Unable To Display Server Reports In Report Viewer Control
Oct 14, 2007
Hi all,
I have been using the reportviewer control to display my ssrs reports. However, i'm facing issues in displaying Server reports in the control. The following error show up whenevr i click on View Report.
Execution 'aaxe3ke5k34l5355qbup0rvo' cannot be found
Please help if anyone has come across something similar
I have couple of Web pages linking to my RDLs using report viewer Web controls. I have no problem running and viewing them in VS2005 debug mode and report manager until I published them to local folder and set the local folder as an application on my IIS7. When running the published version of the Web pages, all my calendar image buttons (which happen to be part of the report parameter fields) turned to red 'X':
When clicking the View Report button, the animated progress icon not appearing at all. Before the occurance of this problem, I did face the problem whereby the 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE' does not have enough permission to view the report. After referring to some threads, I finally be able to get rid of this error by assigning Browser role to 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE' from the report manager. I wonder could this solution be related to the problem that I'm facing now. Any help would be appreciated.
Do I need the report server running in order view a SSRS report in a report viewer control? I've created my report in .net and it works great when I'm viewing it in visual studio, but can I run it my web app without the report server.
I am trying to use the Report Viewer Control in an ASPX page but getting the following error "For security reasons DTD is prohibited in this XML document. To enable DTD processing set the ProhibitDtd property on XmlReaderSettings to false and pass the settings into XmlReader.Create method". This is with September CTP of SQL Server 2005. I am not trying to set any DTD, the same report works if displayed using the WinForm viewer control...so I am not sure why this is happening. is there any samples available for using the Report Web viewer control in an aspx page? Thanks Krishna
I'm using Report Viewer Control and everything works fine. But my problem is I have the same report shown two ways, handout/grid . Handout has less columns and grid has way more.
Now how can I accomplish this task ? I was thinking maybe have two subreports within the one main and hide/unhide accordingly based on user selection of handout or grid.
The problem is all my attempts are unsuccessful.
I will really appreciate if someone can help me on this.
Hi, Im using report viewer control in my VS2005 application. Im exporting reports using the Export Functionality of report viewer control. I need to gv specific name to the excel sheet (other then the default name). Pl. help!!!
//Refresh the report in order to show it to the user.
The problem is that both handout and grid is diiferent, Say User Selects the grid once it always shows the grid report. Even second time you change to handout still it shows the same Grid format and I debugged it and it picks the new report path but doesn't help? The application needs to be rerun to fix it.
Can anyone explain what is causing this and how to get rid of it.
I am running an ASP.NET 2.0 Reportviewer Control with VS2005 Created reports and SQL server 2005 on my website. Users are complaining that it takes a long time for the control to load and the reports to show on their browser. I tried it and it takes longer the first time the control loads. If the user keeps generating reports, the speed problem goes away but it comes back it seems after the Cache has expired? Any ideas on what to do so the ReportViewer Control loads faster? Can I pre-load it on users machines?
I have asp,net application running on my machine.. it has report viewer control on it... But when i run the report it takes some time to generate. The report i create has around 6 pages and if i move to the next page in the report viewer i can an error that say ASP.net session is expired.. how can i fix it..
I have a report which runs in local mode and while designing the report I have placed a single image control inside the list box as I don't know before hand how many images are there :
What is the way to show all the images using the one image control inside the report viewer control. ? Can be 2 or 3 or 4.....
Hi, I would like to know how to call a report from a report viewer control in a web application. The reporting services is forms authenticated. I've done this authentication using the sample solution given by microsoft (adding custom security extension). Now am able to view the reports from Report manager and Report server URL. But i dont know how to authenticate the user from my web application and pass the credentials to the report server to view the report in report viewer control. Can somebody help in this? its bit urgent. Thanks in advance
Hi, i hv made a rdl having 2 tables.My requirement is to display the tables on different sheets of excel, so i hv inserted "Page Break At End" in table1. As a result im getting tables in different sheets but second table (in sheet2) is starting from 2nd row of the sheet i.e. 1st row is coming as hidden, and i want to remove this row as client feed's this excel file in some other application. If anyone is aware of the solution pl. reply ASAP.
I am writing an app that will allow a user to select various information for displaying in a report. The sql is dynamically generated when the user clicks on "Get Report". Currently, I am using a gridview with a datasource and I pass the query to the datasource and it displays in the grid view. However, our company has expressed a need to migrate reporting to SSRS.
Is there any way that I can use dynamic sql with a template report and feed the dynamic sql to it so that all I would have to do is write a single rdl or rdlc and pass it the sql?
Alternatively, is there a way to have One ReportViewer show multiple parameterized reports. Ie. User selects the report from a dropdown and then selects the parameter options from other dropdowns and when they click "get report" it loads the chosen report with the parameters?
