UDT Using Format.UserDefined And Hashtable -&&> Security Error In SQL 2005
Feb 15, 2006
I am developing a UDT using Hashtable as the member of the UDT and the UDT is defined as Format.UserDefined. After deployed in sql, I tried the UDT as below:
declare @_prodtype ProductSearch
SET @_prodtype = Convert(ProductSearch, 'Product,Certification;Region,China')
where ProductSearch is the UDT.
The error occurred:
Msg 6522, Level 16, State 2, Line 3
A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user defined routine or aggregate 'ProductSearch':
sServer = "SQLSERV01" Set oConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
On Error Resume next sConnStr = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(NewConnStr, "%DBUser", "test1"), "%DBPassword", "test1"), "%DBName", "model"), "%DBServer", sServer), "%DBPort", "1433") Call oConn.Open(sConnStr)
This script runs under stripped-down Windows enviornment (Windows PE) with very basic components (i.e. no GUI, only command-line interface). I am trying to find out if there is any client side setting to bypass "self-generated SSL ceritificate" on server. I have tried all things on server side from disabling shared memory protocol, setting "Force Encryption" property etc. Could somebody help me with name of this property? Also, is it possible to not use self-generate certificate on server. We don't want any kind of encryption for SQL connections. Thanks..
Hello All, How do i call a user defined function from within a stored procedure, I have created a simple function which takes firstname and lastname as parameters and returns the concatenated name string. That part works.
Hi All!This is the first time i am tryin to write a sql server 2000 function.I need to clean up some of my stored procedures..Can any one please give me skeleton for a userdefined function orcorrect my function. I get the following error.Select statements included within a function cannot return data to aclient.This returns a bit and it does a query to the database to decide thevalue of the bitCREATE FUNCTION GoodAd(@adid int,@currentdate datetime)RETURNS bitASBEGINdeclare @Return bitselect @return = 1if exists (select null from adqas where adid=@adid)select @return 0return @returnend
Need to create a user defined role with grant permissions for below .
View Definition Execute all Function Grant View Grant Synonym dbo View Definition Not getting grant statements for above permissions.
I mean like below.
----------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE ROLE [Role1] GRANT EXECUTE ON SCHEMA ::dbo TO [Role1] -----------------------------------------------------------------
I am trying to install SQL 2000 on a Windows 2000 Server (with Sp2) machine having Microsoft Certificate Services enabled - for SSL Security.
Half Way through the MS SQL installtion, the following error message gets displayed and setup terminates. "[ODBC]Connection Open. SECDoClientHandShake(). SSL Security Error".
Would appreciate if someone can provide steps or helpful hints / tips to install SQL Server on a machine with SSL enabled ?
Has any one seen this message? [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]SSL Security error
We got this message and it casued our website down. Although We reboot servers and the problem is solved. But I still want to know the casue. I use SQL2005 and window 2003 for web server
I have a question regarding the security of SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. What securities options that SQL server 2005 EE provide for its users?
I know that after I deploy my website to a hosting company or a web server, my database file will be on the net. That means everybody can type in the file name and download my database file then open it. Just like that. For example, my database filename is EXAMPLE.MDF. then, someone just goto my website, say http://www.cool.com/app_data/example.mdf, and download the database.
To prevent that to happen, what the securities options that available to me beside putting password on my database file?
Thanks for taking time to answer my question. Any help will be appreciated. Have a good day!
HI, I am just starting out with SQL Server 2005 and really getting in a muddle with al the security stuff. It seems i have LOGINS, DATABASE USERS, Server Roles, Database Roles, SCHEMAS and somehow they all tie in together. I am using Microsoft Press "SQL Server 2005 Implementation and maintenance" but it really isn't doing a good job of explaining it to me. Can anyone point me to a reference that clearly explains all this stuff?
we have a tech department that adding new databases (restore from a backup), creating new logins and assigning deferent database roles to those logins. They used to have a sys admin role assigned on the system. They are using a windows account to connect. I am planning to revoke that sa privilege from them and gave them dbcreator server account rights. Apparently it's not enough. Any suggestions?
Igor has mentioned, that SQL Server team replied about db_securityadmin topic than this person should be trusted. I'm not buying this , especially for case if account/login for db_securityadmin will be compromised and hijacker will be aware about this options and can elevate own privileges and make a damage.. So I'm looking for clear answers there...
I am an Oracle DBA who inherited SQL Server administration. I have been to some 2005 training and I've been supporting several DB's for a while now but I still have some nagging security questions and would appreciate some help.
