Trigger To Indicate The Row Has Been Changed (updated Or Inserted)
Aug 30, 2007
We have a column syncUpdate in some tables and we need a trigger (or one for each table) which will set the current dateTime for the syncLastUpdate (dateTime) when either the row is inserted or updated (we have to ignore the syncLastUpdate column itself as this would be an infinite loop, I think).
I don't know much about DB but I think that is easly doable.
Hi I have an application which get any change from database using sql dependency. When a record is inserted or updated it will fire an event and my application get that event and perform required operation. On the event handler I am usin select ID,Name from my [table]; this will return all record from database. I just want to get the record which is inserted or updated. Can u help me in that. Take care Bye
HI, I am wondering if it is possible to retreive this information without using row count transform. Can I get the # of rows inserted/updated or deleted by destination from the log?
Hello,I'm creating an audit table and associated triggers to be able to captureany updates and deletes from various tables in the database. I know how tocapture the records that have been updated or deleted, but is there any waythat I can cycle through a changed record, look at the old vs new values andcapture only the values that have changed?To give you a better idea of what I'm trying to do, instead of creating acopy of the original table (some tables have many fields) and creating awhole record if a type or bit field has been changed, I'd like to onlycapture the change in a single audit table that will have the followingfields;AuditID int INDENTITY(1,1)TableName varchar(100)FieldName varchar(100)OldValue varchar(255)NewValue varchar(255)AuditDate datetime DEFAULT(GetDate())Any direction would be greatly appreciated.Thanks!Rick
We are getting data feed from Oracle database in our project. Everyday we will need to track if any rows got inserted/updated/deleted in the source and get that update right into our data warehouse.
Currently we are taking a dump of the required table (as it is) to our staging DB and comparing it with previous day data to track the changes (column by column comparison). This approach is working currently but has performance bottleneck. There is no tracking column (eg. last modified date or time) in source that will give us any idea of what got changed. Also there is no identity key or primary key in the source data.
Is there a way in SQL Server to get that inserted/updated records only instead of comparing column by column to track the changes?
Hi, I am trying to create a SSIS package, which will extract data from a SQL server view and populate the data in our local SQL server database tables. My objective is to get the data from the view such that only inserted and updated rows are fetched from the view. Note: the view does not expose any updated date type of column thru which I can check. So I guess I have to compare each and every field with my destination table row's fields.
I would appreciate any suggestions on how to approach the problem. Thanks in advance.
on insert in a new table a have to change one column before insert.
I wrote this trigger:
create trigger SUBSCR_ID_TRANSFER ON dbo.SalesOrderExtensionBase AFTER INSERTAS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON;DECLARE @OpportunityID uniqueidentifier;DECLARE @subscrId uniqueidentifier;declare @salesorderid uniqueidentifier;set @salesorderid = (select SalesorderID from inserted)SET @OpportunityID = (SELECT OpportunityId FROM SalesOrderBase where SalesOrderID=@salesorderid)SET @subscrId = (SELECT New_old_subscridId from OpportunityExtensionbase where OpportunityID=@OpportunityID)Update inserted set New_old_subscridId = @subscrIdENDbut SQL Rise the error "The inserted values can not be modified"
Using VS 2008 Beta 2, SQL CE 3.5, on desktop, and Typed Datasets: The INSERT command of dataset table adapter does not return the updated identity of inserted row. Why?
also every time I want to modify the insert command to return the updated identity of inserted row, i get the error: "Unable to parse query text."
I am run a stored procedure using Execute SQL task in, I want to log information of number of record inserted update in my table. I want to enable SSIS logging after from where I get information number of record inserted update.
