Trying To Seperate Twon Names....can Any One Say

Apr 15, 2008

I have twon names in one row and in the same column.

Column Name

John Baker, Sarah Lynn

I want to seperate them using Derived Column like. First part before COMMA,

SECOND PART after Comma. into two diffrent directions. and later Union.

What is the command to extract the first name and second name.

Please le t me know

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There Are Twon Names In The Name Column.SSIS

Apr 14, 2008

I have two persons name in one column with the same ID.
How to seperate them.


John Smith, Sarah Baker

please let me knw

I want to put it another row

what to use in SSIS

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Dynamically Pass Table Names And File Names To IS Package

Mar 1, 2015

I am designing a package to export staging tables into a flat file.The names of the tables will be: TableAStaging_YYYYMM and TableBStaging_YYYYMM. As you can see the names of the tables will be changing each month.

The flat files will have similar naming: C:MyPathFlatFileTableAStaging__YYYYMM and C:MyPathFlatFileTableAStaging__YYYYMM.I want to run the package as an sql job in two steps, one for each table.I need to dynamically pass the table names and file names (together with the path) to the IS package.

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Integration Services :: Chinese Names Export To CSV - Garbled Names

Aug 11, 2015

As part if a recent requirement I have to export Chinese/Singaporean names in a CSV file. The data in the tables is a NVARCHAR(256).

I am using a FlatFile Connection manager where all the present columns from the table are exported as NVARCHARs. My understanding was that the Chinese/Singaporean names would blend seamlessly with NVARCHARs in place. But, they get garbled when pushed to the CSV.

Here is the connection manager setup

There are a lot of suggestions of fixing this by copying/pasting to a notepad file and changing the formatting... But I cant do that since the file is generated using a schedules SSIS package. How can I tweak the process to fix the issue?

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Determine Table Names And Column Names At Runtime?

Jan 22, 2004


I was wondering if anyone has an idea of how we could find the table names and column names of the tables in our Sql server database at runtime/dynamically given our connection string? Please let me know.


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DB Mirroring: Different Server Names With Same Instance Names

Jan 31, 2008

I'm going to be setting up DB mirroring between two SQL Server 2005 boxes. Since these are on two different servers, can the instance names be the same? Is there any reason NOT to do so if the mirror server is going to be used exclusively for DB mirroring?

For example: if the my primary DB is located on SERVER1INSTANCE1, can the mirror be SERVER2INSTANCE1 or do the instance names have to be different even though they're on different boxes.


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SQL And Forum On Seperate Machines....

Jan 16, 2004

Hi All,

I have got MSSQL 2000 set up on a machine in my rack at my local telehouse, and a web server set up at home on an ADSL line.

Both servers can see (ping) eachother fine , so you can rule out any kind of connectivity issues straight away, but when i try to get my forum to connect to the mssql database using the correct credentials it just fails saying that the credentials are incorrect ot the server does not exist.

I also installed an SQL database tool on my web server (Shusheng SQL Tool) and attempted to connect to my SQL server using that tool, and got the following message: '[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.'

The server is currently using mixed mode authentication (SQL/Windows) and has both TCP/IP and Named pipes enabled.

Is there some kind of 'Enable remote connections' option in SQL? I need to be able to allow connections to my SQL server from any system, anywhere...

Any ideas?

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Why We Allocate .mdf And .ldf On Seperate Drives?

Oct 25, 2004

Why we allocate .mdf and .ldf on seperate drives?
Please tell me a proper logical reason behind it.

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SP Updates From Seperate Server

Dec 17, 2007


I need to update a table on our Test Server which is GCSQLTEST, with another table thats on our live server GCSQL. How would I go about doing that in a stored procedure??

CREATE PROCEDURE [InsertRevised_MainTable]
INSERT INTO dbo.RevisedMainTable
([IR Number], [Date], [I/RDocument], [Violation Type])
SELECT [Incident Report No], [Date], [I/RDocument], TypeOfIncident
FROM dbo.RevisedMainTable
WHERE [IR Number] = [IR Number])

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Are Seperate Databases Betters?

Jan 4, 2004

Hi. I have been talking with some developers who have built a hosted application supporting multiple customers. Their database approach is to create a new, dedicated database (same schema each time) for every customer that signs-up.

This approach is contrary to typical hosted DB designs that I have delt with -- that is, a single database holding multiple customer information rather than a unique database for each customer.

Does the improved security of a dedicated database out-weigh the additional maintenance requirements?

If anyone has some objective thoughts on this topic, I'd love to hear them.


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Should I Seperate Tables Into New Databases??

