Unable To Update Or Delete SQL Table Records

Jun 13, 2007


I have been serching for weeks to resolve this problem.  I am new to ASP.NET and trying to make the migration from ASP which I have programmed in for years.  I am using Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition and SQL Express Edtion.  I have been working through the Microsoft Video Training at http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/express/beginner/learningpath/ and created a web site using Tier 3 Lesson 8 as the model.  My new web site which is a simple phone book applicaiton lets me read the table and select the record without any problem.  But the update form lets me edit but when I attempt to Apply the update I get the following error.

Server Error in '/Phonebook' Application.

ObjectDataSource 'ObjectDataSource1' could not find a non-generic method 'Update' that has parameters: FirstName, LastName, PhoneNumber, BossGroup, Department, BossPickup, ShowInPhonebook, Type, Original_FirstName, Original_LastName, Original_PhoneNumber, Original_BossGroup, Original_Department, Original_BossPickup, Original_ShowInPhoneBook, Original_Type, Original_ItemID.

Description: An unhundled expception occured during the execution of the current web request.  Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originiated in the code.

The Stack Trace basiclly showes the same error as above.

Also, when I attempt to delete the record I do not get an error but the record does not delete.

What is interesting is that I can add a record so I do not believe that it is a security permissions issue.  I have the ISS Authinication Method Enable Anonymous Access set on with full control.

If anyone has any insight as to why this is occuring please let me know. 


View 13 Replies


Unable To Delete Records...SQL 2005

Mar 20, 2007

I've got an application I've written that should be able to (using a table) insert, update or delete records in SQL Server 2005. It can insert and update fine but it cannot delete any records. I'm totally stumped for how to figure out what's going on. I can remote on to the Windows 2003 Enterprise Server without any trouble so I should be able to read any log files or open the SQL Managemenent tools. How do I figure out what the issue is? It's a very strange thing and I'm stumped.

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Unable To Delete Duplicate Records

Jul 7, 2007

I was importing records via DTSWizard, and I was having problems so I turned off Enforce Replicaton, Enforce FK Constraints on a couple of fields. I'm new with SQL Server so I'm not sure if this even caused the problem. (Do I need to turn these back on, or is this a Developer switch of some kind?)

The end result left me with duplicate records in the table, and I'm not able to delete any of them. This is the Error I got...

A problem occurred attempting to delete row 1.
Error Source: Microsoft.VisualStudio,Datatools.
Error Message: The row value(s) updated or deleted either do not make the row unique or they after multiple rows(2 rows).

If someone could tell me what I need to do so I can delete the records I'd really appreciate it.



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Unable To Delete Duplicate Records In Database

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I have an sql database that has the primary key set to three fields,but has not been set as unique(I didn't create the table).I have 1 record that has 2 duplicates and I am unable to delete theduplicate entries.If I try to delete any of the three records(they are identical) I getthe message 'key column is insufficient or incorrect. Too many rowswere affected by update'.I am trying to do this within Enterprise Mgr.Any suggestion?Thanks much

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Unable To Update Or Delete GridView Entries... Must Declare The Scalar Variable @ID1.

