Two Questions (email From SQL && Download Contents)

May 18, 2006

Hello All,

Thanks in advance for any help.

On the SQL Server Express 2005 download page there are two large download options:

SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services


Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit

Is one a subset of the other? Or, are both unique? Just by reading it appears that the 'Toolkit' is an addition to the 'Express Edition with Advanced Services' ?

Second question is:

Is the any way to send an email(just text) based upon when an item is added to a table? From my reading it appears that Express does not include SQL Mail or Database Mail, so is there some other way to skin the cat? I found XPSMTP, but it appears to be limited to some other versions of SQL Server....



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Sending File Contents In The Body Of The Email With Xp_sendmail

Jul 23, 2005

I would like to send the contents of a file using xp_sendmail howeverI do not want the file contents to be an attachment.I have no problem sending the file as an attachement.Can anybody give me an xp_sendmail example of how to do this.The results of a query can easily appear in the body of the email butall myattempts to include the contents of a file in the body of the emailhave not worked.TIA

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Integration Services :: Download A Specific Email Attachment From Outlook 2013

Jun 9, 2015

I have outlook 2013 installed on my machine, I want to automate the download of an attachment which I receive on daily basis from I have created a rule in outlook to reroute these mails in a specific folder named Received_Test.Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them.

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2 Questions: SQL Timeout Error, Can I Email Info From App To Me ?

Mar 29, 2007

Question 1: SQL TimeOut Error
I get this when i run my program and when it happens the program no longer displays data from the database. When i restart the program it seems to work fine. Is there away to fix this or at least make a message to the user telling them to restart the program?

Question 2: Can I e-mail form info to myself?
I want the user to be able to fill a form and click submit and have it emailed to myself. how can i go about doing that?

{Edit}The Below is for a different project
Question 3: Picture Box' and SQL
Can I make it so the user a browse for a picture as his Avatar or Just his Picture and the save it to the Database again?

Fill In This Form To Complete Registration:
Picture: {Pic Box Goes Here} [Browse]
Date of Birth:
(at this point im going to stop)

thx so much

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Checking Contents Of Column And Replacing Contents If First Character Is A Letter

Jun 25, 2007

Hi All,I have come up against a wall which i cannot get over.I have an sql db where the date column is set as a varchar (i know, should have used datetime but this was done before my time and i've got to work with what is there). The majority of values are in the format dd/mm/yyyy. However, some values contain the word 'various'.I'm attempting to compare the date chosen on a c# .net page with the values in the db and also return all the 'various' values as well.I have accomplished casting the varchar to a datetime and then comparing to the selected date on the .net page. However, it errors when it comes across the 'various' entrant.Is there anyway to carry out a select statement comparing the start_date values in the db to the selected date on the .net page and also pull out all 'various' entrants at the same time without it erroring? i thought about replacing the 'various' to a date like '01/01/2010' so it doesn't stumble over the none recognised format, but am unsure of how to do it.This is how far i have got: casting the varchar column to datetime and comparing.  SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE Cast(SUBSTRING(Start_Date,4,2) + '/' + SUBSTRING(Start_Date,1,2) + '/' +SUBSTRING(Start_Date,7,4) as datetime)  '" + date + "'"Many thanks in advance! 

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Reporting Services :: Data Driven Email Subscription With Different Email Per Report Page

Jul 6, 2015

I have a report that gets sends out through a subscription and sometimes the report has multiple pages and all those pages appear within one email.Is it possible to set the subscription in such a way that an email is sent per page when the subscription executes.

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Dbmail Doesn't Rely On IIS SMTP, How To Set Bounced Email Redirect Email Etc.? Thanks

May 4, 2007

Under IIS SMTP I can set bounced email redirect etc. how to do that with dbmail, the idea is I can get the list of bounced emails somewhere so I can create a report.

Any idea?


