package it is storing the information about the tables to copy.

Basically the wizard creates the following Control Flow tab entries (in processing sequence order):

an Execute SQL Task: NonTransactableSql
a Sequence Container: Transaction Scoping Sequence, which contains
an Execute SQL Task: AllowedToFailPrologueSql
an Execute SQL Task: PrologueSql
a Foreach Loop Container, which contains
a Transfer Task with an icon I did not notice in the Toolbox
an Execute Package Task: Execute Inner Package
an Execute SQL Task: EpilogueSql
an "on success" arrow to
an Execute SQL Task: PostTransaction Sql
an "on failure" arrow to
an Execute SQL Task: CompensatingSql

Where, and how, can I look within this package to see the details about the tables I am transferring? I see that one of the Connection Managers is "TableSchema.XML" -- but it points to a temporary file on my hard drive, that I presume is populated by the package. Where does it get its information?

This is certainly much more complex than the package I would have written, based on my limited knowledge of SSIS. I would have been inclined to create 50+ Data Flow tasks, one for each table.

So now I'm trying to understand why the Wizard created this more-complex package.

Any help will be appreciated, including references to non-Microsoft books/websites/etc.

Thanks in advance.


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Transferring Data From MSDE Database To SQL 2000 Database

Jul 23, 2005

Hi all,Here is my situation.I have an application that uses SQL 2000. The client has a programthat uses MSDE. The client MUST have the MSDE version of the Database.What I have done is to create a SQL 2000 Database that is exactly likethe MSDE version. What I wish to do, is at regularly scheduledintervals, update the SQL 2000 Data with the newest MSDE Data.On my clients server, they have both MSDE and SQL 2000 installedthe msde has a user name and password to access it, whereas the SQL2000 uses authenticated mode to access it.What I'm trying to do is to write a bunch of SQL Queries, that I canrun that will copy over the new Data, but I'm having problems accessingthe msde database in query analyzer from the SQL DatabaseCan anyone give me hints on the best way to try thisThanksScott

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Transferring Databases

Mar 21, 2007

I created some databases on my pc at work (using Visual Web Developer 2005 and Microsoft SQL Server Express), I now wish to move them onto my home machine, Can I do this by simply copying the .MDF files and then moving them into the App_Data folder of my new app?
Do MDF files contain everything (schema, data, stored procedures etc) or am I missing something?
Cheers, Adam

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Transferring Database

Mar 23, 2001

Hi !

Currently I need to transfer existing database to another server. Unfortunately, after restoring all database file, user information is not available. It is stored in Master database.

I would like to know how can I transfer user login, database access, store procedures to another server ?

Please advise. Thanks !

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Transferring Data From One Db To Another

Nov 22, 2000

In Sql 6.5 there was an option to Transfer the db. I used this quite often to make a duplicate test db of my production db. Under 7.0 I haven't found it so easy to do this. DTS wizard hasn't worked well for me. I can get it to transfer tables but not all of the objects. Any ideas? Thanks.

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Transferring Logins

Jan 7, 2001

I have to transfer a database to a new machine. I am planning on doing a backup and restore. My question is, will the logins and roles be transferred along with the database?


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Transferring Databases From 6.5 To 7

Dec 6, 1999

This is the situation: I had a SQL 6.5 server with some databases. I still have access to the .dat files, however, SQL 6.5 will not start anymore. Is it possible to copy the .dat files to the new sql 7 server and somehow get them imported into the new SQL 7 server? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

(please also copy my email address if possible when you reply)

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Transferring DTS Packages...

Oct 19, 2005

Hi Everyone,
Have anyway come across any easy method of transfers DTS packages across two servers which are existing on two different networks.

I haven't been able to use the method mentioned in article "DTS How to...Transfer Packages between Servers.." since the two servers I'm trying to move TO and move FROM are on two different networks which aren't visible to each other for my to register from the same box.

