Troubleshooting: My Database Has Started To Grow TOO Fast
Jun 19, 2007
The primary database i'm responsible for has started to grow super fast. Every couple of days is growing by 10% (which matches with the db settings). But, the recent growth doesn't match with the historical growth. It took a couple of months to grow from 7 to 8 GB, but it has grown to about 24 Gb in the last 2 months. Bottom line - trust my assertion that it's growing alarming fast.
I need help determine what objects are fueling the growth. If I know the objects, I can probably determine the cause. From a flip-side, it might be legit data stored very poorly. I'm open to any ideas...but I need to get ahead of this problem in the next week or so...or I'm going to run out of room on the hard drive and could start to affect my users.
Please send my any ideas you might have.
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Nov 25, 2005
Hi all,
I'm having a problem with one of our ddbb because we didn't run the maintenance plan from the beginning. The thing is that the hard drive is out of space and the log files are around 100GB. We only have 20MB free. Do you think that is space enought to run the maintenance plan or the shrink command??
Thanks very much!!!
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Jan 15, 2005
I've been through the forum and read a number of threads on people's DBs not growing and the answer usually is they don't have auotmatically grow data file. Unfortunately I have this on, but when I look at the properties of the database it reports the space available is 0.00 MB? Up until about two weeks ago I was showing appx 48% space utilization. When I ran an SP to show growth, it tells me that it was expanded by 20% yesterday, but SQL Server is still telling me the space available is zero.
The log file is also set for auto growth. The DB is 14.5 GB in size and the drives still have around 92 GB of space.
Has anyone experienced this before? Any ideas? Does anyone know of an SPs that can give me detailed info on internal data file size compared to stated size (i.e. wasted space in data file)? Is SQL Server doing something funny in the way it is seeing the database or data files individually? Any help is appreciated.
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Jan 13, 1999
OK. Here's a good one.
I wrote a query that caused a HUGE amount of stuff to be written to the transaction log. Since I set the database up before I had enough coffee yesterday, I didn't turn on a "Restrict Filegrowth" on the log. So the transaction ran until it filled up the available space on the drive (my local workstation, so it grew to about 6 GB) and then it rolled back. (BTW: Microsoft finally figured out that rolling back a transaction shouldn't be a blocking operation. ISQLW tells you that the transaction failed as soon as it fails, and then releases the connection to you, so you can go on with your life while SQL Server cleans up. Good one!)
OK. So that done, I figured I'd just truncate the transaction log and do the nifty new "DBCC SHRINKFILE()" thing. So I truncate the log and do DBCC SHRINKFILE. Nothing happens. Enterprise Mangler (OOPS Manager. I really mean Manager) shows that only 43 MB of the 6 GB file is in use. DBCC SHRINKFILE reports that the minimum size is 128 pages, the current size is 697,256 pages, and 697,256 pages are used.
Great. So I can't shrink the file.
Step 2: I dump (OOPS, sorry, BACKUP) the database, delete the database, make sure all the files are gone, and then restore the database. It re-creates the 6 GB file, which, by the way takes a very long time. What's funny about that is the query timer in ISQLW reports that the query took 30 minutes, but the return from the restore command shows that it took about 300 and some seconds (about 5 minutes) because the restore command doesn't count the amount of time it took to build the files (I'm guessing). After I figure out that it rebuilt the 6 GB file, I screamed, and started downloading PostGreSQL for my Linux box, and got on to other projects.
This morning I came in and started reading Books Online to figure out what's going on. It says something about "Virtual Log Files" and how a log can't be shrunk past that point. Great. MS basically defines a virtual log file as "the point past which you can't shrink a log". So I have a 5 GB virutal log file, and I can't truncate it, shrink it, or make it go away.
So I have a stroke of genius and decide to build a new log file in the database, and then use the DBCC SHRINKFILE command with the EMPTYFILE option, and then use ALTER DATABASE to remove the file.
Then I get this really cool error that says:
Server: Msg 5020, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The primary data or log file cannot be removed from a database.
