Trouble Establishing Replication 6.5 To 2000

Apr 17, 2001

In my present environment I have two SQL 6.5 servers, one defined as Pub/Distrib the other as a Sub. I am performing transactional replication at 5 minute intervals. I have recently setup a new SQL 2000 Server and want to establish it as a subscriber to the 6.5 server (it will eventually get upgraded but I am not in control of this). We I try to add the new server to the present Distribution server I get an invalid server name message.

The server name is "NA-ALL-PR-DS01". It seems to be working fine from an NT and network / SQL server level. Any ideas would be appreciated.

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Replication Trouble

Sep 20, 2000

Replication problem:

Server A is Publisher/Distributor SQL7
Server B is Subscriber SQL7

Successfully set up a publication for table on Server A

Synchronisation fails with error that 'The network name cannot be found' and the following file could not be created:
The last action is 'Server AC$MSSQLRepldataunc<pub name><date string>ablename.sch'

... which is odd because the file IS created and contains a correct looking table definition.

So, manually sync data on this one table and try again, now it can't connect with my server, which is weird cos I
can connect through EM.

Any thoughts???

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Basic Replication Trouble.

Nov 7, 2006

I'm trying to run a simple update script on this database which iscreated from a replication agent. Several individual databases arereplicated into one consolidated. I've not worked with replicationbefore and I was hoping someone could tell me what this error means.UPDATECUSTOMERSET[TIMESTAMP]='20060920090453'[IVBTYPE]='M 'WHERE[ROWID]='9f83bc89-76f8-4140-a0cc-58fa34962638'yields:Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedureupd_0119B5A9AA624A55AF1B73F2E32A7A0C, Line 14Invalid object name 'dbo.sysmergearticles'.Do I have to do something to the database before trying to update it?

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In Trouble With Async Replication..

Nov 21, 2006

Hello Everybody,

In the past few days I try to work with SQL Mobil and Replication.

And now I have a big problem.

When the replication ist running in my little application the pda-user wants not stop there working. So I try to implement some routines of code that I find in this onlinearticle:

The codes workes fine as long I don't start another SQL Task. When I start either (Select, Insert, Update or Delete) Statement the Database crash with errormessage: "The database file may be corrupted. Run the repair utility...

Can anyone give me a tip what I must do to fix this problem.

Many Thanks


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SQL 2000 Install Trouble

Jun 4, 2008

I am trying to install sql 2000 evaluation version from the microsoft website and am having a "fun" time! I cant seem to get the exe to extract...when it nears finishing it prompts me that I need to clear 478 MBs on C: but there is AMPLE room on the drive. Am I missing something, or has anyone ran into something similar before. Thanks for any help!


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Trouble With Workflow DTS (SQL 2000)

Jan 16, 2007

Trouble with Workflow
Hello. I have a DTS package that executes some tasks of the type "Execute Package Task".
Every Task has a Condition of been executed just in case of success.  I understand that only if the precedent task ends successfully the next one would be processed. My problem is that the DTS continues even if one of the previous steps fails. Would you have any idea?____________________________________________________________________
My escenario is something like this:
EP: Execute Package Task
ES: Execute Sql Task 

______                  _____
EP# 1      (on success)  ----> EP# 2        (on success)    ----> ....
______                       _____

So, EP#1 fails but EP2# is also executed.

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Trouble Opening A Connection To SQL 2000 DB

