Transforming Transaction Replication

Aug 14, 2006

Hi all, using transactional replication in SQL 05, I have a schema that is different at the subscriber and wanted to know the best approach for transforming the published data. For example, the subscriber is more normalized than the data being published causing 1 published record broken out into to many tables at the subscriber. Also need to applying scalar funtions to a few published columns before committing at subscriber.

I've read DTS, although backwards compatible, is being deprecated in a future release. I suppose I can use either SSIS or custom procedures. I didn't see any tie-in to SSIS in the system procedures to setup replication (only DTS). Any advice on which would work in this type of scenario?

Much appreciated, Pat

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I Need Away To Show The Pending Transaction From Transaction Replication In A User Friendly Format.

Jul 11, 2007

I want to list out the pending transaction for transaction replication by publication.

Help needed.

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Replication :: Difference Between Snapshot And Transaction And Merge Replication?

May 26, 2015

What is the main difference between snapshot and transactional and merge replication?

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Transforming A Csv Into Rows

Mar 23, 2007

I have a legacy SQL 6.5 system where they have articles that they relate to multiple topics by using a column with comma seperated values example ArticleID: 1, Topics 3,5,8,9. Im trying to find a way to automate this in SSIS to create a cross ref table. Is there any transformation componets that can help me with this?

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Transforming A ? To NULL Value

May 9, 2006

Hi SQL Champs!

I have a flat file source where some data are an question mark (?). Importing this to SQL serever, I want to exchange these (?) with an NULL -value.

How do I do this most easy in SSIS? Do I need a another tmptable first, and then derived?

Many thaks


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Transforming Rows Into Columns

Jul 23, 2005

Hi All,I'm not sure how best to describe what I'm really looking to do, soI'll just give you my example and hopefully someone can help.I have a table that looks similar to this:Primary Key Field Type Field Value--------------------------------------1234 FName Sally1234 LName Smith1234 Phone 555-555-55557777 FName John7777 LName Riley4444 LName Johnson4444 Phone 222-234-5555etc...Which I want to move into a format that looks like this:Primary Key FName LName Phone-----------------------------------------1234 Sally Smith 555-555-55557777 John Riley4444 Johnson 222-234-5555What is the most efficient way to do this? I'd rather not create aseparate query for each of the field types (there are more than 3 in myactual situation).Any help you can offer would be appreciated!Jeff

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Transforming Published Data

Jan 4, 2006


I have read that the old method of using DTS to transform data during replication will not be supported in 2005.

In SQL Server 2005, is there a way to use an SSIS package to modify data you want to replicate?

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Transforming Tables In Sql 2005

Oct 31, 2006

Does anyone know how i can transform the following table:











Into multiple tables like so:









In Sql 2005?

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DTS - Reading From A File , Transforming And Storing In Table

Jan 14, 2002

Hi ... I need to read rows from a large source file , check if the data selected already exists in the destination and if it does, upate the destination , else insert a new row . Now i could use a sp, but that means i have to call it for each row in the text file ...
any ideeas on what kind of package can be created /


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Transforming Date That Comes In For Import To Datetime In SSIS

Aug 19, 2015

I'm having a hard time trying to transform a date that comes in for import in this format: 2015-04-08T18:00:48.000Z to DT_DBTIMESTAMP, I get potential loss of data error. (I've tried other SSIS data types.)

I had never seen this type of date before so I'm at a loss.

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Transforming Structurally Identical Tables In A Loop

Dec 12, 2007

I'd like to extend a package functionality.
I created it drag/drop way with hard-coded table names.

Now for the same source and destination connections I'd like somehow in a loop transform 20 source tables of the same structure to 20 destination tables of the same structure providing table names in a loop.
I also have in the package preparation SQL tasks such as dropping destination table if exists, and then re-creation , so it needs to consume a table name as parameter from my loop.

Is it doable ?

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Transforming Comma-delimited List Row Data To Column

May 21, 2007


I have 2 Tables

Table 1, Row 1

1. Id = 1

2. GraphPoints = 023, 045, 078 (text - data type)

I need to move data to Table 2.

Table 2 should have

1st row

1. Id = 1

2. GraphPoint = 023 (float data type)

2nd row

1. Id = 1

2. GraphPoint = 045 (float data type)

and so on

How do I do that?


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Transforming Comma-delimited List Row Data To Column

May 10, 2007

As part of xml parsing, I use multicast to direct output of nodes to their corresponding relational tables and I do have a comma-delimited list for some nodes which basically needs to be converted into rows as illustrated below

ID Products


1 12, 45

2 10, 20

and I would like to have results as

ID Products


1 12

1 45

2 10

2 20

I would appreciate if someone could offer me some guidance here.

