Trying To Write A Replace Query

Aug 24, 2001

I can't figure out how to replace a single digit entry in my database with a new digit. i want to replace in the alarms.severity all values of 4 with a new value of 2. For some reason the script I wirte won't get past the digit 4 in the statement. Anyone have a script they can let me try?

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Write A Query To Replace Data From A Single Field

Feb 15, 2008

Hi I have a table named  UserMaster having a column Sex for male and female.Sex MaleMaleFemaleFemaleFemale I want to replace all Male with Female and all Female with Male with a single query. Can any one please help me out 

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How To Write A T-SQL Script To Replace Val() In MS Access?

Oct 11, 2006

I am converting an MS-Access DB to SQL-Server, and one of the queries I'm
converting uses the VB Val() function in the ORDER BY clause. Is there any
T-SQL function that can mimic this? CAST and CONVERT return errors because
some of the data is non-numeric. The column I am ordering is a varchar(5) with
ID number 'ZZ0001', 'CC0002', 'AA0003' etc . I would like the dataset to be sorted by number only :


Thank you

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REPLACE Used In Query

Feb 21, 2004

I'm not sure how to use REPLACE here. The Query following REPLACE returns a string whose format is A B C D and I'm trying to convert it to 'A','B','C','D' I'm doing something wrong because query analyzer doesn't like something about the way I've written this.

WHERE (a_Name_Symbol.Symbol IN REPLACE(SELECT Portfolio_Symbols FROM a_Users_Portfolios WHERE (UserID = @UserID) AND (Portfolio_Name = @Portfolio_Name),'''','''''')

Entire SPROC
CREATE PROCEDURE _premium_BSH (@Portfolio_Name NVarChar (50), @UserID int, @Symbol VarChar (1500)) AS

SELECT a_Name_Symbol.Name, a_Name_Symbol.Symbol, a_Industry.Industry, a_Sector.Sector, a_Quarter_Index.Period, a_Technical_Signals.Signal,
a_Technical_Signals.[Date], a_Financials.Revenue, a_Financials.Income, a_Financials.EPS, a_Financials.Margin_Net AS [Net Margin],
a_Financials.PE, a_Hyperlinks.Yahoo_Main AS Yahoo, a_Hyperlinks.MSN_10Qs AS Financials, a_Hyperlinks.MSN_events AS Events,
a_Hyperlinks.StockCharts AS Technicals
FROM a_Financials INNER JOIN
a_Hyperlinks ON a_Financials.Yahoo_Main = a_Hyperlinks.Yahoo_Main INNER JOIN
a_Industry ON a_Financials.Industry = a_Industry.Industry INNER JOIN
a_Sector ON a_Financials.Sector = a_Sector.Sector INNER JOIN
a_Name_Symbol ON a_Financials.Symbol = a_Name_Symbol.Symbol INNER JOIN
a_Technical_Signals ON a_Name_Symbol.Symbol = a_Technical_Signals.Symbol INNER JOIN
a_Quarter_Index ON a_Financials.Period = a_Quarter_Index.Period
WHERE (a_Name_Symbol.Symbol IN REPLACE(SELECT Portfolio_Symbols FROM a_Users_Portfolios WHERE (UserID = @UserID) AND (Portfolio_Name = @Portfolio_Name),'''','''''') AND (NOT (a_Technical_Signals.Signal IS NULL)) AND (a_Quarter_Index.Period = '2003 Q3')
ORDER BY a_Name_Symbol.Name, a_Technical_Signals.Signal

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Replace Query? Possible?

Sep 29, 2004

Is it possible to make a replace query in SQL?

So Find What, Replace With

I have a table with email addresses. But now for more than 500 people it must be changed from to

Is this possible?

Thanks in advance!

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Replace Query

Feb 20, 2008

I have table data field like this. (type text)



I want to write replace query that when replace query run
it write all data to TAZ2 field like this




i.e. replace MS and - (hyphen) and write data (only number, digit)
to TAZ2 field live above ?

Thanks and regards

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Select Query With Replace

Jan 8, 2008

hi,i have entered records using replace functionnow i have to retrieve that records, i have replaced <'> with <`> character, how to write the query to get a record replacing again <`> with <'>  

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Replace Characters In A Query

Dec 3, 2002

Hi All,

I have a column in one of my tables and I need to display only Alphabets and Numbers of this column, preferably in one single query.

Eg: Column Value --> This is 4th value with no *, &, # symbols.

I want this to be displayed as


(All spaces and characters other than alphabets and numerics are gone)

Pleas help.


