Trying To Do REALLY Simple Procedure And Loop In SQL Server

Aug 16, 2006

Dear experts,

Again, sorry to bother you again with such a seemingly dumb question,
but I'm having some really mysterious results here.


Create procedure the_test


Select CustomerID


View 14 Replies


Simple Loop

Jun 18, 2001

I would like to use a loop statment in SQL Server, but I am not sure how to set up the statement. I want to take the results from the first query and loop it over the second query. Also, do you recommend any books that may help me with constucting loops in SQL? Thanks for you help, John

select distinct subject
from messages

select top 1 subject, datesubmitted, timesubmitted
from messages
where subject = 'test' --I want to make this a variable that equals the
--the results coming from the first query.
order by subject, datesubmitted desc , timesubmitted desc

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Simple Loop

Feb 14, 2007


Whats the best way to iterate through a comma delimited string and input each value into a new row in a table?

For example, the following string:


Needs to be input into a simple table

id string value
1 15
2 6
3 5
4 2
5 14


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Simple Loop Syntax

Aug 20, 2002

I rarely use loops, but I have a need right now to create one. Can someone please tell me the proper syntax for creting one. BOL doesn't help much

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Simple T-SQL Question (tables In Loop)

Nov 2, 2000

Can anybody tell me, how to write a T-SQL loop,
that goes through all tables in a database to
realize some updates there?

Thanx a lot in advace

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Simple Cursor Runs Infinite Loop?

Dec 23, 2014

I'm trying to build a simple cursor to understand how they work. From the temp table, I would like to print out the values of the table, when I run my cursor it just keeps running the output of the first row infinitely. I just want it to print out the 7 rows in the table ...



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SQL Server 2012 :: Write A Loop On Result Of First Query Inside A Stored Procedure

Jan 23, 2015

I have to write a Stired Procedure with the following functionality.

Write a simple select query say (Select * from tableA) result is

ProdName ProdID
ProdA 1
ProdB 2
ProdC 3
ProdD 4

Now with the above result, On every record I have to fire a query Select SUM(sale), SUM(scrap), SUM(Production) from tableB where ProdID= ["ProdID from above query"].How to write this query in a Stored Procedure so that I can get the required SUM columns for all the ProdID's from first query?

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Stored Procedure Vs Simple Query In SQL Server 2000?

May 19, 2007

I am developing a windows application in VB.Net 2005 and Database is SQl Server 2000.I want to insert, update and delete records from a master table which has 8 columns.So should I write a stored procedure for this or write three queries and execute them in code.I haven't used stored procedure before. What will be advantages of using stored procedures?And tell me how to write stored procedure to insert,update and delete. Then how to call it in VB.Net code.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Simple XML To Table Resultset From Stored Procedure

Oct 29, 2014

I got some xml that is essentially an html table that I need to turn into a standard table resultset from a stored proc. If you take this xml and save it as html that is the desired resultset I am looking for. I realize the <td> tags repeat so I would just prefer 'col' + positional index for the col name. Keep in mind that <td> could be is 1 to n.


[Code] .....

This is my attempt but I can't figure out how to get separate cols

declare @GridData xml = '<table><tr><td>cell1</td><td>cell2</td><td>cell3</td></tr><tr><td>cell4</td><td>cell5</td><td>cell6</td></tr><tr><td>cell7</td><td>cell8</td><td>cell8</td></tr></table>'
select T.C.value('.', 'nvarchar(max)')
from @GridData.nodes('//tr') T(C)

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Execution Time Gap Between Simple Tsql And Stored Procedure In SQl Server 2005

Oct 16, 2007

Hi ,

I ma using sql server 2005.I have a bunch of statements of sql and i have created a stored procedure for those. When i execute i found that there is lot's of difference between execution time of stored procedure and direct sql in query windows.

can anyone help me to optimize the execution time for stored prcedure even stored prcedure is very simple.
I have used sql server 2000 and i am new in sql server 2005.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Difference Between FOR LOOP And FOREACH LOOP?

May 28, 2010

difference between FOR LOOP and FOREACH LOOP with example(if possible) in SSIS.

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Can You Do A FOR EACH Loop In T-Sql? Maybe In A Stored Procedure?

