Trouble With VS2005 And MS SQL Server 2005

Mar 25, 2007

I recently installed MS SQL Server 2005 Developer Ed. w/ SP2 on my XP... I use VS2005 to create personal websites. I was previously using SQL Server Express, and things worked fine by default settings. I am a beginner to web development and I really don't know anything about SQL Server. I'm guessing it needs to be configured somehow to work with VS, but I have no idea how to do that. I have an existing Web App which uses a database for login functionality, and everytime I try and log on I get this message:

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to
the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be
caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not
allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26
- Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)
I made sure that the Server's database engine accepts remote connections but that didn't help. Does anyone have any suggestions?


View 2 Replies


SQLDatasource Trouble In Vs2005

Nov 7, 2007

Hi Guys,Have a strange problem at the moment on a page I am working on. Basicly there are 2 SQLDataSource Objects and 2 GridViews(I will call them GV1 and GV2 and DS1 and DS2 (GV = GridView and DS=SQLDatasource if you didn't guess)). Right the problem.... DS2 and GV2 don't display anything yet the SQL being executed is more or less the same.SQL from DS1 is


View 1 Replies View Related

Connecting VS2005 To SQL Server 2005

Sep 5, 2006

When I try to attach an ".mdf" to a project by right clicking on the project name the software looks for an instance of SQL Server 2005 Express. How do I alter this behavior to have it look to my full copy of SQL Server 2005 which appears to be working correctly?

View 1 Replies View Related

Creating Sql Server 2005 Express Databases Via VS2005 Std.

Dec 5, 2007

This post is an extension onto the one below....
Please read my question at the bottom... cheers

Sept. 26th 2006

Hello all,

I use Visual Studio 2005 Standard. I would like to know the best way that I can create Sql Server 2005 Express databases visually since VS2005 Std. does not allow me to do it.
Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance,

- Noble Bell

I'd be interested in knowing how VS doesn't allow you to create a database. What error are you getting?
There are two ways to create databases, depending on your goal:

To just create a database on your server, do the following:

Open the Server Explorer
Right-click on Data Connections
Click Create New SQL Server Database
Specify Server Name and Database Name

Your database will be created and you can start working with it.

Embed a database in your project:

On the Project menu, click Add New Item.
Select SQL Database from the list and give it a name.
Click OK

This will run you thorugh a wizard to create the database.
If your having problems doing either of these, you may not have SQL Server installed on your computer or VS might be pointing to the wrong Instance Name. Check out the Option dialog under Database Tools:ata Connection and verify that the correct instance is specified.

- Mike Wachel - MSFT


I am trying to create a similar project and I also recieve an error while trying to create a database...

"An error has occured while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this
failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.
(provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could Not Open A Connection to SQL Server."

Now let me explain what i am trying to do ...
I am trying to create a web interface for the data that I want to store in the SQL database. I have installed VS2005 & SQL Server Express 2005 on my local machine. I want to develope this project on my local machine and then transfer it to a server once i have finished the project.

If i am doing this all wrong, please let me know !

View 2 Replies View Related

Creating Sql Server 2005 Express Databases Via VS2005 Std.

Sep 27, 2006

Hello all,

I use Visual Studio 2005 Standard. I would like to know the best way that I can create Sql Server 2005 Express databases visually since VS2005 Std. does not allow me to do it.

Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance,

View 1 Replies View Related

Does VS2005 Need To Remain Installed With Most Editions Of SQL Server 2005?

Aug 24, 2007

My understanding is that at installation of all but the Express edition, there is no choice but to have VS2005 installed as well. If this is true, can VS 2005 at least be uninstalled after a different debugger is enlisted?

View 7 Replies View Related

VS2005 Error: Connection To SQL Server Files (*.mdf) Requires SQL Server Express 2005 To Function Properly.

Mar 6, 2008

Good Evening All,

I've serached this forum and Google'd for a resolution to this issue, to no avail. Here's the scenario:
I'm running VS 2005 on Windows Media Center laptop and need to create membership for my web application built using VB. I have SQL Server Developer installed with instance name MSSQLSERVER. Previously, I uninstalled SQL Express and installed Developer edition and can now open and utilize Management Studio.

Now, when I try to create a new SQL Server database in my solution's App_Data directory, I receive the above error. I already changed instance name in VS2005 per Tools-Options-Database Tools-Data Connections to MSSQLSERVER.

Could someone provide me with a list of procedures to ensure proper setup of VS2005 with SQL Server Developer Edition?

Thanks much for your help.

View 5 Replies View Related

Trouble With SQL Server 2005

Feb 5, 2006

I downloaded a sample blog sample from Scot Mitchel and wanted to try it out. I attached the .mdf file to SQL Server 2005 but noticed that, when I create users they don't come into the database that I attached, though all the necessary aspnet_ tables are in there but in the dedicated table I didn't see any new user. My dedicated database (LocalSqlServer) is in another database. I have the connectionstring made up in the machine.config file in the LocalSqlServer name.So I thought that the web.config does override the settings in the machine.config I could easily place this in my web.config:<remove name="LocalSqlServer"/>    <add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="Data Source=TESTINGDBSERVER;Initial Catalog=ScotBlog;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>But that too doesn't do the trick. Does anyone have an anwser on what's going wrong here? And especially how I can solve this...

View 3 Replies View Related


Aug 11, 2007


I am trying to install SQL Server 2005. I just installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2005(.NET). I got an option in my Start -> Programs for Microsoft SQL Server 2005. But I don't see how to bring up the query analyzer. It just has options for Configuration Tools ->SQL Server Configuration Manager,SQL Server Error and Usage Reporting, SQL Server Surface Area Configuration.

Did I install it wrong by chance? Do I need to do something else now? Do I need to configure it? If yes, how do I do that? Could anyone lead me in the right direction please? Thanks!

I have no idea how to proceed since I've never installed this before.
Could anyone please help me install or do whatever needs to be done to it so I can bring up the query analyzer/user interface and be able to use SQL?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

View 3 Replies View Related

Having Trouble Installing SQl Server 2005

Mar 20, 2007

I am having trouble installing SQL Server 2005 on a new machine at a hosted company. I am only installing the minimum, SQL Databaes Services. It errors out at the end and says see log. I have installed SQl 2005 10 times with no problem at other locations. The service won't even start it says error 3 path unkown. If I look for the path it shows in the service it hasn't been created, the files and directories were not created at that directory location. I tried to install bot as a Domain Admin and Local Admin accounts.

Here THe summary Log., Core(local) and Core Log files below.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 9.00.1399.06
OS Version : Microsoft Windows Server 2003 family, Standard Edition Service Pack 1 (Build 3790)
Time : Tue Mar 20 02:48:40 2007

Machine : CATCSAP021211
Product : Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English)
Product Version : 9.00.1399.06
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0016_CATCSAP021211_SQLSupport_1.log
Machine : CATCSAP021211
Product : Microsoft SQL Server Native Client
Product Version : 9.00.1399.06
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0016_CATCSAP021211_SQLNCLI_1.log
Machine : CATCSAP021211
Product : Microsoft Office 2003 Web Components
Product Version : 11.0.6558.0
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0016_CATCSAP021211_OWC11_1.log
Machine : CATCSAP021211
Product : Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer
Product Version : 9.00.1399.06
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0016_CATCSAP021211_SqlWriter_1.log
Machine : CATCSAP021211
Product : Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward compatibility
Product Version : 8.05.1054
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0016_CATCSAP021211_BackwardsCompat_1.log

SQL Server Setup failed. For more information, review the Setup log file in %ProgramFiles%Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGSummary.txt.

Time : Tue Mar 20 02:50:13 2007

List of log files:
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0016_CATCSAP021211_Core(Local).log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0016_CATCSAP021211_SQLSupport_1.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0016_CATCSAP021211_SQLNCLI_1.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0016_CATCSAP021211_OWC11_1.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0016_CATCSAP021211_SqlWriter_1.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0016_CATCSAP021211_BackwardsCompat_1.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0016_CATCSAP021211_MSXML6_1.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0016_CATCSAP021211_Datastore.xml
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0016_CATCSAP021211_.NET Framework 2.0.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0016_CATCSAP021211_Core.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGSummary.txt
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0016_CATCSAP021211_.NET Framework 2.0 LangPack.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0016_CATCSAP021211_.NET Framework Upgrade Advisor.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0016_CATCSAP021211_.NET Framework Upgrade Advisor LangPack.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0016_CATCSAP021211_.NET Framework Windows Installer.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0016_CATCSAP021211_.NET Framework Windows Installer LangPack.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0016_CATCSAP021211_Support.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0016_CATCSAP021211_SCC.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0016_CATCSAP021211_WI.log


Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup beginning at Mon Mar 19 19:49:04 2007
Process ID : 1300
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsetup.exe Version: 2005.90.1399.0
Running: LoadResourcesAction at: 2007/2/19 19:49:4
Complete: LoadResourcesAction at: 2007/2/19 19:49:4, returned true
Running: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2007/2/19 19:49:4
Loaded DLL:C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapxmlrw.dll Version:2.0.3604.0
Complete: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2007/2/19 19:49:4, returned true
Running: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2007/2/19 19:49:4
Complete: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2007/2/19 19:49:4, returned true
Running: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2007/2/19 19:49:4
Complete: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2007/2/19 19:49:4, returned true
Running: PerformSCCAction at: 2007/2/19 19:49:4
Complete: PerformSCCAction at: 2007/2/19 19:49:4, returned true
Running: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2007/2/19 19:49:4
Complete: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2007/2/19 19:49:4, returned true
Running: DetectPatchedBootstrapAction at: 2007/2/19 19:49:4
Complete: DetectPatchedBootstrapAction at: 2007/2/19 19:49:4, returned true
Action "LaunchPatchedBootstrapAction" will be skipped due to the following restrictions:
Condition "EventCondition: __STP_LaunchPatchedBootstrap__1300" returned false.
Action "BeginBootstrapLogicStage" will be skipped due to the following restrictions:
Condition "Setup is running locally." returned true.
Running: PerformDotNetCheck2 at: 2007/2/19 19:49:4
Complete: PerformDotNetCheck2 at: 2007/2/19 19:49:4, returned true
Running: InvokeSqlSetupDllAction at: 2007/2/19 19:49:4
Loaded DLL:C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsqlspars.dll Version:2005.90.1399.0
<Func Name='DwLaunchMsiExec'>
Examining 'sqlspars' globals to initialize 'SetupStateScope'
Opening 'MachineConfigScope' for [CATCSAP021211]
Trying to find Product Code from command line or passed transform
If possible, determine install id and type
Trying to find Instance Name from command line.
No Instance Name provided on the command line
If possible, determine action
Machine = CATCSAP021211, Article = WMIServiceWin32OSWorking, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = CATCSAP021211, Article = WMIServiceWin32CompSystemWorking, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = CATCSAP021211, Article = WMIServiceWin32ProcessorWorking, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = CATCSAP021211, Article = WMIServiceReadRegWorking, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = CATCSAP021211, Article = WMIServiceWin32DirectoryWorking, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = CATCSAP021211, Article = WMIServiceCIMDataWorking, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = CATCSAP021211, Article = XMLDomDocument, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = CATCSAP021211, Article = Processor, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = CATCSAP021211, Article = PhysicalMemory, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = CATCSAP021211, Article = DiskFreeSpace, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = CATCSAP021211, Article = OSVersion, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = CATCSAP021211, Article = OSServicePack, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = CATCSAP021211, Article = OSType, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = CATCSAP021211, Article = iisDep, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = CATCSAP021211, Article = AdminShare, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = CATCSAP021211, Article = PendingReboot, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = CATCSAP021211, Article = PerfMon, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = CATCSAP021211, Article = IEVersion, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = CATCSAP021211, Article = DriveWriteAccess, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = CATCSAP021211, Article = COMPlus, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = CATCSAP021211, Article = ASPNETVersionRegistration, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = CATCSAP021211, Article = MDAC25Version, Result = 0 (0x0)
Setup Consistency Check Report for Machine: CATCSAP021211
Article: WMI Service Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: MSXML Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Operating System Minimum Level Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Operating System Service Pack Level Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: SQL Compatibility With Operating System, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Minimum Hardware Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: IIS Feature Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Pending Reboot Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Performance Monitor Counter Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Default Installation Path Permission Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Internet Explorer Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Check COM+ Catalogue, Result: CheckPassed
Article: ASP.Net Registration Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Minimum MDAC Version Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
<Func Name='PerformDetections'>
<EndFunc Name='PerformDetections' Return='0' GetLastError='0'>
<Func Name='DisplaySCCWizard'>
CSetupBootstrapWizard returned 1
<EndFunc Name='DisplaySCCWizard' Return='0' GetLastError='183'>
Loaded DLL:C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsqlsval.dll Version:2005.90.1399.0
<EndFunc Name='DwLaunchMsiExec' Return='0' GetLastError='0'>
Complete: InvokeSqlSetupDllAction at: 2007/2/19 19:51:1, returned true
Running: SetPackageInstallStateAction at: 2007/2/19 19:51:1
Complete: SetPackageInstallStateAction at: 2007/2/19 19:51:1, returned true
Running: DeterminePackageTransformsAction at: 2007/2/19 19:51:1
Complete: DeterminePackageTransformsAction at: 2007/2/19 19:51:3, returned true
Running: ValidateSetupPropertiesAction at: 2007/2/19 19:51:3
Complete: ValidateSetupPropertiesAction at: 2007/2/19 19:51:3, returned true
Running: OpenPipeAction at: 2007/2/19 19:51:3
Complete: OpenPipeAction at: 2007/2/19 19:51:3, returned false
Error: Action "OpenPipeAction" failed during execution.
Running: CreatePipeAction at: 2007/2/19 19:51:3
Complete: CreatePipeAction at: 2007/2/19 19:51:3, returned false
Error: Action "CreatePipeAction" failed during execution.
Action "RunRemoteSetupAction" will be skipped due to the following restrictions:
Condition "Action: CreatePipeAction has finished and passed." returned false.
Running: PopulateMutatorDbAction at: 2007/2/19 19:51:3
Complete: PopulateMutatorDbAction at: 2007/2/19 19:51:3, returned true
Running: GenerateRequestsAction at: 2007/2/19 19:51:3
SQL_Engine = 3
SQL_Data_Files = 3
SQL_Replication = 3
SQL_FullText = 3
SQL_SharedTools = 3
Analysis_Server = -1
AnalysisDataFiles = -1
AnalysisSharedTools = -1
RS_Server = -1
RS_Web_Interface = -1
RS_SharedTools = -1
Notification_Services = -1
NS_Engine = -1
NS_Client = -1
SQL_DTS = -1
Client_Components = 3
Connectivity = 3
SQL_Tools90 = 3
SQL_WarehouseDevWorkbench = 3
SDK = 3
Tools_Legacy = 3
SQL_Documentation = 3
SQL_BooksOnline = 3
SQL_DatabaseSamples = -1
SQL_AdventureWorksSamples = -1
SQL_AdventureWorksDWSamples = -1
SQL_AdventureWorksASSamples = -1
SQL_Samples = -1
Complete: GenerateRequestsAction at: 2007/2/19 19:51:4, returned true
Running: CreateProgressWindowAction at: 2007/2/19 19:51:4
Complete: CreateProgressWindowAction at: 2007/2/19 19:51:4, returned true
Running: ScheduleActionAction at: 2007/2/19 19:51:4
Complete: ScheduleActionAction at: 2007/2/19 19:51:4, returned true
Skipped: InstallASAction.11
Skipped: Action "InstallASAction.11" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sqlsupport", referred by package: "as", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallASAction.18
Skipped: Action "InstallASAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "as", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallASAction.22
Skipped: Action "InstallASAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "as", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallASAction.9
Skipped: Action "InstallASAction.9" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "msxml6", referred by package: "as", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallDTSAction
Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallDTSAction.11
Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.11" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sqlsupport", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallDTSAction.12
Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.12" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sqlncli", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallDTSAction.18
Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallDTSAction.22
Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallDTSAction.9
Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.9" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "msxml6", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallNSAction
Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallNSAction.11
Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.11" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sqlsupport", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallNSAction.12
Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.12" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sqlncli", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallNSAction.18
Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallNSAction.22
Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallNSAction.9
Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.9" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "msxml6", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallRSAction.11
Skipped: Action "InstallRSAction.11" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sqlsupport", referred by package: "rs", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallRSAction.18
Skipped: Action "InstallRSAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "rs", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallRSAction.22
Skipped: Action "InstallRSAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "rs", install will be skipped as a result.
Running: InstallSqlAction.11 at: 2007/2/19 19:51:4
Installing: sqlsupport on target: CATCSAP021211
Complete: InstallSqlAction.11 at: 2007/2/19 19:51:5, returned true
Running: InstallSqlAction.12 at: 2007/2/19 19:51:5
Installing: sqlncli on target: CATCSAP021211
Complete: InstallSqlAction.12 at: 2007/2/19 19:51:6, returned true
Running: InstallSqlAction.18 at: 2007/2/19 19:51:6
Installing: owc11 on target: CATCSAP021211
Complete: InstallSqlAction.18 at: 2007/2/19 19:51:13, returned true
Running: InstallSqlAction.21 at: 2007/2/19 19:51:13
Installing: sqlwriter on target: CATCSAP021211
Complete: InstallSqlAction.21 at: 2007/2/19 19:51:18, returned true
Running: InstallSqlAction.22 at: 2007/2/19 19:51:18
Installing: bcRedist on target: CATCSAP021211
Complete: InstallSqlAction.22 at: 2007/2/19 19:51:28, returned true
Running: InstallSqlAction.9 at: 2007/2/19 19:51:28
Installing: msxml6 on target: CATCSAP021211
Error: MsiOpenDatabase failed with 110
Failed to install package
The installation source for this product is not available. Verify that the source exists and that you can access it.
Error: MsiOpenDatabase failed with 110 for MSI {5A710547-B58E-488B-828D-CA9A25A0533C}
Setting package return code to: 1612
Complete: InstallSqlAction.9 at: 2007/2/19 19:51:28, returned false
Error: Action "InstallSqlAction.9" failed during execution. Error information reported during run:
Target collection includes the local machine.
Invoking installPackage() on local machine.
Running: InstallToolsAction.11 at: 2007/2/19 19:51:28
Installing: sqlsupport on target: CATCSAP021211
Complete: InstallToolsAction.11 at: 2007/2/19 19:51:33, returned true
Running: InstallToolsAction.12 at: 2007/2/19 19:51:33
Installing: sqlncli on target: CATCSAP021211
Complete: InstallToolsAction.12 at: 2007/2/19 19:51:34, returned true
Running: InstallToolsAction.13 at: 2007/2/19 19:51:34
Installing: PPESku on target: CATCSAP021211
Complete: InstallToolsAction.13 at: 2007/2/19 19:53:48, returned true
Running: InstallToolsAction.18 at: 2007/2/19 19:53:48
Installing: owc11 on target: CATCSAP021211
Complete: InstallToolsAction.18 at: 2007/2/19 19:53:51, returned true
Running: InstallToolsAction.20 at: 2007/2/19 19:53:51
Installing: BOL on target: CATCSAP021211
Complete: InstallToolsAction.20 at: 2007/2/19 19:55:37, returned true
Running: InstallToolsAction.22 at: 2007/2/19 19:55:37
Installing: bcRedist on target: CATCSAP021211
Complete: InstallToolsAction.22 at: 2007/2/19 19:55:40, returned true
Error: Action "InstallToolsAction.9" failed during execution. Error information reported during run:
Action: "InstallToolsAction.9" will be marked as failed due to the following condition:
Condition "Package "9" either passed when it was last installed, or it has not been executed yet" returned false. Condition context:
Prereq package will be failed due to the previous installation attempt returning: 1612
Installation of package: "msxml6" failed due to a precondition.
Action "InstallSqlAction" will return false due to the following preconditions:
Condition "Action: InstallSqlAction.9 has finished and failed." returned true.
Installation of package: "sql" failed due to a precondition.
Step "InstallSqlAction" was not able to run.
Skipped: InstallNSAction.10
Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.10" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sqlxml4", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result.
Running: InstallToolsAction.10 at: 2007/2/19 19:55:40
Installing: sqlxml4 on target: CATCSAP021211
Complete: InstallToolsAction.10 at: 2007/2/19 19:55:44, returned true
Skipped: RepairForBackwardsCompatRedistAction
Skipped: Action "RepairForBackwardsCompatRedistAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
Action: "RepairForBackwardsCompatRedistAction" will be skipped due to the following condition:
Condition "sql was successfully upgraded." returned false. Condition context:
sql failed to upgrade and so the uninstall of the upgraded product will not occur.
Error: Action "UninstallForMSDE2000Action" failed during execution. Error information reported during run:
Action: "UninstallForMSDE2000Action" will be marked as failed due to the following condition:
Condition "sql was successfully upgraded." returned false. Condition context:
sql failed to upgrade and so the uninstall of the upgraded product will not occur.
Installation of package: "patchMSDE2000" failed due to a precondition.
Error: Action "UninstallForSQLAction" failed during execution. Error information reported during run:
Action: "UninstallForSQLAction" will be marked as failed due to the following condition:
Condition "sql was successfully upgraded." returned false. Condition context:
sql failed to upgrade and so the uninstall of the upgraded product will not occur.
Installation of package: "patchLibertySql" failed due to a precondition.
Action "InstallToolsAction" will return false due to the following preconditions:
Condition "Action: InstallToolsAction.9 has finished and failed." returned true.
Installation of package: "tools" failed due to a precondition.
Step "InstallToolsAction" was not able to run.
Skipped: InstallASAction
Skipped: Action "InstallASAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "as", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallRSAction
Skipped: Action "InstallRSAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "rs", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: UninstallForRS2000Action
Skipped: Action "UninstallForRS2000Action" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
Action: "UninstallForRS2000Action" will be skipped due to the following condition:
Condition "Action: InstallRSAction was skipped." returned true.
Running: ReportChainingResults at: 2007/2/19 19:55:44
Error: Action "ReportChainingResults" threw an exception during execution.
One or more packages failed to install. Refer to logs for error details. : 1612
Error Code: 0x8007064c (1612)
Windows Error Text: The installation source for this product is not available. Verify that the source exists and that you can access it.

Source File Name: sqlchainingsqlchainingactions.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Thu Sep 1 22:23:05 2005
Function Name: sqls::ReportChainingResults::perform
Source Line Number: 3097

---- Context -----------------------------------------------
Error: Failed to add file :"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0012_CATCSAP021211_.NET Framework 2.0.log" to cab file : "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup" Error Code : 2
Error: Failed to add file :"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0012_CATCSAP021211_.NET Framework 2.0 LangPack.log" to cab file : "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup" Error Code : 2
Error: Failed to add file :"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0012_CATCSAP021211_.NET Framework Upgrade Advisor.log" to cab file : "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup" Error Code : 2
Error: Failed to add file :"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0012_CATCSAP021211_.NET Framework Upgrade Advisor LangPack.log" to cab file : "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup" Error Code : 2
Error: Failed to add file :"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0012_CATCSAP021211_.NET Framework Windows Installer.log" to cab file : "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup" Error Code : 2
Error: Failed to add file :"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0012_CATCSAP021211_.NET Framework Windows Installer LangPack.log" to cab file : "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup" Error Code : 2
Running: UploadDrWatsonLogAction at: 2007/2/19 19:56:20
Message pump returning: 1612


Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup beginning at Mon Mar 19 19:48:44 2007
Process ID : 1864
\Catcsdc021209SQLDISC1setup.exe Version: 2005.90.1399.0
Running: LoadResourcesAction at: 2007/2/19 19:48:44
Complete: LoadResourcesAction at: 2007/2/19 19:48:44, returned true
Running: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2007/2/19 19:48:44
Loaded DLL:\Catcsdc021209SQLDISC1xmlrw.dll Version:2.0.3604.0
Complete: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2007/2/19 19:48:44, returned true
Running: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2007/2/19 19:48:44
Complete: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2007/2/19 19:48:44, returned true
Running: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2007/2/19 19:48:44
Complete: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2007/2/19 19:48:44, returned true
Running: PerformSCCAction at: 2007/2/19 19:48:44
Complete: PerformSCCAction at: 2007/2/19 19:48:44, returned true
Running: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2007/2/19 19:48:44
Complete: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2007/2/19 19:48:44, returned true
Delay load of action "DetectPatchedBootstrapAction" returned nothing. No action will occur as a result.
Action "LaunchPatchedBootstrapAction" will be skipped due to the following restrictions:
Condition "EventCondition: __STP_LaunchPatchedBootstrap__1864" returned false.
Running: PerformSCCAction2 at: 2007/2/19 19:48:44
Loaded DLL:C:WINDOWSsystem32msi.dll Version:3.1.4000.2435
Loaded DLL:C:WINDOWSsystem32msi.dll Version:3.1.4000.2435
Complete: PerformSCCAction2 at: 2007/2/19 19:48:44, returned true
Running: PerformDotNetCheck at: 2007/2/19 19:48:44
Complete: PerformDotNetCheck at: 2007/2/19 19:48:44, returned true
Running: ComponentUpdateAction at: 2007/2/19 19:48:44
Complete: ComponentUpdateAction at: 2007/2/19 19:49:3, returned true
Running: DetectLocalBootstrapAction at: 2007/2/19 19:49:3
Complete: DetectLocalBootstrapAction at: 2007/2/19 19:49:3, returned true
Running: LaunchLocalBootstrapAction at: 2007/2/19 19:49:3
Error: Action "LaunchLocalBootstrapAction" threw an exception during execution. Error information reported during run:
"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsetup.exe" finished and returned: 1612
Aborting queue processing as nested installer has completed
Message pump returning: 1612

Thanks for any Help


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Trouble Re-installing SQL Server 2005

Nov 28, 2007

I was having trouble with SQL server 2005 and reporting services. Finally I had to un-install and then re-install, had trouble with uninstalling initially. I couldn't use Add/Remove to remove Microsoft SQL Server 2005 until I found this command: "%ProgramFiles%Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapARPWrapper.exe" /Remove from

So I was able to remove (from what I know) all traces of SQL 2005 and its configuration tools. However when I reinstall it, I only have the configuration tools installed. Going to Start>>Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - configuration tools is all i have. Going to Add Remove Programs I can see Microsoft SQL Server 2005 along with Microsoft SQL Server Native Client.