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Help Split List Of Email Add Comma For Evry Email

May 12, 2008

need help
split list of email add comma for evry email
i have tabe "tblLogin" and in this table i have field emall
like this


need to do ilke this

Code Snippet
@list_email = (SELECT emall FROM tblLogin)

--------------------------i get this ; ;

@recipients = @list_email

Code Snippet

IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM [db_all].[dbo].[taliB] )




FirstName AS 'td','',

LastName AS 'td','' ,

Date_born AS 'td','' ,

Age AS 'td','' ,

BirthdayToday AS 'td','' ,

BirthdayThisWeek AS 'td'

FROM [Bakra_all].[dbo].[taliB] ORDER BY LastName FOR XML PATH('tr'), ELEMENTS ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX))

SET @body ='<html><H1 align=center>aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa</H1><body ><table border = 1 align=center dir=rtl>









SET @body = @body + @xml +'</table></body></html>'

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

@recipients =N'',


@body = @body,

@body_format ='HTML',

@subject ='ggggggggggggggggggggg',

@profile_name ='ilan'



print 'no email today'

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Load A Text File With Email Addresses And Compare Against A Database Table That Has Email Addresses And User_id

Jul 12, 2007

Hello ALL

what I want to achieve is to load a text file that has email addreses from disk and using the email addresses in the text file look it up against the email addresses in the database table then once matched delete all the users in the table whose email address were in the text file.

I also want to update some users using a different text file.

Please help me with the best way to do this

Thanks in advance

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Contents Of The Tran Log

Oct 11, 1999


Can everyone tell me how I can view the contents of a transaction log in SQL Server 7.

Many Thanks
Mathew hayward

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Get Contents Of Xml File

Jul 5, 2007

Is it possible is SSIS to get the contents of an xml file and pass it on to a stored procedure?

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SQL License Questions And Other Questions &&>&&>&&>&&>

Mar 3, 2006

1.    Is it legal  and OK to use a MSDN SQL copy on a production environment or is it strickly for test environments ??

2.   If I own a legal copy of SQL 7 with 5 cals, can I legally use SQL MSDE and have more than 5 people access my SQL server or am I also limited to 5 users as my original ??

 Sorry I am a newbie at this SQL thing.

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Copying A Database And All Contents

Mar 25, 2008

Can anyone advise me of a convenient way to make a copy of a database in SQL2005.  I need to make a complete copy - including all Stored procedures, functions tables and table contents.
I want the place the copy ont he sae SQL server but obviously under a different name.

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Need Help Splitting Contents Of A Field In T-Sql

May 22, 2006

I have a table with about 2 million records.
One of the fields has data seperated by a comma. I need to be able to grap the data for each record and split those items into their own table in seperate rows. This is easy in Asp but the page will timeout before it can process all the records.
Any Ideas?

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Read The Contents Of CD..(urgent)

Apr 17, 2002

Here i am sending my query.This is urgent to my job.Please give me solution as
early as possible in SQL server.

My query is..
Check for CD drive on your system.If drive available ,display the name of the CD and read the contents of the CD,and search for given file in CD.
I want search this on local machine and on remote system.


with regards.
laxma P.reddy

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Error.log Contents Interpetation

Dec 15, 1998

Where can I get a reference document that will help me troubleshoot and interpet the MS SQL Server ERROR.LOG file? Something that would
describe in detail what the error is and various actions I could take to correct the errors. JLS

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List The Folder Contents Using SQL

Jun 15, 2004

Hi all,
I have built a Disaster Recovery Site for my DB.on periodic basis, trn files from production server reach DR server and DR setup will apply them locally.

If the flow is smooth then no issues, if one of the file does not reach DR
the entire setup will halt for the want of the file and I dn't have any means to
know which file is missing.

Both my production and DR site located remotely behind firewalls, i.e i can't
physically access the servers or remotely login to the server.

Can anyone tell me how to see the contents in a folder in the server using
SQL query .

Any help is highly appreciated

Thanks and Regards
Srinivas Varanasi

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Masking Cell Contents

Oct 11, 2004

Is there a way to mask the contents of a cell or column? I have a table that stores passwords and I would like to mask the password much like Access does with asterisks. I know I can restrict the column based on user but that creates other problems on the frontend.

