Hi all, this has been bothering me for a few days now so i thought id better get some good advice!
I am going through the process of exporting a SQL Server 2005 DB to my hosting company for the first time. Initially I tried using SQL Server Management Studio to "Export" the DB, which has all of the membership functionality (by runnung aspnet_regsql.exe) and a few extra tables - nothing too complicated.
Exporting with SQL SMS did not seem to copy my stored procedures accross and this gave me problems.
I then tried SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard - as recommended by this post: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2007/01/11/tip-trick-how-to-upload-a-sql-file-to-a-hoster-and-execute-it-to-deploy-a-sql-database.aspx
So this is my process:
1. set up empty DB on hosting server
2. get admin to allow dbo permissions on this DB
3. open SQL SDPW and create a script which will create an exact copy of my local DB
4. run the script on my new empty Db on server...
when i do this i get the following errors:
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure vw_aspnet_Users, Line 3
Invalid object name 'dbo.aspnet_Users'.
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure vw_aspnet_MembershipUsers, Line 3
Invalid object name 'dbo.aspnet_Membership'.
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure vw_aspnet_Profiles, Line 3
Invalid object name 'dbo.aspnet_Profile'.
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure vw_aspnet_UsersInRoles, Line 3
Invalid object name 'dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles'.
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure vw_aspnet_WebPartState_User, Line 3
Invalid object name 'dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser'.
When i look at the DB hosted on the server, it seems that all of my stored procedures are there.
One thing I noticed was that some of my "Views" were in the "Tables" folder (i dont know if this matters)The result that this is having is that I do not get any errors, but the queries on my page where i reference one of my views (like vw_aspnet_MembershipUsers),
the latest records are not appearing.I think that somehow my stored procedures are not referencing the correct views and tables maybe?Anyway - if anyone has come across this, please help me out (even if its just to say ive done something stupid )
I€™m using the ImportExport wizard to export the top 5 lines from a MS Sql table into a fixed format (€śragged€?) file. But I want the first record to contain the column names of the exported fields so I selected the €śColumn names in the first data row€? option of the €śChoose a Destination€? box. When I run the Package I get:
>>> · Information 0x402090dc: Data Flow Task: The processing of file "C:arkingdogExportWithheader.txt" has started (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
· Error 0xc0202095: Data Flow Task: Failed to write out column name for column "CustomerID". (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc004701a: Data Flow Task: component "Destination - ExportWithheader_txt" (49) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC0202095. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard) >>>
When I de-select the €śColumn names€? option, the package works fine. Other than manually, how can I et the column names in output file?
I've never dealt with stored procedures much.. but i have a new database created.. imported the tables, but the stored procedures didnt get copied over..
Is there an easy way to export them.. perhaps to a .sql file ... then import them or run a script on the other database..
I have never done much with the query window before, so i'm not sure how to handle this.. as there are around 20 stored procedures that need imported..
Hi I am new at this. I have a little program written in C# in asp.net. The program basically accesses a database and stores new records. The database is supposedly already attached to MSDE so I am able to see the tables of the database inside asp.net. I can click on the individual slots of the table and modify the datas manually. However, I want to connect to the database from my C# program and be able to input data into the database via the website that the C# program produces. After I type in the data into the website and click the submit button on the website, I get an error page that says this: Login failed for user 'sa' the line of code thats causing this error is: con = new SqlConnection("data source=(local)\NetSdk; initial catalog=Friends; user id=sa"); Why is it not able to connect to the database?
I used VWD 2005 Express to create my web application (that uses a sql 2005 database), and now I'm trying to deploy it. I was to understand that all I had to do was to upload all my files to the root folder and the web host's server (webhost4life.com). However, they require me to upload the sql 2005 db to a seperate sql server using a control panel that is very clunky. Does anyone know how to upload the sql 2005 db to the host server or an online tutorial where I could go to learn? Thanks for the help!
I am doing one of the Microsoft virtual labs "Creating ASP.NET Web Applications with C# - Part 2" using Visual Web Developer Express. I am trying to fill a gridview with database information, but it gives me the error "An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)".This is on the local machine that I am executing the code. public void BindGrid(string sortfield) { //Create DataAdapter to fetch data from Prodcuts table SqlDataAdapter myCommand = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from Products", myConnection); //Create dataset and fill it with Product data DataSet ds = new DataSet(); myCommand.Fill(ds, "Products"); //Bind Product data to Datagrid DataView Source = ds.Tables["Products"].DefaultView; Source.Sort = sortfield; dgProducts.DataSource = Source; dgProducts.DataBind(); } It stops on the line "myCommand.Fill(ds, "Products"); and points out the error mentioned earlier. I am not sure what to do...any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance, and I apologize as well if I have not pointed out enough information.