Apr 4, 2006

I'm developing an intranet site in ASP.NET 2.0 but I can't seem to connect to the DB from within my code. I've created a .vb class that houses a private Connection() that other functions within the class can call to connect to the database. In the calling function, I've declared my connection object and called the "Open" method on the object. However, when I attempt to execute the stored procedure command by calling the "ExecuteScalar" method, I get the following error:
"ExecuteScalar requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is closed."
Here's the code from my class:
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Namespace Encompass
Public Class EncompassSecurity
Public Shared Function GetHRIDByNTUserID(ByVal strNTUserID) As String
Dim strHRID As String
'Create command object
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("usp_Get_HRID_By_NTUserID", Connection())
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
'Open DB connection
Dim DBConnection As SqlConnection = Connection()
'Input parameters
Dim inNTUserParam As New SqlParameter("@NT_UserID", SqlDbType.VarChar)
inNTUserParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
inNTUserParam.Value = strNTUserID
'Output parameters
Dim outHRIDParam As New SqlParameter("@HRID", SqlDbType.Int)
outHRIDParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
'Run stored procedure
strHRID = cmd.ExecuteScalar()
Return (strHRID)
'Close DB connection
End Function
Private Shared Function Connection() As SqlConnection
Dim strConnectionString As String
strConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Conn").ConnectionString
Return New SqlConnection(strConnectionString)
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
Here's the code from my web.config file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Note: As an alternative to hand editing this file you can use the
web admin tool to configure settings for your application. Use
the Website->Asp.Net Configuration option in Visual Studio.
A full list of settings and comments can be found in
machine.config.comments usually located in
<configuration xmlns="">
<add name="Conn" connectionString="Data Source=ServerName;Initial Catalog=NPASDV;uid=UserName;password=*******;"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

Set compilation debug="true" to insert debugging
symbols into the compiled page. Because this
affects performance, set this value to true only
during development.
Visual Basic options:
Set strict="true" to disallow all data type conversions
where data loss can occur.
Set explicit="true" to force declaration of all variables.
<roleManager defaultProvider="AspNetWindowsTokenRoleProvider" />
<compilation debug="true" strict="false" explicit="true" />
<clear />
<add namespace="System" />
<add namespace="System.Collections" />
<add namespace="System.Collections.Specialized" />
<add namespace="System.Configuration" />
<add namespace="System.Text" />
<add namespace="System.Text.RegularExpressions" />
<add namespace="System.Web" />
<add namespace="System.Web.Caching" />
<add namespace="System.Web.SessionState" />
<add namespace="System.Web.Security" />
<add namespace="System.Web.Profile" />
<add namespace="System.Web.UI" />
<add namespace="System.Web.UI.WebControls" />
<add namespace="System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts" />
<add namespace="System.Web.UI.HtmlControls" />
The <authentication> section enables configuration
of the security authentication mode used by
ASP.NET to identify an incoming user.
<authentication mode="Windows" />

The <customErrors> section enables configuration
of what to do if/when an unhandled error occurs
during the execution of a request. Specifically,
it enables developers to configure html error pages
to be displayed in place of a error stack trace.
<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="GenericErrorPage.htm">
<error statusCode="403" redirect="NoAccess.htm" />
<error statusCode="404" redirect="FileNotFound.htm" />
What am I doing wrong? Any help would be most appreciated!!

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Trouble Installing MSDE 2000

Sep 22, 2004

Hi. I am taking a certification class for which I recieved MSDE 2000 SQL server to use. I had a version that came with my textbook installed, and uninstalled it to use this one. Now I can no longer install either version, when I try it gives me a "instance name specified is not valid" error message when I start the installation, then kills it. Anyone have any ideas?

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Trouble Installing SQL SERVER 2000 SP4

Aug 8, 2006

Any help "Greatly" appreciated.

When trying to install SP4, I do not receive any notification of the install i.e. click on setup and then nothing. Checked *.out log and receive the following:

2006-08-08 10:40:57 - ? [100] Microsoft SQLServerAgent version 8.00.194 (x86 unicode retail build) : Process ID 3616
2006-08-08 10:40:57 - ? [101] SQL Server 1LTZ0Q version 8.00.194 (0 connection limit)
2006-08-08 10:40:57 - ? [102] SQL Server ODBC driver version 3.81.9031
2006-08-08 10:40:57 - ? [103] NetLib being used by driver is DBMSSHRN.DLL; Local host server is (local)
2006-08-08 10:40:57 - ? [310] 2 processor(s) and 1016 MB RAM detected
2006-08-08 10:40:57 - ? [339] Local computer is 1LTZ0Q running Windows NT 5.0 (2195) Service Pack 4
2006-08-08 10:40:57 - ? [129] SQLSERVERAGENT starting under Windows NT service control
2006-08-08 10:40:57 - + [260] Unable to start mail session (reason: No mail profile defined)
2006-08-08 10:40:57 - + [396] An idle CPU condition has not been defined - OnIdle job schedules will have no effect

Novice - Where to set up the mail profile and CPU idle condition?



