I don't quite understand what I am asking for so hopefully this is enough to get an answer or some explanation.
Using SQL2014 I need to use a Chinese collation. I have been told that even with a Chinese collation Latin characters are there. Is there a Chinese collation that will provide Latin case-insensitive behavior?
Hi all, I have a stored procedure that generates the following SQL WHERE clause UserName LIKE 'Adi234%' AND Fname LIKE 'David%' AND LName LIKE 'Justin%' AND It is good except that it i can not remove the last AND which is not neccessary at the end of the clause. I want to remove the last AND that come up at the end, my code places AND after each data field(UserName, Fname, Lname) .
Hello, I have a report that is based on a dynamic column. The column is specified by the user, and the column tyep may be text, datetime, or bigint. The user specifies the column name, and there is also a parameter that specifies the type. I allow my users to format the date via passing in a date format string, so my code looks something like:
Parameters!primarycolumntype.Value = "text",
Parameters!primarycolumntype.Value = "date",
[DO DATE FUNCTIONS HERE, e.g. Year(Fields(Parameters!primaryitemcolumn.Value).Value)],
Parameters!primarycolumntype.Value = "numeric",
The trouble I am running into is that I am getting invalid date conversion errors whenever a text value is being supplied - in other words, the code in the "DO DATE FUNCTIONS HERE" is being executed regardless of whether my primary column type parameter is text OR date. It would appear that all conversion fuctions are calculated at runtime prior to running other logic. If so, this is a bad thing for me, as that means I cannot mix data types in the same report and figure it out all dynamically. Is this true? I had always thought that the date code (in the example above, the call to Year()) would not be executed unless that statement in the switch statement was true. I've had the same luck with If statements, and Choose statements, and I've even tried using custom code.
I think my whole problem relates to a misunderstanding of how the functions are processed. Can anyone shed some light?
I have some code that sorts a column logically even if it contains both numbers and text. But I've found that SQL converts certain characters automatically....
Here is the code...
order by case when isnumeric(fieldname)=1 then right(replicate(' ', 10 ) + convert(varchar,convert(numeric(10),fieldname)),10) else fieldnameend --10 is the length of the field
The issue I've run across is that if my column contains the following strings(5D000,5E000,4E001) it thinks they are numeric then the THEN part of the condition causes a typecasting error....
I found out that any certain combinations of number + E or D + 0. Does anyone know a way to get around this? Try it out select isnumeric('5E0303') will return 1
I have a third party app that passes parameters (main dataset query) from the app to SSRS. Â Unfortunately, when the parameters are passed from the app they will contain equal signs ("=") in front of each parameter. Â For example, the parameters that may be passed to the main dataset query should be:
However, the parameters that are passed from the app, get to SSRS as:
Again, this is for the main dataset query and there may be one parameter or there may be any number of them.
Basically, I need to strip the "=" signs from the parameters. whether there is one parameter or ten.
I believe that I will need a custom function to strip the equal signs?
I've got one SQL Server 7.0 table with a "Decsciption" Column of length 4000. The values in this column contains "End of Line" ASCII Character. The ASCII Value of this character is 10. I'm not able to remove this ASCII Character. I tried by using REPLACE function. But i could not remove that character.
I have a problem with alot of my SPs. All compile correctly but cause erroneous data due to IF statements begin ignored due to
characters (see below).
Example SP... -- Opened within last 12 Months
-- Accounts in Arrears in Current Quarter
Should look like ...
-- Opened within last 12 Months IF @NEWACCIND = 1 BEGIN
EXECUTE usp_DFDX03_D0150_A4 @COSTALL OUTPUT END -- Accounts in Arrears in Current Quarter
I need to find all SPs with double
instance and manually replace. There are hundreds of SPs in total. I have tried
but this also returns SPs containing 2 consecutive blank lines as well (which there are alot of due to formatting of T-SQL). Really I need to distuinguish between and new line which both appear to be CHAR(13)
I tried to setup a flat file data source that has code page 37 (EBCDIC)
Then I have a flat file destionation that is ASCII.
And inbetween I have tried several different data flow conversion tasks liked Data Conversion, and Derived Column. But I keep getting errors about different code pages.
I also tried to load the EBCDIC data into a SQL Server DB, and it complains about different code page.
Has anyone been able to do this with SSIS out of the box, without any extra components ?
