I am trying to get file space usage information for all of the databases in my server and store it in a table to collect a history of spce usage. I know that I can get this on a per database basis if I use DBCC(SHOWFILESTATS). So, I would issue a USE statement and then a DBCC statement inserting the rows into a temp table for later processing. Since databases can come and go, I would like to loop through the records in sysdatabases and for each one, issue the USE and then the DBCC via an sp_executesql. This is all working fine except, the sp_executesql of the USE statement seems to be ignored.
Is there some way to get this statement to take effect? Is there a better way to get this information - ie is this stored in a table or view that I can't seem to find?
Is there a way to 'extend' the use of 'Use DatabaseName' sql statement? I want to build an dynamic sql string such as 'Use '+ @serverName+ '.Master', but it won't accept serverName. just for database within the same server...
I have databse called RM-A1 and a log of RM-A1.log
When i run this statement it errors.
select ceiling((size * 8192.0)/(1024.0 * 1024.0)), case when status & 0x100000 = 0 then convert(varchar,ceiling((growth * 8192)/(1024.0*1024.0))) else convert (varchar, growth) end + char(10)+char(13) from RM-A1_log.dbo.sysfiles where fileid = '1' --This works select * from dbo.sysfiles
Im using a dynamic statement
set @cmd = N'select @ceil = ceiling((size * 8192.0)/(1024.0 * 1024.0)), @CNT = case when status & 0x100000 = 0 then ''MB '' + convert(varchar,ceiling((growth * 8192)/(1024.0*1024.0))) ' + 'else ''PER '' + convert (varchar, growth) ' + 'end' + char(10)+char(13) + 'from ' + @l_db_name + '.dbo.sysfiles where fileid = ''1'''
Greetings everyone, I am trying to use a c# string with an SQL statement in a data adapter (.NET 03) The code works fine and I have a variable called : string test = ..... that takes the needed values. I just need to implement this string in the sql statement. I tried adding this to my query but I only got an empty row: WHERE (login = '" & test & "') WHERE (login = '" + test + "') any ideas? PS: If I change to something like WHERE (login = 'abcdef') I get a result meaning there's something wrong with the way I am putting the variable in the sql query. Again, I am not putting the string in a normal query in my .cs code. this is happening by right clicking the data adapter and configuring the sql statement in the designer window THANKS!
I've created an sql statement: select * from fin_installment where key_construction = (select ser_construction from fin_construction where key_contract = ' " & variable & " ') order by int_serial
which is in an Dataset's TableAdapter. This variable receives its value during the form init and it is an integer. When I start the page the folowing error message is displayed:
" An error has occurred during report processing. Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. Conversion failed when converting the varchar value ' " & azonosito & " ' to data type int. "
So my question is that how can I use variables in sql statement in dataset?
Hi, I am trying to use a variable inside a LIKE statement, but it is not working as expected. It will not give a error, but it shows no results while it does show results if I replace the variable with the normal string within the LIKE statement. Here is my code:
-- this example returns results SELECT whatever FROM mytable WHERE whatever LIKE 'blah%';
-- this example returns no results DECLARE @test VARCHAR; SET @test='blah%';
SELECT whatever FROM mytable WHERE whatever LIKE @test;
Any ideas why the version using the variable would not work?
I'm having some trouble modifing a script to save me tons of work. The script if from Microsoft, and it is used as step 3 in a 6 step process to move MS Great Plains users from one server to another. Anyway, the script runs on only 1 company database at a time, and for most Great Plains environments there would only be 1 or 2 company DBs. But I am administering in an ASP environment and we have over 30 company DBs to move. So, I though I would adapt thier script to iterate over each company DB to do the work (rather than creating 30 separate scripts). So I wrapped their loop with my loop to do the iteration. The problem is that T-SQL will not let me use a variable in a USE statement. I've tried to remove the USE statements, but that added a lot of complexity in the internal loop. What is the best way to do this?