When I use windows exploerer the only folders I see in c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server are:
80, 90, InetPub, MSSQL.1, MSSQL.2, MSSQL.3

when I install SP2 everything but
Database Services MSSQLSERVER

install correctly.

After that nothing changes.

My questions are; do I really have SQL Sever installed so that I can create and edit queries, reports, etc. And if I do how do I access it? It seems like something is left over telling the installer that I already have SQL already installed but not the configurations tools. So it just installs them.

View 8 Replies View Related

Having Trouble Installing SQL Server 2005 SP1

Mar 20, 2007

I'm Having problem installing SQL server 2005 SP1 on Windows 2003 server R2 SP2.

The log file talk about SQL server express but I have SQL server 2005.

03/19/2007 13:49:07.203 ================================================================================
03/19/2007 13:49:07.203 Hotfix package launched
03/19/2007 13:49:32.984 Attempting to install instance: SQL Server Native Client
03/19/2007 13:49:33.000 Attempting to install target: OMNIWEBPACS
03/19/2007 13:49:33.000 Attempting to install file: sqlncli.msi
03/19/2007 13:49:33.015 Attempting to install file: \OMNIWEBPACSd$c06cd32e1991973c97744b9c4HotFixSqlncliFilessqlncli.msi
03/19/2007 13:49:33.015 Creating MSI install log file at: C:WINDOWSHotfixRedist9LogsRedist9_Hotfix_KB913090_sqlncli.msi.log
03/19/2007 13:49:33.015 Successfully opened registry key: SoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsInstaller
03/19/2007 13:49:33.015 Failed to read registry key: Debug
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062 MSP returned 0: The action completed successfully.
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062 Successfully opened registry key: SoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsInstaller
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062 Failed to read registry key: Debug
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062 Successfully installed file: \OMNIWEBPACSd$c06cd32e1991973c97744b9c4HotFixSqlncliFilessqlncli.msi
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062 Successfully installed target: OMNIWEBPACS
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062 Successfully installed instance: SQL Server Native Client
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062 Product Status Summary:
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062 Product: SQL Server Native Client
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062 SQL Server Native Client (RTM ) - Success
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062 Product: Setup Support Files
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062 Setup Support Files (RTM ) - Not Applied
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062 Product: Database Services
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062 Database Services (SP1 2047 ENU) - NA
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062 Details: Instances of SQL Server Express cannot be updated by using this Service Pack installer. To update instances of SQL Server Express, use the SQL Server Express Service Pack installer.
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062 Product: Database Services
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062 Database Services (RTM 1399 ENU) - Not Applied
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062 Product: Integration Services
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062 Integration Services (RTM 1399 ENU) - Not Applied
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062 Product: Client Components
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062 Client Components (RTM 1399 ENU) - Not Applied
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062 Product: MSXML 6.0 Parser
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062 MSXML 6.0 Parser (RTM ) - Not Applied
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062 Product: SQLXML4
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062 SQLXML4 (RTM ) - Not Applied
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062
03/19/2007 13:49:34.062 Product: Backward Compatibility
03/19/2007 13:49:34.078 Backward Compatibility (RTM ) - Not Applied
03/19/2007 13:49:34.078
03/19/2007 13:49:34.078 Product: Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer
03/19/2007 13:49:34.078 Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer (RTM ) - Not Applied
03/19/2007 13:49:34.078

any Idea?

View 1 Replies View Related

Trouble Connecting To SQL Server 2005

Feb 12, 2007

Hi, I have SBS 2003 installed and have currently been working with Sharepoint. I upgraded to SQL Server 2005 using the methods described in the documentation provided on the SBS CD, which can be found here:

I followed the document step by step and the installation completed without any problems, however after installation when trying to access a website I created in Sharepoint prior to upgrading I ran into this error: "Unable to connect to database." That error led me to the following Microsoft support article:

I followed all three methods in that article to ensure that the server is running and that it is configured properly, but it didn't change a thing.

Looking in eventvwr I noticed the following:

Failure Audit: Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE'.

Followed by:

Error: #50070: Unable to connect to database

It sounds as if Network Service doens't have the appropriate permissions to access the SQL server, but I defined those permissions in the SQL Server 2005 upgrade following what the upgrade manual provided on the CD told me.

I have been fooling around with this issue for a long time now, does anyone have any ideas?


