Unattended SQL 2005 Express Install Enabling Ad Hoc Remote Queries
Jul 6, 2006
Hi there,
I am trying to create an un-attended SQL 2005 Express install. I have successfully made my own template.ini file to install SQL the way I like but I cannot find a way to make it install with the "Ad hox remote queries" option enabled.
Is there anyway to do this? I can't seem to find any switches in the INI file to allow this.
I have a script that performs an unattended installation of SQL Server and works fine.
However, if I un-install via the control panel all the files are removed apart from the databases that are created by me when SQl server was installed. This is good and ensures data is not deleted.
The files left over are in the following directory: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLData and contains: MyDatabase.mdf MyDatabase_log.LDF
The problem I have is after performing the re-installtion of SQL server (unattended) I am unable to create a new database with the same name (in this instance called "myDatabase").
The actual files are physically there so this is the reason a new database with the same name cannot be creacted.
Again this is ok again because it ensures I cannot overwrite existing data. However I am unable to re-attach this database to SQl server so I can continue to use it!
The question is:
How do I make this database usable again after an unattended install? Is there a parameter I am missing?
Below are the commands I use that are passed to the installation of SQL Server as command line parameters:
The last four commands I have played around with but for some reason SQL Server service will not start when these are used! (This is a different issue though!).
I have written a .NET app that kicks off an unattended install of SQL Server Express Advanced. After the install, the same app tries to connect to SQL Express adn run a script that creates a database plus a few other things.
However, the problem I am having is that my app cannot connect. I get the error:
"An error has occurrred while establishing a connection to the server. This failure may be casued by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections."
However, the unattended install goes great. No problems there. I know this because I can Open SSMS, run queries, created DB's, etc. I also know that it is not the remote connections issue because the unattended install is set to allow remote connections (both names pipes and TCP/IP).
So, why can't i connect? I don't need to reboot after the install do I? Please tell me i don't...and please tell me it is something simple I am overlooking.
I have an application that will deployed on LANS running 1- 10 systems on average.
The front end is C#.net 2.0 and the backend will be sql express.
I need to enable remote connections by default because 99.5% of our customers have 2 or more computers.
I have two questions:
1) How do I enabled remote access during installation? Can I run the sqlExpress install silently and turn this on so that my users (who are very non-technical) do not have to go into surface configuration and turn on network access?
2) If I already have sql express installed (like on my development machine now) how do I enable remote access via a command line utility without having to run the surface configuration tool? I want to be able to execute a command to turn on network access so my users don't have to go to a GUI tool(Surface area configuration) and turn it on themselves. Can I use sqlcmd to turn on network access or some other command line utility that I can execute easily. Perhaps there is some type of .NET assembly that I can reference from within my C#.net application that will allow me to enable remote access? Basically How do i take care of this without making my users have to do it?
I'm currently trying to develop an unattended installation of the Client Tools to be distributed to developers workstations.
All is well on 'clean' machines, but the problems arise when an instance of SQL Server Express is already present. The install fails, and the reason isn't clear from the log files.
I know Express installs a couple of the Client Components (like Config Manager), and I believe this is what it blocking me.
Has anyone tried this scenario?
Would I be best to REMOVE the Client_Components first, and then re-install them with SSMS etc.? Or is there a better method?
I have to leave the Express Database instance untouched as I'm not responsible for its installation or maintenance.
When doing a unattended install of Microsoft SQL Server Express, I have a problem specifing the service to installed to be run under the as local system account.
I'm using: SQLACCOUNT & SQLPASSWORD parameters but it just won't work.
As default SQL Server is installed using the NETWORK SERVICE account, this causes the database to be read-only. What I want is to specifiy in the script that the service should run under the LOCAL SYSTEM account instead. This must also be OS-language independent.
I've tried:
and even some different SID as:
S-1-5-18 S-1-5-19
All with no password with the SQLPASSWORD parameter:
I still getting the same error while validating the service account.
Is there someone else who knows what I'm doing wrong?
I am having an issue with SQL 2005 unattended install, I cannot see where in the template.ini file you can specify the TCP port number for SQL 2005 to listen to I want to change it to a specific port number, I know you can do this in an unattended install on SQL 2000.