OK. Last time I checked, a log file doesn't belong to a primary filegroup, so there's something else going on here. Basically, it looks like the first file that gets created is the "Primary" file and can never be removed.
So, new policy, every "first" file in a database is going to be a 2 MB file, with a 2 MB growth limit, so we can remove it later. That's a load of....fertilizer.
It looks like the AutoShrink for logs is just a myth. Auto-Grow seems to work almost too well, though. I'm picturing one of those Access newbies using the Export function in Access to put data into SQL Server on one of our pre-production boxes, and having a 180 GB log that can't be shrunk. That'll be a good time.
The moral of the story: Always set growth restrictions, especially on log files.
The questions:
1. Anybody got any bright ideas on how I can get my disk space back WITHOUT using BCP (or DTS, or similar methods)?
2. Anybody know how a different file can be set as a "PRIMARY" file?
3. Anybody know why MS decided to fill the Transact-SQL help in ISQLW with "You can't get there from here" messages that reference Books Online?
Thankfully, this isn't anywhere in our production system, and if the quality continues this way, it won't ever be in our production system.
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Jan 24, 2003
IBM Netfinity 8500
2 processors Xeon 700
1,5 Gb memory
Windows 2000 Server SP2 Build 2195
SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition 8.00.534 SP2
There is only on Database (DB) of 16 Gb in drive G.
Drive G has 32 Gb space free.
Yesterday we appended tables to the database and in SQL logs appears the next error:
2003-01-23 12:26:42.57 spid101 fcb::ZeroFile(): GetOverLappedResult() failed with error 2.
2003-01-23 12:26:42.61 spid101 Error: 1105, Severity: 17, State: 2
2003-01-23 12:26:42.61 spid101 Could not allocate space for object 'ttdssc030104' in database 'MYDATABASE' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full..
2003-01-23 12:26:48.03 spid101 fcb::ZeroFile(): GetOverLappedResult() failed with error 2.
DB configured to grow automatically by 100 Mb and transaction log Automatically grow in 10% .
Unrestricted file grow selected on both.
I try to expand the DB manually by Enterprise Manager to 20 Gb but not work and in SQL log appears the error
"2003-01-23 12:26:48.03 spid101 fcb::ZeroFile(): GetOverLappedResult() failed with error 2."
In Enterprise Manager-Databases-Properties-General-Size of DB maintain 16Gb.
Windows explorer say MYDATABASE.MDB is 20480 MB.
I delete the tables inserted and the problem persist.
Thanks in advance,
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Mar 26, 2001
SQL Server 7.0 with SP 1
Database maintenance job is failing
with error about being unable to delete old backup file.
I can manually delete the file with no problem.
This occurs randomly, maybe once a week.
Any ideas on what's wrong, and how to fix it?
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Oct 6, 2005
Hello, everyone:
My database backup files are 3-5GB. Restoring always take over 20 minutes. Is there the fast way to restore the big database?
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Nov 23, 1999
What should I have done? Is there anything that can be done other than restoring from backup?
How does one know if the database is really recovering or is EM just joken? I can wait 2 hours
before starting the restore
I was BCPing 12 million rows into a staging table. II used the '-b' option every 20K which I thought
would do a commit and clear the log in batches. After the process EM appeared to show the transaction log
as empty. Upon inspecting the Bcp output file I discovered the message that the BCP did not complete
because syslogs was full. I could not do a truncate transaction log or a dump database. I tried to
do a truncate transaction with no_log and it appeared to just hang. I stopped the SQL Server thinking
I could dump the transaction log, but could not start the Sql Server again. I then stopped the NT Server
because 'if all else fails'. The SQL Server started but the user database if marked as recovering.
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May 31, 2005
My DB size was from 500MB to 10GB since 8/1998 to 12/2004. But now is 16GB (from 1/2005 - 5/2005), I don't why the data size growth too fast (as double) ?
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Jan 4, 2008
I must be doing something wrong.