Jan 18, 2008

I have a table that is basically set up so there is an employee_id, field_id, and a value... it looks sort of like this (in reality there are over 450 different employee ID's)
employee_id      field_id    value
100                      1           Brian
100                      2           617-555-5555
100                      3           Boston Office
101                      1           Mary
102                      2          617-666-6666
101                      3           New york office
I want to loop thru this table so "for each" distinct employee ID, I can do an insert statement into another table where it is setup a little cleaner
I know how to declare the variables, and set each variable = to the correct value, and how to do the INSERT once,  but I am not 100% sure how to set up the loop so it will do each individual employee_ID.
Any suggestions?

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Need Help Using A Loop In A Stored Procedure

Feb 21, 2008

How do I write a stored procedure to loop through all the records to see if duedate is passed today's date then send an email to those users
Dim duedateDim @emailDim ocdoEmail As New Object
while duedate < DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, '20010101', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), '20010101')  (sending the email)ocdoEmail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
ocdoEmail.To = @email
ocdoEmail.From =
ocdoEmail.CC =
ocdoEmail.Subject = "Your Item is passed due"ocdoEmail.HTMLBody = " was shipped to you on " & ShipDateTxt.Text & " and due on " & DueDateTxt.Text
Don't know which loop I should use and how to set it up.
dim @duedatedim @email

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Using While Loop In Stored Procedure

Jul 31, 2014

I have two tables one hold all Friday dates for given year (col1 ID, col2 date), second table have three column col1, col22, col3. What I need to do is insert the first Friday date into the second table for col1 and second Friday into col2, third Friday in col3, fourth Friday in col1 and the process repeat until all Friday dates are inserted. I would like to use While loop but stuck on how to iterate through table one to get the data.

table1 data

table2 data should look after insert compelete.

col1 col2 col3
01/03/2014 01/10/2014 01/17/2014
01/24/2014 01/31/2014 02/07/2014
02/14/2014 02/21/2014

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Call Stored Procedure In Loop

Oct 26, 2006

I have gridview display a list of users. I have added a column for a check box. If the box is checked I move the users to another table.I need to pass some parameter of or each row to a stored proc. My question. In the loop where I check if the checkbox is selected I need to call the stored procedure.Currently I do an open and closed inside the loop.What is best and most effficent  method of doing this should I open and close the connection outside the loop and change the procs parameters as loop through. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection conn =
new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand commChk = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("storedProc", conn);
commChk.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
commChk.Parameters.AddWithValue("@mUID", ddMainUser.SelectedValue.ToString());
commChk.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sUId", gvUsers.Rows[i].Cells[2].Text);
conn.Close();   If so exactly how do I do this? How do I reset the parmaters for the proc?  I haven't done this before where I need to loop through passing parameter to the same proc. thanks    

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Loop Through A Table In A Stored Procedure

May 17, 2008

Hi, how do I loop through a table in a store procedure? I need to check the all the record in a table and do some logic and then insert or update another table base on the logic?

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Fetch Loop Stored Procedure

Jun 8, 2004

What is wrong with this stored procedure? This should work right?

Create PROCEDURE UpdRequestRecordFwd

@oldITIDint ,
@newITID int
Declare @RRID int
Declare @APID int
Declare crReqRec cursor for
select RRID from RequestRecords where ITID = @oldITID
open crReqRec
fetch next from crReqRec
while @@fetch_status = 0

Update RequestRecords
set ITID = @newITID
where RRID = @RRID


close crReqRec
deallocate crReqRec


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How Do I Loop Through A Record Set In A Stored Procedure?

Jan 17, 2006

Below is a stored procedure that designed to populate a drop down menu system on a website. It works fine as long as the 'id's in the first select start at 1 and are sequential. It fails to grab all the sub tables if the ids are not sequential. So, how do I structure the loop so that the WHERE clause uses not the loop iterator, but rather, the ids from the first Select statement.
Alternatively, is there a more elgant approach that will return the same set of recordsets?
Any help would be much appreciatedThanks
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.OPA_GetMenuItemsASDeclare @i tinyint ,@tc tinyintSet @i = 1
/* Select for top level menu items*/
SELECT id, label, url, sortFROM mainNavORDER BY sort
Set @tc = @@rowcount
while @i <= @tc
beginSet @i = (@i + 1)
/* Select for submenu itemsSELECT id, label, url, sort, mainNavIdFROM SubNavWHERE (mainNavId = @i)ORDER BY mainNavId, sortend

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Store Procedure While Loop Get Each Record

Mar 10, 2005

hi all,
I want to execute a store procedure but my query returns more than one value. how can I asign value for that. Here is the code. Please help me out.

problem is @aaa where i cannot set the value.


