Updading Sql Server 2005 From 32bit Version To 64 Bit Version
Mar 12, 2007
We have a 64bit os machine that we accidently loaded the 32 bit version of sql server on. We now want to upgrade it to 64 bit sql server, but we now have a production database on it. My understanding is that all I have to do is detach the production database, upgrade to 64bit sql server, then reattach the database. Is this really all I have to do?
Since some analysis services features are only available in Enterprise version , I have to upgrade my SQL 2005 server from standard edition to enterpise edition.
So I uninstall originial standard version of analysis service and install a Enterprise version. However, the analysis service is still a standard version after installation.
Is it possible to keep data engine as standard version and install a enterprise version of analysis service?
Is there any way to restore a database of higher version to lower version.
E.g. I have created a database in sql server 2012, created some tables & procedures in that.I took Full backup of that database. Can I restore it to sql 2008r2 or any lower version.
I know direct restore is not possible, I have to use either import or export option or generating script,but i want to know is there any easy step to do so.
Hello,I have been searching and reading a lots of information on the microsoft website about the different version of SQL server, but still can not make my decision.In term of performance, is there a real big difference between the workgroup and the standard version? The workgroup is limited to 3 GB of RAM while the standard is unlimited, would that really change the performance if my server has 16Gb or RAM?The price difference is pretty substantial so if could only have to buy the workgroup , it would be better.One more question, regarding the type of licence, my server has 2 processors, could I avoid buying 2 licences and get the Server plus CAL instead. I am using this server to host 4 web-application running on SQL server. Each database is about 15 MB.Thanks in adavance for your advises.Arno
I am wondering if it is possible to change from SQL Server Enterprise Evaluation Version to Developer Version. The reason is because the Enterprise Evaluation version expires after 180 days. So if I create reports and cubes in Enterprise Evaluation I can import them into Developer Edition right? Should I remove the Enterprise Evaluation version after 180 days or leave it then install Developer Edition?
I have tried to attatch a database ,created by SQL server Express within a C# application , in SQL server 2005 Enterprise edition, but the following error message appears:
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio ------------------------------
Attach database failed for Server 'MEDO'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)
For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft SQL Server&ProdVer=9.00.1187.00&EvtSrc=Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ExceptionTemplates.FailedOperationExceptionText&EvtID=Attach database+Server&LinkId=20476
An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)
The database 'E:X.MDF' cannot be opened because it is version 611. This server supports version 607 and earlier. A downgrade path is not supported. Could not open new database 'E:X.MDF'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 948)
so , how can I solve this problem , I need to reed the data resides in the tables of 'X' database , how can I do it?? please help me.
Can some one here give me more insight about how to upgrade a SQL Server 2005 Standard Version (32 bits) to a SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Version (32 bits) as default instance on a Windows 2003 enterprise OS (32 bits). I want to know what is the easist way and what is the safest way. May I preserve some settings I have for the STD version, or I have to start from strach again to configure the server? Is there any catches, anything I should have attention to (We are using heavily about CLR and fulltext indexing)?
Hello, I installed the SQL Server 2k EnterPrise version and developer version on the same version, and the developer version is an instance "Development". How do I expose both of them to internet? Just open both of them to port 1433? And on the client side, just say IP and IP/Development? Do I need specific set up, will they conflict? Thanks,
I downloaded the 101 Samples installation (i.e. 101SamplesCS.msi) from Microsoft's website, which contains SQL Server database files.
While working with the databases in the "Data Access" samples from the 101 Samples projects, I get the following error:
"Database <mdf_name> cannot be upgraded because its non-release version (600) is not supported by this version of SQL Server. You cannot open a database that is incompatible with this version of sqlservr.exe. You must re-create the database..."
I assume the database files were created with a beta or CTP version of SQL Server 2005. Does anyone know where I can get an updated version of these database files or scripts to update them?
Does anyone know how to get SQL Server versions, Service pack versionsand the Server that instance of SQL is running on a network. I haveseen some threads on how to list SQL servers in a network but I need tofind more info about these SQL servers.Any help appreciated..!Thx...
I have an ssis package that downloads a SQL Server 2000 database and restores it to a SQL 2005 server. Ninety-five percent of the time it runs just fine, but every so often the job fails and I get the following set of error messages in the log file. (I have had to delete some of the proprietary information for this message to satisfy my boss like putting in [Database name] in place of the actual name of the database in the error message).