Code Block
ssql.Append("INSERT INTO FINDINGS (Facility) ")
ssql.Append("VALUES ('" & Facility & "')")
Dim NewRow As Integer = dba.ExecuteSQL_Affected(ssql.ToString)
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("There was an error saving records.", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "No Key")
Exit Sub
End Try
Code Block
Public Function ExecuteSQL_Affected(ByVal sSql As String) As Integer
'//Execute the query like Insert, Update and delete
Dim RowsAffected As Integer
If Conn.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
Conn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=" & oDBConfig.LocalDBLocation & "" & oDBConfig.LocalDBName & ";"
End If
Dim cmd As New SqlCeCommand(sSql, Conn)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
RowsAffected = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
Return RowsAffected
Catch err As SqlCeException
Catch ComErr As Exception
MsgBox(ComErr.ToString, MsgBoxStyle.Information)
End Try
End Function
Code Block
Assessment Form
Public Sub dtblFindings_Initialize()
Dim rdr As SqlCeDataReader
Dim dba As New DBAccess
Dim ssql As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder
ssql.Append("SELECT Facility FROM FINDINGS")
rdr = dba.OpenResultSet(ssql.ToString)
While rdr.Read
So here is the problem. The normal function is to initiate the insert by pression a button. That should go through all the steps then hit the dtblFindings_Initialize command and rebuild the datatable. However when it happens for the first time (i.e. the first facility going into the database), the SELECT statement always returns nothing.
If I stop the application and Pull the database to the desktop, the row has been inserted. So I feel that I am somehow doing something wrong, not closing something, not initializing something....argh! Please help!!
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Mar 29, 2006
I'm trying to work out a database design to make it quicker for my clientprogram to read and display updates to the data set. Currently it reads inthe entire data set again after each change, which was acceptable when thedata set was small but now it's large enough to start causing noticabledelays. I've come up with a possible solution but am looking for others'input on its suitability to the problem.Here is the DDL for one of the tables:create table epl_packages(customer varchar(8) not null, -- package_type char not null, -- primary keypackage_no int not null, -- /dimensions varchar(50) not null default(0),weight_kg int not null,despatch_id int, -- filled in on despatchloaded bit not null default(0),item_count int not null default(0))alter table epl_packagesadd constraint pk_epl_packagesprimary key (customer, package_type, package_no)My first thought was to add a datetime column to each table to record thetime of the last change, but that would only work for inserts and updates.So I figured that a separate table for deletions would make this complete.DDL would be something like:create table epl_packages(customer varchar(8) not null,package_type char not null,package_no int not null,dimensions varchar(50) not null default(0),weight_kg int not null,despatch_id int,loaded bit not null default(0),item_count int not null default(0),last_update_time datetime default(getdate()) -- new column)alter table epl_packagesadd constraint pk_epl_packagesprimary key (customer, package_type, package_no)create table epl_packages_deletions(delete_time datetime,customer varchar(8) not null,package_type char not null,package_no int not null)And then these triggers on update and delete (insert is handled automaticallyby the default constraint on last_update_time):create trigger tr_upd_epl_packageson epl_packagesfor updateas-- check for primary key changeif (columns_updated() & 1792) > 0 -- first three columns: 256+512+1024insert epl_packages_deletionsselectgetdate(),customer,package_type,package_nofrom deletedupdate Aset last_update_time = getdate()from epl_packages Ajoin inserted Bon A.customer = B.customer andA.package_type = B.package_type andA.package_no = B.package_nogocreate trigger tr_del_epl_packageson epl_packagesfor deleteasinsert epl_packages_deletionsselectgetdate(),customer,package_type,package_nofrom deletedgoThe client program would then do the initial read as follows:select getdate()selectcustomer,package_type,package_no,dimensions,weight_kg,despatch_id,loaded,item_countfrom epl_packageswherecustomer = {current customer}order bycustomer,package_type,package_noIt would store the output of getdate() to be used in subsequent updates,which would be read from the server as follows:select getdate()selectcustomer,package_type,package_no,dimensions,weight_kg,despatch_id,loaded,item_countfrom epl_packageswherecustomer = {current customer} andlast_update_time > {output of getdate() from previous read}order bycustomer,package_type,package_noselectcustomer,package_type,package_nofrom epl_packages_deletionswherecustomer = {current customer} anddelete_time > {output of getdate() from previous read}The client program will then apply the deletions and the updated/insertedrows, in that order. This would be done for each table displayed in theclient.Any critical comments on this approach and any improvements that couldbe made would be much appreciated!
