Trying To Get A Report Footer With Out Having Spaces In The Other Pages
Jun 5, 2007
I working on an Invoice report on the last page of each invoice, there is section the client cut off
that section has:
Company Logo
Company Address
Invoice number
INvoice date
Sub total
PSP tax
and Amount due
The Height of the page footer is 1.71823in
This is the work around that I did,
I added a page footer, put a rectangle in it, set the Visibility expression on =Globals.PageNumber < Globals.TotalPages, so it will only show on the last page.
My problem is, on each page I am getting the page footer space, the page footer does not
supress, it's just hidden and every page is having the page footer space in the buttom.
I also set the PrintOnLast page on the page Footer, but that did not work as well.
in print on other pages as well.
I also tried to fit that page footer in a very small Height, but that did not work too, the page footer does not auto grow and the info is getting cut.
Please help.
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Aug 16, 2007
Hi forum members.
I'm a new SQL Reporting user and could use some guidance.
Here is a simple explanation of my application: imagine a report which prints out a grade report for each of 10 students. Depending on how many notes a teacher makes on the student's individual grade report, each student's report might be 1 or 2 pages long.
To create this report I just used a List report item and laid out a typical grade report and filled in the appropriate fields (name, teacher, etc.) from my dataset query.
When I run the report, it is running great and the students and their grade reports all print out.
The problem I am running into is I want to make sure each student's name is on page 2 if the grade report for that student goes more than 1 page (so pages aren't separated from each other or mixed up). I tried using a Report Footer, but that just put the first student's name at the bottom of every page. I could put a textfield at the bottom the list control but that would just appear at whatever length page 2 ended up being (basically you could have a "footer" at mid-page if the whole list only took up 1.5 pages).
How can I create a footer for each set of pages? Basically this would be a "footer" to the list control itself.
Thanks in advance!
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Sep 21, 2015
I have a ssrs report having 2 tables in with 4 columns in each. When I go to export option in preview I can see all data coming in one excel sheet, But I am trying to get 2 tables in 2 different pages in Excel when I export.First page of excel comes with first table data with 4 columns and second page of excel comes with second table data with 4 columns .
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Mar 27, 2007
I want to make the ReportServer and Reports pages secured i.e not allow anyone to access these pages via browser.
I login to a machine as user ABC. This user does not have permission on reports.
if this user accesses ReportServer or Reports, expected is that access should be denied unless I enter
an account that has been given permissions.
for e.x. following pages should be secured.
Actual result is that I am able to access these pages. When I click on the report I get the error (this is expected)
but then user ABC should be shown error on first page itself.
In short, for all the accounts that do not already have permissions on reports, the server should challenge me to enter an account and password.
Is there some setting in the configuration file?
Any help would be appreciated
Thanks in advance!
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Oct 2, 2006
Is it possible to have both page footer and report footer in SSRS. If so, how?
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Apr 2, 2007
Hi All,
I am having a main report having two subreports, say M1,S1 and S2 respectively.
The issue is S2 normally tend to go beyond one page, for all pages except first page of the of the subreport I am getting the page header and footer blank,
Actually this is not loading the ReportItems that are used in main report but it shows text boxes containing strings for eg . "My Name" and date functions eg Today()
Any Solution?
Thanks and Regards
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Jun 10, 2007
Hi guys,
my report footer displays at after the last row of the table(can be middle of the table)
how do you get the footer to appear at the end of each page?
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Oct 18, 2007
After digging for some time now into the "guts" of SSRS, I am wondering if anyone out there has any ideas which might help me at this point.
I am trying to write an Invoice report.
Each report can have 1 to n invoices on it.
Each invoice can have 1 to n line items (spanning several pages for the larger ones)
Each page must have a fixed header and footer with account and payment information on it (the page header and page footer work OK for this).
And here is the problem. Each invoice must also include 1 to n images at the end of the report. 2 on a page and take up an entire 8.5 by 11 inch page. (spanning many pages when many line items exist)
Since the report already has a page header and footer with the report detail stuffed in a table in the middle of the page (report body), I am stuck.
I have read several posts which talk about having a can-grow container with a subreport in the existing footer, but I can't even come close to getting this to work. My footer would have to take up the entire page and having nothing but a subreport in it.