Appreciate if someone to point me to a means of doing this or any articles that explain how to do this..

thank you

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Transferring Data

Apr 6, 2001


We have a SQL 6.5 database that was expanded larger than was really necessary. I have created a smaller size database and am wondering what the easiest way would be transfer ALL of the data and objects from the existing database into the new one.
Is SQL transfer manager reliable? Are there any better ways?



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Transferring SP`s Between Databases

Sep 8, 1998

While doing a database transfer between servers (using transfer manager), it does not copy all of my stored procedures. Any ideas?

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Transferring DTS Packages

Oct 16, 2001

How do i transfer DTS packages from SQL 2K server to another? Since the no.of packages is high i don't want to edit them individually and do a 'Save As'.

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Transferring SQL Server DB

Apr 27, 2004

I appreciate this may appear to a bit of a noob question but bear with me! ;)

I'm having a problem when I transfer my locally developed MS SQL server db to my hosts server.

I am logging into the host server and then importing the tables and data from my local machine. All the tables and data then get transferred alright but the ID colums lose the primary key and identity setting and any default values in the table structure also get lost.

This means I then have to go through each table on the host server an put things straight. A pain in the bum... I've tried creating the table structure using a SQL script which keeps the ID colum but not the default values.

Why is this happening and how can I resolve it?

Thanks in advance


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Transferring Of Data,

Aug 1, 2003

hope some one can help me

i have a couple of tables interlinked, and in one table it has a column named contact with such info in as S Smith, John Burn.
and i need to split this up, so it can go into a number of other columns in another table, such as initials, name surname.

the best ive come up with so far is, isnt very good.

thanx in anticipation

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Transferring Data

Aug 10, 2005

Hi! I am trying to import a file from excel into Enterprise Manager. I have found the wizard that does this, but I can't seem to find the table I want to import the file into. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for any help you can give.


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Transferring Data

Aug 14, 2005

Hi! I am importing data from an Excel file into SQL. I am getting the following error message: Error during Transformation 'DirectCopyXform' from Row number 32. Errors encountered so far in this task: 1
Destination does not allow NULL on column pair 1(source column 'F1'(DBTYPE_R8), destination column 'agentno' (DBTYPE_14))

Anyone know why this is and how to correct it?

Thanks for any help!


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Help In Transferring .DBF To SQL Server

Apr 17, 2007

Hi Mohan, Would u pls help me in working with the SSIS,

I just wanted to know from where to start,

for e.g...

!.how to Transfer DBF of 3 mb of *.dbf to sqlserver.

2.pls mention step by step.

waiting for ur reply,



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Transferring Data From One Table To Another But Add One More Value

Feb 27, 2007

- what i want is i
  (add one more value exp: Username)

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Transferring One Table To Another Server ?

Jan 6, 2005


I have a table on one server that I would like to copy over to another server. I have done the full backup and restore, however that seems to overwrite the formatting on all of my existing tables. As there are some differences in the tables between servers, I would prefer to not have to do the full restore. I have been able to use the SQL export utility to copy a table from one database to another on the same server, but I was wondering how that can be done between different servers with different Windows logins.

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

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Transferring Databases Between Servers

Feb 15, 2002

I need some advice on copying databases, stored procedures, views, logins ..etc from a SQL Serevr 7.0 server, to a new SQL Server 2000 server.
Is it better to backup the databases on one server and then restore them to the other. Or id it easier to use the Wizards to Import everything from new server, or to Export everything from the old server ?

Any advice would be appreciated. I need to ensure that I do not miss anything, in particular Stored Procedures in the old master database.

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Transferring SQLAgent Jobs

Jun 5, 2001

If you are transferring to a new server is there a good way to transfer SQLAgent jobs in bulk. Scripting out and in is one way, is there a better way


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Error Transferring DTS Packages

May 26, 2000

When I attempt to move a package to another server, or sometimes just try to open it on another server, I get the useless message "The parameter is incorrect". All of my connections are valid on the new machine, and even if they weren't I should be able to correct them in design mode on the new server. This is REALLY making it difficult to design a package on the development server, then move it into production.

