Union Returns Duplicates - Semicolon Or Comma Not Removed

Jan 7, 2012

This SQL is meant to show the changes that will be made, when removing a selected user's email address from a batch.

However, when executed, each row is duplicated, and in the duplication, the semi-colon or comma isn't removed. For example, if I wanted to remove user "sam@mail.com"

The table results displayed would be:

Row 1:
BatchID: 50
ParamValue: jack@mail.com;sam@mail.com;frank@mail.com
NewParamValue: jack@mail.com;frank@mail.com

Row 2:
BatchID: 50
ParamValue: jack@mail.com;sam@mail.com;john@mail.com
NewParamValue: jack@mail.com;;frank@mail.com

Ideally, it should only display each row once, and not have the semicolon error. It seems to be a union error, because when I comment out the First and second union statements, it runs fine.

-- Delete email address from a.Batch

IF(@EmailAddress IS NOT NULL)
IF(LEN(@EmailAddress) > 0)
IF(@ShowOnly = 1)

[Code] ......

View 2 Replies


Duplicates Despite Using UNION

Apr 30, 2008

I am doing a UNION (not UNION ALL) of two tables and two columns. The first column is AcctCode VARCHAR(16), and the second column is Revenue FLOAT.

I am getting two rows back, using UNION, where the values in both columns are the same. Basically, it looks like this:

AcctCode Revenue
AM247 300.64
AM247 300.64

There are trailing spaces after the AcctCode, and I have tried RTRIM.

The following is the query I am using:

RTRIM(AcctCode)AS Acctcode,
SUM(ISNULL(ScFee,0)) as Revenue
From cdnbwfin1.txnRptg.dbo.dailySummary
where TxnDate = '4/22/2008'
group by Acctcode


RTRIM(AcctCode) As AcctCode,
SUM(ISNULL(ScFee,0)) as Revenue
From bwdbfin1.txnrptg.dbo.tbl_dailySummary
where TxnDate = '4/22/2008'
group by Acctcode
order by acctcode

Why would I get this duplicate if I'm using UNION?

Thank you for your help!


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SQL Stored Procedure Returns Duplicates

Mar 23, 2007

I am new to SQL and SQL Server world. There must be a simple solutionto this, but I'm not seeing it. I am trying to create a crystalreport (v8.5) using a stored procedure from SQL Server (v2000) inorder to report from two databases and to enable parameters.When I create the stored procedure, it joins multiple one-to-manyrelationship tables. This results in repeated/duplicate records. Isthis an issue that should be solved within the stored procedure, or isthis inevitable? If latter, how do you eliminate the duplicates inCrystal Reports?Let's say we have three different tables - Event, Food, Equipment.Each event may have multiple food and multiple equipments; some eventsmay not have food and/or equipments. The stored procedure outcome maylook like this:Event Food Food_Qty EquipmentEquipment_QtyEvent1 Food2 10 Equipment51Event1 Food4 10NULL NULLEvent2 Food4 50 Equipment210Event2 Food4 50 Equipment52Event2 Food1 12 Equipment210Event2 Food1 12 Equipment52As you can see in Event2, for each Food variations, Equipment valuesrepeat. When I am creating a Crystal Reports, I have the duplicationproblem.What I would like to see in the report is either:Event1Food2, 10 Equipment5, 1Food4, 10Event2Food4, 50 Equipment2, 10Food1, 12 Equipment5, 2OR:Event1Food2, 10Food4, 10Equipment5, 1Event2Food4, 50Food1, 12Equipment2, 10Equipment5, 2Attempt1: Using "Eliminate Duplicate Record" option does not work withthe Equipment section since CR does not recognize "Equipment2" in thethird line of the table and "Equipment2" in the fifth line of thetable as duplicates.Event1 Food2, 10 Equipment5, 1Food4, 10Event2 Food4, 50 Equipment2, 10Equipment5, 2Food1, 12 Equipment2, 10(duplication)Equipment5, 2(duplication)Attempt2: I created group for each category (Event, Food, Equipment),put the data in Group Headers and used "Suppress Section" to eliminateif the same equipments are listed more than once within the Foodgroup. This eliminated the duplication, but the items do not aligncorrectly.Event1 Food2, 10 Equipment5, 1Food4, 10Event2 Food4, 50 Equipment2, 10Equipment5, 2Food1, 12 (I want this to appear right below the'Food4, 50' line)I would really appreciate any suggestions! Thank you in advance.

