Trying To Create A DTS Package To Import Dbf Tables && Need Help

Mar 9, 2004

Hi There,
I am trying to create a DTS package that will import dbf tables. My problem is that the data was created back in the pre-dos 5 days, so to save room they took the dates and convert them to 2 characters.
Now I would like to import these tables and conver the date back. I do have a Function that I can run in FoxPro to "Unpack" these dates.

Function UnPackDate( cDate )

*!*PARAMETERS: f_datestr - Character (manditory). This should be a two
**!* byte string created with PACKDATE().
*!* RETURNS: A date from 1/1/1970 and 11/29/2126

If EMPTY(cDate)
Return {//}

Local nDate
nDate = (ASC( LEFT(cDate,1) ) * 256) + ASC( RIGHT(cDate,1))

Return ( CTOD("01/01/1970") + nDate - 8225 )

*================================================= ======================

Does anyone know how to take this function and make it work while doing an import?


View 14 Replies


How To Create A SSIS Package For Data Import.

Sep 20, 2007

I want to create a package to import some tables from database X from Server XYZ to database X of server ABC.
(As my X database on server XYZ is gets updating everyday so i need to update it on X of server ABC using the package.)
So i have created a package using the import export data transformationn services.
It runs fine while creating. i.e importing data for the first time. But when i have saved that SSIS package on SQL or File system and scheduled it to run daily, but if fails everytime. I am not getting the error its giving. Because everytime when i go to view history of that package it just gives me messages like step1 started by user xyz and failed.
Can you please help me to sort out this problem.
If possible give me steps which will help me to create package to run above scenario.
you can mail me the solution on

Thanks in advance.

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Is It Possible To Create A Class Library That I Can Import Inside Script Components In My Package?

Dec 27, 2007

Good day everyone,

I have a package that loads data from a flat file, performs some transformations and then inserts the final data into a DB destination. The keys for the different DB records are generated in Script components in the Data Flow Tasks.

My question is concerning the Key Generation and I'll try to explain it on a simple example.

Package Structure:

The Control Flow contains two Data Flow tasks.
Each of the Data Flow Tasks contains a Script Component responsible for generating the keys of the records to be loaded during this data flow.

The code of the Script component is the following:

Code Block
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper

Public Class KeyGenerator

' Field Definitions '
Private seed1 As Integer
Private seed2 As Integer

' Constructor '
Public Sub New(ByVal dbSeed1 As Integer, ByVal dbSeed2 As Integer)
End Sub

' Generates the keys according to the seeds retrieved from the DB '
Public Function getNextKey() As Int64
Return generatedKey
End Function

End Class

Public Class ScriptMain
Inherits UserComponent

Private generator As New KeyGenerator(7, 5)

Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)

Row.NewKey = generator.getNextKey()

End Sub
End Class

As you can see the KeyGenerator class code gets duplicated in each Script Component, which is definitely a bad practise. What I wish to do is to create the KeyGenerator class and deploy it as a library "somewhere". Then, in each Script Component, I should only import the KeyGenerator class.

1. Is that possible?

2. If yes, how can I do this?

3. If not, what is a best practise you would recommend which allows me to avoid this code duplication of the KeyGenerator class?

Thanks in adavance,

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Import Csv Data To Dbo.Tables Via CREATE TABLE && BUKL INSERT:How To Designate The Primary-Foreign Keys && Set Up Relationship?

Jan 28, 2008

Hi all,

I use the following 3 sets of sql code in SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE) to import the csv data/files to 3 dbo.Tables via CREATE TABLE & BUKL INSERT operations:

-- ImportCSVprojects.sql --

USE ChemDatabase




ProjectID int,

ProjectName nvarchar(25),

LabName nvarchar(25)


BULK INSERT dbo.Projects

FROM 'c:myfileProjects.csv'






-- ImportCSVsamples.sql --

USE ChemDatabase




SampleID int,

SampleName nvarchar(25),

Matrix nvarchar(25),

SampleType nvarchar(25),

ChemGroup nvarchar(25),

ProjectID int


BULK INSERT dbo.Samples

FROM 'c:myfileSamples.csv'






-- ImportCSVtestResult.sql --

USE ChemDatabase




AnalyteID int,

AnalyteName nvarchar(25),

Result decimal(9,3),

UnitForConc nvarchar(25),

SampleID int


BULK INSERT dbo.TestResults

FROM 'c:myfileLabTests.csv'







The 3 csv files were successfully imported into the ChemDatabase of my SSMSE.