Jan 22, 2007

 I am having issues and can't see any errors in my code! When attempting to delete a table entry from my SQL database, I get the error "Must declare the scalar variable "@ID1"." even though I declare it as a parameter in my code! Can anyone see an issue with my code below?1 <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowSorting="True"
2 DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" AutoGenerateColumns="False" OnSorted="GridView1_Sorted">
3 <Columns>
4 <asp:CommandField ShowDeleteButton="True" ShowEditButton="True" />
5 <asp:BoundField DataField="column1" HeaderText="CO" SortExpression="column1" />
6 <asp:BoundField DataField="column2" HeaderText="Network" SortExpression="column2" />
7 <asp:BoundField DataField="column3" HeaderText="C/S/T" SortExpression="column3" />
8 <asp:BoundField DataField="column4" HeaderText="Date Received" SortExpression="column4" DataFormatString="{0:d}" HtmlEncode="False" />
9 <asp:BoundField DataField="DESCRIPTION" HeaderText="Description" SortExpression="DESCRIPTION" />
10 <asp:BoundField DataField="column5" HeaderText="In Service Date" SortExpression="column5" DataFormatString="{0:d}" HtmlEncode="False" />
11 <asp:BoundField DataField="REMARKS" HeaderText="Remarks" SortExpression="REMARKS" />
12 <asp:BoundField DataField="ID" HeaderText="ID" InsertVisible="False" ReadOnly="True"
13 SortExpression="ID" />
14 </Columns>
15 </asp:GridView>
16 <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConduitConnectionString %>"
17 SelectCommand="SELECT [ID], [CO/Area] AS column1, [NW #] AS column2, [C/S/T] AS column3, [DATE REC'D] AS column4, [DESCRIPTION], [I/S DATE] AS column5, [REMARKS] FROM [Inspector Workload] WHERE ([Inspector Name] = @Inspector_Name) ORDER BY [CO/Area], [DATE REC'D]" DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [Inspector Workload] WHERE (ID = @ID1)" UpdateCommand="UPDATE [Inspector Workload] SET [CO/Area] = @column1, [NW #] = @column2, [C/S/T] = @column3, [DATE REC'D] = @column4, [DESCRIPTION] = @DESCRIPTION, [I/S DATE] = @column5, [REMARKS] = @REMARKS WHERE ([ID] = @ID1)">
18 <SelectParameters>
19 <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="Inspector_Name" QueryStringField="Name" Type="String" />
20 </SelectParameters>
21 <DeleteParameters>
22 <asp:Parameter Name="ID" Type="Int32" />
23 </DeleteParameters>
24 <UpdateParameters>
25 <asp:Parameter Name="column1" Type="String" />
26 <asp:Parameter Name="column2" Type="Double" />
27 <asp:Parameter Name="column3" Type="String" />
28 <asp:Parameter Name="column4" Type="DateTime" />
29 <asp:Parameter Name="DESCRIPTION" Type="String" />
30 <asp:Parameter Name="column5" Type="DateTime" />
31 <asp:Parameter Name="REMARKS" Type="String" />
32 <asp:Parameter Name="ID" Type="Int32" />
33 </UpdateParameters>
34 </asp:SqlDataSource>

View 8 Replies View Related

Can Not Update Or Delete Records From ODBC...

Mar 9, 2008

If I create a new table in my database I can not update or delete any records when I'm connected with ODBC. I can access all the other tables in the database just fine with ODBC, it's only when I create a new table or copy and existing table that this happens. Is there some setting I need to change, if so how do I change it?



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Can't Delete Records From DB .. Says : Too Many Rows Were Affected By Update.

Jun 1, 2004


I've added multiple records with same info during practice. Now I"m trying to delete those records from SQL Server DB. but it says

"Key column information is insufficient or incorrect. To many rows were affected by update."

What to do, to delete these records?


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Can Not Update Or Delete Records When Connected With ODBC...

Mar 9, 2008

...not sure why, but when I create a new table in my database and connect to it using ODBC I can not update, or delete records in the table. However, I can update and delete records in all the other existing tables in the database, it's only when I create a new table that I can not. Wondering what settings I have to apply to the new table to allow updates and deletes from ODBC connections. I've tried messing with the permissions for the table, but any changes I make there do not seem to have any effect.

Thanks in advance.


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How To Update Or Delete Records With A SqlServer Destination

Jan 11, 2006

I'm a novice to SSIS (and we've never used DTS).

Writing a Control flow that inserts records worked fine, using lookups and all, but i can't find somewhere an example on how to update records of even delete records.

Any suggestions ....


Harry Leboeuf

View 8 Replies View Related

Can Not Update Or Delete Records When Connected With ODBC...

