Unable To Install Error Message

Dec 15, 1998

I just downloaded the release version of SQL 7.0 Enterprise Edition from the MSDN web site. When I tried to install it I received the message:
"The Enterprise Edition server component cannot be installed on Windows NT Server using this CD. Only client components will be available for installation."

I have NT SP4 and IE SP1 installed. Any ideas on what I need to do to get this installed? I've read the books online and don't see any prerequisites other than NT SP4 and IE SP1.

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HELP! ODBC Error Message During 7.0 Install

Sep 4, 1998

Hi Everyone,
When I try to install 7.0, I get a message that it needs to some ODBC items, but that one or more is being used by an application, and to shut down all applications and continue. The problem is, I don`t have any other applications open. My McAfee virus scan was enabled, and I disabled that and the clock in the system tray. I can`t go any further with this. Any help would truly be appreciated.


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SQLEXPR_ADV Install Error Message

Jun 5, 2007

I'm trying to install SQL EXPRESS but I get this error message:

The SQL Server Configuration Checker cannot be executed due to WMI configuration on machine NDXT23ARC Error:2147749902(0x8004100e). What can I do?

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Unexpected Fail Error Message When Install SQL Server

Jul 28, 2007

I have Visual Web Developer worked on my computer, but I can't make SQL Server work for data-driven. I have uninstalled and install VWD from http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/express/downloads/default.aspx , the same Error message...... "..unexpected fail to install SQL server...", the copy of Summary.txt as below:


Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup beginning at Sat Jul 28 06:54:25 2007
Process ID : 3324
c:8845baf7ee339eaf6setup.exe Version: 2005.90.3042.0
Running: LoadResourcesAction at: 2007/6/28 6:54:24
Complete: LoadResourcesAction at: 2007/6/28 6:54:24, returned true
Running: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2007/6/28 6:54:24
Loaded DLL:c:8845baf7ee339eaf6xmlrw.dll Version:2.0.3609.0
Complete: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2007/6/28 6:54:25, returned false
Error: Action "ParseBootstrapOptionsAction" failed during execution. Error information reported during run:
Could not parse command line due to datastore exception.
Source File Name: utillibpersisthelpers.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Wed Jun 14 16:30:14 2006
Function Name: writeEncryptedString
Source Line Number: 124
writeEncryptedString() failed
Source File Name: utillibpersisthelpers.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Wed Jun 14 16:30:14 2006
Function Name: writeEncryptedString
Source Line Number: 123
Error Code: -2146893813
Windows Error Text: Key not valid for use in specified state.

Source File Name: cryptohelpercryptsameusersamemachine.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Wed Jun 14 16:28:04 2006
Function Name: sqls::CryptSameUserSameMachine:rotectData
Source Line Number: 50

Could not skip Component update due to datastore exception.
Source File Name: datastorecachedpropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Wed Jun 14 16:27:59 2006
Function Name: CachedPropertyCollection::findProperty
Source Line Number: 130
Failed to find property "InstallMediaPath" {"SetupBootstrapOptionsScope", "", "3324"} in cache
Source File Name: datastorepropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Wed Jun 14 16:28:01 2006
Function Name: SetupBootstrapOptionsScope.InstallMediaPath
Source Line Number: 44
No collector registered for scope: "SetupBootstrapOptionsScope"
Running: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2007/6/28 6:54:25
Complete: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2007/6/28 6:54:25, returned true
Running: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2007/6/28 6:54:25
Complete: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2007/6/28 6:54:25, returned true
Running: PerformSCCAction at: 2007/6/28 6:54:25
Complete: PerformSCCAction at: 2007/6/28 6:54:25, returned true
Running: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2007/6/28 6:54:25
Error: Action "ActivateLoggingAction" threw an exception during execution. Error information reported during run:
Datastore exception while trying to write logging properties.
Source File Name: datastorecachedpropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Wed Jun 14 16:27:59 2006
Function Name: CachedPropertyCollection::findProperty
Source Line Number: 130
Failed to find property "primaryLogFiles" {"SetupStateScope", "", ""} in cache
Source File Name: datastorepropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Wed Jun 14 16:28:01 2006
Function Name: SetupStateScope.primaryLogFiles
Source Line Number: 44
No collector registered for scope: "SetupStateScope"
00D5CFC0Unable to proceed with setup, there was a command line parsing error. : 2
Error Code: 0x80070002 (2)
Windows Error Text: The system cannot find the file specified.

Source File Name: datastorepropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Wed Jun 14 16:28:01 2006
Function Name: SetupBootstrapOptionsScope.InstallMediaPath
Source Line Number: 44

Class not registered.
Failed to create CAB file due to datastore exception
Source File Name: datastorecachedpropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Wed Jun 14 16:27:59 2006
Function Name: CachedPropertyCollection::findProperty
Source Line Number: 130
Failed to find property "HostSetup" {"SetupBootstrapOptionsScope", "", "3324"} in cache
Source File Name: datastorepropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Wed Jun 14 16:28:01 2006
Function Name: SetupBootstrapOptionsScope.HostSetup
Source Line Number: 44
No collector registered for scope: "SetupBootstrapOptionsScope"
Message pump returning: 2

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Error Message: Unable To Start T-SQL Debugging. Could Not Attach To SQL Server Process On 'Server1'

Jan 24, 2008

I've installed Visual Studio 2005 Professional evaluation edition on both my desktop & on the server to try out the Debugger to be used with my Stored procedures

I got this error message every time i try to 'Step into Stored Procedure' from my desktop to connect to the stored procedure which resides on the Server.

Error message: Unable to Start T-SQL Debugging. Could not attach to SQL Server Process on 'Server1'.The RPC server is unavailable

The 'Step into Stored Procedure' works though if I open the stored procedure directly on the server.

Both my PC and Server has been installed with Remote Debugger and my windows login has been assigned permission to debug on the debugger that resides on the Server and has sysadmin server role on SQL 2005 both on PC and Server.

Can someone tell me what i miss out to debug Stored procedure in the SQL Server 2005 on the Server from my PC?

Thanks in advance.

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Trying To Install A Local Version Of Reporting Services, Got Error Message

Jan 31, 2008

Where do I look to fix this?

Server status is red.

I think I might have left the domain name blank when I installed this. Is there anyway to enter one later. I have tried to change this through add/remove programs and do not get a chance to change this field

Terry Beckman

<Product>Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Version 9.00.1399.00</Product>
<TimeZone>Central Standard Time</TimeZone>
<Path>C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.3Reporting ServicesLogFilesReportServerService__main_01_31_2008_08_18_22.log</Path>
<OSName>Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2</OSName>
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-08:18:22:: i INFO: Initializing ConnectionType to '0' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-08:18:22:: i INFO: Initializing IsSchedulingService to 'True' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-08:18:22:: i INFO: Initializing IsNotificationService to 'True' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-08:18:22:: i INFO: Initializing IsEventService to 'True' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-08:18:22:: i INFO: Initializing PollingInterval to '10' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-08:18:22:: i INFO: Initializing WindowsServiceUseFileShareStorage to 'False' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-08:18:22:: i INFO: Initializing MemoryLimit to '60' percent as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-08:18:22:: i INFO: Initializing RecycleTime to '720' minute(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-08:18:22:: i INFO: Initializing MaximumMemoryLimit to '80' percent as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-08:18:22:: i INFO: Initializing MaxAppDomainUnloadTime to '30' minute(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-08:18:22:: i INFO: Initializing MaxQueueThreads to '0' thread(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-08:18:22:: i INFO: Initializing IsWebServiceEnabled to 'True' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!configmanager!4!1/31/2008-08:18:22:: w WARN: WebServiceAccount is not specified in the config file. Using default: JPADESKTOP1ASPNET
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-08:18:22:: i INFO: Initializing MaxActiveReqForOneUser to '20' requests(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-08:18:22:: i INFO: Initializing MaxScheduleWait to '5' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-08:18:22:: i INFO: Initializing DatabaseQueryTimeout to '120' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-08:18:22:: i INFO: Initializing ProcessRecycleOptions to '0' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-08:18:22:: i INFO: Initializing RunningRequestsScavengerCycle to '60' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-08:18:22:: i INFO: Initializing RunningRequestsDbCycle to '60' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-08:18:22:: i INFO: Initializing RunningRequestsAge to '30' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-08:18:22:: i INFO: Initializing CleanupCycleMinutes to '10' minute(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-08:18:22:: i INFO: Initializing DailyCleanupMinuteOfDay to default value of '120' minutes since midnight because it was not specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-08:18:22:: i INFO: Initializing WatsonFlags to '1064' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-08:18:22:: i INFO: Initializing WatsonDumpOnExceptions to 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException,Microsoft.ReportingServices.Modeling.InternalModelingException' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-08:18:22:: i INFO: Initializing WatsonDumpExcludeIfContainsExceptions to 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException,System.Threading.ThreadAbortException' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-08:18:22:: i INFO: Initializing SecureConnectionLevel to '0' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-08:18:22:: i INFO: Initializing DisplayErrorLink to 'True' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-08:18:22:: i INFO: Initializing WebServiceUseFileShareStorage to 'False' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!servicecontroller!9!1/31/2008-08:18:23:: Total Physical memory: 1055309824
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-08:18:23:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.UnknownUserNameException: The user or group name 'JPADESKTOP1ASPNET' is not recognized., ;
Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.UnknownUserNameException: The user or group name 'JPADESKTOP1ASPNET' is not recognized.
ReportingServicesService!servicecontroller!4!1/31/2008-08:18:23:: e ERROR: Exception caught starting RPC server: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.UnknownUserNameException: The user or group name 'JPADESKTOP1ASPNET' is not recognized.
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.Native.NameToSid(String name)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.ServiceAppDomainController.StartRPCServer(Boolean firstTime)

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Unable To Install SQl Server 2005 SP2 - Unexpected Error

Feb 20, 2007

I am trying to install SQl Server 2005 SP2 but it was throwing an unexpected error when trying to install "setup support files".

