Turn Off Partialy Set Up SQL Server Mirroring

Apr 10, 2008

Some how SQL Server 2005 database mirroring was partialy set up on one of my servers. I know this because there is traffic from the server to port 5022 for IP addresses 1.1.1.[234] (which means the last octect is either 2, 3, or 4).

I'm getting complaints from the network manager about the traffic and I want to turn this off, but I can't find any documentation on this topic. I've checked the database configuration and I can't find any configuration for mirroring, just the traffic on the TCP port.

Does this mean a background processes (service) is running that needs to be killed or is it more complex than that...

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Mirroring :: Turn On The Primary Server After Failure Of Mirrors

Nov 30, 2015

The database is in high-safety mode.If off Mirror and Witness both the Principal goes into Disconnected / In Recovery. How turn online this database? Similarly, if off and Principal Witness both the Mirror goes into Disconnected / In Recovery. Is it possible to turn online database?

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Database Mirroring | Can Witness Live On Mirroring Server?

May 3, 2008

Server A = primary SQL DBs (mirroring origination)
Server B = failover SQL DBs (mirroring destination)

For database mirroring a witness is required.
Can the witness live in another instance of SQL on server B?

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SQL 2012 :: Turn Off Delete In Server?

Jun 11, 2014

Is there anyway I can turn off delete in SQL server? I want to prevent anyone inadvertently deleting rows in tables. I thought worse case I could have triggers on tables to perform roll back.

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Sql Server 2005 How Do I Turn On Sp_send_dbmail

Feb 18, 2008

Hi everyone.
I've just installed sql server 2005 (evaluation) and i need to turn the option of using sp_send_dbmail on. I tried books on line but didnt manage to understand how it is done.

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SQL 2012 :: Turn Off Server Audit Trace

Mar 21, 2014

Somehow someone turned on a audit on the sql server and it is filling up our hard drive and shutting down sql server eventually. Been trying to google how to shut this audit off but coming up with no via soolution yet. how can I turn this trace off. Each fiel says AuditTrace and date and they happen every other minute. I went into the sql profiler and can pull up the files but how to shut the trace off, it does not say.

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How To Turn On The Secondary DB Server In The Solution Of Log Shipping?

Dec 29, 2007

I made B server which get logs from primary server A as a secondary server in the log shipping solution.
it always shows RESTORING in B server, it seems not to accessible.

my question is <if A failed down , how to revoke the B server as the primary one>

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SQL Server 2008 :: Turn Field Values Into Comma Separated List

Aug 11, 2015

I have about 100 K records of the form below in Example 1 and I would like to turn them into the form of Example 2, basically turn the entries in field2 into a coma separated list of values sorted by field1.

Example 1:


and I would like to get it in the form

Example 2:


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Mirroring :: Database Mirroring Changes In Application

Oct 12, 2015

Using SQL Server 2008, we would like propose mirroring between two servers of a critical database. Since we initiate, may require to clarify on its purpose and also required changes from application end.Any changes required from OS Level? (I believe both servers IP or Host name should be added in host entries. Mirroring ports should be allowed/open including Principal and mirror server IP Addresses): Windows Team.Any changes required from Application? (Instance name, authentication: user name and its password should be added in web config files): Application Team.Any changes required from Network Team?Also for mirroring both the principal and mirror servers should be with same version, does it only mean SQL Server 2008 versions are enough or does it also mean to say build numbers 10.00.4000 should also be same.URL....

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Mirroring :: Setting Up Mirroring With Different Vlans?

Sep 15, 2015

I need to set up asyncronous data replication across two clustered instances of SQL 2012 across 2 Datacenters. Both the datacenters have a common domain however the vlans are different. There are only 3 small databases on the primary instance.

any issue in setting up mirroring in this case as vlans are different.

Operating system is Windows 2012.

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Sql Server Mirroring

Sep 28, 1998

Do you know if the following excerpt from technet is still true? I want to mirror a device over the net to another server. Has anyone tried this with sql server 6.5 or is it still not a feature?
PSS ID Number: Q115043
Article last modified on 04-29-1997
4.2 | 4.2

================================================== ====================
The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft SQL Server version 4.2 for OS/2
- Microsoft SQL Server version 4.2

The use of database devices accessed over the network is not a supported
configuration for either the OS/2 or Windows NT versions of Microsoft SQL
Server. All database devices, including mirrors, should be configured to
use local drives. Database dump devices are an exception to this
Gail Wade
Raymond James and Associates
Clearwater, FL

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SQL Server Mirroring

Mar 21, 2007

We have 2 servers each having a domain (i.e. 2 domains) running

Windows Server 2003
Standard Edition
Service Pack 1

We would like to have one of the servers replicate/mirror the data on to the other but we are getting this error

The error produced from the mirroring part is:

TITLE: Database Properties
An error occurred while starting mirroring.
Alter failed for Database 'CTSM'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)
An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)
The server network address "TCP://UM_db_live.UMlive.local:5022" cannot be reached or does not exist. Check the network address name and that the ports for the local and remote endpoints are operational. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 1418)

Thank you.