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Oct 11, 2007
I generated several workload files over a two day period against my production server. When I run the tuning adviser can I run it against my development database or should I run it against the production database?
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Jul 8, 2007
I am using SMO in VS2005 using C#. I can successfully create a new database, add a couple of tables with columns and then subsequently use normal ADO.NET to access them.
One problem I am having is that I created routines to Add and Remove my Database. They work GREAT when I start the application, create the database and then delete it. However, if I create the database, terminate the application, restart the application... removing the database fails with an error.
This is the code:
if (m_server.Databases.Contains(m_dbName))
Database db = new Database(m_server, m_dbName);
MessageBox.Show("Database Not Found");
It fails on the KillDatabase statement with an inner exception as follows: {"Unable to open the physical file "c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\DATA\MyDB.mdf".
Operating system error 32: "32(The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.)".
Let me repeat... if I run this code in the same executable session as when I create the database, it works great.
I use this routine prior to entering either the create to delete database routine:
SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(@"Integrated Security=SSPI; Data Source=(local)SQLEXPRESS");
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection serverConnection = new Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection(sqlConnection);
m_server = new Server(serverConnection);
The create routines is:
Database db = new Database(m_server, m_dbName);
db.DatabaseOptions.AutoShrink = true;
db.DatabaseOptions.AutoClose = true;
if (m_server.Databases.Contains(m_dbName))
Table tbl = new Table(db, "tblMyTable");
Column col = new Column(tbl, "identity"); ....
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Mar 4, 2005
Does anyone know how to upload (bulk) data from a client (written in Excel VBA) to a remote SQL2000 database? Of coarse I tried "INSERT INTO" and rst.addnew but I noticed this is much, much slower as downloading from the same remote database.
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Jun 16, 2006
My MS-SQL 2000 Database have 50 more Stored Procedure .How to FAST and EASY ENCRYPTION ALL Stored Procedure in my MS-SQLDatabase?
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Jan 9, 2007
Hi all
I'm a newbie with Visual studio 2005 .Recently i installed it ,AFAIK sqlServer 2005
also is shiped with vs2005.after installing vs2005 i have the following entries in my
StartMenu/All Programms/
1) Microsoft Sql Server 2005
Configuration Tools
sql Server Configuration Manager
Sql Server Error and usage Reporting
SQL Server Surface Area Configuration
2) Microsoft Visual studio 2005
Apparently there isn't any ENTERPRISE MANAGER and query analyzer.?
By the way in Visual studio IDE i noticed "Server Explorer" nexed to "Solution Explorer"
but i didn't find any Database entry or "Create New Database" or some thing like this.!!!
Could any one help me.? i want to Create Database, Tables,....
Thanks in advance.
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Feb 12, 2014
I would like to find Query to retrieve User DataBase Startup Time from SQL server that we see in the Sql Server Log.
I was able to find the Server Startup Time but not the individual Databases .
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May 12, 2006
command in principal server
ALTER DATABASE database name
SET PARTNER = 'TCP://<mirror_server_name>:5022'
Msg 1413, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Communications to the remote server instance 'TCP://<mirror_server_neme>:5022' failed before database mirroring was fully started. The ALTER DATABASE command failed. Retry the command when the remote database is started.
This problem is only in production database any testing database include adventureworks mirroring sucessfuly. Why is problem:?
size? database > 9GB
slow HW? Principal database Intel D 3Ghz,4GB RAM, 4x 15k RPM HDD RAID 5 / Mirror database 2x Xeon 3Ghz,4GB RAM,6x HDD 10k RPM RAID 10
Slow LAN? both servers connect 1Gb/s
please help me
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Oct 11, 2001
Hi list,
I'd be grateful for a little advice. Running into some problems and not sure where to start. I've looked through some books and articles and Online Help but need some insight into the issue from a person.
