Trying To Get Exclusive Access To A DB For Restore.
Feb 11, 2004
I have created a SQL Agent job that is supposed to essentially duplicate a production database to another database. The code I am using is:
__________________________________________________ ______
declare @sql varchar(8000)
set @sql=''
select @sql=@sql+'kill '+cast(spid as varchar)+char(13)+char(10)
from sysprocesses where dbid=12
--Print (@SQL)
__________________________________________________ ________
__________________________________________________ ______
This works when I test it during the day, however when it runs at night I get the following error in the job log:
Database in use. The system administrator must have exclusive use of the database to run the restore operation. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3101) Backup or restore operation terminating abnormally. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3013). The step failed.
I'm not sure why this happens because I have killed all open threads in step 1, and then create my own new thread in step two. Maybe someone else is initiating a new thread to quickly between the steps???
Anyway, I am trying to use:
__________________________________________________ __
__________________________________________________ ____ an alternative to the T-SQL killing PID's, but SQL 7.0 SP4 does not seem to support restricted user like 2000. It keeps giving me a syntax error. Does anyone have any suggestions?
If I bring step 1 and step 2 together, separated by "GO", could this fix the problem?
Thanks in advance!
Ryan Hunt
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Jul 7, 2007
Hi everyone,
Hope somebody can help me on this.
I did a full BACKUP for two SQL databases using SQL Server Managament Studio. When trying to RESTORE the DBs, I get the following error:
"System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)"
There are NO users using the application. These are DBs for the Portfolio Server 2007 application.
After exploring a little bit, I found that there are several "SLEEPING" processes with an "AWATING COMMAND" flag. The processes come from the Portfolio Server Application, maybe from previous sessions.
Can they be deleted? if so, would there be any serious consequences?
Thank you for your help on this.
Oscar E.
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Feb 5, 2003
i need to run a restore of a database overnight onto a different server using the live data .bak file. however the job failed on the first run (last night) with the error:
"Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use. ...."
how do i gain this Exclusive use via an SQL statement please?
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Jul 12, 2004
I need to access a database to modify, updates,... massively . It's possible to lock a database and have exclusive access?
(SQLServer 2000)
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Dec 8, 2007
Could anybody give a lead as to what I can do get rid off this error please.
I alread tried following:
use master
Alter Database dbname set single_user with rollback immediate;
Still have the issue. SQL 2005 Server actually did lock the db.
So ran
Alter Database dbname set multi_user;
and refresh Query and it switch back to multi user.
But I can't restore db yet.
Thank you
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May 25, 2004
How to close the existing connections to a particluar database in sql server. Please note that i donot want to start stop sql server. I just want to close the existing connections so that i can do a restore on that database programatically.
I am using sqldmo for this purpose. Does anyone knows how to do that with sqldmo or is there any other method??
Waiting for your earliest replies
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May 31, 2008
We're using a backup with sql server agent when doing a backup / restore
procedure. In some cases I get the following error when the restore job
Executed as user: DOMAINAdministrator. Exclusive access could not be
obtained because the database is in use. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3101)
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3013).
The step failed.
Is it related to unhandled lock? I've resolved this by restarting the sql
server. But is there a way to avoid such issues?
One more question. Is it OK to backup/restore database while there're users
connected? Or I can do only backup?
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May 5, 2008
I would like to know if it is possible and if so how to implement exclusive access to a given record within in a database table.
For example, you can open a file system file with exclusive access so other processes cannot access the file until it is released. I would like to implement a solution that provides this same exclusive access at the database record level. Preferably a solution that does not require creating and managing table access state flags. (i.e. €“ FieldName.State = (Closed, Opened, Exclusive)) I would like for the database server to mange this solution and return an error status when trying to access a record that has been opened exclusively. Furthermore, I would like to avoid using triggers.
Application Utilization
I€™m working on a system that has multiple threads that are each responsible managing data from the same normalized table. Each of these system threads work on the same unique record in parallel. Therefore it is possible that thread (0)€™s changes could be overwritten by thread (n)€™s. I would like to have each thread open the unique record exclusively and release it when finished. All of the other threads would loop until the record is released.
