Trying To Apply A Non-compressed Snapshot When It Is Compressed In A Cab File
Jul 19, 2007
Noticed weird activity today with pull merge.
When your snapshot is set to be delivered via ftp and compressed in a cab file. If you add a new article to your publication and re-run the snapshot the agent will be unable to pull the snapshot down as it for some reason doesnt think its compressed. It is failing to find the scripts it needs inside the cab file despite the cab file existing in the correct location.
Here is the error.
2007-07-19 09:57:29.855 Snapshot files will be downloaded via ftp
2007-07-19 09:57:29.886 Connecting to ftp site 'SQL3'
2007-07-19 09:57:29.933 The schema script 'empActive_127.sch' could not be propagated to the subscriber.
2007-07-19 09:57:29.933 Category:NULL
Source: Merge Replication Provider
Number: -2147201001
Message: The schema script 'empActive_127.sch' could not be propagated to the subscriber.
2007-07-19 09:57:29.933 Category:AGENT
Source: SQL2SQL2005
Number: 20033
Message: The process could not retrieve file 'SQL3_CCUSA_ATLAS_SYSTEM TABLES/20070719055712/empActive_127.sch' from the FTP site 'SQL3'.
2007-07-19 09:57:29.949 CategoryS
Number: 12003
Message: 200 Type set to I.
200 PORT command successful.
550 SQL3_CCUSA_ATLAS_SYSTEM TABLES/20070719055712/empActive_127.sch: The system cannot find the file specified.
550 SQL3_CCUSA_ATLAS_SYSTEM TABLES/20070719055712/empActive_127.sch: The system cannot find
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Oct 16, 2007
I have a server in our central location which is a compressed snapshot publisher. I have 2 push subscribers in remote locations on very slow WAN links. I would like the snapshot cabinet file to be uncompressed at the subscribers location rather than the publisher location. Is this possible with push subscribers? I want to manage the pushing of data to the remote subscribers from the publisher location.
I understand the default with push subscriptions is to uncompress the cabinet file at the publisher location.
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Nov 2, 2015
I have this bcp
EXEC xp_cmdshell 'bcp "SELECT top 10 * FROM [db].dbo.[u_activity]" queryout "C:bcpCustomers.csv" -c -b 10000 -t~ -S -U user-P password'
which throws the data into a csv, but the issue is I also need to compress the file down in a .rar file,
can this be done in a SP while still executing the above bcp ?
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Sep 8, 2015
I got full backup on daily schedule its taking more space on Drive because each file has more than 25GB.I am using SLQ server 2008R2 so I'm looking to take the backup with compression instead of uncompressed Backup. What are the impacts of compressed backup. Is there any problems with compressed backup while restoring the backup file.
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Apr 27, 2007
I have a table of compressed data and am looking for an efficient way to expand the data for reporting purposes.
The table is used to store the number of hours a given contractor works and is stored in the following fashion:
The first row represents the number of sequential days where an employee worked the same # of hours. Once the # of hours changes, a new record is created. In this simple example, the first row shows an employee working Monday-Friday (5) for a total of 8 hours each day. The second row represents the weekend (2 days) where the employee worked 0 hours.
What I need to do is explode this out to show 1 record per day. Ideally I'd like to write a function to do this as I would be linking to another table which has the start and end date for the contractor and would allow me to apply individual dates to each record based on the contractor start date through to the end date.
Thanks for any help you can provide!
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Feb 2, 2007
I am using SQL2005 merge replication and have pull subscribers on a low bandwidth link
I am compressing the snapshot into an alternate folder. Files are not put into the default folder
When I start a synchronization, I would expect the cab file to be copied to the subscriber and then the files to be extracted locally at the subscriber in order to apply the snapshot
However, what appears to be happening is that the files are being extracted from the cab file on the publisher (in a UNC specified directory) and then copied in their uncompressed form to the subscriber - resulting in an extremely slow snapshot application.