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Stored Procedure Returns Duplicates

Apr 10, 2007

I am trying to create a report in Crystal Reports (v 8.5). I have astored procedure to pull data from two databases and parameters.There are multiple one-to-many relationships and the stored procedurereturns duplicates; e.g., one schedule may have multiple resources,supplies, and/or orders (and one order may have multiple foods). Isthere a way to stop the duplication?The stored procedure looks like this:************************************************** **********************************SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGOSET ANSI_NULLS OFFGOCREATE PROCEDURE usp_rpt1 (@start_date smalldatetime,@end_date smalldatetime,@rpt_type varchar(3),@rpt_id int)ASset nocount on--Set up some string variables to build the selection query for theparameters supplieddeclare @fields varchar(255)declare @tables varchar(255)declare @where varchar(2000)CREATE TABLE #tmp_sched(sched_id int, rpt_type_desc varchar(100),rpt_id int)set end_date = midnight of next daySELECT @end_date = DATEADD(day,1,@end_date)SELECT @end_date = CONVERT(smalldatetime,CONVERT(varchar(4),YEAR(@end_date)) + '-'+CONVERT(varchar(2),MONTH(@end_date)) + '-'+CONVERT(varchar(2),DAY(@end_date))IF @rpt_type = 'LOC'INSERT INTO #tmp_schedSELECT DISTINCT s.sched_id, l.loc_desc, l.loc_idFROM tbl_sched sLEFT JOIN tbl_sched_res_date srd ON s.sched_id = srd.sched_idLEFT JOIN tbl_res r ON srd.res_id = r.res_idLEFT JOIN tbl_grp g ON r.grp_id = g.grp_idLEFT JOIN tbl_loc l ON g.loc_id = l.loc_idWHERE l.loc_id = CONVERT(varchar(12),@rpt_id)AND g.obsolete_flag = 0AND r.obsolete_flag = 0ANd l.obsolete_flag = 0AND s.deleted_flag = 0AND srd.mtg_start_date_local >=CONVERT(varchar(20), @start_date, 1)AND srd.mtg_start_date_local <CONVERT(varchar(20), @end_date+1,1)IF @rpt_type = 'GRP'INSERT INTO #tmp_schedSELECT DISTINCT s.sched_id, g.grp_desc, g.grp_idFROM tbl_sched sLEFT JOIN tbl_sched_res_date srd ON s.sched_id =srd.sched_idLEFT JOIN tbl_res r ON srd.res_id = r.res_idLEFT JOIN tbl_grp g ON r.grp_id = g.grp_idWHERE (g.grp_id = CONVERT(varchar(12),@rpt_id)OR g.parent_grp_id =CONVERT(varchar(12),@rpt_id))AND g.obsolete_flag = 0AND r.obsolete_flag = 0AND s.deleted_flag = 0AND srd.mtg_start_date_local >=CONVERT(varchar(20), @start_date, 1)AND srd.mtg_start_date_local <CONVERT(varchar(20), @end_date+1,1)IF @rpt_type = 'RES'INSERT INTO #tmp_schedSELECT DISTINCT s.sched_id, r.res_desc, r.res_idFROM tbl_sched sLEFT JOIN tbl_sched_res_date srd ON s.sched_id =srd.sched_idLEFT JOIN tbl_res r ON srd.res_id = r.res_idWHERE r.res_id = CONVERT(varchar(12),@rpt_id)AND r.obsolete_flag = 0AND s.deleted_flag = 0AND srd.mtg_start_date_local >=CONVERT(varchar(20), @start_date, 1)AND srd.mtg_start_date_local <CONVERT(varchar(20), @end_date+1, 1)IF @rpt_type = 'REG'INSERT INTO #tmp_schedSELECT DISTINCT s.sched_id, reg.region_desc,reg.region_idFROM tbl_sched sLEFT JOIN tbl_sched_res_date srd ON s.sched_id =srd.sched_idLEFT JOIN tbl_res r ON srd.res_id = r.res_idLEFT JOIN tbl_grp g ON r.grp_id = g.grp_idLEFT JOIN tbl_loc l ON g.loc_id = l.loc_idLEFT JOIN tbl_region reg ON l.loc_id = reg.region_idWHERE reg.region_id = CONVERT(varchar(12),@rpt_id)AND reg.obsolete_flag = 0AND l.obsolete_flag = 0AND g.obsolete_flag = 0AND r.obsolete_flag = 0AND s.deleted_flag = 0AND srd.mtg_start_date_local >=CONVERT(varchar(20), @start_date, 1)AND srd.mtg_start_date_local <CONVERT(varchar(20), @end_date+1, 1)IF @rpt_type NOT IN ('LOC','GRP','RES','REG')INSERT INTO #tmp_schedSELECT