1) I needed to grant execute on a specific procedure but when I drilled down, I found that it already had execute in the EFFECTIVE PERMISSIONS. I would like to know how to tell where it got this permission from. I did some digging and found that execute appears to have been granted to the schema itself. I didn't know you could do that. Would this result in the effective permission that I observed?
2) I am trying to audit the permissions on existing principles. In Management Studio I drilled down and found permissions under Security and under Server Properties. There are also more permissions under Database Properties and Security and still more assigned at the specific object level. Where can I go or what can I query to see ALL the permissions a principle has been granted across the entire server?
3) If I grant a principle CONTROL to a schema does that also automatically confer DDL rights to said schema or would additional privs be required to perform DDL?
I am just looking for feedback and maybe pointers for research regarding securing SQL 2005 for IIS access. I am currently working on a project for building a new retail website and our sysadm guys have some concerns regarding exposing our SQL box to the DMZ via direct connections to the IIS box. Now we have not completely come to a conclusion of saying that it is not possible, but we are very concerned due to recent credit card and customer data problems in the industry. So far we have mainly talked about just exposing web services(limiting the exposure of data that can be retrieved) on an internal IIS box that would be called allowed to be accessed from only the IIS box in the DMZ using User Accounts and Client SSL Certs. What I am most concerned about is the performance of this design. I would like to try and provide a connection to the SQL box directly for the devs, but I am not sure what the best practice would be for securing this connection through the firewall and also monitoring it in case our DMZ IIS box gets owned. Any input or direction to resources would be much appreciated. I have read quite a few papers so far and just want to get feedback on architectures and designs. Thanks in advance.
I have been building a database in SQL Server Express for some months now using the Windows level authentication login that has given me full access to everything in the database.
The time has now come where I need to create user accounts and grant permissions to specific stored procedures and I'm having trouble doing this.
Can anyone give me a brief rundown of the required T-SQL commands I need to set up a user account that can do nothing but run stored procs (not the system procs which apparently are being discontinued: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms182795.aspx).
So far I have:-
CREATE LOGIN db_test_user WITH PASSWORD = 'eXaMpL3Pwd USE db_new CREATE USER db_test_user
The above code executes successfully but when I try and connect (using Management Studio) I get error message 'The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection (error 18452)' which means little to me.
I also tried creating a 'WITHOUT LOGIN' user for the database but could not figure out how to give it a password.
I don't know (/understand) roles/schemas and don't know if I really need them as I only need user access to specific stored procs. I don't ever want them to see the tables for example so they only need the most restricted access.
I cannot block user access to tables. I have restriced accounts at theserver, database, group, schema, and table lavel and can still opentables right up.In other words, I have absolutely no security. Any ideas?
Goal: set security on running specific stored procedures based upon user login and databse access
I have some DBA's who want to retain full control of databses / stored procedures as they now have but I want to restrict or rollback some of the changes that were implemented when the sql 2005 was set up. The sql 2005 EE is in a clustered system and uses Mixed Mode Authentication.
An example of what I want to restrict: The DBA's want to be able to view and kill processes for the different databases that are installed under their instance. The problem is other customer databases are also under the same instance.
Is their a way I can combine or have the stored procedure sp_lock only show the processes for the databases they have access to based upon their login? My concern is they will kill a process and affect the other customers.
Does anybody have a link to either of these two documents. My company is getting ready to go through an audit and we need some firepower and to know what is expected. Any help with obtaining microsoft SQL Server 2005 best practices documents is appreciated.
Couple of questions for the SQL Server Guru's out there.
SQLServer 2005 Web Hosting Provider
Ok I am developing a Web application in ASP.NET with AJAX, etc. etc. It will be some time before it is ready to roll out. As a mockup I created the same application in Microsoft Access and Visual Basic (VS 2008), which I can link the tables to the hosting provider on the internet. Works very well and speed is very acceptable. The want to start utilizing it with the mockup distributed app that I created.
My question is, is how secure is the data that is moving from the local application to SQLServer 2005 with the web hosting provider ? Is there anything that I can do to increase security ?
I've been reconfiguring my Windows service accounts for the SQL Server service and the SQL Agent service to comply with the security best practices for SQL Server 2005. Specifically, I created two new network accounts. One account runs the SQL Server service, the other runs the SQL Agent service.
