Truncate On An Indexed Table

Apr 1, 2008

Hi All,

I had a situation today where I needed to truncate a table. It has an index on it.
When I truncate it directly, it takes hardly a minute but when I drop the existing index on that table and then truncate, it takes ages. I am not able to comprehend the exact reason. Can anybody explain?

Thanks in advance.

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Transact SQL :: Returning Non Indexed Records From Sorted Table - Speed Same As Indexed?

Dec 1, 2015

I have created a table from another table where I specified that one of the fields, an number field,  is sorted in ascending order and have NOT specified that it is to be an indexed field and there are 10 million records, from 1 to 10,000,000 exactly.

Now, if I query that table, asking to return records 1-1,000 from that non indexed number field that I sorted in ascending order (where number field <= 1,000) , will it run as fast as if it were indexed?

In other words, does SQL know somehow that these records are sorted in ascending order and so will not do a full table scan, stopping at 1,000 to return my data set?

Or is there no way for SQL to know this and only specifying an indexed field allows SQL to know that its in some order and so it doesn't have to do the full scan?

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Insert Into Big Indexed Table

Mar 12, 2002


I need to insert 30 times daily 50000 rows into 13-month invoice big table tb_Invoce

The table has 15 columns.
4 of them are indexed (1 clustered)
The table is heavily queried.
I want to minimize insertion time and minimize time of table locked.
What is the best algorithm for inserting?

Thanks a lot

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Insert Into Indexed Table

Jul 20, 2005

Hi I have a huge table with over 100million records and on regularbasis ineed to delete nearly a million records and insert a millionrecords.Currently I delete indexes before going through the process andrecreate the indexes which takes a very very long time.IS there a way to disable indexes and re enable them after doinginsert and delete by reindexing or anything of that sort?ORIs there an approach to append two tables with similar indexes?Please air you opinior, will mean a lot to me.Thnaks

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SOS - Table Partitions Or Indexed Views.

Feb 26, 2008

Hi Experts,

We have a very huge database that stores 12 years of data(120 Million records). But our application mainly accesses past 3 years data i.e , the queries would scan the 120 million records even when it actually has to scan 30 million records alone (for 3 years).

Since few other important applications needs access to all the 12 years data, we are in a position to have 12 years data in the same database.

Right now we are looking for an approach that would help us to efficiently access the 3 years data alone and boost the performance.

1. Will SQL server table paritioning help in this scenario ?


2. Indexed views would help us ? Is it possible to create indexed views based on year range and access the views in the stored procedures ?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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Create An Indexed View And Replicate To Table

Mar 20, 2008


I have a huge problem to solve.

1) Need to create an Indexed View that joins multiple tables.I know how to create a regular View, but How do I create an Indexed View ?

2)Need be able to replicate the Indexed View [above] across to another server B into a table.

I have to get this done and seriously don't know where to start.

Do HELP me out .Thank You.

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Can I Add A Foriegn Key On A Indexed View To Reference Other Table

Nov 8, 2006

Is there anybody familiar with indexed view here?

Can I add a foriegn key on a indexed view to reference other table?


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Cannot Truncate Table 'Database.dbo.Table' Because It Is Being Referenced By A FOREIGN KEY Constraint..

Aug 23, 2006

Here is my issue I am new to 2005 sql server, and am trying to take my old data which is exported to a txt file and import it to tables in sql. The older database is non relational, and I had made several exports for the way I want to build my tables. I built my packages fine and everything is working until I start building relationships. I remove my foreign key and the table with the primary key will get updated for the package again. I need to update the data daily into sql, and once in it will only be update from the package until the database is moved over.

It will run and update with a primary key until I add a foreign key to another database.

Here is my error when running the package when table 2 has a foreign key.

[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "TRUNCATE TABLE [consumer].[dbo].[Client] " failed with the following error: "Cannot truncate table 'consumer.dbo.Client' because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

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Truncate Table

Jul 4, 2007

i did a Stored Procedure to truncate a table. it contains lots of crap from testing the site. just a simple 1 ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.TruncateUploads

TRUNCATE TABLE Uploads but it says "Cannot truncate table 'Uploads' because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint." then i make NULL all foreign keys and try still cannot. then i did it manually deleting all records then can! but why can't i truncate it? isn't it the same as removing all values plus having the primary keys to start from 0? 

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How Can I TRUNCATE My Table?

Oct 27, 2007

How can i TRUNCATE my table (removes rows that were produced at testing), so that in the actual running the automated IDNumber for my table start with 1.

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Truncate Table

Nov 1, 2000

hi, I have two tables members table and orders table.
I have 2 records in members table and zero records in order table.
When I try to truncate members table I get an error message.
cannot truncate table members,because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint.

this what blows my head, There is no records in orders table. so why would the constraint enforced when there is no data in the order table. I created same table in access and I was able to delete a member from the members table. any comments.