DISTINCT s.sched_id, g.grp_desc, g.grp_idFROM tbl_sched sLEFT JOIN tbl_sched_res_date srd ON s.sched_id =srd.sched_idLEFT JOIN tbl_res r ON srd.res_id = r.res_idLEFT JOIN tbl_grp g ON r.grp_id = g.grp_idWHERE (g.grp_id = 0 OR g.parent_grp_id = 0)AND g.obsolete_flag = 0AND r.obsolete_flag = 0AND s.deleted_flag = 0AND srd.mtg_start_date_local >=CONVERT(varchar(20), @start_date, 1)AND srd.mtg_start_date_local <CONVERT(varchar(20), @end_date+1,1)--This is the selection for our reportSELECT Description = ts.rpt_type_desc,Date = CONVERT(varchar(12),srd.mtg_start_date_local,101), StartTime = srd.mtg_start_date_local,EndTime = srd.mtg_end_date_local,SchedID = s.sched_id,MeetingTitle = s.sched_desc,ResourceUsed = r.res_desc,ResourceSetup = su.setup_desc + ' (' +CONVERT(varchar(10),rs.capacity) + ')',NumberOfAttendees = Attendees.string_value,OrderID = ord.order_id,FoodQty = CONVERT (int,oi.order_qty),FoodDesc = i.item_name,Side = sidei.item_name,MeetingDesc = ord.order_desc,Supplies = suppliesudf.udf_desc,SuppliesVal = supplies.value,AccountCode = ord.order_user_acct_code,host.string_value as MeetingHost,CateringNotes = ord.order_notes,FoodNotes = oi.order_notesFROM #tmp_sched tsJOIN tbl_sched s ON ts.sched_id = s.sched_idJOIN tbl_sched_res_date srd ON ts.sched_id = srd.sched_idJOIN tbl_res r ON srd.res_id = r.res_idJOIN tbl_sched_res_setup srs ON s.sched_id = srs.sched_id andr.res_id = srs.res_idLEFT JOIN tbl_res_setup rs ON srs.setup_id = rs.setup_id ANDsrs.res_id = rs.res_idLEFT JOIN tbl_setup su ON rs.setup_id = su.setup_idLEFT JOIN tbl_sched_request_tab_val supplies ON s.sched_id =supplies.sched_idAND ((supplies.request_tab_id =(SELECT request_tab_id FROM tbl_request_tab WHERE(request_tab_hdr = 'A) Meeting Supplies')))OR (supplies.request_tab_id =(SELECT request_tab_id FROM tbl_request_tab WHERE(request_tab_hdr = 'Mtg Supplies-PEMC'))))AND (CONVERT(varchar, supplies.value) NOT IN ('0', ''))LEFT JOIN tbl_udf suppliesudf ON supplies.udf_id =suppliesudf.udf_idJOIN tbl_sched_udf_val attendees ON attendees.sched_id = s.sched_idAND attendees.udf_id =(SELECT udf_id FROM tbl_udf WHERE udf_desc = 'Number ofAttendees') --UDF For No of AttendeesJOIN tbl_sched_udf_val host ON host.sched_id = s.sched_idAND host.udf_id =(SELECT udf_id FROM tbl_udf WHERE udf_desc = 'MeetingHost') --UDF For meeting host nameLEFT JOIN RSCatering.dbo.tbl_Order ord ON ord.order_sched_id =s.sched_id --Our link to table in other databaseJOIN RSCatering.dbo.tbl_order_item oi ON ord.order_id =oi.order_idLEFT JOIN RSCatering.dbo.tbl_menu_item mi ON oi.menu_item_id =mi.menu_item_idLEFT JOIN RSCatering.dbo.tbl_item i ON mi.item_id = i.item_idLEFT JOIN RSCatering.dbo.tbl_order_item_sides side ONoi.order_item_id = side.order_item_idLEFT JOIN RSCatering.dbo.tbl_item sidei ON side.item_id =sidei.item_idWHERE ord.deleted_flag = 0 AND oi.deleted_flag = 0ORDER BYts.rpt_type_desc,srd.mtg_start_date_local,srd.mtg_ end_date_local,r.res_descDROP TABLE #tmp_schedGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGO************************************************** ****************************************The simplified result looks like:Sched2 Resource1 Supply1 Order5Sched2 Resource1 Supply1 Order6Sched2 Resource1 Supply3 Order5Sched2 Resource1 Supply3 Order6Sched2 Resource2 Supply1 Order5Sched2 Resource2 Supply1 Order6Sched2 Resource2 Supply3 Order5Sched2 Resource2 Supply3 Order6However, I want the result to look like:Sched2 Resource1 Supply1 Order5Sched2 Resource2 Supply3 Order6Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.

