Unable To Create Indexable View On SQL 2000.
May 1, 2008
I have a query that seems to take a while to execute and I'm looking into using an indexed view to see if this helps. I use the script below to create the view but when I query it's indexability using:
(select ObjectProperty(object_id('GetMessageQueueDetails'), 'IsIndexable'))
it always return '0'.
Here is a very cut down version of the view, only selects the uid! from a single table
IF OBJECT_ID ('GetMessageQueueDetails', 'view') IS NOT NULL
DROP VIEW GetMessageQueueDetails ;
IF sessionproperty('ARITHABORT') = 0 SET ARITHABORT ON
IF sessionproperty('ANSI_NULLS') = 0 SET ANSI_NULLS ON
IF sessionproperty('ANSI_PADDING') = 0 SET ANSI_PADDING ON
CREATE VIEW GetMessageQueueDetails
FROM dbo.MyTable
I see from See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa933148(SQL.80).aspx that the pre-requsites for indexed views are pretty strict, I have been through this list and think I have everything covered, except for :
"The ANSI_NULLS option must have been set to ON for the execution of all CREATE TABLE statements that create tables referenced by the view."
Is there an easy way to find out if ANSI_NULLS was ON or OFF when the table was created. If it was OFF can I do an ALTER TABLE to turn it on and will that make the view indexable? If so how do I do this with out trashing the data in the table?
Or am I doing something else wrong?
Can anybody offer any help?
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Jul 25, 2005
While creating an indexed view with the command :
create unique clustered index idx_atrid on account_transactions (policy)
there is a check constraint on the policy column of the tables used in this view.
The following error is encountered
Cannot index the view 'test.dbo.account_transactions'. It contains one or more disallowed constructs.
Can anyone help?
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Oct 18, 2005
Hi,I have an application that's running fine on development servers (weband database-sql server 2000). I'm updating a record through a thirdparty component but I don't think the component is the problem. What'shappening is that I'm updating fields that are part of view. I'm onlyupdating fields in one table of the view and this works fine in thedevelopment environment.What happens in the production environment when I try to update(using the third party component) I get the following message:"Current recordset does not support updating. This may be a limitationof the provider or of the selected locktype."As an experiment I took the same code but removed the view, leavingonly the table I want to update as the record source. In that case theupdate worked. So it seems that something in the production databasedoesn't like me updating a view. However I can do that in the databasein the development environment.The third party component is dbnetgrid which works fine in thedevelopment environment. I can only conclude it's something about thedatabase that prevents me from updating this same table if it's in aview. I've talked to our DBA but he says there's no difference betweenthe databases. Any ideas would be appreciated.Neil
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Oct 12, 2005
I have created a view in MS SQL2000 as followed:
Select order_NO, shiptoname, Shiptoaddress, Shiptocity,shiptostate, shiptozip,
FROM orders;
my question is: If the email exist in the EMAILaddress column then I need to have a Y show in another column called EMAILflag, if the EMAILaddress does not exist then I would need the EMAILflag to be a N.
Any HELP would be GREAT.
Thank You!!
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Sep 14, 2001
How to create index in the view on MS SQL 2000?
Thank you very much!
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Dec 1, 2006
I'm trying to set up a transactional replication from SQl Server 2005 to SQl server 2000. The Distributor and the publisher are on our server and the subscription is supposed to be on a SQL 2000 server on a different location. Before upgrading to 2005 I didn't have problems - the replication from 2000 to 2000 was working perfectly.
After I succesfully created the distributor and the publication the first problem that I encountered was that when I tried to create the subscription it was giving me an error that I cannot use an IP to acces the server. I realized to fix that issue by creating an Alias in the SQL Server Configuration Manager for the server where I wanted to create the subscription (a push subscription).
Now when I try to add the subscriber it gives me another message "Execute permission denied on object 'sp_MS_replication_installed', database 'master', owner 'dbo'" - so I cannot create the subscriber.
The user that I use to create the subscriber on the 2000 server is dbo for the subscriber database but it doesn't have rights on the master database. Also I realized that on the 2000 server I still have the old subscription but I cannot delete it - for the same reason - no access on the master database. Before upgrading to 2005 I had the exact same rights on the 2000 server.