Here is the modified code:
/* ** Drop_Users_Company.sql ** ** This script will remove all users from the DYNGRP in the company database ** specified. It will then drop the DYNGRP and readd the DYNGRP to the company. ** It will then add all users back to the DYNGRP based on the SY60100 table. ** NOTE: You will need to replace %Companydb% with the company database ** name. */ /* Instead of replacing %Companydb% (in each USE statement) with the name of the single company database that this script is supposed to work on, I've added @cCompany to hold the company DB name through each iteration of the outside cursor/while loop. */
declare @cCompany sysname/* ADDED BY ME FOR THE OUTSIDE LOOP */ declare @cStatement varchar(255)/* Misc exec string */ declare @DynDB varchar(15)/* DB Name exec string */ declare @DYNGRPgid int/* Id of DYNGRP group */
/* ** Loop through all company databases, emptying the DYNGRP group. */ SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF
/* Select all of the Great Plains database names from the DB_Upgrade table, where the DB names are conviently stored */ declare C_cursor CURSOR for select db_name from DYNAMICS..DB_Upgrade where db_name not in ('DYNAMICS')
OPEN C_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM C_cursor INTO @cCompany WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1) begin use @cCompany select @DYNGRPgid = (select gid from sysusers where name = 'DYNGRP')
declare G_cursor CURSOR for select "sp_dropuser [" + name+"]" from sysusers where gid = @DYNGRPgid and name <> 'DYNGRP'
set nocount on
OPEN G_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM G_cursor INTO @cStatement WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1) begin EXEC (@cStatement) FETCH NEXT FROM G_cursor INTO @cStatement end DEALLOCATE G_cursor /* ** Do not delete the group to attempt to preserve the permissions already ** granted to it. */ use @cCompany if exists (select gid from sysusers where name = 'DYNGRP') begin exec sp_dropgroup DYNGRP end /* ** Recreate the DYNGRP group in all company databases. */ use @cCompany if not exists (select name from sysusers where name = 'DYNGRP') begin exec ("sp_addgroup DYNGRP") end
end DEALLOCATE C_cursor
______________________________________ Thanks for any help you have.
Declare @MyCode nvarchar(20); Set @MyCode='ABC' set @int_rowcount=(SELECT count(hoten) FROM @MyCode) I run it but still errors ! How can i implement above statement ? Thank you very much !
Hi,I am doing a really simple test with SQL Server 7.0:Using the Query AnalyzerLogged as saLocated in master database#1 USE Test#2 EXEC('USE Test')#1 => the database context is switched to Test#2 => the database is NOT switched???
I am testing a very simple query that use variable for sort direction and sort expression
@SortExp nvarchar(256),
@SortDir nvarchar(10)
Set @SortExp = 'curTime'
Set @SortDir = 'DESC'
Select * from table where recID < 20 order by @SortExp @SortDir
and i got this error...
The SELECT item identified by the ORDER BY number 1 contains a variable as part of the expression identifying a column position. Variables are only allowed when ordering by an expression referencing a column name.