1. Is it possible to implement this at the server level?
2. What would be the easiest best practice for implementing this functional requirement?
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Sep 29, 2007
Hi All,
My question is regarding SQL Server database security. I want to create a login using SQL Server Authentication and assign it db_owner rights for my database. So far so good. But the critical part is that I want to give exclusive rights for my database to this user only i.e. no other users (dbo, guest etc) should be allowed to access my database.
It will be good to present here the scenario which I need to implement. I am running an ASP.NET application that uses SQL server 2005 db at back end. The database server might have other databases as well but I don't want the administrator (either SQL server admin or the server administrator) to be able to get access to my database or even view the schema. I don't want any other user except my own user to be able to detach the database or perform backup or restore operations.
I hope I was able to deliver the requirement.
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Apr 11, 2007
I am trying to use sql server 2005 management stodio to restore a database. But I got this error message:
Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use
Anyone know how to solve this problem?
View 45 Replies
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Jun 15, 2007
I have a test database that is automatically restored from the live database each day at 2:30AM. I recently started receiving this message:
Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use.
and the restore is not able to occur.
Any ideas on how I can prevent this from happening?
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Aug 10, 2015
Any list of commands that require exclusive access in order for the command to complete? I had an instance today where a DBA executed sp_changedbowner command which is the alter database command on a production database and it locked it up.
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Aug 16, 2006
I'm running the isqlw.exe command from a console app. The output log file is telling me access is denied to my My Documents folder (where the .bak file is) to do the restore. It keeps erroring and teminating the RESTORE command. It's not read only or anything (not that I'd think that would necessarily affect it) and I don't know why it would throw an OS access denied error on any part of my computer for me since I'm logged into the computer as an admin and I'm using the sa login info in the isqlw command.
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Feb 1, 2008
I have a table that has appx 3.2 million rows. see sp_help
Name Owner Type Created_datetime
TB_SAAI014_BPD dbo user table 2005-08-10 11:33:23.893
Column_name Type Comp Lngth Prec Scale Nullable
RowID int no 4 10 0 no
SPHInstID int no 4 10 0 no
BPDInstID int no 4 10 0 no
BMUID varchar no 11 no
InfoImblCfw numeric no 9 12 2 no
BMUPrdNonDel numeric no 9 12 2 no
PrdFPN numeric no 9 13 3 no
PrdBMUBalSrvVol numeric no 9 13 3 no
PrdInfoImblVol numeric no 9 13 3 no
PrdExpdMtrVol numeric no 9 13 3 no
BMUMtrVol numeric no 9 13 3 no
PrdBMUNonDelBidVol numeric no 9 13 3 no
PrdBMUNonDelOfrVol numeric no 9 13 3 no
TranLossFctr numeric no 9 15 7 no
TranLossMtpl numeric no 9 15 7 no
TradUnitName varchar no 30 no
TotTrdUnitMtrVol numeric no 9 13 3 no
BMUAppBalSrvVol numeric no 9 13 3 no
DTCreated datetime no 8 yes
DTUpdated datetime no 8 yes
Identity Seed Inc Not Repl
RowID 0 1 0
No rowguidcol column defined.
Data Located on File Group
Index Name Decsription Keys
idx_SPH_BPD clustered, unique located on PRIMARY SPHInstID, BPDInstID
This table has 1 clustered index based on its own unique record ID and that of its parent table record
I have an import process that adds appx 980 rows of data to this table and numerous rows to several other tables as part of a transaction and it ran in about 15 seconds.
However we suffered a server failure and it had to be rebuilt (Svr2k3), SQL 2000 re-installed (with default options) and the data base restored.
The same transaction is now taking 8 to 9 minutes.
I tracked it down to this particular table. Just doing a count(*) takes over 5 minutes. Select * where ID = 1 takes over 5 mins. Also, whenever the table is accessed you can hear the server thrashing the disks. Other tables, although smaller do not seem to be suffering from this masive performance drop..
I've tried droping and recreating the index. I have even created a copy of the table, with index, and still get the same issue with speed.
DBCC CHECKTABLE returns the following but takes 6 and a half minutes
DBCC results for 'TB_SAAI014_BPD'.
