Trouble Inserting Values From Radiobuttons
Oct 17, 2007
Hi all,
I am having issue with a set of radiobuttons. I have four radiobuttons associated by a groupname (answer). I am attempting to store the text of the selected radiobutton when the user make a selection and clicks submit. For reasons unknown... each of the radiobutton.checked values are remaining false hence I cannot interrogate for a checked equal true to insert associated text of check response.
Here is how I am interrogating who is checked:
If rb1.Checked = True Then
useranswer = rb1.Text.ToString
ElseIf rb2.Checked = True Then
useranswer = rb2.Text.ToString
ElseIf rb3.Checked = True Then
useranswer = rb3.Text.ToString
ElseIf rb4.Checked = True Then
useranswer = rb4.Text.ToString
End If
I then attempt to insert this text to sql but none of the rb values are true hence a null wont insert.
Cmd1.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@answer", useranswer))
How can I evaluate grouped radiobutton checked values?
Many thanks in advance...
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Mar 6, 2008
I am getting a xml stream of data and putting it to a object and then calling a big sproc to insert or update data in many tables across my database... But there is one Table that i am having trouble inserting it.. But if i run an update it works fine... This my code for that part of the sproc..
IF Exists(
PlanId = @PlanId
LengthOfService = Case When @PD_EmployeeContribution = 0 Then @rsLengthOfServicePS
ELSE @rsLengthOfService END,
EligibilityAge = CASE When @PD_EmployeeContribution = 0 Then @EligibilityAgePS Else @EligibilityAge End,
EntryDates = @EntryDates,
EligiDifferentRequirementsMatch = Case When @PD_EmployeeContribution = 0 Then 0
When @PD_EmployeeContribution = 1 and @PD_EmployerContribution = 0 then 0 Else 1 END, --@CompMatchM,
LengthOfServiceMatch = CASE When @MCompanyMatch = 0 Then @rsLengthOfServicePs ELSE @rsLengthOfServiceMatch END,
EligibilityAgeMatch = CASE When @MCompanyMatch = 0 Then @EligibilityAgePS ELSE @EligibilityAgeMatch END,
OtherEmployeeExclusions = @OtherEmployeeExclusions
PlanId = @PlanId
INSERT INTO PlanEligibility
Case When @PD_EmployeeContribution = 0 Then @rsLengthOfServicePS
ELSE @rsLengthOfService END,--@rsLengthOfService,
CASE When @PD_EmployeeContribution = 0 Then @EligibilityAgePS Else @EligibilityAge End, --@EligibilityAge,
Case When @PD_EmployeeContribution = 0 Then 0
When @PD_EmployeeContribution = 1 and @PD_EmployerContribution = 0 then 0 Else 1 END, --having trouble here
CASE When @MCompanyMatch = 0 Then @rsLengthOfServicePs ELSE @rsLengthOfServiceMatch END,
CASE When @MCompanyMatch = 0 Then @EligibilityAgePS ELSE @EligibilityAgeMatch END, --EligibilityAgeMatch,@EligibilityAgeMatch,
Any help will be appreciated..
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Feb 19, 2008
Hello Everyone!
I am getting started with DataBinding with SSE 2005 and VC#
The problem i am facing is that i need to bind a group of radio buttons eg: Duration Type: Days, Weeks, Months, Years.
The field type in the database is tinyint and the values are 1,2,3,4 for Days, Weeks, Months and Years respectively.
How can i bind a group of radio buttons to the tinyint data in table?
Any help/hint is appericiated.
Thankyou for taking the time to read this.
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Jun 9, 2008
I have two list boxes, user can move items back n forth, from second listbox I am inserting values into a table. So far everything is working fine.
Now I want to delete all the existing values from the table before inserting evertime..Please help me in this I dont know what to do.
