Trying To Select Info With If Exists Statement With No Avail

Jan 6, 2004

Im trying to select rows on the following criteria

My app has a user that can have x jobs, each job has related entries which are marked has unread or read. I need to return any jobs that contain any unread entries also I need to return other jobs that have no entries marked as read.

I am able to return the following:

Comment UnReadMy Job 164

Comment UnReadFor Cam 166

Comment ReadThe Job 157

Comment ReadThird 159

Comment ReadMy Job 164

On Site Visit ReadMy newest job for log test 167

but as you can see jobid 164 appears in both groups and I need it to be one or the other

I tried using the if exists statement and was only able to return one group either unread or read, not both. I've tried everything but I'm new and I figure that theres got to be a more elegant way. Heres my sql:





IF EXISTS(SELECT DISTINCT Master_Jobs.JobID, Profiles.ProfileDescriptor, Backup_UserNotes.BackUp_Read, Master_Jobs.Job_Title, Master_Jobs.Contact,

Master_Jobs.Due_Date, Master_Jobs.Due_Time, Master_Jobs.Next_Action, Master_Jobs.By_Who


Note ON Master_Jobs.JobID = Note.FK_JobID INNER JOIN

Backup_UserNotes ON Note.NoteID = Backup_UserNotes.BackUp_NoteID INNER JOIN

User_Notes ON Note.NoteID = User_Notes.FK_UN_NoteID INNER JOIN

Job_Assignments ON Master_Jobs.JobID = Job_Assignments.FK_Master_JobID INNER JOIN

Profiles ON Master_Jobs.FK_ProfileID = Profiles.ProfileID INNER JOIN

Users ON Backup_UserNotes.BackUp_UserID = Users.UserID AND User_Notes.FK_UN_UserID = Users.UserID AND

Job_Assignments.UserID = Users.UserID

WHERE Users.UserID = @UserID AND-- Note.FK_UserID = User_Notes.FK_UN_UserID AND

BackUp_Read = 'UnRead')


SELECT DISTINCT Master_Jobs.JobID, Profiles.ProfileDescriptor, Backup_UserNotes.BackUp_Read, Master_Jobs.Job_Title, Master_Jobs.Contact,

Master_Jobs.Due_Date, Master_Jobs.Due_Time, Master_Jobs.Next_Action, Master_Jobs.By_Who


Note ON Master_Jobs.JobID = Note.FK_JobID INNER JOIN

Backup_UserNotes ON Note.NoteID = Backup_UserNotes.BackUp_NoteID INNER JOIN

User_Notes ON Note.NoteID = User_Notes.FK_UN_NoteID INNER JOIN

Job_Assignments ON Master_Jobs.JobID = Job_Assignments.FK_Master_JobID INNER JOIN

Profiles ON Master_Jobs.FK_ProfileID = Profiles.ProfileID INNER JOIN

Users ON Backup_UserNotes.BackUp_UserID = Users.UserID AND User_Notes.FK_UN_UserID = Users.UserID AND

Job_Assignments.UserID = Users.UserID

WHERE Users.UserID = @UserID AND-- Note.FK_UserID = User_Notes.FK_UN_UserID AND

BackUp_Read = 'UnRead'





SELECT DISTINCT Master_Jobs.JobID, Profiles.ProfileDescriptor, Backup_UserNotes.BackUp_Read, Master_Jobs.Job_Title, Master_Jobs.Contact,

Master_Jobs.Due_Date, Master_Jobs.Due_Time, Master_Jobs.Next_Action, Master_Jobs.By_Who


Note ON Master_Jobs.JobID = Note.FK_JobID INNER JOIN

Backup_UserNotes ON Note.NoteID = Backup_UserNotes.BackUp_NoteID INNER JOIN

User_Notes ON Note.NoteID = User_Notes.FK_UN_NoteID INNER JOIN

Job_Assignments ON Master_Jobs.JobID = Job_Assignments.FK_Master_JobID INNER JOIN