2 questions to ask:
(1) How can I designate the Primary and Foreign Keys to these 3 dbo Tables?
Should I do this "designate" thing after the 3 dbo Tables are done or during the "Importing" period?
(2) How can I set up the relationships among these 3 dbo Tables?

Please help and advise.

Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

View 6 Replies View Related

Use A DTS Package To Create An Excel, Which Has In The Filename The Date The Package Is Ran

Dec 19, 2006

I am trying to create a DTS Package which will run a SQL query and export the results to an Excel file.  I would like to the name of the excel to be "dynamic".  What I would like is for the name to be ChronicDownSiteReport - mmddyy.xls.  The mmddyy is the date which the package is executed.
 How can I do this? 
Also, I want this package to be excuted at 1am every Sunday Morning.  I have attempted to schedule this to run, but when I come to work on Monday, the excel file is not present and the email, which is sent telling me that the file was created is not in my mailbox. 

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Package Is Not Able To Create Process To Execute Child Package.

Jul 3, 2007

In my application, i have two package, parent package and child package. the parent package is executing child package using a Execute Package Task.
"Execute Out Of Process" property of Execute Package Task is set to TRUE. means the child package will be run in separate process not in the process of Parent package.
this was working fine, but at a particular client location. its failing the error is "not able to load child package".
for me it seems some setting on server restricting to create separate process for child package execution.
when "Execute Out Of Process" property of Execute Package Task is set to FALSE. its working fine.

can anyone help what could cause its failure with property set to TRUE.

Appreciate any help.

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Solution!-Create Access/Jet DB, Tables, Delete Tables, Compact Database

Feb 5, 2007

From Newbie to Newbie,

Add reference to:

'Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library

'Microsoft ADO Ext.2.8 for DDL and Security

'Microsoft Jet and Replication Objects 2.6 Library


Imports System.IO

Imports System.IO.File

Code Snippet


Public Shared Sub Restart()

End Sub

'You have to have a BackUps folder included into your release!

Private Sub BackUpDB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BackUpDB.Click
Dim addtimestamp As String
Dim f As String
Dim z As String
Dim g As String
Dim Dialogbox1 As New Backupinfo

addtimestamp = Format(Now(), "_MMddyy_HHmm")
z = "C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb"
g = addtimestamp + ".mdb"

'Add timestamp and .mdb endging to NewAppDB
f = "C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissBackUpsNewAppDB" & g & ""


File.Copy(z, f)

Catch ex As System.Exception


End Try

MsgBox("Backup completed succesfully.")
If Dialogbox1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
End If
End Sub

Code Snippet


Private Sub RestoreDB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles

Dim Filename As String
Dim Restart1 As New RestoreRestart
Dim overwrite As Boolean
overwrite = True
Dim xi As String

With OpenFileDialog1
.Filter = "Database files (*.mdb)|*.mdb|" & "All files|*.*"
If .ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Filename = .FileName

'Strips restored database from the timestamp
xi = "C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb"
File.Copy(Filename, xi, overwrite)
End If
End With

'Notify user
MsgBox("Data restored successfully")

If Restart1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
End If
End Sub

Code Snippet


Private Sub CreateNewDB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles

Dim L As New DatabaseEraseWarning
Dim Cat As ADOX.Catalog
Cat = New ADOX.Catalog
Dim Restart2 As New NewDBRestart
If File.Exists("C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb") Then
If L.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel Then
Exit Sub
File.Delete("C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb")
End If
End If
Cat.Create("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb;

Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5")

Dim Cn As ADODB.Connection
'Dim Cat As ADOX.Catalog
Dim Tablename As ADOX.Table
'Taylor these according to your need - add so many column as you need.
Dim col As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col1 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col2 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col3 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col4 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col5 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col6 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col7 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col8 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column

Cn = New ADODB.Connection
Cat = New ADOX.Catalog
Tablename = New ADOX.Table

'Open the connection
Cn.Open("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb;Jet

OLEDB:Engine Type=5")

'Open the Catalog
Cat.ActiveConnection = Cn

'Create the table (you can name it anyway you want)
Tablename.Name = "Table1"

'Taylor according to your need - add so many column as you need. Watch for the DataType!
col.Name = "ID"
col.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adInteger
col1.Name = "MA"
col1.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adInteger
col1.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col2.Name = "FName"
col2.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col2.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col3.Name = "LName"
col3.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col3.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col4.Name = "DOB"
col4.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adDate
col4.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col5.Name = "Gender"
col5.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col5.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col6.Name = "Phone1"
col6.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col6.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col7.Name = "Phone2"
col7.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col7.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col8.Name = "Notes"
col8.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col8.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable