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How To Replace Integer With A String In A Query

Apr 15, 2008

Hi all, In a sql query I need to replace 0 (zero) with "Not rated" ...Can some one help me to do this.In short: how to replace a integer value to a string in a query? is it possible?Thanks for the HelpRamesh 

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Replace And Date/month Query

Mar 19, 2008

FROM creditcardtable

i want to convert any credit card numbers in creditcardtable to an obfuscated format such as:

4332 3423 5423 5428

And convert it to


HOWEVER, it will only do it if the order is older than 3 months old. Only 90 days/3 months max

how can i do that?
when i use where crcdate< gives me error..
can anyone help me?

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Replace Invalid XML Characters Using SQL Query

Apr 21, 2008

I am populating a dataset in .net with output from sql 2005 database. One of the columns in the table is a 'varchar(max)' type. This dataset is then converted to XML using WriteXml and written to a .xml document. But due to the presence of invalid characters, this process errors out.
Is there any way using which these invalid characters can be replaced at the database level itself when querying on the table?
The error that is produced is as follows:
'', hexadecimal value 0x1C, is an invalid character. Line 32201, position 924.


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Pattern Matching Or Find And Replace In SQL Query

Oct 29, 2007

I have a table called MessageBoard.  It has a column called Messages.
A user can type text including any html tags through a text area ans when he saves it by clicking a button, the content typed by the user is saved in the MessageBoard Table (in the Messages) column.  So once saved, the html tags are kept intact.  If I have to find and replace certain html tags, what kind of SQL Query I have to write?
For example I want to find all the <pre> </pre> tags and replace it with <p> </p> tags.  How do I do this?

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Writing A Simple Replace Query.. Another Question

Mar 21, 2006

So, what if I wanted to do a search and replace for a single quotation? I can't use that in my search. How to get around that?



update NamTable
set namstr=replace(namstr,''','')

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Query To Replace Part Of Field In PHPMyAdmin

Nov 27, 2011

I have a table called 'wp_postmeta' (Wordpress) which contains a column called 'meta_value'. A typical field in this column looks like this:



I've tried to run the following query but each time I run it, it wipes all data in the field:

UPDATE wp_postmeta set meta_value=replace(meta_value, 'URL...')

I've also tried this query, but it has the same effect:

UPDATE wp_postmeta
SET meta_value = replace(LTRIM(RTRIM(meta_value)), URL...

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Replace Column Value With MAX() Query In Dataflow Before Insert

Jun 2, 2006


We have a dataflow task that imports data from excel to a sql2005 database table. One of the columns is never filled in in the excel source. For updates we can use the lookup transformation to fill in that column, but for new values we need to calculate a new value for it (it's a PK) with MAX(column) +1 and replace the null value in the dataflow with this new value.

Just to be clear:
column id (int)
column name (string)

Based on the 'name' column, we can look up existing ids, and update these in the table. Ids that don't exist yet need to be filled in with the maximum value of the column + 1 (we can't use identity columns) and inserted in the table

Which transformation do I use to replace the value of the id column with this new id?



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How To Replace Sysindexes And Sysobjects In The Query For Sql Server 2005?

Feb 26, 2008

 hi all,i was using the system tables namely sysindexes and sysobjects  in sql server 2000. But now sql server 2005 is using instead of sql server 2000.  Since am using sysindexes and sysobjects, too much time is taking for the execution in sql server 2005. So I need to change the query suitable for sql server 2005.I have read in msdn that the system tables are replaced with corresponding catalog views in sql server 2005. The catelog view for sysobjects is sys.objects. plz check the link anyone please tell me how to replace the sysindexes and sysobjects in the query without rewriting the query too much. If I can replacesysobjects with just sys.objects, then it will be very helpful. Is it possible? And what about sysindexes.  Any help anyone could give would be greatly appreciated!

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SQL Server 2012 :: Select Query With REPLACE Function?

May 22, 2015

using below code to replace the city names, how to avoid hard coding of city names in below query and get from a table.

select id, city,
'JRK_Ikosium', 'Icosium'), 'JRK_Géryville', 'El_Bayadh'),'JRK_Cirta', 'Constantine'),'JRK_Rusicade', 'Philippeville'),
'JRK_Saldae', 'Bougie')))
from towns

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Need Help To Write The Query

Sep 13, 2006

Hi, I have a table Projects. This table has ProjectID and Version as PK. The Version starts at 1 and everytime a project is changed, I save the project with the same ProjectID and increase the Version by 1.How can I create a query that get all Projects with the latest Version? Thx

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How Do I Write This Query?