O/s: Windows Server 2003 SP1

Product: SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition

Log file shows:


=== Verbose logging started: 2/20/2007 16:05:42 Build type: SHIP UNICODE 3.01.4000.2435 Calling process: F:SQL2005sp2hotfix.exe ===
MSI (c) (74:68) [16:05:42:635]: Resetting cached policy values
MSI (c) (74:68) [16:05:42:635]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
MSI (c) (74:68) [16:05:42:635]: ******* RunEngine:
******* Product: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCacheSQLSupportx861033SqlSupport.msi
******* Action:
******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (c) (74:68) [16:05:42:635]: Client-side and UI is none or basic: Running entire install on the server.
MSI (c) (74:68) [16:05:42:635]: Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (c) (74:68) [16:05:42:729]: Cloaking enabled.
MSI (c) (74:68) [16:05:42:729]: Attempting to enable all disabled priveleges before calling Install on Server
MSI (c) (74:68) [16:05:42:745]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0
MSI (s) (20:70) [16:05:42:792]: Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:42:792]: Resetting cached policy values
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:42:792]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:42:792]: ******* RunEngine:
******* Product: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCacheSQLSupportx861033SqlSupport.msi
******* Action:
******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:42:792]: Machine policy value 'DisableUserInstalls' is 0
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:42:823]: File will have security applied from OpCode.
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:42:901]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: Verifying package --> 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCacheSQLSupportx861033SqlSupport.msi' against software restriction policy
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:42:901]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCacheSQLSupportx861033SqlSupport.msi has a digital signature
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:151]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCacheSQLSupportx861033SqlSupport.msi is permitted to run at the 'unrestricted' authorization level.
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:151]: End dialog not enabled
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:151]: Original package ==> C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCacheSQLSupportx861033SqlSupport.msi
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:151]: Package we're running from ==> C:WINDOWSInstaller1348fe1.msi
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:151]: APPCOMPAT: looking for appcompat database entry with ProductCode '{53F5C3EE-05ED-4830-994B-50B2F0D50FCE}'.
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:151]: APPCOMPAT: no matching ProductCode found in database.
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:167]: MSCOREE not loaded loading copy from system32
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:182]: Opening existing patch 'C:WINDOWSInstaller1553df86.msp'.
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:182]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:WINDOWSInstaller1553df86.msp 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:182]: Couldn't find local patch 'C:WINDOWSInstaller1553df86.msp'. Looking for it at its source.
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:182]: Resolving Patch source.
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:182]: User policy value 'SearchOrder' is 'nmu'
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:182]: User policy value 'DisableMedia' is 0
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:182]: Machine policy value 'AllowLockdownMedia' is 0
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:182]: SOURCEMGMT: Media enabled only if package is safe.
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:182]: SOURCEMGMT: Looking for sourcelist for product {EE92F683-5F5C-4970-BB0B-9AC591B60268}
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:182]: SOURCEMGMT: Adding {EE92F683-5F5C-4970-BB0B-9AC591B60268}; to potential sourcelist list (pcode;disk;relpath).
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:182]: SOURCEMGMT: Now checking product {EE92F683-5F5C-4970-BB0B-9AC591B60268}
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:182]: SOURCEMGMT: Media is enabled for product.
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:182]: SOURCEMGMT: Attempting to use LastUsedSource from source list.
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:182]: SOURCEMGMT: Trying source \TESTf$cff417a74df5a718124f2a95bdecdc32HotFixSqlSupportFiles.
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:213]: Note: 1: 2203 2: \TESTf$cff417a74df5a718124f2a95bdecdc32HotFixSqlSupportFilesSqlSupport.msp 3: -2147287037
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:213]: SOURCEMGMT: Source is invalid due to missing/inaccessible package.
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:213]: Note: 1: 1706 2: -2147483647 3: SqlSupport.msp
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:213]: SOURCEMGMT: Processing net source list.
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:213]: SOURCEMGMT: Trying source \TESTf$a81c0730a34f964148HotFixSqlSupportFiles.
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:213]: Note: 1: 2203 2: \TESTf$a81c0730a34f964148HotFixSqlSupportFilesSqlSupport.msp 3: -2147287037
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:213]: SOURCEMGMT: Source is invalid due to missing/inaccessible package.
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:213]: Note: 1: 1706 2: -2147483647 3: SqlSupport.msp
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:43:213]: SOURCEMGMT: Processing media source list.
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:05:44:245]: SOURCEMGMT: Resolved source to: 'SqlSupport.msp'
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:06:14:619]: Note: 1: 1314 2: SqlSupport.msp
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:06:14:619]: Unable to create a temp copy of patch 'SqlSupport.msp'.
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:06:14:619]: Note: 1: 1708
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:06:14:619]: Note: 1: 2729
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:06:14:619]: Note: 1: 2729
MSI (s) (20:68) [16:06:14:619]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English) -- Installation failed.

MSI (s) (20:68) [16:06:14:619]: MainEngineThread is returning 1635
This patch package could not be opened. Verify that the patch package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer patch package.
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCacheSQLSupportx861033SqlSupport.msi
MSI (c) (74:68) [16:06:14:729]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after decrement: -1
MSI (c) (74:68) [16:06:14:729]: MainEngineThread is returning 1635
=== Verbose logging stopped: 2/20/2007 16:06:14 ===


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Error, Unable To Open Database After Install On XP Computer

Jan 24, 2008

Hi all,
I'm new to .NET and VB2008 and trying to write my first database application. It runs fine on my development PC (Vista) but I decided to publish/install an early beta to my daughters XP computer and am getting an error reading: Unable to open database.

The CD drive on that pc has been giving us trouble so I deployed to a subdirectory on the dev pc and moved those files to a thumbdrive, copied to the same subdirectory on client pc and installed from there. I've installed it more than once, trying different paths for the installed version hoping that was the issue but have hit a wall. Can anybody help?



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SQL Server 2005 Express Install Error Message 1625 Msxml 6 Parser

Sep 11, 2007

I need help! When installing SQL Server 2005 Express on one machine, I get an error with the following summary.txt
Machine : xxx
Product: MSXML 6.0 Parser
Product version: 6,10,1129,0
Installed: Failed.
Log file: c:Program Files... (see below)
Error Number: 1625

in log file from above.
MainEngineThread is returning 1625
This installation is forbidden by system policy. Contact your system administrator.

The person trying to install has administration privileges. BTW: The computer shares a wireless internet connection with other computers in the office but the clients or not setup to share data. My user is installing SQL, the data, and app on a single client. The MS Sql Server 2005 express seems to install on all other boxes. Thanks for your time.

Zone: SQL Server 2005

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Can't Install SQL Server 2005 SP2: Error 29512 - Unable Add User To Local Group

Oct 11, 2007

I've noticed at least five other posts on the web with this problem with no solutions given. Seems there are MANY people with this particular problem--hint:Microsoft Pay Attention. Help!

When installing SP2 for SQL Server 2005 I get this error message:

MSI (s) (E0!68) [09:02:25:673]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (64-bit) -- Error 29512. SQL Server Setup was unable add user OUR-LAN-DOMAINOUR-SERVICE-ACCOUNT to local group OUR-LAN-DOMAINSQLServer2005SQLAgentUser$OUR-DATABASE-SERVER-NAME$MSSQLSERVER.

The error message seems to contradict itself: it says "local group" which seems to me to mean the group on the database server itself YET the group name is prefixed with our LAN domain name. So which one is it?

Also, I'm not sure if this message means there is a problem in Active Directory or in the security model of SQL Server itself. I don't think it means SQL Server itself because I don't think SQL Server has groups... it only has Roles, right?

We looked in Active Directory and the user above does indeed exist in the domain-level group mentioned.

Please help!

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Unable To Send The Message Across 2 Servers.

Apr 5, 2008

Hi All

I am stuck in this strange issue since the last two days. I have followed the tutorial to configure the 2 databases to send and receive messages which works. I added my own objects in the DB's also but when I try to send a message to the service I added I get a message:

"Dialog security is unavailable for this conversation because there is no security certificate bound to the database principal (Id: 1). Either create a certificate for the principal, or specify ENCRYPTION = OFF when beginning the conversation."

Security is setup in the same way for my objects as the security specified in the tutorial. The service binding on the initiator and target use the same account as specified in the tutorial. Please help.


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Unable To Edit Cube & DSOInfo Message

May 15, 2002

Dear Listers,

We're using AS sp2.
Just about every action within AM generates the following message:

"DSOInfo: Cannot create temp directory c:program filesOLAP
ServicesBin..Help80metadatametatemp100. Please verify that you have enough disk space, and
they try again."

Has anybody been able to source the reason & subsequently remove the message?

Also, for a particular user, while attempting to edit a cube, who is defined as an OLAP Admin, receives the following message:

"Unable to connect to the 'Data source name' data source.

Does anyone have any ideaes?



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SQL Express Install Fails With Message About COM+

Nov 23, 2006

Hi There

I am trying to install SQL express with the /qb switch. It fails with

To install Microsoft SQL Server 2005, COM+ should work.

However running the install just by double clicking sqlexpr.exe the install is successfull

This is still an issue for me as I will be distributing Express and I need an install that works in /qb mode

Has this issue come up before? Any ideas?

Many thanks

Chris Lennon

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Unable To Install SP1

Jan 18, 2007

Microsoft Update tells me it is unable to install SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 1 (several times). When I check the Update History, I see that Error Code: 0x2B18 is returned. However, I can't find out anything about this error code and it just tells me to retry installing the update.

I also tried downloading an update from MS Downloads to attempt a manual installation, but that failed as well.

I'm dealing with a newly migrated instance of Windows Small Business Server 2003 Premium R2 on a new HP ML350 G5 Server.

Any helpful suggestions would be appreciated.

View 5 Replies View Related

Unable To Install MSDE

Dec 28, 2003

Hi All,

I hope you can help.

I am reading SAMS Teach Yourself ASP.NET and have loaded the WEB Matrix and have been going through the exercises.

I have now tried to load MSDE and my first attempt seemed to load it correctly

C:sql2ksp3MSDE> setup SAPWD=****** SecurityMode=SQL

The Icon appeared in my task bar and I carried on with the Exercises.

My problem started when I tried to create my first data base.

Open Web Matrix
Clicked on Data Tab in the Workspace pane
Clicked on the new Connection Icon
Server = LocaHost
Clicked SQL Server authentication
User Name = sa
Password = ***** (As above)

However when I click on the "Create a new data base" link I get an Error

login failed for user 'sa'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted sql server connection.

I tried to look in the forum to see if I could find a reason however could not.

Decided in the end to uninstall using Start - Control panel - add & remove programs.

However now when I try and reinstall the installation fails.

Can any one help

Best wishes.


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Unable To Install MS SQL Server..

Jan 5, 2006

Dear Gurus..

I am having problem in installing the MS Sql Server on my System.

Configuration: XP sp2, vss .net 2003

Problem is, system is giving the message (shown bellow), and i have the option to install only the SQL Client. Please help...?????????

Setup Message

Microsoft SQL SERVER 2000 ENTERPRISE EDITION server component is not supported on this operating system. only client components will be available for installtion.