Profiles ON Master_Jobs.FK_ProfileID = Profiles.ProfileID INNER JOIN

Users ON Backup_UserNotes.BackUp_UserID = Users.UserID AND User_Notes.FK_UN_UserID = Users.UserID AND

Job_Assignments.UserID = Users.UserID

WHERE Users.UserID = @UserID AND-- Note.FK_UserID = User_Notes.FK_UN_UserID AND

BackUp_Read = 'Read'





Thanks again

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Transact SQL :: Case Statement In Where Clause - Select First / Default Value If Two Different Value Exists

Nov 16, 2015

I have scenario where i have to pick one particular value from where condition. Here is the example:A store can have different types i-e A or B , A and B or either A or B.

Store     Type    Sales
11           A        1000
23       A      1980
23       B       50
5         B      560

I want to filter the store in "where clause"  where

1)- if the store has type A and  B, then assign only A
2)- if the store has  type A associated with it then assign A
3)- if the store has type B associated with it, then assign B.

Select Store, sum(sales), Type
from table1
where (TYPE]=  (case when [TYPE] in ('A','B') then 'A'
when [TYPE]='A' then 'A' else 'B'end))
GROUP BY [store], [TYPE]

The above statement is not working for when store has only Type B associated with it.

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Need To Set A Field In A Select Statement Equal To Yes Or No If Record Exists In Separate Table

Jan 8, 2008

Hey gang,
I've got a query and I'm really not sure how to get what I need.  I've got a unix datasource that I've setup a linked server for on my SQL database so I'm using Select * From OpenQuery(DataSource, 'Query')
I am able to select all of the records from the first two tables that I need.  The problem I'm having is the last step.  I need a field in the select statement that is going to be a simple yes or no based off of if a customer number is present in a different table.  The table that I need to look into can have up to 99 instances of the customer number.  It's a "Note" table that stores a string, the customer number and the sequence number of the note.  Obviously I don't want to do a straight join and query because I don't want to get 99 duplicates records in the query I'm already pulling.
Here's my current Query this works fine:
Select *From OpenQuery(UnixData, 'Select CPAREC.CustomerNo, CPBASC_All.CustorCompName, CPAREC.DateAdded, CPAREC.Terms, CPAREC.CreditLimit, CPAREC.PowerNum
From CPAREC Inner Join CPBASC_All on CPAREC.CustomerNo = CPBASC_All.CustomerNo
Where DateAdded >= #12/01/07# and DateAdded <= #12/31/07#')
What I need to add is one more column to the results of this query that will let me know if the Customer number is found in a "Notes" table.  This table has 3 fields CustomerNo, SequenceNo, Note.
I don't want to join and select on customer number as the customer number maybe repeated as much as 99 times in the Notes table.  I just need to know if a single instance of the customer number was found in that table so I can set a column in my select statement as NotesExist (Yes or No)
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Using The IF EXISTS Conditional Statement