@id int

declare @VType varchar(10)
declare @count int
declare @aaa varchar(50)
set nocount on
create table #temp1(id int identity(1,1),Ac_Code varchar(50))

select count(*) from Journal_Table where Voucher_No=@id
set @count=1
set @count=@@rowcount

while @count <>0
set @aaa=(select Ac_Code from Journal_Table where Voucher_No =@id)
insert into #temp1(Ac_Code) values(@aaa)

set @count=@count-1
select * from #temp1


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How Do I Loop Thru A Record Set In A Stored Procedure?

Jan 17, 2006

Below is a stored procedure that designed to populate a drop down menu system on a website. It works fine as long as the 'id's in the first select start at 1 and are sequential. It fails to grab all the sub tables if the ids are not sequential. So, how do I structure the loop so that the WHERE clause uses not the loop iterator, but rather, the ids from the first Select statement.

Alternatively, is there a more elgant approach that will return the same set of recordsets?

Any help would be much appreciated

Declare @i tinyint ,
@tc tinyint
Set @i = 1

/* Select for top level menu items*/

SELECT id, label, url, sort
FROM mainNav

Set @tc = @@rowcount

while @i <= @tc

Set @i = (@i + 1)

/* Select for submenu items*/
SELECT id, label, url, sort, mainNavId
WHERE (mainNavId = @i)
ORDER BY mainNavId, sort


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Double Loop In Stored Procedure

Mar 15, 2006

Dear All,

I’m working on a stored procedure that meant to mail out users some of their action items daily.

The procedure has a double loop, first the user ids and user email addresses are selected into a table, then the outer loop cycles through the user ids and selects relevant action items to another table. The inner loop then cycles through these action items and at the end of each outer loop a string is mailed out.

Problem is that as the outer loop selects the relevant items for a user, the table holding the action items basically gets filled with more and more records and the inner loop then adds every item in the table to the string that gets mailed out, ending up with more and more items going to all the users.

I have tried to delete all records from the actionItems table at the end of each outer loop after the content of the action Items are mailed out, however this seems to keep the actionItems table empty at all times.

Not sure if this description is clear enough but I can’t see where I’m going wrong in terms of approach.

Any ideas?

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Stored Procedure To Loop Through Databases

Mar 16, 2015

We're running SQL Server 2008 and have run into a bit of a situation. We have 5 databases all with the same tables and we are trying to create a query that will loop through the different databases and output the results per company database. I originally did a cursor, but my boss wants the query to be in a more readable format:

His ideal wish would be the query in a stored procedure and the cursor to create the input parameter for the stored procedure for the different databases.I've tried looking through some forums and googling some possibilities but can't seem to make any sense of them.

declare @dbname varchar(100)
,@sql varchar(max)
createtable #TempDBs (
dbname nvarchar(100)
, Orig_Jnl int
, BaseRef int
, Posting_Date date


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How To Call A Parameterized Stored Procedure Within A Loop In ASP.NET

Oct 13, 2007

I would like to know what are the ways to call a parameterized stored procedure within a loop in ASP.NET.
 I have a loop  through a dataSet and for each record I am going to execute a stored procedure to insert data in many tables.
 I can not use the following syntax:
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.CommandText = "dbo.storedprocedurename"
With cmd
      .Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@param1", paramValue1))
      .Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@param2", paramValue2))
End With
 What are the other ways to execute the parameterized stored procedures within a loop in ASP.NET?

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For Loop List Of Array In Stored Procedure

Aug 19, 2014

I would like to write a store prodecure to return a month:

My output:
Wk1 = July
Wk2 = July
Wk3 = July
Wk4 = July
Wk5 = Aug

and so on..

then i create list of array like below:

The counter for insert the week one by one

DECLARE @TotalWeek INT, @counter INT
DECLARE @WeekNo varchar, @Month varchar
SET @WeekNo = '4,9,14,18,22,27,31,35,40,44,48,53'
--this is weekno,if less than 4, month is july, lf less than 9, month is august and so on
SET @TotalWeek = 53

SET @counter = 1

[Code] ....