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Union Making Duplicates

Mar 12, 2008

Hi -
I am a newbie to t-sql and have an issue that I am not sure is me or sql
I want to merge several tables from several databases.
I have created a union statement:

create view myViewas
select *, ‘1’ as compId, ‘AAA’ as SiteID from ClientAAA.dbo.stats
(select *, ‘2’ as compID, ‘ABC’ as SiteID from clientABC.dbo.stats
(select *, ‘3’ as compID, ‘ABD’ as SiteID from clientABD.dbo.stats
(select *, ‘4’ as compID, ‘ABF’ as SiteID from clientABF.dbo.stats
(select *, ‘5’ as compID, ‘AGG’ as SiteID from clientAGG.dbo.stats
Its ok till the last statement then they repeat from the 4th line stats.
Any help would be great

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Update Statement Returns Error Due To Duplicates

Feb 26, 2008

Hi All,
When I use the following I get an error because of duplicate records in my table.

Update person
Set username = (Select update_person

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Update Statement Returns Error Due To Duplicates

Feb 26, 2008

Hi All,
When I use the following I get an error. I think it is because of duplicate records in my table.

Update person
Set username = (Select username
From update_person
Where person.firsname = update_person.firstname
and person.lastname = update_person.lastname)

There are a few users that have the same first and last name. How can I ignore the duplicate records and continue to update the table?

Thanks in advance.

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Duplicates Again! UNION Join - Remove Records With Column Diff.

Sep 9, 2004

Hello All,

We all were new at one point.... any help is appreciated.


Combining two 49,000 row tables and remove records where there is only 1 column difference. (keeping the specified column value removing the one with a blank.)


I have 2 people going through a list, coding a specific column with a single letter value. They both have different progress on each sheet. Hence I am trying to UNION them and have a result of their combined efforts without duplicates.

My progress/where I'm stuck:

Here is my first query/union:

SELECT * FROM [Eds table]
UNION SELECT * FROM [Vickis table];

As shown above, I have unioned these 2 tables and my results removed th obvious whole record duplicates, but since 1 column is different on these, a union without criteria considers them unique.....

an example of duplicates that I must remove are as follows:

142301 - Product 5000 - 150# - S (Keep)
142031 - Product 5000 - 150# - "" <--- Blank (Remove)

I am trying to run another query on my first query results so I don't mess my first query up. Here it is:

SELECT DISTINCT [Prod #], [Prod Name], [Prod Description], [Product Type]
FROM [Combined Tables]
WHERE [Product Type]<>" ";

Please Help! Thank you in advance.