I'm running a SQL2K server with about 30 databases, none of them over 20M in size. These db's are driving websites on servers in the same server room and also accessed remotely using Enterprise Manager. For 95% of the time these databases are performing well. Then connections on webpages start timing out. This is a problem that 'fixes' itself very quickly but I need to identify what's causing the problems. I have sa access to the server and am trying to find a way, via perfomance monitoring or enterprise manager, to work out which database, if any, is responsible for this behaviour. There are no blocks visible in Current Activity on Enterprise Manager, I'm getting average LockRequest/sec of about 2000 bit with peaks up to 31000. Processor time is averaging out at about 10%, not too scary.
I can find lots of information on optimising individual databases and queries within them but no too much on identifying processes or queries that might be hitting a whole server installation in this fashion.
Any advice most welcome.
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Feb 28, 2008
I have tables/columns exist.How to encrypt database or mask columns if I have to send a copy of DB to microsoft to troubleshoot for a problem.
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Jul 13, 2007
I need help. I have a SSIS package that connects to a ODBC database, it then does ETL from that database into a SQL 2005 database. I run the package using a Sql Agent job each night. However the package fails randomly with no apparent reason. I have setup logging and after viewing the logs I am no closer to solving the problem. Any Ideas how I can track this down? Thanks.
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Sep 24, 2007
This error is triggered by the following code. How do I figure out why?
It works fine on an old server running win2000 but blows up on win2003
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'
Object required: 'Param1.value'
/mmd/_ScriptLibrary/getcons.asp, line 19
set conn = session("conn")
' Response.write(pg);
set cmdStoredProc = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
set cmdStoredProc.ActiveConnection = conn
cmdStoredProc.CommandText = "sa.mmd.getConsultantList"
cmdStoredProc.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
set Param1 = cmdStoredProc.CreateParameter("conam",adVarChar,adParamInput,3)
cmdStoredProc.Parameters.Append Param1
Param1.value = request.querystring("q")
Param1.size = Param1.value.length
set rs = cmdStoredProc.Execute
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Mar 24, 2000
I know that SQL 7 grows databases dynamically, but I'm wondering how it determines how much to grow it by? I have a couple of databases on our servers that are 3.4 GB but with 1.6 GB space available. So I'm wondering when it determines it needs to grow a database and what it does to determine how much to grow it by.
Mike Gagne
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Jun 27, 2007
Bear with me - My SQL Server 2005 Maintenance is as good as a Newbie..
I was running a Very Large Transaction over the weekend (Say 10Mill Inserts)..
And after waiting for 3/4 Hrs for the transaction to complete -- Checked the LDF File, I has grown to a 100 GB.
After that i discovered that i had the Recovery Model as FULL .. So Killed the Job and Changed the recovery mode from Full -> Simple.
Now i see that the LDF file is not growing in size even though there are many transactions that were complete successfully (Still Very slow though)...
What am i missing here - Iam clueless as to why my LDF is not growing in size?
Any Ideas??
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Oct 19, 2007
Hello guys, i am new to sql so forgive me if dont see something in the code that i should. Anyway the code below comes from the sql script that belongs to "BPBlog asp blogging software" ...its not mine.
Whenever i run this code in query analyzer from sql server 2000 i get an error that says :
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 16
Line 16: Incorrect syntax near '('.
*line 16 is the below line in the code.
i have been going through books online since last night to try to get an understanding of the syntax of all those keywords that sorround the error but still havent figured it out yet. any advise on the error would be sincerely appreciated.
