Trusted Connection Security Breach?

Apr 17, 2002

I have a user who has some ODBC connections that use SQL Authentication (through a generic id)to connect to SQL Server that work fine. What worries me is the user can access the same SQL Server throught NT authentication and connect through QA, EM (registering a server) or ODBC, even though she is not listed in the security of that SQL Server as a SQL user or and NT user. Worse is that she seems to have full rights to the server. I had her log in on another box and the same thing happened. I am on SQL 2000 SP1. Anyone have any ideas to is it time to call MS?

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SQL Security :: Login Failed For User Null / Not Associated With Trusted Server Connection

Jun 19, 2015

Any way to find out who's causing "Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection." error in SQL Server error logs?

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Integrated Security Doesn't Work - Not Associated With A Trusted SQL Server Connection. Error

Oct 20, 2006



I have a piece of Java code that needs to connect to SQL 2000 (SP4) using Windows Authentication. It's running on Windows Server 2003 SP1.

I tried JDBC v1.1 and followed the code from the following blog:

But still get this error as shown below. Any help appreciated.

I am using JDK1.4.2, "sqljdbc_auth.dll" is located under "E:SQL2005JDBCDrvsqljdbc_1.1enuauthx86", also made a copy under "E:JavaTest" and "C:WindowsSystem32" but still won't work.





E:JavaTest>javac -classpath ".;E:JavaTestsqljdbc.jar"

E:JavaTest>java -classpath ".;E:JavaTestsqljdbc.jar" -Djava.library.path=E:S
QL2005JDBCDrvsqljdbc_1.1enuauthx86  TestW2 Login failed for user '(null)'.
 Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.
(Unknown Source)
        at Source)
        at Source
n Source)
(Unknown Source)
        at Sour
        at Source)
        at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)
        at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)
        at TestW2.main(

The code is simple (

import java.sql.*;

public class TestW2 {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  try {
   Connection conn = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlserver://VMW2k3ENT003.TESTCBFPOC.COM.AU;integratedSecurity=true");

  } catch (Exception ex) {


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Trusted Security In A Workgroup

Jan 17, 2007

Good afternoon,so here is a question I've been struggling with that I thought folks onthe forum might have some wisdom kicking around on. I have severalproduction servers that are living within a workgroup where there is nodomain controler. However, I would still like to set up trustedsecurity for my applications. IIS is living on one server, andSQL server on another. Is there a way I can add a trusted relationshipto the machine and account that the IIS app is running under?My thanks in advance!Jonathan Wiggs*** Sent via Developersdex ***

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IIS Access To SQL Server With Trusted Security

Dec 7, 2000

Does anyone know of a component or other mini application that can be run on the IIS server and allow IIS to access SQL Server 7 databases using Trusted Security.

Our security unit has required us to run SQL Server with Trusted Security so changing to Mixed mode is not an option. We are also not allowed to use Basic Authentication for Active Server Pages with IIS. IIS and SQL server are also on different machines.

We are looking into the possibility of trying to create a component that would run on the IIS machine to allow us to use Trusted Security to the SQL Server (in effect try to make it work the same way that the Cold Fusion product does).

Any help would be really appreciated.


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Connection Strings, Trusted-connection VS Username-password, SQL Server 2005 Express

Mar 9, 2007

All --
Please help.
I have some questions about connection strings.

Note that I am using the "SQL Native Client OLE DB Provider", SQL Sever 2005 Express, ASP.NET, C#.NET, and VS.NET 2005.
Note that I do not want to use the "Attach a database file" type of connection string.
Note that I am using the site as a reference.
Note that this "Standard security" connection string...<add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="Server=MYTESTOFFICESERVERS;Database=MyDatabase;Uid=MyDatabaseUser;Pwd=MyDatabasePassword;" />...does not work and causes the following run-time error...A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)
Note that this "Trusted connection" connection string...<add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="Server=MYTESTOFFICESERVERS;Database=MyDatabase;Trusted_Connection=yes;" /> but is less-than ideal because it uses a Trusted Connection rather than a Username/Password combination.
(A) What exactly does the error in Item 4 mean?
(B) Do 4 and 5 imply that one must use a Trusted_Connection for all SQL Server 2005 Express connection strings when the database does not reside in the web application's App_Data folder or use a "Attach a database file" type of connection string?
(C) Are there any alternatives?
(D) What do you suggest?
Please advise.
Thank you.
-- Mark Kamoski

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SQL Connection In Vista With Trusted Connection Fails Under Local System Account Until Reboot

Mar 4, 2008

Hi All,

We are using the Windows Task Scheduler as a substitute for the SQL Server Agent, which isn't available in the Express edition. The scheduled task just calls a batch file, which in turn, runs a stored procedure using osql with the -E option for a Trusted Connection.