5 minutes away from pulling my last one!


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DB Engine :: How To Pass Values With Comma To Comma Separated Param In SP

Apr 27, 2015

I have one sp which has param name as cordinatorname varchar(max)

In where condition of my sp i passed as

coordinator=(coordinatorname in (select ltrim(rtrim(value)) from dbo.fnSPLIT(@coordinatorname,',')))

But now my promblm is for @coordinatorname i have values as 'coorcinator1', 'coordinato2,inc'

So when my ssrs report taking these values as multiselect, comma seperated coordinator2,inc also has comma already.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Rank Duplicates But Only Rows Involved In Duplicates?

Oct 22, 2014

I have a table with 22 million Business records. I can see that there are duplicates when I group by BusinessName and Address and Phone. I'd like to place only the duplicates into a table, with a ranking, oldest business key gets a ranking of 1.

As a bonus I'd like each group to have a distinct group name (although not necessary, just want to know how to do this)

Later after I run more verifications to make sure these are not referenced elsewhere I'll delete everything with a matchRank > 1 out of the main Business table.

DROP TABLE [dbo].[TestBusiness];
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestBusiness](
[Business_pk] INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[BusinessName] VARCHAR (200) NOT NULL,


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Comma Delimited File With Comma Inside A Column

Nov 9, 2007

Using Flat File Connection Manager, I am specifying Text Qualifier = Double quotes{"}, and i have TXT file with one column for lastname and first name as "LN,FN", and settings are set to comma delimted, now the connectin manager is creating two different columns for LN and FN,

it was never a problem in DTS 2000.

any work around.


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Missing Semicolon (;) At End Of SQL Statement

Apr 27, 2005


<%@Language = "VBScript"%>
<%Option Explicit%>
dim oRs,oConn,dateofleave,sql,uid

dateofleave = trim(request.querystring("leavedate"))

uid = trim(request.querystring("employeeID"))

set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

set oRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sql ="INSERT INTO test (dateofleave)"
sql = sql & "VALUES ('&dateofleave') WHERE employeeID=&uid"

set oRs = oConn.execute(sql)


can someone help me with this error?
Microsoft JET Database Engine- Error '80040e14'

Missing semicolon ( at end of SQL statement.

/test/booking.asp, line 18

where line 18 is "set oRs = oConn.execute(sql)"

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Data With Semicolon Delimiter

Apr 18, 2008

Hi all......

I have an issue

There are 2 tables... source and target...

Data from source goes into target table under same field...


Data from 'n' no. of records from source table goes into a single record in the target table with delimiter being a semi colon (;)...
where(n >=2)...

For example - if the source table has 'src1', 'src2' and 'src3' as the data then target table will have a single record with semicolon as delimiter as 'src1;src2;src3'

How do we compare the data under this particular field now...

Do we have to use a if then loop for identifying when the ; ends in target data...

kindly help by giving a example...


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Please Help: Error: Missing Semicolon (;) At End Of SQL Statement.

Apr 10, 2004


I am trying to retieve a value from teh database and add one to it, then update the database with thenew value before redirecting to a page.

I am recieving this error and don't know why, i have the following coed below.

Dim objReaderQ as OleDBDataReader

Dim strSQLRead As String
Dim objCmd As New OleDbCommand

strSQLRead ="Select Quantity from tblCart Where (Productid=" & intProdidHold & ") AND (Cartid='" & strCartid & "')"

objCmd = new OleDbCommand(strSQLRead, objConn)
objReaderQ = objCmd.ExecuteReader()

if objReaderQ.Read()
'update quantity by 1

Dim i as integer
i = objReaderQ("quantity")
i = i + 1


Dim strSQLQuantity as String = "INSERT INTO tblCart (Quantity) VALUES (@quantity) WHERE (productid=" & intProdidHold & ") AND (Cartid='" & strCartid & "');"

Dim objCmdQuantity As New OleDbCommand(strSQLQuantity, objConn)

objCmdQuantity.Connection = objConn

objCmdQuantity.Parameters.Add("@quantity", OleDbType.VarChar, 255)
objCmdQuantity.Parameters("@quantity").Value = i

objCmdQuantity.ExecuteNonQuery() ' <--- Error Is Occuring On This Line


end if

I really can't see what is wrong as i have placed the semi colon it wanted at the end of the string.