Hello Friends, I have created few reports in SSRS 2005 on Windows 2003 Standard. Previouly I was not able to view reports from my .ASPX page which contained a ReportViewer, after going throuhg some other threads I was able to create a snap-shot for my reports . But still I'm not able to view reports, each time I try to view the page I get a message box with a error as : "Unable to locate control SSRS 2005: oReportCell" the same error is displayed when i try to access my reports from "http://localhost/reports.....". But the funny thing is I'm able to view the reports when I use the following URL: "http://localhost/reportserver/pages/reportviewer.aspx?/<report>". I have applied all the Hotfixes & installed the latest Service packs. Any suggestions ???????
As most are aware by now, the Report Viewer controls for reporting services in 12.0 and prior rely on ActiveX to work. Â This causes compatibility issues for any non-IE browser, and as of IE11 and now Windows 10 Edge browser it's causing issues for even IE. Â Research suggests that SSRS 2014 switched out to Silverlight:
However, Silverlight uses NPAPI which is another technology for which all browsers are ending support. Â As of this writing, Chrome has already ended support. Â Similarly/Coincidentally Java support is ending as well.
My question is, what are Microsoft's plan to restore functionality such as print/search for browsers where ActiveX/Silverlight cannot be used since this support is no longer strictly a 3rd party browser situation?
I am passing the partameters to MS Report Viewer control to view the report. It is working fine with normal parameters like 'abc', 'Jon' etc. But fails with parameters having special characters like 'abc+', 'Version 1.1 Part 1', 'R1.8 RC' throws error " The parameter is missing a value"
Since SP2 was installed on our SSRS server a couple of days ago, reports viewed in the client Report Viewer control (with or without VS SP1) show a black background when in Print Layout Mode. All other rendering options work fine. Anyone else seen this? Any clues how to fix?
I am doing drillthrough from ReportA to ReportB via the Date field on ReportA. In Report Manager, all is well. However, when run through a custom app using asp.net and the report viewer control, the behavior was erratic. sometimes it would work. sometimes it would merely bring up the ReportA again and i would have to click Date again and then it would work.
a coworker recommended the Report Viewer fix http://support.microsoft.com/kb/933137. Since the redistributable was not present in Add/Remove programs on my test box, i installed the full version. I then started up the .net app in debug and ran ReportA and drilled through to ReportB several times and could not make it fail. I was happy.
Since the redistributable was not present on the production box, i installed the full install there as well. However, the erratic report viewer behavior continued.
I decided to try runnign ReportB directly instead of via the drill through from ReportA. ReportB had always run perfectly on its own. When i try to use the graphical date selector control, the results are different depending on the machine I use.
1. If i am using my test box, and i run ReportB directly via the app in debug mode, i get a runtime error indicating Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object required. It then points to Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd at the GetObjectPosition(obj) function.
2. If i am using my test box and go out to the live production website, i get the same runtime error.
3. If i am using another machine and go out to the live production website, the data selector control merely seems to refresh the report. This is the same behavior i get when using the production server and going out to the live website.
The redistributable has been uninstalled from both the test box and the production box. This did not change the behavior described above.
All of the Microsoft.ReportViewer items in C:Windowsassembly indicate version
Any help would be grand. Also, please let me know if I should cross post this in the .Net forums.
I am generating a Report by using SSRS. I am making using use of SSRS Report Viewer control for displaying the report. Which has an option to export the generated report in PDF format. Instead of displaying the report in by using report viewer I want to generate it directly in PDF format whenever that report is selected from the list of reports. So is there is any way to generate the report directly in PDF format which prompt a pop up for opening or saving the PDF?
I am generating a Report from Sql Data Source in Sql Server 2005 and viewing the Report in Report viewer control of Visual Studio 2005. The data in the Data Source contains string with multiple spaces (for example €œ Test String €œ) but when they get rendered in Report viewer control, multiple spaces gets converted to single space €? Test String €œ.
I tried following solutions 1) Replacing spaces with €œ €? 2) Inserting <pre> tag before the string and </pre> tag after the string (Also tried <Pre> instead of <pre>)
But in all the cases result is same. The Report Viewer control is showing €œ €? instead of space and €œ<Pre>€? tag instead of preserving spaces.
Please provide me a solution so that spaces can be preserved in Report Viewer.
I am unable to display report header when I deploy the reports on report server (Internet). However, they look perfect when previewed in the BI studio. Any clue where could be the problem?