Any ideas what I am doing wrong? I have read about the options for using FTP to transfer snapshot files, but I am not clear whether I have to use FTP in order to transmit a compressed snapshot. I don't want to use FTP unless I need to.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated
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Jun 11, 2015
I just completed a copy-Only compressed backup of a DB (with a FULL Recovery Model ) on SQL Server 2012 and the resulting backup (the bak file) is 1/100th the size of the data & log file. Is the compression in SQL Server 2012 just that good or did something else happen that I did not catch? Below is the T-SQL to re-create the backup. The size of the data file is 750MB and the log file is 75GB and is %95 used according to the SQLPERF command.
Does the compression in SQL Server 2012 simply that good
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Nov 23, 2005
One way to save storage space is to put the SQL data files into a compressedfile. Has anyone got any idea how this will affect the query speed?
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Apr 24, 2007
Hi everyone,
already tried this in other SQL forums, but maybe i have some luck here.
I need mainly to restore database backups from customers. They arrive in all kind of formats (zip, rar, gz). I'd like to be able to restore those directly from the compressed file, because i'm talking up to 7GB rar files which take a while to uncompress in a separate step.
I'm working for 6 years in R&D environments, but mostly on Linux/Oracle where this is an easy task using pipes, but i haven't found a sinlge web page, post or even script to do this with MSSQL. The VDI is not really what i'm looking for, so aren't backup software like SQLBackup, Litespeed etc. because i can't force the customer to use those.
Anybody any idea or even the same problem maybe with solution?
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Jan 31, 2006
I am trying to read a 36 byte files that contains compressed data. I create my Flat File data source and SSIS reads it fine UNTIL it hits a x00 in the file. Then it stops reading and I can't get any data after it. There is data after the x00. Here the entire hex string: C7 C7 CF 6A 00 00 05 02 3D 03 21 01 E0 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3D 3C 1E FD 02 C8 00 00 00 AE 41 E3 28 7C
To test, I changed the two x00 in bytes 5 and 6 to x01 and SSIS read until the next x00.
Anyone have any ideas?
Jack Lavender
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Jan 25, 2007
Hi all,
I am trying to use bcp to output data to a compressed (zipped) folder.
The bcp command is called from a step in scheduled job in SQL 2005 (T-SQL) similar to:
SET@chvCommand =
'bcp [working_t] out D:EprojectsEdataCdata200701.dat'
+ ' -c -STPISQL -T'
EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @chvCommand, NO_OUTPUT
.... where Cdata is a compressed (zipped) folder.
The scheduled job seems to work without errors, but afterwards there is nothing in the compressed folder.
If Cdata is a regular folder everything works fine.
Thanks for you insight.
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Apr 14, 2014
Source System : Oracle
Target System : Ms Sql Server 2012
ETL Tool Used : SSIS
My source data is present in XML File which is stored in CLOB column Of Oracle. CLOB column is compressed.I need to Migrate data by Uncompressing XML to SQL 2012 .
Do I need to define XML column in SQL Server 2012 for storing Uncompressed CLOB values ?
How to uncompress the clob and extract the required data from XML using SSIS .
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Sep 14, 2012
I have created a new report.what i do in application is i compress the image and save it in i need to retrieve the compressed image and display in the report. I have used the following code to decompress the binary data save in the image.
I dont know after that what should i do. How to show the picture in SSRS Report. I need to show picture in many of my doubt is how to call this function in SSRS Report. The function accepts input as byte but in database the column in varbinary.
Should I convert the input type of function to varbinary instead of byte array?
Public Function Decompress(ByVal arr As Byte()) As Byte()
Dim notCompressed As Boolean
notCompressed = False
Dim MS As MemoryStream
MS = New MemoryStream()
[Code] ....
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Feb 15, 2007
Hi, I am trying to lean ASP.NET. So I was trying to install SQL Server too. But, I could not install. The aleart box popped up:
"SQL Server set up cannot install files to the compressed or encrypted folder: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server"
Before this, I also got a warning that the hardware of my computer does not meet the hardware requirement.
I would like to know how I can install SQL Server into my computer. Or, shouldn't I do that? To learn ASP.NET I want to have a database ready. If I can not use SQL Server, I may try Access or something smaller...
Thanks in advance.
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Mar 5, 2007
Where do I go in my computer to correct this problem so that I can complete the installation?
