Trying To Use Restore Command But There Are Space In Filename.
Sep 2, 2005
I'm trying to create a standby server. Server 1 has all files locacted in the D drive, Server 2 will have the files located on the C drive. I've done a backup on server1 and moved the x.bak file to server 2. I then run the commandrestore filelistonlyfrom disk = 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$SQLSERVER03BACKUPHS_Webcalendar backup.BAK'and get the resultsHS_Webcalendar_dat D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLdataHS_Webcalendar.mdf D PRIMARY 2097152 35184372080640HS_Webcalendar_log D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLdataHS_Webcalendar.ldf L NULL 2097152 35184372080640When I run the restore commandrestore DATABASE HS_Webcalendarfrom disk = 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$SQLSERVER03BACKUPHS_Webcalendar backup.BAK'with move 'HS_Webcalendar_dat' to 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLdataHS_Webcalendar.mdf',move 'HS_Webcalendar_log' to 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLdataHS_Webcalendar.ldf', standby = 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLdataHS_WebcalendarUndo.ldf'I'm getting the following errorServer: Msg 5105, Level 16, State 2, Line 1Device activation error. The physical file name 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLdataHS_Webcalendar.mdf' may be incorrect.Server: Msg 3156, Level 16, State 1, Line 1File 'HS_Webcalendar_dat' cannot be restored to 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLdataHS_Webcalendar.mdf'. Use WITH MOVE to identify a valid location for the file.Server: Msg 5105, Level 16, State 1, Line 1Device activation error. The physical file name 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLdataHS_Webcalendar.ldf' may be incorrect.Server: Msg 3156, Level 16, State 1, Line 1File 'HS_Webcalendar_log' cannot be restored to 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLdataHS_Webcalendar.ldf'. Use WITH MOVE to identify a valid location for the file.Server: Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
I am facing problem with Logical File Name while restoring database. I am taking a backup of ABC database from Server1 in abc.bak file.
Then I am creating new database XYZ on Server2. Server1 and Server2 are not connected to each other in anyway, since both servers belong to different companies. Here on Server2 I want to restore backup of abc.bak on XYZ database. I select restore from Device, and on option tab I am selecting Force restore over existing database, in the below option I am specifying current Data & log file path for Move to physical file name. But Logical file name shows ABC names, but if I tried to change those to XYZ names then restore fails. But if I keep ABC names then it works.
Is anybody knows how to over come this Logical Name issue?
I have a full backup followed by transaction log every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, how can i restore this file using sql agent to automate restoration of backup files with different file-name.
as indicated by my stupid question, I am very new to sql. our vrsion is 2000 and I'm talking about in enterprise manager, the database that was created is not showing up in the list of db. Although I can see the file in explorer.
The problem I€™m having is when I try to attach the database €œmailarchive3Q2007_data.mdf€? it is also looking for the log file €œmailarchive3Q2007_log.ldf€? . The log file was removed by someone else off our system. I have a backup of the file but it is too large to restore now (160 gig) when the system was first set up the recovery model was not set to simple so the log just grew till it filled up our drive. I no longer have the drive space necessary to restore the log file and shrink it. So what do I do now? I need some kind of €œmailarchive3Q2007_log.ldf€? file to attach the database in enterprise manager.
I'm upgrading to SQL 2012 from 2008R2, while doing so i will be rebuilding all the indexes on all the database. In my previous environment while doing so, i got space related error in primary filegroup for insufficient space in the primary filegroup. Is there any rule of thumb about how much space is required by index rebuild command for each database, or is there a safe threshold for free space in the database?
Scenario Configuration : 2005 Code, WebService for Executing SSIS on Server, SSIS deployed on the Database Server
Problem Description : We are developing windows applicaiton in which we call webservice which was deployed on the same server where SSIS packages are deployed. Now from Code we are passing FilePath name in variable and execute the Package. But the SSis result says that The file name "\computernamefol1fol2fol3fol4abc.txt" specified in the connection was not valid.
More Information:
1. Full Permission are given on this network folder. 2. Package executes successfully from SSIS development solution (BIS solution) 3. Deployed packed executes successfully from the Database Server. 4. From Development pc packege executes successfully. 5. Other packages deployed on the same server executed suucessfully with same configuration and scenario.
Only this package is not executing.
-- the only differece with this package with other is -
using ".txt" extension in Flat file connection and using VB Script task
Can any one suggest the appropirate solution for this problem...
I have inherited a project from a co-worker who has had a family tradegy, and I am trying to get up to speed with her project.
We have an SQL server 7 database which is getting backed up every night (by SQL itself) into a .BAK file. I need to know if it is possible to restore this file from the command line (a DOS prompt.) I know (or think I know) how to do it from within SQL Enterprise Manager, however the specific needs of this project require it be done from a command line on the machine.