~Robert Winterstein

View 1 Replies View Related

Having Trouble Installing SQL Server 2005 SP2

Mar 15, 2007

I tried the hotfix listed in the "Unable to install SQl Server 2005 SP2 - Unexpected error" thread and it did not work. Something I'm running into that I haven't seen here is I cannot install or uninstall anything at all. I am getting a message that says I'm still in the process of installing something, please finish that first. I assume it is the install of SQL SP2.
Here is the log file:
03/09/2007 14:03:45.750 ================================================================================
03/09/2007 14:03:45.750 Hotfix package launched
03/09/2007 14:03:45.812 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/09/2007 14:03:45.812 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:Program FilesCommon Files
03/09/2007 14:03:45.843 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/09/2007 14:03:45.875 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Program Files
03/09/2007 14:03:45.890 Local Computer:
03/09/2007 14:03:45.921 Target Details: BVTBIQA
03/09/2007 14:03:45.953 commonfilesdir = C:Program FilesCommon Files
03/09/2007 14:03:45.984 lcidsupportdir = c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f301376381033
03/09/2007 14:03:46.000 programfilesdir = C:Program Files
03/09/2007 14:03:46.031 programfilesdir_wow = C:Program Files
03/09/2007 14:03:46.046 supportdir = c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638
03/09/2007 14:03:46.078 supportdirlocal = c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638
03/09/2007 14:03:46.109 windir = C:WINDOWS
03/09/2007 14:03:46.125 winsysdir = C:WINDOWSsystem32
03/09/2007 14:03:46.156 winsysdir_wow = C:WINDOWSSysWOW64
03/09/2007 14:03:46.171
03/09/2007 14:03:46.218 Enumerating applicable products for this patch
03/09/2007 14:03:46.250 Found Redist 2005 product definition
03/09/2007 14:03:46.296 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/09/2007 14:03:46.328 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:Program FilesCommon Files
03/09/2007 14:03:46.359 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/09/2007 14:03:46.375 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Program Files
03/09/2007 14:03:46.640 Found Redist 2005 product definition
03/09/2007 14:03:46.671 Found Redist 2005 product definition
03/09/2007 14:03:46.703 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/09/2007 14:03:46.734 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:Program FilesCommon Files
03/09/2007 14:03:46.765 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/09/2007 14:03:46.781 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Program Files
03/09/2007 14:03:47.187 Found SQL 2005 product definition
03/09/2007 14:03:49.046 Enumeration: Determining QFE level for product instance MSSQLSERVER
03/09/2007 14:03:49.078 Enumeration: Associated hotfix build information not found for the following file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBinnSQLServr.exe
03/09/2007 14:03:49.093 Enumeration: Found following QFE level for product instance MSSQLSERVER: 2047
03/09/2007 14:03:49.109 Enumeration: Determining GDR branching Hotfix for product instance MSSQLSERVER
03/09/2007 14:03:49.140 Enumeration: Associated hotfix build information not found for the following file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBinnSQLServr.exe
03/09/2007 14:03:49.156 Enumeration: No GDR branch Hotfix found for product instance MSSQLSERVER
03/09/2007 14:03:49.187 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/09/2007 14:03:49.203 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:Program FilesCommon Files
03/09/2007 14:03:49.234 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/09/2007 14:03:49.265 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Program Files
03/09/2007 14:03:49.281 Product discovery completed during the install process for MSSQLSERVER
03/09/2007 14:03:49.312 SP Level check completed during the install process for MSSQLSERVER
03/09/2007 14:03:49.343 Product language check completed during the install process for MSSQLSERVER
03/09/2007 14:03:49.359 Product version check completed during the install process for MSSQLSERVER
03/09/2007 14:03:49.375 Command-line instance name check completed during the install process
03/09/2007 14:03:49.406 SKU check completed during the install process for MSSQLSERVER
03/09/2007 14:03:49.437 Baseline build check completed during the installation process for MSSQLSERVER
03/09/2007 14:03:49.453 Baseline build check completed during the install process
03/09/2007 14:03:49.484 Found OLAP Server 2005 product definition
03/09/2007 14:03:50.468 Command-line instance name check completed during the install process
03/09/2007 14:03:50.500 Baseline build check completed during the install process
03/09/2007 14:03:50.531 Found Notification Services 2005 product definition
03/09/2007 14:03:51.515 Baseline build check completed during the install process
03/09/2007 14:03:51.546 Found Report Server 2005 product definition
03/09/2007 14:03:52.546 Command-line instance name check completed during the install process
03/09/2007 14:03:52.578 Baseline build check completed during the install process
03/09/2007 14:03:52.609 Found DTS 2005 product definition
03/09/2007 14:03:53.734 Enumeration: Determining QFE level for product instance
03/09/2007 14:03:53.765 Enumeration: Associated hotfix build information not found for the following file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTS\Binnmsdtssrvr.exe
03/09/2007 14:03:53.828 Enumeration: Found following QFE level for product instance : 2047
03/09/2007 14:03:53.843 Enumeration: Determining GDR branching Hotfix for product instance
03/09/2007 14:03:53.875 Enumeration: Associated hotfix build information not found for the following file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTS\Binnmsdtssrvr.exe
03/09/2007 14:03:53.906 Enumeration: No GDR branch Hotfix found for product instance
03/09/2007 14:03:53.921 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/09/2007 14:03:53.953 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:Program FilesCommon Files
03/09/2007 14:03:53.984 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/09/2007 14:03:54.015 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Program Files
03/09/2007 14:03:54.031 Product discovery completed during the install process for Integration Services
03/09/2007 14:03:54.062 SP Level check completed during the install process for Integration Services
03/09/2007 14:03:54.078 Product language check completed during the install process for Integration Services
03/09/2007 14:03:54.109 Product version check completed during the install process for Integration Services
03/09/2007 14:03:54.140 Baseline build check completed during the installation process for Integration Services
03/09/2007 14:03:54.156 Baseline build check completed during the install process
03/09/2007 14:03:54.187 Found SQL 2005 Tools product definition
03/09/2007 14:03:55.187 Enumeration: Determining GDR branching Hotfix for product instance
03/09/2007 14:03:55.218 Enumeration: Associated hotfix build information not found for the following file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Tools\BinnVSShellCommon7IDESQLWB.EXE
03/09/2007 14:03:55.250 Enumeration: No GDR branch Hotfix found for product instance
03/09/2007 14:03:55.281 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/09/2007 14:03:55.296 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:Program FilesCommon Files
03/09/2007 14:03:55.328 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/09/2007 14:03:55.343 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Program Files
03/09/2007 14:03:55.375 Product discovery completed during the install process for SQL Tools
03/09/2007 14:03:55.406 SP Level check completed during the install process for SQL Tools
03/09/2007 14:03:55.421 Product language check completed during the install process for SQL Tools
03/09/2007 14:03:55.453 Product version check completed during the install process for SQL Tools
03/09/2007 14:03:55.468 SKU check completed during the install process for SQL Tools
03/09/2007 14:03:55.500 Baseline build check completed during the installation process for SQL Tools
03/09/2007 14:03:55.531 Baseline build check completed during the install process
03/09/2007 14:03:55.562 Found Redist 2005 product definition
03/09/2007 14:03:55.593 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/09/2007 14:03:55.625 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:Program FilesCommon Files
03/09/2007 14:03:55.640 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/09/2007 14:03:55.671 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Program Files
03/09/2007 14:03:55.859 Found Redist 2005 product definition
03/09/2007 14:03:55.890 Found Redist 2005 product definition
03/09/2007 14:03:55.921 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/09/2007 14:03:55.953 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:Program FilesCommon Files
03/09/2007 14:03:55.984 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/09/2007 14:03:56.000 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Program Files
03/09/2007 14:03:56.234 Found Redist 2005 product definition
03/09/2007 14:03:56.265 Found Redist 2005 product definition
03/09/2007 14:03:56.296 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/09/2007 14:03:56.312 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:Program FilesCommon Files
03/09/2007 14:03:56.343 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/09/2007 14:03:56.375 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Program Files
03/09/2007 14:03:56.640 Found Redist 2005 product definition
03/09/2007 14:03:56.671 Found Redist 2005 product definition
03/09/2007 14:03:56.703 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/09/2007 14:03:56.734 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:Program FilesCommon Files
03/09/2007 14:03:56.750 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/09/2007 14:03:56.781 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Program Files
03/09/2007 14:03:56.968 Found Redist 2005 product definition
03/09/2007 14:03:57.171 Product Enumeration Results:
03/09/2007 14:03:57.203 INF File Name: c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638HotFixSqlncli.inf
03/09/2007 14:03:57.234 baselinebuild = 1399
03/09/2007 14:03:57.250 build = 3042
03/09/2007 14:03:57.281 description = SQL Server Native Client
03/09/2007 14:03:57.296 details = Service Pack for Microsoft SQL Server Native Client.
03/09/2007 14:03:57.328 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/09/2007 14:03:57.343 kbarticle = KB921896
03/09/2007 14:03:57.375 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/09/2007 14:03:57.406 lcid = 1033
03/09/2007 14:03:57.421 legalproductname = Microsoft SQL Native Client
03/09/2007 14:03:57.453 machinetype = x86
03/09/2007 14:03:57.468 package = HotFixSqlncli
03/09/2007 14:03:57.500 packagetype = Hotfix
03/09/2007 14:03:57.515 productcode = {50A0893D-47D8-48E0-A7E8-44BCD7E4422E}
03/09/2007 14:03:57.546 productname = Redist9
03/09/2007 14:03:57.562 recommendinstall = 1
03/09/2007 14:03:57.593 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/09/2007 14:03:57.625 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/09/2007 14:03:57.640 splevel = 2
03/09/2007 14:03:57.671 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe
03/09/2007 14:03:57.703 supportdir = c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638
03/09/2007 14:03:57.718 upgradecode = {A6B19337-7392-4765-8675-5C25B758BA37}
03/09/2007 14:03:57.750 version = 9
03/09/2007 14:03:57.765
03/09/2007 14:03:57.796 File Group Details: MSI
03/09/2007 14:03:57.828 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache
03/09/2007 14:03:57.843 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/09/2007 14:03:57.875 File Details: sqlncli.msi
03/09/2007 14:03:57.890
03/09/2007 14:03:57.921 Instance Details: SQL Server Native Client
03/09/2007 14:03:57.953 fullversion = 9.00.2047.00
03/09/2007 14:03:57.984 lcid = 1033
03/09/2007 14:03:58.000 productcode = {50A0893D-47D8-48E0-A7E8-44BCD7E4422E}
03/09/2007 14:03:58.031 qfelevel = 2047
03/09/2007 14:03:58.062 sp = -1
03/09/2007 14:03:58.078
03/09/2007 14:03:58.109 Product Enumeration Results:
03/09/2007 14:03:58.125 INF File Name: c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638HotFixSqlncli_x64.inf
03/09/2007 14:03:58.156 baselinebuild = 1399
03/09/2007 14:03:58.171 build = 3042
03/09/2007 14:03:58.203 description = SQL Server Native Client
03/09/2007 14:03:58.234 details = Service Pack for Microsoft SQL Server Native Client.
03/09/2007 14:03:58.250 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/09/2007 14:03:58.281 kbarticle = KB921896
03/09/2007 14:03:58.296 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/09/2007 14:03:58.328 lcid = 1033
03/09/2007 14:03:58.359 legalproductname = Microsoft SQL Native Client (64-bit)
03/09/2007 14:03:58.375 machinetype = x64
03/09/2007 14:03:58.406 package = HotFixSqlncli_x64
03/09/2007 14:03:58.421 packagetype = Hotfix
03/09/2007 14:03:58.453 productname = Redist9
03/09/2007 14:03:58.484 recommendinstall = 1
03/09/2007 14:03:58.500 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/09/2007 14:03:58.531 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/09/2007 14:03:58.546 splevel = 2
03/09/2007 14:03:58.578 supportdir = c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638
03/09/2007 14:03:58.609 upgradecode = {6EC3319D-84BE-4C32-AA91-7D6057CF05A5}
03/09/2007 14:03:58.625 version = 9
03/09/2007 14:03:58.656
03/09/2007 14:03:58.671 File Group Details: MSI
03/09/2007 14:03:58.703 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache
03/09/2007 14:03:58.734 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/09/2007 14:03:58.750 File Details: sqlncli_x64.msi
03/09/2007 14:03:58.781
03/09/2007 14:03:58.796 Product Enumeration Results:
03/09/2007 14:03:58.828 INF File Name: c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638HotFixSqlSupport.inf
03/09/2007 14:03:58.859 alwaysinstall = 1
03/09/2007 14:03:58.875 baselinebuild = 1399
03/09/2007 14:03:58.906 build = 3042
03/09/2007 14:03:58.921 description = Setup Support Files
03/09/2007 14:03:58.953 details = Service Pack for the SQL Server support files.
03/09/2007 14:03:58.984 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/09/2007 14:03:59.000 kbarticle = KB921896
03/09/2007 14:03:59.031 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/09/2007 14:03:59.046 keyqualifier = 1
03/09/2007 14:03:59.078 lcid = 1033
03/09/2007 14:03:59.109 legalproductname = SQL Server 2005 Setup Support Files
03/09/2007 14:03:59.125 machinetype = x86
03/09/2007 14:03:59.156 package = HotFixSqlSupport
03/09/2007 14:03:59.187 packagetype = Hotfix
03/09/2007 14:03:59.203 productcode = {53F5C3EE-05ED-4830-994B-50B2F0D50FCE}
03/09/2007 14:03:59.234 productname = Redist9
03/09/2007 14:03:59.250 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/09/2007 14:03:59.281 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/09/2007 14:03:59.312 splevel = 2
03/09/2007 14:03:59.328 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe
03/09/2007 14:03:59.359 supportdir = c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638
03/09/2007 14:03:59.375 upgradecode = {3A91FA19-A197-467C-850F-0AFE90899371}
03/09/2007 14:03:59.406 version = 9
03/09/2007 14:03:59.437
03/09/2007 14:03:59.468 File Group Details: MSI
03/09/2007 14:03:59.484 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCacheSQLSupport<MachineType><LCID>
03/09/2007 14:03:59.515 parameters = REINSTALL=ALL
03/09/2007 14:03:59.562 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/09/2007 14:03:59.593 File Details: SqlSupport.msi
03/09/2007 14:03:59.609
03/09/2007 14:03:59.640 Instance Details: Setup Support Files
03/09/2007 14:03:59.671 fullversion = 9.1.2047
03/09/2007 14:03:59.718 lcid = 1033
03/09/2007 14:03:59.750 productcode = {53F5C3EE-05ED-4830-994B-50B2F0D50FCE}
03/09/2007 14:03:59.765 qfelevel = 2047
03/09/2007 14:03:59.796 sp = -1
03/09/2007 14:03:59.828
03/09/2007 14:03:59.859 Product Enumeration Results:
03/09/2007 14:03:59.890 INF File Name: c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638HotFixSQL.inf
03/09/2007 14:03:59.921 baselinebuild = 1399
03/09/2007 14:03:59.953 baselinebuildmax = 3042
03/09/2007 14:03:59.984 build = 3042
03/09/2007 14:04:00.125 description = Database Services
03/09/2007 14:04:00.187 details = Service Pack for the SQL Server database engine, and the tools for managing relational and XML data, Replication, and Full-Text Search.
03/09/2007 14:04:00.234 installer = Hotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:00.250 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:00.296 kbarticle = KB921896
03/09/2007 14:04:00.328 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/09/2007 14:04:00.359 lcid = 1033
03/09/2007 14:04:00.390 legalproductname = SQL Server Database Services 2005
03/09/2007 14:04:00.421 machinetype = x86
03/09/2007 14:04:00.453 package = HotFixSQL
03/09/2007 14:04:00.484 packagetype = Hotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:00.515 productname = SQL9
03/09/2007 14:04:00.546 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/09/2007 14:04:00.578 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/09/2007 14:04:00.640 splevel = 2
03/09/2007 14:04:00.671 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe
03/09/2007 14:04:00.703 sqlutility = sqlcmd.exe
03/09/2007 14:04:00.734 supportdir = c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638
03/09/2007 14:04:00.765 validateauthentication = true