Apr 5, 2007

I'm trying to gather some user statistics based on 3 conditions. First I want to check if the referring querystring is already in the database. If not insert it into the db. Second, if the querystring is already in the database, then check if the ip-address of the user is already in the database. If it is, then check if the ip address was inserted today. If not, update the "refCountIn" field with +1. The problem lies in the third condition where we check if the ip-address was inserted today and if false, update the "refCountIn" field with +1 and if true, do nothing.Below is the code I have until now:  1 Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
3 ' *** Declare the variables
4 Dim getStatCmd As String
5 Dim updStatCmd As String
7 Dim myRef As String = Request.QueryString("ref")
8 Dim myQueryString As String = Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING").Replace("ref=", "")
9 Dim myRemoteAddr As String = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
10 Dim myHttpReferer As String = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")
12 Dim dtNow As Date = DateTime.Now
13 Dim dtToday As Date = DateTime.Today
15 ' *** Conditional INSERT command
16 getStatCmd = _
17 "IF EXISTS(SELECT 'True' FROM tblReferers WHERE robotName = '" & myQueryString & "' AND refIpAddress = '" & myRemoteAddr & "' AND refTime = '" & dtToday & "') " & _
18 "BEGIN " & _
19 "SELECT 'This clickin has already been recorded!'" & _
20 "END ELSE BEGIN " & _
21 "SELECT 'Clickin recorded' " & _
22 "INSERT INTO tblReferers(robotName, refIpAddress, refReferer, refTime) " & _
23 "VALUES(" & _
24 "'" + myQueryString + "'," & _
25 "'" + myRemoteAddr + "'," & _
26 "'" + myHttpReferer + "'," & _
27 "'" + dtToday + "')" & _
28 "END "
31 ' *** Conditional UPDATE command
32 updStatCmd = _
33 "IF EXISTS(SELECT 'True' FROM tblReferers WHERE robotName = '" & myQueryString & "' AND refIpAddress = '" & myRemoteAddr & "' AND refTime <> '" & dtToday & "') " & _
34 "UPDATE tblReferers " & _
35 "SET refCountIn = refCountIn + 1, refTime = '" & dtNow & "' " & _
36 "WHERE refIpAddress = '" & myRemoteAddr & "' AND robotName = '" & myRef & "'"
38 Dim insConnCmd As New SqlCommand(getStatCmd, New SqlConnection(connSD))
39 Dim updConnCmd As New SqlCommand(updStatCmd, New SqlConnection(connSD))
41 insConnCmd.Connection.Open()
42 insConnCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
43 insConnCmd.Connection.Close()
45 updConnCmd.Connection.Open()
46 updConnCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
47 updConnCmd.Connection.Close()
49 End Sub
Anyone with an idea on how to solve this one? I think I need to write a subquery for the third condition, but I don't have a clue on how to handle this.Thanks in advance for your help! 

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If Exists Statement Problem...

Jun 16, 2004

Can someone give me a hand with this?

Ok I have a table called allstocks, with a primary key of ticker, I also have a todaysstocks table with a primary key of ticker.

Todaysstock table updates the allstocks table with this statement,

insert into allstocks (exchange,transdate,ticker,[opened date],[closed date],[over/under]) select exchange,[todays date],ticker,[opened date], [closed date],[over/under] from todaysstocks

this works fine, unless the ticker already exists. How do I write the statement, that if the ticker already exists, then update the rest of the fields with the new info, or delete the row and recreate it?

ANy help would be appreciated. Thanks

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How To Set A Variable In An If Exists Statement

Feb 28, 2008


I would like to set a variable within my if exists statement, however SQL is throwing and error stating:

Incorrect syntax near '='.

If I remove the if exists, the query runs fine. Is there a reason why this is not working the way I have it and what suggestions can I use to accomplish what I am trying to do, which is store the ID into the permissionID variable

Here is my code block:

Code Snippet

declare @permissionID int;

if exists(select @permissionID = Id from Permission

where [Description] = 'SettlementReport')


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Select Statement Within Select Statement Makes My Query Slow....

Sep 3, 2007

Hello... im having a problem with my query optimization....

I have a query that looks like this:

SELECT * FROM table1
WHERE location_id IN (SELECT location_id from location_table WHERE account_id = 998)

it produces my desired data but it takes 3 minutes to run the query... is there any way to make this faster?... thank you so much...

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How To Select Table Info?

Apr 7, 2008


Can someone write a query for me that would return names of tables that would slelect all tables of particular database and show if table has set primary key and if it has then if key has Identity Specification set to true?

something like:

...this is where you come in

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How To Select Table Info?

Apr 7, 2008


Can someone write a query for me that would return names of tables that would slelect all tables of particular database and show if table has set primary key and if it has then if key has Identity Specification set to true?

something like:



...this is where you come in


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May 28, 2002


I'm trying to create a batch sql script which first alters some existing tables via the ALTER TABLE command, I then want to alter some existing stored procedures via the ALTER PROCEDURE command within the same batch. I have found that I can encompas the alter table scripts within a conditional IF EXISTS (Begin/End) but not the alter procesdure scripts. I have looked in reference material and have found nothing to suggest this type of operation is not possible. Is this possible? Is this a know bug fixed by a service pack?