I have an issue where I am storing various international characters in nvarchar columns, but need to branch the data at one point of processing so that ASCII characters are run through an additional cleansing process and all non-ASCII characters are set aside.
Is there a way to identify which nvarchar values are within the ASCII range and can be converted to varchar without corruption? Also, the strings may contain a mix of english and international character sets, so the entire string must be checked and not just the first character.
I'm working on a database conversion from Sybase to SQL Server 2005 and have hit a wall with a character conversion problem when reading non-ASCII characters (encrypted password string) via JDBC.
My application runs on Solaris and accesses a SQL Server 2005 database via the Microsoft JDBC driver. The server was unfortunately specified as having a SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS collation at installation time, and the database being accessed has taken this default. After creation the data was migrated across via DTS.
The invalid character is a dagger '†'. When read over JDBC it is converted to a question mark '?'.
In my original environment a Sybase database was accessed via JDBC driver from Solaris and the correct value was returned. The Sybase database used Latin1_General_BIN as it's collation. By way of experimentation I have modified the default collation sequence within the SQL Server 2005 database, and created a new table to hold the password. I am then able to correctly return strings containing this character from within SQL Server Management Studio, but the same problem still exists when accessing it via JDBC.
I am not sure where to focus my investigation and would be grateful for any useful pointers/advice. To me it looks like it's a JDBC driver issue as with the change in collation it works from a non-JDBC client.
I need to do EBCDIC to ASCII conversion in SSIS. The incoming data has packed decimal fields in it. Has anyone been able to convert packed EBCDIC decimal fields to ACSCII using SSIS?
I'm working on a database conversion from Sybase to SQL Server 2005 and have hit a wall with a character conversion problem when reading non-ASCII characters (encrypted password) via JDBC.
My application runs on Solaris and accesses a SQL Server 2005 database via the Microsoft JDBC driver. The server was unfortunately specified as having a SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS collation at installation time, and the database being accessed has taken this default. After creation the data was migrated across via DTS.
The invalid character is a dagger '€ '. When read over JDBC it is converted to a question mark '?'.
In my original environment a Sybase database was accessed via JDBC driver from Solaris and the correct value was returned. The Sybase database used Latin1_General_BIN as it's collation. By way of experimentation I have modified the default collation sequence within the SQL Server 2005 database, and created a new table to hold the password. I am then able to correctly return strings containing this character from within SQL Server Management Studio, but the same problem still exists when accessing it via JDBC.
I am not sure where to focus my investigation and would be grateful for any useful pointers/advice. To me it looks like it's a JDBC driver issue as with the change in collation it works from a non-JDBC client.
Hi! What kind off settings do I use if Iam gone have diffrent languages on the databse?? What kind of collections settings do I use then If Iam going to have macedonia(Cyrillic), Swedish, and lots of other contries??? What kind of collection Seetings do I use under the installation of the MSSQL Server 2005?
Can I specify a collate value for a column in a table that includes all the possible languages in the world or atleast Latin 1 and Eastern European languages.
My DB Collation is set to Latin 1 and the columns in the tables are all nvarchar or ntext, but certain hungarian characters are not displayed correctly.
What do all these collation codes represent:
They seem generic. Is there one collation that includes all the Eastern Europen Languages and Latin 1 charset. Please let me know.
Hi All,I am trying to delete rows from a table using a SQL statement similarto this:DELETE FROM TableA where ID1 IN(Select ID1 From TableB where ID2>= @min and ID2<=@max)Basically I want to delete all rows from TableA that have an ID in arange in TableB. This is done in a stored proc.When I look at the execution plan, it is using the indexes as I wouldhope for. The problem is that it is doing a sort which accounts for73% of the cost. I do not need to sort the results. I don't care whatorder they are deleted in.How can I prevent the sort from occuring? I need this delete to occuras fast as possible.Thanks In Advance
We should support multiple language(Latin,chinese,japanese,korea) in one report when exporting to PDF format in reporting service. We have used Arial Unicode as our font. But when we exported the report, the korean language item can not be displayed. Any idea on that? Thanks a lot.
I've created an asp.net page that takes the content of text boxes and writes them to a sql table.
The problem is that when I examine the resulting data in the SQL database, I find that the fields written to have had padding added (up to the maximum size of the fields).