Tablename.Keys.Append("PrimaryKey", ADOX.KeyTypeEnum.adKeyPrimary, "ID")

'You have to append all your columns you have created above

'Append the newly created table to the Tables Collection

'User notification )
MsgBox("A new empty database was created successfully")

'clean up objects
Tablename = Nothing
Cat = Nothing
Cn = Nothing

'Restart application
If Restart2.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
End If

End Sub

Code Snippet


Private Sub CompactDB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles

Dim JRO As JRO.JetEngine
JRO = New JRO.JetEngine

'The first source is the original, the second is the compacted database under an other name.
JRO.CompactDatabase("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:Program

FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb; Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5", "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;

Data Source=C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDBComp.mdb; JetOLEDB:Engine Type=5")

'Original (not compacted database is deleted)
File.Delete("C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb")

'Compacted database is renamed to the original databas's neme.
Rename("C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDBComp.mdb", "C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb")

'User notification
MsgBox("The database was compacted successfully")

End Sub

End Class

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DTS Import Package

Jul 10, 2006 not quite the newbie to SQL but i dont pretent to be any type of guru.
i have a dts package to update my db from an access file and my problem is when i run this package it is suppsoed to wipe out the data (truncate) and replace it with the new data. It runs ok but in some cases i get duplicates and other cases the fields do not import correctly. for example, a column thats eitehr 1 or 0 and the import <nulls> everything in that column.
Is truncate the correct statement?

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Help Please With Dts Package Import

Apr 2, 2008


We just migrated from SQL 2000 to 2005. We moved over the dts packages but they don't seem to work anymore. Do I need to do some editing to them to make them work but keep them as dts packages? What they should be doing is selecting data from a table then putting that data into an excel file. They seem to pull the data with the select statement fine but fail to insert data into the excel file. Any ideas why? Do I need to edit them since SQL 2005 works differently? Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Create A Import From Excel

Feb 17, 2007

Hello All

First time setting up A SSIS

Trying to import a excel that creates a new table called lockbox.

Does not import any records from Columns-Contract Id, Owner ID,
that have a null value.

Then in the Site Id -that is a number value- change to a text value
and update it to it text value.

for example: Site Id Column
2 = Ell
3 = CSI
12 = Ell2

Can someone get me started in the right direction?

Thanks for your time and help


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How To Create Multiple Tables On The Fly So That Every User Each Has His/her Own Set Of Tables?

Aug 12, 2006

Hello all,

Being still a relative newcomer to SQL Server (people may say I'm trying to take on too much being somewhat inexperienced once they read about the problem I'm trying to tackle, but alas...) I'm running into the following problem: I need to create tables in my user database on the fly (using Stored Procedures) so that each table can be created many times in the database but only once for every user. The tables should be named something like "username.Table1", "username.Table2" etc. as opposed to "dbo.Table1". I then want to use the stored procedure from .NET/C# in my web application, so that i can create the complete set of usertables for each of my clients.

Now, I tackled the stored procedure part (that is, it creates all the tables I need with all the parameters I want) and am able to use it from my web application (which took some time to learn but proved quite easy to do), but I cannot seem to get it coupled to the current user (instead of the dbo). Every time I trie, the tables are created as dbo.Table1 and when I try to create a new set, it gives a warning ("table with name such and so already exists..."). I made sure to log in as an authenticated user (using forms authentication) before trying to create the tables but this gives the aforementioned result.

What am I doing wrong? I use Visual Web Developer Express, SQL Server 2005 Express and IIS version 5.1

Please help :-D


DJ Roelfsema

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Package Does Not Import Data When Run From VB

Dec 13, 2000

I'm trying to import tables and data from an Access database to a SQL Server database. I can create and run a Package from Enterprise manager that does just that. However, if I save the package as a COM file-or even if I create a new package using the import wizard and save it as a file-and then try to run the package from VB, the table schema is imported, but not the data. Any ideas? The same thing happens if I save the package in SQL Server and then try to run it from VB.

The Access database is on the server, and I'm running my code from a client.

Some of the Access tables have no data.