I am having hard time in sending parameters to the report server through reportviewer control from my application. Could anybody help me on this issue?. Is there any way to send the parameters and also what kind of configuration do i need on my report project so that it can accept parameters from my application.
model = conn.MiningModels[modelName]; service=conn.MiningServices[model.Algorithm];
if (services.ViewerType == "Microsoft_Cluster_Viewer") viewer = new ClusterViewer(); else if (services.ViewerType =="Microsoft_Tree_Viewer") viewer = new TreeViewer(); else if (services.ViewerType == "Microsoft_TimeSeries_Viewer") viewer = new TimeSeriesViewer();
But i need that as a web contorl to integrate with our existing web application but the viewer control is not working. So is there another web control for viewing data mining models.
I have fixed all problems from my last post except the ability to download and view the pdf stored in the sql database via web browser. I have read all posts on this site, but no one seems to have any idea how to make it work. I can have become a download for saving and viewing, but I want to be able to have it appear in the browser without downloading.
Hello, I'm using a multipart/form-data upload to put an image into SQLServer, and it appears to be working, but I'm unable to display theimage. All I'm getting is the text of the URL we're on in Firefox anda missing image icon in IE! Any ideas why this isn't working? Here'sthe image upload code:Dim intImageSize As Int64Dim strImageType As StringDim ImageStream As StreamintImageSize = Picture.PostedFile.ContentLengthstrImageType = Picture.PostedFile.ContentTypeImageStream = Picture.PostedFile.InputStreamDim ImageContent(intImageSize) As ByteDim intStatus As IntegerintStatus = ImageStream.Read(ImageContent, 0, intImageSize)'make connection, write SPs, open connection, etc.TrydbComm.ExecuteNonQuery()Connect.closeCatch SQLexc As SqlExceptionResponse.Write("Insert Failed. Error Details are: " &SQLexc.ToString())End Try--------------And now the display code:'make connection, then SELECT Image, Imagetype FROM Pets WHERE[User]=@user AND Petn=@petn'stored proceduresDim Reader As SqlDataReaderReader = dbComm.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnecti on)If Reader.read=True ThenResponse.ContentType = Reader(1)Response.BinaryWrite(Reader(0))ElseEnd IfReader.closeConnect.close----------------------------Thanks.
UPDATE #2: When it said "Do you want to install Microsoft SQL Server" I said "yes" and that caused it to work. I exited and re-ran and now the print runs w/o the "install SQL Server" (If the prompt had said "Do you want to install the print dialog" we wouldn't be having this discussion...)
UPDATE: After posting this i discovered that the same thing occurs when attempting to print the report direct from IE6: First a dialog pops up "Do you want to install this software?" Name: Microsoft SQL Server. When I click "Don't Install" I get the dialog "unable to load client print control." Since this happens direct from IE6 I suspect it's browser settings. I'll resume tomorrow and post a followup.
My WinForm C# app integrates Reporting Services by calling them from WebBrowser controls. The problem is attempts to print cause a dialog: "unable to load client print control."
I've read prior posts that say "enable Active-X in your browser" - I don't know how to do that from a WebBrowser control.
Any ideas how to support Reporting Services "Print" from within a WebBrowser control?
I have table in sql server for Employee, it has(id, Employee, director),so the director field is id of the director's name,  so the director is employee and has director also, only the first director hasn't director( one Employee has not director);now, i want to use datagridviewer in c# for display as this table (id, employee, director), so the first record will be the (id, employee, '  ');i use this query:"select emp.ID ,emp.Name ,dir.Name as'director'  from table1 emp, table1 dir where (emp.director=dir.ID OR  dir.director IS NULL)"but when i display the datagridviewer , it don't display the first employee(first director) which hasn't director.
I got through the installation hoops for SQLEXPRESS Reporting Services in Vista and set up the default configurations in Report Services Configuration. I can explore the default directory for "Reports" in IIS7, but I can't browse in IE. I get the "The report server is not responding. verify that the report server..." message in the browser. This is after I migrated the app per the initial http 500 error using the preferred method - %systemroot%system32inetservAPPCMD.exe migrate config "Default Web Site/Reports".
I'm running Vista Ultimate, VS2005, SQLEXPRESS SP2. I've tried running IE as admin and also I've disabled UAC from gpedit.msc - ...Windows SettingsSecurity SettingsLocal PolicySecurity Options and unchecking UAC.
Hi All, I am placing a Matrix inside the table control for grouping requirements,but when we export the report to the Excel, the contents inside the table cell are ignored. Is there any way to get the full report exported, as per the Requirement.Please help me with this issue.
I've made some reports using the Report Designer. When i run them in the Report Designer everything is correct. Then in my webpage i have links to launch the same reports. The viewer is launching the report using the HTML4.0 format parameter in the URL. In the viewer my report is so ugly. Some textbox doesn't have the same height, other are not align correctly. What i don't understand is if i tried to print the report or export it in PDF or in TIFF everything is ok. I only have the problem when i tried to view the report using the viewer with the HTML4.0 parameter.
So is this a problem with the viewer ? Is there something i can do to correct this problem ?