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Jun 22, 2005
I'm trying to checking my production table table_a against a working table table_b (which i'm downlading data to)Here are the collumns i have in table_a and table_bDescription | FundID (this is not my PK) | Money I'm running an update if there is already vaule in the money collumn. I check to see if table_a matches table_b...if not i update table a with table b's value where FundID match up.What i'm having trouble on is if there is no record in table_a but there is a record in table_b. How can I insert that record into table_a? I would like to do all of this (the update and insert statement in one stored proc. if possible. )If anyone has this answer please let me know.Thanks,RB
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Oct 25, 2006
I have a little question. I have an application which interfaces with a SQL Express Database. On a form, I want to bind a control which is made of several Radio buttons to a table column which is in fact a varchar(1). This is the picture:
Table column: OptVisualRpt varchar(1)
Screen control: 2 radio buttons
rb_VisRPTbImp_O for "yes"
rb_VisRPTbImp_N for "no"
I'm really scratching my head as how I can bind a single table column to my radio buttons controls. I think that I just can't this way but rather have to use an intermediate variable or control.
Solution 1?
I thought of using a local variable that I would set to "y" or "n" following "CheckedChanged" events fired from radio buttons but I don't know how to bind this variable to my table column.
Solution 2?
I thought of placing a hidden text control into my form, which one would be binded to my table column, that I would also set to "y" or "n" following "CheckedChanged" events fired from radio buttons.
Any of these solutions which would be feasible or any more neat way to do it?
Many thanks in advance,
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Feb 13, 2008
Hi All, I'm a newbie learning windows applications in visual basic express edition, am using sqlexpress 2005 So i have a log in form with username and password text fields.the form passes these values to stored procedure 'CheckUser' Checkuser then returns a value for groupid. If its 1 they are normal user, if its 2 its admin user. Then opens another form called Organisations, and closes the log in form. However when i run the project, and enter a username and password and press ok ti tells me that there is incorrect syntax beside a line. I have no idea, and I'm sure that there is probably other things wrong in there. here is the code for the login button click event: Public Class Login Dim connString As String = "server = .SQL2005;" & "integrated security = true;" & "database = EVOC"
'Dim connString As String = _ '"server = .sqlexpress;" _ '& "database = EVOC;" _ '& "integrated security = true;"
Private Sub OK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Login_Log_In.Click ' Create connection
Dim conn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(connString) ' Create command
Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand() cmd.Connection = conn cmd.CommandText = "CheckUser"
Dim inparam1 As SqlParameter = cmd.Parameters.Add("@Username", SqlDbType.NVarChar) inparam1.Value = Login_Username.ToString Dim inparam2 As SqlParameter = cmd.Parameters.Add("@Password", SqlDbType.NVarChar) inparam2.Value = Login_Password.ToString inparam1.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input inparam2.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input 'Return value
Dim return_value As SqlParameter = cmd.Parameters.Add("@return_value", SqlDbType.Int) return_value.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue cmd.Connection.Open() Dim rdr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader Dim groupID As Integer
groupID = return_value.Value
If groupID < 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Access is Denied") Else Dim Username = Me.Login_Username Dim org As New Organisations org.Show() End If
End Sub The stored procedure code is ok as i know it works as it should, but if it helps the code is: ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[CheckUser] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@UserName nvarchar(50) = N'', @Password nvarchar(50) = N''
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from-- interfering with SELECT statements.
SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Insert statements for procedure here
IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.EVOC_Users WHERE Username=@Username AND Password=@Password)=1BEGINPRINT 'User ' + @Username + ' exists'
SELECT TOP 1 UserGroup FROM dbo.EVOC_Users WHERE Username=@Username AND Password=@PasswordRETURN (SELECT TOP 1 UserGroup FROM dbo.EVOC_Users WHERE Username=@Username AND Password=@Password)ENDELSE BEGINPRINT 'User ' + @Username + ' does not exist'
All help greatly appreciated to get me past this first hurdle in my first application!! CheersTom
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Jun 26, 2004
Dear All,
In sql-server2000
In a table i am having a column of datatype varchar(8000).
While inserting the record through executenonquery, i am insert only
255 characters rest of the characters are getting trucated.