SQL Server Express has been installed using the defaults, which means the service is running in the "NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE" account. The scheduled task we create is set to run using the "NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM" account.

Now we find that on Windows Vista (tested using Ultimate Edition) that the scheduled task fails to run the stored procedure until the machine is rebooted the first time after installing SQL Server Express. When I say "fail", I mean that the stored procedure isn't executed. The scheduled task however completes and reports no errors. On Windows XP, we do not run into this problem so I suspect it has something to do with the UAC in Vista?

We further found that after installing SQL Server Express and creating the scheduled task in the "NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE" account, the scheduled task (and stored procedure) runs fine WITHOUT requiring a reboot.

Can anyone explain why a reboot is needed to get SQL Server Express to run the scheduled task correctly under Windows Vista and the SYSTEM account?

Any help or thoughts greatly appreciated.

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Jdbc Refuses Connection With 'user Not Associated With A Trusted SQL Server Connection' Message

Jul 10, 2007

When using jdbc with IntegratedSecurity, I run into this problem when the machine is not part of a domain & gets its IP address via dhcp. Is this expected behavior or a bug in the jdbc driver.

The SQLServer and client application are installed on the same machine and a local admin is logged in, running the client app.

If I change one of the two parameters mentioned above, the connection can be established leading me to believe this may be intentional for security issues. Am I correct?

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Stored Procedure Only Works In When App Uses Trusted Security

Dec 23, 2005

Hi,I have a .NET application that connects to a SQL 2000 database usingtrusted security. It eventually calls a stored procedure that receives3 parameters - nothing special.If I simply change the connection string to use a valid Userid andPassword it still connects to the DB w/o problems but when it executesthe SP I get the following:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid length parameter passed tothe substring function.I change nothing but the login. Same store procedure, same parameters.Any ideas?

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Current Security Context Not Trusted When Using Linked Server From SAP

Dec 31, 2006


I am experiencing a head-scratcher of a problem when trying to use a Linked Server connection to query a remote SQL Server database from our SAP R/3 system. We have had this working just fine for some time, but after migrating to new hardware and upgrading OS, DBMS, and R/3, now we are running into problems.

The target database is a named instance on SQL Server 2000 SP3, Windows 2000 Server. The original source R/3 system was also on SQL Server 2000 (SP4), Windows 2000 Server. I had been using a Linked Server defined via SQL Enterprise Manager (actually defined when the source was on SQL Server 7), which called an alias defined with the Client Network Utility that pointed to the remote named instance. This alias and Linked Server worked great for several years.

Now we have migrated our R/3 system onto new hardware, running Windows Server 2003 SP1 and SQL Server 2005 SP1. I redefined the Linked Server on the new SQL 2005 installation, this time avoiding the alias and referencing the remote named instance directly, and it tests out just fine using queries from SQL Management Studio. It also tests fine with OSQL called from the R/3 server console, both when logged on as the application service account with a trusted connection, and with a SQL login as the schema owner. From outside of the application, I cannot make it fail. It works perfectly.

That all changes when I try to use the Linked Server within an SAP custom program (ABAP), however. The program crashes with a database interface error. The database error code is 15274, and the error text is "Access to the remote server is denied because the current security context is not trusted."

I have set the "trustworthy" property on the R/3 database, I have ensured the service account is a member of the sysadmin SQL role, I've even made it a member of the local Administrators group on both source and target servers, and I've done the same with the SQL Server service account (it uses a domain account). I have configured the Distributed Transaction Coordinator on the source (Win2003) system per Microsoft KB 839279 (this fixed problems with remote queries coming the other way from the SQL2000 system), and I've upgraded the system stored procedures on the target (SQL2000) system according to MS KB 906954. I also tried making the schema user a member of the sysadmin role, but that was disastrous, resulting in an instant R/3 crash (don't try this in production!), so I set it back the way it was (default).