Mar 9, 2008

...not sure why, but when I create a new table in my database and connect to it using ODBC I can not update, or delete records in the table. However, I can update and delete records in all the other existing tables in the database, it's only when I create a new table that I can not. Wondering what settings I have to apply to the new table to allow updates and deletes from ODBC connections. I've tried messing with the permissions for the table, but any changes I make there do not seem to have any effect.

Thanks in advance.


View 3 Replies View Related

Unable To Delete A Row In A Table

Jul 13, 2001

Is there any way to delete an unwanted row on a table with 300 or more constraints with less modifications to contraints? Or is there any other way that can remove the unwanted row without much risk? Dropping the constraints is possible but re-adding the constraints may not be possible because the create constraint statements are not known. And readding the constraints may take time because the database physical size is around 1GB... Please help

View 2 Replies View Related

Transact SQL :: Delete Records From Table (Table1) Which Has A Foreign Key Column In Related Table (Table2)?

Jun 29, 2015

I need to delete records from a table (Table1) which has a foreign key column in a related table (Table2).

Table1 columns are: table1Id; Name.  Table2 columns include Table2.table1Id which is the foreign key to Table1.

What is the syntax to delete records from Table1 using Table1.Name='some name' and remove any records in Table2 that have Table2.table1Id equal to Table1.table1Id?

View 11 Replies View Related

HOW TO: Delete All Records From A Table Where A Child Record From Another Table Does Not Exist.

Mar 17, 2008

I need to delete all records in the TBL_PCL_LENS_DATA table that do not have a corresponding record in the TBL_VERIFICATION table.

Primary Table: TBL_PCL_LENS_DATA
PK: Serial Number
PK: ProcessedDateTime

PK: Serial Number


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Unable To Get Records From Temp Table Using ASP

Nov 23, 2004

PLease help me with a intruiging problem with Stored Procedure, which is driving me mad.......

I wrote a Stored Procedure as listed below.
I've included the options

the results are stored in a #Temp table

The SP executes fine on Query Analyzer, and shows the contents of the temp table. BUt when I run this SP using ASP, I got the following error
ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0E78)
Operation is not allowed when the object is closed.
/test_site/test.asp, line 59

I've tried using Recordset.MoveNextRecordset, if at all there are more than one recordset, obviously I got the same error

CREATE PROCEDURE atul_med.[sp_rep_sale2]
@rep_in varchar(100)


@REP int,
@temp_pack varchar(20),
@temp_ntp int,
@temp_party_code varchar(20),
@temp_party_name varchar(20),
@temp_prod_code varchar(20),
@temp_prod_desc varchar(20),
@tot_qty int,
@tot_amount int,
@iCnt int,
@tot_sale_qty int,
@net_tot_sale_qty int,
@TableName varchar(10)

select @REP= @rep_in
set @tot_sale_qty=0
set @net_tot_sale_qty=0
set @TableName='#Test2'
--select @TableName='Test'
set @page=1
set @RecsPerPage=100

Declare @SQL VarChar(1000),
@cnt int,
@iCurLine int, @SQLX VarChar(1000)

set @iCurLine=1

set @iCurLine=1

select @Cnt = (SELECT count(*) FROM VW_PART_REP WHERE (REP = @REP))
print "Nos Of Party :"+ convert(char(1),@iCnt)

Create Table #Test2 (ID int identity,prod_desc nvarchar(100),pack nvarchar(100),ntp int)-- ,tot_qty int ,tot_amt int )

while @iCurLine <= @cnt
SELECT @SQL = @SQL + "party_qty"+convert(char(2),@iCurLine)+" int "
set @iCurLine=@iCurLine+1
Exec (@SQL)
print @sql
SELECT @SQL = @SQL +"tot_qty int , tot_amt int "
exec (@SQL)
print @SQL

select * from #Test2

--Create Table #Test1 (ID int identity,prod_desc nvarchar(100),pack nvarchar(100),ntp int,party_qty1 int ,party_qty2 int ,party_qty3 int ,party_qty4 int ,party_qty5 int ,tot_qty int ,tot_amt int )
set @iCurLine=1