My question in how i will able to insert the row of that particular
column more than 255 characters
Thanx in advance.
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Sep 20, 2006
Hi all,I have a table called Jobs, with fields PK auto increment job_id, job_name, date. I'm using the visual web developer, .net 2.0, sql server 2005.I'm trying to have an option in one of my forms that allows me to add Jobs for a specific time frame. Say I want to add a job called "JobOne" and that I expect this job to last 2 months, so I would like to add this "JobOne" from October 1st 2006 to December 1st 2006. Than in the table "jobs" I would see JobOne in October 1st, 2nd, 3rd... all the way to December 1st. I'm familiar how to insert single values from formviews, using sqldatasources but I have no idea how to insert something like this, so I was wondering if anyone out there could help.Thanks!
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Jan 22, 2008
Hi there
I have an exel spreadsheet with a very long list of towns. How can I import/insert that into my "Towns" table in sql express? I can't seem to find any way to import it and I'm not sure how to do multiple inserts.
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Apr 24, 2001
What would be the best way to insert unique values into a table/unique column ?
I cannot make that table/unique column as indentity. Right now, I use a staging table with indentity column, insert rows then insert rows back to
final table.
Suggestions are much appreciated.
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May 11, 2004
I am trying to insert null values into sql server from my access from. I am using sql statement. But it says 'Syntex error in Insert statement'. When i remove null values it works fine? How can I insert null values into a table?
Any help will be highly appreciated.
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Sep 20, 2007
I need to insert some values into a table and after that catch the ID inserted.
I set some input parameters in stored procedure and only one to get the @id defined as output
SqlParameter paramIdPedido = new SqlParameter("@APP_IDPEDIDO", SqlDbType.Int, 4);paramIdPedido.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;cmd.Parameters.Add(paramIdPedido);
Do I have to run cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); to record first what I need and afterrun ExecuteReader: something like SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();while (dr.Read()... to get the ID)
From stored procedure:
INSERT table(fields) VALUES(vars)SELECT TOP 1 @id = id FROM table ORDER BY id DESC
I must do all these steps or maybe is there anything less complex to do?
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Oct 2, 2007
I am trying to insert multiple values from another table as well as an addition value defined by me. Here's my code which is obviously incorrect at the AND statement:
Insert Into table_1 (ID, Col_1, Col_2)Select ID, Col_A, Col_B From table_A AND table1.Col_3 = 'XYZ'
Where table_A.Col_A IS NOT NULL
Pls advise on the correct way of constructing this statement.
Many Thanks
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Jan 25, 2008
Hi All, am new to sql server in my application I am having one web page, the user has to enter values for 5 fields(Empno,Empname,salary,deptno,deptname) in that web page and for that i created two tables in sql serverEmp Table- empno(primary key),empname,salaryDept Table- Deptno(primary key),empno(Foreign key ),Deptname(with some check constraint.) After the user enter all the values in the web page now i want to store data into database for that i wrote the following stored procedure...create procedure usp_EmpDept @empno integer, @empname varchar(15), @salary money, @deptno integer, @deptname varchar(10) As Insert into emp(empno,empname,salary)values(@empno,@empname,@salary) Insert into dept(deptno,Empno,deptname)values(@deptno,@empno,@deptname) but the problem is whenever some constaint violation for eg. if some check constraint violation in Dept table its inserting the values in the Emp table only, but my requirement is, It must enter into both tables if there is no constaraint violation otherwise it has to ignore both the tables. And also please suggest is there any better way to insert values into two tables other than using the stored procedure Any help will be greatly appreciated..Thanks,Vision..
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Apr 10, 2008
i have a table whose Primary Key is "UserID". the sample "UserID" are M1,M2,M3,M4,B1,B2,B3 .
i want that when i insert a valuse "M4" in the table ,by pressing Submit Button.
it should not be at the end or at the start of table.
Rather it should be next to M3. like the following
i need the C# code of how to do that !!!!
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May 1, 2001
Is there a way to insert multiple values into a single column based on various "tests".