View 6 Replies View Related

Unable To Install .NET Framework 2.0 Sp1

Feb 3, 2008

I keep getting this error message

[02/03/08,10:50:08] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a: [2] Error: Installation failed for component Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a. MSI returned error code 1603
[02/03/08,11:02:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a: [2] Error: Installation failed for component Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a. MSI returned error code 1603
[02/03/08,11:03:19] WapUI: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a is not installed.

I could not find the .NET Framework 2.0a that it says I need..Need Help!!

Thank You..

View 6 Replies View Related

Unable To Install Sql Express

May 2, 2007

When I tried to install sqlexpress 2005 it fails and below is the dump from install.log

The following properties have been set:
Property: [AdminUser] = true {boolean}
Property: [ProcessorArchitecture] = Intel {string}
Property: [VersionNT] = 5.1.2 {version}
Running checks for package '.NET Framework 2.0', phase BuildList
Running external check with command line "C:DOCUME~1karjor0LOCALS~1TempVSD3C4.tmpdotnetfxdotnetchk.exe"
Process exited with code 1
Setting value '1 {int}' for property 'DotNetInstalled'
Reading value 'Version' of registry key 'HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftInternet Explorer'
Read string value '6.0.2900.2180'
Setting value '6.0.2900.2180 {string}' for property 'IEVersion'
The following properties have been set for package '.NET Framework 2.0':
Property: [DotNetInstalled] = 1 {int}
Property: [IEVersion] = 6.0.2900.2180 {string}
Running checks for command 'dotnetfxinstmsia.exe'
Result of running operator 'ValueExists' on property 'VersionNT': true
Result of checks for command 'dotnetfxinstmsia.exe' is 'Bypass'
Running checks for command 'dotnetfxWindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe'
Result of running operator 'ValueExists' on property 'Version9x': false
Result of running operator 'VersionLessThan' on property 'VersionNT' and value '5.0.3': false
Result of running operator 'VersionGreaterThanOrEqualTo' on property 'VersionMsi' and value '3.0': true
Result of checks for command 'dotnetfxWindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe' is 'Bypass'
Running checks for command 'dotnetfxdotnetfx.exe'
Result of running operator 'ValueNotEqualTo' on property 'DotNetInstalled' and value '0': true
Result of checks for command 'dotnetfxdotnetfx.exe' is 'Bypass'
'.NET Framework 2.0' RunCheck result: No Install Needed
Running checks for package 'SQL Server 2005 Express Edition', phase BuildList
Running external check with command line "C:DOCUME~1karjor0LOCALS~1TempVSD3C4.tmpSqlExpressSqlExpressChk.exe"
Process exited with code 1
Setting value '1 {int}' for property 'SQLExpressInstalled'
The following properties have been set for package 'SQL Server 2005 Express Edition':
Property: [SQLExpressInstalled] = 1 {int}
Running checks for command 'SqlExpresssqlexpr32.exe'
Result of running operator 'ValueEqualTo' on property 'SQLExpressInstalled' and value '0': false
Result of running operator 'VersionGreaterThanOrEqualTo' on property 'VersionNT' and value '5.1': true
Result of checks for command 'SqlExpresssqlexpr32.exe' is 'Bypass'
Running checks for command 'SqlExpresssqlexpr32.exe'
Result of running operator 'ValueEqualTo' on property 'SQLExpressInstalled' and value '0': false
Result of running operator 'VersionLessThan' on property 'VersionNT' and value '5.1': false
Result of running operator 'ValueEqualTo' on property 'AdminUser' and value 'false': false
Result of running operator 'ValueExists' on property 'Version9x': false
Result of running operator 'VersionLessThan' on property 'VersionNT' and value '5.1.2': false
Result of running operator 'ValueNotEqualTo' on property 'ProcessorArchitecture' and value 'Intel': false
Result of checks for command 'SqlExpresssqlexpr32.exe' is 'Install'
'SQL Server 2005 Express Edition' RunCheck result: Install Needed
EULA for components 'SQL Server 2005 Express Edition' was accepted.
Copying files to temporary directory "C:DOCUME~1karjor0LOCALS~1TempVSD3C4.tmp"
Copying from 'C:Documents and Settingskarjor0My DocumentsARPDeploymentManagerSqlExpresssqlexpr32.exe' to 'C:DOCUME~1karjor0LOCALS~1TempVSD3C4.tmpSqlExpresssqlexpr32.exe'
Running checks for package 'SQL Server 2005 Express Edition', phase BeforePackage
Running external check with command line "C:DOCUME~1karjor0LOCALS~1TempVSD3C4.tmpSqlExpressSqlExpressChk.exe"
Process exited with code 1
Setting value '1 {int}' for property 'SQLExpressInstalled'
The following properties have been set for package 'SQL Server 2005 Express Edition':
Property: [SQLExpressInstalled] = 1 {int}
Running checks for command 'SqlExpresssqlexpr32.exe'
Result of running operator 'ValueEqualTo' on property 'SQLExpressInstalled' and value '0': false
Result of running operator 'VersionLessThan' on property 'VersionNT' and value '5.1': false
Result of running operator 'ValueEqualTo' on property 'AdminUser' and value 'false': false
Result of running operator 'ValueExists' on property 'Version9x': false
Result of running operator 'VersionLessThan' on property 'VersionNT' and value '5.1.2': false
Result of running operator 'ValueNotEqualTo' on property 'ProcessorArchitecture' and value 'Intel': false
Result of checks for command 'SqlExpresssqlexpr32.exe' is 'Install'
'SQL Server 2005 Express Edition' RunCheck result: Install Needed
Verifying file integrity of C:DOCUME~1karjor0LOCALS~1TempVSD3C4.tmpSqlExpresssqlexpr32.exe
WinVerifyTrust returned 0
File trusted
Installing using command line '"C:DOCUME~1karjor0LOCALS~1TempVSD3C4.tmpSqlExpresssqlexpr32.exe" -q /norebootchk /qn reboot=ReallySuppress addlocal=all instancename=SQLEXPRESS SQLAUTOSTART=1'
Process exited with code 1067
Status of package 'SQL Server 2005 Express Edition' after install is 'InstallFailed'

I tried searching for solution but could not find one. Can anyone help me please.



View 2 Replies View Related

Unable To Install MS07-004

Jan 25, 2007

Im getting the error message "The version of Internet Explorer you have installed does not match the update you are trying to install."

For MS07-004 KB929969, ive gotten it on several servers running Win Server 2003 SP1. Ive done all patches up to this point

View 3 Replies View Related

When Install SQL 2005 Get Detecting Installed IIS Message And Stuck

Apr 13, 2006

I am installing SQL2005 Develop Edition, it goes to "Detecting Installed IIS" screen and stop there. No error messages, but not moving forward, kinda stuck. I am using XP Professional Service Pack 2, I tried uninstall IIS, got the same result. If anyone knows how to solve this problem, please advice, thanks a lot!

View 7 Replies View Related

Unable To Install SQL Server 2005

May 7, 2007

i have a DVD set  of Visual Studio 2005 Professional Addition. I copy all of its components on my hard disk and then start downloading Visual Studio 2005 Professional Addition from the folder that i have copied on my hard disk. The installation process installs every think visual studio, .net framework 2.0, parser etc but when it reached to insatll SQL Server 2005 , it displays an error "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 setup has encountered an error and will end" and The following components  falied to install " Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition x86". I then uninstall the whole visual studio using autorun and then reinstall it, but the problem remain there. Then i search this issue on net and i found an article according to which, i uninstall visual studio again but now this time i manually uninstall the components by folowing the sequence which is given in the that article. Then i delete all the folders and files from the temp folder and again install the visual studio but the problem still exists. I dun know why it is not installing. Please, if anybody knows the solution, reply me soon.
Thanks ...
and sorry for my english. 

View 6 Replies View Related

Unable To Install Analysis Service SP3

Jun 18, 2004


I was facing problems applying SP3 for Analysis Services so I removed it and then re-installed.

I then tried to apply SP3 but I am still getting v8.00.382 for AS (which represents SP1). I have tried a couple of things but it seems that SP3 is just not getting applied (for Analysis Services).

Anyone any clues? Thanks.

View 6 Replies View Related

Unable To Install Analysis Service SP3

Jun 18, 2004


Shortly after I run the setup file of AS SP3, I get a Dialog box with the following error message:

"An error occurred during the move data process: -145"

Can someone please guide what this is and how this can be solved.

Many many thanks in advance.

View 3 Replies View Related

Unable To Install BI Development Studio

Apr 15, 2007

hi Good day,

Seeking for Gurus help to install Business Intelligence Development Studio at MS Sql Server Advance.


I checked, I have only .net 2.0 installed along with sql server express including Reporting service.

On top of that when I tried to installed the extracted file setup.exe from SQLEXPR_TOOLKIT.exe it give me messsage Upgrade is blocked.

Name: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 ToolsReason: Your upgrade is blocked. For more information about upgrade support, see the "Version and Edition Upgrades" and "Hardware and Software Requirements" topics in SQL Server 2005 Setup Help or SQL Server 2005 Books Online.

Build version check:

Your upgrade is blocked because the existing component is a later version than the version you are trying to upgrade to. To modify an existing SQL Server component, go to Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel, select the component you would like to modify, and then click Change/Remove.

but I have checked, I dont have BI Development Studio is intalled, I checked at VS.net.. I cant find the component.

Can anybuddy plesae help.. how can I do it?

Thank you.

Tausif Alam.

View 1 Replies View Related

Unable To Install SQL Server 2005 On XP

Jul 20, 2007


I€™m unable to install SQL Server 2005 on Win XP Professional 2002 SP2. I tried both with SQL Enterprise and Express editions nothing works. It seems to be installed but I can not find the management studio. Some one PLZZZZZZZZ suggest what to do in order to get it installed.


View 1 Replies View Related

Unable To Install SQl Server 2005 SP2

Mar 31, 2008

i cant installthe service pack 2 for sql server 2005.
i get this error code 1063.
what does that mean ?

thank you

View 1 Replies View Related

I Am Unable To Install SQL Server 2005 On Win XP SP2 Box

May 28, 2006

I get to the point of starting the services and receive the following message after about 4 minutes of trying to start. I tried in Mixed Mode and Windows Authentication Mode. Message:

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup

The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually."