03/09/2007 14:04:00.796 version = 9
03/09/2007 14:04:00.812
03/09/2007 14:04:00.843 File Group Details: MSP
03/09/2007 14:04:00.875 parameters = SQLBUILD=3042 KBNUMBER=KB921896 REBOOT=ReallySuppress
03/09/2007 14:04:00.906 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/09/2007 14:04:00.937 File Details: sqlrun_sql.msp
03/09/2007 14:04:00.968
03/09/2007 14:04:01.000 Instance Details: MSSQLSERVER
03/09/2007 14:04:01.031 agentservicename = SQLSERVERAGENT
03/09/2007 14:04:01.062 associatedhotfixbuild = 0
03/09/2007 14:04:01.093 clustername =
03/09/2007 14:04:01.125 default = TRUE
03/09/2007 14:04:01.156 ftsservicename = MSFTESQL
03/09/2007 14:04:01.187 fullversion = 2005.090.2047.00
03/09/2007 14:04:01.218 hiveregpath = SoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1
03/09/2007 14:04:01.250 id = MSSQL.1
03/09/2007 14:04:01.281 installsqldatadir = C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL
03/09/2007 14:04:01.312 installsqldir = C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQL
03/09/2007 14:04:01.343 lcid = 1033
03/09/2007 14:04:01.375 name = MSSQLSERVER
03/09/2007 14:04:01.406 productcode = {130A3BE1-85CC-4135-8EA7-5A724EE6CE2C}
03/09/2007 14:04:01.437 qfelevel = 2047
03/09/2007 14:04:01.468 servicename = MSSQLServer
03/09/2007 14:04:01.500 sku = STANDARD
03/09/2007 14:04:01.531 sp = 1
03/09/2007 14:04:01.562 type = SQL Server Standalone Product
03/09/2007 14:04:01.593 vermajbld = 2047
03/09/2007 14:04:01.625 version = 9
03/09/2007 14:04:01.656
03/09/2007 14:04:01.687 Product Enumeration Results:
03/09/2007 14:04:01.718 INF File Name: c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638HotFixAS.inf
03/09/2007 14:04:01.750 baselinebuild = 1399
03/09/2007 14:04:01.781 baselinebuildmax = 3042
03/09/2007 14:04:01.812 build = 3042
03/09/2007 14:04:01.843 description = Analysis Services
03/09/2007 14:04:01.875 details = Service Pack for Analysis Services, and the tools used to support online analytical processing (OLAP) and data mining.
03/09/2007 14:04:01.906 installer = Hotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:01.921 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:01.953 kbarticle = KB921896
03/09/2007 14:04:02.000 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/09/2007 14:04:02.015 lcid = 1033
03/09/2007 14:04:02.046 legalproductname = SQL Server Analysis Services 2005
03/09/2007 14:04:02.078 machinetype = x86
03/09/2007 14:04:02.109 package = HotFixAS
03/09/2007 14:04:02.140 packagetype = Hotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:02.171 productname = OLAP9
03/09/2007 14:04:02.203 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/09/2007 14:04:02.234 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/09/2007 14:04:02.265 splevel = 2
03/09/2007 14:04:02.312 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe
03/09/2007 14:04:02.328 supportdir = c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638
03/09/2007 14:04:02.359 version = 9
03/09/2007 14:04:02.390
03/09/2007 14:04:02.421 File Group Details: MSP
03/09/2007 14:04:02.453 parameters = SQLBUILD=3042 KBNUMBER=KB921896 REBOOT=ReallySuppress
03/09/2007 14:04:02.484 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/09/2007 14:04:02.515 File Details: sqlrun_as.msp
03/09/2007 14:04:02.546
03/09/2007 14:04:02.578 Product Enumeration Results:
03/09/2007 14:04:02.609 INF File Name: c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638HotFixNS.inf
03/09/2007 14:04:02.640 baselinebuild = 1399
03/09/2007 14:04:02.671 baselinebuildmax = 3042
03/09/2007 14:04:02.687 build = 3042
03/09/2007 14:04:02.718 description = Notification Services
03/09/2007 14:04:02.750 details = Service Pack for Notification Services, a platform for developing and deploying applications that send personalized, timely notifications to a variety of devices or applications.
03/09/2007 14:04:02.781 installer = Hotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:02.812 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:02.843 kbarticle = KB921896
03/09/2007 14:04:02.875 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/09/2007 14:04:02.906 lcid = 1033
03/09/2007 14:04:02.953 legalproductname = SQL Server Notification Services 2005 instances
03/09/2007 14:04:02.984 machinetype = x86
03/09/2007 14:04:03.015 package = HotFixNS
03/09/2007 14:04:03.046 packagetype = Hotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:03.062 productname = NS9
03/09/2007 14:04:03.093 recommendinstall = 1
03/09/2007 14:04:03.109 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/09/2007 14:04:03.140 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/09/2007 14:04:03.171 splevel = 2
03/09/2007 14:04:03.187 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe
03/09/2007 14:04:03.218 supportdir = c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638
03/09/2007 14:04:03.234 version = 9
03/09/2007 14:04:03.265
03/09/2007 14:04:03.296 File Group Details: MSP
03/09/2007 14:04:03.312 parameters = SQLBUILD=3042 KBNUMBER=KB921896 REBOOT=ReallySuppress
03/09/2007 14:04:03.343 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/09/2007 14:04:03.359 File Details: sqlrun_ns.msp
03/09/2007 14:04:03.390
03/09/2007 14:04:03.421 Product Enumeration Results:
03/09/2007 14:04:03.437 INF File Name: c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638HotFixRS.inf
03/09/2007 14:04:03.468 baselinebuild = 1399
03/09/2007 14:04:03.484 baselinebuildmax = 3042
03/09/2007 14:04:03.515 build = 3042
03/09/2007 14:04:03.531 description = Reporting Services
03/09/2007 14:04:03.562 details = Service Pack for the Report Server and Report Builder, which manages, executes, renders, and distributes reports.
03/09/2007 14:04:03.593 installer = Hotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:03.625 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:03.687 kbarticle = KB921896
03/09/2007 14:04:03.734 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/09/2007 14:04:03.765 lcid = 1033
03/09/2007 14:04:03.796 legalproductname = SQL Server Reporting Services 2005
03/09/2007 14:04:03.843 machinetype = x86
03/09/2007 14:04:03.875 package = HotFixRS
03/09/2007 14:04:03.890 packagetype = Hotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:03.921 productname = RS9
03/09/2007 14:04:03.953 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/09/2007 14:04:03.968 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/09/2007 14:04:04.015 splevel = 2
03/09/2007 14:04:04.046 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe
03/09/2007 14:04:04.078 sqlutility = sqlcmd.exe
03/09/2007 14:04:04.093 supportdir = c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638
03/09/2007 14:04:04.125 validateauthentication = 1
03/09/2007 14:04:04.140 version = 9
03/09/2007 14:04:04.171
03/09/2007 14:04:04.203 File Group Details: MSP
03/09/2007 14:04:04.234 parameters = SQLBUILD=3042 KBNUMBER=KB921896 REBOOT=ReallySuppress
03/09/2007 14:04:04.250 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/09/2007 14:04:04.281 File Details: sqlrun_rs.msp
03/09/2007 14:04:04.296
03/09/2007 14:04:04.328 Product Enumeration Results:
03/09/2007 14:04:04.359 INF File Name: c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638HotFixDTS.inf
03/09/2007 14:04:04.375 baselinebuild = 1399
03/09/2007 14:04:04.406 baselinebuildmax = 3042
03/09/2007 14:04:04.421 build = 3042
03/09/2007 14:04:04.453 description = Integration Services
03/09/2007 14:04:04.484 details = Service Pack for Integration Services, a set of tools and programmable objects used to create and manage packages that extract, transform, and load data, as well as perform tasks.
03/09/2007 14:04:04.500 installer = Hotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:04.531 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:04.562 kbarticle = KB921896
03/09/2007 14:04:04.578 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/09/2007 14:04:04.609 lcid = 1033
03/09/2007 14:04:04.625 legalproductname = SQL Server Integration Services 2005
03/09/2007 14:04:04.656 machinetype = x86
03/09/2007 14:04:04.687 package = HotFixDTS
03/09/2007 14:04:04.703 packagetype = Hotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:04.734 productname = DTS9
03/09/2007 14:04:04.765 recommendinstall = 1
03/09/2007 14:04:04.796 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/09/2007 14:04:04.812 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/09/2007 14:04:04.843 splevel = 2
03/09/2007 14:04:04.875 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe
03/09/2007 14:04:04.906 supportdir = c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638
03/09/2007 14:04:04.921 version = 9
03/09/2007 14:04:04.953
03/09/2007 14:04:04.984 File Group Details: MSP
03/09/2007 14:04:05.000 parameters = SQLBUILD=3042 KBNUMBER=KB921896 REBOOT=ReallySuppress
03/09/2007 14:04:05.031 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/09/2007 14:04:05.046 File Details: sqlrun_dts.msp
03/09/2007 14:04:05.078
03/09/2007 14:04:05.109 Instance Details: Integration Services
03/09/2007 14:04:05.125 associatedhotfixbuild = 0
03/09/2007 14:04:05.156 clustername =
03/09/2007 14:04:05.171 dtsservicename = MsDtsServer
03/09/2007 14:04:05.203 fullversion = 9.00.2047.00
03/09/2007 14:04:05.234 hiveregpath = SoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL Server90DTS
03/09/2007 14:04:05.265 id =
03/09/2007 14:04:05.281 installsqldatadir =
03/09/2007 14:04:05.312 installsqldir = C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTS
03/09/2007 14:04:05.328 lcid = 1033
03/09/2007 14:04:05.375 name =
03/09/2007 14:04:05.390 productcode = {EE8CFFD9-6E29-4DC3-A967-7348D5F41F44}
03/09/2007 14:04:05.421 qfelevel = 2047
03/09/2007 14:04:05.453 servicename = MsDtsServer
03/09/2007 14:04:05.484 sku = STANDARD
03/09/2007 14:04:05.515 sp = 1
03/09/2007 14:04:05.546 type = Tools Only
03/09/2007 14:04:05.578 vermajbld = 2047
03/09/2007 14:04:05.593 version = 9
03/09/2007 14:04:05.625
03/09/2007 14:04:05.656 Product Enumeration Results:
03/09/2007 14:04:05.671 INF File Name: c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638HotFixTools.inf
03/09/2007 14:04:05.703 baselinebuild = 1399
03/09/2007 14:04:05.718 baselinebuildmax = 3042
03/09/2007 14:04:05.750 build = 3042
03/09/2007 14:04:05.781 description = Client Components
03/09/2007 14:04:05.796 details = Service Pack for the interactive management tools for running SQL Server, including SQL Server Configuration Manager, SQL Server Management Studio, SQL Profiler, and Replication Monitor.
03/09/2007 14:04:05.828 installer = Hotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:05.859 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:05.875 kbarticle = KB921896
03/09/2007 14:04:05.906 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/09/2007 14:04:05.921 lcid = 1033
03/09/2007 14:04:05.953 legalproductname = SQL Server Tools and Workstation Components 2005
03/09/2007 14:04:05.984 machinetype = x86
03/09/2007 14:04:06.000 package = HotFixTools
03/09/2007 14:04:06.031 packagetype = Hotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:06.046 productname = SQLTools9
03/09/2007 14:04:06.078 recommendinstall = 1
03/09/2007 14:04:06.109 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/09/2007 14:04:06.125 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/09/2007 14:04:06.171 splevel = 2
03/09/2007 14:04:06.203 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe
03/09/2007 14:04:06.234 supportdir = c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638
03/09/2007 14:04:06.250 version = 9
03/09/2007 14:04:06.281
03/09/2007 14:04:06.296 File Group Details: MSP
03/09/2007 14:04:06.328 parameters = SQLBUILD=3042 KBNUMBER=KB921896 REBOOT=ReallySuppress
03/09/2007 14:04:06.359 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/09/2007 14:04:06.375 File Details: sqlrun_tools.msp
03/09/2007 14:04:06.406
03/09/2007 14:04:06.421 Instance Details: SQL Tools
03/09/2007 14:04:06.453 associatedhotfixbuild = 0
03/09/2007 14:04:06.468 clustername =
03/09/2007 14:04:06.500 fullversion = 9.1.2047
03/09/2007 14:04:06.531 hiveregpath = SoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL Server90Tools
03/09/2007 14:04:06.546 id =
03/09/2007 14:04:06.578 installsqldatadir =
03/09/2007 14:04:06.593 installsqldir = C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Tools
03/09/2007 14:04:06.625 lcid = 1033
03/09/2007 14:04:06.656 name =
03/09/2007 14:04:06.671 productcode = {1DD463C0-A50A-4394-B7E4-5895C02F9E0D}
03/09/2007 14:04:06.703 qfelevel = 2047
03/09/2007 14:04:06.718 sku = STANDARD
03/09/2007 14:04:06.750 sp = 1
03/09/2007 14:04:06.781 type = Tools Only
03/09/2007 14:04:06.796 vermajbld = 2047
03/09/2007 14:04:06.828 version = 9
03/09/2007 14:04:06.843
03/09/2007 14:04:06.875 Product Enumeration Results:
03/09/2007 14:04:06.906 INF File Name: c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638HotFixMsxml6.inf
03/09/2007 14:04:06.937 baselinebuild = 1399
03/09/2007 14:04:06.968 build = 6.10.1129.0
03/09/2007 14:04:07.000 description = MSXML 6.0 Parser
03/09/2007 14:04:07.031 details = Service Pack for Microsoft XML 6.0 Parser.
03/09/2007 14:04:07.062 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:07.093 kbarticle = KB921896
03/09/2007 14:04:07.125 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/09/2007 14:04:07.156 lcid = 1033
03/09/2007 14:04:07.187 legalproductname = MSXML 6.0 Parser
03/09/2007 14:04:07.218 machinetype = x86
03/09/2007 14:04:07.250 package = HotFixMsxml6
03/09/2007 14:04:07.281 packagetype = Hotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:07.312 productcode = {5A710547-B58E-488B-828D-CA9A25A0533C}
03/09/2007 14:04:07.343 productname = Redist9
03/09/2007 14:04:07.375 recommendinstall = 1
03/09/2007 14:04:07.406 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/09/2007 14:04:07.437 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/09/2007 14:04:07.468 splevel = 2
03/09/2007 14:04:07.500 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe
03/09/2007 14:04:07.531 supportdir = c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638
03/09/2007 14:04:07.562 upgradecode = {1B117BA7-5BC1-419E-820E-7D4F3F412C7B}
03/09/2007 14:04:07.593 version = 9
03/09/2007 14:04:07.625
03/09/2007 14:04:07.656 File Group Details: MSI
03/09/2007 14:04:07.687 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache
03/09/2007 14:04:07.718 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/09/2007 14:04:07.750 File Details: msxml6.msi
03/09/2007 14:04:07.781
03/09/2007 14:04:07.812 Instance Details: MSXML 6.0 Parser
03/09/2007 14:04:07.843 fullversion = 6.00.3890.0
03/09/2007 14:04:07.875 lcid = 1033
03/09/2007 14:04:07.906 productcode = {5A710547-B58E-488B-828D-CA9A25A0533C}
03/09/2007 14:04:07.937 qfelevel = 3890
03/09/2007 14:04:07.968 sp = -1
03/09/2007 14:04:08.000
03/09/2007 14:04:08.031 Product Enumeration Results:
03/09/2007 14:04:08.046 INF File Name: c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638HotFixMsxml6_x64.inf
03/09/2007 14:04:08.093 baselinebuild = 1399
03/09/2007 14:04:08.125 build = 6.10.1129.0
03/09/2007 14:04:08.140 description = MSXML 6.0 Parser
03/09/2007 14:04:08.171 details = Service Pack for Microsoft XML 6.0 Parser.
03/09/2007 14:04:08.203 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:08.250 kbarticle = KB921896
03/09/2007 14:04:08.281 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/09/2007 14:04:08.312 lcid = 1033
03/09/2007 14:04:08.328 legalproductname = MSXML 6.0 Parser (64-bit)
03/09/2007 14:04:08.359 machinetype = x64
03/09/2007 14:04:08.390 package = HotFixMsxml6_x64
03/09/2007 14:04:08.421 packagetype = Hotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:08.468 productname = Redist9
03/09/2007 14:04:08.484 recommendinstall = 1
03/09/2007 14:04:08.515 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/09/2007 14:04:08.546 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/09/2007 14:04:08.578 splevel = 2
03/09/2007 14:04:08.609 supportdir = c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638
03/09/2007 14:04:08.640 upgradecode = {5BBED1F8-E6F3-4A02-BC97-26D35BE200CA}
03/09/2007 14:04:08.671 version = 9
03/09/2007 14:04:08.703
03/09/2007 14:04:08.734 File Group Details: MSI
03/09/2007 14:04:08.765 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache
03/09/2007 14:04:08.796 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/09/2007 14:04:08.828 File Details: msxml6_x64.msi
03/09/2007 14:04:08.859
03/09/2007 14:04:08.890 Product Enumeration Results:
03/09/2007 14:04:08.921 INF File Name: c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638HotFixSqlxml4.inf
03/09/2007 14:04:08.953 baselinebuild = 1399
03/09/2007 14:04:08.984 build = 3042
03/09/2007 14:04:09.015 description = SQLXML4
03/09/2007 14:04:09.046 details = Service Pack for Microsoft SQLXML 4.0.
03/09/2007 14:04:09.078 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:09.109 kbarticle = KB921896
03/09/2007 14:04:09.140 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/09/2007 14:04:09.171 lcid = 1033
03/09/2007 14:04:09.203 legalproductname = SQLXML4
03/09/2007 14:04:09.234 machinetype = x86
03/09/2007 14:04:09.265 package = HotFixSqlxml4
03/09/2007 14:04:09.296 packagetype = Hotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:09.328 productcode = {A188FCCF-E929-494D-B1F1-4313E02ACD52}
03/09/2007 14:04:09.359 productname = Redist9
03/09/2007 14:04:09.375 recommendinstall = 1
03/09/2007 14:04:09.406 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/09/2007 14:04:09.453 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/09/2007 14:04:09.484 splevel = 2
03/09/2007 14:04:09.515 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe
03/09/2007 14:04:09.531 supportdir = c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638