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Transferring Changes From Development To Production

Nov 27, 2000

we have a situation where modifications to the stored procs and views keep happening in the development databse environ while there is a live production database also up and running.

periodically we need to ensure that the development and the production are in synch where all changes made to dev are transferred to prod. however the entire prod database obviously cannot be overwritten as it contains production data. therefore what we need to do is to transfer all SPs and Views from the development to prodn. ( we do not prefer incremental transfers as there are many SPs and views and we can never really be sure that all changes have been transferred )

the obvious way is to script out all SPs and views in dev and run the scripts in prodn. but what we encountered was the enterprise manager does not script out the objects in heirarchical sequence - ie parent objects first and then the objects that refer the parent objects. this leads to errors when running the scripts as the objects required for the creation of a SP, say another SP run from within that SP , may not have been generated by then as the "contained" SP is lower in the alphabetical order in which SQL server scripted out the objects.

finally we had to look at each and every error and manually set the process right.

moreover in the way we did things the "sysdepends" table got all screwed up and therefore we can no longer depend on enterprise manager to show dependencies within the database.

is there any elegant way of going about this ? we also tried transfer manager in DTS but it also gave the same error. moreover can the sysdepends table be rebuilt from scratch ?

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Transferring Data From SQL Server To AS/400

Nov 13, 2000

I am looking at a way to transfer data from a SQL server into an AS/400. If possible can the data be continously transferred to the AS/400 or are there time constraints that will limit it to say once every two hours.

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Transferring Databases Between Servers

Jan 11, 2000

I tried using Import/Export to transfer a database from one SQL Server box to another using NT authentication.

The database appeared to transfer OK, however the process crashed with an error suggesting that a SQL Server login was not present.

How are the SQL Server logins transferred ?


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Transferring AS400 DB To SQL Server 7.0

Aug 27, 1999

I have been asked to make it possible for our SQL 7 server to pull infromation from AS/400 and utilize it in web applications, and such. Is there any way of doing this? I have heard that you can export the data on the as400 to a DB2 file, and import it with SQL. Is this the only way of access info off of the 400?

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Transferring Backups Between Servers

Aug 27, 1999

I have weekly full db backups, daily differential log backups and transaction log backups every 15 minutes on the prod. db server. What is the fastest way to make the staging server have the current version of the db. in the production server? Do I always have to take a full db. backup on the prod. server, zip the file, copy the file to staging, unzip the file and then restore it on staging? Is is possible to use the existing combination of full, diff and trans. log backups to make the restoration process faster?

Thank you


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Transferring Stored Procedurs

May 24, 2001


I would like to transfer stored procedures that exist on a version 6.5 SQL Server to a new 7.0 version SQL Server? Is it possible to transfer objects from different versions of SQL Server? If so, how would I do this? If not, do you have any suggestions how I could accomplish this? Thank you very much for your time.

Best Regards,
Mark Vadnais

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Transferring Data To DB2 On Linux

Apr 28, 2004


This question may be a bit naive but I have some data that I would like to transfer from a SQL 7 database to a DB2 database on Linux. Does anyone know how I would go about doing this. I have in the past transferred data from SQL 7 to Oracle and SYBASE using DTS without any difficultly. I cannot remember exactly but presume they were on NT.

Anyone got any ideas/suggestions.

Many thanks

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Transferring Data From One Server To Another

May 6, 2008

(I don't know if this is the correct place for this topic, if not, then please move it)

I have to make a historisation script, and I need to transfer data from a database on one server to a database on another server.

I.e. from table T1 in database D1 on server S1 to table T2 in database D2 on server S2

I saw there is something like sp_addlinkedserver, but to be honest, I don't get the syntax correct.

Both servers are SQL2005 servers (but I will have to go from SQL2000 to SQL2005 in the future) and the migration script will be runnning at the source database.

Can you guys help me out on the syntax, or else provide other suggestions on doing this kind of transfer?

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