URGENT: Explosive Log Growth

Sep 14, 2007


I've got a serious problem happening now with the transaction log on one of my databases. The log keeps growing at an alarming rate - avg. 1GB/hr on a ~550MB database; there's nowhere near that much insert/update activity in the database. This is causing space problems with the (hourly) log backups.

The database serves an internal web site; both the web server and the SQL server have been bounced, but this keeps happening.

Profiler shows many, many TransactionLog events in Profiler - orders of magnitude greater than other events. User activity is no greater than it ever is. DBCC OPENTRAN consistently returns no open transactions. I've created a job to checkpoint and truncate the log right before the log backups, but that's obviously only a stopgap for the backup space problem & not a solution.

Do you have any suggestions as to where to go from here? I'm at a loss, and this can't stay as it is. Thanks for ANY input...

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Tran Log Growth

Aug 14, 2001

Does this seem right? We have our transaction logs set to "Truncate Log on Checkpoint" and they still grow over 1GB. Is it possible that one transaction (to a checkpoint) generates this much logged information? Will transaction log backups every 5-10 minutes help me out better or is this just a poorly written application?


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Tempdb Growth Help

Mar 6, 2001

I am having a problem with the growth of the tempdb on my SQL 7.0 box. I have over 300+ stored procedures that are running (many with group by and order by in them). This is causing the size of my tempdb to grow to over 30gigs in size. If i reset the services of the DB it shrinks back down to the managable 6 gigs that i expect. Is there a way to have the services restart automatically on a nightly basis or is there a way to have the tempdb deallocate resources once they are used without restarting services?
I apreciate any help you can provide,

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Tansaction Log Growth

Oct 9, 2002


I am moving table(14 million rows) data from one server to another, The transactional log file growth during the process is 3 folds compared to actual data file size.

Could you please tell why?

John Jayaseelan

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Analyzing Db Growth Per Day

Feb 14, 2005

Well my question is how do i analyze db growth per day. is there a tool i can use or a method. I mean i do take a look at the task view and the files but per day it doesnt move in MB wich is weird since this is a warehouse and their are nightly loads to it inserting maybe 30000 record a night on avg.

Any help would be grately aprreciated.

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Growth Of A Database!!??

Sep 17, 2007

Hi everyone,

I'm a beginner in SQL Server databases, my problem is this:

i'm making a database witch the frontend is an access project, the database has several stored procedures views and user functions (the normal..), but a few data, (only the experimental), last night i've noticed that the file grow from 22 MB to 89 MB, the objects are the same and also the data, the only diference was that i forgot to put in an event procedure code, the ADO method, "MoveNext", to update various records, and the loop was infinit.
Is it possible that SQL statments generated by ADO make the file grow so rapidly!?
If so how can i shrink it, because i've tried and and the results was 4%.

Can you help me!?


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SQL Automatic Growth

Jul 23, 2005

We use SQL 2000 and our database is configured to grow automatically by10%. Currently 96% of our database is used. At what point will thedatabase expand - what is the trigger point?

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DB Growth Issue

Jul 20, 2005

I have done this experiment on one of the tables. There is table calledbuild havinf nvText Field with large no of records. I want to drop thatcolumn and recover space. These are the results I got.SP_SPACEUSED ‘BUILD’ Resultsname rows reserved data index_size unused1. Before Deleting nvText FieldBuild 663211 341440 KB 339464 KB 1944 KB 32 KB2. After Deleting nvText FieldBuild 663211 341440 KB 339464 KB 1944 KB 32 KB3. After Executing the Shrink Database from Enterprise Manager.Build 663211 608280 KB 604744 KB 3456 KB 80 K4. After Executing DBCC DBReindex (build,'',70)Build 663211 124096 KB 123392 KB 712 KB -8 KBCan anyone please explain me after executing step 3 i.e shrink datacolumn as well as index_size shows an increased figure whereas logicallyit should be a reduced figure.Regards,Harcharan*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Database Growth

Apr 20, 2007

I would like to know followings:

I want to see every day or weekly Database growth (%) save on table

I have some SP which will give me one time run and see the growth. which is ...