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Jul 20, 2005
HiI implement a manual standby by backing up Transaction log files everyhourand database nightly and restoring these on a standby server.Every thing works fine but the Transaction log restore fail with errorlistedI am sure the database backup finishes before the transaction logbackupsThanksTYThe log in this backup set terminates at LSN 22927000000763100001,which is too early to apply to the database. A more recent log backupthat includes LSN 22927000000773700001 can be restored. [SQLSTATE42000] (Error 4326). The step failed.
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Mar 26, 2007
I only have the ldf file and the bak file.
My bak file was current to 3/2/2007
My ldf file was current to 3/25/2007
I do not have the mdf file.
How to I apply the transaction from the ldf file to my resotred database?
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Mar 5, 2007
Hi guys
I need to apply a sql script file on Sql server 2000 by .net 2.0 program. but on the current running machine, there is not Osql.exe file. Do you guys know how to execute the sql file without the command? Is there any way provided in .net library ?
Thanks for you response!
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Jul 26, 2004
We are using log shipping and we would like to remove all transfered and applied journal (in the primary box).
We have the intentionto use a trigger like this :
ON log_shipping_plan_history
@lastfile nvarchar(256)
SELECT @lastfile=i.last_file
FROM log_shipping_plan_history e INNER JOIN inserted i ON e.sequence_id = i.sequence_id
where i.activity=1
if IF (@lastfile <> NULL)
... remove file (using xp_cmd for example...)
but the problem is that we have only the last file transfered and applied that will be removed
(some time, more that 1 file are applied in one shot ...
see num_files column in log_shipping_plan_history).
Any solution to remove all the files generated before the last one given by the query ?
Any other solutions (sql wizard gives the possiblity to to remove file after a laps of time 1hour, 1day...).
I am looking for the table that contains all the journal files (that we can see when we try to retore a db) ?
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Nov 27, 2007
Hi... I'm reading the MS Press 70-442 Self-Paced Training kit, and I'm having problems with this example.
I'd like help getting it to work correctly, or understand why it is isn't working the way I planned.
On page 67, the lab is about the APPLY operator (CROSS APPLY and OUTER APPLY). I first have to input a sample table-valued function into the AdventureWorks database:
Code Block
CREATE FUNCTION fnGetAvgCost(@ProdID int)
RETURNS @RetTable TABLE (AvgCost money)
WITH Product(stdcost)
SELECT avg(standardcost) as AvgCost
FROM Production.ProductCostHistory
WHERE ProductID = @ProdID
and then run a sample T-SQL statement
Code Block
SELECT p.Name, p.ProductNumber,
Convert(varchar, cost.AvgCost,1) AS 'Average Cost'
FROM Production.Product p
CROSS APPLY fnGetAvgCost(p.ProductID) AS cost
ORDER BY cost.AvgCost desc
My problem is with the WHERE clause... According to page 56, CROSS APPLY returns only rows from the outer table that produces a result set, so why do I need to explicitly filter NULL values?
When I remove the WHERE clause, the query retrieves lots of NULL AvgCost values.
Again, according to page 56, it is the OUTER APPLY that returns all rows that return a result set and will include NULL values in the columns that are returned from the table-valued function.
So, in short, I don't see the difference between CROSS APPLY and OUTER APPLY, using this example, when I remove the WHERE clause?
(Please refrain from introducing another example into this question.)
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Jun 20, 2007
I seem to have a strange problem when applying a snapshot when the tables in the publication have been updated while the snapshot was being generated.
Say for example there is a table called RMAReplacedItem in the publication. When the snapshot starts being applied to the subscriber, a stored procedure called sp_MSins_RMAReplacedItem_msrepl_css gets created that handles an insert if the row already exists (ie it updates the row rather than inserting it). However, after all the data has been loaded into the tables, instead of calling this procedure, it tries to call one called sp_MSins_RMAReplacedIte_msrepl_cssm - it takes the last letter of the table name and adds it to the end of the procedure name.
The worst part is that this causes the application of the snapshot to fail, but it doesnt report what the error is, and instead it just tries applying the snapshot again. The only way i have managed to find which call is failing is to run profiler against the subscriber while the snapshot is being applied and see what errors.
I have run sp_broswereplcmds and the data in there is what is applied to the subscriber - ie the wrong procedure name.