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkID=20476&ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=9.00.2047.00&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=29503&EvtType=sqlsetuplib%5cservice.cpp%40Do_sqlScript%40sqls%3a%3aService%3a%3aWaitForServiceState%40x41d



View 7 Replies View Related

Unable To Install Full Text Search

Sep 8, 2006

After installing SQL Express via the executable provided by MS successfully, I tried to go back and add full text search as well as replication. After going through the steps of add/remove - change ..... and being able to select both features after I hit next it then gives me an error trying to find

use source:


no big deal if I had the .msi but since it was installed via the .exe I don't have that file. I also did a search on all drives for that file. I also tried just selecting the full text search option. I looked on microsoft.com to see if I could search for the .msi there but no luck.

Any advice/ideas would be appreciated!



View 1 Replies View Related

Unable To Install Windows Installer MSP File

Jun 3, 2006

I get this message during SP1 installation on Windows XP

Unable to install Windows Installer MSP file

It upgraded only "SQL Server Native Client"

and failed at "Setup Support Files"

it finished with the others "Not Apllied"

In Redist9_Hotfix_KB913090_SqlSupport.msp

I have the output:

=== Verbose logging started: 6/3/2006 21:21:33 Build type: SHIP UNICODE 3.01.4000.2435 Calling process: C:WINDOWSsystem32msiexec.exe ===
MSI (c) (64:48) [21:21:33:078]: Resetting cached policy values
MSI (c) (64:48) [21:21:33:078]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
MSI (c) (64:48) [21:21:33:078]: ******* RunEngine:
******* Product: {53F5C3EE-05ED-4830-994B-50B2F0D50FCE}
******* Action:
******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (c) (64:48) [21:21:33:078]: Client-side and UI is none or basic: Running entire install on the server.
MSI (c) (64:48) [21:21:33:078]: Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (c) (64:48) [21:21:33:093]: Cloaking enabled.
MSI (c) (64:48) [21:21:33:093]: Attempting to enable all disabled priveleges before calling Install on Server
MSI (c) (64:48) [21:21:33:109]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0
MSI (s) (78:F0) [21:21:33:109]: Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:109]: Resetting cached policy values
MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:109]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:109]: ******* RunEngine:
******* Product: {53F5C3EE-05ED-4830-994B-50B2F0D50FCE}
******* Action:
******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:109]: Machine policy value 'DisableUserInstalls' is 0
MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:109]: End dialog not enabled
MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:109]: Original package ==> C:WINDOWSInstaller522cc4.msi
MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:109]: Package we're running from ==> C:WINDOWSInstaller522cc4.msi
MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:125]: APPCOMPAT: looking for appcompat database entry with ProductCode '{53F5C3EE-05ED-4830-994B-50B2F0D50FCE}'.
MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:125]: APPCOMPAT: no matching ProductCode found in database.
MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:125]: MSCOREE not loaded loading copy from system32
MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:343]: File will have security applied from OpCode.
MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:562]: Original patch ==> \CHRISTOBd$30cc89c513b9b44965HotFixSqlSupportFilesSqlSupport.msp
MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:562]: Patch we're running from ==> C:WINDOWSInstaller76d48c.msp
MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:609]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: Verifying patch --> '\CHRISTOBd$30cc89c513b9b44965HotFixSqlSupportFilesSqlSupport.msp' against software restriction policy
MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:609]: Note: 1: 2262 2: DigitalSignature 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:609]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: \CHRISTOBd$30cc89c513b9b44965HotFixSqlSupportFilesSqlSupport.msp is not digitally signed
MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:625]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: \CHRISTOBd$30cc89c513b9b44965HotFixSqlSupportFilesSqlSupport.msp is permitted to run at the 'unrestricted' authorization level.
MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:625]: SequencePatches starts. Product code: {53F5C3EE-05ED-4830-994B-50B2F0D50FCE}, Product version: 9.00.2047.00, Upgrade code: {3A91FA19-A197-467C-850F-0AFE90899371}, Product language 1033
MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:625]: PATCH SEQUENCER WARNING: \CHRISTOBd$30cc89c513b9b44965HotFixSqlSupportFilesSqlSupport.msp patch will not be sequenced because it does not contain any transform that may apply to product!
MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:625]: SequencePatches returns success.
MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:625]: Final Patch Application Order:
MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:625]: Other Patches:
MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:625]: UnknownAbsent: {EE92F683-5F5C-4970-BB0B-9AC591B60268} - \CHRISTOBd$30cc89c513b9b44965HotFixSqlSupportFilesSqlSupport.msp
MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:625]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English) - Update '{EE92F683-5F5C-4970-BB0B-9AC591B60268}' could not be installed. Error code 1642. Additional information is available in the log file C:WINDOWSHotfixRedist9LogsRedist9_Hotfix_KB913090_SqlSupport.msp.log.

MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:625]: Note: 1: 1708
MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:625]: Note: 1: 2729
MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:640]: Note: 1: 2729
MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:640]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English) -- Installation failed.

MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:640]: Attempting to delete file C:WINDOWSInstaller76d48c.msp
MSI (s) (78:B4) [21:21:33:640]: MainEngineThread is returning 1642
The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service because the program to be upgraded may be missing, or the upgrade patch may update a different version of the program. Verify that the program to be upgraded exists on your computer an
d that you have the correct upgrade patch.
MSI (c) (64:48) [21:21:33:656]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after decrement: -1
MSI (c) (64:48) [21:21:33:656]: MainEngineThread is returning 1642
=== Verbose logging stopped: 6/3/2006 21:21:33 ===


In Redist9_Hotfix_KB913090_sqlncli.msi

I have:

=== Verbose logging started: 6/3/2006 21:21:30 Build type: SHIP UNICODE 3.01.4000.2435 Calling process: C:WINDOWSsystem32msiexec.exe ===
MSI (c) (1C:B0) [21:21:30:656]: Resetting cached policy values
MSI (c) (1C:B0) [21:21:30:656]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
MSI (c) (1C:B0) [21:21:30:656]: ******* RunEngine:
******* Product: {50A0893D-47D8-48E0-A7E8-44BCD7E4422E}
******* Action:
******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (c) (1C:B0) [21:21:30:656]: Client-side and UI is none or basic: Running entire install on the server.
MSI (c) (1C:B0) [21:21:30:656]: Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (c) (1C:B0) [21:21:30:671]: Cloaking enabled.
MSI (c) (1C:B0) [21:21:30:671]: Attempting to enable all disabled priveleges before calling Install on Server
MSI (c) (1C:B0) [21:21:30:687]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0
MSI (s) (78:64) [21:21:30:703]: Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:703]: Resetting cached policy values
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:703]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:703]: ******* RunEngine:
******* Product: {50A0893D-47D8-48E0-A7E8-44BCD7E4422E}
******* Action:
******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:703]: Machine policy value 'DisableUserInstalls' is 0
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:734]: End dialog not enabled
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:734]: Original package ==> C:WINDOWSInstaller16c5212.msi
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:734]: Package we're running from ==> C:WINDOWSInstaller16c5212.msi
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:750]: APPCOMPAT: looking for appcompat database entry with ProductCode '{50A0893D-47D8-48E0-A7E8-44BCD7E4422E}'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:750]: APPCOMPAT: no matching ProductCode found in database.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:750]: MSCOREE not loaded loading copy from system32
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:765]: Machine policy value 'DisablePatch' is 0
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:765]: Machine policy value 'AllowLockdownPatch' is 0
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:765]: Machine policy value 'DisableLUAPatching' is 0
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:765]: Machine policy value 'DisableFlyWeightPatching' is 0
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:765]: APPCOMPAT: looking for appcompat database entry with ProductCode '{50A0893D-47D8-48E0-A7E8-44BCD7E4422E}'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:765]: APPCOMPAT: no matching ProductCode found in database.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:765]: Transforms are not secure.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:765]: Command Line: PACKAGE=\CHRISTOBd$30cc89c513b9b44965HotFixSqlncliFilessqlncli.msi REBOOT=ReallySuppress CURRENTDIRECTORY=d:30cc89c513b9b44965 CLIENTUILEVEL=3 CLIENTPROCESSID=1308
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:765]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PackageCode property. Its value is '{9115E914-A23D-43BB-BF2D-1FF75964EFD1}'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:765]: Product Code passed to Engine.Initialize: '{50A0893D-47D8-48E0-A7E8-44BCD7E4422E}'
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:765]: Product Code from property table before transforms: '{50A0893D-47D8-48E0-A7E8-44BCD7E4422E}'
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:765]: Product Code from property table after transforms: '{50A0893D-47D8-48E0-A7E8-44BCD7E4422E}'
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:765]: Product registered: entering maintenance mode
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:765]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ProductState property. Its value is '5'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:765]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ProductToBeRegistered property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:765]: Package name retrieved from configuration data: 'sqlncli.msi'
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:765]: Determined that existing product (either this product or the product being upgraded with a patch) is installed per-machine.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:765]: Note: 1: 2262 2: AdminProperties 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:765]: Machine policy value 'DisableMsi' is 0
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:765]: Machine policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:765]: User policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:781]: Product {50A0893D-47D8-48E0-A7E8-44BCD7E4422E} is admin assigned: LocalSystem owns the publish key.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:781]: Product {50A0893D-47D8-48E0-A7E8-44BCD7E4422E} is managed.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:781]: Running product '{50A0893D-47D8-48E0-A7E8-44BCD7E4422E}' with elevated privileges: Product is assigned.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:781]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PACKAGE property. Its value is '\CHRISTOBd$30cc89c513b9b44965HotFixSqlncliFilessqlncli.msi'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:781]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding REBOOT property. Its value is 'ReallySuppress'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:781]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CURRENTDIRECTORY property. Its value is 'd:30cc89c513b9b44965'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:781]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CLIENTUILEVEL property. Its value is '3'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:781]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CLIENTPROCESSID property. Its value is '1308'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:781]: TRANSFORMS property is now:
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:781]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PRODUCTLANGUAGE property. Its value is '1033'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:781]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding VersionDatabase property. Its value is '301'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:781]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:Documents and SettingsChristoApplication Data
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:781]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:Documents and SettingsChristoFavorites
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:781]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:Documents and SettingsChristoNetHood
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:781]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:Documents and SettingsChristoMy Documents
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:781]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:Documents and SettingsChristoPrintHood
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:781]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:Documents and SettingsChristoRecent
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:796]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:Documents and SettingsChristoSendTo
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:796]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:Documents and SettingsChristoTemplates
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:796]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication Data
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:796]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:Documents and SettingsChristoLocal SettingsApplication Data
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:796]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:Documents and SettingsChristoMy DocumentsMy Pictures
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:796]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart MenuProgramsAdministrative Tools
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:796]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart MenuProgramsStartup
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:796]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart MenuPrograms
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:796]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart Menu
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:796]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersDesktop
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:796]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:Documents and SettingsChristoStart MenuProgramsAdministrative Tools
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:812]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:Documents and SettingsChristoStart MenuProgramsStartup
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:812]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:Documents and SettingsChristoStart MenuPrograms
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:812]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:Documents and SettingsChristoStart Menu
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:812]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:Documents and SettingsChristoDesktop
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:812]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersTemplates
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:812]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:WINDOWSFonts
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:812]: Note: 1: 2898 2: MS Sans Serif 3: MS Sans Serif 4: 0 5: 16
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:812]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding Privileged property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:812]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding USERNAME property. Its value is 'Christo'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:812]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding COMPANYNAME property. Its value is 'private'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:812]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding Installed property. Its value is '00:00:00'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:812]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding DATABASE property. Its value is 'C:WINDOWSInstaller16c5212.msi'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:812]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding OriginalDatabase property. Its value is 'C:WINDOWSInstaller16c5212.msi'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:812]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PatchPackage
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:812]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:812]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:812]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding UILevel property. Its value is '2'.
=== Logging started: 6/3/2006 21:21:30 ===
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:812]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ACTION property. Its value is 'INSTALL'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:812]: Doing action: INSTALL
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:843]: Running ExecuteSequence
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:843]: Doing action: WindowsFolder.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E
Action start 21:21:30: INSTALL.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:843]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WindowsFolder.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E property. Its value is 'C:WINDOWS'.
Action start 21:21:30: WindowsFolder.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:843]: Doing action: SystemFolder.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E
Action ended 21:21:30: WindowsFolder.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:843]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SystemFolder.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E property. Its value is 'C:WINDOWSsystem32'.
Action start 21:21:30: SystemFolder.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:843]: Doing action: WindowsFolder.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E
Action ended 21:21:30: SystemFolder.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:843]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WindowsFolder.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E property. Its value is 'C:WINDOWS'.
Action start 21:21:30: WindowsFolder.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:859]: Doing action: SystemFolder.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E
Action ended 21:21:30: WindowsFolder.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:859]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SystemFolder.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E property. Its value is 'C:WINDOWSsystem32'.
Action start 21:21:30: SystemFolder.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:859]: Doing action: LaunchConditions
Action ended 21:21:30: SystemFolder.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E. Return value 1.
Action start 21:21:30: LaunchConditions.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:859]: Doing action: FindRelatedProducts
Action ended 21:21:30: LaunchConditions. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:859]: Skipping FindRelatedProducts action: not run in maintenance mode
Action start 21:21:30: FindRelatedProducts.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:859]: Skipping action: CA_SetRefCountUpgradeFlag (condition is false)
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:859]: Skipping action: CA_SetRefCountNewerFoundFlag (condition is false)
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:859]: Doing action: IsPendingRebootKey
Action ended 21:21:30: FindRelatedProducts. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (78:0C) [21:21:30:875]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:WINDOWSInstallerMSID6.tmp, Entrypoint: IsPendingReboot
MSI (s) (78:98) [21:21:30:875]: Generating random cookie.
MSI (s) (78:98) [21:21:30:890]: Created Custom Action Server with PID 5432 (0x1538).
MSI (s) (78:F0) [21:21:30:937]: Running as a service.
MSI (s) (78:EC) [21:21:30:937]: Hello, I'm your 32bit Impersonated custom action server.
Action start 21:21:30: IsPendingRebootKey.
No PendingFileRenameOperations
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:968]: Skipping action: CA_ErrorDifferentLang (condition is false)
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:968]: Skipping action: SetWOW (condition is false)
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:968]: Skipping action: SetWOWAppendCustomPath (condition is false)
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:968]: Skipping action: SetWOWINSTALLSQLSHAREDDIR_CUSTOMPATH (condition is false)
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:968]: Skipping action: SetWOWINSTALLSQLSHAREDDIR_CUSTOMPATH_ADD (condition is false)
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:968]: Skipping action: Sqlmsirc_ValidateAppGuid_NewerFound.0D10D66A_FB58_4290_B8AC_58FF44A6C1F1 (condition is false)
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:968]: Skipping action: Sqlmsirc_RefCountAppGuid_NewerFound.0D10D66A_FB58_4290_B8AC_58FF44A6C1F1 (condition is false)
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:968]: Skipping action: Sqlmsirc_BackupAppGuid_NewerFound.0D10D66A_FB58_4290_B8AC_58FF44A6C1F1 (condition is false)
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:968]: Skipping action: Sqlmsirc_RegisterAppGuid_NewerFound.0D10D66A_FB58_4290_B8AC_58FF44A6C1F1 (condition is false)
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:968]: Skipping action: Sqlmsirc_RestoreAppGuid_NewerFound.0D10D66A_FB58_4290_B8AC_58FF44A6C1F1 (condition is false)
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:968]: Doing action: AppSearch
Action ended 21:21:30: IsPendingRebootKey. Return value 1.
Action start 21:21:30: AppSearch.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:968]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:968]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding REDISTINSTALLEDVERSION property. Its value is '9.00.2047.00'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:968]: Skipping action: SkipInstallCA (condition is false)
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:968]: Skipping action: CA_ErrorPendingReboot (condition is false)
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:968]: Skipping action: CCPSearch (condition is false)
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:968]: Skipping action: RMCCPSearch (condition is false)
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:968]: Doing action: ValidateProductID
Action ended 21:21:30: AppSearch. Return value 1.
Action start 21:21:30: ValidateProductID.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:968]: Skipping action: Sqlmsirc_CheckLanguage.0D10D66A_FB58_4290_B8AC_58FF44A6C1F1 (condition is false)
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:968]: Doing action: CostInitialize
Action ended 21:21:30: ValidateProductID. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:30:968]: Machine policy value 'MaxPatchCacheSize' is 10
Action start 21:21:30: CostInitialize.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:000]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ROOTDRIVE property. Its value is 'D:'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:000]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CostingComplete property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:000]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Patch
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:000]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PatchPackage
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:000]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiPatchHeaders
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:000]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: __MsiPatchFileList
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:000]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PatchPackage
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:000]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: PatchPackage 4: SELECT `DiskId`, `PatchId`, `LastSequence` FROM `Media`, `PatchPackage` WHERE `Media`.`DiskId`=`PatchPackage`.`Media_` ORDER BY `DiskId`
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:000]: Doing action: FileCost
Action ended 21:21:31: CostInitialize. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:015]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Class 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:015]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Extension 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:015]: Note: 1: 2262 2: TypeLib 3: -2147287038
Action start 21:21:31: FileCost.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:015]: Doing action: IsolateComponents
Action ended 21:21:31: FileCost. Return value 1.
Action start 21:21:31: IsolateComponents.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:031]: Doing action: CostFinalize
Action ended 21:21:31: IsolateComponents. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:031]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding OutOfDiskSpace property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:031]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding OutOfNoRbDiskSpace property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:031]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PrimaryVolumeSpaceAvailable property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:031]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PrimaryVolumeSpaceRequired property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:031]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PrimaryVolumeSpaceRemaining property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:046]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding EULA.84118FFB_F307_45F3_B5BC_3A4F8261108D property. Its value is 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90EULA'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:062]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying SystemFolder property. Its current value is 'C:WINDOWSsystem32'. Its new value: 'C:WINDOWSsystem32'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:062]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SqlInclude.06870705_8636_410E_B591_FEE8962A550E property. Its value is 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SDKInclude'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:062]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SqlSDKLibPlatformTarget.06870705_8636_410E_B591_FEE8962A550E property. Its value is 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SDKLibx86'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:062]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Patch