I really am not an SQL guru...I don't even think I qualify as "knowing what I am doing" at all, so any advice you can offer will be greatly appreciated. This is kind og urgent, so your thoughts are welcome!
This script will read the contents of a DB backup file, and generate a restore command.
Set the value of parameter @backup_path to point to the backup file, run in Query Analyzer, cut/paste the output into another Query Analyzer window, modify as necessary, and run.
This is just a barebones script to demo how this can be done. Modify as necessary to meet your own needs.
Works in SQL 2000 and 7.0. May work in SQL 2005, but it is not tested.
-- Create Restore Database Command from DB Backup File
select [--Restore--]= case when a.Seq = 1 then @cr+ @cr+'restore database '+c.DatabaseName+ @cr+'from disk ='+@cr+@tab+''''+ @backup_path+''''+@cr+'with'+@cr else '' end+ @tab+'move '''+a.LogicalName+ '''to '''+a.PhysicalName+''' ,'+ case when a.Seq = b.Seq then @cr+@tab+'replace, stats = 5 , recovery' else '' end from #filelist a cross join ( select Seq = max(b1.Seq) from #filelist b1 ) b cross join ( select DatabaseName = max(c1.DatabaseName) from #header c1 ) c order by a.Seq go drop table #header drop table #filelist
at 9.00am -- full backup at 9.15am - Transaction log backup at 9.30am - Transaction log backup
Suppose at 9.20am(say) the user deletes a table and i want to restore that particular table,i will use STOPAT clause when im restoring the transaction backup at 9.30am (WITH RECOVERY).But my doubt is how to find out the exact time the user has deleted the table.I have even checked the SQLServer Error log file but it doesnt give the exact date and time stamp of the deletion activity tht has taken place so that i can use that in STOPAT clause of RESTORE LOG command.
Please tell me where should i look for date and timestamp for all the Deletions/Updations done on a particular database.
I'm very new to SSIS and I€™m trying to do the following in a SQL task
I'm using an OLE DB connection and I have mapped user variables to the various parameter names. Unfortunately when i test the above command it fails on must declare the scalar variable "@DatabaseName". How can i get my values to be substituted into the command?
If I run the following command in a Query window it works:
RESTORE DATABASE CIS_Source_Data_Test FROM DISK = 'y:CIS_Source_Data_backup_2015_06_17_085557_7782407.bak' WITH RECOVERY, REPLACE
If I dynamically put together the command and store it in variable @cmd and then execute it using exec sp_executesql @cmd or exec (@cmd) it does not work. I get the following:
Msg 2745, Level 16, State 2, Procedure CIS_Source_Data_Refresh, Line 92 Process ID 62 has raised user error 50000, severity 20. SQL Server is terminating this process. Msg 50000, Level 20, State 1, Procedure CIS_Source_Data_Refresh, Line 92 RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally. Msg 0, Level 20, State 0, Line 0
A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded.
Why it won't work when I try to create and run it dynamically?
Hi, I am trying to do this: UPDATE Users SET uniqueurl = replaceAllEmptySpacesInUniqueURL('uniqueurl') What would be the syntax. Any help appreciated. Thanks
I am generating a Report from Sql Data Source in Sql Server 2005 and viewing the Report in Report viewer control of Visual Studio 2005. The data in the Data Source contains string with multiple spaces (for example €œ Test String €œ) but when they get rendered in Report viewer control, multiple spaces gets converted to single space €? Test String €œ.
I tried following solutions 1) Replacing spaces with €œ €? 2) Inserting <pre> tag before the string and </pre> tag after the string (Also tried <Pre> instead of <pre>)
But in all the cases result is same. The Report Viewer control is showing €œ €? instead of space and €œ<Pre>€? tag instead of preserving spaces.
Please provide me a solution so that spaces can be preserved in Report Viewer.
I am using the below script to get space alerts  and now i am interested in sending alerts  if for any drive space available is Less than 10% or 15%.. how to convert beelow code to find in %Â
Hi.. I was doing a good maintenance on my DB and my trans log LDF keep growing until 30GB but my DB data file MDF is only 2GB. I found the two following method to reduce my log size.
Method 1: I used veritas to backup log file with truncate Method 2: I used the shrink database option in Enterprises manager to shrink it (file chosen=log , use default option)
After doing that, I found my LDF log file is still about the same size=27GB but when I see clearly, from the shrink database windows, the log spaced used reduced to only 100MB, the allocation log space is still 27GB. Why? How to make the LDF smaller to be the around the same size as the space used 100MB?
