Receiving error "Microsoft ODBC Server Driver Timeout Expired". This is happening when running queries or stored procedures through VB6 and also in Enterprise Manager. Have set query timeout to 0 and command timeout to 0 but no joy.
Enterprise manager cannot even perform a count of records (16Million) without timeing out.
I have an update trigger that works wonderful as long as I am updating the row in Enterprise Manager, but if I update the same column and row using an update statement in Query Analyzer the trigger doesn't fire.
When I try to schedule a dump of a database, I receive the following error message "Error 2812: Stored Procedure `master.dbo.sp_schedulersignal` not found. I looked in the msdb databases and this stored procedure was not listed. I recently had to reinstall SQL server due to problems with IP sockets. How do I go about correcting this problem? Do I need to somehow reinstall this Stored Procedure? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Not sure what has caused this to suddenly happen, but each time I attempt to launch Enterprise Manager I get the error:
"MMC cannot open the file C:MSSQLBINNSQL Server Enterprises Manager.MSC This may be because the file does not exist, is not an MMC console, or was created by a later version of MMC. This may also be because you do not have sufficient access rights to the file."
Now, I've already attempted to reinstall the client tools with no luck. The file does exist, and I have not changed my security settings -- at least that I'm aware of.
I use EM daily, so I'm perplexed as to why over night it stopped working. Is it possible a Windows Update could have caused this?
If you have any insight I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
SQL Enterprise Manager Version 7.0, Windows XP professional version 5.1The list panels (right half of the screen) will not show the tables.The top of the panel reads: 245 items, which is correct, but the panelreads: there are no items to show in this view. This error is occurringon one database on one server. The tables are actually there but Icannot access them through Enterprise Manager.I assume that a re-install will probably fix it, but I'm hopingto avoid it.Help--Posted via
Hi Frndz, I am using SQL Server 7.0, I will regularly take backup daily using sql server enterprise manager. During backup running, i had cancelled abnormally, when next time i take backup it shows the following error "Microsoft SQL-DMO(ODBC SQLState:42000)" "Backup, CHECKALLOC, bulk copy, SELECT INTO, and file manipulation (such as CREATE FILE) operations on A database must be serialized. Reissue the statement after the current backup. CHECKALLOC or file manipulation operation is completed.Backup or restore operation terminating abnormally"How to solve this problem? send reply in detail.With Regards,Arul
everytime i go to open tables in enterprise manager, i right click the table and then select open all of it. however, i was gone from work for a week, and when i came back i got an error message when i did this. it is as follows:
An unexpected error happened during this operation.
[Query]-Query Designer encountered a Query error: Unspecified error.
I dont know what to do. all i can think of is rebooting the computer, but it is the LIVE databases for webpages. please help me!
Lately I noticed that I cannot return any rows using enterprise manager. The version I am using is MS-SQL 7.0 with SP 1 on NT. This will return an error:-
An unexpected error happened during this operatation. [Query]-Query Designer encountered a query error. Unspecified error.
I can return rows using another computer with enterprise manager installed.
I am getting an error when i try to open MSEM. I have also tried to open this via mmc and get the same.
I have an attached a screen shot of the error. I tried re-installing SP4, but this did not fix it. Please help. We need to move our SQL to a new server and since I can't see any of it, I can't really manage it before the move.
.... DTSRun: Executing... DTSRun OnStart:DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_1 DTSRun OnStart:DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_2 DTSRun OnStart:DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_4 DTSRun OnStart:DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_2 DTSRun OnError:DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_2, Error = -2147467259 (80004005) Errorstring: [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Cannot open filee:private.dbc. Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBCDrivers Help file: Help context: 0 Error DetailRecords: Error: -2147467259 (80004005); Provider Error: 171(AB) Error string: [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Cannotopen file e:private.dbc. Error source: Microsoft OLE DBProvider for ODBC Drivers Help file: Help context: 0DTSRun OnFinish: DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_2 DTSRun OnStart:DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_6 DTSRun OnFinish:DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_1 DTSRun OnStart:DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_3 DTSRun OnError: DTS... Process Exit Code4. The step failed.anyone know becaouse if i execute this job whit the Schedule packagedont work but i execute manually it's work ?pls help me ...
Im having an issue with SQL Server Enterprise manager. I cannot access an MSDE DESKTOP SQL Server 2000 installation that is on the same machine as enterprise manager.
I can access the MSDE Databae from another machine fine, but when I try to register that DB locally in Enterprise manager I get this error.
PC007 - Data source name not found and no default driver specified.
I had to install sqlserver 2000 using k=dbg and skip the MDAC install as it was giving me an install error but this shouldnt have mattered as I am running XP SP2 and it has MDAC 2.8 installed by default.
A developer installed a FoxPro application on my workstation and every time I connect to SQL Server 7 I get the following message:
The ODBC resource DLL(C:WINNTSystem32odbcint.dll) is a different version than the ODBC driver manager (C:WINNTSystem32odbc32.dll). You need to reinstall the ODBC components to ensure proper operation.
I can still connect to the database and everything seems to work but I want to correct this problem. Could anyone tell me how to reinstall the ODBC components? I tried reinstalling SQL Server 7 on my workstation but it tells me that I have not selected any components, even though everything is selected. Do I need to uninstall SQL Server and then reinstall it?
Greetings: We have a database with approximately 15-20 tables. Last week, using Enterprise Manager, we were able to open any of these tables and return all rows. Yesterday, when we tried to do this, we got the following message:
An Unexpected Error happened during this operation. [Query] - Query Designer encountered a Query Error: Unspecified Error
Can anyone tell me what might be causing this and how to fix it? Barring that, can anyone suggest some general steps I might take to possibly eliminate this problem without knowing the cause? Last, can you point me to a good resource for investigating problems of this kind, such as a knowledge base (other than Microsoft's TechNet)?
Hello, Yesterday I was in SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager and it got hung up. I couldn't get out of it without rebooting my machine. When I tried to enter Enterprise Manager again, I got an error message "MMC Cannot Open The Selected File". So I completly shut down my machine and then started it back up, but still go the same message. I stopped the services and then rebooted again,but no luck either. Today, I still cannot open Enterprise Manager. Has anyone experienced this and worked through it? I am debating as to whether or not I should uninstall SQL Server 2000 and reinstall it? Any advice? Thanks Heather
I am getting following error message while opening DTS package,
"No provider exist fro this connection on this computer", Invalid class string.
When I use the SQL Enterprise Manager (SEM) Return All Rows option to open a table, or you attempt to create or design a view, the following error occurs: An unexpected error happened during this operation. [Query] - Query Designer encountered a query error : unspecified error
This is working fine from remote enterprise manager.
Recently I have migrated all the databases including system databases from old server to new server.
I reinstalled latest MDAC to correct this problem, but I did not get any solution for this.
I have installed SQL Server service pack 4, do I need a SP4 re-install and how I can do this.
Hello I am receiving the dreaded mail error listed above. I can send out a test E-mail from Enterprise Manager to operators, but I cannot run this Transact query:
In order to add a data source by using ODBC Administrator, programmatically i am using SQLConfigDataSource. Thus calling SQLConfigDataSource with the fOption set to either ODBC_ADD_DSN for creating a new DSN.
Following is the stattement specified in the source code. where type_of_driver = "Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)"; and parameters contains the data source source credentials information such as DSN, UID, PSW, FIL, Description, DataDirectory,DEFAULTDIR and DBQ all separated by "