By Accident One table got truncated on the subscriber which is one of the table in Published articles. Now all the Update inserts and delete are failing .
and other tables are not being replicated either. what could be done to fix this .
Publisher gets a lots of updates every hour how ever because of this problem all the tables are not getting any transactins replicated. Please help ASAP
I've 2 Stored Procedures which are almost identical to each other. 1st one runs just fine from the ASP page, but the 2nd one returns the following error:
Provider error '8000ffff' Catastrophic failure
The query execution plan, indexes, other objects referenced by the Stored Procedure are just fine. Can someone help me to know whether this is a problem related to SQL Server / Stored Procedure / Query or is it the problem related to wrong MDAC version ?
Hi, I was using an accounting software which uses sql server 2005 express and while I was processing a transaction my machine got stuck and didn't allow to do any operation and I had to restart the machine.I've connected to a domain and after I logged in to the software I can process all other transactions but Couldn't process the one I tried when the machine got stuck. It says connection failure and Select * command dosent work. the software runs in the domain and it need .net frame work 2.o and Windows Installer 3.0 for installation.(Sage Pastel Evolution).I removed sage and Sql server completely and reinstalled but the result was same. Then I applied a patch for clearALLPool but I'm in the simmillar situation
According to our stratergy we are taking trans log backup of every user database everuy two hours.things seem to work great and with success at the day time and at night once at 12.03 and 2.03 they fail and when i checked the error log i found that there is only one database for which its failing and it gives the following error.
Database ors: Transaction Log Backup... Destination: [D:BackupTranLogorsors_tlog_200108280203.TRN] [Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 4213: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot allow BACKUP LOG because file 'ors_Data' has been subjected to nonlogged updates and cannot be rolled forward. Perform a full database, or differential database, backup. [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Backup or restore operation terminating abnormally.
We had a option called select into/bulccopy set which i disabled once this failure has occured but still the problem persists....there are no other options set...i am out of resources i donno what to do..could you suggest me something and how to solve this problem its happening in prod.
According to our stratergy we are taking trans log backup of every user database everuy two hours.things seem to work great and with success at the day time and at night once at 12.03 and 2.03 they fail and when i checked the error log i found that there is only one database for which its failing and it gives the following error.
Database ors: Transaction Log Backup... Destination: [D:BackupTranLogorsors_tlog_200108280203.TRN] [Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 4213: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot allow BACKUP LOG because file 'ors_Data' has been subjected to nonlogged updates and cannot be rolled forward. Perform a full database, or differential database, backup. [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Backup or restore operation terminating abnormally.
We had a option called select into/bulccopy set which i disabled once this failure has occured but still the problem persists....there are no other options set...i am out of resources i donno what to do..could you suggest me something and how to solve this problem its happening in prod.
As Said by someone i took a full backup...tooooo it does not solve the issue.
We used Named Pipes network library when running SQL Server 2000. The firewall and ip address on the box were changed and reconfigured. We rebooted the server. We cannot start the SQL Server now.
We have received a backup of a database from an external company for a project that we are taking over. We have attempted to restore the database and it fails giving us the error: "Internal consistency error occurred."
We have run the restore verifyonly command with the results: "The backup set is valid." However, I don't have confidence that the verify is telling the complete story.
It appears that the database is restored and the overall restore is failing on the transaction log file.
I am fed up of getting the below error message of repl. atleast once a day.
JOB RUN: 'REPL:1001' was run on 3/23/2007 at 3:00:01 AM DURATION: 1 hours, 11 minutes, 11 seconds STATUS: Failed MESSAGES: The job failed. The Job was invoked by Schedule 421 (Replication agent schedule.). The last step to run was step 3 (Detect nonlogged agent shutdown.).
Please see below for the description of my Replication Job: ------------------------------------ Steps of Job: 1. Distribution Agent startup message. db: distribution cmd: sp_MSadd_distribution_history @perfmon_increment = 0, @agent_id = 126, @runstatus = 1, @comments = 'Starting agent.' 2. Run agent. cmd: -Subscriber [GIZMO] -SubscriberDB [TelehopBilling] -Publisher [ROGER] -Distributor [ROGER] -DistributorSecurityMode 1 -PublisherDB [TelehopBilling] 3. Detect nonlogged agent shutdown. db: distribution cmd: sp_MSdetect_nonlogged_shutdown @subsystem = 'Distribution', @agent_id = 126
This Job is executed every hourly and an error is fired atleast once a day notifying failure of this process. Please help me in resolving this issue.
Recently I Restored a database from Live to Test Instance for implementing CDC feature on sql server 2008 X64 Enterprise Edition on Windows server 2008r2 X64.
Meant there was NO CDC Enabled in Production Nor Replication Features Its stand Alone.Â
Initially i Enabled CDC on Database level and next for 3 Tables, after that i inserted records for all the tables but the same was not getting reflected to CDC tables. then i checked in agent service-> CDC capture Job -> view history, then i got the following below error..