I have never written a trigger before and now am seeing the light. Isthere a way to write a trigger so that if a user changes any column ina single row on one table then the trigger will write the value ofthis (these) rows to a second table. I don't want the unchangedcolumns, just the changed columns (with column names...)Thanks,lq
Hi SQL fans,I realized that I often encounter the same situation in a relationdatabase context, where I really don't know what to do. Here is anexample, where I have 2 tables as follow:__________________________________________ | PortfolioTitle|| Portfolio |+----------------------------------------++-----------------------------+ | tfolio_id (int)|| folio_id (int) |<<-PK----FK--| tfolio_idfolio (int)|| folio_name (varchar) | | tfolio_idtitle (int)|--FK----PK->>[ Titles]+-----------------------------+ | tfolio_weight(decimal(6,5)) |+-----------------------------------------+Note that I also have a "Titles" tables (hence the tfolio_idtitlelink).My problem is : When I update a portfolio, I must update all theassociated titles in it. That means that titles can be either removedfrom the portfolio (a folio does not support the title anymore), addedto it (a new title is supported by the folio) or simply updated (atitle stays in the portfolio, but has its weight changed)For example, if the portfolio #2 would contain :[ PortfolioTitle ]id | idFolio | idTitre | poids1 2 1 102 2 2 203 2 3 30and I must update the PortfolioTitle based on these values :idFolio | idTitre | poids2 2 202 3 352 4 40then I should1 ) remove the title #1 from the folio by deleting its entry in thePortfolioTitle table2 ) update the title #2 (weight from 30 to 35)3 ) add the title #4 to the folioFor now, the only way I've found to do this is delete all the entriesof the related folio (e.g.: DELETE TitrePortefeuille WHERE idFolio =2), and then insert new values for each entry based on the new givenvalues.Is there a way to better manage this by detecting which value has to beinserted/updated/deleted?And this applies to many situation :(If you need other examples, I can give you.thanks a lot!ibiza
Hi All,I'm a relatively newbie to SQL Server 2000, having come from a MySQLbackground.I'm creating my first Trigger statement on a table, and I'd like toknow how I go about performing an update on the row that was changedwhen the trigger was fired.To explain, I have 2 columns, one which contains a member number, theother which contains a flag that is supposed to indicate whether ornot the member number in the row has changed since the last time thetable was processed for updates.So, whenever the value in the member number field [memnum] is updated,I want to set the flag [igproc] to true.The best I've been able to do is:CREATE TRIGGER [updateignoreprocflag] ON [dbo].[dd_testtable]FOR UPDATEASdeclare @key as intIF UPDATE (memnum)select @key = recid from insertedUPDATE dd_testtable set igproc=1 where recid=@keyThis seems to work, but I'd like to know if there's a better way ofretrieving the recid value of the changed row to pass to the UPDATEstatement? Also, I read somewhere in passing that using SELECTstatements and variable assignments within triggers can cause problemswhen called from other applications; in this case it will either be aweb site using ASP.or an application developed in FOXPRO. I can't findwhere I read this originally, so it's entirely possible I imagined itor misunderstood it, but I'd very much appreciate it if someone couldconfirm whether or not this is the case?Many, many thanks in advance!Much warmth,Murray
I am using SQL Server 2000.I want to create an after insert trigger on one of my tables, but I have forgotten how I reference the inserted data to do some business logic on it. Can someone please help. Thanks Jag
I'm hoping someone has seen this before because I have no idea what could be causing it. I have an SQL 2005 database with multiple tables and several triggers on the various tables all set to run after insert and update. My program inserts a record into the "items" via a SP that returns the index of the newly added row. The program then inserts a row into another table that is related to items. When the row is inserted into the second table it gets an error that it cannot insert the record because of a foreign key restraint. Checking the items table shows the record that was just inserted in there is now deleted. The items record is only deleted when I have my trigger on that table enabled. Here is the text of the trigger: GOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[TestTrigger]ON [dbo].[items]AFTER INSERT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; INSERT INTO tblHistory(table_name, record_id, is_insert) VALUES ('items', 123, 1) END tblHistory's field types are (varchar(50), BigInt, bit). As you can see there is nothing in the trigger to cause the items record to be deleted, so I have no idea what it could be? Anyone ever see this before? Thanks in advance!
hi, i am writing a trigger to log inserts,updates and deletes in a table and would like to also enter the user details ie who did the transaction. is the spid in the inserted table? if not how do i get this information?
i have a trigger, so need to use the "inserted" table that comes in.
however, i need to use this "inserted" in the following way:
EXEC @LRES = sp_executesql N' INSERT INTO newtable (col1,col2) select * from (select acol1,acol2 from inserted WITH (NOLOCK))
however i keep on getting the error that he doesn't know the object "inserted".... I i have the feeling that i may not use inserted at that stage.
what now?
i really need to use the sp_executesql result in the @LRES since after it we should perform some actions in other tables, depending on the result of the @LRES. anyway i really hope anyone can help me as soon as possible.