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Simple Procedure Help

Dec 20, 2006

People I am not a SQL Server guy so bear with me please. This should be very simple. I am looking for a procedure; given a TABLE_NAME as input; will run the following three SQL statements for each COLUMN in that table:

select max(COLUMN_NAME) from TABLE_NAME

select count(0) from TABLE_NAME where COLUMN_NAME is null

select count (distinct COLUMN_NAME) from TABLE_NAME

It will then write the output in a readable fashion to a local file.

Thanks a lot

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Transact SQL :: Creating Stored Procedure With Cursor Loop

Sep 18, 2015

I appear to be having an issue where the @LetterVal and @Numeric variables aren't resetting for each loop iteration, so if no results are found, it just returns the previous loops values since they aren't overwritten.  Below is the stored procedure I've created:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ap_CalcGrade] 
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@studId int,
@secId int,
@grdTyCd char(2),
@grdCdOcc int,
@Numeric int output,

[Code] ....

And below is the "test query" I'm using: 

--  *** Test Program ***
Declare @LetterVal varchar(2), -- Letter Grade
        @Numeric   int,        -- Numeric Grade
        @Result    int         -- Procedure Status (0 = OK) 
Execute @Result = dbo.ap_CalcGrade 102, 86, 'QZ', 3, 

[Code] ....

This is resulting in an output of: 

A+ 97
A+ 97
C- 72

but it should be returning the output below due to the 2nd data set not being valid/found in the sp query:
A+ 97
No Find
C- 72

I'm sure this is sloppy and not the most efficient way of doing this, so whats causing the errant results, and if there is any better way I should be writing it.  Below is the assignment requirements:

Create a stored procedure using the STUDENT database called ap_CalcGrade that does the following:

2. Outputs the numeric grade and the letter grade back to the user
3. If the numeric grade is found, return 0, otherwise return 1
4. You must use a cursor to loop through the GRADE_CONVERSION table to find the letter grade

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Simple Stored Procedure

Mar 3, 2008

Hello Everyone,I am sure, for the knowing, that this is a simple question.I have a table called tblTickets and a table called tblProjects. I would like to make a stored procedure that does the followingCopy entire contents of tblTickets record to tblProjects record and also changes tblTickets.sDetails to contain some text like "This ticket has been escalated into a project click here to view the project"tblProjects.sDetails would remain the same as the original.tblProjects will have additional fields but they can remain blank for the time being.ThanksMatt 

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Need Help On Simple Stored Procedure

Jun 3, 2008

What I am doing:I am in the process of creating a "log" that records when I update a record. I would like a new row to be inserted into BookLog each time a book's information is updated. Below I have the "update" code and below that is the code that is suppose to be inserting the newely updated record in the BookLog table.
**What the problem is**: I've tested the insert code, everything works EXCEPT BookEntryDate. I do not want to update the BookEntryDate when I am inserting it into BookLog. I just want to keep the original entry date from the Books table thats already there. In the BooksLog table I have "BookEntryDate" to not allow nulls...when i go to test i get an error that says "Procedure 'BookUpdate' expects parameter '@BookEntryDate', which was not supplied." I've tried several things and I am stuck :-/ I need some ideas. Thanks for your help!Alter Procedure dbo.BookUpdate@BookEntryDate datetime,@BookSummary nvarchar(1000),@BookComment nvarchar(50),@UserID nvarchar(50),@BookID bigint AsDeclare @Now datetimeSet @Now = GetDate()Update BooksSet Books.BookSummary = @BookSummary,Books.UserID = @UserID,Books.BookComment = @BookCommentWhere Books.BookID = @BookIDINSERT INTO BookLog(BookID,BookEntryDate,BookSummary, UserID,BookCommentLogDate)VALUES (@BookID,@BookEntryDate, @BookSummary,@UserID, @BookComment,@Now)RETURN GO

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Simple Stored Procedure

Jun 4, 2008

hi, i have a sqlserver2005 table 'member' with the fields 'id','name','datecreated','datemodified' and 'memberlevel' (which the default value is 1).
Now i want to create a stored procedure that will run automatically once a day,
this procedure will reset to 0 the 'memberlevel' that are 1 if the 'datemodified' is greater than 3 months.
can anyone help me on this, thanks!