Please advice any other way to find out and save on a location ...

create procedure sp_growth as

set ansi_warnings off

declare @l_db_name varchar(50)
,@l_sql_string varchar(1000)

set nocount on
if object_id('DB_Growth') is not null
drop table DB_Growth

create table DB_Growth (Database_Name varchar(30), Logical_File_Name varchar(15), File_Size_MB int, Growth_Factor varchar(100))

declare db_name_cursor insensitive cursor
select name from master..sysdatabases

open db_name_cursor

fetch next from db_name_cursor into

While (@@fetch_status = 0)
select @l_sql_string = 'select ' + '''' + @l_db_name + '''' + ', name, ceiling((size * 8192.0)/(1024.0 * 1024.0)), case when status & 0x100000 = 0 then convert(varchar,ceiling((growth * 8192.0)/(1024.0*1024.0))) + '' MB''' + char(10)+char(13)
+ 'else convert (varchar, growth) + '' Percent''' + char(10)+char(13)
+ 'end' + char(10)+char(13)
+ 'from [' + @l_db_name + '].dbo.sysfiles'

insert into DB_Growth (Database_Name, Logical_File_Name, File_Size_MB, Growth_Factor)
exec (@l_sql_string)

fetch next from db_name_cursor into
close db_name_cursor
deallocate db_name_cursor
select * from DB_Growth with (nolock)
if object_id('DB_Growth') is not null
drop table DB_Growth
set nocount off
set ansi_warnings on


Faiz Farazi
Daudkandi,Comilla, Bangladesh

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Database Growth

Apr 20, 2007

I would like to know followings:

I want to see every day or weekly Database growth (%) save on table

I have some SP which will give me one time run and see the growth. which is ...

Please advice any other way to find out and save on a location ...

create procedure sp_growth as

set ansi_warnings off

declare @l_db_name varchar(50)
,@l_sql_string varchar(1000)

set nocount on
if object_id('DB_Growth') is not null
drop table DB_Growth

create table DB_Growth (Database_Name varchar(30), Logical_File_Name varchar(15), File_Size_MB int, Growth_Factor varchar(100))

declare db_name_cursor insensitive cursor
select name from master..sysdatabases

open db_name_cursor

fetch next from db_name_cursor into

While (@@fetch_status = 0)
select @l_sql_string = 'select ' + '''' + @l_db_name + '''' + ', name, ceiling((size * 8192.0)/(1024.0 * 1024.0)), case when status & 0x100000 = 0 then convert(varchar,ceiling((growth * 8192.0)/(1024.0*1024.0))) + '' MB''' + char(10)+char(13)
+ 'else convert (varchar, growth) + '' Percent''' + char(10)+char(13)
+ 'end' + char(10)+char(13)
+ 'from [' + @l_db_name + '].dbo.sysfiles'

insert into DB_Growth (Database_Name, Logical_File_Name, File_Size_MB, Growth_Factor)
exec (@l_sql_string)

fetch next from db_name_cursor into
close db_name_cursor
deallocate db_name_cursor
select * from DB_Growth with (nolock)
if object_id('DB_Growth') is not null
drop table DB_Growth
set nocount off
set ansi_warnings on


Faiz Farazi
Daudkandi,Comilla, Bangladesh

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Database Growth

Apr 20, 2007

I would like to know followings:

I want to see every day or weekly Database growth (%) save on table

I have some SP which will give me one time run and see the growth. which is ...

Please advice any other way to find out and save on a location ...

create procedure sp_growth as

set ansi_warnings off

declare @l_db_name varchar(50)
,@l_sql_string varchar(1000)

set nocount on
if object_id('DB_Growth') is not null
drop table DB_Growth

create table DB_Growth (Database_Name varchar(30), Logical_File_Name varchar(15), File_Size_MB int, Growth_Factor varchar(100))

declare db_name_cursor insensitive cursor
select name from master..sysdatabases

open db_name_cursor

fetch next from db_name_cursor into

While (@@fetch_status = 0)
select @l_sql_string = 'select ' + '''' + @l_db_name + '''' + ', name, ceiling((size * 8192.0)/(1024.0 * 1024.0)), case when status & 0x100000 = 0 then convert(varchar,ceiling((growth * 8192.0)/(1024.0*1024.0))) + '' MB''' + char(10)+char(13)
+ 'else convert (varchar, growth) + '' Percent''' + char(10)+char(13)
+ 'end' + char(10)+char(13)
+ 'from [' + @l_db_name + '].dbo.sysfiles'

insert into DB_Growth (Database_Name, Logical_File_Name, File_Size_MB, Growth_Factor)
exec (@l_sql_string)

fetch next from db_name_cursor into
close db_name_cursor
deallocate db_name_cursor
select * from DB_Growth with (nolock)
if object_id('DB_Growth') is not null
drop table DB_Growth
set nocount off
set ansi_warnings on


Faiz Farazi
Daudkandi,Comilla, Bangladesh

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Timeout Expired -- URGENT, URGENT, URGENT!!!