I can not provide a link to the images in the report, as each report must print in its entirety without user involvement (no drilling down).
I am thinking that my report is too complex for SSRS at this time. I would love to be proven wrong by someone on this forum.
Thanks for any and all replies.
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Aug 28, 2007
How do I display the SQL embedded major version number of my rdl report.
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Jan 9, 2007
I have a report that is being called via stored proc, and i want to group by contract. when report gets generated i get multiple contracts info. but will be grouped/sorted by contract.
please how can i have a group header and also a group footer to show a summary of each contract information with some calculated fields in it.
i may get 100 records related to 10 contracts , 10 rows for each contract.
as soon as the first contract info is shown on the report it has to show a summary related to the first contract in the group footer, and then continue populating the second contract info and so on.
Please i am totally new to reporting and help would be appreciated. thank you all.
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Jul 2, 2007
Is there a way to dynamically make report header and footer fields change location (or size)? I have many matrix reports that grow in width and then the header and footers do not look good.
Another example is I have a line that is in the header...I would like this to grow to the width of the report, which again is not static on a matrix report.
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Nov 7, 2006
I had developed a simple report, that has header, body and footer. In footer i have copyright.
Now the problem is that, when i export it to excel the copyright text i had in the footer doesn't export.
any one had any idea.
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Feb 8, 2008
I have two separate reports, and they work fine. But I noticed that in one report, regardless of length, it will show up in the Report Manager as one page that you just scroll down through. The second report always shows up as more than one page, and you have to click through the pages to see everything. Is this some setting that I am unaware of? I have tried finding a difference between the two reports, but can't see why one would show up as a long continuous report and the other is divided into pages. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
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Aug 23, 2007
Any suggestions on how to hide the header and footer information if there isn't any data returned on the report?
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Nov 24, 2015
In Visual Studio, when previewing a report with a footer that has two rows of text, the footer appears to display correctly. When I export to Word, the footer for the first page looks as if it has shifted down slightly and the second line is missing. Subsequent pages show the footer correctly.
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Mar 20, 2008
I've created a simple .rdl report and seems to show the preview under my visual studio. But, when I add the .rdl file into the server and export them to be a .PDF, The pdf is created with two blank pages for every single page with data.
Please comment me to fix this.
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Nov 13, 2007
I created a report with multiy pages and in between every page of data is a blank page. If the Report is Sixteen pages long i get eight blank pages. The Body size of the report is 8.5in, 25.475in. The Report porperities or 8.5 x 11in. Each page has a table with a page break at start set to true. But I still get blank pages in between the report.
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Sep 14, 2007
I am trying to pad a fixed number of trailing spaces into a report expression, as follows:
Result (e.g. with 10 spaces padded, assuming all names are below 10 characters long):
"Michael ""Peter ""John "
Is there an easy way to achieve this ?
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Mar 21, 2007
Relative newb to SSRS here, but the answer to this question evades me; answers and insight are appreciated.
Report in question is an invoice form. It requires an absolutely bottom-of-page aligned footer that has databound elements.
This is so that whatever page that footer finally appears on will print in such a way that the address will align in a windowed envelope.
Ironically, Books Online gives this exact scenario in explaining headers and footers in SSRS, but they cleverly don't explain how an absolutely bottom-of-page-aligned and data-bound footer can be made to happen. Headers at absolute page top is obviously no problem. Footers at page bottom, not so much.
So, this is not a "page footer"--page footers are employed in the body. Also this footer is databound, so a page footer as it's known in SSRS is out the window anyway.
Most of the time this will print on a single page, but if it breaks to multiple pages, that footer needs to go all the way to the absolute bottom.
I grasp that the "report footer" for SSRS is just what appears at the end of any repeating controls that you've implemented in your body. Because SSRS uses this kind of repeating-control based idiom rather than a section-based idiom as Crystal does, this kind of (what I would consider very basic) positioning control is looking fairly impossible right now.
Among what I've tried:
--Page footer (can't; databound)
--Specifying a page break after the pre-footer controls, and/or a page break before the controls that make up the footer in their properties. This leads to unpredictable results with blank printed pages (as many as 8 for what previews as a 2-page report, how silly is that?).