Thanks in advance for any replies.

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Feb 20, 2006

Hi @ all

I'm using MSSQL and PHP.
I've got the following sql statement:

$msquery = IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT SerienNr FROM tbl_Auftrag a WHERE a.SerienNr='PC8') INSERT INTO tbl_Auftrag (BMS_AuftragsNr, SerienNr, AuftraggNr, Zieltermin, Kd_Name) VALUES ('455476567','PC8','1','2006-3-2','Fritz')

The Statement itself works fine, but i've got a problem getting a return value whether the insert has succeed, or not. :confused:
mssql_query() always returns true if there occured no error in the statement. But i need to know if the insert procedded or not.
I tried:

$result = mssql_query($msquery);
$succeed = mssql_rows_affected ($result);


$result = mssql_query($msquery);
$succeed = mssql_num_rows($result);

to get the rows, affected by the statement, but both return:

supplied argument is not a valid MS SQL-Link resource

Anyone an idea?

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IF EXISTS Statement In My Perl Program

Aug 23, 2004

I am having trouble finishing my query.

This is what I have:

IF EXISTS(Select ApplicationID from Application Where Application = '&_')
Insert Into PCApp(ApplicationID, SystemNetName)
Values( , $HoH->{Host}{SystemNetName})

I am not sure what to put in the blank within the Values parenthesis. I need to obtain the ApplicationID that is checked in the IF EXISTS section. But I cannot put a select statement into the Values() section.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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Stored Procedure Exists Statement

Feb 26, 2008

When I created an SP in Enterprise Manager, I didn't manually type in the existence check at the inception, a la "if exists (select * from sysobjects...)". I just started with the CREATE PROC AS statement.

I noticed that if I generate a SQL script for the SP, SQL2000 automatically generates the existence check statement.

My question is, can I assume that when the SP is actually executed, SQL2000 does the exists check on its own? I EXEC'd the proc in Query Analyzer with no errors.

I just want to make sure that I don't need to enter the exists statement if it's already being done behind the scenes.

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How To Update If Exists Else Insert In One SQL Statement

Jul 20, 2005

In MS Access I can do in one SQL statement a update if exists else ainsert.Assuming my source staging table is called - SOURCE and my targettable is called - DEST and both of them have the same structure asfollowsKeycolumns==========MaterialCustomerYearNonKeyColumns=============SalesIn Access I can do a update if the record exists else do a insert inone update SQL statement as follows:UPDATE DEST SET DEST.SALES = SOURCE.SALESfrom DEST RIGHT OUTER JOIN SOURCEON (DEST.MATERIAL = SOURCE.MATERIAL ANDDEST.CUSTOMER = SOURCE.CUSTOMER ANDDEST.YEAR = SOURCE.YEAR)This query will add a record in SOURCE into DEST if that record doesnot exist in DEST else it does a update. This query however does notwork on SQL 2000Am I missing something please share your views how I can do this inSQL 2000.ThanksKaren

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Need Info About Dynamic Reporting (Read Problem Statement, Inside)

Jun 21, 2007

Hi All!

I have a specific requirement.

I have to generate a report on the fly.
The display fields, parameters and sort conditions would be user specified at run time in a ASP.NET web form. There will be a superset of the display, filter and sort fields out of which the user cans select one or more.

From the web form, i am taking these three parts as three strings and sending them as parameters to a Stored Procedure. The Stored Procedure will read each string, and identify what are the individual fields and generates the result accordingly.

So here my requirement is that Reporting Services must read the Stored Procedure, create a dataset and even create the User Interface all at run-time as we do not know what fields are displayed at design time. The Headers for each field come from the Stored Procedure. I have to show the report based on what are the fields in the Stored procedure at that instance of time.

I hope i have explained very clearly.

I would be grateful for your contributions.


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Select Specific Info From XML Field?

Nov 10, 2014

I have a table (InfoTable) with a field with XML info like this:

<NomStatus>Status 1<NomStatus>
<NomStatus>Status 2<NomStatus>

]Code] ...