--print '=================Product Name========================'
SELECT distinct(prod_code) as prod_code,prod_desc,pack,ntp FROM VW_sales_sum
group by prod_code,prod_desc,pack,ntp

Declare @SQL_ins VarChar(1000)

INTO @temp_prod_code,@temp_prod_desc,@temp_pack,@temp_n tp


--Print @temp_prod_desc+'-'+convert(varchar(10),@temp_pack)+'-'+convert(varchar(10),@temp_ntp)
--print '=================prod_code :'+convert(varchar(10),@temp_prod_code)+'========= ==============='
print "============Insert Statement============"

SET @SQL_ins = "Insert into "+@TableName+" values("
SET @SQL_ins = @SQL_ins +""""+ @temp_prod_desc+""","""+@temp_pack+""","""+convert(char(10),@temp_ntp)+""","

SELECT party_code,party_name FROM VW_PART_REP
WHERE (REP = @REP) group by party_code,party_name

DECLARE @SQL1 varchar(10),@SQL2 varchar(100)
set @SQL2=''
INTO @temp_party_code,@temp_party_name

print "==Party_name :"+ @temp_party_name +"===Party_Code :"+convert(char(3),@temp_party_Code)
set @tot_sale_qty=0
set @tot_sale_qty= (select sum(issuedqty)as tot_qty from vw_sales_sum
where party_code =@temp_party_code
and (REP = @REP)
and (prod_code=@temp_prod_code))
if @tot_sale_qty IS NULL
set @tot_sale_qty=0
print "===Tot Qty :"+convert(varchar(10),@tot_sale_qty)
print "===Tot Qty :"+convert(varchar(10),@tot_sale_qty)
SELECT @SQL1 = @tot_sale_qty
--print @SQL1
Select @SQL2 = @SQL2 + @SQL1 +","

INTO @temp_party_code,@temp_party_name


print '==============================='
print @SQL2+convert(char(4),@net_tot_sale_qty)

--set @net_tot_sale_qty=@tot_sale_qty+@net_tot_sale_qty
--SET @SQL = @SQL+convert(char(10),@tot_sale_qty)+','
--set @tot_sale_qty=0

Select @SQL_ins = @SQL_ins+@SQL2+convert(char(8),@net_tot_sale_qty)
Select @SQL_ins = @SQL_ins+","
Select @SQL_ins = @SQL_ins+convert(char(12),(@net_tot_sale_qty*@temp _ntp))
Select @SQL_ins = @SQL_ins+")"
print @SQL_ins
Exec (@SQL_ins)

INTO @temp_prod_code,@temp_prod_desc,@temp_pack,@temp_n tp






View 8 Replies View Related

How To Delete The Records In The Table

Jul 20, 2005

:confused: Urgent!!
Hi there. I use MS SQL server. I would like to separate the data from one table to two tables refer to two reference tables and the following conditions:

Let say these two reference tables are called:
Table A & Table B

Group A:
1. Same date in Table A & Table B
2. Same ID in Table A & Table B (ID is not unique)
3. Same name in Table A & Table B (Name is not unique)

Combine all of these three conditions for unique identifier.

I used the following SQL code to separate the required data that match the above conditions to the new table.
select a.Project, a.Site, a.S_number, a.Field_ID, a.Method, a.Analyte, a.Result, a.Units,
a.Qualifier, a.Dilution_Factor, a.Reporting_limit, a.Recovery_, a.Matrix, a.CAS_Number, a.Sample_Date,
a.Received_Date, a.Prep_Date, a.Analysis_Date, a.Batch_ID, a.Data_Package_num_SDG, a.Lab_Sample_ID,
a.Lab into APPL_union_exist from APPL_union_update a, Before_01012004_report b
where a.Field_ID = b.[Field Sample] and a.Sample_Date = b.Collected and a.Analyte = b.Analyte

However, I don't know how to delete the data that copied to the new table in original table, or separate that to the new table. Wish someone can help me. Thanks a lot

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How To Delete Duplicate Records From A Table

Nov 29, 2004

Hello All,

Please show me how to delete duplicate records from a table.