I was under the impression that fields of type NVARCHAR did not store padding (only the no of characters being stored).
I've checked it's not the text boxes on the aspx page by explicitly posting values instead of the boxes content and the same thing happens.
example of function i'm using to post data:
Function AddNews(ByVal Category As String, ByVal ApplicRole As String, ByVal NewsType As String, ByVal Description As String, ByVal News As String, ByVal Hyperlink As String, ByVal Email As String, ByVal BirthDate As Date, ByVal KillDate As Date, ByVal Parent As String) As Integer Dim connectionString As String = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("AuthentConnection") Dim dbConnection As System.Data.IDbConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString) Dim queryString As String = "INSERT INTO [News]([Category],[ApplicRole],[NewsType],[Description],[News],[Hyperlink],[Email],[BirthDate],[KillDate],[Parent]) VALUES (@Category,@ApplicRole,@NewsType,@Description,@News,@Hyperlink,@Email,@BirthDate,@KillDate,@Parent)" Dim dbCommand As System.Data.IDbCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
I have lot of SQL logins which do not have access to any databases . They do not show any database access when i check their properties . My server is SQL 7.0 with SP 3 .
I want to clean up those logins with the help of script instead of deleting every login manually which is time consuming as i have to check the database access before deleting the login.
Is there any where script available or any other way to delete these unnecessary logins ? Also will it be a problem on the SQL Server if i delete those logins at one command ?
Here is a simplified version of my problem: I am inserting data into a table using a stored procedure. The table has an identity column that increments with each insert. When I use erroneous data in the other fields the insert fails….no surprises there! But when the next insert occurs with valid data I find that my identity field has increased even with those inserts that failed, so my sequence has jumped a few numbers. How do I get the identity inserts to roll back if the rest of the data in a row doesn’t insert successfully? Marcha x
I have created a publication from SQL Server 7.0 and subscribed the publication it to one of the SQL 2000 server std. edition .
Now there are some entries in the subscription list at the subscriber which need to be deleted . The list shows the name of the publication , the database name and the date .
I wanted to know hoe can we delete those unwanted entries. If i select the entry and right click on it , there is no delete option .
Are those entries to be deleted from one of the tables at the subscriber or the publisher ? If yes, then what is the name of the table ?
I wanted to remove an extra transaction log file that was no longer required, and ran the following against the database...
DBCC Shrinkfile (DB_Name_log2, Emptyfile); go alter database [Db_Name] remove file DB_Name_log2; go
I got a successful removal message. But if I go into the properties of the database, and click on files, it still shows up. Why is this and how can I get rid of it?
I have a need to create a report that has a graph at the top and a table at the bottom. The graph at the top can optionally be made hidden because they cause problems when exported to Excel as images. However, when I set the Hidden property of the graph to true, positions of all items on the report remain absolute. Meaning of course that the table that is located half-way down the page remains half-way down the page and there is a lot of nothing on the first half where the graph used to be.
It would be desirable to have the ability to have the table move up when the graph is not visible, however it obviously doesn't do it automatically and also refuses me the ability to change the position with an expression.
I am creating a report query that returns all unreconciled P/O lines. I am near completion but I am unable to find a way to remove the reconciled records.
I have included a script to produce some sample table, data & query.
The recordset dispalys 6 rows. All reconciled Supplier Invoices are duplicated and have transaction codes 40, 50 and reconcile code of 9 (5024, 921689471).
All unreconciled only appear once and have transaction codes 40 and reconcile code of 0 (4835 & 921978016). These are the only records that I want to show.
In my application I must store over 16000 character in a sql table field . When I split into more than 1 field it gives "unclosed quotation mark" message. How can I store over 16000 characters to sql table field (only one field) with language specific characters?
This a microsoft SQL 2000 server. I have a DB with mutliple tables that have a column called "Date_stamp", which is used as a primary ID. Here is my problem: Some of tables have a bad datetime entry for the "Date_stamp". The bad entry is '2008-3-18". I need to delete this entry from every single table that has a name similary to 'Elect_Sub%Daily'.
I know how to get the user table names from the DB as follows:
SELECT name FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE xtype = 'U' and name like 'Elect_Sub%Daily'
What I need to do is have a query that will basically scroll through the tables name produced by the above query and search and delete the entries that read '2008-3-18".
delete from tableName where Date_Stamp = '2008-3-18'