Also in an unattended install of SQL 2000 and 2005 is there any way you can specify the database and transaction logs location for new databases to be installed on another drive then the system databases. I know you can change this later in SQL server properties but I wanted this to be done during the install or is there a T-SQL script which can do this after?
Hello All, I am trying the following script to upgrade SQL Server 2005 SP1 to SP2. I have an Active Passive cluster configuration. I have default instances of SQL Server. I am using the following script.
The sql server install fails to run. When I used the above command with just
start /wait c:1sqlserversp2SQLSERVER2005SP2-KB921896-x86-ENU.exe /quiet still the summary.txt file came with authentication success and that is all. I changed the above script and did
start /wait c:1sqlserversp2SQLSERVER2005SP2-KB921896-x86-ENU.exe /instancename=instancename of the cluster
This worked, however the install patched the passive node (DB engine, all the cluster unaware components) but failed to patch the DB engine on the Active node. I had to run the SQL Server sp2 install manually but still it did not patch the DB engine on the primary node
1. Can someone please help me with this issue as I want the unattended install to work. so it installs both active and passive node. I will post the final output and also the ADS script to do this as a bonus if this works.
Here is the summary.txt file.
********************************************************************************** Processes Locking Files Process Name Feature Type User Name PID msftesql Database Services Service 5152 MSSQLSERVER Database Services Service 4412 ResrcMon.exe Database Services Application SHOMSCSService 4688 ********************************************************************************** Product Installation Status Product : Setup Support Files Product Version (Previous): 3042 Product Version (Final) : Status : Not Selected Log File : Error Description : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product : Database Services (MSSQLSERVER) Product Version (Previous): 2153 Product Version (Final) : Status : Failure Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixSQL9_Hotfix_KB921896_sqlrun_sql.msp.log Error Number : 29506 Error Description : MSP Error: 29506 SQL Server Setup failed to modify security permissions on file D:Microsoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLData for user sqlservice. To proceed, verify that the account and domain running SQL Server Setup exist, that the account running SQL Server Setup has administrator privileges, and that exists on the destination drive. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product : Integration Services Product Version (Previous): 3042 Product Version (Final) : Status : Not Selected Log File : Error Description : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product : SQL Server Native Client Product Version (Previous): 3042 Product Version (Final) : Status : Not Selected Log File : Error Description : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product : Client Components Product Version (Previous): 3042 Product Version (Final) : Status : Not Selected Log File : Error Description : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product : MSXML 6.0 Parser Product Version (Previous): 1129 Product Version (Final) : Status : Not Selected Log File : Error Description : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product : SQLXML4 Product Version (Previous): 3042 Product Version (Final) : Status : Not Selected Log File : Error Description : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product : Backward Compatibility Product Version (Previous): 2004 Product Version (Final) : Status : Not Selected Log File : Error Description : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product : Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer Product Version (Previous): 3042 Product Version (Final) : Status : Not Selected Log File : Error Description : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************************************************************************** Summary One or more products failed to install, see above for details Exit Code Returned: 29506
Our product ships with a bootstrapper that installs SQL Server 2005 silently for our clients - basically it's a pre-req which we load for them if it's not already installed.
The bootstrapper supplies the service account identity parameters for the SQL Server install command line in English. It supplies the local system account (NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM).
The problem occurs when we tried to install the product onto a French version of XP. We got the error message "SQL Server setup could not validate the service accounts. Either the service accounts have not been provided for all the services being installed, or the specified username or password is incorrect. For each service, specify a valid username, password, and domain, or specify a built-in system account."
Having read the page http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms143504.aspx#Localized_service_names we have discovered that the system account identity has a different name for French (AUTORITE NTSYSTEM) along with some other languages ... but we're not sure how to resolve the problem.
Can anyone out there tell me whether we ... 1) Can get the machine being installed on to tell us the local system account identity so we can substitute it into our command line in the bootstrapper? 2) Have to write a different bootstrapper for each language that names the local system account identity differently? 3) Have overlooked some other solution?
Also, does anyone know how many languages and which they are that give the local system account a name that's different to "NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM"??
