URGENT Database Security Question

Jul 20, 2005

We have a requirement to secure the data in a new database so that no
one can look at all of the data, including the SA / dbo.

Should we give the VP the sa password and tell her how to change it so
even the DBA can't access the data?

Can we somehow stop SA/dbo from looking at say , a salary column, in a
I know I can do it for oth users but can it be done for sa??


praim sankar

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Urgent Problem With Security

Sep 8, 2000


i am facing a strange problem, in my database users are accessing the tables using stored procedures, when they directly tried to access the tables it says permission denied, i have checked the permissions on the table every thing seems good, please any suggestions will be appreciated


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Security Access Permissions To Run Job (Urgent)

Jun 22, 2000

What kind of permissions do you need to be able to run a job created by another user or sa if you are not the job owner and don't have any sys admin priveldges??

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Copy Security Groups ! Urgent

Sep 20, 2007

I have been asked to copy the security groups from production to stage ,as users are not able to access the cube online...

( note :the production server is analysis sercvices 2000 and the stage server is analysis services 2005)

any ideas ? thanks in advance
yukon dba

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Getting A System.Security.SecurityException Urgent.... Please....

Sep 17, 2007

I need to calculate the Time for the different Time Zone by reading the window time zone registry entries,
This is the Code
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Win32;

namespace SQLServerHostTest
public class HostFunctions
public static string HelloWorld(string Name)
//prefix the Name variable with Hello
return "Hello" + Name;
public static string Test(string strTmp)

//DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
//strTmp = dt.ToShortDateString();
Registry.CurrentUser.DeleteSubKey(strTmp, false);
return "This is Test Message" + strTmp;


I used the following script to create the Assembly in SQL 2005

create asymmetric key imageskeyFile1 from executable file = 'c: empSampleSQLServerHostTest.dll'
create login ImageMaker1 from asymmetric key imageskeyFile1
grant EXTERNAL ACCESS assembly to ImageMaker1
grant create assembly to ImageMaker1
FROM 'c: empsampleSQLServerHostTest.dll'

When i execute this function i am getting Security Exception. Msg 6522, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user-defined routine or aggregate "clrHelloWorld":
System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.
at System.Security.CodeAccessSecurityEngine.Check(Object demand, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean isPermSet)
at System.Security.CodeAccessPermission.Demand()
at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.CheckSubKeyWritePermission(String subkeyName)
at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.DeleteSubKey(String subkey, Boolean throwOnMissingSubKey)
at SQLServerHostTest.HostFunctions.Test(String strTmp)

Please help in find a solution for this problem

Thanks In Advance
Rajesh Kumar

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Urgent - No Mapping Between Account Names And Security IDs Was Done Error !

Feb 28, 2007

Hi There

When i go to configuration manager and change the sql server service to run as a domain account i get the following error:

No mapping between account names and security IDs was done.

This is Sql Server Express running on a domain controller - Windows Server 2003 R2.

Everything i find ont he net refer to IIS, DHCP etc etc , i cannot find the issue regrading sqls server configuration manager.


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SQL Security :: How To Create Database Specifications On Newly Created Database Automatically For Audit

Jul 15, 2015

I am setting up SQL audit on sql servers in my environment based on requirement. I want to create database specifications ASAP database created. I tried DDL trigger but Audit doesn't support triggers. So I created audit specifications on model database. the only problem with this is every specification created on new database with same name.database specification name includes newly created database name or other methods to create database specifications on newly created databases.

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SQL Security :: Cannot Expand List Of Database Tables Using Contained Database Login With Server Management Studio

Jul 30, 2015

In SSMS, I connect Object Explorer to a partially contained database using a contained user login with password. This user has a database role of dbdatareader. When I try to expand the Tables in the database, I get the error: 

The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'extended_properties', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 229)

Is there a way to set permissions for the contained user so that this could be done?

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SQL Security :: Log Ship Database In Server Instance In One Domain To Database

Jul 2, 2015

I had created 2 Sql server instance in 2 servers created using VMware. From the primary server I log shipped the required databases into the secondary. Both the servers were in the same domain whose active directory was also in another server in the same virtual lab environment. My question can we have the primary sql server in one domain and the secondary sql server to which the logs are shipped in another domain by including a router also between the 2 networks for connectivity?

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SQL Security :: CREATE DATABASE Permission Denied In Database (Master)

Oct 26, 2015

I have installed new SQLServer2012 instance and my domain user have sysadmin privileges on this instance. I have a restore procedure and it will execute WITH EXECUTE AS 'domainmy username', for all the developers have exec permissions to this procedure. But newly installed server this procedure was failing with the following message. But the same procedure executing fine on other servers.