I am new to thsi and I have installed the SQL server 2005 Dev (not express). I am useing Visual Web Express - When I create an application and attempt to launch it - the web config tell me that I am unable to connect to the Database - in the properties page (sidebar) the database status says closed - an I cannot seem to connect if though I go into the connections and test it says connected!
I am trying to write to a database through C++ with the ODBC stuff. I can connect to and close the database as well as write certain things to it. I am having trouble writing strings or chars to it though. I'm not really a DB programmer and probably won't have to do it in C++ for a long time, so I'm just looking for some quick help so I can move on to other stuff. I know this code probably won't look right either since I;ve only seen this stuff for about 2 days now. Basically I have a string that I want to bind using SQLBindParameter so that I can use it in an ExecDirect statement. Basically when I run the little code snippet below, it writes some crazy character set out. Any help would be appreciated because I really have no clue what I'm doing.
I've created an sql database in VB express, created some tables, and entered some data in those tables. My problem now lies with actually using that data. What i'd like to do is have a Sub use the database's data and fill in a series of variables. Right now i have the Sub using an Excel file to assign the information, looks like this:
Public Sub CharStatDefault() 'loads each character's default stats
CharSheet = xlBook.Worksheets(2)
For excelInt = 1 To 22
With P.C(excelInt)
.Vit = CharSheet.Range("AC" & excelInt).Value
.Phy = CharSheet.Range("AD" & excelInt).Value
.Mag = CharSheet.Range("AE" & excelInt).Value
.Off = CharSheet.Range("AF" & excelInt).Value
.Def = CharSheet.Range("AG" & excelInt).Value
.Agl = CharSheet.Range("AH" & excelInt).Value
End Sub
So basically i want to change the CharSheet.Range("XX" & excelInt).Value to something that utilizes the data from my database.
I have an asp site connected to an MS-SQL database, I need to exportthe database and import it in to a MySQL database? How would I be ableto do this? My only way of communicating with the MS-SQL database isvia asp scripts.Thank YouBen SagalPS. i have no problem fixing the SQL code manually to be compatiblewith MySQL.
tried to add a third and fourth table to an exsiting relationship diagram in VS05 server explorer, when i click save i get an error "the operation could not be completed" i am able to create new diagrams but it seems every time i click save, and close the diagram the reopen it and add new tables then click save i get the same error message, i dont even try and create the actual relationship but just add a third table and boom the problem occurs thanks in advance
I would like to know how to (if it is at all possible) in SQL (or even ADO) to retrieve all the data concerning database X's
a) Tables b) Tables column names c) Tables column's data types
I don't want to use the doa.tabledefs object.. .i would prefer to do it in SQL, but using ADO objects (since I am developing stuff in VB) would be ok too.
Please Help.. i have been going crazy trying to find anything useful.. email me back please!
Hello everyone. Pretty new to SQL Server and i've run into some trouble with something I am attempting to do.
Basically, we imported one of our databases on one of our SQL Servers to a new sql server that we just setup. That went ok with no problems. The DB is now in the new SQL Server.
Now, we need to copy the contents of a second DB from the original server into this new sql server DB. For reference:
We imported a DB Called: siebeldb We want to import/overwrite another DB into that same DB. We backedup the DB and moved the file to the new SQL server.
Import/Restore: sbprd01(a backup file) into siebeldb
I hope that makes sense.
I have the following command that I am trying to execute in the SQL Query analyzer:
RESTORE DATABASE siebeldb FROM DISK='C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopsiebelprddb092509.bak' WITH MOVE 'siebelprddb_Data' TO 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDatasiebeldb_Data.mdf', MOVE 'siebelprddb_Log' TO 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDatasiebeldb_Log.mdf', REPLACE
It is running right now, but seems to be running into errors. I just added the 'REPLACE' option according to the t-sql reference guide.
Does my script look ok? Am I doing anything wrong?
Is there a way for VS2005 to export the database schema of a .mdf into a .sql file? Preferably from a Web PRoject, not a Database Project, but right now I am anything but picky, so whatever works. Thanks.
Is it possible to take a Database from version 8.0 (SQL Server 2000) and convert it to version 7.0? My ISP is running SQL Server 7, and I am developing on SQL Server 2000. I will be using Active Server Pages to make most of my modifications to the database, once it is complete. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in Advance.
Hi, Is it possible to export an entire SQL Server database to Access in one go, as a scheduled job, or do I need to create a package which does it a table at a time?
Hi, I need to take a value from a textbox and insert it into a field in my database which takes decimals. My problem, no matter what I try I cannot convert the value so that the database will accept it. This all happens when the submit button is hit on my webpage. Here is the cmdSubmit_click sub code:
Dim surveyNum As Decimal = Decimal.Parse(txtSurveyNum.Text, Globalization.NumberStyles.Number) myCmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO survey(ID) VALUES('" & surveyNum & "')" myCmd.Parameters.Add("surveyNum", SqlDbType.Decimal) myCmd.Parameters("surveyNum").Value = System.Convert.ToDecimal(txtSurveyNum.Text)
Ok, I need to give some details. I have a secure Access Database using WorkGroup Security logon. It is an Access 97 database (yes I know it is "old").