Msg 22859, Level 16, State 2, Log Scan process failed in processing log records. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. For more information, query the sys.dm_cdc_errors dynamic management view.
Date 14-Dec-13 8:07:35 AM Log Job History (cdc.HC_UAT_DB_V4_capture)
Step ID 2
Server ADDCSVHC05 Job Name cdc.HC_UAT_DB_V4_capture Step Name Change Data Capture Collection Agent Duration 00:34:29 Sql Severity 16 Sql Message ID 22859 Operator Emailed Operator Net sent Operator Paged Retries Attempted 11
Executed as user: Testhcuat. Could not locate text information records for the column "ExMaritalStatus",Â
ID 189 during command construction. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 18773) Â The Log-Scan Process failed to construct aÂ
replicated command from log sequence number (LSN) {00232390:00001fc9:0015}. Back up the publication database andÂ
contact Customer Support Services. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 18805) Â Log Scan process failed in processing logÂ
records. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associatedÂ
problems. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22859)
what is the cause for the below error and how i can get rid of this.
"ExMaritalStatus",column -> Nvarchar datatype
Note :Â issue can be solved by disabling & enabling CDC at database level but i need the root cause, again CDC capture job fails for capturing other Nvarchar columns when i Re-Enable at the database level. This cause is getting cycled/looping in capturing other colums.
We replicate from London to New York and Hong Kong. The New York replication is working fine but everytime we try the Hong Kong replication it starts doing it but when it gets to the bulk copying stage it'll still keep going but on a random table will suddenly fail with a communication link failure message ?? It used to do this and because it keeps trying it used to eventually succeed but recently it never succeeds ?? It keeps trying but we end up having to stop it as it just doesn't succeed anymore ?? Our link to Hong Kong appears fine, we can ping and PC Duo into their servers.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated as we can't think what it may be ??
I'm getting the error message below when trying to synchronise a sql compact database to a sql server 2005 db. Can anyone suggest a reason for this?
RDA works fine, permissions look ok. I've run process monitor and can see the IN/OUT files being created, no ACCESS DENIED messages etc. help!
New Subscription Wizard
- Beginning Synchronization (Success)
- Synchronizing Data (100%) (Error)
Initializing SQL Server Reconciler has failed. Try again. HRESULT 0x80045901 (29045)
The merge process could not initialize the message file from Subscriber 'D:InetpubwwwrootSync30.59FA6BD9893A_9BFA53BB-1D7C-4E84-967A-799C6FEBFCE3.IN:D:InetpubwwwrootSync30.59FA6BD9893A_9BFA53BB-1D7C-4E84-967A-799C6FEBFCE3.OUT'. HRESULT 0x80045901 (0)
I have a publisher, remote distributor and subscriber all running SS2000.
Under replication monitor on the distributor, under replication alerts i have enabled the "replication agent failure" alert. All i need to know is should this alert trigger if the distribution agent that runs on the subscriber not the distributor fails?
I have add occurences of the distribution agent failing and the alert is not triggerred, is this because it only triggers for the agents that run on the distributor, ie: snapshot and log reader agents?
I'm "trying" to set up Replication. The Publishing/Distribution server is in one domain, and the subscribing server is in another. Both domains are fully trusted.
The synchronization step builds the .tmp file, but the repl_subscriber Distribution task bites the dust with an error message, "28000[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Login failed".
The setting on the distribution options dialog box is ODBC, SQL Server. I'm not using a special login/password. I've even tried putting a user name and password there, and it doesn't work. The ODBC connections test out fine on both servers. Any suggestions where I've gone wrong?
I built a number of publications on a SQL Server 2005 box to replicate to a SQL Server 2012 subscriber. All the publications except one are fine. During the snapshot phase of schema script generation I get Script Failed for Table 'dbo.MediaDisplayLibraryFileData'. From the Replication monitor for the Snapshot Agent on the Publication I get, "Column FileData in object MediaDisplayLibraryFileData contains type VarBinaryMax, which is not supported in the target server version, SQL Server 2000." This message makes no sense since the target server version is 2012. I have even checked that the compatibility level was set to 110 before I started the process of setting up replication. How do I resolve this error?
I have taken over a transactional replication setup that is being usedfor fault tolerance (I know, I know...).The scenario I am concerned with is where the publisher goes down due tofailure, so we need to point our application at the subscriber and startupdating the data there. We are not using the immediate updating option.How do I go about re-syncing the publisher with the data that been addedto, or changed on the subscriber, when the publisher comes back online?Thanks,TGru*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
We are getting above error message while running transactional replication between two servers. Both are running SP2 (7.00.842), so I don't think the earlier SPs fix this particular error. We do replicate text columns.
I went through the troubleshooting replication guide and now am receiving the following error instead:
The process could not execute 'sp_repldone/sp_replcounters' on 'servername'.
I figure we could re-install replication, but I don't see that realistic on-going resolution.