May 22, 2008

My boss has asked me to look into this and I haven't been able to find any information on the web. I hope someone can answer this for me. We currently have a single database that is storing all the user information and transactions. Within the same database we are also logging different types of user activity. If both these tables are heavily used, would it make sense to separate it into different database, one for data and one for logging? Is there any pro or cons of having more than one database? Any opinion or suggestion would be greatly appreciated. I'm the closest thing they have to DBA and I'm really new to this. Thanks.

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How To Seperate Text Between Comma

Jan 3, 2008

Dear All,

i've a string to pass as a parametre to a procedure.

create preocedure myproc(@EMPID VARCHAR(50),'abc,def,ghi,jkl')

i need the output like this

1 abc
2 def
3 ghi
4 jkl


how can i do that?

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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How Do We Seperate A FULL NAME In SSIS

Apr 14, 2008

Hello ALL,

I want to seperate a FULNAME into First name, last name and middle name using SSIS. Provided "," Seperator

u can take example

John first name,mathew middle name,
smith last name

Please give me the command how to do it.

Thank YOu

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Seperate And Convert Varchar To Int

Jan 14, 2008

I have a field that contains values such as 8ft , 7ft, 18ft
I have a report in reporting services that shows this:

Before Restock After Restock

Date 1/12/2008 8ft 9ft

1/13/2008 10ft 7ft
1/14/2008 5ft 4ft

I want to create a subquery that grabs the before restock and figures out if it sheds the "ft" part of the value, and then put in a where before restock > (greater than) After Restock.

Is there a an easy way to do this?

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4 Seperate Tables Or One Large Table?

May 10, 2008

I have 4 tables with the respective amount of records
1) 6755
2) 2021
3) 2021
4) 355

They all have the same columns. However, they need to be seperate, or at least when I query them. I'll be accessing this database via the web. i was first afraid that a large database would cause major slow down when accessing the db. So I broke it up into 4 tables. If I combined all 4 tables into one large table and just had a column that differentiated the 4, how significant would be the change in speed when accessing the table? It's not a big deal to keep them seperate, its just that when I have to add or remove a column from one table I have to remove it from all the tables. Furthermore, I'm using a module from DEVEXPRESS, don't know if anyone has heard of it, but when you use a gridview, it loads up the entire table even though your paging (which I think is retarded), so for that reason I was afraid it would slow up my access to the db. Any thoughts?

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Indexes On Seperate Logical File...

Sep 22, 2000

Hi all -

Quick question... I want to move all my non-clustered indexes to their own seperate drive array. How would I accomplish this?

Do I just add the filename at the end of the statement like you do in Oracle? (EXAMPLE: CREATE INDEX IDX_Cls_Code on dbo.Class(Code) on secondary.ndf)

If this isn't correct, can someone please post the correct syntax?



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Moving Indexes To Seperate Partitions

Jul 8, 1999

I have been asked to move the indexes on our membership database tables to seperate partitions on the server. This is a new concept to me and thought I could use some advice on how to go about doing it.

Thanks in advance.

Brad Keck

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Same Field From Several To Seperate Fields Of A Single Row

Nov 11, 2007


I'm struggling with this. I'd like to perform a joined query
from two or more tables and take the same field from several
rows of one table into seperate fields of a single row in a new table.

Like this:

table 1

2 youthere

table 2


result in table 3

uidunameuloc uparval1 uparval2 uparval3
1mehere a b c
1methere d e f
2youhere g h i
2 youthere j k l

uparam# field in table 2 always the same sequence

Any ideas????


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Updating Master DB With Seperate Data

Nov 15, 2004

Hey all, Here is what I would like to do.. if any can give some advice or direction with this i would appreciate it.

We have a "master database" (MS SQL) at our main office. Then a smaller office with only a dial-up connection. Can I have my db application write all the data input to a local DB. Then write something to connect with the master DB, through a Terminal server, etc., and update it with the data from the other smaller db?

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Load Balancing Or Seperate Databases

Oct 15, 2007

We are looking at expanding our web application (C# and Sql Server). The module we are going to be adding will be far more processor intense (plotting and modeling) than any of the current code.

I need to know what the best design for this add on would be.

Would it be better to
a) Keep the new module as part of the core db (entire application on 1 database) and use loading balncing between 2 (or more) servers to handle the huge increase in demand?
b) Create the new module as a seperate database that runs on a seperate server?

If B is the best option (I am thinking it is not) is there a way to write easy and efficient queries and views of the 2 databases as 1.



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Anyone Use 2 Databases To Seperate Sensitive Data?

Nov 28, 2007

I've got a customer who thinks their data should be sepeated and reside on two seperate databases in case one is compromised. Now I've never heard of anyone doing this and would like comments from the users here as to why this should/(shoult not) be done.