All the servers involved are running sql 2005 service pack 2. The publisher and subscriber were both upgraded from sql 2000, but the distribution server is a fresh install of sql 2005.
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Mar 26, 2007
I have a sql server problem for which the solution is at,
The article talks about a hot fix, but there is no link for download the hot fix.
Can anyone have a look and guide me.
I think, therefore I am - Rene Descartes
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May 23, 2007
I am using SETROWCOUNT 10 in my stored procedure. At end of thi sp I use SETROWCOUNT 0.
Will all other sp's that are executing at the same time as the above sp, get affected by the above SETROWCOUNT statement?
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Sep 7, 2007
I have a table called Courses with columns "courseCode" "courseName" and "TeacherName"Im passing in a value @prefixText ...I have the following...Select courseModuleCode from courses Where courseModuleCode like @prefixTextwhat I actually want to do is return one list, i.e. one column that will do the same for "courseName" and "TeacherName" aswell based on what the @prefix tag i will end up with one column that may contains some or all of the following courseModuleCode, courseName, TeacherName. Im basically implementing a search on this table and want the users to search by any of the column nameshope this makes sense.
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Jun 24, 2004
I am new to DTS.
In ExecuteSQLTask:
want the original sql statement of <<backup database databaeABC to backup_databaseABC with init>> to be
backup database ? to 'backup_' + ? with init
But it looks the parameter could not place a globalVariable to it and parse it with error.
One alternate way probably need to create a proc to pass a parm to it....
Also, how could pass a globalVariable to a FTP task?
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Aug 27, 2004
We have a Pub, Dist and Sub Server all running under SP2 with worm update and are looking to apply SP3a . Replication is transactional with heavy usage . What is the best sequence to apply SP3
can it be spread out in 3 weekends or has to be done all together ?
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Sep 12, 2013
I want to apply lock on a row, where by when another application is trying to access the locked row the application will automatically move to the next row instead of waiting for the locked row
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Feb 26, 2004
I am trying to install sql server sp3a. I checked the version before and after the sp is applied, and it shows:
Now, according to the sp3a readme:
the following versions should show:
SQL Server 2000 Original Release 8.00.194 RTM
Database Components SP1 or Desktop Engine SP1 8.00.384 SP1
Database Components SP2 or Desktop Engine SP2 8.00.534 SP2
Database Components SP3 or SP3a, or Desktop Engine SP3 or SP3a 8.00.760 SP3
This would imply that after installing sp3a and restarting, the version reported should now be 8.00.760. However, it still shows 8.00.194. So it appears to have not really installed, althought the sp3a installation ran without incident. So, how can I get the sp3a to not just act like it installed, but actually get it to install? Also, I have shut down all mssql services and rebooted, applied patch, and rebooted again. Doesn't help.
Also, if it is really installing, is there another way to tell?
Anyway, I really need to be able to install sp3a to see if it fixes another problem I'm having. Unfortunetly, since I can't even tell if the sp3a is installing, I can't tell if it really doesn't help or not. Thanks.
Tony F
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May 22, 2008
What is Cross Apply, when it will be used ?
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Jul 22, 2007
Hello everyone...
i am new to Structured Query Language. I am learning it for the past 6 months form a book by myself. I don't have a teacher available to me. Now when i have finished that with all of the exercises completed. i want to make sure what i've learned is i've really learned it. the problem is that there is no such organization here that i join and have some hand on practical. So now i am asking u guys to help me. Tell me some way so that i make sure of whatever knowledge i have about SQL.
don't worry be happy
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Oct 14, 2007
We would like to apply a hotfix to solve the issue that brought our server down. The hotfix we are trying to apply is in Build 3175. But the latest Cumulative Update 3 Package is Build 3186. Should we apply 3175? Or we can go for the latest build 3186? Which is recommended?
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Nov 20, 2007
I want to show top selling items for each store. Sample SQL Query is "SELECT TOP n ItemNumber FROM Inventory Group By Store" n - is the dynamic value. I am accepting this n parameter from the user. If the user is giving 5 for n then, I want to show top 5 selling items for each store. It will be greatfull, If anybodies giving me an idea of how to do this?.
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Feb 20, 2007
Should I apply SP2 even though I have already installed the community preview?
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