Can anyone help me with this issue? I restored a full backup with NORECOVERY because I need to restore the differentials as well but I have not been able to access the db. No matter what I seem to try i receive the following error:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: This differential backup cannot be restored because the database has not been restored to the correct earlier state. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)
Hy, i have this problem in vb.net: I must use a variable in SQL UPDATE statement, after SET statement, and i'm getting error. This is that line of code: Dim variable_name As StringDim variable As Integer Dim sqlString As String = ("UPDATE table_name SET " variable_name " = " & variable & " WHERE UserID = '" & UserID & "'")Dim cmdSqlCommand As New SqlCommand(sqlString, conConnetion) cmdSqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
When I don't use a variable after SET statement, everything work fine. This code works fine: Dim variable As Integer Dim sqlString As String = ("UPDATE table_name SET column_name = " & variable & " WHERE UserID = '" & UserID & "'")Dim cmdSqlCommand As New SqlCommand(sqlString, conConnetion) cmdSqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
could anyone please help me to resolve this issue? here's my sql query which retrieve last 3 month data t.execute(SELECT * tbl1 where nmonth >= datepart(mm,DATEADD(month, -3, getdate())) or nmonth <=datepart(mm,getdate()) and empno='"+emppip+"'") now instead of passing 3 in this query(datepart(mm,DATEADD(month, -3, getdate())) ) i need to pass a variable to retrieve data based on user requirements. i tried this way, dim mno as n mno=4 t.execute(SELECT * tbl1 where nmonth >= datepart(mm,DATEADD(month, -'"+mno+"', getdate())) or nmonth <=datepart(mm,getdate()) and empno='"+emppip+"'") its not working. can i achieve this using stored procedure? or can i directly pass a variable to sql synatax? thanks for any help
I'm curious if anyone knows the correct way to do this pseudo-statement correctly? I want to create a stored procedure in which I send it the table name of the table I want to query.declare @tableName varchar(500)set @tableName = 'PortfolioPreferenceOwnership' select * from @tableName
I am having difficulties with some sql syntax with sql server 2000. I am trying to write code to update a column in which the name of it is unknown. At run time, I am able to set a variable equal to the correct column name but in doing so, treats the value as a String. Ex. Declare @varA varchar(12) select @varA = (select top 1 Value from #temp)
Update TableX set @varA = y.ColTest from TableX x, TableY y where x.Colid = y.Colid
It sets the variable = to the last value from TableX.ColTest I want the Update statement to update the value for the Variable which represents the correct column to update.
Hi, I want to use a variable in a 'use' statement... but, I cannot figure out the syntax, nor do I know if it is possible... Here is an example SQL script: /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
DECLARE @DataBase varchar(60) --Declare cursor for all DBs except master, MSDB, Model, tempdb DECLARE curdb CURSOR for select name from master..sysdatabases where name not in ('master', 'MSDB', 'Model','tempdb')for read only
--Open and perform initial fetch open curdb fetch curdb into @DataBase
--While there are databases to process, process each DB While @@fetch_status = 0
PRINT @DataBase use + ' ' + @database --or, use @database
fetch curdb into @DataBase
/*------------------------------*/ Thanks, Michael
I have been struggling with the below transact sql user defined function. I want to use a transact sql variable in an "in" statement. I don't get any results and I am not sure if I am receiving an error or not.
DECLARE @myval varchar(50),@username varchar(50) DECLARE @rolelist varchar(2000) SET @rolelist = '' SET @myval = 'user a,user b' select @myval = ''''+ replace(@myval,',',''',''') + '''' print @myval
DECLARE User_Cursor CURSOR FOR select distinct eusername from euser where eusername in (@myval)
OPEN User_Cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM User_Cursor INTO @username
SET @myval = @username SET @rolelist = @username WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @rolelist =+ @rolelist + ',' + @username
FETCH NEXT FROM User_Cursor INTO @username END CLOSE User_Cursor DEALLOCATE User_Cursor print @myval print 'rolelist' + @rolelist GO
I am at a loss any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
What i am trying to do is concatenate variable "@Where" with CURSOR sql statement,inside a procedure . But, it doesn't seem to get the value for the @Where. (I tried with DEBUGGING option of Query Analyzer also).
============================================= SET @Where = '' if IsNull(@Input1,NULL) <> NULL Set @Where = @Where + " AND studentid='" + @input1 +"'"
if isnull(@Input2,NULL) <> NULL Set @Where = @Where + " AND teacherid =' " + @Input2 +"'"
DECLARE curs1 CURSOR SCROLL FOR SELECT firstname FROM school WHERE school ='ABC' + @where ============================================= Please check my SQL Above and Could somebody tell me how can I attach the VARIABLE with CURSOR sql statement ?
Is there anyway to use a variable to define a column in a select statement. I can put the variable in but I'm sure it will be read as a literal instead of the column.