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Truncate Table

Feb 1, 2005

I have several very large tables and sometimes I need to clean them.
It's known that TRUNCATE TABLE works much faster than DELETE, but impossible to use TRUNCATE TABLE on a table referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint... Is it possible temporary disable (not delete) constraints and after complition of TRUNCATE enable them ?

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Feb 10, 2005


(From Bol)
"You Cannot Use Truncate Table On A Table Referenced By A Foreign Key

1) States
Statecode TinyintPrimary Key
Statename Varchar(25)

2) Rivers
RivercodeSmallint Primary Key

3) Riverinstates
Constraint Pkriverinstates Primary Key(Statecode,Rivercode),
Constraint Fkriverinstates
Foreign Key (Statecode) References States(Statecode),
Foreign Key (Rivercode) References Rivers(Rivercode)

after removing all rows from RiverInStates Table using TRUNCATE and the command completed successfully.

when i tried to remove all rows from Rivers table , i got the following error.

"Server: Msg 4712, Level 16, State 1, Line 76
Cannot truncate table 'rivers' because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN
KEY constraint."

i thought the error may be due to the "Fkriverinstates" FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINT. so i DROPped the constraint with
ALTER TABLE RiverinStates DROP CONSTRAINT Fkriverinstates

even after DROPping the constraint, im getting the same error
can any one point out where the problem is?

thanks in advance

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Truncate Table

May 18, 2004

what is the best way to truncate/delete records from a table at a certain time of the day...... i'm sure this is a simple ?, but i'm still learning sql.


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Truncate All Table's From A Db

Jan 18, 2007

any idea why this is not wroking ?
@TableName varchar

EmptyTables CURSOR FOR

Select Table_Name From Information_Schema.Tables
Where Table_Type = 'Base Table' Order By Table_Type

open EmptyTables


truncate table @TableName



close EmptyTables
deallocate EmptyTables

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Truncate Table

Nov 16, 2006

I have a database of 25 GB. I truncated a table which holds around 5 GB of data.

Even after truncation, I see my database size as 25 GB...

Should I run a shrink database after the truncation?



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SQL Server 2012 :: Query To Search Full-text Indexed Table And Return Results

Apr 19, 2014

I have written this sample query to search a full-text indexed table and return the results. If the word occurs more than once I want it to return as a new record and the results show a short summary of the location. I was using 'like', but the full table scans were really slowing it down. Can performance be improved for the following (The results returned by my query are accurate)


DECLARE @searchString nvarchar(255);
DECLARE @searchStringWild nvarchar(275);

SET @searchString = 'first';
SET @searchStringWild = UPPER('"' +@searchString+ '*"');

SELECT id, '...' + SUBSTRING(searchResults.MatchedCell, searchResults.StartPosition, searchResults.EndPosition - searchResults.StartPosition) + '...' as Result

[Code] ....

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Error (8626) While Inserting Record Into Table With Text Field And Which Is The Base For Indexed View

Mar 14, 2006

I have a problem with inserting records into table when an indexed viewis based on it.Table has text field (without it there is no problem, but I need it).Here is a sample code:USE testGOCREATE TABLE dbo.aTable ([id] INT NOT NULL, [text] TEXT NOT NULL)GOCREATE VIEW dbo.aViewWITH SCHEMABINDING ASSELECT [id], CAST([text] AS VARCHAR(8000)) [text]FROM dbo.aTableGOCREATE TRIGGER dbo.aTrigger ON dbo.aView INSTEAD OF INSERTASBEGININSERT INTO aTableSELECT [id], [text]FROM insertedENDGODo the insert into aTable (also through aView).INSERT INTO dbo.aTable VALUES (1, 'a')INSERT INTO dbo.aView VALUES (2, 'b')Still do not have any problem. But when I need index on viewCREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX [id] ON dbo.aView ([id])GOI get following error while inserting record into aTable:-- Server: Msg 8626, Level 16, State 1, Procedure aTrigger, Line 4-- Only text pointers are allowed in work tables, never text, ntext, orimage columns. The query processor produced a query plan that requireda text, ntext, or image column in a work table.Does anyone know what causes the error?

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Truncate Table Permission

Jul 16, 2001

I have somme users who need to truncate some tables owned by DBO. I know that only table owner or DBO can execute TRUNCATE TABLE but I don't want grant DBO permission to those users. Do you have any suggestion ? Thanks a lot.

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Truncate Table -- Log Backups

Jul 23, 2001

If I have a truncate table statement in a stored proc, will my log backups be compromised due to the nonlogged operations. If so, what are my alternatives in case that I need to restore? Differential backups?

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I Am Able To Rollback TRUNCATE TABLE ????

Apr 13, 2000

I am doing the following-

begin transaction
truncate table Acounts
select * from Accounts
select * from Accounts

The first select is returning 0 rows as expected. But after doing the rollback I expected to yet see 0 rows as truncate is not logged so cannot be rolled back. But to my suprise I see that there are rows.