Thanks you for your time


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How Can I Insert A Semicolon As User Data?

Sep 27, 2005

I'm working with an existing program that crafts an insert statement
from user input.  The data is machine generated, though, and some
of it has semicolons.  How can I "escape" those semicolons so that
I can insert them into the database?  Does the ESCAPE key work
with the insert statement, too?  Can I just replace the ";" with
some other character(s) to escape it?  I'm not finding much in the
online help.  Thanks!

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Using Union ALL Or Union Kills Performance On Stored Proc

Jun 12, 2014

SQL Server 2008 r2...

I have a query which does 3 selects and Union ALLs each to get a final result set. The performance is unacceptable - takes around a minute to run. If I remove the Union All so that the result sets are returned individually it returns all 3 from the query in around 6 seconds (acceptable performance).

Any way to join the result sets together without using Union All.

Each result set has exactly the same structure returned...

Query below [for reference]...

WITH cte AS (
SELECT A.[PoleID], ISNULL(B.[IsSpanClear], 0) AS [IsSpanClear], B.[SurveyDate], ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY A.[PoleID] ORDER BY B.[SurveyDate] DESC) rownum
LEFT OUTER JOIN [UT_Surveyed_Pole] B ON A.[PoleID] = B.[PoleID]

[Code] .....

View 4 Replies View Related

Connection String Has Semicolon (;) - How On Earth Can I Get This Working?

Aug 3, 2007

Ok, here's my setup. I've got a named instance in a SQL 2000 cluster. I only have dbo rights on my database, because it is a shared infrastructure. Here's my current web.config connection string (the meat, anyway):
When I'm at the office, this is my connection string, pretty normal:
connectionString="Data Source=ServerNameInstanceName;Initial Catalog=blah..."
But, when I connect through the VPN, I can't just connect through the named instance - I have a specific port. This is where things get odd.
First, if I try to connect through SQL Server Management Studio (2005), i get nothing. If I try to connect using "ServerNameInstanceName, (comma) Port Number" it connects, but not to my instance. I get a seperate set of databases that I believe are in the default instance. So, I changed the comma to a semicolon (;) - and it still connected to the same thing - connected to the database, but to the wrong set of databases. So, on a whim, I tried plunking my string, which was now "ServerNameInstanceName;(semicolon) PortNumber" into the SQL 2000 Tools and it worked in both Query Analyzer and in Enterprise Manager. So, I thought, I'll just slam this into my connection string and all will be well. No. I can't use a semicolon in my connection string, and I can't find an escape character to use. Double semicolons don't work, a comma doesn't connect me properly, double colons don't work, the JDBC brackets don't work {} - so I'm at a loss. I'm out of ideas. I've set up aliases, and those don't work earlier.
I'm using ASP.net 2 with VB & C# and Visual Studio 2005 Professional. Thanks for any help anyone can give on this!

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Wants Help For Extracting Semicolon Seprated Names From A Record

Aug 30, 2007

Hello friends,
I am designing an ETL process in which I have a source column which contains names seprated by semicolon( i.e Rajat Kr Sharma;Mr Sammer;Mr Ravi;Mr Ankur Bhatnagar) in each row.
ETL process should create n records,one for each single name in destination table as n numbers of name apprear
in each row of source table.

The number of names can vary in each row of source table as per no. of delimited character semicolon.

So Can some one suggest me to lay out some plan and what controls of SSIS I should use?

Here I m giving the pictorial view of activity I'm trying to carryout.

Source Table Row
|Rajat Kr Sharma;Mr Sammer;Mr Ravi;Mr Ankur Bhatnagar |
|_____________________________________________________________________ |

Changes to Destination Table
|Rajat Kr Sharma |
|Mr Sammer |
|Mr Ravi |
|Mr Mr Ankur Bhatnagar |

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How To Deal With:the Previous Statement Must Be Terminated With A Semicolon.