--Putting in a page-height rectangle as part of the footer (with and without the page breaks mentioned above), with the idea of forcing a basically blank page at the end of the report so that the footer will go to the bottom. SSRS will go ahead and break the page anyway on long elements like that, which again leads to the "footer" being printed in the middle or top of the final page, or whereever it happens to fall.
I may be having to explain to my client that you can't get there from here, and they may have to redesign their report. Does anyone have any insight?
Thank you for your time in reading this.
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Aug 31, 2007
How can I calculate a subtotal for a Report Item? I have a textbox(lets call it "PlusMinus") in the detail section of my table, which is a calculated textbox of two others (lets call them "Budget" and "Spent"). So, PlusMinus = (Budget - Spent). What I would like to do is get a subtotal for PlusMinus. I have tried several ways, using Sum() or RunningValue, even tried to write code, but I can't seem to get it right. Any ideas??
Thanks in advance!
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Jun 18, 2008
I have a report that pulls a customer balance.
In crystal there was a way to have the page not show up if it met a certain criteria(say if the balance was 0 or negative).
I'd rather not filter them in SQL because it takes a few calculations to figure out what their balance is, and I already have SRS doing that calculation.
So is there a way to have a report page not print based on a certain criteria?
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Aug 8, 2007
I have a report that only has one page when previewed but when it's printed there are two pages. This is a problem because I get two printed pages to my report with "1 of 2 pages" on the first page and "2 of 2 pages" on the second but there is only data on the first page and the second has header and footer but no data.
Is there a way to force the report to fit everything on one page? Or some other setting I am missing?
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Aug 1, 2007
Hi every body
I have developed an reporting solution for a customer with reporting services and using report builder.
When he connect to http://localhost/reports , he see the page like
But i would to custom design of my default page, and other maybe. Where i can do it ?
Thanks all
Erwan Sarcelet, France
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Oct 2, 2007
I have a report that is created that is typically 2-3 pages long. I've tried the "ExecutionInfo.NumPages" but it always results in "1" as the answer. Code is something like this:
Dim reportHistoryParameters As sqlprod1_res.ParameterValue() = Nothing
Dim SessionId As String
Dim execInfo As New ExecutionInfo
Dim execHeader As New ExecutionHeader()
Dim result As Byte() = Nothing
Dim format As String = "PDF"
Dim devInfo As String = "<DeviceInfo><Toolbar>False</Toolbar></DeviceInfo>"
Dim extension As String = ""
Dim encoding As String = ""
Dim mimeType As String = ""
Dim warnings As sqlprod1_res.Warning() = Nothing
Dim streamIDs As String() = Nothing
result = rs.Render(format, devInfo, extension, encoding, mimeType, warnings, streamIDs)
execInfo = rs.GetExecutionInfo()
Dim Pages As Integer = execInfo.NumPages
Also tried to count streams with the same result.
Any ideas?
Dan Ribar
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Mar 21, 2007
Report in question is an invoice form. It requires an absolutely bottom-of-page aligned footer that has databound elements. This is so that whatever page that footer finally appears on will print in such a way that the address will align in a windowed envelope. Ironically, Books Online gives this exact scenario in explaining headers and footers in SSRS, but they cleverly don't explain how an absolutely bottom-of-page-aligned and data-bound footer can be made to happen. Headers at absolute page top is obviously no problem. Footers at page bottom, not so much.So, this is not a "page footer"--page footers are employed in the body. Also this footer is databound, so a page footer as it's known in SSRS is out the window anyway.
Most of the time this will print on a single page, but if it breaks to multiple pages, that footer needs to go all the way to the absolute bottom.I grasp that the "report footer" for SSRS is just what appears at the end of any repeating controls that you've implemented in your body. Because SSRS uses this kind of repeating-control based idiom rather than a section-based idiom as Crystal does, this kind of (what I would consider very basic) positioning control is looking fairly impossible right now.Among what I've tried:
--Page footer (can't; databound)
--Specifying a page break after the pre-footer controls, and/or a page break before the controls that make up the footer in their properties. This leads to unpredictable results with blank printed pages (as many as 8 for what previews as a 2-page report, how silly is that?).