I'm assuming that they want to keep their general info e.g. name and address on one database and keep other (medical info) on the other db.

None of our db's are outside of the firewalls so to me this makes no sense but I would like feedback.


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Syncronising SQL Tables Between Seperate Servers

Jul 20, 2005

Does anyone have any idea how to syncronise two SQL identical tables acrossa network, between servers?We want to run our website from a SQL tables on the same server, but set upso that if the main SQL tables across the network change, or the tables onthe web server change, the two seperate servers willsyncronise/update/trigger updates to the tables on each other?We are running SQL server 2000.AHAJohn

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What Sorts Of Statements Have To Be In Seperate Batches ?

Apr 7, 2008

Recently I was stumped on a problem where I was granting permissions to a user, from within a script that was creating a stored procedure. Then I would check the permissions on the procedure, but the permissions were empty. It turned out that I was missing a "go" statement to seperate the create procedure statement from the grant statement. So that got me to thinking about what other kids of statements must be seperated into seperate batches ? I would thik that anything that is being created must be seperated from any statements that grant or alter permissions, because the items would need to exist first.

comments ?

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Trigger To Seperate Alpha From Numeric

Nov 9, 2007

We have a table with an indesx that is varchar(7). It contains up to 5 numbers and 2 characters to denote batches. IE. 100a

In an Access gui I need to be able to sort this field numericaly so each number shows up in its correct position. IE.

In order to accomplish this, I created a seperate field on the table named Num as varchar(5). I would like to create a trigger that updates this field any time a new batch number is entered. This way I can have my queries order by Num when returning the recordsets to the GUI.

Below is the code that I thought would work, but it is giving me an error near the keyword BEGIN after the IF(ISNUMERIC) statement. I can't seem to find an error with this code, but I thought maybe a thousand fresh sets of eyes could. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also if you know of a better way to accomplish this task, please feel free to post here.



CREATE TRIGGER [InsertNum] ON [dbo].[IP_Batch_Table_Temp]

DECLARE @Num varchar(7)

SET @Num = (SELECT IP_Batch_Number FROM inserted)
SET @x = 1
WHILE (@x < len(@Num))
SET @Num1 = @Num1 + SUBSTRING(@Num, @x, 1)
SET @x = @x + 1

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Viewing And Writing Data On An SQL On A Seperate Server.

Jun 29, 2007

I have a project were I will have it so that users can sign in and change information on an SQL server. The catch is that this site will be from a different domain name and from a different hosting company then where the SQL database is located. Sorry if this is a dumb question but how can I utilize to change and view an SQL database that is located else-where.
For example: a user logs into and he/she can view and edit SQL tables from's database.
Thanks in advance.

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Displaying Two Fields In One Field When They Are Seperate Datatypes

Jan 16, 2008

Hi All.
I apologise if i have not posted this in the correct Topic before i start. But was uncertain where to post this query.
This is my first project in ASP.NET, MS Visual Web Developer 2005 Express and SQL Server 2005 Express. I have relatively little experience, so please bare with me. I have the table below:-
Column Name                 Data Type
OrderID                           intOrderNo                          intInvoiceNo                        varchar(50)PurchaseDate                 smalldatetimeCost                               moneyInsure                             money
I wish to have a dropdownlist on an aspx page display the OrderNo and the Cost e.g. 12345 £3.50. I have tried the SQL Statement below but that just calculates the addition of both.
SELECT OrderNo + ' ' + Cost AS Expr1
FROM [Order]
Do i have to convert them both to string/varchar first? If so, how?
Thanks for your replies.

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Placing MSDE .mdf And .ldf Files On Seperate Drives.

Mar 5, 2005

I know that SQL Server (MSDE), databases run much faster when the data and log files are on seperate physical devices. I can do this explictly when I write a CREATE DATABASE SQL script, but would like to change the MODEL database so that all new databases use the sperate data/log file assignments by default. I haven't found a way to alter the sysfiles table in model - I can read the data, but it balks at trying to update it. (recordset is not updateable, or adhoc querries not allowed against a system database).

I didn't see any options on the MSDE install that implements seperate data/log paths.

I don't have the SQL Server tools (like Enterprise Manager) available, but I do have VS.NET 03 (Standard). And Web Data Administrator.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

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PROS And CONS Of Seperate Databases For CACHING...

May 9, 2006

I have a main database...for this large Web site...and Im wondering
what would be the PROS and CONS of using another database (located on
the same, or on another SQL Server). Im just thinking this would be
good incase we ever needed to take some load off one of the servers.