There are 3168460 rows in 72011 pages for object 'TB_SAAI014_BPD'.
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.
No errors are shown
A DBCC CHECKTABLE on another table with 230 thousand rows, run at the same time only took 10 seconds
Can anyone please point me in the direction of things to check, try or repair.
Any help greatfully recieved.
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May 21, 2003
When I open an application, it prompts me for a message that SQL is locked in exclusive mode by other application.
How to solve this?
thanks in advance
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Jan 30, 2004
Is there a way to do a logical exclusive OR (XOR) in sql server?
I'm trying to do this in where clause, something like:
(not exists (select 1 from table a where > '01/30/03') XOR
exists (select 1 from table a where < '01/30/03'))
View 14 Replies
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Jun 11, 2008
How do you lock a table in exclusie mode before running a query?
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Oct 17, 2007
A problem about many to many relationships from an SQL beginner. Here's a contrived abstract example, as I'd prefer not to give away specifics.
Imagine I have two tables: users, food
The relationship (to like) is many-to-many so I've got a link table, which might look like the below:
andrew, apples
bob, banana
bob, apples
chris, carrots
chris, apples
chris, banana
I want to select users who like bananas and apples exclusively.
The answer should be 'bob' ONLY. select * from users inner join food on <IDs> where food in ('bananas','apples') isn't suitable , because it'll also return 'chris' who should be disqualified (because he also likes carrots).
Apart from potentially being bad DB design (although this is an abstract example; I do have ID numbers), can anyone suggest how to get this in a scalable way?
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Aug 9, 2000
Anybody know how a SELECT statement can generate an exclusive lock on a table ?
I always thought that SELECT's take out shared locks. Is this something to do with temporary tables generated by ORDER BY's and DISTINCT ?
Rogue SQL below (from Site Server).
SELECT A.i_Dsid, A.i_Aid, A.vc_Val, A.i_Val, A.dt_Val, A.img_Val FROM Object_Attributes A, ( SELECT DISTINCT L.i_Dsid FROM Object_Lookup L , Object_Attributes OA2 (index = IND_vc_Aid) WHERE ((( L.i_ObjectClass = 9999 )) AND ( OA2.vc_Val LIKE ( '999999999.9999999%' ) AND OA2.i_Aid = 99)) AND (L.i_Container_Dsid = 99) AND ( OA2.i_Dsid = L.i_Dsid )) AS B WHERE B.i_Dsid = A.i_Dsid AND A.i_Aid NOT IN( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ) ORDER BY A.i_Dsid, A.i_Aid
Can anybody suggest a workaround ? Thanks.
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Jan 4, 2008
Are Intent exclusive locks compatible with rowlock?
I am getting a deadlock since i have ix lock on a page and another process(select query) is trying to acquire a shared lock.How can i solve this?
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Sep 10, 2007
Hello All!
I want to perform 4 or 5 statements as a transaction but I need to make sure that during this complete transaction no one else inserts or deletes records from a table named SomeTable.
So how can I lock MyTable at the beggining of the transaction so that during my transaction no one else can insert or delete anything in table SomeTable?
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Feb 21, 2000
Is it possible to place an exclusive row lock when running a SELECT query by using a lock hint (or otherwise).
Basically, when a select statement is run against a table I don't won't any other users to read that row until it has been updated - at some later stage.
Any suggestions on whether this is possible would be welcome.
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Feb 25, 2001
HI, i am trying to make query that has computations with it. but when there's a point computing between int and float i had to use cast() function to convert certain data types. somehow it only works on converting float to integer because when i'm converting an integer into float inorder to be computed with a float it bombs. my query is like this ....
SELECT cast(((cast(((lat - (SELECT LAT FROM TPS_ZIPUSA WHERE ZIP_CODE = 00210)) * 69.1) AS int) ^ 2) + (cast((69.1 * (lng - (SELECT Lng FROM TPS_ZIPUSA WHERE ZIP_CODE = 00210)) * (COS((SELECT LAT FROM TPS_ZIPUSA WHERE ZIP_CODE = 00210) / 57.3))) AS int) ^ 2)) AS float) ^ .5
.5 is where the query bombs. any idea why is this happenning?
by the way, i'm using sql server 7.0.