This is driving me bananas. Can't find any info on this anywhere....SQL 2000 seems to replace double space with a single space when I seta varchar field to " " (2spaces), it only stores " " (1space). Whyon earth would microsoft do this? If I save 2 spaces - I WANT TO SEE2 SPACES!!!!Can anyone help? Is this a database setting? Is this due to usingvarchar?Any help appreciated.Colin Hale
i am using visual web developer 2005 and SQL 2005 with VB as the code behindi am using INSERT command like this Dim test As New SqlDataSource() test.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("DatabaseConnectionString1").ToString() test.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text test.InsertCommand = "INSERT INTO try (roll,name, age, email) VALUES (@roll,@name, @age, @email) " test.InsertParameters.Add("roll", TextBox1.Text) test.InsertParameters.Add("name", TextBox2.Text) test.InsertParameters.Add("age", TextBox3.Text) test.InsertParameters.Add("email", TextBox4.Text) test.Insert() i am using UPDATE command like this Dim test As New SqlDataSource() test.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("DatabaseConnectionString").ToString() test.UpdateCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text test.UpdateCommand = "UPDATE try SET name = '" + myname + "' , age = '" + myage + "' , email = '" + myemail + "' WHERE roll 123 " test.Update()but i have to use the SELECT command like this which is completely different from INSERT and UPDATE commands Dim tblData As New Data.DataTable() Dim conn As New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Database.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True") Dim Command As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM try WHERE age = '100' ", conn) Dim da As New Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(Command) da.Fill(tblData) conn.Close() TextBox4.Text = tblData.Rows(1).Item("name").ToString() TextBox5.Text = tblData.Rows(1).Item("age").ToString() TextBox6.Text = tblData.Rows(1).Item("email").ToString() for INSERT and UPDATE commands defining the command,commandtype and connectionstring is samebut for the SELECT command it is completely different. why ?can i define the command,commandtype and connectionstring for SELECT command similar to INSERT and UPDATE ?if its possible how to do ?please help me
i am using a OLE DB Source in my dataflow component and want to select rows from the source based on the Name I enter during execution time. I have created two variables,
enterName - String packageLevel (will store the name I enter)
myVar - String packageLevel. (to store the query)
I am assigning this query to the myVar variable, "Select * from db.Users where (UsrName = " + @[User::enterName] + " )"
Now in the OLE Db source, I have selected as Sql Command from Variable, and I am getting the variable, enterName,. I select that and when I click on OK am getting this error.
Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Source [1]]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E0C. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E0C Description: "Command text was not set for the command object.".
Can Someone guide me whr am going wrong?
myVar variable, i have set the ExecuteAsExpression Property to true too.
If you use "SELECT filename FROM sys.sysdatabases" this will return the full path , such as "E:MSSQLdatamyData.MDF" ,
is it possible to return just the "myData.MDF" part of it? I know that you can parse the string , but is it stored somewhere else , or is there a command that will return just the physical file name ?
Jack Vamvas -------------------- Search IT jobs from multiple sources-
Hi Guys, got a question that I'm not sure there is an answer to other than 'No Way'.
I have to export a file whose filename must include a sequence number. I have created the table to hold the seq# and the code to increment it. My problem is how do I include the seq# in the output filename. I am using the Flat File Destination tool for exporting. should I be using another tool?
Hi. I am writing a program in C# to migrate data from a Foxpro database to an SQL Server 2005 Express database. The package is being created programmatically. I am creating a separate data flow for each Foxpro table. It seems to be doing it ok but I am getting the following error message at the package validation stage:
Description: An OLE DB Error has occured. Error code: 0x80040E0C.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E0C Description: "Command text was not set for the command object".
Description: "component "OLE DB Destination" (22)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".
This is the first time I am writing such code and I there must be something I am not doing correct but can't seem to figure it out. Any help will be highly appreciated. My code is as below:
private bool BuildPackage()
// Create the package object
oPackage = new Package();
// Create connections for the Foxpro and SQL Server data
MessageBox.Show("The DTS package was not built successfully because of the following error(s):" + sErrorMessage, "Package Builder", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
Does anyone know how to execute a directory listing of a file and return the file name to a variable in SQL? For instance, there's a file called c:datach20011010.txt and i execute the following: xp_cmdshell 'dir c:datach*.txt'
or any other transact sql or procedure, how can i get the filename into a variable...all in sql?
FYI - I need to pass a filename to a process so that it can bcp the data into a temp table. But I don't know the filename at the time the process is setup/scheduled.
Hi, I am using a foreach loop to go through the .txt files inside a folder. Using a variable I can pickup the filenames the loop is going through. At present there is a sql task inside the foreach loop which takes the filename as a parameter and passes this filename to a stored procedure. Now I would like to add one extra step before this sql task. Would like to have a dataflow with flatfile source which connects to oledb destination.
The question is: While in the loop, how is it possible to pass the filename to the flatfile source using the FileName variable which I have created?
Please note, this is a different question to my other post.