--Putting in a page-height rectangle as part of the footer (with and without the page breaks mentioned above), with the idea of forcing a basically blank page at the end of the report so that the footer will go to the bottom. SSRS will go ahead and break the page anyway on long elements like that, which again leads to the "footer" being printed in the middle or top of the final page, or whereever it happens to fall.
I may be having to explain to my client that you can't get there from here, and they may have to redesign their report.
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Feb 19, 2008
hello to all..
can someone tell me how I counld get a pagefooter linked textbox to show a data bound
page footer in a report having 8 tables....???
I have tried the common solution showed on the previous forums..
They worked when there was only one table...
where in i could place a group in 1 of the cells in the table body of the report.
but now since der are 8 tables in the report.. d job is become very tricky.
the page footer is not showing up on all the pages of the report.
it only shows on the first page of the report.
Plz help......
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Oct 19, 2007
I created a report that uses a parameter to return a record per page basically, but it doesn't return all records that match the parameter. Thoughts?
Specifically, I have a table that tracks various sites my engineers are responsible for; each have about twelve. The problem is that every time I select an engineer I only see six pages (records). When I select two or three, then I see 12 or 18 pages, but still just six records per engineer.
Any help is greatly appreciated! Neil
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Mar 4, 2008
I have a master report that contains 4 sub reports. The first two subreports contains matrix controls that can (and will) spill over to a second page. With 5 columns of data the matrix subreports fit nicely onto one page, 6 or more columns and they will spill into a second page. The second two subreports will always fit onto one single page. All four subreports are inside a list control which will repeat for each structure. e.g. Each subreport will be rendered once per structure.
The master report renders perfectly (with no blank pages) whenever the two subreports with the matrix controls fit on one page each. However, whenever the matrix control subreports spill into a second page it causes the master report to insert a blank page after subreport 3 and 4, bare in mind subreport 3 and 4 both fit perfectly on a single page. I've check all margins and page widths etc.
The blank page problem only occurs whenever the matrix needs to span two pages.
Anybody encountered this problem or have any ideas how to fix it? I'm beginning to think it is a bug with reporting services.
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Mar 5, 2008
When viewing a report our users see that it is x number of pages, however when they print the report is actually y number of pages. For example once a report is ran, it says that it is 43 pages, however in actuality it is 62 pages. If they only want to print the last page, they choose to print 43 from the print dialog box, but that gives them a page in the middle of the report not the last page. Is there a way to remedy this?
Thank you,
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Dec 27, 2007
I spent huge amount of time figuring out how to preserve lading and trailing white spaces on report display without success. Can anyone help me here?
My problem is I have data with leading and or trailing white spaces and I need to show it as is. In designer preview it shows correct values. As soon as report is published and accessed on web, it truncates the whitespaces . I had a look at source, it shows values are correctly fetched(with spaces) but are ignored while rendering. I also tried replacing blank space with , however it reads this as &nbsp;.
I am using 2.0 and SQL serer 2005 reporting services.
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May 21, 2008
A space was added as the first character of the contents in the Left, Center and Right section of the Report Header and Footer exported to Excel. Example :
In the RDL, Header values are:
Left = "Product Report" ; Center = "Confidential" ; Right = "Page n of n"
In the exported report to Excel, Header properties (-->File.-->Page Setup--> Header/Footer Tab) are:
Left = " Product Report" ; Center = " Confidential" ; Right = " Page n of n"
Is there a way to eliminate that space character?
Thanks in advance.
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Nov 12, 2007
I am very new to Reporting Services. When I set the report to landscape, either by setting width and height at 11 X 8.5 when in layout, or by setting landscape in page setup when I am in preview, a blank page prints in between each report page. I've checked the forum, and tried setting margins to 0, but have not had any success. I saw this response:
the body width plus margins should be less than the defined page width. but I'm not sure what settings are being referred to
Has anyone been able to solve this problem?
Thanks very much.
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Mar 26, 2008
I printed Browser Report,but it is getting Blank pages in middle,
that is header part only visible for 2 pages and then data getting printed,
any ideas??
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