For example, I want to check a sales_order table and flag all new orders coming in against previous orders placed that were determined to be fraudulent. If I were to set up i.e. five different tests(i.e. check email, credit_card number etc. against previous fraud orders), then there would be the possibility that any given order can be flagged 1 to 5 times. I want to record all of these tests within the same column if possible. Therefore the output may look something like the following:
order_number fraud_score
1234567890 a,b,d
5432109876 e
2345678901 null
3455607983 a,b,c,d,e
I was considering adding five additional columns to the table and running five different update steps, but this doesn't appear very scalable. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
thanks in advance-
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May 9, 2000
Can some one please tell me how to update a field in a table with multiple
values for each of the values in the other fields?
Thanks in advance.
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Dec 14, 2000
We are using an SQL Server database and seem to be having some problems with inserting null values into numeric fields. The field is set to accept nulls, but when we try and write a record into the database and that field is null, the application craps out on us. Are there any issues that we should be aware of when inserting null values into numeric fields? What might the problem be? Thanks.
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Jan 21, 2006
I am fetching values from a table containing non english characters and inserting the values in another table. Both the tables have the same structure and the column datatype is nvarchar. I am using jdbc jtdc.jar with default parameters. When I query my inserted values, they are junk characters. when I insert values using Query Analyzer the characters are proper. But when i insert using jdbc junk values are stored.
any help would be greatly received.
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May 3, 2006
i have attached XML and XSD file
i bulkload xml file into 2 tables .ManifestID is the Relationship between 2 tables
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[BIOS_DataLoader_LDR_Manifest_Detail] (
[manifest_id] [varchar] (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[order_num] [bigint] NULL ,
[track_code] [varchar] (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[box_id] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[box_type] [varchar] (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[scan_time] [datetime] NULL ,
[scac_code] [varchar] (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[BIOS_DataLoader_LDR_Manifest_Header] (
[trailer_id] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[trailer_close_date] [datetime] NULL ,
[manifest_id] [varchar] (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[manifest_qty] [int] NULL ,
[origin_facility] [varchar] (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[destination_facility] [varchar] (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL
When the first TrackCodeid is NULL
all remaining NULL TrackCodeid is entered as null in the database table
but if the first/prev trackcodeID is not NULL then following null trackCODEID is populated with the prev trackcodeID and not as null in database
All Null TrackCOdeID is populated as ABCDEFG
if we remove ABCDEFG and then bulkload all null values are populated
if a null trackCODEID is to be inserted the prev trackCODEID must be null and must not contain any value
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Feb 14, 2004
how can we insert null into a small datetime field (from client application VB)
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Mar 17, 2014
I try to do all insert-actions in one SP. But it doesn't work. I couldn't insert any values into the DB. Is this possible or the wrong way?
use env
create proc [SP$insert](
@p1 nvarchar(100),
@p2 nvarchar(100),
@id int output,
@debug bit = 0
[Code] ....
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Aug 11, 2014
I have a trigger that searches for duplicates before inserting values.
I have written the trigger however its not inputting values into the column at all.
see my trigger:
Declare @AlphanumericCol varchar (750)
Declare @Counter integer
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Dec 20, 2013
I am having Test table with (id int , DataDescription xml) . I need to read the values from DataDescription column and insert into one table.
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Feb 15, 2006
can we insert multiple values into the same field. as we do for the mailing list. that is can we use commas to enter multiple values into the same field
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Apr 25, 2007
100.0 * SUM(CASE when ceoischairman = 'yes' then 1 else 0 end) / COUNT(DISTINCT CompID) AS [YesPercent],
100.0 * SUM(CASE when ceoischairman = 'no' then 1 else 0 end) / COUNT(DISTINCT CompID) AS [NoPercent]
GROUP BYIndustry
ORDER BYIndustry
This code above is working as I need it but I need to insert some additional functionality. Thanks
I need to add something like this:
IF YesPercent > NoPercent
UPDATE tableX SET CEOIsChairman='Yes' WHERE Industry='<the industry value being evaluated>'
Else If NoPercent > YesPercent
UPDATE tableX SET CEOIsChairman='No' WHERE Industry='<the industry value being evaluated>'
UPDATE tableX SET CEOIsChairman='Equal' WHERE Industry='<the industry value being evaluated>'
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Apr 14, 2006
I have developed an application where i am inserting all the records from the dataset into sql mobile 2005. Dataset contains a primary key which is an uniqueidentifier datatype. While inserting the data it is inserting properly into the database but it is changing the value of primary key which is in the dataset.