Any help would be appreciated.
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Jul 24, 2012
Write a CREATE VIEW statement that defines a view named Invoice Basic that returns three columns: VendorName, InvoiceNumber, and InvoiceTotal. Then, write a SELECT statement that returns all of the columns in the view, sorted by VendorName, where the first letter of the vendor name is N, O, or P.
This is what I have so far,
SELECT VendorName, InvoiceNumber, InvoiceTotal
From Vendors JOIN Invoices
ON Vendors.VendorID = Invoices.VendorID
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Aug 4, 2004
Hi All,
I'm trying to create a proc for granting permission for developer, but I tried many times, still couldn't get successful, someone can help me? The original statement is:
Create PROC dbo.GrantPermission
@user1 varchar(50)
Grant create table to @user1
Grant create view to @user1
Grant create Procedure to @user1
Thanks Guys.
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Apr 12, 2006
I have currently a problem with setting up the permissions for some developers. My configuration looks like this.
DB A is the productive database.
DB B is a kind of "development" database.
Now we have a couple of users call them BOB, DAVID, ...
who are members of the db role db_reader and db_writer for the productive db a but they should be allowed to do nearly everything on db b.
Therefor I added them to the db role db_owner for db b.
For testing purposes I tried to "CREATE" a view TEST as BOB in database B but I received the error message
'Msg 262, Level 14, State 1, Procedure Test, Line 3
CREATE VIEW permission denied in database 'b'.'
I cross checked the permissions on db level and I even granted all available permissions on db level but nevertheless I receive this error message.
What's my mistake?
Of course it worked fine when I give them sysadmin rights but then they have far too much permissions.
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Aug 14, 2000
I had given one of our developers create view permissions, but he wants to also modify views that are not owned by him, they are owned by dbo.
I ran a profiler trace and determined that when he tries to modify a view using query designer in SQLem or right clicks in SQLem on the view and goes to properties, it is performing a ALTER VIEW. It does the same for dbo in a trace (an ALTER View). He gets a call failed and a permission error that he doesn't have create view permissions, object is owned by dbo, using both methods.
If it is doing an alter view how can I set permissions for that and why does it give a create view error when its really doing an alter view? Very confusing.
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Apr 13, 2007
When I try to do a pull using a view I'm getting the following error message:
€œThe query cannot be tracked. There might not be a primary key, or the query might involve multiple tables. [ Query string = SELECT * FROM DATABASE_NAME.viewname ]€?
but when I do a select col1 from view I get my data. The view has some inner joins included in it, could that be the issue?
NOTE: this is from my handheld device, its not SQL Server related. I posted this earlier in this forum but it was moved to SQL Server.
I get the error on my handheld device and handheld device only
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Apr 13, 2007
When I try to do a pull using a view I'm getting the following error message:
€œThe query cannot be tracked. There might not be a primary key, or the query might involve multiple tables. [ Query string = SELECT * FROM DATABASE_NAME.viewname ]€?
but when I do a 'select col1 from viewname' I get my data. The view has some inner joins included in it, could that be the issue?
NOTE: this is from my handheld device,
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Nov 13, 2015
I have some issue when replicating a view (transactional replication).I have following objects on publisher:
Table: [Metadataschema].[Entity]
View: [dbo].[EntityLogicalView]
the view definition is:
create view [dbo].[EntityLogicalView] as (SELECT * FROM [Entity] WHERE OverwriteTime = 0)
this is what I get when I run "Script View as Create". The same query is used by the replication.Unfortunately this query fails on the subscriber "Unable to replicate a view or function because the referenced objects or columns are not present on the Subscriber". I cannot even runt his query manually on the subscriber, it only works when I change it like this:create view [dbo].[EntityLogicalView] as (SELECT * FROM [Metadataschema].[Entity] WHERE OverwriteTime = 0) Is there any way to get this working? Can I change the creation scripts used by the replication or force publisher to include schema names in all objects?
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Jul 24, 2015
I am creating a simple application form using visual studio 2015. I can create database.mdf successfully and create dbo.table successfully. but when i tried to view table by expanding the table icon on the server explorer, the table should be able to show list of table but it didn't show any record and why is it like that.