I'm having a lot of trouble trying to set up a custom security extension with Reporting Services 2005. Following the VB example from McGraw Hill Osborne (http://www.mhprofessional.com/product.php?cat=112&isbn=0072262397&cat=112), I've compiled the .dll for the extension and made the changes to the ReportManager and ReportServer .config files. After I reset IIS and return to the RS website, it displays "The report server has encountered a configuration error..." and I get a message in my System Event log:
The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID {BA126AD1-2166-11D1-B1D0-00805FC1270E} to the user MYMACHINEASPNET SID (S-1-5-21-1708537768-839522115-1343024091-1005). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool.
Wondering if anyone else has had similar trouble and how did they get around it?
Dear mems, I have a problem, and i don't khow how to resolve, pls help me:
My server is Windows XP (not domain), I work with SQL Server 2005, installed on my server, I configurate my SQL SERVER connection is "Windows Authentication mode", I add user "MyComputerguest" to MyServerSecutityLogins to accept connections from local network I have many databases: Db1, Db2, Db3...
But, I don't know to configurate my SQL Server to achive these: 1) My clients using "SQL Server Managment Studio" connect to Databases Db2, Db3... on my Server, they can expand, modify, add new all Tables, Sp, functions of Db2, Db3. 2) My clients are not allow to access Db1. 2) My clients can add new Databases Db4, Db5, Db6... in the future and they have full permission on every Database which they create without my interfere.
I have followed all the steps indicated in the Security Extensions Sample for RS 2005, and I have not changed any webpage code. However, I get the following errors: - when accessing http://<computername>/ReportServer Access to the path 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.3Reporting ServicesReportServerlogon.aspx' is denied - when accessing http://<computername>/Reports Error message 401.3: You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials you supplied
if you run the following script it takes access from the windows admin from getting into sql server through windows auth. The issue is that the files that are attached logging as SA after that are read only. Is there any solution? When you try and switch the file to read write sql server gives an error saying that it cant read the mdf and ldf--gives a windows access error....
USE [master] GO
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.server_principals WHERE name = N'BUILTINUsers') EXEC sp_dropsrvrolemember [BUILTINUsers], sysadmin DENY CONNECT SQL TO [BUILTINUsers] CASCADE GO
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.server_principals WHERE name = N'BUILTINAdministrators') EXEC sp_dropsrvrolemember [BUILTINAdministrators], sysadmin DENY CONNECT SQL TO [BUILTINAdministrators] CASCADE GO
I am not sure if this is the right place to post this but I need some help. We have an email server, with windows 2003 server, set up with SQL server 2005 and sql server management studio express which uses windows authentication. I noticed in the event viewer we keep getting an error under the application, "failure audit". about 25 a minute. The error says "login failed for user admin The user is not associated with a trusted mysql server connection." followed by an ip address (this username changes on a daily bases which makes me wonder if it is an attempted hack) I have little knowledge of sql. How can I get this to stop happening. Event Viewer returns no results to help me fix this and I am having no luck researching it on my own. If there is any more info I need to provide, let me know. HELP!
I'm currently investigating the security improvements of SQL Server 2005. I've got some problems with the schemas introduced in SQL 2005 and security settings.
For my test I've created two schemas: UserManagement and Sales. A user "test" is attached to the UserManagement schema. There's a table Sales.Users containing a list of users (varchar) and a stored procedure named UserManagement.AddUser that can be executed by the UserManagement schema (GRANT EXECUTE, so "test" can execute the SP). UserManagement.AddUser simply inserts a new row into Sales.Users.
Because the Sales schema doesn't contain any user, nobody (except the sysadmin, of course) can do a INSERT/SELECT/DELETE in the Sales.Users table. As expected, the following SQL statement fails:
EXECUTE AS LOGIN='machine est'; INSERT INTO Sales.Users VALUES('Test User');
INSERT was not allowed: object 'Users', database 'test', schema 'Sales'. The second way of inserting rows into Sales.Users is to execute the stored proc UserManagement.AddUser: CREATE PROCEDURE [UserManagement].[AddUser] WITH EXECUTE AS CALLER AS INSERT INTO Sales.Users VALUES('Test User'); The user "test" can execute this sproc without problems: EXECUTE AS LOGIN='machine est'; EXECUTE UserManagement.AddUser;
(1 row(s) affected)To my astonishment the INSERT statement inside the stored proc does execute - although UserManagement.AddUser and Sales.Users are two different schemas. Why is that, is there a chaining happening? To my understanding SQL Server should test INSERT rights on Sales.Users for the UserManagement schema and deny the INSERT statement because UserManagement isn't allowed to INSERT in the Sales schema.
Any ideas? Help regarding the issue is greatly appreciated.