Sep 27, 2000

This morning I can not connect to our SQL Server 7.0 whatever from client or server. The error message which I list below:

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
A connection could not be estabished to server--Timeout expired
Please verfy SQL Server is running and check your SQL Server registration properties and try again.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

We use windows NT authentication. We did not do any change on NT. The SQL Server daily schedule job usally stoped at 10:00AM, but today from the Window NT Task Manager, we can see that the SQL Server is still running untill now.

Please help!!!

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Automatic Database Growth

Aug 21, 2001

I've got a question about the automatic database growth feature of V7. Here's an example:

I have a 1gb db that can grow to max size of 2gb.
I set the auto grow option to 75%
The first time the db grows it will grab 75% of the free space (1gb)

What happens if the database needs to grow again?

Will the db grow using the remaining free space (25%) or
has the database reached its max size because it can't grow any further?


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Monitoring DB Growth With Sp_spaceused

Jun 19, 2000

I started to write a stored procedure to insert into a temp table from sp_spaceused but couldn't get the format right. I did a search in the swynk archive and saw that some people have solved this but I couldn't see any example code. Does anyone have scripts they've written to gather db size info using sp_spaceused or some other mechanism?
Thanks in advance,

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Database Size Growth

Sep 23, 2002

:eek: I am somewhat confused -- I have a database in production that I restored to a QA environment; upon restore, the size has grown by 200MB.

Both production and QA are running SQL2000 -- the only difference is that QA has the latest security hotfixes installed -- version from KB article at the following link:

Q316333 (http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q316333&id=Q316333)

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Restore/Log Growth Question:

Oct 6, 2003

Restore/Log Growth Question:

We have an SQL2K SP3 Decision Support Server which will be receiving a nightly data dump from the offsite production system. We’ve decided on a backup/restore process to move the data. We’re currently testing the process and have come across a problem. The test backup file is only 500MB, the real DB will be approx. 20GB, and when it is restore the DB is fine but the log file has ballooned to 8 GB.

When the DB is restored the properties of the production DB are forced over our settings. These include no truncation of log on checkpoint and a full recovery model (the destination DB will have simple recovery). We’ve been through the books online and search online forums, but have not found information on this particular problem. We can, of course, shrink the log file after restoring but are concerned about the amount of dead space needed when the real DB is delivered.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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DB Growth Overtime Script

Nov 8, 2006

Hi All,

I am researching the iformation on how to a percentage of the database growth over time. I have looked on the net, but I didn't like anything I saw. Do you have any ideas?

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Unexplained Log File Growth

Jul 1, 2004

We have a SQL 2000 database here. As of 3 days ago, it was about 75 megs ( 73 Data / 2 log ). As of today, it is 73 Meg Data / 15 GIG log. The log file went from 2 MEG to 15 GIG in a matter of days, yet the data file size has not changed. also, there are NO users to this database - it's new and has not been placed into production yet. I currently don't have any idea as to what happened - I'm looking into Lumigent's log explorer software now. Does anyone have an explanation as to why the log file would have increased 6000X in size, yet the data is not any larger ?



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Transaction Log Growth Question

Nov 23, 2004

Hi DBA's,

I have the tran log backups running every 30 mins. When I re-build indexes on my database with the tran log back ups runniing every 30 mins, I get tran log backups whose size is greater than the actual log file (.LDF). I find this really strange as to how can the backup be greater than the log file itself.

I have unrestricted growth on the tran log file ( By 10%). Auto Shrink is disabled.

Have any of you experienced this problem. Kindly share your comments.



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Tracking Database Growth

Jan 14, 2005

Hi everyone.

I am trying to find a way to calculate everyday my DB Growth, I did find a script on some site but it seems to give me the same information as the taskpad wich is not very specific. Basicaly i would like to know the size of a table in MB or in whatevever conversion possible, so that i will be able to do some forcasting.