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Nov 21, 2006
Cannot see the Colums in the "design view" of Queries. All i see when i want to design a new query is *columns
This happens in only one database, in other databases using same server i can see the colums and can tick them to view then in the query.
In enterprise manager i see all the columns.
Using SQL 2000 and MSAccess 2000
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Feb 12, 2014
I created a view with a simple join query
there are 2 rows with orderid as null, i am unable to fetch the details when i give WHERE Condition as
"select orderid from joins where orderid=NULL"
Query :
create view joins as
select A.customerid,A.Companyname,A.Contactname,A.City,B.OrderId from Customers A
left join orders B
on A.Customerid=B.Customerid
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Sep 9, 2015
We have a maintenance plan in place for updating the statistics on daily basis. Now, i would like to remove the view from maintenance plan. How can i remove that from Update statistics task?
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Oct 31, 2007
I have couple of Web pages linking to my RDLs using report viewer Web controls. I have no problem running and viewing them in VS2005 debug mode and report manager until I published them to local folder and set the local folder as an application on my IIS7. When running the published version of the Web pages, all my calendar image buttons (which happen to be part of the report parameter fields) turned to red 'X':
When clicking the View Report button, the animated progress icon not appearing at all. Before the occurance of this problem, I did face the problem whereby the 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE' does not have enough permission to view the report. After referring to some threads, I finally be able to get rid of this error by assigning Browser role to 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE' from the report manager. I wonder could this solution be related to the problem that I'm facing now. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
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May 20, 2008
Developers need to view and modify jobs on some servers without being sysadmin. We've added the developers to the following MSDB roles:
Technically they should be able to view and modify jobs through Management Studio when being added only to SQLAgentOperatorRole. However they receive the following error when clicking on the Jobs folder regardless of the msdb role.
Execute Permission Denied on Object 'xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 229)
Our original two SQL 2005 servers do not produce this message, but all other instances do. All servers, but one, are SP2 so the service pack is not an issue. Any thoughts?
Thanks, Dave
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Jun 17, 2006
Hi, I need urgent help with this problem because I am unable to do any database development due to it. I am using visual web developer express edition with sql server 2005 express edition. The problem is that when I try to create a database in the app_data folder I get the following error message: "Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance. The connection will be closed".
Regards, sandy
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Mar 28, 2002
Hi All,
I'm running SQL Server 2002 and trying to create a User Defined Function. However, everytime I try to save the script I get Error 170 Incorrect Syntax near 'FUNCTION'.
This happens if I create the Function from Code or use the Enterprise Manager. I'm logged in with 'sa' privs, so I don't think it's a privilege issue. I'm well confused.
Anyone help?
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Oct 22, 2007
I was asked to import some data from excel into a table within a sqlserver 2000 db the import was complaining about an index so then I deleted the index imported the data succesfilly but I'm now unable to re create the index, please see the error that I'm getting below. Can someone please help.
- Unable to create index 'trainingGo'.
ODBC error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]CREATE UNIQUE INDEX terminated because a duplicate key was found for index ID 32. Most significant primary key is '439'.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The statement has been terminated.
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Jul 10, 2007
I had a fully functioning SQL 2005 Exp install until today. All of my DBs work, Reporting Services works. But today I went to add a new DB for a DotNetNuke installation. Everything I have tried fails with the same error:
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express
Create failed for Database 'TEST'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.Smo)
For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=9.00.3042.00&EvtSrc=Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ExceptionTemplates.FailedOperationExceptionText&EvtID=Create+Database&LinkId=20476
An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.ConnectionInfo)
A file activation error occurred. The physical file name 'G:TEST.mdf' may be incorrect. Diagnose and correct additional errors, and retry the operation.
CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check related errors. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 5105)
For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=09.00.3042&EvtSrc=MSSQLServer&EvtID=5105&LinkId=20476
I have looked high and low for a solution only to come up empty handed. I only hope at this moment that someone here has seen this before.
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Nov 17, 2007
I get this error when i try to create a relationship in a db diagram (sql 2005)
"'tblActivedir' table saved successfully
'tblClient' table
- Unable to create relationship 'FK_tblClient_tblActivedir1'.
Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_tblClient_tblActivedir1' on table 'tblClient' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints.
Could not create constraint. See previous errors."