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:062]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Condition 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding TARGETDIR property. Its value is 'D:'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying SystemFolder property. Its current value is 'C:WINDOWSsystem32'. Its new value: 'C:WINDOWSsystem32'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding VSINSTALLDIR property. Its value is 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding VSINSTALLROOT property. Its value is 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SqlShared property. Its value is 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding Ver.06870705_8636_410E_B591_FEE8962A550E property. Its value is 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SqlSDK.06870705_8636_410E_B591_FEE8962A550E property. Its value is 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SDK'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SqlSDKLib.06870705_8636_410E_B591_FEE8962A550E property. Its value is 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SDKLib'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying SqlSDKLibPlatformTarget.06870705_8636_410E_B591_FEE8962A550E property. Its current value is 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SDKLibx86'. Its new value: 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SDKLibx86'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying SqlInclude.06870705_8636_410E_B591_FEE8962A550E property. Its current value is 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SDKInclude'. Its new value: 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SDKInclude'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding Ver90.84118FFB_F307_45F3_B5BC_3A4F8261108D property. Its value is 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying EULA.84118FFB_F307_45F3_B5BC_3A4F8261108D property. Its current value is 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90EULA'. Its new value: 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90EULA'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding INSTALLSQLSHAREDDIR property. Its value is 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SqlVer property. Its value is 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SqlTools property. Its value is 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Tools'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SqlToolsBin property. Its value is 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90ToolsBinn'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WinSxsDirectory.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E property. Its value is 'C:WINDOWSwinsxs'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding policydir_ul.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E property. Its value is 'C:WINDOWSwinsxsx86_policy.8.0.Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.42_x-ww_51e427d4'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding payload.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E property. Its value is 'C:WINDOWSwinsxsx86_policy.8.0.Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.42_x-ww_51e427d4'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WinSxsManifests.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E property. Its value is 'C:WINDOWSwinsxsManifests'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WinSxsPolicies.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E property. Its value is 'C:WINDOWSwinsxsPolicies'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding policydir.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E property. Its value is 'C:WINDOWSwinsxsPoliciesx86_policy.8.0.Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_x-ww_77c24773'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding payload_ul.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E property. Its value is 'C:WINDOWSwinsxsx86_policy.8.0.microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.42_none_5c4003bc63e949f6'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WinSxsDirectory.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E property. Its value is 'C:WINDOWSwinsxs'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding policydir_ul.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E property. Its value is 'C:WINDOWSwinsxsx86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.42_x-ww_0de06acd'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WinSxsPolicies.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E property. Its value is 'C:WINDOWSwinsxsPolicies'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding policydir.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E property. Its value is 'C:WINDOWSwinsxsPoliciesx86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_x-ww_4428b63a'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WinSxsManifests.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E property. Its value is 'C:WINDOWSwinsxsManifests'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding payload.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E property. Its value is 'C:WINDOWSwinsxsx86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.42_x-ww_0de06acd'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding payload_ul.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E property. Its value is 'C:WINDOWSwinsxsx86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.42_none_db5f52fb98cb24ad'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding VSRetarget property. Its value is 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90ToolsBinn'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Target path resolution complete. Dumping Directory table...
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Note: target paths subject to change (via custom actions or browsing)
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: TARGETDIR , Object: D:
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: WindowsFolder , Object: C:WINDOWS
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: SystemFolder , Object: C:WINDOWSsystem32
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: ProgramFilesFolder , Object: C:Program Files
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: VSINSTALLDIR , Object: C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: VSINSTALLROOT , Object: C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: SqlShared , Object: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: Ver.06870705_8636_410E_B591_FEE8962A550E , Object: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: SqlSDK.06870705_8636_410E_B591_FEE8962A550E , Object: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SDK
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: SqlSDKLib.06870705_8636_410E_B591_FEE8962A550E , Object: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SDKLib
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: SqlSDKLibPlatformTarget.06870705_8636_410E_B591_FEE8962A550E , Object: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SDKLibx86
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: SqlInclude.06870705_8636_410E_B591_FEE8962A550E , Object: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SDKInclude
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: Ver90.84118FFB_F307_45F3_B5BC_3A4F8261108D , Object: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: EULA.84118FFB_F307_45F3_B5BC_3A4F8261108D , Object: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90EULA
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: INSTALLSQLSHAREDDIR , Object: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: SqlVer , Object: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: SqlTools , Object: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Tools
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: SqlToolsBin , Object: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90ToolsBinn
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: WindowsFolder.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E , Object: C:WINDOWS
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: SystemFolder.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E , Object: C:WINDOWSsystem32
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: WinSxsDirectory.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E , Object: C:WINDOWSwinsxs
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: policydir_ul.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E , Object: C:WINDOWSwinsxsx86_policy.8.0.Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.42_x-ww_51e427d4
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: payload.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E , Object: C:WINDOWSwinsxsx86_policy.8.0.Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.42_x-ww_51e427d4
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: WinSxsManifests.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E , Object: C:WINDOWSwinsxsManifests
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: WinSxsPolicies.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E , Object: C:WINDOWSwinsxsPolicies
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: policydir.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E , Object: C:WINDOWSwinsxsPoliciesx86_policy.8.0.Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_x-ww_77c24773
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: payload_ul.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E , Object: C:WINDOWSwinsxsx86_policy.8.0.microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.42_none_5c4003bc63e949f6
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: WindowsFolder.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E , Object: C:WINDOWS
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: SystemFolder.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E , Object: C:WINDOWSsystem32
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: WinSxsDirectory.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E , Object: C:WINDOWSwinsxs
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: policydir_ul.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E , Object: C:WINDOWSwinsxsx86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.42_x-ww_0de06acd
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: WinSxsPolicies.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E , Object: C:WINDOWSwinsxsPolicies
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: policydir.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E , Object: C:WINDOWSwinsxsPoliciesx86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_x-ww_4428b63a
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: WinSxsManifests.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E , Object: C:WINDOWSwinsxsManifests
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: payload.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E , Object: C:WINDOWSwinsxsx86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.42_x-ww_0de06acd
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: payload_ul.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E , Object: C:WINDOWSwinsxsx86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.42_none_db5f52fb98cb24ad
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:078]: Dir (target): Key: VSRetarget , Object: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90ToolsBinn
Action start 21:21:31: CostFinalize.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:109]: Doing action: ARPInstallLocation.9B634CFE_9A39_4508_9CA8_D8DE65A7B8AD
Action ended 21:21:31: CostFinalize. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:109]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ARPINSTALLLOCATION property. Its value is 'C:WINDOWSsystem32'.
Action start 21:21:31: ARPInstallLocation.9B634CFE_9A39_4508_9CA8_D8DE65A7B8AD.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:109]: Doing action: IsDotNet20Installed
Action ended 21:21:31: ARPInstallLocation.9B634CFE_9A39_4508_9CA8_D8DE65A7B8AD. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:80) [21:21:31:109]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:WINDOWSInstallerMSID7.tmp, Entrypoint: IsDotNetFramework20Installed
Action start 21:21:31: IsDotNet20Installed.
Feature SQL_SNAC_CORE install action does not match 2.
Not all features are being removed.
MSI (s) (78!DC) [21:21:31:140]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting EnableDotNetCheck property. Its current value is '0'.
MSI (s) (78!DC) [21:21:31:140]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding DOTNETCOREPATH property. Its value is '1'.
Either there are no .NET Framework assemblies present in MsiAssembly table or they do not require the GAC, no need to check for the .NET Framework
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:140]: Skipping action: CA_ErrorPrereqDotNet (condition is false)
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:140]: Skipping action: CA_SetARPINSTALLLOCATION (condition is false)
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:140]: Doing action: SetODBCFolders
Action ended 21:21:31: IsDotNet20Installed. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:140]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCDriver
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:140]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCDriver 4: SELECT `ComponentId`,`Description`,`Directory_`, `ActionRequest`, `Installed`, `Attributes` FROM `ODBCDriver`, `Component` WHERE `ODBCDriver`.`Component_` = `Component` AND (`ActionRequest` = 1 OR `ActionRequest` = 2)
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:140]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCTranslator
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:140]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCTranslator 4: SELECT `ComponentId`,`Description`,`Directory_`, `ActionRequest`, `Installed`, `Attributes` FROM `ODBCTranslator`, `Component` WHERE `ODBCTranslator`.`Component_` = `Component` AND (`ActionRequest` = 1 OR `ActionRequest` = 2)
Action start 21:21:31: SetODBCFolders.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:140]: Doing action: MigrateFeatureStates
Action ended 21:21:31: SetODBCFolders. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:140]: Skipping MigrateFeatureStates action: not run in maintenance mode
Action start 21:21:31: MigrateFeatureStates.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:140]: Doing action: InstallValidate
Action ended 21:21:31: MigrateFeatureStates. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Feature: SQL_SNAC_CORE; Installed: Local; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Feature: SQL_SNAC_SDK; Installed: Local; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: RedistVersionReg.C3E5819B-5744-41E9-BEF2-12652D7B9053; Installed: Local; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: Redist_Uninstall_RegKey.E63C6774-A4E8-4A1A-A090-567FE0DA2FBF; Installed: Local; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: License_SQLNCLI_ENU.txt.84118FFB_F307_45F3_B5BC_3A4F8261108D; Installed: Local; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: sqlncli.dll.9B634CFE_9A39_4508_9CA8_D8DE65A7B8AD; Installed: Local; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: RedistQFEKey.9B634CFE_9A39_4508_9CA8_D8DE65A7B8AD; Installed: Local; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: sqlnclir.rll.A0C5BB09_6818_43E8_AF1C_A1C3C70B210C; Installed: Local; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: sqlncli.chm.A0C5BB09_6818_43E8_AF1C_A1C3C70B210C; Installed: Local; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: uplevel.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E; Installed: Local; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: downlevel_manifest.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E; Installed: Local; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: downlevel_payload.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E; Installed: Local; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: nosxs.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E; Installed: Local; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: uplevel.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E; Installed: Local; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: downlevel_manifest.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E; Installed: Local; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: msmd.h.06870705_8636_410E_B591_FEE8962A550E; Installed: Local; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: oledbdm.h.06870705_8636_410E_B591_FEE8962A550E; Installed: Local; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: sqlncli.h.06870705_8636_410E_B591_FEE8962A550E; Installed: Local; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: srv.h.06870705_8636_410E_B591_FEE8962A550E; Installed: Local; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: sqlncli.lib.06870705_8636_410E_B591_FEE8962A550E; Installed: Local; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: opends60.lib.06870705_8636_410E_B591_FEE8962A550E; Installed: Local; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: __uplevel.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A165; Installed: Null; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: __uplevel.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A165; Installed: Null; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: __Redist_Uninstall_RegKey.E63C6774-A4E8-4A65; Installed: Null; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: __RedistVersionReg.C3E5819B-5744-41E9-BEF265; Installed: Null; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: __RedistQFEKey.9B634CFE_9A39_4508_9CA8_D8D65; Installed: Null; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: __sqlncli.dll.9B634CFE_9A39_4508_9CA8_D8DE65; Installed: Null; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: __sqlnclir.rll.A0C5BB09_6818_43E8_AF1C_A1C65; Installed: Null; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: __downlevel_payload.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF165; Installed: Null; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: __nosxs.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E165; Installed: Null; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: __downlevel_manifest.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF65; Installed: Null; Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Component: __downlevel_manifest.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF65; Installed: Null; Request: Null; Action: Null
Action start 21:21:31: InstallValidate.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: BindImage
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ProgId
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Note: 1: 2262 2: PublishComponent 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: SelfReg
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Extension 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Font
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Shortcut
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:156]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Class 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:171]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying CostingComplete property. Its current value is '0'. Its new value: '1'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:171]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: BindImage
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:171]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ProgId
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:171]: Note: 1: 2262 2: PublishComponent 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:171]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: SelfReg
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:171]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Extension 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:171]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Font
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:171]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Shortcut
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:171]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Class 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:171]: Note: 1: 2727 2:
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:187]: Note: 1: 2727 2:
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:203]: Doing action: InstallInitialize
Action ended 21:21:31: InstallValidate. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:203]: Machine policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:203]: User policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:203]: BeginTransaction: Locking Server
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:203]: SRSetRestorePoint skipped for this transaction.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:203]: Server not locked: locking for product {50A0893D-47D8-48E0-A7E8-44BCD7E4422E}
Action start 21:21:31: InstallInitialize.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:234]: Skipping action: Sqlmsirc_ValidateAppGuid.0D10D66A_FB58_4290_B8AC_58FF44A6C1F1 (condition is false)
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:234]: Skipping action: Sqlmsirc_RefCountAppGuid.0D10D66A_FB58_4290_B8AC_58FF44A6C1F1 (condition is false)
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:234]: Skipping action: Sqlmsirc_BackupAppGuid.0D10D66A_FB58_4290_B8AC_58FF44A6C1F1 (condition is false)
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:234]: Skipping action: Sqlmsirc_CheckAppDependency.0D10D66A_FB58_4290_B8AC_58FF44A6C1F1 (condition is false)
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:234]: Doing action: SxsInstallCA
Action ended 21:21:31: InstallInitialize. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:234]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:WINDOWSInstallerMSID8.tmp, Entrypoint: CustomAction_SxsMsmInstall
Action start 21:21:31: SxsInstallCA.
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1262 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1263 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1264 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1269 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1288 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1292 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1293 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1294 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1296 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1322 4: 0
1: sxsdelca: Skipping component 2: uplevel.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1288 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1292 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1293 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1294 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1296 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1322 4: 0
1: sxsdelca: Skipping component 2: downlevel_manifest.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1288 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1292 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1293 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1294 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1296 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1322 4: 0
1: sxsdelca: Skipping component 2: downlevel_payload.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1288 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1292 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1293 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1294 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1296 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1322 4: 0
1: sxsdelca: Skipping component 2: uplevel.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1288 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1292 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1293 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1294 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1296 4: 0
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1322 4: 0
1: sxsdelca: Skipping component 2: downlevel_manifest.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E
1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1288 4: 259
1: sxsdelca 2: SxsMsmInstall completed 3: 0 4: 0
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:281]: Skipping action: AllocateRegistrySpace (condition is false)
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:281]: Doing action: ProcessComponents
Action ended 21:21:31: SxsInstallCA. Return value 1.