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Apr 1, 2004
I'm relatively new to SQL and I've come across something that doesn't seem quite right. When an insert becomes part of an transaction I notice an exclusive KEY lock in Enterprise Manager. The table in question was using a Clustered index but I changed that, dropped the table and brought it back in but I still get the lock which keeps all others out of the table. Is this the expected behavior or is there something I am missing? Could the size of the tabe affect things? This is a very small table currently. I'm using MSSQL 7 sp3.
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May 12, 2008
Hi ,
I have some issues with deadlock.I am getting deadlock becuase of two
select on same table. The sql server log is like this ,
Select statements should have always shared lock.I am not getting why
its doing exclusive lock and creating deadlock.
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Deadlock encountered €¦. Printing
deadlock information
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Wait-for graph
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Log Viewer could not read information
for this log entry. Cause: Data is Null. This method or property
cannot be called on Null values.. Content:
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Node:1
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown KEY: 9:72057594050117632 (8d036f07c58f)
CleanCnt:3 Mode Flags: 0×0
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Grant List 3:
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Owner:0×12E9F160 Mode: S Flg:0×0 Ref:1
Life:00000001 SPID:68 ECID:0 XactLockInfo: 0×353D1C54
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown SPID: 68 ECID: 0 Statement Type: SELECT
Line #: 4
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Input Buf: Language Event: (@actDefId
nvarchar(36)@stateList varchar(1)@stateList1 varchar(1)@procRelObjType
smallint@procRelObjIdList varchar(36))
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Requested By:
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown ResType:LockOwner Stype:€™OR€™Xdes:
0×2FBB67F0 Mode: X SPID:112 BatchID:0 ECID:0 TaskProxy0×0792E378)
Value:0×38baa20 Cost0/11888)
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Log Viewer could not read information
for this log entry. Cause: Data is Null. This method or property
cannot be called on Null values.. Content:
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Node:2
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown KEY: 9:72057594049986560 (6f02e1cd37c3)
CleanCnt:3 Mode:X Flags: 0×0
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Wait List:
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Owner:0×12396EE0 Mode: S Flg:0×2 Ref:1
Life:00000000 SPID:90 ECID:0 XactLockInfo: 0×0AA8178C
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown SPID: 90 ECID: 0 Statement Type: SELECT
Line #: 4
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Input Buf: Language Event: (@actDefId
nvarchar(36)@stateList varchar(1)@stateList1 varchar(1)@procRelObjType
smallint@procRelObjIdList varchar(36))
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Requested By:
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown ResType:LockOwner Stype:€™OR€™Xdes:
0×353D1C30 Mode: S SPID:68 BatchID:0 ECID:0 TaskProxy0×13B3E378)
Value:0×12e9e780 Cost0/6164)
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Log Viewer could not read information
for this log entry. Cause: Data is Null. This method or property
cannot be called on Null values.. Content:
If you have any idea regarding this please let me know ASAP.
Thanks in advance .
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Feb 9, 2008
Hi, I've got three tables that I'm trying to pull data from. The first is a family of rings, the second is the individual rings and the third relates one ring to another:
FamilyID pk | FamName
RingID | FamilyID fk | RingName
RingID1 pk/fk | RingID2 pk/fk
I'm trying to pull a list of RingIDs and names for a given FamilyID. To complicate it, I want to exclude rings that are already associated to a given RingID, i.e. I only want the unassociated rings in a given family. To complicate it even a little more then name needs to be the this possible? Thanks!
Given @FamID and @RingID
Result Table
RingID | FamName + RingName
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Aug 31, 2015
I'm having an issue to restoring database from prod to report server. I'm getting following error.
When I did Manually I got first error as below.
Msg 233, Level 20, State 0, Line 0 A transport-level error has occurred when sending the request to the server. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)
This is the second error
Msg 3044, Level 16, State 1, Line 37
Invalid zero-length device name. Reissue thestatement with a valid device name.
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 37
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
Msg 5011, Level 14, State 5, Line 45
User does not have permission to alter database 'XeP', the database does not exist, or the database is not in a state that allows access checks.