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How To Import Dts Package From File Xxx.dts

Jan 17, 2008

i have a dts package file saved as "Structured storage file" (Sql server 2000), now i want to import this file into another server with rundts option or osql. I can't use sql enterprise manager or something like that but only command line tools.

How can i do this?
Thanks for advice,

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DTS Package Of Import/Expoprt

Jun 3, 2008

Can any help how to create DTS package of imports and export database table in csv file in sql2000

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SSIS Import Package

Aug 31, 2006

I created a package using the import utility and have it opened in Business Intelligence Development Studio. Can someone explain to me how I can run this import from here?



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T-SQL Script To Perform Same As A DTS Import Package

Apr 13, 2000

has anyone built a t-sql script that performs the same as a dts import package. I have done every thing for creating the table for the data to go into and just need to know of any procedures to create the connection to the access db to import from.


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How To Run Import / Export Package On Computer

May 8, 2014

I created a package from the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard.I can run this .dtsx file " Import_Table.dtsx " on my local machine no problem, which then executes the package on the remote server of my hosting company.Do they need to install SQL Server on their machine for it to work?Is there some files they can download to make it work?

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How To Import Several Excel Files Using One Dts Package

May 11, 2006

It's very simple import, without any data modifications; from severalexcel files to one table.I tried the wisard and it gives me selection for only one file.I am not used to create DTS packages and schedule jobs, so I would needsome help.Thank youInna

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Editing An Import/Export Package

Apr 17, 2008


First post, new to SQL Server, the usual apologies apply ;-)

I used the Import/Export Wizard in SSIS to define a source and target for data migration. I accidentally omitted ticking off a box to force the drop and re-creation of the target table. I can't find any way to edit a package, once I've finished with the wizard! If someone would point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.


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Deployment Utility Or Import Package?

Jul 9, 2007

In reference to the question raised in this thread

Since I'm not able to create a deployment utility, when a config file is shared among multiple packages and also I cannot get the permission from Sys Admins to use Env. Variables I'm struck.

Now I'm thinking of importing the package to Sql Server from the file system. Is there any caveats in this approach? especially regarding the config files?

Also, do I need any special permissions to view the Integeration Services node in Management Studio? We are using Integerated Authentication, neither do I'm able to run sp_start_job sp in the msdb database.


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Export Or Import A Dataflow To Another Package

Mar 28, 2008

Hi, I have one package with a complex Control Flow. I need to import a dataflow from another package into it. Cut and Paste is working but it looks like my package corrupts after that. (for example, login to database has problem with authentication now)
Is there any import or export tool for this?

View 5 Replies View Related

Import Package W/Config File?

Oct 8, 2007

I have manually imported my packages into SSIS (via StoredPackages/FileSystem/Import Package command). How can I utilize a ConfigFile with this package? I see that the ConfigFile can be selected when it is run (in dtexecUI ), but it doesn't "stick", and is only used for that particular run.

How can I point this manually imported package to the ConfigFile so everybody who runs it doesn't have to browse for the ConfigFile every time they run it?

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How To Create Table On Text File Import?

Sep 27, 2007

Hey guys,
I have a dilemma and hope someone can help.

I don't know of any utilities or commands in SQL that do this but I hope someone does.

What I need to do is something like a bcp import a text file in. I can do that with DTS as well. But what I wanted to do is create a table on the import. So lets say, I am importing a tab-delimited file with column names as the first row that is called ax.txt. On import, it would create the table ax with the column names in the file and then import the data into that table.

I hope I explained it clearly. Please let me know if there is anything I can use to do this without writing lots of code.

I have an idea how to do it the long way but hope there is a utility that already does it.

Thanks in advance.

View 10 Replies View Related

T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Create A Job That Import Access Database?

Sep 24, 2014

I need to create a job that import an access database.

Does exist a command that I can use to do that?

View 6 Replies View Related

DTS Package Import Of HTM And Column Type Manipulation

Nov 24, 2004

I built a DTS Import Package to import an HTM file and it went smooth as silk. Replaced the file with another HTM Table of the same name and whammo a text field turned into an integer file and data goes missing. The first 20 or so rows of a particular column were all numbers. I tried to do a disconnected edit to alter the Source column to a string but the Edit button just disappears without changing the column's type value. The only way I can think of getting around this is to use something archiac like EDLIN to add a new table row at the top of the HTM Table with values to force the specified type. Anyone think of a better solution?