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Transaction Replication Help

Apr 5, 2006

Dear all,
I set up a transaction replication (from server A to server B) for tables and stored procedures. When I update the data at server A, the data at server B will be updated by replication. However, the stored procedure can't update at server B no matter what I changed at server A's stored procedure. How can I update the stored procedure using transaction replication?
The other question is the table schema. As I know, the transaction replication will be created a snapshot to project all needed tables and stored procedures at the first time. If I created a new table, stored procedure or changed the table schema (e.g. add/delete a new column), the transaction replication didn't update the new objects to the server B. What can I do to update the transaction replication except creating a new subscription?

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Transaction Replication

Dec 3, 2001

Good Morning to all,
I am new to SQL Server.Here is my question. I have set up transactional replication with immediately updating subscriber between to servers A & B. A is publisher/Distributor and B is subscriber. In the event A fails the applications will be directed towards B. My problem is suppose A has faliled and my data is now written to B. How can i syncronise data in A and b when A is again online and what should i do ?

thanks in advance.


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Transaction Replication

Dec 6, 2001

Hi all,
I am using SQL 2k on two seperate servers on win 2k advance servers without any service packs. My problem is i am using transactional replication between two servers (SML1 and SML2), SML1 is publisher/Distributor and SML2 is subscriber. My db name on both the server is same. when i am inserting data in db on SML1 it replicates immediately on SML2 but vice versa in not happening. Any help in setting up two way replication is highly appreciated. (There is no timestamp column on table which is used as article and there is PK).

thanks in advance.


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Transaction Replication Help!!!

Aug 4, 2000

I keep getting this error message even though I have droped and recreated
the replication several times. Has anybody had the same problem?

error message.
"Another snapshot agent for the publication is running"

Thanks for your time.

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Transaction Replication

Jun 7, 2000

My Transaction Replication fail with this error message pls help.

This is the error message The process could not create file 'SQLMS1d$MSSQL7ReplDatauncSQLMS1_AFT_National_EMN _National - Transaction - Changes at Both Sides - EMN to Local Only20000607090006Benefit.sch'.

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Dec 22, 2000

I it possible to setup transaction replication between two sql servers if both Sqlerveragents runs under different accounts and the servers are in different domains

Thanks in advance


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Transaction Replication-Help

Oct 23, 1999

I am attempting to set up transactional replication between a production server (SQL1) and a “reports” server (SQL2). The production server is the publisher, the “reports” server is the distributor and the first subscriber, other subscribers will be added later. There are multiple databases on the production server; selected tables from each will be replicated to corresponding databases on the other servers. Both are SQL7, no SP (yet).

I have set up the replication on two databases so far. The initial snapshot replication runs fine; the tables and data are duplicated on the reports server.

For one DB the transaction replication fail the other still reports “No replicated transactions are available”, which is probably true.

The failing log reader agent history reports: “The process could not execute ‘sp_replcmds’ on SQL1“ (five time, 10 minutes apart). The session details shows 2 items, “Initializing” and the same error message. The error details show it as an ODBC error timeout.

After the fifth time the log agent history reports “The process could not execute ‘sp_Msadd_repl_commands27hp’ on SQL2 ” The session details show 3 items , “Initializing”, “No replicated transactions are available” and the same error message. The error details show the following (Category, Source, Number, Message): Agent, blank, 2000, “IDistPut Interface has been shut down.”; Agent, SQL1-JCL1, 20007,” No replicated transactions are available.” ( 26 times); Data Source, SQL2, 1007 “Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'MSrepl_transactions' with unique index 'ucMSrepl_transactions'.Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'MSrepl_transactions' with unique index 'ucMSrepl_transactions'.”

I can restart the agent, but after two hours the same thing appears. These were set up with EM using the wizzards

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Transaction Log Replication

Sep 13, 1999

I had established a transaction log replication ,it's not immediate-updated.
on next 2 days,it's normal.but now,it's not available ,and haven't any warning,error,informatin.
I have very trouble about the 'log reader' is running but i change the data in articles it's no effect.
please tell how i do?

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Aug 24, 2000

Every one
Can I add coulmn in my existing table which i am using for replication. This article is i am using for transaction replication. I added column to both articles , publisher & subscriber, But now it is giving me error that, Insert error.
I checked in Create & Manage publications property on E.M , that cloumn is not checked & it is not allowing me to do from E.M , Does any one know
which store proc I require to execute from QA.

Appreciate Your Help

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Transaction Replication

Mar 1, 2001

I am trying to setup real time transaction replication between two databases on two different sql server 7.0.The ideas is to replicate all the objects from the first database to the second database including table, stored procedures and views. Both SQL servers’ runs under different service NT account.
The sql server that I want to replicate runs an application that create additional tables when the application is running.