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Trouble Enumerating SQL Server Instances With SQL 2000/2005 On Network

Dec 4, 2007


We have (after several weeks of testing in all kind of environments) send out a new version of our application to several of our customers. Within days problems where drippin in; After looking for the problem on various customer situations we found a problem which I think is rather disturbing and very odd. I'll describe the situation, on which we finally managed to recreate the problem, here.

In my problem I use the following configuration:

Windows 2003 (standard edition) AD network with 2 domain controllers, multiple Windows XP workstations, some without SQL instances, some with SQL 2000 instances, some with SQL 2005 instances and even one with SQL 7 running.
All run a 32 bit OS.

Tools to reproduce:

ListSQLSvr application (found on to enumerate the instances.

Problem description:
I am running the machine called DEV001, which has SQL 2000 (instancename DRUMIS) and SQL 7.0 (has no instancename so this is the root instance) installed.

In any 'normal' situation all the runnings SQL instances are visible on the network like this:

Code Block
C:>listsqlsvr -X

When I turn the SQL 2005 Browser service off on the machine called DEV002 the list looks like:

Code Block
C:>listsqlsvr -X

Notice that the browser service might be off on DEV002, you can still see the EXPRESS instance and a new root instance has appeared (though it doesn't exist!)??

After restarting the Browser service all is OK again.

When I turn on Hide Server in the SQL 2000 TCP/IP properties (or turn it on in the registry [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerDRUMISMSSQLServerSuperSocketNetLibTcp] "TcpHideFlag"=dword:00000001) on the DEV002 computer something real scary is happening..
The list looks as follows:

Code Block
C:listsqlsvr -X

When someone has entered a database (for example the backoffice database on INSADBACKOFFICEEXACT) the list looks as follows (for a short moment; 5 secs or so):

Code Block
C:listsqlsvr -X

Notice now that ALL instances are gone and no extended information is available. In the Query Analyser and in the SQL Management Studio when browsing you'll see this as well!
When someone is accessing a database instance it appears for a few seconds again.

Since our installation and applications rely on selecting a existing instance it will fail in the above situations (or at least not showing all available instances).

In my opinion this is a bug somewhere!
Note that even when the SQL Services are stopped on DEV002 (leaving the Browser service running) it still seems to block out ALL instance on the ENTIRE network!

I don't mind that one INSTANCE or even the entire MACHINE is hidden from the network, but ALL instances on ALL machines??

And the SQL Browser issue also worries me a bit since it does not stop the possibily to browse the SQL instances; it removes the SQL2000 instances but adds a root instance which doesn't even exist! Also the extended info is stripped.

Can anyone help me solve this/advise?

Also mind that in any situation there might run a lot of computers with a lot of SQL instances and I cannot tell our customers to find which machine has the SQL TCP/IP properties set to Hide...
It even seems that in some situations SBS 2003 does the hiding automatically on Install? And if so, when and why?


Albert van Peppen
Senior System Engineer
Insad Grafisch b.v.

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MSDE 2000 Replication To SQL Server 2000

Jun 27, 2006

i went through the documentation but i was not clear on following, here is the scenario :-

a Central server is having SQL Server 2000

3 Remote Locations :- Each having 4-5 no of computers, connected on a Lan, and on one of the machines MSDE 2000 will be running.

My Questions are :-

1. Can remote locations, update data locally and send changes (say in every one hour) to central server. If yes, then how ??

2. Same way they can receive updates from Central Server on whatever was updated on Centra Server or on the 3 remote locations. If yes, then How ??

any help will be highly appreciable.