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Simple Stored Procedure Help

Jun 12, 2008

When I verify syntax, I get this error:
Msg 1038, Level 15, State 4, Procedure webservices_BENEFICIAL_USES_DM_SELECT, Line 8
An object or column name is missing or empty. For SELECT INTO statements, verify each column has a name. For other statements, look for empty alias names. Aliases defined as "" or [] are not allowed. Add a name or single space as the alias name.

Here's the proc:
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@DISPOSAL_AREA_NAME varchar(40) = ""
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.

-- Insert statements for procedure here


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Stored Procedure Loop Not Working, Please Advise, Code Attached

Apr 13, 2008

This is my first attempt at a loop in a stored procedure, and it is not working, but the rest of the sp works fine. Could anyone please provide me with some feedback. I am not sure if I need to execute the loop first or all the sp at once ? Thanks so much.CREATE PROCEDURE Table_1TT_1T                    (@PartNo                 varchar(20),                 @Wkorder        varchar(10),                 @Setup        datetime,                 @Line        smallint,                 @TT        integer,                 @Tester        smallint,                 @LT1        integer,                 @LT2        integer,                 @LT3        integer,                 @LT4        integer,                 @LT5        integer,                 @LT6        integer,                 @LT7        integer,                 @LT8        integer,                 @LT9        integer,                 @LT10        integer,                 @LT11        integer,                 @LT12        integer,                 @LT13        integer,                 @LT14        integer,                 @LT15        integer,                 @LT16        integer,                 @LT17        integer,                 @LT18        integer,                 @LT19        integer,                 @LT20        integer,                 @LT21        integer,                 @LT22        integer,                 @LT23        integer,                 @LT24        integer,                 @LT25        integer,                 @LT26        integer,                 @LT27        integer,                 @LT28        integer,                 @LT29        integer,                 @LT30        integer,                 @LT31        integer,                 @LT32        integer,                 @LT33        integer,                 @LT34        integer,                 @LT35        integer,                 @LT36        integer,                 @UnitFound        integer        OUT,                         @parameters_LamType         varchar(50)       OUT,                 @parameters_Shunt        real               OUT,                 @parameters_ShuType     varchar(50)       OUT,                 @parameters_Stack        real              OUT,                 @parameters_Steel          varchar(50)       OUT,                 @Partno11            varchar(20)    OUT,                 @Wkorder11            varchar(10)    OUT,                 @Partno12            varchar(20)    OUT,                 @Wkorder12            varchar(10)    OUT,                 @Partno24            varchar(20)    OUT,                 @Wkorder24            varchar(10)    OUT,                 @Partno29            varchar(20)    OUT,                 @Wkorder29            varchar(10)    OUT,                 @Partno34            varchar(20)    OUT,                 @Wkorder34            varchar(10)    OUT,                 --@DL1        integer        OUT,                 --@DL2        integer        OUT,                 --@DL3        integer        OUT,                 --@DL4        integer        OUT,                 --@DL5        integer        OUT,                 --@DL6        integer        OUT,                 --@DL7        integer        OUT,                 --@DL8        integer        OUT,                 --@DL9        integer        OUT,                 --@DL10        integer        OUT,                 @DL11        integer        OUT,                 @DL12        integer        OUT,                 --@DL13        integer        OUT,                 --@DL14        integer        OUT,                 --@DL15        integer        OUT,                 --@DL16        integer        OUT,                 --@DL17        integer        OUT,                 --@DL18        integer        OUT,                 --@DL19        integer        OUT,                 --@DL20        integer        OUT,                 --@DL21        integer        OUT,                 --@DL22        integer        OUT,                 --@DL23        integer        OUT,                 @DL24        integer        OUT,                 --@DL25        integer        OUT,                 --@DL26        integer        OUT,                 --@DL27        integer        OUT,                 --@DL28        integer        OUT,                 @DL29        integer        OUT,                 --@DL30        integer        OUT,                 --@DL31        integer        OUT,                 --@DL32        integer        OUT,                 --@DL33        integer        OUT,                 @DL34        integer        OUT)                 --@DL35        integer        OUT,                 --@DL36        integer        OUT)ASSET @Tester = 1WHILE @Tester < 36      BEGIN    Set @Line = (Select Line from dbo.location where