How would i get the value of a field that i just inserted and put that into a parameter, so that i could update another table.
This is the code that i used in the trigger that did not work: @field1 = select srcfield1 from inserted
Anyway here is the full code:
CREATE TABLE Source (srcID int IDENTITY, srcField1 nvarchar(50)) CREATE TABLE Destination (destID int IDENTITY, destField1 nvarchar(50)) go
CREATE TRIGGER tr_SourceInsert ON [dbo].[Source] FOR INSERT @Field nvarchar(50) output AS SELECT @Field1 = SELECT Field1 FROM inserted UPDATE Destination SET Field1 = @Field where destID = '1' go
How this copy the entire contence of the table into the archive each time someone insert a row. How do I get it to only insert the row which had triggered the insert? Ed
Is there an alternative to using FETCH to loop through the Inserted/Delete Tables within a trigger? Does this work?
if INSERTED.IsActive then ...
Would this only see the first record?
Currently I'm doing the following;
if @IsActive then ...
Is this the best method for looping through the Deleted/Inserted or any other table within a trigger?
I am a newbie creating triggers and I would like to know what is the name of the updated logical table. That is, since the are identifiers like "inserted" and "deleted" that represent the inserted and deleted rows, respectivaly, I presumed that "updated" existed - but it does not.
I have a table with a column named "UpdatedTimeStamp" which I would like to update anytime the other columns are modified. I intended to create the following trigger:
create trigger myTrigger on myTable after update as
update updated set UpdateTimeStamp=GetDate()
Of course, "updated" is not a valid identifier that represents the updated row.
Please, help me in creating this trigger. What is the correct way of doing a trigger like this?
Hi,I want to log updates to specific fields, storing the new and oldvalues. Is there any way I can iterate the collection of updatedfields within a trigger in order accomplish this?Thanks in advance,Julie Vazquez
I am creating update trigger(After) on a table.I want to catch an updated row and insert the values of this row into a new table.How can i catch this row while creating a trigger after update.
I want to update several columns in different tables whenever an update is happend on specific table. I have a trigger for that which update all the relevant places when it fires.
I want to do this update only if certains columns were changed, otherwise - do anything, to reduce performance.
How Can I know which columns were updated inside the trigger? The tables has many columns and only if 2 of them were changed then I need to update other tables.
Hi all, I have a ranking system where I wish to update the ranking every time a result is reported. Performance is no issue what-so-ever. More specifically, two players are to devide their points after each series of games to reflect the fraction of over-all games that each player have won. I've written the trigger below, but Visual Web Developer 2005 Express (SQL Server 2005 Express) complains about the references to the 'inserted'-table. I find it very difficult to transform the code below to something that looks like the examples found in documentation. Could someone get me started in the right direction? Thanks in advance, Anders create trigger result_insert on result after insert as begin declare @won1 as int declare @won2 as int declare @oldRank1 as float declare @oldRank2 as float declare @oldranksum as float
select @won1 = sum(wongames1) from result where player1 = inserted.player1 and player2=inserted.player2 select @won2 = sum(wongames2) from result where player1 = inserted.player1 and player2=inserted.player2
select @oldrank1 = Rank from RankingInfo where memberid = inserted.playerid1 select @oldrank2 = Rank from RankingInfo where memberid = inserted.playerid2
set @oldranksum = @oldrank1 + @oldrank2