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Replication :: Server 1 And Server 2 In Mirroring Relationship With Automatic Failover

Sep 24, 2015

I'm looking at a setup where they have server1 and server2 in a mirroring relationship with automatic failover. 

Server1 is the principalThey are using transactional replication to replicate asingle databse to server3 is AWS.Distribution database is on Server1All Agents (log reader, snapshot, distributor) run on Server1Server2 has not been set up for replication...My understanding is that in this set up you would normallly place the distribution database on a separate server and enable publication on the mirror, Server2.

What happens if they failover? Replication would stop, and presumably records added while the mirror is the active database would not be marked for replication?How would they recover?  Failback and reinintialize

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How Can I Turn A -100 Into 100

Apr 6, 2008

This may sound silly, but I'm calculating how much someone owes over time verses how much they have paid for that period. So if they owe more than they have paid the result is an under payment amount like -$100. Then I need to add the -$100 to the new payment due, let's say $100. So the total Due is $200. But if I add -100 to 100 that equals 0.
Any suggestions?

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DTS - How To Turn On NO LOG !!!

Aug 3, 2001

How do you turn LOGGING OFF for a DTS package????

DB2 is a simple "LOAD DATA REPLACE NO LOG"... (can SQL Server make it any more difficult to find this option to turn on/off??!!!)


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T-sql Turn Off A Cpu

Nov 7, 2006

Hello,In SQL Server 2005 Enterprise, I can change the CPU affinity viaManagement Studio. Is there a way that I can change these settings viat-sql?I wish to use all my cpu's at night when my data warehouse builds andthen durning the day reduce the number of cpus for SQL so that theapplication can get more time.TIARob

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How Do I Turn It Off?

Dec 27, 2006

Ever since installing SQL Server 2005 Express Edition the XP Task Manager shows €œsqlservr.exe€? running normally, as a €œNETWORK SERVICE€? consuming 26MB of memory. This is true even after a cold reboot. I€™d like to turn SQL off since I am not currently planning on using it. I tried detaching a couple of projects I had started, as part of tutorials, but that did not make a difference.

So how do I turn SQL Server 2005 Express Edition off without removing it from the system, which I do not want to do?



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Witness Server In DB Mirroring

Jan 28, 2008

Can 1 witness server work for 4 Principal and mirror servers?
Needs expert advise.

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Server Down With Database Mirroring

Mar 16, 2008

I have setup database mirroring for one big database.But now Transaction log is full and server is down. What should i do? We do bulk-insert in that database.

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SQL Server 2005 Mirroring

Jul 20, 2007

I am working on a proof of concept to take to our Technical Board.

This POC is concearned with SQL server 2005 Mirroring for High Availability and Failover in a Highly Critical business sector.

The problem is that we use custom web pages to give the Operations Center an overview of the status of the system and that there are so many metrics available (not may are well documented). I have looked at the following


is_suspended to show the state of the Sync

database_name to return the name of the mirrored database

safety_level_desc to show that the Safety level is at Full

Principal_server_name to show the name of the Principal server

Mirror_server_name to Show the Name of the Mirror Server.

I am at a loss as to what is the best approach as I do not want to display too much Information and confuse.

The Servers are locked down to remove any permissions not required so I have to create a SQL account with only acces to the required sys views. one issue is that the following SQL only works on the Principal

Code SnippetSelect * from sys.database_mirroring where mirroring_guid is not null

The Principal returns

Code Snippet


where the Mirror will return nothing..

The configuration of the User is identical on both Principal and Mirror and is as follows

Master Public

MSDB Public, dbm_monitor

I have read that the User also requires "view any Database" but on the Mirror this database is not available on the Mirror as it is in Sync.

Is this an undocumented Feature?

Any help greatly appreciated



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How To Implement The Sql Server Mirroring?

Aug 28, 2006

i have two computers with Sql server 2000 std edition(SP4) and windows 2003 std edition(SP1).

how should i do to balance the loading of sql server and sync these two servers?

The sql server mirroring means that if one server is down, then the other one will replace it?