Thanks, Sara
Sorry, omitted a vital bit of information. The bootstrapper is written in C++. We know the .NET code to retrieve an NT account given a well known SID. Can we do the same in C++ somehow?? </EDIT>
Using an unattended file (.iss) is there a way to incorporate the SP3 (or any) patch within an .iss file so that there is only only install that incorporates the patch?
I am trying to upgrade an MSDE 1.0 db with the Service Pack 4 patch but I need to do either a Silent or Unattended install. Does anyone know how to do this? Does anyone know the command-line command to do this?
I tried using...
sql70sp4.exe -a -f1 "unattend.iss"
....but that didn't work. It popped up a window asking where I should extract the contents of the .exe (that shouldn't be appearing either) and then after it extracted it didn't do anything else.
I'm trying to do an unattended install of the client components for SLQ2005. I have read the document on doing a install from the command prompt but when I use the "ADDLOCAL" switches I get some components that I don't require. For example, I am using the following command to run the setup - "start /wait <path>setup.exe ADDLOCAL=Client_Components,SQL_Tools90,Connectivity". When I look at the Add/Remove Programs list I can see that it has installed "MSXML 6.0 Parser", "SQL 2005 Backward Compatibilty" and "Office 2003 Web Components". The only components I require are the "SQL Support Files", "SQL Server Native Client" and " CLient Tools". If I run "start /wait <path>setup.exe REMOVE=SQLXML,TOOLS_BC_DEP" it will remove "Office 2003 Web Components" and "SQL 2005 Backward Compatibilty" but not the "MSXML 6.0 Parser". How can I get rid of this?
I've looked through every source of material on SQL Server Express unattended installs that I could get my hands on, but so far, I've come up with nothing that shows how to set the server engine's TCP port to 1433.
Since the SQL Server setup is part of a (considerably) larger install, requiring the customer to set this by hand is not really acceptable.
Is there a way to do this with a command-line parameter (etc)?
I'm trying to install SQL Server 2005 from the command line without using an .ini file and without having IIS installed. I know that I need to pass all the parmeters and I think I have them all.
My .bat file will install when IIS is installed, but I can not get it to install without IIS. The GUI gives me a warning and allows me to ignore this, but I can't figure out the switch that will do the same thing.
Can someone please point out my mistakes.
Here are my command line parameters: (Win 2k3 x64, SQL2005 Enterprise)
HiIm trying to connect Visual Basic Express 2005 to a remote SQL Server Express 2005. I cant find how i can do that in VB.net Express.In Web developer there are no problem to connect to a remote SQL server but i cant find it in VB.net Express. The XP with the SQL server that i want to connect to is on the local network. Greatful for help!
I'm able to install SQL 2005 Express using a template.ini, and use the option DISABLENETWORKPROTOCOLS=2 in order to enable TCP/IP. However, I then manually need to open SQL Server Config Manager > SQL Network Config > Protocols for SQL > TCP/IP > "IP Addresses" tab > change all "enabled" options to "yes".
I have SQL Server Express and VB 2005 Express installed in a Microsoft Windows XP Pro PC that is a terminal PC in our office Network. My Network Administrator has granted my terminal PC for Administrator Use. I tried to do the ADO.NET 2.0-VB 2005 programming in my terminal PC and I could not get a remote connection in the Window Form Application via Window Authorization. I do not know how to make this kind of remote connection in my Network. Please help and advise.
In my office computer network system (LAN), my Windows XP Pro PC has SQL Server Express and VB 2005 Express installed and I was granted to have the Administrator priviledge to access SQL Server Express. I tried to create a SQLCLR project in my terminal PC. 1) I tried to set up a remote connection to SQL Server Express in the following way: SQL Server EXpress => SQL Server Surface Area Configuration. In the Surface Area Configuration for Service and Connection - local, I clicked on Remote Connection of Database Engine, SQLEXPRESS and I had a "dot" on "Local and remote connections" and "Using TCP/IP only". Then I clicked on "Apply" and "OK" buttons. Then I went to restart my database engine in SQL Server Management. When I went to check SQL Server 2005 Surface Area Configuration, I saw the arrow is pointing to "Service", not to "Remote Connections"!!!??? Is it right/normal? Please comment on this matter and tell me how I can have "Remote Connecton" on after I selected it.