Thanks in Advance

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How Can I Delete Dupilcate Records In A Table

Oct 6, 2006

i have a table in which 100 rows are there . i have duplicate rows. so ho can i remove it . suggest me a command

One can never consent to creep,when one feels an impulse to soar

View 2 Replies View Related

How To Delete Duplicate Records From A Table ?

Jul 20, 2005

I uploaded some data about 2 or 3 times and it keep appending it to thetable.Now I want to keep only first duplicate and delete rest of.Suppose part number 123 has been added 3 times so I want to keep only 1record.Thanks

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How To Delete Duplicate Records From Table ?

Mar 4, 2008

Hello Frnds....Can anybody give the answer of this question as How to Delete duplicate records from Table ?
I Know that with check option and also with Unique Constraint we can avoid to enter duplicate records in table but How to delete from table which does not have any constraints ?

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Considerations When Delete Records From Table.

Nov 15, 2006

Hello, I'm developing application which monitors network packets. The monitoring data are saved into table. Monitoring table maintains the data for fixed quantum time,for example during one 1 hour. So, every minute before or after insert new data, I delete the time-expired data. I doubt that the endless delete operation would results in some problems(increasing index,etc..).

Is this mechanism safe to the dbms?

Aren't there round-robin(?) style table?

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Delete Records In Destination Table

Jul 2, 2007

Short Question: How do I delete all records from a destination table prior to appending new data to that table?

I am working with a SQL database that was migrated from MS Access. All relationships, primary keys, and identity columns have been set identically to the MS Access database values. The MS Access database is still being used as the database of record until the SQL database is fully functional with front-end, etc.

I want to delete the information stored in all the SQL tables, and then append the MS Access values to the SQL tables. I was able to write delete and append queries in MS Access to correctly transfer data to the SQL tables. However, I would prefer doing this through SSIS because I have several other sources of data to move to a SQL Server database and most of those other sources are not a MS Access database.

Due to relational entegrity settings, I need to delete the records from 8 tables in a specific order. I have tried independent control objects for each of the 8 tables with data flow objects of either "OLE DB Command" or "OLE DB Source" with the SQL command as "Delete From TableName". Results of the debug indicate everything is "green" but no records were deleted fromt the tables.

View 6 Replies View Related

SQL 2005: Unable To Edit Linked Table Records

Oct 27, 2006

Hi!I am able to add records to my SQL 2005 database using bound forms in myAccess application, but if I try to edit any records (not only the newrecords I create) using the same bound forms, I receive a write conflict.For the record, I am currently the only user of this application and my SQLServer database has only one userID. I used this userID to create all ofthe objects in the database and to connect to the database from Access. Thedata sources for the bound forms are linked tables, the record source typeis set to "Dynaset" and the record locks are set to "No Locks". "Opendatabases using record-level locking" is checked.The write error says that another user has changed the current record sinceit was opened (since I'm currently the only user this isn't possible) andasks me to copy my changes to the clipboard or drop the changes.Can anyone suggest what might be causing this? Thanks!

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Delete Records In A Table Older Than 90 Days . Help

Aug 5, 2002

Hi ,

I have a scheduled job which does an text file import in my database . The data gets appended in my table every day from this import job .

Since my table is growing every day , i want to truncate the table after the data has been collected for three months i.e 90 days . The table will be empty and the new data will flow in through the import .

Any thoughts how to do it through query and schedule it ???


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Delete Records In SQL Table, Which Are Present In Excel

May 5, 2006

Hi everyone,

I have a task to create a dts package, which will delete records in a SQL table, which are present on a sheet tab in Excel. I know how to transfer records from Excel to SQL table and vice versa, but not sure how I can delete the records in SQL table, which are present in Excel. Note that there are just 2 columns - one is a key and the other name.