What's really strange is no matter how I try this from outside the R/3 system, it works perfectly, but from within R/3 it does not. A search of SAP Notes, SDN forums, SAPFANS, Microsoft's KnowledgeBase, and MSDN Forums has not yielded quite the same problem (although that did lead me to learning about the "trustworthy" database property).

Any insight someone could offer on this thorny problem would be most appreciated.

Best regards,


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System.Security.SecurityException: That Assembly Does Not Allow Partially Trusted Callers

Jan 4, 2008

I have successfully compiled & deployed the custom security extension. Currently I am having some runtime error when using the added Membership.Data.dll for authentication & authorization.

* signed with a strong name key
* [assembly: AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers] is added
* it uses Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.dll for database connection

I have also added connectionstring to web.config(s) under ReportManager and ReportServer.

Here is the exception:

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.Security.SecurityException: That assembly does not allow partially trusted callers. at System.Security.CodeAccessSecurityEngine.ThrowSecurityException(Assembly asm, PermissionSet granted, PermissionSet refused, RuntimeMethodHandle rmh, SecurityAction action, Object demand, IPermission permThatFailed) at Membership.Data.DataProvider.Acquire(String DatabaseName) at Microsoft.Samples.ReportingServices.CustomSecurity.AuthenticationUtilities.VerifyPassword(String suppliedUserName, String suppliedPassword) in C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SamplesReporting ServicesExtension SamplesFormsAuthentication SamplecsFormsAuthenticationAuthenticationUtilities.cs:line 116 at Microsoft.Samples.ReportingServices.CustomSecurity.AuthenticationExtension.LogonUser(String userName, String password, String authority) in C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SamplesReporting ServicesExtension SamplesFormsAuthentication SamplecsFormsAuthenticationAuthenticationExtension.cs:line 70 at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.RSCustomAuthentication.LogonUser(String userName, String password, String authority) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportingService2005Impl.LogonUser(String userName, String password, String authority) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportingService2005.LogonUser(String userName, String password, String authority) The action that failed was: LinkDemand The assembly or AppDomain that failed was: Membership.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=<key>The method that caused the failure was: Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Database CreateDatabase(System.String) The Zone of the assembly that failed was: MyComputer The Url of the assembly that failed was: file:///c:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL.4/Reporting Services/ReportServer/bin/Membership.Data.DLL --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

Any ideas? I assume that Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.dll is in GAC so i shouldn't have to worry about [AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers]

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Access To The Remote Server Is Denied Because The Current Security Context Is Not Trusted

Jun 27, 2007

I am unable to run a stored procedure that accesses a linked Oracle database as a dataset for a deployed report in Reporting Services. I receive the following error:

An error has occurred during report processing.

Query execution failed for data set 'spName'.

Access to the remote server is denied because the current security context is not trusted.

A few facts ...

The report previews fine in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Version 8.0.50727.762 (SP.050727-7600) report designer with VS being installed on my local machine and a shared data source referencing Server1
The deployed report on Server2 produces the error
The stored procedure code is similar to the following:

SELECT x.FieldName as OracleField

,y.FieldName as SSfield

FROM OracleLinkedServer..DatabaseName.TableName x

LEFT JOIN Server1.dbo.TableName y

The deployed report runs fine when the stored procedure code is changed as follows. This indicates to me that the problem is truly an Oracle connection issue;

SELECT 'ABC' as OracleField

,y.FieldName as SSfield

FROM Server1.dbo.TableName y

The Oracle database is a linked database on both SQL Server1 and on SQL Server2 database engines. (I don't see where in Server2 Reporting Services I can specify additional server connections.)
I've tried to trick Mr. Reporting Services on Server2 by creating a @L_TempTable in my stored procedure, inserting the data into it, then selecting from a SQL Server1.dbo.TableName LEFT JOIN @l_TempTable, but Server2 still knows I'm trying to get out to Oracle and rewards me with the error.
I can effectively run the Server1 stored procedure script on Server2 through MSSMS -- it's just the deployed report that references the stored procedure that doesn't work
The data source properties of the deployed report are as follows:

Select -- A Custom Datasource

Connection Type: Microsoft SQL Server

Connectoin String: Data Source=Server1;Initial Catalog=DatabaseName

Select -- Credentials stored securly in the report server

Username: UserName

Password: Password

Check -- Use as Windows credentials when connecting the the data source

Check -- Impersonate the authenticated user ...