03/09/2007 14:04:09.562 upgradecode = {D9CA3D82-6F1B-41A7-8141-B90ACA8F865B}
03/09/2007 14:04:09.609 version = 9
03/09/2007 14:04:09.640
03/09/2007 14:04:09.656 File Group Details: MSI
03/09/2007 14:04:09.687 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache
03/09/2007 14:04:09.718 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/09/2007 14:04:09.750 File Details: sqlxml4.msi
03/09/2007 14:04:09.796
03/09/2007 14:04:09.812 Instance Details: SQLXML4
03/09/2007 14:04:09.843 fullversion = 9.00.2047.00
03/09/2007 14:04:09.875 lcid = 1033
03/09/2007 14:04:09.906 productcode = {A188FCCF-E929-494D-B1F1-4313E02ACD52}
03/09/2007 14:04:09.937 qfelevel = 2047
03/09/2007 14:04:09.968 sp = -1
03/09/2007 14:04:10.000
03/09/2007 14:04:10.031 Product Enumeration Results:
03/09/2007 14:04:10.062 INF File Name: c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638HotFixSqlxml4_x64.inf
03/09/2007 14:04:10.093 baselinebuild = 1399
03/09/2007 14:04:10.125 build = 3042
03/09/2007 14:04:10.156 description = SQLXML4
03/09/2007 14:04:10.187 details = Service Pack for Microsoft SQLXML 4.0.
03/09/2007 14:04:10.218 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:10.250 kbarticle = KB921896
03/09/2007 14:04:10.281 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/09/2007 14:04:10.312 lcid = 1033
03/09/2007 14:04:10.343 legalproductname = SQLXML4 (64-bit)
03/09/2007 14:04:10.375 machinetype = x64
03/09/2007 14:04:10.406 package = HotFixSqlxml4_x64
03/09/2007 14:04:10.437 packagetype = Hotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:10.468 productname = Redist9
03/09/2007 14:04:10.500 recommendinstall = 1
03/09/2007 14:04:10.531 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/09/2007 14:04:10.562 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/09/2007 14:04:10.593 splevel = 2
03/09/2007 14:04:10.625 supportdir = c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638
03/09/2007 14:04:10.656 upgradecode = {F457D8E6-7686-437D-9B17-E21D45CCABD8}
03/09/2007 14:04:10.687 version = 9
03/09/2007 14:04:10.718
03/09/2007 14:04:10.750 File Group Details: MSI
03/09/2007 14:04:10.781 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache
03/09/2007 14:04:10.812 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/09/2007 14:04:10.843 File Details: sqlxml4_x64.msi
03/09/2007 14:04:10.875
03/09/2007 14:04:10.906 Product Enumeration Results:
03/09/2007 14:04:10.937 INF File Name: c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638HotFixSQLServer2005_BC.inf
03/09/2007 14:04:10.968 baselinebuild = 1399
03/09/2007 14:04:11.000 build = 2004
03/09/2007 14:04:11.031 description = Backward Compatibility
03/09/2007 14:04:11.062 details = Service Pack for the Backward Compatibility components, including Data Transformation Services Runtime and SQL-DMO.
03/09/2007 14:04:11.093 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:11.125 kbarticle = KB921896
03/09/2007 14:04:11.156 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/09/2007 14:04:11.187 lcid = 1033
03/09/2007 14:04:11.218 legalproductname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility
03/09/2007 14:04:11.250 machinetype = x86
03/09/2007 14:04:11.281 package = HotFixSQLServer2005_BC
03/09/2007 14:04:11.312 packagetype = Hotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:11.343 productcode = {2243F21A-E132-44F7-BA13-024D0845C815}
03/09/2007 14:04:11.375 productname = Redist9
03/09/2007 14:04:11.406 recommendinstall = 1
03/09/2007 14:04:11.437 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/09/2007 14:04:11.468 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/09/2007 14:04:11.500 splevel = 2
03/09/2007 14:04:11.531 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe
03/09/2007 14:04:11.562 supportdir = c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638
03/09/2007 14:04:11.593 upgradecode = {1E70C6C9-E1B7-4A74-BC8C-8EB5D010CEC9}
03/09/2007 14:04:11.625 version = 9
03/09/2007 14:04:11.656
03/09/2007 14:04:11.687 File Group Details: MSI
03/09/2007 14:04:11.718 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache
03/09/2007 14:04:11.750 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/09/2007 14:04:11.781 File Details: SQLServer2005_BC.msi
03/09/2007 14:04:11.812
03/09/2007 14:04:11.843 Instance Details: Backward Compatibility
03/09/2007 14:04:11.875 fullversion = 8.05.1704
03/09/2007 14:04:11.906 lcid = 1033
03/09/2007 14:04:11.937 productcode = {2243F21A-E132-44F7-BA13-024D0845C815}
03/09/2007 14:04:11.968 qfelevel = 1704
03/09/2007 14:04:12.000 sp = -1
03/09/2007 14:04:12.031
03/09/2007 14:04:12.062 Product Enumeration Results:
03/09/2007 14:04:12.093 INF File Name: c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638HotFixSQLServer2005_BC_x64.inf
03/09/2007 14:04:12.125 baselinebuild = 1399
03/09/2007 14:04:12.156 build = 2004
03/09/2007 14:04:12.187 description = Backward Compatibility
03/09/2007 14:04:12.218 details = Service Pack for the Backward Compatibility components, including Data Transformation Services Runtime and SQL-DMO.
03/09/2007 14:04:12.250 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:12.281 kbarticle = KB921896
03/09/2007 14:04:12.296 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/09/2007 14:04:12.343 lcid = 1033
03/09/2007 14:04:12.375 legalproductname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility (64-bit)
03/09/2007 14:04:12.406 machinetype = x64
03/09/2007 14:04:12.437 package = HotFixSQLServer2005_BC_x64
03/09/2007 14:04:12.453 packagetype = Hotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:12.484 productname = Redist9
03/09/2007 14:04:12.515 recommendinstall = 1
03/09/2007 14:04:12.546 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/09/2007 14:04:12.578 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/09/2007 14:04:12.609 splevel = 2
03/09/2007 14:04:12.640 supportdir = c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638
03/09/2007 14:04:12.671 upgradecode = {7B6BF434-3C72-4DB3-8049-FEF31AEAFF9A}
03/09/2007 14:04:12.703 version = 9
03/09/2007 14:04:12.734
03/09/2007 14:04:12.765 File Group Details: MSI
03/09/2007 14:04:12.796 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache
03/09/2007 14:04:12.828 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/09/2007 14:04:12.859 File Details: SQLServer2005_BC_x64.msi
03/09/2007 14:04:12.890
03/09/2007 14:04:12.921 Product Enumeration Results:
03/09/2007 14:04:12.968 INF File Name: c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638HotFixSqlWriter.inf
03/09/2007 14:04:12.984 baselinebuild = 1399
03/09/2007 14:04:13.015 build = 3042
03/09/2007 14:04:13.046 description = Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer
03/09/2007 14:04:13.078 details = Service Pack for Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer.
03/09/2007 14:04:13.109 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:13.140 kbarticle = KB921896
03/09/2007 14:04:13.171 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/09/2007 14:04:13.203 lcid = 1033
03/09/2007 14:04:13.234 legalproductname = Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer
03/09/2007 14:04:13.265 machinetype = x86
03/09/2007 14:04:13.296 package = HotFixSqlWriter
03/09/2007 14:04:13.328 packagetype = Hotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:13.359 productcode = {C0D2F614-5CE5-4DCB-8678-E5C9AF7044F8}
03/09/2007 14:04:13.390 productname = Redist9
03/09/2007 14:04:13.421 recommendinstall = 1
03/09/2007 14:04:13.453 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/09/2007 14:04:13.484 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/09/2007 14:04:13.515 splevel = 2
03/09/2007 14:04:13.546 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe
03/09/2007 14:04:13.578 supportdir = c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638
03/09/2007 14:04:13.609 upgradecode = {65D8E1DF-6201-4B53-A0F9-E654F8E80F97}
03/09/2007 14:04:13.640 version = 9
03/09/2007 14:04:13.671
03/09/2007 14:04:13.703 File Group Details: MSI
03/09/2007 14:04:13.734 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache
03/09/2007 14:04:13.765 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/09/2007 14:04:13.796 File Details: SqlWriter.msi
03/09/2007 14:04:13.828
03/09/2007 14:04:13.859 Instance Details: Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer
03/09/2007 14:04:13.890 fullversion = 9.00.2047.00
03/09/2007 14:04:13.921 lcid = 1033
03/09/2007 14:04:13.953 productcode = {C0D2F614-5CE5-4DCB-8678-E5C9AF7044F8}
03/09/2007 14:04:13.984 qfelevel = 2047
03/09/2007 14:04:14.015 sp = -1
03/09/2007 14:04:14.046
03/09/2007 14:04:14.078 Product Enumeration Results:
03/09/2007 14:04:14.109 INF File Name: c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638HotFixSqlWriter_x64.inf
03/09/2007 14:04:14.140 baselinebuild = 1399
03/09/2007 14:04:14.156 build = 3042
03/09/2007 14:04:14.187 description = Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer
03/09/2007 14:04:14.234 details = Service Pack for Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer.
03/09/2007 14:04:14.265 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:14.296 kbarticle = KB921896
03/09/2007 14:04:14.312 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/09/2007 14:04:14.343 lcid = 1033
03/09/2007 14:04:14.390 legalproductname = Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer (64-bit)
03/09/2007 14:04:14.421 machinetype = x64
03/09/2007 14:04:14.437 package = HotFixSqlWriter_x64
03/09/2007 14:04:14.468 packagetype = Hotfix
03/09/2007 14:04:14.500 productname = Redist9
03/09/2007 14:04:14.531 recommendinstall = 1
03/09/2007 14:04:14.578 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/09/2007 14:04:14.593 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/09/2007 14:04:14.625 splevel = 2
03/09/2007 14:04:14.656 supportdir = c:57a10d1e173eea2efd90865f30137638
03/09/2007 14:04:14.687 upgradecode = {E9031696-DD39-4C25-BAEB-425FF28279EA}
03/09/2007 14:04:14.703 version = 9
03/09/2007 14:04:14.734
03/09/2007 14:04:14.765 File Group Details: MSI
03/09/2007 14:04:14.796 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache
03/09/2007 14:04:14.828 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/09/2007 14:04:14.859 File Details: SqlWriter_x64.msi
03/09/2007 14:04:14.890
03/09/2007 14:04:20.125 Registry: Opened registry key "SystemCurrentControlSetControlSession Manager"
03/09/2007 14:04:20.156 Registry: Cannot read registry key value "PendingFileRenameOperations"
03/09/2007 14:04:21.203 Authenticating user using Windows Authentication
03/09/2007 14:04:21.234 SQL Service MSSQLServer was previously running, ready for authentication
03/09/2007 14:04:21.265 SQL Agent Service SQLSERVERAGENT was previously running
03/09/2007 14:04:21.593 Authenticating user using Windows Authentication
03/09/2007 14:04:21.625 Validating database connections using Windows Authentication
03/09/2007 14:04:21.796 Pre-script database connection check was successful - proceeding with script execution
03/09/2007 14:04:21.968 Received sysadmin status for instance: MSSQLSERVER
03/09/2007 14:04:22.000 Validating database connections using Windows Authentication
03/09/2007 14:04:22.187 Pre-script database connection check was successful - proceeding with script execution
03/09/2007 14:04:22.218 User authentication was successful
03/09/2007 14:04:22.265 Registry: Read registry key value "EnableErrorReporting", DWORD value = 0
03/09/2007 14:04:22.296 Registry: Read registry key value "EnableErrorReporting", DWORD value = 0
03/09/2007 14:04:22.328 Registry: Read registry key value "CustomerFeedBack", DWORD value = 0
03/09/2007 14:04:22.359 Registry: Read registry key value "CustomerFeedBack", DWORD value = 0
03/09/2007 14:04:23.390 Registry: Set registry key value "EnableErrorReporting", DWORD value = 0
03/09/2007 14:04:23.421 Registry: Set registry key value "EnableErrorReporting", DWORD value = 0
03/09/2007 14:04:23.437 Registry: Set registry key value "CustomerFeedBack", DWORD value = 0
03/09/2007 14:04:23.468 Registry: Set registry key value "CustomerFeedBack", DWORD value = 0
03/09/2007 14:04:23.531 Locked file: Checking for locked files
03/09/2007 14:04:24.031 Locked file: C:WINDOWSsystem32sqlncli.dll (MSSQLSERVER [sqlservr.exe] - 4956)
03/09/2007 14:04:24.046 Locked file: C:WINDOWSsystem32sqlncli.dll (SQLSERVERAGENT [SQLAGENT90.EXE] - 4312)
03/09/2007 14:04:26.000 Locked file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLinnmsftesql.exe (msftesql [msftesql.exe] - 4944)
03/09/2007 14:04:26.046 Locked file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLinnmsftepxy.dll (msftesql [msftesql.exe] - 4944)
03/09/2007 14:04:26.093 Locked file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLinnmsftepxy.dll (MSSQLSERVER [sqlservr.exe] - 4956)
03/09/2007 14:04:26.218 Locked file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLinnmsfte.dll (msftesql [msftesql.exe] - 4944)
03/09/2007 14:04:26.250 Locked file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLinnmsfte.dll (MSSQLSERVER [sqlservr.exe] - 4956)
03/09/2007 14:04:27.703 Locked file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLinn
esources1033sqlevn70.rll (MSSQLSERVER [sqlservr.exe] - 4956)
03/09/2007 14:04:27.843 Locked file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLinn
esources1033xpstar90.rll (MSSQLSERVER [sqlservr.exe] - 4956)
03/09/2007 14:04:27.937 Locked file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLinndbghelp.dll (msftesql [msftesql.exe] - 4944)
03/09/2007 14:04:27.984 Locked file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLinndbghelp.dll (MSSQLSERVER [sqlservr.exe] - 4956)
03/09/2007 14:04:28.312 Locked file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLinnsqlsvc90.dll (SQLSERVERAGENT [SQLAGENT90.EXE] - 4312)
03/09/2007 14:04:28.359 Locked file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLinnxpstar90.dll (MSSQLSERVER [sqlservr.exe] - 4956)
03/09/2007 14:04:28.406 Locked file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLinnsqlos.dll (MSSQLSERVER [sqlservr.exe] - 4956)
03/09/2007 14:04:28.484 Locked file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLinnxpsqlbot.dll (MSSQLSERVER [sqlservr.exe] - 4956)
03/09/2007 14:04:28.515 Locked file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLinnxplog70.dll (MSSQLSERVER [sqlservr.exe] - 4956)
03/09/2007 14:04:28.546 Locked file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLinnsqlservr.exe (MSSQLSERVER [sqlservr.exe] - 4956)
03/09/2007 14:04:28.656 Locked file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLinnatchparser90.dll (MSSQLSERVER [sqlservr.exe] - 4956)
03/09/2007 14:04:28.687 Locked file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLinnatchparser90.dll (SQLSERVERAGENT [SQLAGENT90.EXE] - 4312)
03/09/2007 14:04:28.750 Locked file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLinn
esources1033sqlagent90.rll (SQLSERVERAGENT [SQLAGENT90.EXE] - 4312)
03/09/2007 14:04:28.812 Locked file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLinnsqldtsss90.dll (SQLSERVERAGENT [SQLAGENT90.EXE] - 4312)
03/09/2007 14:04:28.843 Locked file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLinnsqlrepss90.dll (SQLSERVERAGENT [SQLAGENT90.EXE] - 4312)
03/09/2007 14:04:28.875 Locked file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLinnsqlolapss90.dll (SQLSERVERAGENT [SQLAGENT90.EXE] - 4312)
03/09/2007 14:04:28.921 Locked file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLinnsqlagent90.exe (SQLSERVERAGENT [SQLAGENT90.EXE] - 4312)
03/09/2007 14:04:36.203 Attempting to pause the 32 bit ngen queue
03/09/2007 14:04:36.968 Installing product: Redist9
03/09/2007 14:04:37.000 Installing instance: Setup Support Files
03/09/2007 14:04:37.046 Installing target: BVTBIQA
03/09/2007 14:04:37.109 Installing file: SqlSupport.msi
03/09/2007 14:04:37.250 Copy Engine: Creating MSI install log file at: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixRedist9_Hotfix_KB921896_SqlSupport.msi.log
03/09/2007 14:04:37.281 Registry: Opened registry key "SoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsInstaller"
03/09/2007 14:04:37.312 Registry: Cannot read registry key value "Debug"
03/09/2007 14:04:40.359 Registry: Opened registry key "SoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsInstaller"
03/09/2007 14:04:40.390 Registry: Cannot read registry key value "Debug"
03/09/2007 14:04:40.421 Copy Engine: Error, unable to install MSI file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCacheSQLSupportx861033SqlSupport.msi
03/09/2007 14:04:40.453 The following exception occurred: Unable to install Windows Installer MSI file Date: 03/09/2007 14:04:40.453 File: depotsqlvaultstablesetupmainl1setupsqlsesqlsedllcopyengine.cpp Line: 1378
03/09/2007 14:04:47.171 Watson: Param1 = Unknown
03/09/2007 14:04:47.218 Watson: Param2 = 0x652
03/09/2007 14:04:47.250 Watson: Param3 = Unknown
03/09/2007 14:04:47.296 Watson: Param4 = 0x652
03/09/2007 14:04:47.343 Watson: Param5 = copyengine.cpp@1378
03/09/2007 14:04:47.375 Watson: Param6 = Unknown
03/09/2007 14:04:47.421 Watson: Param7 = Redist9
03/09/2007 14:04:47.453 Watson: Param8 = @
03/09/2007 14:04:47.515 Watson: Param9 = x86
03/09/2007 14:04:47.546 Watson: Param10 = 3042
03/09/2007 14:04:47.593 Attempting to continue the 32 bit ngen queue
03/09/2007 14:04:53.984 Watson: Param1 = Unknown
03/09/2007 14:04:54.015 Watson: Param2 = 0x643
03/09/2007 14:04:54.046 Watson: Param3 = Unknown
03/09/2007 14:04:54.078 Watson: Param4 = 0x652
03/09/2007 14:04:54.125 Watson: Param5 = copyengine.cpp@1378
03/09/2007 14:04:54.140 Watson: Param6 = Unknown
03/09/2007 14:04:54.171 Watson: Param7 = Redist9
03/09/2007 14:04:54.203 Watson: Param8 = @
03/09/2007 14:04:54.234 Watson: Param9 = x86
03/09/2007 14:04:54.265 Watson: Param10 = 3042