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Having Trouble Getting SP From Sql Server 2005 To Work In SQL Server 2000

Sep 18, 2006

I am getting an error saying incorrect syntax near fIt works in SQL Server 2005, but I cannot get it to work in SQL Server 2000  The error appears to be in the section that I marked in Bold. CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[pe_getReport]  -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here    @BranchID INT,    @InvestorID INT,    @Status INT,    @QCAssigned INT,    @LoanOfficer nvarChar(40),    @FromCloseDate DateTime,    @ToCloseDate DateTime,    @OrderBy nvarChar(50)ASDECLARE         @l_Sql NVarChar(4000),        @l_OrderBy NVarChar(500),        @l_OrderCol NVarChar(150),        @l_CountSql NVarChar(4000),        @l_Where NVarChar(4000),        @l_SortDir nvarChar(4)BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements.   SET NOCOUNT ON;    SET @l_Where = N' Where 1=1'    IF (@BranchID IS NOT NULL)       SET @l_Where = @l_Where + N' AND f.BranchID=' + CAST(@BranchID As NVarChar)    IF (@Status IS NOT NULL)       SET @l_Where = @l_Where + N' AND f.Status=' + CAST(@Status As NVarChar)    IF (@InvestorID IS NOT NULL)       SET @l_Where = @l_Where + N' AND f.InvestorID=' + CAST(@InvestorID As NVarChar)    IF (@QCAssigned IS NOT NULL)       SET @l_Where = @l_Where + N' AND f.QCAssigned=' + CAST(@QCAssigned As NVarChar)    IF (@LoanOfficer IS NOT NULL)       SET @l_Where = @l_Where + N' AND f.LoanOfficer LIKE ''' + @LoanOfficer + '%'''    IF (@FromCloseDate IS NOT NULL)       SET @l_Where = @l_Where + N' AND f.ClosingDate>=''' + CAST(@FromCloseDate AS NVarChar) + ''''    IF (@ToCloseDate IS NOT NULL)       SET @l_Where = @l_Where + N' AND f.ClosingDate<=''' + CAST(@ToCloseDate AS NVarChar) + ''''    IF @OrderBy IS NULL      SET @OrderBy = 'DateEntered DESC'   SET @l_SortDir = SUBSTRING(@OrderBy, CHARINDEX(' ', @OrderBy) + 1, LEN(@OrderBy))   SET @l_OrderCol = SUBSTRING(@OrderBy, 1, NULLIF(CHARINDEX(' ', @OrderBy) - 1, -1))  IF @l_OrderCol = 'InvestorName'     SET @l_OrderBy = 'i.InvestorName ' + @l_SortDir  ELSE IF  @l_OrderCol = 'BName'     SET @l_OrderBy = 'b.BName ' + @l_SortDir  ELSE IF  @l_OrderCol = 'StatusDesc'     SET @l_OrderBy = 's.StatusDesc ' + @l_SortDir  ELSE IF  @l_OrderCol = 'QCAssigned'     SET @l_OrderBy = 'q.LoginName ' + @l_SortDir  ELSE SET @l_OrderBy = 'f.' + @l_OrderCol + ' ' + @l_SortDir  SET @l_CountSql = 'SELECT f.FundedID As FundedID FROM FundedInfo AS f LEFT OUTER JOIN                     Investors AS i ON f.InvestorID = i.InvestorID LEFT OUTER JOIN                     Branches AS b ON f.BranchID = b.BranchID LEFT OUTER JOIN                     Status AS s ON f.Status = s.StatusID LEFT OUTER JOIN                     QCLogins AS q f.QCAssigned = q.LoginID '                     + @l_Where + ' ORDER BY ' + @l_OrderBy    CREATE TABLE #RsltTable (ID int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, FundedID int)  INSERT INTO #RsltTable(FundedID)  EXECUTE (@l_CountSql)SELECT f.DateEntered As DateEntered, f.LastName As LastName, f.LoanNumber As LoanNumber,       f.LoanOfficer As LoanOfficer, f.ClosingDate As ClosingDate,       i.InvestorName As InvestorName, b.BName As BName, s.StatusDesc As StatusDesc,       q.LoginName As LoginNameFROM       FundedInfo AS f LEFT OUTER JOIN       Investors AS i ON f.InvestorID = i.InvestorID LEFT OUTER JOIN       Branches AS b ON f.BranchID = b.BranchID LEFT OUTER JOIN       Status AS s ON f.Status = s.StatusID LEFT OUTER JOIN       QCLogins As q ON f.QCAssigned = q.LoginID WHERE FundedID IN(SELECT FundedID FROM #rsltTable) ORDER BY       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'DateEntered ASC' THEN f.DateEntered END ASC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'DateEntered DESC' THEN f.DateEntered END DESC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'LastName ASC' THEN f.LastName END ASC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'LastName DESC' THEN f.LastName END DESC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'LoanNumber ASC' THEN f.LoanNumber END ASC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'LoanNumber DESC' THEN f.LoanNumber END DESC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'LoanOfficer ASC' THEN f.LoanOfficer END ASC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'LoanOfficer DESC' THEN f.LoanOfficer END DESC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'ClosingDate ASC' THEN f.ClosingDate END ASC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'ClosingDate DESC' THEN f.ClosingDate END DESC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'InvestorName ASC' THEN i.InvestorName END ASC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'InvestorName DESC' THEN i.InvestorName END DESC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BName ASC' THEN b.BName END ASC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BName DESC' THEN b.BName END DESC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'StatusDesc ASC' THEN s.StatusDesc END ASC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'StatusDesc DESC' THEN s.StatusDesc END DESC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'LoginName ASC' THEN q.LoginName END ASC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'LoginName DESC' THEN q.LoginName END DESCENDGO