Also, we will be integrating Community Server into this Web site. Of
course you know CS adds its own database objects which crowd up our
main database objects.

We were thinking of giving CS its own database also; bad practice, doesn't matter much?

Thank you

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Best Way To Compare Two ENTIRE Rows In Seperate Tables?

Apr 12, 2006

Hi folks, I've got a fairly easy one here me thinx. I'm looking for the best way to compare two entire rows from two seperate tables which have the same primary key.

Here's the basic lowdown:

I get some data every night from an external system (cache') via DTS. This is more or less my "master" data which drives my application. I have just been informed of an interesting constraint. If any of the data changes in the external system, those changes do not become effective until the first day of the ensuing fiscal quarter.

I'm solving this by running the DTS as normal, but populating a "duplicate" table which I will evaluate once per quarter for any changes. This is also the preferred solution because they would like to see a snapshot between current cache' data and the data my application is currently working with.

So, I end up with two identically structured tables. both tables have the same primary key and can be linked by an id field with relative ease. What I would like to do is a full row comparision once this join is established.

Right now I explicitly check the value of each column. ie:

WHERE t1.field1 <> t2.field1 OR t1.field2 <> t2.field2 OR t1.field3 <> t2.field3 ... etc

I'm hoping there is something buried in TSQL that I just don't know about that can handle comparing entire rows and tell me if they're different. Or perhaps there's another approach all-together.

Any thoughts?

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Combining Or Concating Seperate Fields For Date?

Dec 8, 2007

I have two tables in a SQL db.
Each has 3 separate fields used to store a date info:

lastservicemonth tinyint1
lastserviceday tinyint1
lastserviceyear smallint2
(and these fields can be nulls)

I want to compare the date info in Table A vs. Table B and find the latest date between the two.

I know I somehow need to combine the 3 separate fields in each table to form one date field. Then I can compare the dates.
But ths far I have been unsuccessful.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Storing 2 Instants Of Contact In A Seperate Table

May 25, 2007

Hi, this is my first post to this forum so thank you all in advance..

I am trying to design a database to store information about the Specification required by each customer. And the main problem I am having is how to store 2 instants of ContactID (from CustomerContacts table) in a seperate table called CustomerSpec.

For example each Customer has many contacts,(the Customer data is stored in a table called Customers which has a one to many relationship with the CustomerContacts table) each customer has one and only one Customer spec, and each customer spec needs to have 2 customer contacts, ie. one for Artwork and one production. (it should also be possible to have the same contact for both Artwork and production).

The problem is how to associate these contactId's with the customer spec...(if there was only one Contact per spec I could simply link the CustomerContacts table with the CustomerSpec table and drop ContactID into CustomerSpec as a foreign key.. But I am stuck to how to save more than one ID..

Can you help please..

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CREATE VIEW, Seperate One Column In Two Views..

Oct 17, 2007

I am creating a view for the table:
bellus=# select * from host_application_definition;
id | type_value | connection_value | group_value | application_value | host

From the table meta_host_types;

id | value | types | name
1 | agm | host-type | Rencid

I would like to seperate value into type_value and connection_value, because it holds both values.

Any tip?

bellus=# d host_application_definition;
Table "public.host_application_definition"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null default nextval('host_application_definition_id_seq'::regclass)
type_value | integer |
connection_value | integer |
group_value | integer |
application_value | integer |
host | integer |
"host_application_definition_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
Foreign-key constraints:
"host_application_definition_application_value_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (application_value) REFERENCES appsmarteye(id)
"host_application_definition_connection_value_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (connection_value) REFERENCES meta_host_types(id)
"host_application_definition_group_value_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (group_value) REFERENCES meta_host_grouptypes(id)
"host_application_definition_host_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (host) REFERENCES master_hosts(id)
"host_application_definition_type_value_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (type_value) REFERENCES meta_host_types(id)

d meta_host_types;
Table "public.meta_host_types"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null default nextval('meta_types_application_id_seq'::regclass)
application | integer |
value | text |
comments | text |
types | text |
"meta_types_application_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"meta_host_types_id_key" UNIQUE, btree (id)
"meta_host_types_value_key" UNIQUE, btree (value, application)
"meta_host_types_value_key1" UNIQUE, btree (value)
Foreign-key constraints:
"meta_types_application_application_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (application) REFERENCES appsmarteye(id)

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Relationship Between Two Tables In Seperate Databases (on The Same Server)

Mar 20, 2008


I have two databases in sql server. I'll call them DB1 and DB2. I have a table in DB2 that needs to form a relationship with a table in DB1. When I attempt to add a relationship I only see tables in DB2. Can this be done?



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