Action start 21:21:31: ProcessComponents.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:281]: Doing action: UnpublishComponents
Action ended 21:21:31: ProcessComponents. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:296]: Note: 1: 2262 2: PublishComponent 3: -2147287038
Action start 21:21:31: UnpublishComponents.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:296]: Doing action: MsiUnpublishAssemblies
Action ended 21:21:31: UnpublishComponents. Return value 1.
Action start 21:21:31: MsiUnpublishAssemblies.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:296]: Doing action: UnpublishFeatures
Action ended 21:21:31: MsiUnpublishAssemblies. Return value 1.
Action start 21:21:31: UnpublishFeatures.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:296]: Doing action: StopServices
Action ended 21:21:31: UnpublishFeatures. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:296]: Note: 1: 2262 2: ServiceControl 3: -2147287038
Action start 21:21:31: StopServices.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:296]: Doing action: DeleteServices
Action ended 21:21:31: StopServices. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:296]: Note: 1: 2262 2: ServiceControl 3: -2147287038
Action start 21:21:31: DeleteServices.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:296]: Doing action: UnregisterComPlus
Action ended 21:21:31: DeleteServices. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:312]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Complus
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:312]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Complus 4: SELECT `ComponentId`, `FileName`, `Component`.`Directory_`, `ExpType`, `Component`.`Action`, `Component`.`Installed` FROM `Complus`, `Component`, `File` WHERE `Complus`.`Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`KeyPath` = `File`.`File` AND `Action` = 0
Action start 21:21:31: UnregisterComPlus.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:312]: Doing action: SelfUnregModules
Action ended 21:21:31: UnregisterComPlus. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:312]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: SelfReg
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:312]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: SelfReg 4: Select `File`.`FileName`,`Component`.`Directory_`,`Component`.`Installed`, `File`.`Component_`,`SelfReg`.`File_` From `SelfReg`, `File`, `Component` Where `SelfReg`.`File_` = `File`.`File` And `File`.`Component_` = `Component`.`Component` And `Component`.`Action` = 0
Action start 21:21:31: SelfUnregModules.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:312]: Doing action: UnregisterTypeLibraries
Action ended 21:21:31: SelfUnregModules. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:312]: Note: 1: 2262 2: TypeLib 3: -2147287038
Action start 21:21:31: UnregisterTypeLibraries.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:312]: Doing action: UnregisterFonts
Action ended 21:21:31: UnregisterTypeLibraries. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:312]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Font
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:312]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Font 4: SELECT `FontTitle`, `FileName`, `Directory_`, `Installed`From `Font`, `FileAction` Where `Font`.`File_` = `FileAction`.`File` And `FileAction`.`Action` = 0 ORDER BY `FileAction`.`Directory_`
Action start 21:21:31: UnregisterFonts.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:312]: Doing action: RemoveRegistryValues
Action ended 21:21:31: UnregisterFonts. Return value 1.
Action start 21:21:31: RemoveRegistryValues.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:343]: Doing action: UnregisterClassInfo
Action ended 21:21:31: RemoveRegistryValues. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:343]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Class 3: -2147287038
Action start 21:21:31: UnregisterClassInfo.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:343]: Doing action: UnregisterExtensionInfo
Action ended 21:21:31: UnregisterClassInfo. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:343]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Extension 3: -2147287038
Action start 21:21:31: UnregisterExtensionInfo.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:343]: Doing action: UnregisterProgIdInfo
Action ended 21:21:31: UnregisterExtensionInfo. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:343]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ProgId
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:343]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ProgId 4: SELECT DISTINCT `BinaryType`, `ProgId`, `Class_`, `ProgId`.`Description`, `ProgId`.`Icon_`, `ProgId`.`IconIndex`, null, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags` , `Component`.`Component` FROM `ProgId`, `Class`, `Feature`, `Component` WHERE `ProgId`.`Class_` = `Class`.`CLSID` AND `Class`.`Feature_` = `Feature` AND `Class`.`Component_` = `Component` AND (`Feature`.`Action` = 0 OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 4 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2)) OR ((`Feature`.`Action` = NULL OR `Feature`.`Action` = 3) AND `Component`.`Action` = 0 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2)))
Action start 21:21:31: UnregisterProgIdInfo.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:343]: Doing action: UnregisterMIMEInfo
Action ended 21:21:31: UnregisterProgIdInfo. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:343]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MIME
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:343]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: MIME 4: SELECT `BinaryType`, `ContentType`, `Extension`.`Extension`, `MIME`.`CLSID`, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags`, `Component`.`Component` FROM `MIME`, `Extension`, `Feature`, `Component` WHERE `MIME`.`Extension_` = `Extension`.`Extension` AND `Feature_` = `Feature` AND `Extension`.`Component_` = `Component` AND (`Feature`.`Action` = 0 OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 4 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2)) OR ((`Feature`.`Action` = NULL OR `Feature`.`Action` = 3) AND `Component`.`Action` = 0 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2)))
Action start 21:21:31: UnregisterMIMEInfo.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:343]: Doing action: RemoveIniValues
Action ended 21:21:31: UnregisterMIMEInfo. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:359]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: IniFile
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:359]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: IniFile 4: SELECT `FileName`,`IniFile`.`DirProperty`,`Section`,`IniFile`.`Key`,`IniFile`.`Value`,`IniFile`.`Action` FROM `IniFile`, `Component` WHERE `Component`=`Component_` AND `Component`.`Action`=0 ORDER BY `FileName`,`Section`
Action start 21:21:31: RemoveIniValues.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:359]: Doing action: RemoveShortcuts
Action ended 21:21:31: RemoveIniValues. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:359]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Shortcut
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:359]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Shortcut 4: SELECT `Name`, null, `Shortcut`.`Directory_`, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags`, `Feature`.`Action`, `Component`.`Action` From `Shortcut`, `Feature`, `Component` WHERE `Target` = `Feature` AND `Shortcut`.`Component_` = `Component` AND (`Feature`.`Action` = 0 OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 4 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2)) OR ((`Feature`.`Action` = NULL OR `Feature`.`Action` = 3) AND `Component`.`Action` = 0 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2)))
Action start 21:21:31: RemoveShortcuts.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:359]: Doing action: RemoveEnvironmentStrings
Action ended 21:21:31: RemoveShortcuts. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:359]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Environment
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:359]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Environment 4: SELECT `Name`,`Value` FROM `Environment`,`Component` WHERE `Component_`=`Component` AND (`Component`.`Action` = 0)
Action start 21:21:31: RemoveEnvironmentStrings.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:359]: Doing action: RemoveDuplicateFiles
Action ended 21:21:31: RemoveEnvironmentStrings. Return value 1.
Action start 21:21:31: RemoveDuplicateFiles.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:359]: Doing action: RemoveFiles
Action ended 21:21:31: RemoveDuplicateFiles. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:359]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: RemoveFile
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:390]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: RemoveFile
Action start 21:21:31: RemoveFiles.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:390]: Doing action: RemoveFolders
Action ended 21:21:31: RemoveFiles. Return value 0.
Action start 21:21:31: RemoveFolders.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:390]: Doing action: CreateFolders
Action ended 21:21:31: RemoveFolders. Return value 0.
Action start 21:21:31: CreateFolders.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:390]: Doing action: MoveFiles
Action ended 21:21:31: CreateFolders. Return value 0.
Action start 21:21:31: MoveFiles.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:390]: Doing action: InstallFiles
Action ended 21:21:31: MoveFiles. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:390]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Patch
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:390]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Patch 4: SELECT `Patch`.`File_`, `Patch`.`Header`, `Patch`.`Attributes`, `Patch`.`Sequence`, `Patch`.`StreamRef_` FROM `Patch` WHERE `Patch`.`File_` = ? AND `Patch`.`#_MsiActive`=? ORDER BY `Patch`.`Sequence`
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:390]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiPatchHeaders
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:390]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: MsiPatchHeaders 4: SELECT `Header` FROM `MsiPatchHeaders` WHERE `StreamRef` = ?
Action start 21:21:31: InstallFiles.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:406]: Doing action: DuplicateFiles
Action ended 21:21:31: InstallFiles. Return value 1.
Action start 21:21:31: DuplicateFiles.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:406]: Doing action: PatchFiles
Action ended 21:21:31: DuplicateFiles. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:406]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Patch
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:406]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Patch 4: SELECT `File`,`FileName`,`FileSize`,`Directory_`,`PatchSize`,`File`.`Attributes`,`Patch`.`Attributes`,`Patch`.`Sequence`,`Component`.`Component`,`Component`.`ComponentId` FROM `File`,`Component`,`Patch` WHERE `Patch`.`#_MsiActive`=? AND `File`=`File_` AND `Component`=`Component_` ORDER BY `Patch`.`Sequence`
Action start 21:21:31: PatchFiles.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:406]: Doing action: BindImage
Action ended 21:21:31: PatchFiles. Return value 0.
Action start 21:21:31: BindImage.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:406]: Doing action: RegisterClassInfo
Action ended 21:21:31: BindImage. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:406]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Class 3: -2147287038
Action start 21:21:31: RegisterClassInfo.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:406]: Doing action: RegisterExtensionInfo
Action ended 21:21:31: RegisterClassInfo. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:406]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Extension 3: -2147287038
Action start 21:21:31: RegisterExtensionInfo.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:421]: Doing action: RegisterProgIdInfo
Action ended 21:21:31: RegisterExtensionInfo. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:421]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ProgId
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:421]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ProgId 4: SELECT DISTINCT `BinaryType`, `ProgId`, `Class_`, `ProgId`.`Description`, `ProgId`.`Icon_`, `ProgId`.`IconIndex`, null, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags`, `Component`.`Component` FROM `ProgId`, `Class`, `Feature`, `Component` WHERE `ProgId`.`Class_` = `Class`.`CLSID` AND `Class`.`Feature_` = `Feature` AND `Class`.`Component_` = `Component` AND ((`Feature`.`Action` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Action` = 2) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 4 AND `Feature`.`Installed` = 0) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 3 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 4)) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = NULL AND (`Component`.`Action` = 1 OR `Component`.`Action` = 2) AND ((`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 4))))
Action start 21:21:31: RegisterProgIdInfo.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:421]: Doing action: RegisterMIMEInfo
Action ended 21:21:31: RegisterProgIdInfo. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:421]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MIME
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:421]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: MIME 4: SELECT `BinaryType`, `ContentType`, `Extension`.`Extension`, `MIME`.`CLSID`, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags`, `Component`.`Component` FROM `MIME`, `Extension`, `Feature`, `Component` WHERE `MIME`.`Extension_` = `Extension`.`Extension` AND `Feature_` = `Feature` AND `Extension`.`Component_` = `Component` AND ((`Feature`.`Action` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Action` = 2) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 4 AND `Feature`.`Installed` = 0) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 3 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 4)) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = NULL AND (`Component`.`Action` = 1 OR `Component`.`Action` = 2) AND ((`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 4))))
Action start 21:21:31: RegisterMIMEInfo.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:421]: Doing action: WriteRegistryValues
Action ended 21:21:31: RegisterMIMEInfo. Return value 0.
Action start 21:21:31: WriteRegistryValues.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:421]: Doing action: WriteIniValues
Action ended 21:21:31: WriteRegistryValues. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:421]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: IniFile
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:421]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: IniFile 4: SELECT `FileName`,`IniFile`.`DirProperty`,`Section`,`IniFile`.`Key`,`IniFile`.`Value`,`IniFile`.`Action` FROM `IniFile`, `Component` WHERE `Component`=`Component_` AND (`Component`.`Action`=1 OR `Component`.`Action`=2) ORDER BY `FileName`,`Section`
Action start 21:21:31: WriteIniValues.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:421]: Doing action: WriteEnvironmentStrings
Action ended 21:21:31: WriteIniValues. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:421]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Environment
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:421]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Environment 4: SELECT `Name`,`Value` FROM `Environment`,`Component` WHERE `Component_`=`Component` AND (`Component`.`Action` = 1 OR `Component`.`Action` = 2)
Action start 21:21:31: WriteEnvironmentStrings.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:421]: Doing action: RegisterFonts
Action ended 21:21:31: WriteEnvironmentStrings. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:421]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Font
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:421]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Font 4: SELECT `FontTitle`, `FileName`, `Directory_`, `Action` From `Font`, `FileAction` Where `Font`.`File_` = `FileAction`.`File` And (`FileAction`.`Action` = 1 Or `FileAction`.`Action` = 2) ORDER BY `FileAction`.`Directory_`
Action start 21:21:31: RegisterFonts.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:421]: Doing action: RegisterTypeLibraries
Action ended 21:21:31: RegisterFonts. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:421]: Note: 1: 2262 2: TypeLib 3: -2147287038
Action start 21:21:31: RegisterTypeLibraries.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:421]: Doing action: SelfRegModules
Action ended 21:21:31: RegisterTypeLibraries. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:421]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: SelfReg
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:437]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: SelfReg 4: Select `FileAction`.`FileName`,`FileAction`.`Directory_`,`FileAction`.`Action`, `FileAction`.`Component_`,`SelfReg`.`File_` From `SelfReg`, `FileAction` Where `SelfReg`.`File_` = `FileAction`.`File` And (`FileAction`.`Action` = 1 OR `FileAction`.`Action` = 2)
Action start 21:21:31: SelfRegModules.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:437]: Doing action: RegisterComPlus
Action ended 21:21:31: SelfRegModules. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:437]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Complus
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:437]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Complus 4: SELECT `ComponentId`, `FileName`, `Component`.`Directory_`, `ExpType`, `Component`.`Action`, `Component`.`Installed` FROM `Complus`, `Component`, `File` WHERE `Complus`.`Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`KeyPath` = `File`.`File` AND (`Action` = 1 OR `Action` = 2)
Action start 21:21:31: RegisterComPlus.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:437]: Doing action: InstallServices
Action ended 21:21:31: RegisterComPlus. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:437]: Detected older ServiceInstall table schema
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:437]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ServiceInstall
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:437]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ServiceInstall 4: SELECT `Name`,`DisplayName`,`ServiceType`,`StartType`,`ErrorControl`,`LoadOrderGroup`,`Dependencies`,`StartName`,`Password`,`ComponentId`,`Directory_`,`FileName`,`Arguments` FROM `ServiceInstall`, `Component`, `File` WHERE `ServiceInstall`.`Component_` = `Component`.`Component` AND (`Component`.`KeyPath` = `File`.`File`) AND (`Action` = 1 OR `Action` = 2)
Action start 21:21:31: InstallServices.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:437]: Doing action: StartServices
Action ended 21:21:31: InstallServices. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:437]: Note: 1: 2262 2: ServiceControl 3: -2147287038
Action start 21:21:31: StartServices.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:437]: Doing action: RegisterUser
Action ended 21:21:31: StartServices. Return value 1.
Action start 21:21:31: RegisterUser.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:437]: Doing action: RegisterProduct
Action ended 21:21:31: RegisterUser. Return value 0.
Action start 21:21:31: RegisterProduct.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:437]: Doing action: PublishComponents
Action ended 21:21:31: RegisterProduct. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:437]: Note: 1: 2262 2: PublishComponent 3: -2147287038
Action start 21:21:31: PublishComponents.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:437]: Doing action: MsiPublishAssemblies
Action ended 21:21:31: PublishComponents. Return value 1.
Action start 21:21:31: MsiPublishAssemblies.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:437]: Doing action: PublishFeatures
Action ended 21:21:31: MsiPublishAssemblies. Return value 1.
Action start 21:21:31: PublishFeatures.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:437]: Doing action: PublishProduct
Action ended 21:21:31: PublishFeatures. Return value 1.
Action start 21:21:31: PublishProduct.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:453]: Doing action: CreateShortcuts
Action ended 21:21:31: PublishProduct. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:453]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Shortcut
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:453]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Shortcut 4: SELECT `Name`, `FileName`, `Component`.`Directory_`, `Arguments`, `WkDir`, `Icon_`, `IconIndex`, `Hotkey`, `ShowCmd`, `Shortcut`.`Description`, `Shortcut`.`Directory_`, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags`, `Component`.`Action`, `Target`, `ComponentId`, `Feature`.`Action`, `Component`.`Installed` From `Shortcut`, `Feature`, `Component`, `File` WHERE `Target` = `Feature` AND `Shortcut`.`Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`KeyPath` = `File`.`File` AND ((`Feature`.`Action` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Action` = 2) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 4 AND `Feature`.`Installed` = 0) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 3 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 4)) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = NULL AND (`Component`.`Action` = 1 OR `Component`.`Action` = 2) AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 4)))
Action start 21:21:31: CreateShortcuts.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:453]: Doing action: InstallFinalize
Action ended 21:21:31: CreateShortcuts. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:453]: Running Script: C:WINDOWSInstallerMSID9.tmp
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:453]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding UpdateStarted property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:453]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:468]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInstallerRollbackScripts 3: 2
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:515]: Executing op: Header(Signature=1397708873,Version=301,Timestamp=885238448,LangId=1033,Platform=0,ScriptType=1,ScriptMajorVersion=21,ScriptMinorVersion=4,ScriptAttributes=1)
Action start 21:21:31: InstallFinalize.
MSI (s) (78:74) [21:21:31:515]: Executing op: ProductInfo(ProductKey={50A0893D-47D8-48E0-A7E8-44BCD7E4422E},ProductName=Microsoft SQL Server Native Client,PackageName=sqlncli.msi,Language=1033,Version=150996991,Assignment=1,ObsoleteArg=0,ProductIcon=ARPIco,,PackageCode={9115E914-A23D-43BB-BF2D-1FF75964EFD1},,,InstanceType=0,LUASetting=0,RemoteUR