View 10 Replies View Related

Trouble With Sql Server 2005 Install On Vista

Sep 5, 2007

Hi, I upgraded to Vista and then re-installed Sql Server 2005 and then installed SP2. When I choose "Connect to Server" in Management studio I have no choice for "Server Name". If I type in the computer name (which is what the local server used to be) I get a logon error, but I chose windows authentication in setup. Please help. Thanks!

View 1 Replies View Related

Trouble With Installing SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition

Apr 14, 2006

I downloaded the 2 CD ISO Format from msdn to install SQL Server 2005 English Developer Edition on my XP SP2 box.

I currently have SQL 2000 running. So Sql Server 2005 Dev Edition is to run side by side in a named instance.

From CD1, I launched default.hta and could not install Database Services. The log mentioned could not find a 'valid copy of xxx.msi' where xxx is VSS writer, Database Services or SQL XML4 etc...

I tried 3 times and each time it damaged my SQL2000 beyond repair.

Any suggestions will be much appreciated. Thanks

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Having Trouble Getting SP From Sql Server 2005 To Work In SQL Server 2000

Sep 18, 2006

I am getting an error saying incorrect syntax near fIt works in SQL Server 2005, but I cannot get it to work in SQL Server 2000  The error appears to be in the section that I marked in Bold. CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[pe_getReport]  -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here    @BranchID INT,    @InvestorID INT,    @Status INT,    @QCAssigned INT,    @LoanOfficer nvarChar(40),    @FromCloseDate DateTime,    @ToCloseDate DateTime,    @OrderBy nvarChar(50)ASDECLARE         @l_Sql NVarChar(4000),        @l_OrderBy NVarChar(500),        @l_OrderCol NVarChar(150),        @l_CountSql NVarChar(4000),        @l_Where NVarChar(4000),        @l_SortDir nvarChar(4)BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements.   SET NOCOUNT ON;    SET @l_Where = N' Where 1=1'    IF (@BranchID IS NOT NULL)       SET @l_Where = @l_Where + N' AND f.BranchID=' + CAST(@BranchID As NVarChar)    IF (@Status IS NOT NULL)       SET @l_Where = @l_Where + N' AND f.Status=' + CAST(@Status As NVarChar)    IF (@InvestorID IS NOT NULL)       SET @l_Where = @l_Where + N' AND f.InvestorID=' + CAST(@InvestorID As NVarChar)    IF (@QCAssigned IS NOT NULL)       SET @l_Where = @l_Where + N' AND f.QCAssigned=' + CAST(@QCAssigned As NVarChar)    IF (@LoanOfficer IS NOT NULL)       SET @l_Where = @l_Where + N' AND f.LoanOfficer LIKE ''' + @LoanOfficer + '%'''    IF (@FromCloseDate IS NOT NULL)       SET @l_Where = @l_Where + N' AND f.ClosingDate>=''' + CAST(@FromCloseDate AS NVarChar) + ''''    IF (@ToCloseDate IS NOT NULL)       SET @l_Where = @l_Where + N' AND f.ClosingDate<=''' + CAST(@ToCloseDate AS NVarChar) + ''''    IF @OrderBy IS NULL      SET @OrderBy = 'DateEntered DESC'   SET @l_SortDir = SUBSTRING(@OrderBy, CHARINDEX(' ', @OrderBy) + 1, LEN(@OrderBy))   SET @l_OrderCol = SUBSTRING(@OrderBy, 1, NULLIF(CHARINDEX(' ', @OrderBy) - 1, -1))  IF @l_OrderCol = 'InvestorName'     SET @l_OrderBy = 'i.InvestorName ' + @l_SortDir  ELSE IF  @l_OrderCol = 'BName'     SET @l_OrderBy = 'b.BName ' + @l_SortDir  ELSE IF  @l_OrderCol = 'StatusDesc'     SET @l_OrderBy = 's.StatusDesc ' + @l_SortDir  ELSE IF  @l_OrderCol = 'QCAssigned'     SET @l_OrderBy = 'q.LoginName ' + @l_SortDir  ELSE SET @l_OrderBy = 'f.' + @l_OrderCol + ' ' + @l_SortDir  SET @l_CountSql = 'SELECT f.FundedID As FundedID FROM FundedInfo AS f LEFT OUTER JOIN                     Investors AS i ON f.InvestorID = i.InvestorID LEFT OUTER JOIN                     Branches AS b ON f.BranchID = b.BranchID LEFT OUTER JOIN                     Status AS s ON f.Status = s.StatusID LEFT OUTER JOIN                     QCLogins AS q f.QCAssigned = q.LoginID '                     + @l_Where + ' ORDER BY ' + @l_OrderBy    CREATE TABLE #RsltTable (ID int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, FundedID int)  INSERT INTO #RsltTable(FundedID)  EXECUTE (@l_CountSql)SELECT f.DateEntered As DateEntered, f.LastName As LastName, f.LoanNumber As LoanNumber,       f.LoanOfficer As LoanOfficer, f.ClosingDate As ClosingDate,       i.InvestorName As InvestorName, b.BName As BName, s.StatusDesc As StatusDesc,       q.LoginName As LoginNameFROM       FundedInfo AS f LEFT OUTER JOIN       Investors AS i ON f.InvestorID = i.InvestorID LEFT OUTER JOIN       Branches AS b ON f.BranchID = b.BranchID LEFT OUTER JOIN       Status AS s ON f.Status = s.StatusID LEFT OUTER JOIN       QCLogins As q ON f.QCAssigned = q.LoginID WHERE FundedID IN(SELECT FundedID FROM #rsltTable) ORDER BY       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'DateEntered ASC' THEN f.DateEntered END ASC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'DateEntered DESC' THEN f.DateEntered END DESC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'LastName ASC' THEN f.LastName END ASC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'LastName DESC' THEN f.LastName END DESC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'LoanNumber ASC' THEN f.LoanNumber END ASC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'LoanNumber DESC' THEN f.LoanNumber END DESC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'LoanOfficer ASC' THEN f.LoanOfficer END ASC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'LoanOfficer DESC' THEN f.LoanOfficer END DESC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'ClosingDate ASC' THEN f.ClosingDate END ASC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'ClosingDate DESC' THEN f.ClosingDate END DESC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'InvestorName ASC' THEN i.InvestorName END ASC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'InvestorName DESC' THEN i.InvestorName END DESC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BName ASC' THEN b.BName END ASC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BName DESC' THEN b.BName END DESC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'StatusDesc ASC' THEN s.StatusDesc END ASC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'StatusDesc DESC' THEN s.StatusDesc END DESC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'LoginName ASC' THEN q.LoginName END ASC,       CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'LoginName DESC' THEN q.LoginName END DESCENDGO

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Trouble Accessing SQL Server 2005 Stored Procedure Parameters

Jun 14, 2007

I created a stored procedure (see snippet below) and the owner is "dbo".
I created a data connection (slcbathena.SLCPrint.AdamsK) using Windows authentication.
I added a new datasource to my application in VS 2005 which created a dataset (slcprintDataSet.xsd).
I opened up the dataset in Designer so I could get to the table adapter.
I selected the table adapter and went to the properties panel.
I changed the DeleteCommand as follows: CommandType = StoredProcedure; CommandText = usp_OpConDeleteDirectory. When I clicked on the Parameters Collection to pull up the Parameters Collection Editor, there was no parameters listed to edit even though there is one defined in the stored procedure. Why?