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Trouble Connecting To SQL Server 2000 From Sql Server MngmntStudio

Jul 17, 2007

Hi, i am trying to get to my hosting companies database server. Its SQL Sever 2000, but i want to connect through SQL Server Management Studio 2005. The connection is unable to be established, although i have tried all sorts of settings for the connection. I called the hosting company and they told me to connect using the IP address of the name server for my domain. It failed and i called again to check back, and one of the guy told me that u cannot connect to an instance of sql servr 2000 from sql server 2005. Is this true? Please help.



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Re-establishing Mirror

May 8, 2006

When witness and mirror were down, mirroring was removed at primary. Now when I try to re-establish mirroring I get the following error

Msg 1456, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
The ALTER DATABASE command could not be sent to the remote server instance 'TCP://witness:5022'. The database mirroring configuration was not changed. Verify that the server is connected, and try again.

On the witness server the following sql

select * from sys.database_mirroring_witnesses

returns 1 row with the previous mirroring information.

How do I remove old information from witness server? Thanks.

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Establishing Logfile Size And % Used Using Sql

Apr 27, 2001

Hi there,

I want to write a sql query (for SQL7 & 2K) that gives the size and space used of the log file for a given database. I can do it for data files using sysfiles/sysindexes, but can see how I can do it for the logfile.

I know I can use DMO or dbcc sqlperf(logspace), but I want to understand how and where the information is kept in system tables.

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Newbie Need Help:establishing A Relationship

Sep 7, 2004

I have a simle question for you:
I created a employee table:

create table employees (
employeeid int primary key,
lastname nvarchar(20) not null,
firstname nvarchar(20) not null,
birthdate datetime,
city nvarchar(15),
country nvarchar(15)

and then I created table orders and established a relationship between them:

create table orders (
orderid int primary key,
employeeid int references employees(employeeid),
orderdate datetime

The relationship was created successfully.

But I don't know how to establish a relationship between two tables if they were already exist.
Could you tell me how to do it?
many thanks :p

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Establishing A Remote Connection..!

Feb 18, 2006

How can I establish a remote connection for using remote database in SQL Server 2K5?