Any help here would be greatly apreciated.

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Free Space Growth

Sep 19, 2005


While I am importing few data to my SQL Server (2000) database, the free space is gettig increased in GBs. The database's File Growth is 1 MB (same for both Data Files and Transaction Files). The same database I restored on another PC and did the same process, it is working fine as there is no enormous growth in Free Space.

Any idea why this is


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Restricted File Growth

Jan 15, 2008

Hello Everyone,

I appear to be doing something wrong. When I
set my Table for Unrestricted File Growth and
save it, When I go back and look at the settings
it is set back to restricted file growth.

It seems to me if you set any settings and apply
and/or save it. Should it not keep that setting.

Any advice would be great.


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File Size Growth

Mar 3, 2008

i have a database which has a log file size of 10 Mb. it goes into single user mode automatically . i tried to increase the size of file size of log file from 10 mb to 50 mb... but i want to make it only 20 mb ... i am unable to change since it gives a message .cannot decrease the size of the file .. is there another way to decrease the size of log file .....

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Is There A Way To Find Growth In Log (ldf) And Database(mdf) ?

Sep 22, 2005

Hello,I need to monitor every 15 minutes growth in data file and log file .Since mdf and intial file sizes are set to high value,measuring these values at 15 min interval will not provide the changein size .My intention is to measure the log file size growth which helps tocalculate the disk space and bandwidth required to setup log shipping .We need to set up this infrastructure based on this calculationThanksM A Srinivas

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Limiting Log Growth During DTS Package

Jul 28, 2007

SQL Server 2000 SP4. I built a large DTS package that grabs a numberof tables from an Oracle DB, does some scrubbing and date verificationand loads to a SQL Server DB. Most of the tables are full refresh anda few are incremental.Main DW: DwSQLStaging Area: DwLoadAreaSQLThe DW is about 60 Gigs. The Staging Area is about 80 Gigs. This isall good.However, the log file for the staging area is 50 Gigs and I'm tryingto find ways to not require such a large log file. I tried adding afew "BACKUP LOG DwLoadAreaSQL WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY" statements in theDTS package but figured out that because it's 1 DTS package it's all 1transaction. I've thought about breaking it up into multiple DTSpackages and truncating the log between running them but was hoping toavoid this. To be clear, I know how to shrink DB's and LogFiles...that's not the issue.Any Ideas? Thanks.

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Calculate Growth Percentage

Feb 5, 2008

I want to be able to display the percent of growth for databases on the server. My query has the file sizes and names and the dates, its done monthly . How do i create a field with the growth % from one month to the next, or from one date entry , to the next. so it appears like this

2006 2007 2008

23000 % growth 3400 %growth 20000

keep in mind, this is how it is displayed in reporting services with a matrix(crosstab)

Here's my query

Code Snippet
SELECT RC_STAT.dbo.Tbl_Database_Statistics.AutoId, RC_STAT.dbo.Tbl_Database_Statistics.Server_Description,
RC_STAT.dbo.Tbl_Database_Statistics.Database_Size_Datetime, RC_STAT.dbo.Tbl_Database_Statistics.Database_Description,
RC_STAT.dbo.Tbl_Database_Statistics.Database_Size_Mb, RC_STAT.dbo.Tbl_Database_Statistics.Database_Location,
RC_STAT.dbo.Tbl_Database_Statistics.Database_File_Name, DbSTAT.MonthlyDBTotal
FROM RC_STAT.dbo.Tbl_Database_Statistics INNER JOIN
(SELECT Database_Size_Datetime, Server_Description, Database_Description, SUM(Database_Size_Mb) AS MonthlyDBTotal
FROM RC_STAT.dbo.Tbl_Database_Statistics AS Tbl_Database_Statistics_1
GROUP BY Database_Size_Datetime, Server_Description, Database_Description) AS DbSTAT ON
DbSTAT.Server_Description = RC_STAT.dbo.Tbl_Database_Statistics.Server_Description AND
DbSTAT.Database_Description = RC_STAT.dbo.Tbl_Database_Statistics.Database_Description AND
DbSTAT.Database_Size_Datetime = RC_STAT.dbo.Tbl_Database_Statistics.Database_Size_Datetime

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Log Files Growth Causes ETL To Fail

Sep 12, 2007

I'm trying to insert a fact table using SSIS which has a primary key. This is a one time load of about 150m rows and after this I'll be doing incremental only. It takes more than 8 hrs and finally the ETL fails because of not enough disk space.