Apr 28, 2008

when I backup the SQL Server 2005 database ,always get prompt
Error description: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near 'E'.
+48166A04.0004 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon.
+48166A04.0004 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The label 'E' has already been declared. Label names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure.}

how to deal with it, thanks

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Full Text Search With Characters Such As Colon Or Semicolon

Jun 20, 2008

Hi, I'd like to know if there's a way to get sql server NOT to ignore the colon when performing a full text search (CONTAINS) for a string "sometext:". At this moment the query works, only the results are not narrowed to the ones containing the specified colon. I've read about this and I saw that these kind of characters (word breakers and stemmers) are ignored and want to know if there's a way to work around this (obviously performing well - so LIKE fails the test). Thanks

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Converting Duplicates Records Into Non Duplicates?

Jan 26, 2015

Is there a query or a way to convert duplicates value in a column to non duplicates.

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Comma In Value Within Comma Separated File

Apr 10, 2006

I have a file which contains comma separated columns. One of columns contains names of companies. Sometimes the names of the companies have a comma as part of the name. For those, the value is surrounded by double-quotes.

But it seems that SSIS ignores the double quotes and ONLY looks for the column separator. This causes my value to be split in half.

Traditionally, I thought parsers that deal with this type of import do not automatically take the first comma following the double-quote as the column separator but instead look for the first comma following the ending quote. (i.e. Look at how Excel performs imports...)

I cannot set the column separator of the column to double-quote comma since only those values that HAVE a comma in them are qualified.

Any ideas?

Here is sample fie content to see what I mean:

342123, Jason, 12345
21, Kim,4567
32.43, John Paul, 1245
23, "Mr. T", 98764
12, "Peter, Paul, Mary", 09643

The last entry should be imported as 12 in the first column, "Peter, Paul, Mary" in the second column and 09643 in the third but instead ends up as 12 in the first, "Peter in second column and Paul, Mary", 09643 in the last.

(Oddly enough, if I remove the first column of numbers the import works like it is supposed.)

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SQL Server 2012 :: String Concatenation Using + Operator With Semicolon Delimiter

Dec 5, 2013

I have 8 fields - I have requirement to concatenate using '+' operator with semicolon delimiter but issues is in the

Output I get semicolons for the fields that are empty below is my code :

when [SLII Request Type] ='Job Posting' and [SmartLaborII Request Status] like 'Pending Approval (Level 4%'
and [New Extension or Replacement Audit Flag] like 'FLAG%'
then 'Reject – New, Extension, Replacement invalid entry' --'it is jp'
else ''
end as [ES Fully approved data 1],

[Code] ....

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How Does Union/union All Work Inside SQL Server?

Apr 29, 2008

Why the sequence different?

select * from (

select id=3,[name]='Z'

union all select 1,'G'

union all select 2,'R'

union all select 4,'Z'

) as t

order by [name]



--1 G

--2 R

--4 Z

--3 Z

select * from (

select id=3,[name]='Z'

union select 1,'G'

union all select 2,'R'

union all select 4,'Z'

) as t

order by [name]



--1 G

--2 R

--3 Z--changed

--4 Z

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Reporting Services :: Concatenate 24 Columns With Semicolon Delimited Into Single Column

Sep 17, 2015

How do i concatenate 24 columns with semicolon delimited into a single column without getting data conversion error ....

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New Arrival Of *** Removed ***

Apr 13, 2007

*** Product Removed **** is a rendering extension for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services that allows exporting reports in the DOC, RTF and WordprocessingML formats. All RDL report features, including tables, matrices, charts, textboxes, lists and images are converted with the highest degree of precision to Microsoft Word documents.

Read More at: *** URL Removed ****

Download Link: *** URL Removed ***

Post your queries and questions to *** Product Removed Forum: *** URL Removed ***

Contact Information:
*** Got rid of this too ***

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SQL Server Agent Job Step Properties Window Loses Property Values Containing Semicolon (;)

May 16, 2007

Here's a weird one:

We are setting up a job for the SQL Server Agent via SSMS. The Job Step Type is SSIS.

In the Job Step Properties window, on the Set values tab, you can enter Values to override your package variables - normally all well and good.