If I create the stored procedure as "AdamsK.usp_OpConDeleteDirectory", the parameters show up correctly in the Parameters Collection Editor. Is there a relationship between the owner name of the stored procedure and the data connection name? If so, how can I create a data connection that uses "dbo" instead of "AdamsK" so I can use the stored procedure under owner "dbo"?

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Code SnippetCREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_OpConDeleteDirectory
@DirectoryID int
DELETE FROM OpConDirectories WHERE (DirectoryID = @DirectoryID)

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Trouble Enumerating SQL Server Instances With SQL 2000/2005 On Network

Dec 4, 2007


We have (after several weeks of testing in all kind of environments) send out a new version of our application to several of our customers. Within days problems where drippin in; After looking for the problem on various customer situations we found a problem which I think is rather disturbing and very odd. I'll describe the situation, on which we finally managed to recreate the problem, here.

In my problem I use the following configuration:

Windows 2003 (standard edition) AD network with 2 domain controllers, multiple Windows XP workstations, some without SQL instances, some with SQL 2000 instances, some with SQL 2005 instances and even one with SQL 7 running.
All run a 32 bit OS.

Tools to reproduce:

ListSQLSvr application (found on to enumerate the instances.

Problem description:
I am running the machine called DEV001, which has SQL 2000 (instancename DRUMIS) and SQL 7.0 (has no instancename so this is the root instance) installed.

In any 'normal' situation all the runnings SQL instances are visible on the network like this:

Code Block
C:>listsqlsvr -X

When I turn the SQL 2005 Browser service off on the machine called DEV002 the list looks like:

Code Block
C:>listsqlsvr -X

Notice that the browser service might be off on DEV002, you can still see the EXPRESS instance and a new root instance has appeared (though it doesn't exist!)??

After restarting the Browser service all is OK again.

When I turn on Hide Server in the SQL 2000 TCP/IP properties (or turn it on in the registry [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerDRUMISMSSQLServerSuperSocketNetLibTcp] "TcpHideFlag"=dword:00000001) on the DEV002 computer something real scary is happening..
The list looks as follows:

Code Block
C:listsqlsvr -X

When someone has entered a database (for example the backoffice database on INSADBACKOFFICEEXACT) the list looks as follows (for a short moment; 5 secs or so):

Code Block
C:listsqlsvr -X

Notice now that ALL instances are gone and no extended information is available. In the Query Analyser and in the SQL Management Studio when browsing you'll see this as well!
When someone is accessing a database instance it appears for a few seconds again.

Since our installation and applications rely on selecting a existing instance it will fail in the above situations (or at least not showing all available instances).

In my opinion this is a bug somewhere!
Note that even when the SQL Services are stopped on DEV002 (leaving the Browser service running) it still seems to block out ALL instance on the ENTIRE network!

I don't mind that one INSTANCE or even the entire MACHINE is hidden from the network, but ALL instances on ALL machines??

And the SQL Browser issue also worries me a bit since it does not stop the possibily to browse the SQL instances; it removes the SQL2000 instances but adds a root instance which doesn't even exist! Also the extended info is stripped.

Can anyone help me solve this/advise?

Also mind that in any situation there might run a lot of computers with a lot of SQL instances and I cannot tell our customers to find which machine has the SQL TCP/IP properties set to Hide...
It even seems that in some situations SBS 2003 does the hiding automatically on Install? And if so, when and why?


Albert van Peppen
Senior System Engineer
Insad Grafisch b.v.

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Trouble Logging In To SQL Server 2005 Express With Domain User Account

Sep 22, 2006

Hi all,

I have a SQL Server 2005 Express edition instance set up on one server, and IIS on another server.

The SQL Server process account is a domain user account, which I have added to the local groups that SQL Server created during installation (I originally used a local user account instead of domain account; however, the problem occurs with both).

SQL Server runs fine, and if I set my IIS application pool identity to a domain admin, my web app can access the database and retrieve the data necessary.

However, I have a domain user account that I want to use to run the app pool and retrieve the data. The domain user account is added to the IIS_WPG group on the web server. On the database server, I have created a login for the account, as well as added it to the db_datareader role of the database that is used for the site.

However, the user is not able to connect to the SQL Server. I get the "Login failed for user <user account>" error in ASP.NET. I also tried connecting with SQL Server Management Studio, and I get the same error. I checked and the user has connect permission to the database server.

With admin accounts, there are no problems logging in, etc.

Any pointers are appreciated,



Edit: I was able to find out that the State is 11 for the error. According to, this indicates "Valid login but server access failure." I am not sure how to resolve this.

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Trouble Install SQL Server Express (2005). Stalled On Current Component Is Installing

Mar 21, 2007


I am installing Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition. Everything goes well until the installation of SQL Server Express occurs. SQL Express installation progresses fine until very end of the installation. At that point it becomes stuck.

The installation says "Current component is installing" and is stuck on that message. The installer does not seem to be frozen as the picutres changes. However CPU usage for the setup processes is 0.

I have disabled all virus scanning software already.

Any help is apprceciated.

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Differences Between SQL 2005 Thats Comes With Vs2005 And SQL 2005 Standalone ??

Nov 2, 2005

I just want to run a webiste off my home computer with a dynamic address.It seems I can do all I want with the SQL that comes with vs2005 except being able to backup the DBIs the SQL 2005 that comes with vs2005 good enoh for everything I should want to do?? Is there some chart somewhere that explains the differences ?

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SqlServer 2005 Express Edition Under Vs2005 How Can I Install

Mar 4, 2008

hi Champion,
My machine is already having vs2003 with sqlserver 2000. Now when I have installed vs2005 that time I have not loaded sqlserver 2005 express edition.
But now when am trying to install the same i.e sqlserver 2005 express edition its unable to install/update this database.
the error coming as "None of the selected features can be installed or upgraded. Setup cannot proceed since no effective change is being made to the machine. To continue click Back, and then select features to install. To exit sql server setup, click cancel"
pls help

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Localize Web ReportViewer Control In VS2005 / SSRS 2005 / 2.0???

Apr 24, 2006

Is it possible to translate the web report viewer control to another language (german, french...)? I need to integrate the control in a multilingula website.

I need also to change the messages from the report during the rendering "Report is being created".

And is it possible to change the little green animated icon during the process of creating a report?


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SSIS 2005 Dependency For VS2005 Setup With Packages

Dec 14, 2006

I need to deploy some SSIS packages onto a remote Integration Server machine. Hence
I wrote a VS 2005 Setup with Custom Action (C# Installer class) which uses the
SSIS DTSX Dlls to deploy the Packages onto an Integration Server. I am shipping
all the necessary DLLs in the MSI itself, so that the MSI can run on any client
machine having just .NET 2.0 Framework installed.

When I run the Setup on a Machine having Integration Server, the Setup works
fine and the Packages are deployed.

However, if I try to run the MSI on a machine which just has the .NET 2.0
Framework installed, I get the following error.

SqlServer.DTS.Runtime.Application could not be created. Retrieving the COM
class factory for component with CLSID
{E44847F1-FD8C-4251-B5DA-B04BB22E236E} failed due to the following error.

I am not sure whether any of the DLLS are COM components. I believe all are
Managed DLLs.I believe SSIS 2005 looks like a pre-requisite but I don't need that.

Please help. I am posting this query here, as I believe ppl writing SSIS Packages may have faced this issue.

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Uninstallation Problem Of Beta VS2005 MSDN And SQL 2005

May 5, 2006

Problem 1 > Manual uninstalltion of Beta VS MSDN 2005 .

Throwing error ...

Unable to install (Internal fault occured)

Problem 2 > Uninstallation using Microsoft uninstller of Beta (VS, SQL etc)

Throwing error ...

"MS SQL Server 2005 Ex CTP

The set up ha sencountered an error in datsource Error in installds

XMLrw error : failure looking xmlrw.dll. check procedure () return 2"

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[SQL 2005 Express] Question On Business Intelligence Development Studio (VS2005)

Jan 6, 2007

I am trying to create a report using BI Development Studio.In Pivot Table, I can change the presentation of the data area to align with row or column, just like this:, I can't seem to do that in BI Development Studio while designing the report. Does any of you know how to change the presentation of the data area of a report?This is how it looks like now, the data area is sticking to the COLUMN, but I need them to stick with ROW so that I can handle more columns....

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How Do I Get SQL Server Integrated Into VS2005?

Jun 24, 2007

I've had VS2005 installed for quite some time but I just purchansed SQL Server 2005 Developer and installed it. How do I accomplish integeration with SQL Server 2005 to VS2005? I had C# express at one point and SQL Express with the full tool install. That provided me with a designer for SQL Server (which was simply VS2005) and a seperate development environment under C# express. How do I integerate them so all the functionality resides within VS2005?

Any help you can provide will be much appreciated.


Dane R. Vinson

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Connecting To A Linked Server Using VS2005

Mar 7, 2007

i've currently created a linked server using sql server management studio express (it connects to an oracle database to draw data), i can query it all fine using the query analyzer with sql server etc.
how can i start using the linked server data with visual studio 2005? i can't seem to find the linked server anywhere inside the server explorer, am i suppose to import it / connect to it any specific way so i can start using the data retreived from the linked server?
thanks in advance!

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SQL Server Reporting From VS2005 Not Deploying

Feb 8, 2006


I build a SQL Server Report using VS2005 in SQL Server 2005, Application is building with out any errors..I am able to preview the report data also

If I deply the application on http://localhost/ReportService I am getting the A connection could not be made to the report server http://localhost/ReportServer. (Microsoft Report Designer) error.

please help me, what is the problem?



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Sql Server CE Cab File Deployment VS2005

Sep 13, 2007

Hello All,

I had VS2005 in my machine and was working with a mobile device using Sql Server CE. While compiling and deploying device application to my mobile device it used to deploy the Sql Server CE cab files also.
But now i have migrated to another machine ( Vista OS ) and installed VS2005 newly etc., Now when i try out the deployment of device application to my mobile device it is not deploying the Sql Server CE cab files but just copies the SqlServerCe dll file.
So when my application launches in the mobile device i get an error can't PInvoke sqlceme30.dll etc.,

I know that i can manually copy the cab files to my device and work. Its little tedious. Can anyone tell me how to achieve the behavior of my old VS2005 wherein it automatically deploys the SqlServer CE cab files? Is there a setting in VS2005 to enable this. I read in one of the posts that we can go modify the option Tools->Options->Smart device and enable an option to deploy the latest updates etc., But i couldn't find such an option in my VS2005.

P.S: I have installed my SqlServer Mobile edition 3.0 SDK to the default path under program files. Should i install it under VS2005 smartdevices SDK or something like that? I tried that also but still no success.

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Connect Sql Server Mobile With VS2005

May 9, 2007

I have a default SQL server 2005 setup on my machine.

There is a large database to whom i can connect.

I made my own data by Sql server Mobile on my local machine and then try to connect it

to the the application in visual studio 2005.

But it each time it gives that the port cannot be open.

I am a native client for SQL server.

Do we have any idea how wil i connect to database local to machine with the

application in Visual studio 2005 with C# language.


Prashant Gupta

The actual message i am getting

Microsoft SQL Native Client Version 09.00.2047

Running connectivity tests...

Attempting connection
[Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [53].
[Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Login timeout expired
[Microsoft][SQL Native Client]An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.


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Trouble In Installing Visual Web Developer 2005 SP

Oct 4, 2007


I'm new to SQL Server and am now learning how to operate SQL Server Express 2005.

I'm getting the following error when attempting to install Visual Web Developer 2005 SP1.

"The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service because the program to be upgraded may be missing, or the upgrade patch may update a different version of the program. Verify that the program to be upgraded exists on your computer and that you have the correct upgrade patch"

My machine runs on XP Pro SP2, .NET Framework 3.5.

Currently, what i have got on the computer are as follows
Microsoft SQL Server 2005: SQL Server Management Studio Express, SQL Server Configuration Manager.

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