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Update Specific Fields With An Import (DTS Package)

Dec 15, 2006

Hello all

I am trying to import an XLS to a table in my database. Sounds simple, but the import should be an UPDATE, not an INSERT. In other words, I want to transfer data from the XLS sheet, to specific field in my database.

Let me explain more clearly.

I have an XLS sheet with a manager ID and a employee ID. The table in the database is already populated with all employee ID's but the field manager ID is still empty. Every employee has a different manager.

The import should place the manager ID's in the fields where the employee ID is the same as in the XLS sheet.

If somebody could please help me out, thank you!

Best regards

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Where The Saved Import Export Package Listed

May 29, 2007

My Warm Wishes to All !!

I ve created a Import Export Package by right clicking the specified Database and Save it as SQL Server Type thru the wizard and execute immediately , and it works . But I dont know where it get saved and cant able to see so that I could be able run once more. More over I want to schedule the package for that what I have to do ??? Plz help me



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Occasional Failure On SSIS Import Package

Apr 6, 2008

Okay ... so here's a head-scratcher.

I have a job that moves a file to import directory where the SSIS package picks it up and processes it. 95% of the time is works flawlessly and fast.

The other 5% of the time the process fails. It appears that the file is inaccessible to SQL Server. I run it again and it works perfectly. It appears to be completely hit and miss.

The last step in the package is on-completion delete the file. When the package fails, the file (as directed) is not deleted.

I've included a snippet of the error log. I can place the log out here if it would help more.

Any ideas what could possibility going wrong? I hate inconsistent failures.

Warning: 2008-04-06 15:05:30.80
Code: 0x80070002
Source: Data Flow Task Flat File Source [317]
Description: The system cannot find the file specified.
End Warning
Error: 2008-04-06 15:05:30.80
Code: 0xC020200E
Source: Data Flow Task Flat File Source [317]
Description: Cannot open the datafile "D:Processes40720080105260140306.txt".
End Error
Error: 2008-04-06 15:05:30.80
Code: 0xC004701A
Source: Data Flow Task DTS.Pipeline
Description: component "Flat File Source" (317) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC020200E.
End Error

View 16 Replies View Related

SQL 2012 :: Create Script That Will Import Large XML Files?

Jul 28, 2014

I need to create script that will import large XML files (500 - 7GB) on a daily basis and store the data in a relational db structure.

What is the best and fastest way of importing such files. I have played around with smaller files and found the following.

1. SSIS XML Data Source: It doesn't seem to like the complex elements types and throws out the file.
2. Using Bulk File Import, sorting the file in XML variable and using XQuery to parse the file: This works but it can't take a file more than 2GB in size, so I can't use this method.
3. C# + XML Serialization: This also works, but seems to be terribly slow. I open the DB connection once, so it doesn't open and close for each db call, but still seems like it takes a long time.

how to import large XML quickly in a relational table structure?

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Import Tables

Nov 23, 2007


Can I give a sequence to each table that I will try to import from one database to another by using import /export wizard



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How To Import SQL 2005 .BAK From One Hosting Package To A Different Hosting Package?

Nov 3, 2007

I have a SQL .bak generated by our existing hosting package at, I want to import that SQL .bak to our new hosting package at don't have a import feature in their control panel.

I have to maintain the SQL at using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express since they don't have that feature in their cp. I don't see any import features in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express either.

How can I import it using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express or another free GUI program?

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Running An SSIS Package After Using Import/Export Wizard

Dec 17, 2007

Hello All,

I am a newbe at MS SQL 2005, so if this has already been answered elsewhere, please just point me in the right direction.

I have successfully used the Import/Export wizard in "execute immediate" mode to import a table from Oracle 10g to MS SQL 2005. Works like a charm, but when I take the saved pacakge (saved as a *.dtsx server side file) - with no changes to the package and execute it from the either the "dos" prompt or from Windows explorer it fails at the login to Oracle step. Yet when I check the package's "Connection Managers" source connection, all the settings, user-ids and passwords look fine. The package does indeed execute, but I receive an ORA-01017:invalid username/password within the trace file of the package, but nothing has been changed from the Import/Export wizard which ran beatifully, thus verifying the appropriate acccess rights to Oracle.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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Edit Import-generated Package Without Visual Studio?

Apr 20, 2007

I created a package via the import wizard in SQL Server Management Studio. When I test-ran the package I realised it needed to be modified. How do I do this without using either Visual Studio, SSIS Designer or an XML editor, none of which is installed where the package was created? Ideally I want to hear that there's a way of redisplaying the package in the import wizard.

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