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Establishing A Connection To The Server (Need Help )

Apr 12, 2008


I have a problem connecting to my SQL SERVER 2005 express. I followed carefully the instructions to open a database connection but I still get the same error down below

Error message received:
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)

I have changed the permission of the database by granting all access to myself but it didn't, I have also changed all the Pipes to enable but nothing. Here is the code

Software: Visual Express 2008

Dim Strconnection As String
Dim con As SqlConnection
Dim ds As New DataSet

Strconnection = "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Regina;Integrated Security=True"

con = New SqlConnection(Strconnection)
con.Open() ==> Error happened here.
MsgBox("Database opened")



Thank you in advance.

Ailiam A.

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Help Needed In Establishing Connection

Apr 29, 2006

I recently migrated SQL Server 2005 which we use for our internet site and other internal applications, to it's own server. SQL used to be on the development PC. However now I am having security issues.

I keep getting an error message when I try to connect to the server from the development PC that the SQL server is not set up or does not allow remote connections. I have made sure that ASPNET is a user. I have also run aspnet_regsql to set up the internet users database.

What other security features do I need to check? I am more of a VB developer than a SQL admin so any help is appreciated.

FYI - This is a small network that does not run any form of Windows Server. I am using IIS 5.1. TCP/IP and Named Pipes is enabled.


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Establishing A Remote Connection..! (Again)

Jun 6, 2007


I am trying to connect via the Management Studio Express. I share a LAN with the server. In Netowrk connections I can see the server and I can even access the "Shared" folders. However,when I try to connect I get an error that says the error may be caused by the server not allowing remote connections. I have already done the following:

With the Surface Area Configuration facility I have set the server to allow remote connections
I have selected TCP/IP as the preferred mode of connection.
I have selected Windows authentification as mode of authorisation

What else can I do??

Please help.


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Establishing A Baseline With Perfmon

Dec 13, 2007

I am training to be a DBA in a company running about 30 machines with MS SQL Server (2000 and 2005). Last week I went to a class where the instructor recommended establishing a performance baseline using windows performance monitor. He also advised to run perfmon remotely so as to not effect the performance.

What I am wondering is since I have so many different machines to baseline, can I run perfmon on one box, using a seperate counter log for each server? I would like to get a nice week-long baseline for each machine, but I also don't want to get bad data by running too many logs at the same time.

My plan is to do a small set of counters for processor, memory, disk, and the SQL server instance(about 10 counters total).

If anyone has experience in this area, I would appreciate any advice that you might have.



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Error With Establishing A Connection To The Server

Dec 17, 2007

i cannot access my database as i am keep getting the following error:
"When connecting to SQL server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL server does not allow remote connections. (provider:shared memory provider, error: 40 - could not open a connection to SQL server)"
 when i click on the properties window i cannot see my table nor can i make a new connection as the same error is shown, could you please advice me how i can fix this?

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Establishing Linked Server Problem

Oct 17, 2000

Hi Everybody,

I have installed Oracle 8i and sql7.0 on win2k server. That is both the RDBMS are in the same server. Now I have added the Oracle server in the sql server through the system stored procedure 'sp_addlinkedserver'. The command I executed was,

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver @server = 'GENOMEDB',@srvproduct = 'Oracle',@provider = 'MSDAORA',@datasrc = 'GENOMEDB'

The oracle server is added. This I am able see through the results of 'sp_linkedservers'. Till then I don't have any problem.

Next I tried 'sp_addlinkedsrvlogin' to make an entry by the following command,
sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'genomedb', 'false', 'genomeadministrator', 'sri', 'sri'

Here 'sri' is login name and password for oracle and 'genomeadministrator', where genome is the domain name of win2k and administrator is the login name.

When I executed the above command, it says,
(0 row(s) affected)
(0 row(s) affected)
(1 row(s) affected)

After that when I tried to execute a table from oracle through the following command,
SELECT * FROM genomedb.genomedb.sri.table1

It displays the following error,

Server: Msg 7303, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Could not initialize data source object of OLE DB provider 'MSDAORA'.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied]

Can anyone help me to sort out this problem please.

thks in advance,

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An Error Has Occurred While Establishing A Connect

Apr 14, 2008

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this
I use Microsoft Windows Vista Home Professional
I have already installed to my computer Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and SQL Serves Express. I used to successful to connect to the SQL Server but now I CAN NOT.