Oct 28, 2006

I have a Properties table like thisPropertyID   PropertyValue     1              Address     2             City     3             Stateetc.and a UserProfile table like thisUserID   PropertyID   PropertyValue1               1               123 Main Street1                2               Denveretc.How do I write a query that can populate a registration page  with Address,City, State as labels and 123 Main Street, Denver, as TextBox text?

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How To Write Query For This Using C#?

Feb 10, 2008

Hi,I have included here my webform here.i need some assistance here with webform contains two parts.the 1st part is office info and the 2nd part is client info.i also have two table named office_info and client_info.1st part is populated from the table office_info as soon as the office name is chosen from the my scenario,when user selects officename from dropdownlist,then textboxes correspondingto address and email gets populated by the related data from table office_info.2nd part is client there are 3 textboxes(for name,age,address) to collect the data from the client using the form.these data gets posted to new row in table client_info as soon as user clicks on the save button.Now my actual question starts here.when user selects the option from the dropdonwlist the office info displays,now when he fills the client info part and clicks the save button,i want all the data to go to the table client_info in such a way that all the data fromthe client info part plus the id of the office also go along with when user clicks the save button.i want data to get submitted in table client_info in this way.(id,name,age,address,off_row_id) (1,jack,25,US,1) here off_row_id is the id from the below table office_info is like this (id,off_name,address,email)                                         eg(1,xyz,ny,    well can anyone tell me how to write query to do insert,edit,update,delete query in this case using c#  and sql?here is the scenario <%@ Page Language="C#" %><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><script runat="server"></script><html xmlns="" ><head runat="server">    <title>Untitled Page</title></head><body>    <form id="form1" runat="server">    <div>        Office Info:<br />        <hr />        <br />        Office name:        <asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server" Width="63px">            <asp:ListItem>ABC</asp:ListItem>            <asp:ListItem>XYZ</asp:ListItem>        </asp:DropDownList><br />        <br />        &nbsp;Address:        <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br />        <br />        email:        <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br />        <br />        <hr />        </div>        Client info:<br />        <br />        &nbsp;name:        <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox3" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br />        <br />        &nbsp;age: &nbsp;        <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox4" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br />        <br />        &nbsp;address:<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox5" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br />        <br />        <br />        <hr />        <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="save" />        <asp:Button ID="Button2" runat="server" Text="cancel" />    </form></body></html> thanks.jack.      

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How To Write Sql Query With

Feb 11, 2008

 hello everyone. i want to know how works with sql database. can i have a link to the article where i can perform from basic to advance sql query using (in context of vwd 2005 and sql express ) thanks. jack. 

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Please Help Me To Write A Sql Query

May 21, 2008

I have two table named tbl_Scale and tbl_NGTrDAMaster
tbl_Scale(ScaleID,ScaleName,ScaleLB,ScaleUB,ScaleSI1,ScaleSI2,ScaleSI3) here scale id is prim key
tbl_NGTrDAMaster(TrDaId,ScaleID,CityTypeID,DAAmount) no prim key
and we get CityTypeID from xml databinder.......
In my form thr is two drop down list one for scale name and another for city type id
this is the data form  tbl_NGTrDAMaster
 17 1 1 555 18 3 1 777 19 3 1 999 8 1 1 777 5 5 1 34634 20 1 1 52352 27 1 1 6666 23 5 1 12412 12 2 1 235235 13 3 1 456456 14 5 1 1000000 15 4 1 60000 16 5 1 90 24 5 1 25123 25 5 1 13124 26 5 1 12412
but i am expecting only one combination of set.....
like 1-1,1-2,1-3,1-4.......but if reenter 1-1 thn we have to restrict that....
please help me....
i am in big trouble......Thanx in advance
If my qes is not clear for everyone...
plz tell me....
i try my lebel best for understand my prob to u.....

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How To Write This Sql Query?

Jun 2, 2004

i have a table
col1 col2 num
A a 30
A b 20
B a 10
B b 40
C a 50
C b 40

now i want get col1 by distinct col1 ,and order by num, as the result:

so can someone help me to write this "select..."

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How Can I Write This SQL Query ??

May 17, 2005

I have 2 tables and I want to Get information from that tables by SQL Query but How Can I writ this SQL Query ? .. My target as Follow
Class Table
ClassID       ClassName
1             AA
2             BB
Student Table
StudentID     StudentName   ClassID
1             Student 1     1
2             Student 2     1
3             Student 3     2
4             Student 4     1
5             Student 5     2
6             Student 6     1
How Can I Writ SQL Query to get result like the following ..
ClassID       ClassName     StudentCount
1             AA            4
2             BB            2
My SQL Query must get all Class table column plus column content the count of student in each class
And thanks with my regarding

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How To Write This Query

May 12, 2006

I have a table with fields; T1: Dept, Name, Desc, ModificationDate
How can I group by T1.Name, T1.Desc and bring T1.Dept which has the latest T1.ModificationDate
Can anyone write me this query?