(Please do not get sidetracked on the 'A Customer Datasource' selection above. I'd rather be using a shared data source, but right now, this is just the way it is.)

Anyone's expertise would be greatly appreciated. We have a great data warehouse but sometimes you just have to go back to the Oracle ERP and slug it out. What do I need to do to get a deployed report to effectively read from a stored procedure that references an Oracle table?

To everyone, thanks for reading!

~ Delora

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Access To The Remote Server Is Denied Because The Current Security Context Is Not Trusted.

Aug 25, 2006


In SQL 2005, from a stored procedure in a local database I am attempting to execute a remote stored procedure in another database on another server. I am getting the error referred to in the Subject when the local stored procedure tries to execute the remote stored procedure. A couple of comments:

The remote database is set up as a linked server in the local database. As part of the linked server definition I selected the 'be made using this security context', and provided a local user name and password.
The remote database is set to Trustworthy.
I have tried every combination of WITH Execute As on the remote stored procedure but nothing works.
I can query against the remote database successfully within Management Studio. I can even execute the remote stored procedure successfully from within M.S., but not from within my local stored procedure when it is run.

Thank you for your help on this - Amos.

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Access To The Remote Server Is Denied Because The Current Security Context Is Not Trusted

Jun 27, 2007

I am unable to run a stored procedure that accesses a linked Oracle database as a dataset for a deployed report in Reporting Services. I receive the following error:

An error has occurred during report processing.

Query execution failed for data set 'spName'.

Access to the remote server is denied because the current security context is not trusted.

A few facts ...

The report previews fine in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Version 8.0.50727.762 (SP.050727-7600) report designer with VS being installed on my local machine and a shared data source referencing Server1
The deployed report on Server2 produces the error
The stored procedure code is similar to the following:

SELECT x.FieldName as OracleField

,y.FieldName as SSfield

FROM OracleLinkedServer..DatabaseName.TableName x

LEFT JOIN Server1.dbo.TableName y

The deployed report runs fine when the stored procedure code is changed as follows. This indicates to me that the problem is truly an Oracle connection issue;

SELECT 'ABC' as OracleField

,y.FieldName as SSfield

FROM Server1.dbo.TableName y

The Oracle database is a linked database on both SQL Server1 and on SQL Server2 database engines. (I don't see where in Server2 Reporting Services I can specify additional server connections.)
I've tried to trick Mr. Reporting Services on Server2 by creating a @L_TempTable in my stored procedure, inserting the data into it, then selecting from a SQL Server1.dbo.TableName LEFT JOIN @l_TempTable, but Server2 still knows I'm trying to get out to Oracle and rewards me with the error.
I can effectively run the Server1 stored procedure script on Server2 through MSSMS -- it's just the deployed report that references the stored procedure that doesn't work
The data source properties of the deployed report are as follows:

Select -- A Custom Datasource

Connection Type: Microsoft SQL Server

Connectoin String: Data Source=Server1;Initial Catalog=DatabaseName

Select -- Credentials stored securly in the report server

Username: UserName

Password: Password

Check -- Use as Windows credentials when connecting the the data source

Check -- Impersonate the authenticated user ...

(Please do not get sidetracked on the 'A Customer Datasource' selection above. I'd rather be using a shared data source, but right now, this is just the way it is.)

Anyone's expertise would be greatly appreciated. We have a great data warehouse but sometimes you just have to go back to the Oracle ERP and slug it out. What do I need to do to get a deployed report to effectively read from a stored procedure that references an Oracle table?

To everyone, thanks for reading!

~ Delora

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SQL 2012 :: Access To Remote Server Is Denied - Current Security Context Is Not Trusted

Feb 10, 2014

We've got 3 SQL Servers all SQL Server 2012. We have a Master server and 2 production servers (let's call them A and B). The Master has linked servers defined for both A and B in an identical way.

A and B both have the same databases and each has a Stored Proc that gets called by the Master server.
An SQL Agent job executes the stored proc on both A and B.
It works fine against A but not B.

If we execute the stored proc in a query window under our windows account (domainowner) it works, if we use SetUser to pretend to be the SQL Server Agent account (let's call it domainagent) A works and B doesn't.