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Some Clarifications Need In Sql Server For Mirroring

Mar 31, 2008

1.) We have a sql server 2000 enterprise edition. Can we implement mirroing on that
2.) If the answer to the above is yes, Can I have mirror and witness as sql server 2005


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SQL Server 2005 Mirroring

Aug 16, 2006

I am trying to set up a SQL mirroring senario - I have some questions

Do I need to purchase an extra SQL Server license for the SQL server instance on the Mirror? what about the Witness does that also need a separate license/

Can the witness be a virtual server on the Mirror box itself? Do I still require a license if the witness is on a virtual server?



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How Do I Turn The Identity Value On And Off In SQL 6.5

Aug 4, 1999

Can anyone help me with this problem. I have old data that I need to insert into a new table. I need to keep the old identity values and then turn them on again for the new data.

I'd be very grateful for any help.



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How To Turn Off A Transaction Log?

Mar 27, 2001

I am running sqlserver 2000 Enterprise edition on Windows NT 4.0 service pak 6.
When ever I run a long query, the transaction log seems to fill up. How do you turn this transaction log off? Please let me know ASAP.


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Turn Value Into Column

Feb 23, 2015

I have this table:

ProductionID ResourceID Time
------------ ---------- -----
WO001 200012 5
WO001 200011 1
WO002 200013 2
WO003 200012 3
WO003 200032 4

and I want it to look like

ProductionID 200011 200012 200013 200032
------------ ------ ------ ------ ------

I am looking for a smart solution without hardcoding the column names (e.g. CASE WHEN ResourceID = '200012' THEN Time END as ['200012'], etc...), as there can be up to 15 different resources involved; usually they aren't but I want to keep the result as slim as possible without tons of columns containing nulls.

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Turn Off SQL Truncate?

Jul 10, 2007

I have a nvarchar(256) column and when I am using C# code to add data to it. When I enter data over 256 characters long, it automatically truncates. When I try to do this is the Query Editor, it will not allow me to and terminates with the error "Binary data or string would be truncated"

Is there a way to turn this automatic truncating off?

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Turn Validation Off

Aug 1, 2007

I have one data flow task which creating a database table (tempTable) and other task will migrate data from other database into this table. Now I add third task which will read the data from this tempTable. If tempTable is not in the database, then validation will failed. Is there a way to turn off validation at runtime.
In my case, my package running every night. I would like to delete this tempTable at end of package run. Now I have to pre create this temp table, and run package and leave the temptable around for the next run to pass validation problem.


Jun Fan

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Turn The List ?

Jan 13, 2007

How do I return a list of sold CD's, showing the last once (least sold) first? Below sql, ordered by DESC, returns a CD-list from 1, 2, 3 ... 49, 50, 51. (but I would like the turn it like this)

Least sold cd

51 Martin
50 Elvis
49 Krall

SELECT top 10 SUM(Cd.Price) AS Sales, Artist.Name
purchase ON Cd.Cd_id = purchase.Cd_id INNER JOIN
Cd_artist ON Cd.Cd_id = Cd_artist.Cd_id INNER JOIN
Artist ON Cd_artist.Artist_id = Artist.Artist_id
GROUP BY Artist.Name
ORDER BY SUM(Cd.price) DESC(Due to "=RowNumber(Nothing)" numbers are return instead of salesfigures.)

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Mirroring The Databases Without Witness Server?

Jul 10, 2013

I need to start mirroring the databases without witness server.

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SQL Server 2005 Mirroring Problem.

Mar 16, 2007

Hi, im trying to mirror a database with SQL server 2005. I have completed all the setup for this, including attacthing a copy of the principal database and all the other settings. When I completed the Mirroring wizard, it prompted me to start mirroring and when I accepted, it gave to me the following error:

TITLE: Database Properties
An error occurred while starting mirroring.
Alter failed for Database 'CTM'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=9.00.3042.00&EvtSrc=Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ExceptionTemplates.FailedOperationExceptionText&EvtID=Alter+Database&LinkId=20476
An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)
The server network address "TCP://DBNAME.domain1.local:5022" can not be reached or does not exist. Check the network address name and that the ports for the local and remote endpoints are operational. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 1418)

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=09.00.3042&EvtSrc=MSSQLServer&EvtID=1418&LinkId=20476

Can anyone help me withthe problem.

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Mirroring :: Unable To Add Witness Server

Sep 14, 2015

I am unable to add witness server to my mirror configuration. my error log is throwing error'Connection handshake failed. The certificate used by the peer is invalid due to the following reason: Certificate not found. State 89'.

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SQL Server Mirroring-Production Ready Yet?

Mar 9, 2007

Is SQL Server 2005 mirroring production ready yet. We have two servers and plan to set up mirroring between them. We have the Standard Editon installed on them.
Is Standard Edition sufficient or does it need Enterprise Edition?

Thanks in Advance,
Sarath R

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