2) After I restarted the database engine (I guess!!), I executed the following project code (copied from a book) in my VB 2005 Express:
mports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data
Public Class Form9
Dim cnn1 As New SqlConnection
Private Sub Form5_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
'Compute top-level project folder and use it as a prefix for
'the primary data file
Dim int1 As Integer = InStr(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath, "bin")
Dim strPath As String = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath, int1 - 1)
Dim pdbfph As String = strPath & "northwnd.mdf"
Dim cst As String = "Data Source=.sqlexpress;" & _
"Integrated Security=SSPI;" & _
"AttachDBFileName=" & pdbfph
cnn1.ConnectionString = cst
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Catch ex As Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.MalformedLineException
MsgBox("Line " & ex.Message & _
"is not valid and will be skipped.")
End Try
'Invoke the WriteToServer method fo the sqc1 SqlBulkCopy
'object to populate FromExcel table in the database with
'the FromExcel DataTable in the project
Using sqc1 As SqlBulkCopy = New SqlBulkCopy(cnn1)
sqc1.DestinationTableName = "dbo.FromExcel"
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
'Read the FromExcel table and display results in
'a message box
Dim strQuery As String = "SELECT * " & _
"FROM dbo.FromExcel "
Dim str1 As String = ""
Dim cmd1 As New SqlCommand(strQuery, cnn1)
Dim rdr1 As SqlDataReader
rdr1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader()
While rdr1.Read()
str1 += rdr1.GetString(0) & ", " & _
rdr1.GetString(1) & ", " & _
rdr1.GetSqlInt32(2).ToString & ControlChars.CrLf
End While
End Try
MessageBox.Show(str1, "FromExcel")
End Sub
End Class ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I got the following error messages: SecurityException was unhandled Request for the permission of type 'System. Security. Permissions.FileIOPermission,mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'failed that is pointing to the code statement "Dim int1 As Integer = InStr (My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath, "bin")." Troubleshooting tips: Store application data in isolated storage. When deploying an Office solution, check to make sure you have fulfilled all necessary requirments. Use a certificate to obtain the required permission(s). If an assembly implementing the custom security references other assemblies, add the referenced assemblies to the full trust assembly list. Get general help for the exception.
I am a new Microsoft VS.NET Express user to do the SQL Server 2005 Express and VB 2005 Express programming by using the example of a tutorial book. Please help and tell me what is wrong in my SQLCLR sep-up and project coding and how to correct the problems.
Downloading and installing VS 2008 Express also created a Miscrosoft SQL Server folder. How do I install the SQL Server 2005 Express?The following is what I found from the HELP menu bar of the VS 2008 Express. Where can I find the sqlexpr.exe? TIA,Jeffrey
To install SQL Server Express To begin installation, double-click sqlexpr.exe. Note: SQL Server Express is available as a self-extracting executable file (sqlexpr.exe) from both the Visual Studio 2005 CD and the SQL Server Express Web site. SQLEXPR.EXE installs on x86-based computers and to the 32-bit subsystem (WOW64). For more information, see Hardware and Software Requirements (SQL Server Express)
I had some issues on my server and had to uninstall .Net Framework 2.0, SQL Server 2005 Express, and SQL Express Toolkit. I installed SQL Server 2005 Express and it seemed to be ok.
Then my problems all started when I tried to install SQL Express Toolkit because I needed to install DTS Wizard again, and it errors out and wouldn't let me install it. So I uninstalled everything that's listed above again.
I then tried to install SQL Server 2005 Express again, and on the second from last screen, while its listing all the components and configuring them, I get the following error as it's configuring the last component... which was the SQL Server Database Services.
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup ----------------------------------------------------------- The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually."
I tried to re-install the SQL Server Express another 7 times wth no luck.
If anyone can point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it.
I'm getting an error while trying to install SQL Server Express 2005 Express Edition. I'm attaching the log of the installation process here. Please throw some light on the same.
Error 29503. The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually." The error is (3) The system cannot find the path specified.
Setting status of unmanaged components and removing unmanaged resources
Error Code: 3
MSI (s) (D0!64) [21:39:17:257]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 -- Error 29503. The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually." The error is (3) The system cannot find the path specified.
Error 29503. The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually." The error is (3) The system cannot find the path specified.