I want to be able to select then NomProcess where IdProcess=3, for instance.

How can I do it?

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How To Get Info In SELECT Directly Instead Of UPDATE? Thanks.

Jul 23, 2005

Greetings!I have the 3 raw data tables below, and would like to extract somedata. My current query is really cumbersome, does anyone know a betterway to get all the info (attach the right state to the lowest zip code)in one step? Thanks a lot! Here are the details.- Ideal Output, for each person , keep(1) person_id (From Table A)(2) The earliest open_date of accounts starting with 2 (From Table A)(3) ssn (From Table B)(4) Zip and state info (From Table C), but only keep the lowest zip andstate.-Table A -person_idaccountopen_date10001220000015/15/200310001220000026/20/200410001300000012/2/200210002220000038/12/200410002220000049/15/200410002300000022/16/2005-Table B -person_idzip state1000111111AA1000122222CC1000233333BB--Table C -person_idssn100011234567100022345678-Ideal Output-person_idmin_openssnzipstate100015/15/2003123456711111AA100028/12/2004234567833333BBHere is what I did:Select a.person_id, min(a.open_date), b.ssn, min( as zip,cast (0 as varchar) as stateInto output[color=blue]>From TableA as a[/color]Join TableB as bon a.person_id=b.person_idJoin TableC as con a.person_id=c.person_idWhere a.account like '2%'Group by a.person_id, b.ssnOrder by a.person_idUpdate outputSet output.state=b.state[color=blue]>From output as a[/color]Join TableC as bon a.person_id=b.person_idand

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AG - High Avail - Can't Remove IP

Oct 14, 2015

I am using SQL2014 with HA/AG groups and was adding an extra listener when I used the incorrect IP address. i had thought the 'remove' button would work, but it does not. Also I tried deleting it manually:

delete from sys.availability_group_listener_ip_addresses where listener_id = '26d37cdb-5a6f-43a0-ab0c-f4343eeac0f2'

delete from sys.availability_group_listeners where group_id = '6B060505-CDDC-44B6-A9AD-38FC6AD4A7AA'

Ad hoc updates to system catalogs are not allowed.How can I remove the invalid IP?

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Running An UPDATE Statement Only If A Column Exists

Nov 1, 2007

I'm trying to write a script that would only update a column if it exists.

This is what I tried first:

UPDATE dbo.Enrollment SET nosuchfield='666'

And got the following error:

Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid column name 'nosuchfield'.

I'm curious why MS-SQL would do syntax checking in this case. I've used this type of check with ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN commands before and it worked perfectly fine.

The only way I can think of to get around this is with:

declare @sql nvarchar(100)
SET @sql = N'UPDATE dbo.Enrollment SET nosuchfield=''666'''
execute sp_executesql @sql

which looks a bit awkward. Is there a better way to accomplish this?

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Select Where Not Exists

Jul 20, 2005

I have a table that has the following fields:tblECHECKID (autonumber identity column)PTIDBatchnumPageDataPointDPValueThere are many other tables on which I run a script that tests to makesure the data meets certain entry requirements (I don't want to putrestrictions on the forms because the data entry personel have toenter what is on the survey).Anything that fails is copied to the tblECHECK table. All the datacopied into the table are identified by a batchnumer (batchnum).I want to write a script that will look at all the records in thetblECHECK table, and delete any duplicates (the batch numbers are theonly fields that would be different).I have tried the following with no success (it returns 0 records):Select *From tblECHECKWhere batchnum ='batch8' and not exists (select * from tblECHECK wherebatchnum = 'batch7')Any help would be appreciated.

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If (Not (EXISTS (Select..... ) In Sql

Mar 12, 2008

IF( NOT( EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM updatetable WHERE ScriptName = 'MY_Scripts' )))
RAISERROR('script_dateupdates is required prior to running this script.', 30,1);

This is the Exists statment on the top. I was trying to find out what does it read. Can someone reat that for me.

Also why Not is before the brackets why it is not like If NOT EXISTS (Select....... ) acutally this is my concern to find out.