I am using the below syntax, please suggest me so that to avoid creating a different uniqueidentier key into the database.
conAdap = new SqlCeDataAdapter(strQuery, conSqlceConnection);
SqlCeCommandBuilder cmdBuilder = new SqlCeCommandBuilder(conAdap);
conAdap.AcceptChangesDuringFill = false;
conAdap.MissingMappingAction = MissingMappingAction.Passthrough;
conAdap.InsertCommand = cmdBuilder.GetInsertCommand();
conAdap.InsertCommand.Connection = conSqlceConnection;
int r =conAdap.Update(dsData.Tables[0]);
Thank you,
Prashant Mulay
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Nov 27, 2007
I want to be able to spot when the same employee name gets added to my grid. This is to ensure that I cannot not have the same firstname and lastname (i.e. cannot have 2 John Smiths).
It is kind of like spoting for duplicates but they are not PKs. I was hoping if there was a way you could identify the the feild values on the "inserting" event of the datasource so I could put some logic in. The reason for placing it there is because we have the e.cancel = true command.
Thanks in advance,
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May 5, 2004
Hi, I have a question regarding how to insert one column values into a table by selecting from different table..Here is the syntax..
insert into propertytable values (select lastvalue+incrementby from agilesequences where name='SEQPROPERTYTABLE', 13926, 0, 4, 1, 451, 1, 8, 1)
the first column in the propertytable will be... select lastvalue+incrementby from agilesequences where name='SEQPROPERTYTABLE'
How do I do that..Help PLZ..
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Aug 12, 2015
I am trying to insert a value in the table. Sometimes the value has this symbol at the end. I just want insert the entire value except this symbol. The values can be like this that I am insert in the table
Insert into Table1(col1)
Values (12345§ )
The values can be, below is just an example
I want to insert only these values from the above data
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Aug 2, 2006
Hello, I'm trying to accomplish 3 things with one stored procedure.I'm trying to search for a record in table X, use the outcome of thatsearch to insert another record in table Y and then exec another storedprocedure and use the outcome of that stored procedure to update therecord in table Y.I have this stored procedure (stA)CREATE PROCEDURE procstA (@SSNum varchar(9) = NULL)ASSET NOCOUNT ONSELECT OType, Status, SSN, FName, LNameFROM CustomersWHERE (OType = 'D') AND (Status = 'Completed') AND (SSN = @SSNum)GO.Then, I need to create a new record in another table (Y) using the SSN,FName and Lname fields from this stored procedure.After doing so, I need to run the second stored procedure (stB) Here itis:CREATE PROCEDURE procstB( @SSNum varchar(9) = NULL)ASSET NOCOUNT ON-- select the recordSELECT OrderID, OrderDate, SSNFROM OrdersGROUP BY OrderID, OrderDate, SSNHAVING (ProductType = 'VVSS') AND (MIN(SSN) = @SSNum)GO.After running this, I need to update the record I created a moment agoin table Y with the OrderDate and OrderID from the second storedprocedure.Do you guys think that it can be done within a single stored procedure?Like for example, at the end of store procedure A creating an insertstatement for the new record, and then placing something like execprocstB 'SSN value'? to run stored procedure B and then having aupdate statement to update that new record?Thanks for all your help.
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Aug 6, 2015
IF I have a table like the below one and i have to insert a number value which is inserted as varchar in an int column then what is expected behavior of this statements .
table stud
into stud
values ('1').
I thought it should fail but it succeeds...
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