update rankingInfo set Rank = @won1 / ( @won1+@won2) * @oldranksum where memberid = inserted.player1 update rankingInfo set Rank = @won2 / ( @won1+@won2) * @oldranksum where memberid = inserted.player2
I really need your help now, and I know I can always count on this group for tough answers to tough questions. OK, here's my dilemma. I have my trigger, which upon a record being inserted into db1.table1, inserts the same record into db2.table2 (SQL 7 db on the same server). What's happening is only a few of the fields are getting over there, but most are ending up NULL or 0. Everything besides the following records are inserting into the other database table properly:
Note: The following fields have their Default Value set to (0) SystemID EventStatusID Coop NewProductFlag TVSupportFlag RadioSupportFlag FSISupportFlag RollbackPricing PleaseContactFlag
Default Value set to (1): KitInformationID
Here is the trigger:
SET IDENTITY_INSERT mcweb2.dbo.mc_events ON
DECLARE @SystemID int DECLARE @EventID int DECLARE @AccountID int DECLARE @BillingContactID int DECLARE @EventName varchar(100) DECLARE @EventStatusID tinyint DECLARE @Coop bit DECLARE @CoopSupplier varchar DECLARE @SamplesPerDay int DECLARE @BrochuresPerDay int DECLARE @AverageDailyMovement int DECLARE @SalesGoal int DECLARE @NumberofDays int DECLARE @NumberofHours int DECLARE @NumberofStores int DECLARE @WeekNumber tinyint DECLARE @PreferredHourID tinyint DECLARE @PreferredHourother char(20) DECLARE @PreferredDate1 varchar(20) DECLARE @PreferredDate2 varchar(20) DECLARE @NewProductFlag bit DECLARE @TVSupportFlag bit DECLARE @RadioSupportFlag bit DECLARE @FSISupportFlag bit DECLARE @RollbackPricing bit DECLARE @PleaseContactFlag bit DECLARE @EventStoreSelection tinyint DECLARE @EventClusterID int DECLARE @KitInformationID tinyint DECLARE @KitDescription varchar(1000) DECLARE @KitOther varchar(200) DECLARE @MCProgNum varchar(7) DECLARE @rowguid uniqueidentifier
SELECT @SystemID = SystemID FROM INSERTED SELECT @EventID = EventID FROM INSERTED SELECT @AccountID = AccountID FROM INSERTED SELECT @BillingContactID = BillingContactID FROM INSERTED SELECT @EventName = EventName FROM INSERTED SELECT @EventStatusID = EventStatusID FROM INSERTED SELECT @Coop = Coop FROM INSERTED SELECT @CoopSupplier = CoopSupplier FROM INSERTED SELECT @SamplesPerDay = SamplesPerDay FROM INSERTED SELECT @BrochuresPerDay = BrochuresPerDay FROM INSERTED SELECT @AverageDailyMovement = AverageDailyMovement FROM INSERTED SELECT @SalesGoal = SalesGoal FROM INSERTED SELECT @NumberofDays = NumberofDays FROM INSERTED SELECT @NumberofHours = NumberofHours FROM INSERTED SELECT @NumberofStores = NumberofStores FROM INSERTED SELECT @WeekNumber = WeekNumber FROM INSERTED SELECT @PreferredHourID = PreferredHourID FROM INSERTED SELECT @PreferredHourother = PreferredHourother FROM INSERTED SELECT @PreferredDate1 = PreferredDate1 FROM INSERTED SELECT @PreferredDate2 = PreferredDate2 FROM INSERTED SELECT @NewProductFlag = NewProductFlag FROM INSERTED SELECT @TVSupportFlag = TVSupportFlag FROM INSERTED SELECT @RadioSupportFlag = RadioSupportFlag FROM INSERTED SELECT @FSISupportFlag = FSISupportFlag FROM INSERTED SELECT @RollbackPricing = RollbackPricing FROM INSERTED SELECT @PleaseContactFlag = PleaseContactFlag FROM INSERTED SELECT @EventStoreSelection = EventStoreSelection FROM INSERTED SELECT @EventClusterID = EventClusterID FROM INSERTED SELECT @KitInformationID = KitInformationID FROM INSERTED SELECT @KitDescription = KitDescription FROM INSERTED SELECT @KitOther = KitOther FROM INSERTED SELECT @MCProgNum = MCProgNum FROM INSERTED SELECT @rowguid = rowguid FROM INSERTED
I am trying to create a trigger on a table but when I check the syntax it tells me that "The column prefix 'inserted' does not match with a table name or alias used in this query"
CREATE TRIGGER trg_Structural_GenerateBarcode ON [dbo].[tbStructuralComponentSchedule] AFTER INSERT AS DECLARE @iCount int, @cBarcode char (25), @cCode char(4) DECLARE @cProject char(7), @cComponent char(10), @iEntryID int