USE [Blog]
/****** Object: Table [dbo].[tblAuthor] Script Date: 11/07/2006 10:51:16 ******/
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblAuthor](
[fldAuthorID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[fldAuthorUsername] [nvarchar](100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[fldAuthorRealName] [nvarchar](100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[fldAuthorEmail] [nvarchar](100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[fldAuthorWebsite] [nvarchar](100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[fldAuthorBlurb] [ntext] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[fldAuthorPassword] [nvarchar](50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[Approved] [smallint] NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
[fldAdmin] [smallint] NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
[fldAuthorID] ASC
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Apr 21, 2006
Lock:Deadlock Chain
2006-04-21 09:20:18.560
Parallel query worker thread was involved in a deadlock
Is the process I am running deadlocking with Exchange Server?
The data above is from Profiler.
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Aug 29, 2007
Does anyone have any good places where I can get some practice scenarios for DBA activity? Also any transact sql puzzles to solve for practice purposes. I want to get as much "real world" activity under my belt as possible in a quick time-frame.
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi, we just started receiving the following error messages about 3weeks ago. We don't get them all the time, or even on the same pagesnecessarily, but we get them from time to time and our sql serverconnection is slower in the last three weeks also. Our database isremotely hosted, and the programmers are also offsite, so we are tryingto deal with this issue with our database server host, with noknowledge of sql server. They say nothing has changed on the server,but we haven't changed any of our front end files either, so we don'tknow what the problem is. Here's 3 of the most common errors:1. Microsoft Cursor Engine error '80004005'Data provider or other service returned an E_FAIL status..../subview.asp, line 1322. Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80004005'TDS buffer length too large.../subview.asp, line 283. Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80004005'Unknown token received from SQL Server.../members.asp, line 182We have *no idea* what the above error messages refer to, or whetherthis is something wrong with the server or the ASP pages mentioned. Anyhelp anyone could provide so we can understand the types of messages weare getting would be nice.Regards,Sage
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Jul 23, 2005
Can anyone help me troubleshoot this failed job. The error message in eventviewer is:SQL Server Scheduled Job 'Job1' (0xB1D83B7357CF2B4C808AD1CFA34CE8F9) -Status: Failed - Invoked on: 2005-05-12 09:31:38 - Message: The job failed.The Job was invoked by User sa. The last step to run was step 1 (Job1).The job step is:EXEC proc1I can execute the procedure in QA.Proc1 does the following:INSERT values into a table in the database where the job is running fromSELECT records from a seperate database on seperate serverI'm using four part naming in the select against a linked server. I suspectthat the issue is the security between the different servers/databases but Idon't know where to get more information about the failed job or what to trynext.thanks
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi,This is the first time I use SOAP. Dont really know the exact pictureyet. Hope you can shed some lights on me.May I know where should I start troubleshooting if I get the followinerror message when running SOAP on Windows 2003, SQL Server 2000 ?Error Code: 0 Error Source= Microsoft VBScript runtime error ErrorDescription: ActiveX component can't create object:'MSSOAP.SOAPClient' Error on Line 1. The step failed.Thanks.
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Mar 16, 2006
We have some transactional replication jobs from oracle to mssql2005. I found an error in the replication monitor as below,
Incorrect syntax near 'index'. If this is intended as a part of a table hint, A WITH keyword and parenthesis are now required. See SQL Server Books Online for proper syntax. (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 1018)
Get help: http://help/1018
Command attempted:
if @@trancount > 0 rollback tran
(Transaction sequence number: 0x00000000000000000D4300000000, Command ID: 26290)
I found the corresponding table from the command id. Since some of the tables in our env. are created with triggers which cause the replication error occasionally! How can I trace the information of the transaction/record which made the replication pending? Also, there may be 'invalid' input in oracle and replicate to mssql2005 which cause error in trigger and made the replication panding. Any way to solve this kind of problem? Thanks in advance
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Feb 9, 2000
Hi ,
I have a SQL 7 database in which I have set the autogrow on. I need some way to be notified when the database does an autogrow. The reason for this is that if it does an autogrow once then if I am notified then I can manually expand the DB size without having SQL Server do multiple autogrows. I was looking at setting an alert but cannot find any message in sysmessages that seem to be information types for auto grow. Has anyone done this kind of thing.
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