After that 8hrs,When I right click the property of the table and see the row count, I can see all 150m. but it seems like it takes forever to commit the transaction. But it keeps on adding to the Log and when it reaches just few hundred MB's left on disk space the row count just rolls back which takes another few hrs to come back to 0 and it fails....

I've changed the database recovery model to simple from full and I've set up the OLEDB destination- Rows per batch, and Maximum Insert Commit size to both 100000. Should I need to just leave it to 0? Or adding space to the log can solve the problem? ( I have almost 95 GB free before the load). I'm just having a hard time to understand why its taking forever to commit the transaction.

Can anyone shed some light?



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Mirroring And Log File Growth

Jun 12, 2007

We currently have a 10GB database that is functioning properly mirrored. The only issue we have is that the log files grow very quickly during the early morning hours when a large number of transactions hit our DB from scheduled jobs. We have transaction log backup and shrink job that runs every 3 hours to backup the log and shrink the logical file to 10GB. In most cases this will shrink the log back down to it's desired size of 10GB. However, on some mornings it takes more repetitions of the log backup/shrink job to return the log size back to "normal". During this these times when it does not shrink the DB effectively, I get a report of the job process by email that states "Cannot shrink log file 2 (e_Log) because all logical log files are in use." I run a DBCC OPENTRAN command, and there are no open transactions. Eventually, the log file will return to it's normal size of 10GB through the log file backup job. I have a few questions though.

1. Is this normal behavior during moderate database use?
2. Does mirroring have any effect on the SIZE of the log file?
3. Is it normal for the size of the data file to be smaller than the size of the log file on a heavily used database?
4. Does anyone have any suggestions to better maintain the log file size?

Thank you,

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Log File Growth Concern

May 18, 2007

I am getting a bit concerned with the size of my log file and my understanding of backups and how the log file should be getting reduced in size. I have a production database that is 12 GB and the log file is 275 GB. The database file is set to autogrow at 1 MB and unrestricted file growth. The log file is set to 10% file growth and restricted to 2,097,152 MB file growth. I perform a full database backup each night. I had thought that all transactions in the log file would be rolled into the database file and then the log file auto-truncated in size during the backup process. I have never seen a log file stay larger than the database file. Please advise how I may keep the log file size (growth) down. Thanks!

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How To Minimize A Log File Growth?

Nov 27, 2007

SQL Server 2005
We need to set up a database with minimal log file growth or none at all. This database is used as an intermediate step in the data extraction process, i.e. ( daily inserts and truncations) - data recovery is not an issue, but the size of the log file is. How should I set this database options?
Can I set log file growth to 0 ( none)? Will it affect inserts?

Thank you

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SQL 7 Uncontrolled Table Size Growth !!!

Jun 22, 2001

We have a nightly application that when run during SQL Backup caused a single table in a 7GB database to increase to 13GB. Total database size reached 20GB when the disk array ran out of space. Table only contained 661,000 records and should have been less than 100MB.

Recently we have moved from SP1 to SP3.

HELP !!!

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Logfile Full But Unrestricted Growth

Jan 10, 2001

Has anyone had this problem or know how to prevent it? I received an error message yesterday from my SQL server (v7.0 with SP2) saying that the logfile for the tempdb was full. The logfile for tempdb is set by default to unlimited growth and the drive it is on has 24GB free. What causes this error to happen?

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SQL Server 7.0 'File Growth' Algorithm

Nov 16, 2000

We are running SQL Server 7.0 SP2, and are experiencing the following out-of-
space error message:

"Could not allocate new page for database 'FooBar'.
There are no more pages available in filegroup SECONDARY.
Space can be created by dropping objects, adding additional files,
or allowing file growth."

Needless to say, but the the database is set for 10% unlimited autogrowth and there
IS available space in the partition where the filegroup resides.

Any ideas as to why this is happening? What is SQL Server's algorithm for allocating
space when growing a database? Must it satisfy the request in one 'extent' and the
cause of our problem is that our disk is fragmented?

Thanks in advance.

Bill Zimmer - zim@ibx.com

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