How do I schedule a transaction replication so that all the objects plus those additional tables and stored procedures that the application creates at run time are also going to get replicated in real time?

Thanks in advance.


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Transaction Log & Replication -- URGENT

Apr 2, 2002

Hi All,

I have been asked to take over the maintenance on dB servers that I have not originally 'set up'. The request came as a result of the database log files growing at such a rapid pace its taking up hard drive space. I ran sp_dboption and noticed that the log files are NOT set up to truncate on checkpoint. As in SQL 2000 I wanted to determine if the dB was set up in 'simple' or 'full' recovery mode. It appears they are set up in 'full' recovery mode (which we can modify, since this is not a transactional dB and we rarely if ever have to restore from the transaction log). Hence my question,

Is there anything I need to worry about (regarding replication)if I change the dboption to truncate on checkpoint and set dB in simple recovery mode?

And after I backup the transaction log and try to shrink it will that have any adverse affects? I feel like this is all I need to do but replication is new ground for me, any information regarding it would be greatly appreciated. Also, any advice on how to maintain the transaction logs would be helpful.


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Transaction Replication Problem

Sep 22, 1999

How terrible my life! save me!

Do you know the function of system store procedures for replication in publish database and distrubtion database? please tell me.
I'd established 'transaction log' replication, it's like something is full or can't active,i don't know what process is unvalid.
How i do!

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Aug 24, 2000

Every one
I have added new column in my Publication - Article Table ,
Same column I have added in my Subscriber Table ,
I am doing Transaction replication , but now its giving me error
Insert Error - Column Name or Supplied Value doesn't Match,
If any one has any idea please suggest me

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Transaction Replication(2nd Post)

Dec 6, 2001

Hi all,
I am using SQL 2k on two seperate servers on win 2k advance servers without any service packs. My problem is i am using transactional replication between two servers (SML1 and SML2), SML1 is publisher/Distributor and SML2 is subscriber. My db name on both the server is same. when i am inserting data in db on SML1 it replicates immediately on SML2 but vice versa in not happening. Any help in setting up two way replication is highly appreciated. (There is no timestamp column on table which is used as article and there is PK).

thanks in advance.


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Bi-directional Transaction Replication

Feb 28, 2006

Besides loopback detection, is there anything else that is needed to prevent the replication command from sending back to the source. Cos i am having problem with the subscriber B sending back the replication to A in the form of B as the publisher and A as the subscriber.


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Bi-directional Transaction Replication

Aug 25, 2005

Two Servers,1st 2nddatabase a -------> after replication a'b' <------- after replication bon 1st server a is replicated to 2ndon 2nd server b is replicated to 1stI tried with merge replication it is working fine.But if i tried to usetransactional replication it give some error like "accessviolation".Using tansactional replication is it possible.plz help me toslove this problem.Regards,Senthil prabu R

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Shrink Transaction Log After Replication

Sep 9, 2005


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Ask Ray Miao Question For Transaction Log Replication

Sep 13, 1999

Thanks. I worry about my setup information may be have some issue.I can't express it in please tell me you e-mail address,i will send a document to you.

Some information may be useful,i had did same thing with another database,it's normal in 1 day.

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Adding New Fields To Transaction Replication.

May 19, 2006

I need help to add new fields in Transaction replication & also want to know how it will be replicated to Subscriber.

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Transaction Replication Multiple Publication

May 14, 2008

I have one Publisher! (SQL 2005)
Two Subscribers. (SQL 2005)
Each subscriber requires different row filter from the published tables.
So, i need to create Two publications for each subscriber for the same db.
When i setup first publication, and apply filters to published tables.
All goes fine.
As soon i create an other publication with same published tables but DIFFERENT row filter; the log reader agent fails!

The process could not execute 'sp_replcmds' on 'DB1'. (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL20011)
Get help: http://help/MSSQL_REPL20011
Execution of filter stored procedure 2076702271 failed. See the SQL Server errorlog for more information. (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 18764)
Get help: http://help/18764
The Log Reader Agent failed to construct a replicated command from log sequence number (LSN) {0008443a:000003b5:003e}. Back up the publication database and contact Customer Support Services. (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 18805)

I have tried to re-initialze the subscriptions and re-run snapshots but no luck.
As i remove the row filter from the second publication; log reader starts working fine.

Previously i was using Merge replication and all was going BUT, on very large DML on publisher, we use to receive deadlock errors on application.
I decided to use Tran repl instead because log reader reads the changes from tran-log instead of locking the published tables; NOW I AM STUCK!

Ideas please!!!!

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