What i have is 2 tables.
1 named client
1 named activedir
In the client table the columns i want to bind with activedirtable are FR1 and DC1
I want to bind them in the ID of the activedir table (both, in different fk relationships) so that they get the id of activedir.
Fr1 has an fk relationship with activedir (pk is activedir' id)
and DC1 exactly the same in another fk.
So i want both columns to comunicate with activedir.
If p.e. activedir has 3 elements (a,b,c) when i delete element a then werever FR1 or DC1 have this element(binded to it's id) then the element will also be deleted (id of the element) from both FR1 and DC1
I don't want to set Delete and Update action to none because i want the element changed or deleted from activedir, to do the same on Fr1 or DC1 or both.
Any help?
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Mar 26, 2007
I need to create a new web site in Internet Information Service.
This can be done by opening IIS manager.
In IIS Manager, expand the local computer, right-click the Web Sites folder, point to New, and then click Web Site. The Web Site Creation Wizard appears.
But if i right click the Web Site Folder. only Properties and Refresh option is showing.New option is not shown.
I will appreciate if any one give solution to solve this problem.
I am using Windows XP with SP2.
Thank you
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Mar 23, 2007
Dear Friends,
I have two different sql servers one two different domains connected by internet. Iam working on Doman-A. Both sql server's are 2005
Domain Name System Name Sql Instance Name Port No
Domain-A SysA(IP: SqlA 1215
Domain-B SysB(IP: SqlB 1465
Intially I was unable to connect from SysA to SysB through sql management studio. But after giving the connection string as,1465 I was able to connect. Now my main problem is with the replication only. I had configured Publisher and Distrbutor on SysA. I want the subscriber to be SysB. But when I try to configure the subscription in the New Subscription Wizard from SSMS installed on SysA and try to Configure the subscription I get the following error message:
TITLE: New Subscription Wizard
SQL Server replication requires the actual server name to make a connection to the server. Connections through a server alias, IP address, or any other alternate name are not supported. Specify the actual server name, 'SysBSqlB'. (Replication.Utilities)
Plz help me guys.
Thanking you
Chandra Mohan N
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Dec 24, 2005
I've recently installed VB Express and SQL Server Express (including
Management Studio Express) on a laptop as well as a desktop PC.
Everything looks the same on both. I can create an SQL database
from VB without any problems on my laptop. However, when I try to
create a new SQL database from VB on my desktop, I get the following
"Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in
starting the process for the user instance. The connection will be
I've written a number of databases in Access, but never used SQL Server. This is about to drive my crazy.
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Oct 7, 2007
I just recently installed SQL Express 2005 on a new OS which is on Vista Ultimate.
When I try to attach a database by clicking the add button, I receive this error:
Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.SmoEnum)
------------------------------For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&LinkId=20476
------------------------------Program Location:
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Enumerator.Process(Object connectionInfo, Request request) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlManagerUI.BrowseFolderHelper.GetBrowseStartPath(ISettingsStorage settingsStorage, ServerConnection serverConnection, Type controlType, String settingKey) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlManagerUI.AttachDatabase.GetStartPath(String settingName) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlManagerUI.AttachDatabase.buttonBrowse_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.ConnectionInfo)
------------------------------Program Location:
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(String sqlCommand, ExecutionTypes executionType) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ExecuteSql.ExecuteImmediate(String query) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ExecuteSql.GetDataProvider(StringCollection query, Object con, StatementBuilder sb, RetriveMode rm) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.SqlObjectBase.FillData(ResultType resultType, StringCollection sql, Object connectionInfo, StatementBuilder sb) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.SqlObjectBase.FillDataWithUseFailure(SqlEnumResult sqlresult, ResultType resultType) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.SqlObjectBase.BuildResult(EnumResult result) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.SqlObjectBase.GetData(EnumResult erParent) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Environment.GetData() at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Environment.GetData(Request req, Object ci) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Enumerator.GetData(Object connectionInfo, Request request) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Enumerator.Process(Object connectionInfo, Request request)
The server principal "MyComputerKarl" is not able to access the database "model" under the current security context. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)
------------------------------For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=09.00.3042&EvtSrc=MSSQLServer&EvtID=916&LinkId=20476
------------------------------Server Name: MyComputerSQLEXPRESSError Number: 916Severity: 14State: 1Line Number: 1
------------------------------Program Location:
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(String sqlCommand, ExecutionTypes executionType)
When I try to creat a new database I receive this error:
Create failed for Database 'TestDB'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.Smo)
------------------------------For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=9.00.3042.00&EvtSrc=Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ExceptionTemplates.FailedOperationExceptionText&EvtID=Create+Database&LinkId=20476
------------------------------Program Location:
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.SqlSmoObject.CreateImpl() at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database.Create() at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlManagerUI.CreateDatabaseData.DatabasePrototype.ApplyChanges(Control marshallingControl) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlManagerUI.CreateDatabase.DoPreProcessExecution(RunType runType, ExecutionMode& executionResult) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlMgmt.SqlMgmtTreeViewControl.DoPreProcessExecutionAndRunViews(RunType runType) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlMgmt.SqlMgmtTreeViewControl.ExecuteForSql(PreProcessExecutionInfo executionInfo, ExecutionMode& executionResult) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlMgmt.SqlMgmtTreeViewControl.Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlMgmt.IExecutionAwareSqlControlCollection.PreProcessExecution(PreProcessExecutionInfo executionInfo, ExecutionMode& executionResult) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlMgmt.ViewSwitcherControlsManager.RunNow(RunType runType, Object sender)
An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.ConnectionInfo)
------------------------------Program Location:
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(String sqlCommand, ExecutionTypes executionType) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(StringCollection sqlCommands, ExecutionTypes executionType) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ExecutionManager.ExecuteNonQuery(StringCollection queries) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.SqlSmoObject.ExecuteNonQuery(StringCollection queries, Boolean includeDbContext) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.SqlSmoObject.CreateImplFinish(StringCollection createQuery, ScriptingOptions so) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.SqlSmoObject.CreateImpl()
CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)
------------------------------For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=09.00.3042&EvtSrc=MSSQLServer&EvtID=262&LinkId=20476
------------------------------Server Name: MyComputerSQLEXPRESSError Number: 262Severity: 14State: 1Line Number: 1
------------------------------Program Location:
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(String sqlCommand, ExecutionTypes executionType)
On my previous computer which had WinXp Pro I had no such problems
Any Help would be much appreciated
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Jun 4, 2004
I tried to create a stored procedure but instead of opening up to a new stored procedure it displays an exist stored procedure. I erased the code and typed in my code now i received this error message.
MS SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState:42000)
Error 2729: Procedure ‘spUpdate_date_time’ group number 1 already exists
in the database. Choose another procedure name
Does anyone know how I can fix this?
Your help is appreciated
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Dec 10, 2013
I just started having an issue with maintenance tasks. When I click on one of my jobs to modify it I get the following error. Also I am unable to create a new task unless I use the wizard? Could not load file or assembly 'msddsp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. (Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design)
Program Location:
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.DtsComponentDiagram.CreateDdsView(Control parentControl)
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Controls.DdsDiagramHostControl.set_ComponentDiagram(ComponentDiagram value)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.DbMaintSequenceDesigner.get_DbMaintDiagramHost()
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Jun 1, 2008
I am a complete newbie here. I have spent hours trying to create a database - (even installed on XP and Vista) and I seem to not be able to create a database - it tells me that:
Create Database permission denied in database master - Microsoft SQL Server Error 262.
How to I enable these priviledges?
Do i need to regsiter the Server with the Enterprise Manager and how do I do that?
All help VERY gratefully received thanks Lister
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Jul 23, 2005
I am running SQLServer 2000 SP3 with MDAC 2.8.On instances created via MSDE, I am unable to create the first step ina job. Instances created with SQLServer 2000, this problem does notoccur.The message I am receiving on the instances created with MSDE, themessage I get immediately upon pressing the Add button to define a stepis "Error 170: Line 1: Incorrect syntax near ''"Any help would would be greatly appreciated.Wardell Castles
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Mar 13, 2008
I am unable to create new maintenance plan in my SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition SP2. I am getting the following error. Please some one help me.
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
Method not found: 'Void Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.DatabaseMaintenance.TaskUIUtils..ctor()'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.MaintenancePlanTasksUI)
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