Executing against B returns the error "Access to the remote server is denied because the current security context is not trusted."

domainagent is a sysadmin on both Server A and B.

Trustworthy is set to ON in both the Master Server Database it's executing from and the remote databases on both A and B.

All 3 databases have the same owner (let's call it domainowner).

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For Remus - Access To The Remote Server Is Denied Because The Current Security Context Is Not Trusted.

Aug 25, 2006

Remus (or anyone who can help) -

I am sorry for posting this question here. The only reason I am doing so is because Remus answered a question similar to this late last year, but I couldn't get access to the whole thread.

In SQL 2005, from a stored procedure in a local database I am attempting to execute a remote stored procedure in another database on another server. I am getting the error referred to in the Subject when the local stored procedure tries to execute the remote stored procedure. A couple of comments:

a.. The remote database is set up as a linked server in the local database. As part of the linked server definition I selected the 'be made using this security context', and provided a local user name and password.
b.. The remote database is set to Trustworthy.
c.. I have tried every combination of WITH Execute As on the remote stored procedure but nothing works.
d.. I can query against the remote database successfully within Management Studio. I can even execute the remote stored procedure successfully from within M.S., but not from within my local stored procedure when it is run.

Thank you for your help on this - Amos.

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SQL 2012 :: Persist Security Info And Integrated Security In Connection String

Dec 4, 2014

I use from sql server 2008. and c#

what is the best connectionstring?

I don't know if i use Persist Security Info and Integrated Security or not?

And if yes then their value must be true or false?

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Error 15274: Access To The Remote Server Is Denied Because The Current Security Context Is Not Trusted.

Sep 12, 2007


I have a stored procedure servicing a queue (sql 2005).
The stored procedure updates some data in a different server and database.
If the queue contains messages and I execute manually the stored procedure, I don't have any problem at all.
However, if I set the queue to use the same stored procedure, it gives me the following error:

Error 15274: Access to the remote server is denied because the current security context is not trusted.

Any ideas?



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Not Associated With Trusted Sql Connection

Jul 4, 2007

 I have a Web application in 1.1Iam using windows authentication. The application is on IIS on MachineA. When i try to access this from MachineB as http://MachineA/test/test.aspx, it gives me the error "login failed for user 'null' : not associated with a trusted sql connection"Both MachineA and MachineB are on the same domain & iam not using any sql authentication. Could someone suggest me where i might have gone wrong. Web.config has authentication as 'windows', allow users = "*"  and Identity impersonation = trueOn IIS, the vitual directory of 'test' application has Directory secuirty set to 'Integrated Security'Please let me know if someone had dealt with similar scenario. Thanks. 

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Trusted SQL Connection

Nov 1, 2004


I keep getting this error when I try to connect to my SQL Server:

"Login failed for user ''. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection."

I've tried to use both methods of logging into the DB (integrated security and using a SQL username and password).

Anyone have any idea on how to fix this?


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Not Trusted Connection???

Mar 8, 2005

i had try to use the following comand to login msde server
osql -U sa -P ****

and it reture the following:
Login failed for user 'sa'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server

how can i fixed this problem,and i really want to use command line to maniuplate msde server

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Trusted Sql Connection

Jul 3, 2001


I have just installed MSSQL 2000 on Windows 2000. what I am finding is that I cannot open an isql (or query analyzer) session using the sql login (i am successful when i use NT authentication). The error message I get is as follows

Msg 18452, Level 14, State 1:
Login failed for user 'xxx'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server
DB-Library: Login incorrect.

MSDN talks about setting the registry entries differently, but that seems to be only for SQL 7.

anybody have any hints about this.

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Trusted Connection

May 12, 2000

Can anyone please tell me how to create a trusted connection?. I am from Unix world and NT is still kind of new to
me. Let say my SQL server is located in this machine residing in domain X and I want a NT user, ABC, who is in
domain Y to have acess to my server. What do I need to do?. Many thanks.

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Trusted Connection

Dec 11, 2001

Can anyone please advise me on how to set a sql7.0 and sql2000 server having trusted connection. Appreciate your help"""

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Non-trusted Connection What Does It Mean?

May 5, 2004

What does it mean when a users is connected but it is a "non-trusted connection". This is showing up in the log file after my users connect. How does this effect the system/user? We have been experiencing speed issues and I was wondering if this might be a possible source of the problem.