Not: I try to run SQL Server 2005 but I can not, even I logged on to my computer with an administrator rights. On the other hand I can start and stop the SQL Server easily.

As a result, how can I solve this problem?
Thanks in advance.
Bilgin KiliƧ

Additional Details

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)

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An Error Has Occurred While Establishing A Connect

Mar 2, 2008

I'm developing an ASP website with components developed under C# (DLL). The component is working ok when I temporarily used winforms to test it prior to compiling to DLL. but when I used that component to a ASP script, I got the error:

"An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)"

It is weird because I'm not using SQLServer 2005. I'm using MSSQL 2000 only. If the winform version is working ok, how come the asp version is not? all the proper registration of component was followed correctly (even though it sucks. i used to developed a component in VB6 before and I never encountered so many authentication crap unlike in .Net2.0)

Can someone help me on this?

Thank you in advance.


View 9 Replies View Related

Replication In SQL 2000

Mar 21, 2001

I have no idea of SQL2000.Can anyonetell me steps /precuations involved in going for Replication in SQL2K.
Also,How do we do log shipping in SQL2K?

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SQL 7 To 2000 Replication

Apr 4, 2001

I am trying to set up transactional replication (not immediate updating) via a push subscription between a SQL 7.0 Server and a SQL 2000 Server. The SQL 7 server is the Publisher / Distributor, and the SQL 2000 server is the subscriber. Replication will not work between the two, I have removed then setup replication to no avail. The SQL 7 server always reports that it can't connect to the SQL 2000 server. Same problems the other way if I try a pull subscription.

Anyone have any ideas?

Kyle Freeman

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Replication From 7.0 To 2000

Oct 23, 2001

I'm trying to replicate a sql 7.0 table to a sql 2000 server. Does anyone know how I can register a sql 2000 box through Ent. Manager onto 7.0? I've been told that I need to upgrade my production server's Ent. Manager to 2000 but I not sure if that is a real safe bet. Can anyone give me any insight to this?



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Replication In SQL 2000

Sep 6, 2003

I am trying replication on sql 2000
I want to do replication using two databases. suppose say Db1 and Db2
if new record is added in db1.table1 then the same record should get added to Db2.table1 and vice versa.

using enterprise manager I have successfully created replication from Db1 to Db2.

how to do it from Db2 to Db1?
any suggestion would be helpful.

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Pls Help-2000 Replication

Feb 10, 2004

How do I know whether the record in a row was insert,update and delete that replicated to a subscriber?
Is there a flag or an indicator in msmerge_contents,msmerge_tombstone ,msmerge_genhistory tables or any other msdb/replication system tables?

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SQL 2000 Two-way Replication

Jun 4, 2007

I would like some simple input on achieving true two-way replication with SQL 2000. We have need to load balance our website between two sites and since it is SQL based, would need to have dual DB servers at each site with two-way replicated data. They would need to be replicated at real-time. Will the built in SQL replication tools work OK? Has anyone done this? Thanks in advance.

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SQL 6.5 - To - SQL 2000 Replication

Jul 23, 2005

Here is what we are trying to solve:-We have a SQL 6.5 server (version 6.50.258) we will call SQL65-A, onan NT 4.0 machine (version 4.00.1381), on Domain-A-We are trying to replicate directly to a SQL 2000 server (version8.00.818) we will call SQL2000-A, on a Windows 2000 machine (version5.00.2195), on Domain-B-We also have a SQL 6.5 server we will call SQL65-B in Domain-B-The domains are trusted-We get the error that it cannot connect to the SQL 2000 server whentrying to replicate, even though I can register the SQL 2000 server asa Remote ServerThe work-around we have right now is replicating from SQL65-A toSQL65-B, then using SQL65-B as a subscriber as well as adistributor/publisher to SQL2000-A.

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Sql 2000 Replication:

May 30, 2007

sql 2000 replication: Is there a way of getting tables to replicate without them having a pramary key?

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