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SQL 2012 :: Going From Cluster To Avail Groups

May 13, 2015

So, today we have the following:

Dallas: A 2 node Windows 2008 Cluster running SQL 2012 ENT cluster
Wash: A 2 node Windows 2008 Cluster running SQL 2012 ENT cluster

and I'm mirroring (synchronous, no witness) a database from Dallas to Wash.Crappy set up. I know.Now customer wants to have the database mirror to another server in Dallas.What are the high level steps to transform my two clusters to use Availability Groups and Always On?Do I need to basically start over and build a new environment?or can I transform my two disconnected cluster?

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Embedded IF EXISTS(SELECT * ...) 1 ELSE 0

Jun 11, 2008

I have a Select statement that was working just fine:
string sSqlCmd = "INSERT INTO SiloKeywords (Silo_ID, Keyword, UserName) SELECT Silo_ID,'" + Keyword + "', '" + strUsername + "' FROM SiloNames WHERE Silo_Name = '" + Uri + "'";
the PM now wants to capture the internal User, which I have done but I am having real problems with the syntax if the internal User exists:
string sSqlCmd = "INSERT INTO SiloKeywords (Silo_ID, Keyword, UserName, IsInternal) SELECT Silo_ID,'" + Keyword + "', '" + strUserName + "', if EXISTS(SELECT * FROM InternalUsersList WHERE Alias = '" + arrResult[1] + "') 1 ELSE 0 FROM SiloNames WHERE Silo_Name = '" + Uri + "'";
I am completely lost here.
Thanks for any help

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Using Two Select Statements In IF Exists

Jul 20, 2005

I tried this:IF Exists (Select 1 from TESTA..POP10100 where PONumber=@PONumber) and(Select 1 from TESTA..POP30300 where POPType<>2 andPOPRCTNM=@ReceiptNo)BEGINENDIt says Incorrect Syntax error? I tried to cover the whole thing withan extra parantheses. It wont work eitherWhat am i doing wrongThanks, Girish

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Any Tools Avail To View Transaction Logs?

Jul 1, 1998

Are there any tools out there where you can view the data in the transaction logs?


Randall Luce

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If Exists (select * From Sysobjects Where Name = [&#39;mylinkedserver&#39;])

Jun 13, 2000

I would like to know how can i check from SQL statement that

whether LinkedSERVER exists or not like we search a table from "sysobjects"

Is there a way where i can search my LinkedServer exists ?

if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = ['mylinkedserver'])

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Select/Where Exists Issues- Any Ideas?

Feb 27, 2007

I am trying to use the following statement/query to delete any rows in tblcntslist table where tblcntslist.Company2 = tblCompany.Name.

Basically I am trying to look in the tblCompany table, look at the 'name' column, see if there are any entries in there that match entries in the tblcntslist.Company2 column. If there are matches, I want to delete them from the tblcntslist table.

I already "massaged" both table columns and removed all special characters, spaces, and other meaningless info that could result in incorrect matching. This way it is a match based on pure letter/number strings. I even set all as UCase in both table columns.


Delete from tblcntslist
where exists
(select * from tblCompany INNER JOIN tblCompany
ON tblCompany.Name = tblcntslist.Company2
where tblCompany.Name = tblcntslist.Company2)

I am getting the following error:
Server: Msg 1013, Level 15, State 1, Line 4
Tables or functions 'tblCompany' and 'tblCompany' have the same exposed names. Use correlation names to distinguish them.

I am a bit confused as to why. Any ideas?

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Transact SQL :: Using EXISTS In SELECT List

Feb 18, 2010

I am trying to determine the existence of at least one row in my Detail table using EXISTS in my SELECT list from my Main table.SELECT M.ID,EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM Detail D WHERE D.ID = M.ID) as HasDataFROM Main MCan this be done this way?I was hoping that using EXISTS would find a row and move on thus increasing performance.

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XML Source - No External Columns Avail-- Syntax Error In XML/XSD?