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How To Write This SQL Query?

Nov 26, 2003

Name City IndustryType
Abernathy Construction Willow B
Amalgamated HousingMernphisB
Manchester LumberManchesterF
Tri-City BuildersMemphis B

100Abernathy ConstructionZenith560
200Abernathy ConstructionJones1800
300Manchester LumberAbel480
400Abernathy ConstructionAbel2500
500Abernathy ConstructionMurphy6000
600Tri-City BuildersAbel700
700Manchester LumberJones150
800 Abernathy Construction Abel 75000


I have got the three tables above.
Would you help me to write a SQL query to show the names and PercentOfQuota of sales people who have an order with all cuatomers.
Thank you very much!

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How To Write This SQL Query?

Nov 26, 2003

Name City IndustryType
Abernathy Construction Willow B
Amalgamated HousingMernphisB
Manchester LumberManchesterF
Tri-City BuildersMemphis B

100Abernathy ConstructionZenith560
200Abernathy ConstructionJones1800
300Manchester LumberAbel480
400Abernathy ConstructionAbel2500
500Abernathy ConstructionMurphy6000
600Tri-City BuildersAbel700
700Manchester LumberJones150
800 Abernathy Construction Abel 75000


I have got the three tables above.
Would you help me to write a SQL query to show the names and PercentOfQuota of sales people who have an order with all cuatomers.
Thank you very much!

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I Appreciate If Anyone Help Me To Write This Query

Apr 5, 2006

User Page Name Permission
vijay customer.aspx 1
vijay customer.aspx 2
vijay customer.aspx 3
vijay user.aspx 2
Rajashekar customer.aspx 1
Rajashekar customer.aspx 2

Where Permission 1 = SAVE

Where I query on User and PageName I want the output as

User Page Name Permission
vijay customer.aspx 1,2,3
vijay user.aspx 2
Rajashekar customer.aspx 1,2

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Better Way To Write This Query?

Feb 23, 2006

i am assuming there is a better way to write this query (since im not too proficient in SQL)

sql Code:

- sql Code

select client_id from clients where client_id not in
(select schedule_det.client_id from schedule_det,
schedule_mstr where schedule_det.schedule_id=schedule_mstr.schedule_id
and schedule_mstr.status_code!='COMPLETE')

 SELECT client_id FROM clients WHERE client_id NOT IN     (SELECT schedule_det.client_id FROM schedule_det,             schedule_mstr WHERE schedule_det.schedule_id=schedule_mstr.schedule_id            AND schedule_mstr.status_code!='COMPLETE') 

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How Do I Write This Query

Nov 30, 2004

ok i have table1, table 2 and table 3.

these table have some common feild names. table1,2 and 3 all have a,b,c and d as field names. each table has other field names too but the ones they all have in common are a,b,c and d.

so i would like to write a query that returns all rows from all 3 tables where column d is greater than 5 and less than 10.

so basically i want it to treat the records from all 3 tables ad one big dataset.

how would i write a query to do this.

i know i could say:
SELECT a,b,c,d
FROM table1,table2,table3

but what gets me is the WHERE clause

do i have to say WHERE table1.d >5 AND table1.d <10 OR table2.d>5 AND table2.d <10 OR table3.d>5 AND table3.d <10


any guidance please?

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Help Need To Write A Query

Jun 9, 2008

Hello all,

I need a help to write a query. Here is the table

Declare @Test Table
EName Varchar(15)

Insert into Ename
Select 'a' Union all
Select 'a' Union all
Select 'a' Union all
Select 'b' Union all
Select 'c' Union all
Select 'b' Union all
Select 'd' Union all
Select 'g' Union all
Select 'g'.

Now i need a result like


Could any one can help me to wite this query..?


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How To Write QUERY

Apr 9, 2007

i want to audit a tables
For That i created audit tables
In that table i want to store data as
all field related to old data table
and from which system user had changed the data

For this system id i used host_id() but the iam not getting the id

Malathi Rao

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Help Me Write This SQL Query....

Jan 28, 2008

I have a table with many records in it. There is one field called "Nature". How would I select the value that appears the most often in the "Nature" field? The nature field contains text.

For example, this code selects those with more than 10 records...

I just want the top record.


Basically select nature from webasgn_full that occurs the most often in the table....


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