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Ordering Rows For Contents

Apr 1, 2008

I have a series of records, that are displayed as contents in a .NET application,i know i can order the items to be dynamic, i.e I set the top item in the contents,
However I know this will get quite messy at the application level.

I would like to set up the default if I insert an item, into the table to make it the last in the list, select max(ordernum) + 1, i guess?

How can I set an on insert constraint, or what its called for this in SQL Server?

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Right Justify Contents Of A Column

Aug 17, 2007

I am new to SQl and need to create a numeric field (15,2) that is right justified. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Copy Contents Of One Field To Another

Jan 3, 2008

I have a SQL table and a field called SpecReq. I want to copy the contents of SpecReq in each record to another field in the record called MeetTitle.

Can I do this with an update query or do I need to use Analyser ? Also what is the syntax please

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Merging Contents Of One Db To Another Huge Db.

Feb 15, 2007

I am storing data temporarily in a database... and periodically needto update that huge database, so just has to copy that temp DB to theoriginal one.Using sql may take a few hours to finish this operation. I think youcan do "export" from temp database into a file and "import" into thehuge database. That will be binary data exort and import and hencewill be faster. But, I am not sure if all databases will support thatthough.So, is there any other solution?

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Contents Of Image Fields

Jul 22, 2007

Hi,I have a SELECT FROM TABLE query and in that table there is a field of typeimage. Result of this select goes throug internet do its destination. But infact I need only to know if in this field is or not an image. Is there anyfunciotn which gives me information about contents of image fields?Regards, Paul

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How To See Contents Of Image Column

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,In my MS SQL SERVER database i have an column with datatype image. Somerecords do have data in this column, some others don't. When i look at thistable in Enterprise Manager then i see in every field '<image>' so no way tosee directly wheter a filed has data or not. Is there a way to changedisplay of this column so i can see the binairy data in it?Marcel

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How To Display Contents Of TempDB

Oct 20, 2015


TempDB in one of our servers is using too much memory. How to display the contents of TempDB?  

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Report Snapshot Contents

Feb 13, 2008

I have a report that has a snapshot enabled. I made some changes to my report and redeployed it, but when I view the report from the Report Manager web site the old version is getting used. Apparently the snapshot includes the rdl and the data and not just the data. Can anyone else confirm this? If this is the case, a new snapshot must be created after the report format is modified.


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Print Table Contents

Jul 19, 2006


I want to have a print of table records in sql server express.

I went several locations, but File|Print item didn't on.

How can i print table contents in sql express environment ?

Thank you for helping me.

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Getting Datasource And DSV Contents Programmatically

Jan 14, 2008

Hello to everyone.

I have two questions.
1) As you know it's possible to get information about models by using the schema rowsets in c#. I wondered that it is possible to get datasource and datasource views contents programmatically? And if you have some pieces of code please write here.

2) In the topic it says that visio can help us to draw algorithms visual outputs. Could anyone send me or paste the links of screenshots of sucessful rendering.

3) i have an error in my sql server management studio. It gives an error message whenever i clicked on an of menu items in the left pane.( in this url you can see my screenshot. Has anyone here, faced this problem? Why i got this error?

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Move A Table (and Its Contents!) To Another Database

Jan 23, 2007

I am relatively new to this stuff.
I am using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express  (9.00.1399.00)
Can someone tell me the way to get a table and its content to another database (I use two at webhosts4life)
Or perhaps a way to export the data of a table so I can do it at a later stage.
Is that at all possible with this program or do I have to use the non-express version?
Thanks in advance,

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Looping Thru A Table And Updating The Contents