Msg 5069, Level 16, State 1, Line 45
ALTER DATABASE statement failed.
Script Which I used.
USE Master;
-- 1 - Variable declaration
DECLARE @dbName sysname
DECLARE @backupPath NVARCHAR(500)
[Code] .....
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Nov 30, 2004
I restored a full backup of db...then I use this script to backup log, using the stop at function:
Restore log db from disk='e:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLBACKUPdb_tlog_200411300800.TRN' with
RECOVERY,STOPAT = 'Nov 30, 2004 1:00 AM'
when I run this script in Query Analyzer, I get:
Server: Msg 3101, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use.
Server: Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
RESTORE LOG is terminating abnormally.
No other connections are present to the database except my connection through QA ...what can I do ?..please respond ASAP
thank you
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Jul 23, 2005
Ive been playing with this for a few days and thought I might thow itout for seggestions.I have Several Queries that need counts returnedThe Queries are Mutually Exclusive meaning whatever Query they returnin first they cannot be included in the counts of any queries belowthem.This set of queries for exampleSelect ID From Customers where FIRST_NAME = 'Chris' (would return say150)Select ID From Customers where ST='OH' (This would retunr say 50, BUTRun alone it might return 70, however 20 of those were in the firstQuery so they arent to be retunred in this result set.The total for Bot Queries would be 200But If I reverse it like soSelect ID From Customers where ST='OH' (This now returns 70)Select ID From Customers where FIRST_NAME = 'Chris' (This now returns130)The total of course for BOT Queries is 200 but I dont need that total Ineed the total for EACH Query depending on its orderingWhat I need are the single counts depending on the order in which thequeries are runIt seems like a recursion problem, but It might go past 32 level so Icant use recursive SQL ( I dont think )I've thought of (or tried to think how to use Not In, Not Exist, etcbut still dosent come up with the results....)How Can I grab the counts for each Query ?Chris
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Sep 4, 2006
We currently use SQL Serv 2000 with an ERP application and VB applications.
Both system work with the same database & tables but the ERP application seems to put exclusive lock on all tables it needs during processes. So our VB applications are not able to read these data and we receive TIMEOUT error.
What can I do ?
thank you
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Jun 26, 2015
I've been restoring database from couple of times but getting failed because of following error.
I've been using SSMS free version from microsoft website.
Error create database  or alter database failed because the resulting cumulative database size would exceed your licensed limit of 10240MB per database.
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Apr 11, 2007
Hi all. I have read and implemented the very helpful threads on backing up and restoring with user instance posted with MFriedlander. Thank you. However, during the rs.SqlRestore(srv) command I am getting the following error "Restore failed for Server '\.pipe4A1F91FF-F6FE-45 sqlquery'. "
"Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use."
I have implemented the changedatabase method as described in that thread.
right before the line
I do not use the default instance of sql express, but I do use an instance called 'test' for my app. Should my changedatabase method also refer to my sql instance?
I am running from VS 2005 debug (F5) when it fails and cannot think of anything that would be locking it. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. Below is the full code of the restore.
Dim sqlconnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(My.Settings.dbTestConnectionString)
Dim ServerConnection As ServerConnection = New ServerConnection(sqlconnection)
Dim srv As Server = New Server(ServerConnection)
'Declare a BackupDeviceItem by supplying the backup device file name in the constructor, and the type of device is a file.
Dim bdi As BackupDeviceItem
bdi = New BackupDeviceItem(txtRestoreFile.Text, DeviceType.File)
''Define a Restore object variable.
Dim rs As New Restore
'Set the NoRecovery property to true, so the transactions are not recovered.
rs.NoRecovery = True
rs.ReplaceDatabase = True
'Add the device that contains the full database backup to the Restore object.
'don't know why the below norecovery is changed to false
rs.NoRecovery = False
'Specify the database name.
rs.Database = sqlconnection.Database.ToString()
'Restore the full database backup with no recovery.
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Oct 29, 2015
While migrating Report services in SQL Server 2005 to 2014, I am trying to restore the Encryption Key in RS Configuration Manager in2014. But I cannot click the 'Restore' button in RS Configuration Manager. So if I should be grant more right to do so or any other action?
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