Tester = @Tester)        IF @Line = 453        BEGIN        If @Tester = 1 BEGIN SET @LT1 = 453 END        If @Tester = 2 BEGIN SET @LT2 = 453 END        If @Tester = 3 BEGIN SET @LT3 = 453 END        If @Tester = 4 BEGIN SET @LT4 = 453 END        If @Tester = 5 BEGIN SET @LT5 = 453 END        If @Tester = 6 BEGIN SET @LT6 = 453 END        If @Tester = 7 BEGIN SET @LT7 = 453 END        If @Tester = 8 BEGIN SET @LT8 = 453 END        If @Tester = 9 BEGIN SET @LT9 = 453 END        If @Tester = 10 BEGIN SET @LT10 = 453 END        If @Tester = 11 BEGIN SET @LT11 = 453 END        If @Tester = 12 BEGIN SET @LT12 = 453 END        If @Tester = 13 BEGIN SET @LT13 = 453 END        If @Tester = 14 BEGIN SET @LT14 = 453 END        If @Tester = 15 BEGIN SET @LT15 = 453 END        If @Tester = 16 BEGIN SET @LT16 = 453 END        If @Tester = 17 BEGIN SET @LT17 = 453 END        If @Tester = 18 BEGIN SET @LT18 = 453 END        If @Tester = 19 BEGIN SET @LT19 = 453 END        If @Tester = 20 BEGIN SET @LT20 = 453 END        If @Tester = 21 BEGIN SET @LT21 = 453 END        If @Tester = 22 BEGIN SET @LT22 = 453 END        If @Tester = 23 BEGIN SET @LT23 = 453 END        If @Tester = 24 BEGIN SET @LT24 = 453 END        If @Tester = 25 BEGIN SET @LT25 = 453 END        If @Tester = 26 BEGIN SET @LT26 = 453 END        If @Tester = 27 BEGIN SET @LT27 = 453 END        If @Tester = 28 BEGIN SET @LT28 = 453 END        If @Tester = 29 BEGIN SET @LT29 = 453 END        If @Tester = 30 BEGIN SET @LT30 = 453 END        If @Tester = 31 BEGIN SET @LT31 = 453 END        If @Tester = 32 BEGIN SET @LT32 = 453 END        If @Tester = 33 BEGIN SET @LT33 = 453 END        If @Tester = 34 BEGIN SET @LT34 = 453 END        If @Tester = 35 BEGIN SET @LT35 = 453 END        END        SET @Tester = @Tester + 1      ENDSELECT       @parameters_LAMTYPE = LAMTYPE,       @parameters_SHUNT = SHUNT,       @parameters_SHUTYPE = SHUTYPE,       @parameters_STACK = STACK,       @parameters_STEEL = STEEL    FROM DBO.PARAMETERS A    INNER JOIN .DBO.XREF B ON A.PARTNO = B.XREF    WHERE B.PARTNO = @PARTNO    SET @UnitFound = @@rowcountIF @UnitFound = 0    BEGIN            SELECT               @parameters_LAMTYPE = LAMTYPE,               @parameters_SHUNT = SHUNT,               @parameters_SHUTYPE = SHUTYPE,               @parameters_STACK = STACK,               @parameters_STEEL = STEEL            FROM DBO.PARAMETERS            WHERE PARTNO = @PARTNO            SET @UnitFound = @@rowcount            END        --IF @LT1 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL1 = 1 END        --IF @LT2 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL2 = 1 END        --IF @LT3 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL3 = 1 END        --IF @LT4 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL4 = 1 END        --IF @LT5 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL5 = 1 END        --IF @LT6 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL6 = 1 END        --IF @LT7 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL7 = 1 END        --IF @LT8 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL8 = 1 END        --IF @LT9 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL9 = 1 END        --IF @LT10 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL10 = 1 END        IF @LT11 = 453  BEGIN SET @Partno11 = @Partno SET @Wkorder11 = @Wkorder SET @DL11 = 1 END        --IF @LT11 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL11 = 1 END        IF @LT12 = 453  BEGIN SET @Partno12 = @Partno SET @Wkorder12 = @Wkorder SET @DL12 = 1 END        --IF @LT13 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL13 = 1 END        --IF @LT14 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL14 = 1 END        --IF @LT15 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL15 = 1 END        --IF @LT16 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL16 = 1 END        --IF @LT17 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL17 = 1 END        --IF @LT18 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL18 = 1 END        --IF @LT19 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL19 = 1 END        --IF @LT20 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL20 = 1 END        --IF @LT21 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL21 = 1 END        --IF @LT22 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL22 = 1 END        --IF @LT23 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL23 = 1 END        IF @LT24 = 453  BEGIN SET @Partno24 = @Partno SET @Wkorder24 = @Wkorder SET @DL24 = 1 END        --IF @LT25 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL25 = 1 END        --IF @LT26 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL26 = 1 END        --IF @LT27 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL27 = 1 END        --IF @LT28 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL28 = 1 END        IF @LT29 = 453  BEGIN SET @Partno29 = @Partno SET @Wkorder29 = @Wkorder SET @DL29 = 1 END        --IF @LT30 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL30 = 1 END        --IF @LT31 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL31 = 1 END        --IF @LT32 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL32 = 1 END        --IF @LT33 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL33 = 1 END        IF @LT34 = 453  BEGIN SET @Partno34 = @Partno SET @Wkorder34 = @Wkorder SET @DL34 = 1 END        --IF @LT35 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL35 = 1 END        --IF @LT36 = @Line  BEGIN SET @DL36 = 1 ENDGO