Can VB 2005 express able to connect remote SQL 2005 express database? I played with connection string many time and still could not success! Thanks all.
I installed VS 2008 Express with an option to download SQL Server 2005 Express. I noticed there is a '90' folder under my Microsoft SQL Server folder. I assumed this the folder for SQL Server 2005 Express. How do I set up my SQL Server2005 Express, so that I can use some sample databases for my VS 2008 Express? Any difference for SQL Server 2005 Express between VS 2008 Expressdownload and SQL Server 2005 Express download? TIA,Jeffrey
Hi all,Just wondering if SQL 2005 express edition can be connected remotely. I've set up SQL 2005 Express on a separate machine and am having trouble connecting to it from VWD when creating the websites. Currently I've set up ASP.NET 2.0 Framework on the remote machine with IIS6 using Windows Server 2003 Web Edition. And I am directly editing the website remotely on the server machine from my PC. Could someone please help me in setting up a remote connection from VWD to the SQL Server?I've enabled TCP/IP setting in the SQL Configuration Manager but still getting errors. Could this be an issue with Express Edition? Because if it is I also have a copy of SQL Server 2005 to install. Any direction to resolve in this issue would be greatly appreciated.PS. I'm new to this so pls bear with me. Thanks.
I have made a simple application with VB6 and SQL 2005 Express.
And after testing it in a network simulated with Virtual-Machine Workstation, the "real world" application was first getting slower and slower, and finally giving timeout errors.
It is even difficult to connect. The application times out always at 30 secs although the ado connection timeout was established longer (45)
I have checked on the machine where the server is installed, just in case the slow down was due to network problems, but it fail locally too.
I have upsized some Access 2002 tables to Sql Server 2005 express. I put together a query and when I try to execute it, it tells me the MS Access is an earlier version prior to SQL server 2005 and it will not save the queries. When I try to run them anyway, I get the repeated message and the query never executes. I'm taking a T-SQL class and this is how the instructor. Is they a fix for SQL Server or Access to get around this or do I have to revert back to MDSE 2000?? Can MDSE 2000 and SQL Server be loaded onto the same machine (laptop)? Help!!!!! I am very new at this...
If applicable, what's the limit on concurrent queries supported by SQL Server 2005 Express? Also, if there's a limit, does next connection after the max errors out or merely queues up?
The program shortcut "Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt" seems to be mising from the "Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt" Start menu added by the current Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit. Where is it? How to workaround?
I am trying to do Download details SQL Server 2005 Samples and Sample Databases (April 2006) -> GettingStartedWithSQLSamples.htm which says "a. Open a Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 command prompt. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, point to Visual Studio Tools, and then click Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt." but I can find no such command prompt within "Visual Studio Tools", only "Visual Studio 2005 Remote Debugger{, Configuration Wizard}".
What's wrong? How to fix or workaround? I'd install .NET SDK 2.0 to get it's Command Prompt but that's about 570MB merely for a command prompt!
I am doing an unattended upgrade of Sql Express with Advanced Services SP1. Before the upgrade the services run under domain accounts. I use the following command :
However after the ugrade the service accounts are running under local system.
Documentation is unclear, i find the following:
; The services for SQL Server and Analysis Server are set auto start. To use the *ACCOUNT settings ; make sure to specify the DOMAIN, e.g. SQLACCOUNT=DOMAINNAMEACCOUNT ; NOTE: When installing SQL_Engine 3 accounts are REQUIRED: SQLACCOUNT, AGTACCOUNT and SQLBROWSERACCOUNT. ; SQLACCOUNT Examples: ; SQLACCOUNT=<domainuser> ; SQLACCOUNT="NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM" ; SQLACCOUNT="NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE" ; SQLACCOUNT="NT AUTHORITYLOCAL SERVICE"
To my knowledge the <> is not required. Can someone please help as i cannot get the services accounts to run under a domain user after upgrade.
Hi, I want to make a component library in Visual Basic.NET and connect to a remote Sql Server. When I create a new DataSet with the wizard, I can only connect to a .mdf file, but not to a Sql Server. With Visual Web Developer I can connect to a Sql server. What is the difference between these enviroments ? How can I do the same with Visual Basic.NET ? Thanks in advance.