So the rollback is rolling back the truncate table statement. Can someone please explain this????

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Truncate Table Permission

Mar 17, 2000

I know that only the owner of a table can truncate it.
I want a user to run a procedure that truncates a table. Both the procedure and the table are owned by dbo, however the system says that the user can't truncate the tables because she doesn't have permission. The user has dataread and datawrite global permissions, and I do not want to give her dbo perimssions.
Is there a solution to this?

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Possible TRUNCATE / BCP Into A Table In One TRANSACTION?

Aug 12, 1998

Hi all,

Is it possible to TRUNCATE a table and BCP data into the same table in one
My problem is that I want to refresh(delete and via BCP append new data) a
table without disturbing running applications. Can I run BCP from a
SQL-script or a stored procedure?

Jonas Dahlqvist
Alfa Laval Automation AB

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Truncate Table Permissions

Mar 22, 2006

Does anybody know of a way to allow non-administrators to execute the truncate table statement?

I have developers that from time to time need to move data between their databases usinge the DTS wizard. Most of their tables have identity columns and in order retain the identity seed, they need to click on the option to enable identity insert. This option isn't available to non administrators.

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ErrorMessage &#34;Cannot TRUNCATE TABLE...&#34; ???

Jul 2, 2002

Error Message "Cannot TRUNCATE TABLE 'HR.dbo.Employee' ".

All of a sudden (!) I began to get this error whle attempting to run a multi-step job: This is during a very simple T-SQL statement.

Executed as user: EPRODSQLAdmin. Cannot TRUNCATE TABLE 'HR.dbo.Employee' because it is being referenced by object 'v_apps_Employee'. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3729). The step failed.

Tables are being referenced by views all the time... Why would I begin to get this message?

The only thing I can think of is that I had just made my first "indexed view" ever, and it is in this database. Could that be related to the new error message?

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Use Truncate Command On A Table

Jun 3, 2008

Can We Use Truncate Command on a table which is Refernced by Foreign Key?

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Replication With Truncate Table

Mar 13, 2007


I am trying to find a replication solution. It does not have to be real-time, but snapshot will not work since the database is too big. I was trying to configure Transactional replication. The replication itself worked good, but the Truncate table is not allowed in the transactional replication and merge replication. We have to use "Truncate table" in another processes during replication. Is there any other option or third party application I can use to do the replication with truncate table working. I tried Replication Exec, but it does not support 64bit system, which we have.

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Log Invalidated After Truncate Table

Nov 23, 2005

Hi group,In one of the books 'Gurus Guide to Transact SQL' i found this info:------------------------------------------------------------TRUNCATE TABLE empties a table without logging row deletions in thetransaction log. It can't be used withtables referenced by FOREIGN KEY constraints, and it invalidates thetransaction log for the entire database.Once the transaction log has been invalidated, it can't be backed upuntil the next full database backup.------------------------------------------------------------Does it mean that the log backup taken after table truncation is aninvalid backup?Help me! i'm lost....Thanks in advanceRonin*** Sent via Developersdex ***

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Truncate Table If Exists

Jan 26, 2006

Hi,I am trying to create a script that deletes transaction tables and leavesmaster data like customer, vendors, inventory items, etc. How can I useTRUNCATE TABLE with an Exists? My problem is I have 200+ tables, if Isimply use a list like:truncate table01truncate table02truncate table03....I get errors if the table does not exist and have to manually run thetruncate statements. Some tables may not exist if that part of the app isnever used. I'm trying to make a list of all tables that could existwithout it erroring out 50+ times.Thanks in advance.

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TRUNCATE TABLE @table_name

Nov 26, 2007

I have a cursor looping through a list of tables that I want totruncate and then do a bulk insert into, Is this possible in SQLServer 2000 or do script each table individually.Cheers,Adam

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What Resources Does Truncate Table Use

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,We have a heavily used production server and a table which logs everyhit on a web site. This table has grown large over time and we want toclear it down as efficiently as possible. We would like to issue atruncate table statement, but with millions of rows we are a bit waryof how this will affect server performance. The alternative is todelete is stages using rowcount but of course this will generate alarge amount of logging.Can anyone confirm whether issuing a truncate table will have anyaffect on performance - i.e. does it just clear a header block ordooes it have to do more?CheersMartin

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Truncate Table Problem

Jun 1, 2007

Hi ,

I truncate and Delete the table. What is the differnce between following :

Trunacate table employee_master

delete from employee_master

I heared that After delete records from table through

"delete from employee_master"

data can be rollback using log file,But How ?

Waiting for response............


Nikhil Chaturvedi

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Truncate The Destination Table

Jun 27, 2007

I need to truncate the Destination table every time before the data is loaded.
I had checked out in OLE DB Destination properties but couldn€™t find any information on truncate table.

In INFORMATICA we have a properties setting for truncating the table every time the data get loaded.
I€™m looking for this option in SSIS can any one guide me on this.
Thank you,

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