However in this particular case, the variable Value contains semicolons ( - it is a Connection String for an ODBC driver. Eg: Driver={Client Access ODBC Driver (32-bit)};system=MYSERVER;...

The behaviour for this Value is weird:

If the Value is not surrounded with double quotes ("), the job fails with "The command line parameters are invalid."
If the Value is surrounded with double quotes ("), the job will run as intended. The catch is: that entry and any subsequent "Set Values" entries disappear next time the Job Step Properties window is opened.

This looks like a bug with the parsing of those strings by the Job Step Properties window?

Or am I missing something?


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SSIS Removed Without A Trace

Jun 22, 2007

I'm baffled by a problem I noticed yesterday, I have a 3 NODE SQL 2005 x64 ENT cluster which was setup with SSIS and Notification services upon setup. I have gone through patching SQL 2005 with SP1 (initial setup) SP2 and Hotfix 3052 through the last two months and it in the NT applicaiton log that SSIS was patched and started up to 6/15. Yesterday I received an email stating SSIS was not installed by one of our developers, upon logging in a confirmed it's no longer there! I re-installed through ADD/RM Programs SQL 2005 and ran through the SP2 and HF 3052 setup.. but upon scanning the Application logs I can't find any record of SSIS or Notification services being uninstalled. The MSinstaller shows the initial install of both packages, and then the re-install today but there's no log of uninstalling it. Does anyone know where else I can look or has can explain this odd occurance?

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Workload Governor Removed

Jan 8, 2007


I am in the process of porting over an application from Access To SQL implementing SQL Server 2005 Express. My intention is to implement this database on a full time server and upgrade to a full blown version of SQL later. Am I correct in assuming that there is not limit on the number of concurrent connections to SQL Server Express since it was stated that the "Workload Governor" has been removed? Or does something else control the number of users that can be simultaneously connected to the server.

My reason for asking is I have 7 machines that need to access the server. I also have 2 databases that need to be accessed from each machine. If there is no limit, I will keep my databases seperate. However, if there is a limit, I will most likely merge the tables into 1 db.

Thank you,


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Delay Before Uncomplete Transaction Removed

Jul 20, 2005

When a workstation losts connection to server,it can leave an uncomplete transaction. ThenSQL Server removes the transaction.Could anyone guide me how to set the delaybefore SQL Server do it ?Thanks in advanceJohn S.*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Non Significant '0' Removed From Alphanumeric Code

Feb 2, 2007

Hi all,

I have a problem with alphanumeric codes in SSIS.

I have a sql table with a varchar column which contains codes like '080101000', in my SSIS dataflow I have a lookup against this table and the column whith the code is used as output column for my lookup transformation.

In the advance editor the output column datatype is DT_WSTR, but when the code contains only numbers like the code '080101000' the first '0' is removed! It's like the code is at some point transformed to numeric and then inserted in the output column as a string. This in nonsense!!

Does anyone have an idea how to avoid this ?

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Removed Publisher Stays In Replication Monitor.

Dec 5, 2006

We have a publisher that got red-crossed(Run to problem). I decide to remove and recreate it. However, after remove it, the publisher still stays in Replication Monitor. The remain thing has no distributor and logreader, but only snapshot agent. When to check the property of the agent, we got a error message basically say the job does not exist, which makes sense. 

Now, it does not show up in any places, except Replication Monitor. Well, it cannot be removed from Replication Monitor. Can any one tell us how to clear it from Replication Monitor?

Thank you.

More Infor:  The replication was set up on 2000.(2000 pub, 2000 dis and 2000 sub) with 2005 Management Studio,  and the publication was removed with 2005 Management Studio.

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Some SET_ANSI Options Will Be Removed In Future Releases

Aug 7, 2007

According to SQL Server 2005 Book Online, the following "Important" note applies to SET_ANSI_NULLS and SET_ANSI_PADDING:

"This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature."

However, these options are automatically inserted in the auto-generated scripts (such as CREATE TABLE) in SQL Server 2005 Management Studio.

I am working on new scripts that include these options. What are the replacements for these options? Does the above note apply to ALTER DATABASE options? Please give me advice!


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