Nov 8, 2007

Hello, Its hard trying to explain this.
I have 3 tables
Table 1 is where the users are stored, each user has a username and a userrank
Table 2 is where the points that decides the userrank are stored
Table 3 contains the available userranks like this
Table 1 (user_list) looks briefly like this:username nvarchar(20),userrank int, -- Reference to Table3 id... alot more fields
Table 2 (settings_profile) looks like this:username nvarchar(20),total_active_points int,... some more fields
Table 3 (data_ranks) looks like this:id int primary key auto inc,rankname nvarchar(20),min_pts int,max_pts int
Points get added to table 2 whenever they do something that generates points on the site. Points also get withdrawn every 7 days, so a user can only collect points for 7 days, on the 8th day, all points he earned on the 1st day is reduced from the current points with this code:
WHILE (SELECT @username = username, @id = id, @temp1 = ap_sentmails, @temp2 = ap_createdthreads, @temp3 = ap_createdanswers, @temp4 = ap_signguestbook, @temp5 = ap_blogcomment, @temp6 = ap_createblogentry, @temp7 = ap_profilefirsttime, @temp8 = ap_profilephoto, @temp9 = ap_activateguestbook, @temp10 = ap_addnewfriend, @temp11 = ap_superguruvote, @temp12 = ap_forumtopicvote, @temp13 = ap_labervote, @temp14 = ap_funstuffitemvote, @temp15 = ap_movievote, @temp16 = ap_actorvote, @temp17 = ap_money_new WHERE (created < Dateadd(dd, -7, @todaysdate))BEGINSET @sum = 0SET @sum = @temp1 + @temp2 + @temp3 + @temp4 + @temp5 + @temp6 + @temp7 + @temp8 + @temp9 + @temp10 + @temp11 + @temp12 + @temp13 + @temp14 + @temp15 + @temp16 + @temp17UPDATE settings_profile SET total_active_points = total_active_points - @sum WHERE (username = @username)DELETE FROM konto_daylist WHERE (id = @id)END
Now my question is this, i want to loop thru the table A, collect all usernames inside of it, then run it against table b and table c to determine the current rank of the user.Something like this...
DECLARE @username nvarchar(20)DECLARE @pts int, @rank int
...something that starts a loop thru table A (user_list) and get the username into @username...
SELECT @pts = total_active_points  FROM settings_profile WHERE (username = @username)-- Determine the rank here, by compairing the points the user have against the pointstabel in table data_ranksSELECT @rank = id FROM data_ranks WHERE (pts_min => @pts AND pts_max < @pts)UPDATE user_list SET rank = @rank WHERE (username = @username) persion in the loop...
This SP runs once a day and will first reduce the points from 8days ago, then it will run thru all the users and determine their new rank...
But how do i loop thru all the users? with a cursor?

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How To Save Contents Of Text Box To Database?

May 6, 2006

For some reason I can't use the edit, update or insert features on my remote shared server, so I am looking to create a web page that has text boxes on it, that I can enter data into, that will be saved into my database.
This is opposed to entering the data directly into the database itself. I want to be able to use a webpage, for simply adding new data, and saving it so that the new data updates and saves over the top of the old data.
What are the steps involved in doing this?
Any example code for just one text box would be appreciated, I could then extend it to suit my needs. Tia.

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Obtaining Detail Of DTS Package Contents

Dec 17, 2002

I have quite a few DTS's to work through while analysing current SQL databases for a client. Problem is I can't seem to find a way in SQL (Enterprise Manager) to print the contents of a DTS package. This is quite frustrating in that I have to go an "Design" the package, then click on the properties for each step and copy and paste the contents into Notepad/Wordpad. Surely Microsoft have something to ease the pain?

If anyone can help me on this one, I would be extremely grateful.

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Contents Sort 3 Levels Of Data

Dec 21, 2007

I Have a table of Data (WikiData)


There will be three levels of data imposed at the Application Layer

Level 1: ParentID = 0
An Item Like Geography
Level 2: ParentID = a Level 1 WikiID
A sub Topic like Volcanoes
Level 3: ParentID = Level 2 WikiID
A bottom Topic like Pyroclastic Flows

I Need a SQL statement that Will Produce the Output where The output will be produced like this:
Level 1
Level 2
Level 2
Level 2
Level 1
Level 2
Level 2

I Built this but its wrong and has no order by Group by Statements
Select * from WikiData where ParentID = 0 or ParentID IN (Select * from WikiData where ParentID = 0)

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