Msg 262, Level 14, State 1, Line 1
CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'.
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

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SQL Security :: ALTER DATABASE Failed Because A Lock Could Not Be Placed On Database

Jul 20, 2015

I have a script that automates some db drop/restore operations and bringing the database to single user mode is part of it: ALTER DATABASE ... SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE...I want this to executes under a login, that has restricted privileges, so I've created a login and granted it a dbcreator role + ALTER ANY DATABASE privileges.

Problem: When I run the script against a database with an active/sleeping connection:It fails when using the restricted login: "Msg 5061...ALTER DATA BASE failed because a lock could not be placed on database ..."It completes successfully when using a sysadmin login According to stackoverflow.com the solution is to kill the active/sleeping connections to the database, before ALTER-ing it, which works fine, but the question is....

Questions: Why the "ALTER DATABASE..." statement works under the sysadmin login, but not under a dbcreator one?Does this mean the sysadmin login kills the connections to the target database in the background?Is it possible to grant additional privileges to the restricted login, so the "ALTER DATABASE..." statement won't need preventive killing of the connections?

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How Do U Mantain Security Of A Database ? As A SQL Developer And For Lcal Database ?

Mar 7, 2008

Can I know about this ? I prefer to apply locks on database level and also to row level.

Is it possible or advicable ?

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Is It Possible To Restore A Database But Preserve The Security Of The Database?

Apr 26, 2007

i have a development database that has updates and changes to a production database. rather than go through individually and alter all relevant tables and stored procedures, id like to back up the database on the development side and restore it on the production side as the production database. is there a way to restore the database on the production server but preserve all the security settings (ie logins and such)? i noticed on our development server, that if i try to restore the database with my development database, it overwrites the users and/or if the user is the same on both, it removes the login name for that user.

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Urgent:: Move Tables From One Database To Another Database??

Aug 27, 2007

I have a access database. In this database there are 10 tables and this tables are related to each other.
I want to move these tables to another database according to a field in XYZ table (vertical fragmentation).

for example there is name coloumn in the XYZ table and I want to take only joe lines and other tables related to that from database A and move it to database B

how can I do this?

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How To Restore Backup Database To A Different Database? Please Its Urgent

Aug 10, 2007


I was wondering how I could restore a bkp file into a database with a different name. For example, I made a backup of T1.mdf and i want to restore t1.bkp to T2.mdf.

I am using VB.Net to do the backup and restore.

Is there any way of doing it?


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Database Security

Feb 22, 2002


I have just built a new SQL7 server (SQL SP3 and NT SP6a) server and need a bit of advice on implementing database security.

This new SQL server will be used by several projects which require a SQL database, our Personnel system being one of them. Since the data in the Personnel system is obviously of a sensitive nature I need to restrict access to the data. Client access is controlled via a client application but I need to restrict Enterprise Manager, Query analyzer ... type of access.

We have a team of people who look after the servers on a day to day basis and these are all Domain Administrators. By default these people will be able to browse into the Personnel database and read the information.

How can I restrict access to a SQL database so that only named users (SQL and NT) can access a database ? If database level access is required then we would need to obtain the SQL user password from Personnel which will then allow mainenance access, after which the password si changed by Personnel.

Any thoughts ?



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Database Security

Feb 9, 2001

I am working with a development team and right now there is no security on the server everybody uses the sa account including our dts and jobs.
I have talked to my boss about it and he wants me to come up with a guidline

What will happen to our jobs if i change sa password.
also dose anyone have a little guidline sample?

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Database Security?

Apr 21, 2005

What is the standard for database security – windows login or sql server logins? User defined database roles?

We have earlier used a single sql server login with read/write permissions to tables & exec on stored procedures. Individual application users are stored in database tables & their permissions are handled by the application itself. But we are starting to get concerned about password issues with the sql login & also that when I see any connections on the database, all of hem show up with the same sql login. So I cannot make out which user exactly has a connection open.

To get around these issues, we are thinking to add NT logins for each user. These users will be part of an NT group and will be added as a user to the database. There will be a database role with exec permissions to required stored procedures (all read/write/update will be controlled through SPs) and the NT group will be part of this role. The stored procedures will be encrypted. So if a NT user logs in directly to the database, he won’t be able to read from the tables or SPs and access will be limited through the application.
I will be able to see each login associated with a connection.

What do you all think about this security set up? What are other issues I need to be concerned about? What are other popular database security models?


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Database Security

Sep 24, 2007

Hi experts, I would like to ask if it is feasible to limit the accessibility of an SA account in SQL 2005 in a specific database. The reason of doing this procedure is since we are deploying a package software to our client(s) we want to secure our own database to get tampered by our client(s).

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DataBase Security

Sep 25, 2007

How to set a database security like set a password, is there any security for S.P. to disable view to the sp for any view or modifications.