I tried to create a DTS package in SQL Server 2000 to connect to it, but I am getting the same error that I got before I "joined" the workgroup when attempting to access the DB. So I changed the Service logon identites to mimic <me> as the logon, and still I can't get it to connect. The user name and password I put in the connection are correct.
It seems like nothing is working and I am all out of ideas. Does anyone have any recommendations? Has anyone done anything like this successfully?
PS: I can manually logon to the database, and extract the data 1 table at a time, but I don't want to export 40 tables each time I have to load this data. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I am having trouble updating my database. I have seen a couple of other people had the same problem. Two answers I had found and tried did not work. The updating if newer I had already came across in a step by step class room tutorial written by a college professor and to make sure the save procedure came after the update procedure. I did need to make this last change but its still not updating. Any further advice on this subject would be appreciated. .
when I hit F12 to preview my page and forms etc it goes to this error
This error (HTTP 500 Internal Server Error) means that the website you are visiting had a server problem which prevented the webpage from displaying. For more information about HTTP errors, see Help.
AND when I try to hold up to an SQL database it wont let me and says the server doesnt exist still. Whats wrong with my SQL server and what can I do to resolve this problem?
Hello there, i want to move my database onto my webserver and to do so i need to create a database on my web server and then import the data into this database using a SQL script file.I know this is fairly simple using SQL Server 2005, however annoyingly i don't have that and i'm just using SQL Express, so is there any way to export the data from this database into a SQL Script file?Thanks.
Hi all. I have a few Excel sheets with a large amount of data, and i wish to export them into the SQL database. I have already made some tables, but currently all i can do is copy and paste into one individual cell, and thats not the best way of doing it. Any ideas? thanks.
I am having issue on database import and export . I mean to say when ever i import a database or export a database it won't export or import Foreign key relation ships and also Primary keys of tables which was their in database, which i am using for importing or exporting.
Let me frist start saying that I am no SQL DB guru or have any great knowledge. I am sure this questions is the most basic question posted here. I would like to know how to export a single table from an SQL 2005 DB. I need to export this table from one SQL server to another. Just one table and its contents. Also, I woud like this exported table to be saved as a *.dat file?
We have databases with large numbers of tables. We have a separate database for each year. For various reasons, we need to export about 100 of the tables (Structure only, not their data) from last years database into this year's database. What is the best method for doing this? The import/export wizard creates the tables but does not bring in important things like keys.
This may be a simple question with an obvious answer, but I'm fairly new to databases and I can't seem to find the right procedure.
I created a database on my machine. If I want to copy the information from this database (columns, tables, and entries specifically) from my machine to another SQL server on a different machine, what is the best way to do this without manually re-entering all of the information?
Is there a simple export/import of a database for transferring it from one server to another?
I am using ADOX to create linked tables in a jet database from an ODBC datasource. The tables in the ODBC data source does not have a primary key. so I am only able to create read only linked tables.But I want to update the records also. I tried adding a primary key column to the linked table while creating the link. but I am getting an error while adding the table to the catalog.
The error message is "Invalid Argument".
I use the following code for creating the linked table
Sub CreateLinkedTable(ByVal strTargetDB As String, ByVal strProviderString As String, ByVal strSourceTbl As String, ByVal strLinkTblName As String)
Dim catDB As ADOX.Catalog Dim tblLink As ADOX._Table
' Name the new Table and set its ParentCatalog property ' to the open Catalog to allow access to the Properties ' collection. .Name = strLinkTblName .ParentCatalog = catDB
' Set the properties to create the link. Dim adoxPro As ADOX.Property
I am using Bulk Copy command for Exporting data table wise from database to csv files and it was working fine. Since last 3-4 days when exporting for some tables data in csv file is coming junk.
I'm really new to the whole database deal (as well as VB.net) - specifically with the capabilities surrounding VB and SQL Server 2005. My question is open to any recommendations...
What I have is an application that a user uses to create 'new' products. They are presented a form to enter the information regarding the product they wish to create. They enter the details of the product and also locate an image that represents the product, too. Currently, this application saves the product information (including binary image data) into a SQL Server 2005 Express Edition database. This application and database reside on a client pc. What I need to do is to be able save updated and newly created product data into a file of some sort. That file will make its way to a memory stick (USB) and then be transported to a 'field' machine. Quite simply, what is the best way to do this? Are there walk-throughs on this sort of thing? The target database is also SQL Server 2005. I thought I'd post this question on here to get the best design ideas... Any help would be greatly appreciated.