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Stored Procedure That Needs To Loop Through DataSet And Summarize Based On TypeCode

Apr 27, 2004

Help! I'm very tired (and new at this) and have looked for a solution in many places. I have an Employee table with a one to many Revenue table. All revenue types are in this table. I need the goals and actuals (two different revenue types) for a datagrid.

This is the result. Because I am looking at two revenue types, the result is providing 2 rows of data instead of one. what is the best way to combine this.

Region FullName SHARP Year Ann Goal YTD Goal YTDActual
Region1 Doe10, John X 2003 20400 5100 0 Select
Region1 Doe10, John X 2003 0 0 3987 Select
Region1 Doe11, John X 2003 29645 7411.25 0 Select
Region1 Doe11, John X 2003 0 0 5377 Select

Here's my stored procedure:


@RIDsent As Integer,
@StatusSent As Integer,
@SelectedRegion As NVARCHAR (50) Output

SELECT Region.CountryID,
When Employee.SHARP = 1 THEN "X"
Employee.LastName + ', ' + FirstName AS FullName,
When ProducerRevenue.RevenueTypeID = 1 Then
END AS AnnGoal,
When ProducerRevenue.RevenueTypeID = 1 Then
SUM(ProducerRevenue.Revenue)/DATEPART(mm, GETDATE())
When ProducerRevenue.RevenueTypeID = 2 Then
END AS Actual,
FROM Employee
LEFT OUTER JOIN ProducerRevenue
ON Employee.EmployeeID = ProducerRevenue.EmployeeID AND
ProducerRevenue.YearID = DATEPART(yy, GETDATE()) - 1 AND
ProducerRevenue.MonthID < DATEPART(mm, GETDATE()) AND
ProducerRevenue.StatusID = 1 AND
ProducerRevenue.RevenueTypeID <= 2
ON Employee.RegionID = Region.RegionID
WHERE Employee.StatusID = @StatusSent AND
Employee.RegionID = @RIDsent AND
Employee.RoleID = 1
GROUP BY Region.CountryID,
ORDER BY Region.CountryID,

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Help Needed With Simple Stored Procedure

Mar 31, 2007

Hey all,
Can anyone tell me why this stored procedure doesn't work?
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[RemoveLocation]
@Id int,
@Name varchar
DELETE FROM Classifieds_Terminals
WHERE [Id] = @Id and [Name] = @Name
I try exeuting it like this:
DECLARE @return_value int
EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[RemoveLocation]
@Id = 18,
@Name = N'Terminal A'
SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value
It returns 0 and nothing happens....???
Here is the table:
id | Name 
18 Terminal A18 Terminal B18 Terminal C

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