Best Regards

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Database Security

Dec 12, 2005

Is there a way to create and encrypted database file?What do people do when data security is important at the file level? Inother words, you don't want anyone to be able to take the database file (orfiles) and extract data from them.Ideally, I want a file the is absolutely encrypted on disk and that isdecrypted for data access. The problem, obviously, is that this would be avery costly (cpu time) approach as you couldn't create a decrypted image ondisk (this would expose the data).Are all database systems then, non-secure?Thanks,-Martin

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Database Security

Jun 11, 2007

i a the user of sql server 2005 on window server 2003. i want to knowthat how can i prevent my database from other user logins because allof them are sysadmin type.and i am also looking for database concurrency control methods.if any one know about this plz mail me answer on this mail idJoin Bytes!thanx in advance

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Security Database

Dec 4, 2007

Hi, does anyone have the name of the command-line utility that creates a security database on SQL Server 2005 with the corresponding tables (users, roles, applications)? I remember using it in an exercise some time ago and I can't find it anywhere.


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Database Security

Sep 24, 2007

Hi experts, I would like to ask if it is feasible to limit the accessibility of an SA account in SQL 2005 in a specific database. The reason of doing this procedure is since we are deploying a package software to our client(s) we want to secure our own database to get tampered by our client(s).

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Database Security

Apr 15, 2008

I am using sdf database file for stroing improtant data.
That file is password protected. But I want to apply some more security constraintson on it. May I know What are the possible ways to secure my data? How I use encrypt feature? so that if anyone open sdf file he cant see actual data into it.

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Database Security In SQL Server 7.0

Apr 1, 2002


We are using VB as frontend and SQL Server 7.0 as backend applications in our company. The users are using 'User DSN' to connect the databse with NT logged in user security. User can connect the database if he is having the permissions on the database. We are not using SQL Server authontication like 'sa' user. Till here it is working fine. Our problem is, We want to avoid the users to connect the database using SQL Server Enterprise Manager. We have the SQL Server Enterprise Manager software installed on some machines. because some times we may need that. Right now the users (If he is having the permissions on the database) can directly open the database using Enterprise Manager and they can manipulate the data directly.

We need only specific users like The users who are in System Administrators group has to access the database using Enterprise Manager.

Please help on this.


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Regarding Database Security In Sqlserver7.0

Jul 27, 2001

how can i provide login id and password for each table in a database to avoid deletions and updations by other users.thanks.-sri

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Security Auditing Database

Nov 16, 2004

Hi, I need to write some T-SQL scripts to perform a database audit of several SQL Server 2000 databases that tracks all superuser logins and access to tables. I can do this in Oracle but I am lost with MS SQL Server. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks!

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Database Level Security

Feb 7, 2008

Database level password security

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Database Backup Security

Jul 23, 2005

HiWe have developed and deployed a database which contanis very sensitiveinformation. Our client is now concerned about the security of the backups. In essense, if someone in the organization can get hold of thebackup of the database, he can simply restore it on any sql server inthe world with sa permission.I know Microsoft provides flexibility of adding the "Password" in theBackup t-sql statement but it wouldn't be of much use if the back uptask is saved as a script and password will be written inside thescript.your suggestions are really appreciated!Thanks

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Security Of Mssql Database?

Jul 24, 2005

Hello, another question from a newbie to mssql.Is there a way of allowing access to database only by providing username andpassword (disabling trusted connection and preventing administrator toaccess database through enterprise manager or otherwise without supplyingusername and password)?What I would like is that my application upon instalation creates databasewith appropriate tables (already done this) and somehow solely creates andmanages user list and passwords so that there is no access to database otherthrough application. (Application would create a backdoor account shouldsomething go wrong)

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Database Security (crosspost)

Dec 8, 2005

Sorry, the prior message was multi-posted.Here's a cross-posted version. Please disregard the other one.Is there a way to create and encrypted database file?What do people do when data security is important at the file level? Inother words, you don't want anyone to be able to take the database file (orfiles) and extract data from them.Ideally, I want a file the is absolutely encrypted on disk and that isdecrypted for data access. The problem, obviously, is that this would be avery costly (cpu time) approach as you couldn't create a decrypted image ondisk (this would expose the data).Are all database systems then, non-secure?Thanks,-Martin

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Can't Attach A Database Because Of Security

May 9, 2007

I am having some issues with SQL Express not being able to create a database because the SQL Express account doesn't have permission. During the install I have the user select the local system account. Even then it doesn't work. If I would go into the folder with the database and give the standard users full control the database will attach.

Is there a way to handle this? I have one install doing all of the work so the user really can't interact with the file system during the install. I am looking at Xcacls as a possible solution but is there something I can do in SQL to fix this?

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