Thanks in advance.

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Trusted Connection

Jul 20, 2005

Hi-Is it possible to do a trusted connection for a web server not onthe same physical machine. By this I mean can I make a remoteconnection from a web server to a sql server using a trusted connection.If so, how?Thanks,Dave

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How Do I Specify A Trusted Connection?

May 18, 2006

I'm trying to get a utility to run, and it's insisting on a user or trusted connection. I'm using SQL Server 2000 running locally. I've tried every login name, default, user I can think of but it rejects all of them.

What should I use for "trusted connection"?

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Trusted Connection From VPN

Dec 15, 2007


I have an application we use here at work that I wanted to bring home to work from my house. At work I can get the application to connect to the SQL Server without problems. At home I get:

Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

I am connected to the office using a VPN connection. I have permissions to access the database (I am the server admin). It only happens when I connect thru VPN. I have tried it on 2 other systems here in the house to insure its not just my computer.

At the moment the application will only work with a trusted connection or Windows Authentication. It will not work with SQL authentication.

Any ideas?


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Connecting Using A Trusted Connection

Jun 29, 2006

I appologize if this is in the wrong spot, but it seemed like the appropriate place.
We have IIS installed on one box and SQL on another. We use a trusted connection to connect.
When we try an connect to our DB, we don't get an error, the page just refreshes. From what i have gathered, it looks like we are not being authenticated. We have the ASPNET domain user on both boxes and its configured with the correct permissions, but we still can't connect.
Do i need to set up or give permissions to another account i dont know about, or is there some file that needs access?

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Trusted SQL Server Connection

Jul 4, 2006

Hi folks, when i try to connect to my sql express sever through Sql sever authentication  I keep getting an error that says
"Login failed for user 'username'. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. "
I know the password is right.. how do i overcome this??

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Not Associated With A Trusted SQL Server Connection (Please Help)

Apr 2, 2008

Hello All,
I know this issue has been dealt with every where in the universe. but none seem to solve my problem. I need help desperatelyThe Web Application is a Classic ASP/Sql Server 2000 using two computers in the same physical network:Computer-A is the Sql Server2000 running Windows XP Professional.Inside Sql Server2000  i created a login, AA, as a dbowner of a database called XXX. Inside XXX, AA is right there as a user.
i configured the SqlServer to accept mixed (Windows and Sql) logins.I restarted the computer and i logged into sqlserver successfully as AA. Everything is fine here.

 Computer-B is the Web Server running IIS in Windows XP Professional.Here, I successfully created a System ODBC i named EEEE to connect to XXX using the AA login. Everything is fine up to this point.But, to my greatest surprise when i use - conn.Open("DSN=EEEE;UID=AA;PWD=AApassword;") in a classic ASP page, it returns this very famous error.

What did i do wrong? Please help

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Not Associated With Trusted SQL Server Connection

May 22, 2008

Hi All,
  My Webserver and SQL Server are of different machines.I have connected my website with sql server database. I published that website in IIS. I can able to browse that in local machine. But, if I try to browse from some other machine its giving me error saying "NOT ASSOCIATED WITH TRUSTED SQL SERVER CONNECTION".
MY Connection string is this:
connectionString="Data Source=BOOKSQL;Initial Catalog=CustomerDb;Trusted_Connection=True;"
I also tried with
connectionString="Data Source=BOOKSQL;Initial Catalog=HeCustomerDb;Integrated Security=SSPI;"
How can I overcome this problem. Please help me! I need ur immediate response.  

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Trusted Connection Problems

May 30, 2004

Hello everyone,

I am trying to use a trusted connect to connect to a DB. Currently I use this code:

WindowsPrincipal wp = (WindowsPrincipal)HttpContext.Current.User;
WindowsIdentity id = (WindowsIdentity)wp.Identity;

// impersonate user to connect to DB
WindowsImpersonationContext impersonatedUser = id.Impersonate();
connection = new SqlConnection("Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=DBname;Data Source=server;Packet Size=4096;");
dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter("select query");
data = new DataSet();
// restore our old security context

I am testing the app with my user which has full access to the server and database I am trying to connect to. But I always get this error:

Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

Now I'm new to this and not sure if I am going about it correctly, so any help would be appreciated. I just want it to use the ID of the person viewing the page to login to the server.



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