View 1 Replies View Related

Unable To Install Management Studio Express

Apr 18, 2007

I have full version of SQL server 2005 installed on my machine.

I am now also trying to install express edition as well. Though the database engine got installed, the managment studio *express* does not get installed as the management studio of full version is already installed. Can I use the management studio of full version to access this express edition database engine. If so how ?

View 5 Replies View Related

Unable To Install Reporting Services On Vista

Apr 9, 2007

Hi ,

i'm a new to vista and also with sql server 2005 reporting services ..

i was able to install all the tools in sql2005 express edition except reporting services ..gives a message IIS required ..even though the IIS is running and able to browse http://localhost ..

can any one give me an idea , how to install reporting services on vista with IIS7


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Unable To Install SQL2005 I64 On A 2003 SP1 Itanium

Sep 29, 2006


I have many problem when I try to install SQL 2005 Ets edition ia64 on a 2003 ets Itanium edition.

When I launch the setup, all is all right. But during the installation, it tryes to start MSSQL services.

The staring of this service failed. So I try to start the service mannually. Nothing.

Error messages I can get (in the event log) :

Source : Service Control Manager ; ID : 7000

Description :Service SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) failed to start due to the following error: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

Source : MsiInstaller ; ID 10005

Description : Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (64 bits) -- Error 29503. Failure of the starting of service SQL Server. For more information, to see the headings of on line help €śProcedure: to post the files newspapers of installation of SQL Server 2005€? and €śmanual Starting of SQL Server€?. This error is (1053) The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.


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Unable To Install SQL Server 2005 After BETA

May 29, 2006

I have completed the uninstallation instructions for my beta versions of SQLExpress (repeatedly). I have used the manual unistall procedures also. I have physically removed the SqlServer directory from the the Program Files directory. The result is the same. This message appears every time I try to to install the MS SQL Advanced package:

"SQL Server 2005 setup has detected incompatible components from beta versions of Visual Studio, Net Framework, or SQL 2005. For detailed instructions on uninstalling SQL Server 2005, see the SQL Server 2005 Readme."

The detailed instructions are NOT detailed enough.

I have uninstalled the .NET 2.0 package and re-installed it. The SERVICES window still lists the SQL Server as present even though it is not started.

Any suggestions?

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