Create procedure df_bppr @de nvarchar(30) As Begin Declare @sstr nvarchar(500) Set @sstr = N'Alter Table tbl Add Constraint df_title Default '+ @de + ' For title' Exec sp_executesql @sstr, @de End
Execute df_bppr @de = 'NoTitle'
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Incorrect syntax near 'NoTitle'. Msg 128, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 The name "NoTitle" is not permitted in this context. Valid expressions are constants, constant expressions, and (in some contexts) variables. Column names are not permitted.
I created the procedure without any error. But when i execute the procedure it shows the above error
I want to create a proc which dynamically change the default value for more than one column with same default value.
I would like to set a variable within my if exists statement, however SQL is throwing and error stating:
Incorrect syntax near '='.
If I remove the if exists, the query runs fine. Is there a reason why this is not working the way I have it and what suggestions can I use to accomplish what I am trying to do, which is store the ID into the permissionID variable
Here is my code block:
Code Snippet
declare @permissionID int;
if exists(select @permissionID = Id from Permission
I've been coding a few years and SSIS makes me feel more stupid than any program I've ever used. I've read BOL and bought a book. Can't say either one has really helped.
I'm still a complete idiot after one week of working with it. I apologize for asking so many stupid questions.
What I'm trying to do now is parameterize a SQL statement.
I have a variable that's a string. I have a DataFlowComponent as a data source. I find references all over the Internet and this forum to something called an "ExecuteSQLTask" but I sure can't figure out what that is. In my toolbox I have data flow sources for DataReader, Excel, Flat Files, Old DB, Raw file, and XML but no Execute Sql Task.
Anyway SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE COLUMN='Value' in the SQL Command property is simple enough. Now I want 'Value' to be a variable. You know, like in T/SQL DECLARE @Foo VarChar(25). Creating the variable is easy as pie.
I have found at least 10 different examples of specifying variables on the web, all of which claim to be SSIS examples, Is it User::Variable? @[User::Variable]? @Variable?
I want to read rows from a table, with a a variable value in the WHERE clause, and pass them to the fuzzy lookup task.
Hi Experts, I would like to make a stored procedure in my db: I have sql express 2005. I get Error 164 when creating this procedure:
@Variable1 smallint,
@Variable2 smallint,
@Value smallint
SELECT @Variable1, COUNT(@Variable1) AS 'Haufigkeiten'
FROM SurveyData
WHERE @Variable2 = @Value
GROUP BY @Variable1
I would like to generate a frequency chart per userdefined-variable (@variable) with a where restriction.
The GROUP BY @Variable1 seems to be problem: is there some workaround in order to use variables in a GROUP BY clause? or how can I write an sql statement which do the same as this procedure (CrossTable) without using the GROUP BY clause?
In the funtcion below I am selecting a value from the page - Request.QueryString("ProjectID") and this is being pulled through correctly - if I debug then ProjectID = Request.QueryString ("ProjectID") does equal the correct value. However this value is not then working in the following line: strSQL = "SELECT [ProjectID] FROM [Projects] WHERE [ProjectID] = [ProjectID]" This statement is not reading any value for ProjectID and so is selecting all from the table..... How do I write this statement to pick up the variable above????? Thanks in advance for your help! Clare
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Dim ds As New Data.DataSet Dim da As Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter Dim strSQL As String Dim ProjectID As Int32 ProjectID = Request.QueryString("ProjectID") strSQL = "SELECT [ProjectID] FROM [Projects] WHERE [ProjectID] = [ProjectID]" Dim connString As String = "Data Source=xxx;Initial Catalog=xxx;User ID=xxx;Password=xxx" da = New Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(strSQL, connString) da.Fill(ds) ds.Tables(0).Columns.Add("imgFile")
For Each tempRow As Data.DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows tempRow.Item("imgFile") = ("imgGrab2.aspx?id=" & tempRow.Item("ProjectID")) Next ImgGrid3.DataSource = ds ImgGrid3.DataBind()