Thank you all in advance,

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Delete Records From A Massive Table (heap)

May 21, 2013

So I've stumbled across an audit table on one of our systems that has reached a hearty 180M rows in size.

The table is a heap (no indexes whatsoever).

Each record has a datetime value indicating when it was created.

I need to delete everything that was created prior to the last 6 months; what is my best plan of attack?

View 12 Replies View Related

T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Delete Table Records With Backup?

May 2, 2014

using below query

DELETE FROM Table_name
WHERE Date_column < GETDATE() - 30

am able to delete old records morethan 30 days, but i want to results to be saved in file.

before deleting i want to a craete a file and save the to be deleted records.

View 7 Replies View Related

Cannot Delete Records In High Cardinality Table

Jul 22, 2013

DELETE FROM [SCS_NAV2009R2_PROD].[dbo].[Payroll Ledger Entry]

gives this error

Msg 9002, Level 17, State 4, Line 1

The transaction log for database 'SCS_NAV2009R2_PROD' is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases

~ 7,000,000 records

now i have set the log to autogrow and set the max size to 2tb

what else can i do to get this going?

View 10 Replies View Related

Delete Records In A Table Using Stored Procedure

Feb 26, 2006

Hi, I would like to delete some records in a table older than a specified date using a stored procedure. Can anyone help?
Thank you,

View 5 Replies View Related

The Best Way To Delete A Huge Number Of Records In Table

May 30, 2008

Hi Everyone,

We have a large test database with million of records for more than company site Code. Sometime we want to refresh the data of that database for one or more site Codes.

In order to do that I have to delete all records of the site code we want to refresh on the test database first then copy a new set of data from production database over. Since we refresh data based on the site code therefore I have to use the Delete command instead of Truncate.

Since this is a huge database with thousand of tables and million of records per table I have a performance issues with delete command. So what would be the best to delete a large number of records without writing any information to database log file?

FYI: The Recovery model of this database is Simple



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How To Alter The Table With Delete/update Cascade Without Recreating The Table

Jul 26, 2004

I have contract table which has built in foreign key constrains. How can I alter this table for delete/ update cascade without recreating the table so whenever studentId/ contactId is modified, the change is effected to the contract table.


************************************************** ******
Contract table DDL is

create table contract(
contractNum int identity(1,1) primary key,
contractDate smalldatetime not null,
tuition money not null,
studentId char(4) not null foreign key references student (studentId),
contactId int not null foreign key references contact (contactId)

View 3 Replies View Related

Resetting The Id (key Field) To 1 When Using DELETE To Clear Records From A Table

Feb 17, 2008

Is there a way that I can reset the key field to 1 when using DELETE to clear a table?
(Note: if there is a separate command that I could use after the DELETE, that is fine too.)
Thank you for your help with this,

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SQL Server 2008 :: Job To Delete All Records Then Copy All From Another Table?

Apr 22, 2015

I am using a SQL Server Agent jobs that run each morning to update the records in a table to match what they should be for that day. I built them and tested it using a test table called "testtable1". It worked fine. But when I switched over to our production table, it fails saying the table has to be decaled. What would be the difference. The production table has a "@" in front of the name, is that causing issues?

USE [Live_build]

View 4 Replies View Related

Unable To Update A Table From A Web Page.

Jan 18, 2008

In my web page(.Net/c#) , I  want to update few fields of a database table. The code is fine. The stored procedure through which I perform the execution is fine. I'm confidently saying this is because, if I try to do the update direclty while executing the stored procedure, it gets updated. I'm facing a weird problem while trying to update the fields from my web page. When I make an update and submit it, the first time it shows the updated value in the screen. But if I try to refresh it or redisplay the data ( I guess whenever it makes a trip to the database), the old values gets populated instead of the new values. I tried debugging it, but everything seems to be working fine. I looked up the execution in SQL Profiler, everything seems to be fine. I've no clue what's going on. I've proper  permissions to make an update. So there is no permission issue. Could someone tell me how to handle this issue and what might be the possible problem which makes the values not update in the database?

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