Jan 28, 2008

Hi All,

Hopefully someone can help me with what I'm sure is a very simple question (new to the XML thing). I receive an XML file from "someplace" that I need to parse out using the XML Source in SSIS. I have SSIS generate me an XSD document, as one isn't provided for me. However, after I do this, SSIS does not show any available external columns to pull data from- the "Columns" section of the source is just blank. I'm pretty sure this has to do with a syntax error in either the XML file that is being provided to me, or the XSD doc that SSIS is generating. Below are both (obviously with data dummied up). Can someone take a look and let me what needs to be changed in either file to get this up and running? I'm looking to grab the AccountNumber, RecordNumber, ProcessedDate, Status, and StatusMessage elements.

XML File:

Code Snippet
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<AccountResponse xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<ProcessedDate>Monday, January 28, 2008 11:07 AM</ProcessedDate>

XSD File:

Code Snippet
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsd="" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified">
<xs:element name="AccountResponse">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="AccountNumber" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="RecordNumber" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ProcessedDate" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Status" type="xs:unsignedByte" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="StatusMessage" type="xs:string" />

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Transact SQL :: Select Unique From Table If Specific Value Does Not Exists

Jul 31, 2015

I have a table that has for each shop a value that can change over time.For example

BK_POS 1 --> Segment A
BK_POS 1 --> Segment /

What I would like to achieve is to get all distinct Shops (BK_POS) from the table above, but if for that specific pos a row exists where the segment = "/" then I do not want to take this BK_POS in my select query.More concrete, the for example above I do not want to select BK_POS 1 because he has one row where the segment = "/".

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Error: Only One Expression Can Be Specified In The Select List When The Subquery Is Not Introduced With EXISTS.

Nov 7, 2007

  When i try to save my stored procedure.. i am getting the above error and this is my sproc
 1 INSERT INTO Statement..ClientSources
2 (
3 ClientId,
4 ClientSourceId,
5 SourceName
6 )
7 Select Distinct
8 @ClientId,
10 (Select CASE s.SOURCE_NUMWhen 1 Then SRC1NAME
25 END
27 PlanDBF p
28 Where
30 ) as SourceName
32 SourceDBF s
33 Where
36 ClientSourceId
37 --SourceName
39 Statement..ClientSources
40 Where
41 ClientId = @ClientId
42 )

I am getting the error in Line number 35 .. the inserts works fine... and if use * instead of the field name or use more than 1 field name  i get this error
Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS.
Any help will be appreciated.

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SQL 2012 :: Only One Expression Can Be Specified In Select List When Subquery Not Introduced With EXISTS

Apr 28, 2015

I am getting error [[Msg 116, Level 16, State 1, Line 7 .Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS.]] for the below script.

Declare @mSql2 Nvarchar(max)

SET @mSql2= (select * from Tablename)

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SQL Server 2005 Reporting Svcs - How To Use Dataset 1 Info To Drive Nested Table Select

May 20, 2008

I've only been doing sql 2005 for a couple of months with minimal training so there's a lot I don't know.
What I'm trying to do is load a nested table (industry & customer totals) based on a value from the table it's nested in.
This is the relationship of the data.
I have at the highest group, an industry code, then a customer, then the part and then the fiscal year.
What I'm trying to accomplish is to get a group total (footer) for the (1) industry code and (2) the customer code. This footer would contain the fiscal years (ascending) and their monthly totals. I would like to take the industry code from table one and pass it to the select statement in the dataset that feeds the nested table. I've read this is not possible to load a dataset field into a parm but I've seen where some people know how to work around this. If you reply, please explain in simple terms. Thanks!

industry Customer Year OCT NOV DEC
001 - Signposts
Part 1
2006 5 6 2
2007 0 3 1

Part 2
2006 4 3 0
2007 1 0 7

Customer M12345 totals
2006 9 9 2
2007 1 3 8

Part 3
2007 8 4 7
2008 3 4 8

Part 4
2006 3 8 7
2007 5 6 6

Customer M45678 totals
2006 3 8 7
2007 13 10 13
2008 3 4 8
Industry 001 totals

2006 12 17 9
2007 14 13 21
2008 3 4 8

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