We have push transaction replication from A database to 2 other B and C database. I have configured email to sent upon failure of subscription job of B and D database on Database A. Is this the way that we need to configure email to send when there is replication break up or failure.
Database is MS sql server 2008 R2 Publication Database: A Replication mode : Transaction Replication Replication used : Push Replication from database A Subscription Database: B and C
Hi!I´m trying to create a merge replication publication for a SQL MobileApplication .Everything works fine creating the publication and I'm able to dothe, and it display's the"sql server mobile server agent 3.0".But when I run the application on the PDA and it´s doing thereplication it appears the following error:'Failure to connect to SQL Server with provided connectioninformation . SQL Server does not exist , access is denied becausetheIIS user is not a valid user on the SQL Server , or the password isincorrect' .any idea of which could be the reason...?Thanks in advance!!!
Hi, I am configuring replication and i started using wizard . i opened publishing and distributor wizard and click on next it is saying that "Sql manager could not complete wizard because @@sername is null and use sp_add server name to set @@ servername. This is productionbox. Any body help me how to fix the problem and what is that meaning osf error. Thanks
Hi Guys, We are using transactional replication, I want to add a filter on the rows. Can Any one explain me how to add it. To do this we should stop replication and then add the filter ???.
Hi Guys, I am having around 1000 tables, in which around 700 tables are not having primary keys on the tables, The tables which are not having primary key, i want to set up an snap shot replication, Tables with primary keys with transactional replication. can i have both transational as well as snap shot set up on the same server????
I have setup the snap shot replication on one table.It says the initial snap shot not yet available.What does it mean?How to activate the replication? Thanks.
Hello there, I need some urgent help on the Replication .....SQL 6.5, sce 5a, windows NT4.0
A Publication has been installed between 2 server (SQL 6.5, sce pack 5a).
The task Repl_Subs_Distribution fails with the following message: "The last distributor job id and the last subscriber job id do not match. No jobs were available with a job id > 80"
1) with a Push Subscription, the error "no subscriber has been defined" came up, so I also did a pull subscritption for the remote server = could it be the cause of the job id not matching?
2) although I found a document on a "sp_Mskill_job" replication stored procedure, it is not present in my DB and I cannot use it. Is there a way to create it?
Thanks for your precious help. Best regards, Rachel
I was advised to Compair max job_id in MSsubscriber_status on distribution and MSlast_job_info on subscription and If not match, to modify the id in MSlast_job_info.
There is no distribution server in this Replication....any other idea or possibility??
I wanted information on Transactional Push replication between SQL Servers . I have one table on SQL Server 6.5 and there are certain text in the table with single quotes . When i replicate this table to SQL Server 7.0 the text appears in double quotes on SQL Server 7.0 .
Can anyone help regarding this problem ? Has it something to do with version problem .? Where can i get more information on this issue ?
Many thanks . An early response will be highly appreciated .
Thank you so much for your prompt response . Is it possible to change the settings of the Quoted Identifiers ? How can we do it in SQL Server 6.5 and SQL Server 7.0 ? Do you have any info. on the same . ?
I have a database replicated to another database in a remote server. We have a trigger in one of the tables in remote Database(replicated), which will fire as soon as there is an insert into this table. This trigger is maintaining the business logic. This trigger will insert the records into another table depending on what kind of information obtained from the new row(which was replicated). Problem is, since we are using replication ( it uses bcp internaly), the trigger is not firing. I some how wanted to add these new records to the other table (automated). Can you guys please advice me on how to implement this. I appreciate your help Thanks, Jeyam
I have been asked to take over the maintenance on dB servers that I have not originally 'set up'. The request came as a result of the database log files growing at such a rapid pace its taking up hard drive space. I ran sp_dboption and noticed that the log files are NOT set up to truncate on checkpoint. As in SQL 2000 I wanted to determine if the dB was set up in 'simple' or 'full' recovery mode. It appears they are set up in 'full' recovery mode (which we can modify, since this is not a transactional dB and we rarely if ever have to restore from the transaction log). Hence my question,
Is there anything I need to worry about (regarding replication)if I change the dboption to truncate on checkpoint and set dB in simple recovery mode?
And after I backup the transaction log and try to shrink it will that have any adverse affects? I feel like this is all I need to do but replication is new ground for me, any information regarding it would be greatly appreciated. Also, any advice on how to maintain the transaction logs would be helpful.
hi, I want to setup transactional replication(PULL) between 2 servers . can anyone guide me with the steps involved while performaing a Pull replication from server1 to server2. Any help appreciated.
I need some urgent help. I'm managing merge replication between 12 servers. Today I had to make some changes in the database design, so I removed replication, altered the tables in question (on all servers)and created a new publication. I choose the option that all subscribers have the data and the schema, but when I start the replication I get almost immediately an error "Invalid column name rowguidcol". But there is no column in my database with such a name. Further investigation brings up another message "xp_execresultset: unable to execute result set".
Can anyone please help me. The database should be ready by tomorrow.