OnError, Restore backup file to DB,,,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,0,0x,Converting database [Database name] from version 539 to the current version 611. OnError,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,0,0x,Converting database [Database name] from version 539 to the current version 611. OnError,Restore backup file to DB,,,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,0,0x,Database [Database name] running the upgrade step from version 539 to version 551. OnError,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,0,0x,Database [Database name] running the upgrade step from version 539 to version 551. OnError,Restore backup file to DB,,,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,0,0x,The transaction log for database [Database name] is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases OnError,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,0,0x,The transaction log for database [Database name] is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases OnError,SQL5,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,0,0x,RESTORE could not start database [Database name]. OnError,SQL5,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,0,0x,RESTORE could not start database [Database name]. OnError,SQL5,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,-1073548784,0x,Executing the query "RESTORE DATABASE [Database name] FROM DISK = '[Path to back up file]' WITH REPLACE, MOVE 'ASP_Live_Data' TO [Path to MDF file], MOVE 'ASP_Live_Log' TO [Path to LDF file]" failed with the following error: "RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly. OnError,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,-1073548784,0x,Executing the query "RESTORE DATABASE [Database name] FROM DISK = '[Path to backup file]' WITH REPLACE, MOVE 'ASP_Live_Data' TO [Path to MDF file]', MOVE 'ASP_Live_Log' TO [Path to LDF file]" failed with the following error: "RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly. OnTaskFailed,Restore backup file to DB,,,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,0,0x,(null)
I have received the error message "Package migration from version 8 to version 6 failed".I have developed a SSIS package with Visual Studio 2013 which gives me PackageFormatVersion of 8. I then deploy my package to the ssisdb catalog that is running on a SQL Server 2012, this works fine but when I try to execute the package the error arises…due to SQL Server 2012 has a PackageFormatVersion of 6 and it can’t run something that has a greater version.I haven’t seen any good solution for this but one that would work for me would be to upgrade the Integration Services Server from 2012 to 2014, leaving everything else in 2012 (database, ssms, ssas, ssrs).Would this solve the package format problem? Would I then be able to execute my packages in the ssisdb catalog?
Now, I checked and verified that my backup version of SQL Server is the same as the version installed on the computer I'm restoring too.
I have SQL Server on a production machine that I backed up and want to test a full restore on a dev machine to make sure it will work when I need it to.
Now that I've run the restore command on my tape backup and go to restart the SQL server service I receive:
Configuration block version 0 is not a valid version number. SQL Server is exiting. Restore the master database or reinstall.
I'm afraid I don't understand why this is happening. If the builds are the same, then shouldn't restoring the MASTER database have worked normally and I'd be able to restart the service now?
I have the trial version of SQL Server 2005 installed and have setup a couple of databases. This trial version will expire in another few weeks. I recently purchased a copy of the software and want to install it. Will I lose my databases, user info, etc? How do I go about installing without losing anything?
I started this thread as the last attempt to sort the issue out.
I have an SSIS package that loads data from a .csv file into my database. It works fine on my developer machine. I start it programmatically or from Management Studio or from Visual Studio, and it works. Then I deploy it to the MSDB database on the computer on which it will have its final place. There again I can start it from Management Studio or from Visual Studio (using the source file), and it works. But when I start it programmatically, it just fails telling me:
Package Warnings: Package Errors: The version of component "****" (11773) is not compatible with this version of the DataFlow. Component "component "Derived Column" (13627)" could not be created and returned error code 0x80070005. Make sure that the component is registered correctly. The component is missing, not registered, not upgradeable, or missing required interfaces. The contact information for this component is "Flat File Source;Microsoft Corporation;Microsoft SqlServer v9; (C) 2005 Microsoft Corporation; All Rights Reserved; http://www.microsoft.com/sql/support;1". component "Agreement File" (11773) failed validation and returned error code 0xC0048021. One or more component failed validation. There were errors during task validation.
Maybe the source of the problem is that this machine is a 64-bit one, while the developer machine is 32-bit one. But why does the package run fine when I start it from Management Studio?
The version of the report server database is either in a format that is not valid, or it cannot be read. The found version is 'C.0.8.54'. the expected version is 'C.0.8.40'. To continue, update the version of the report server database and verify access rights. I'm getting this whenever try to access the report server via SSMS, I have tried to upgrade via the Reporting Service Configuration Manager but get an error message similar to above except it says: The database version (C.o.8.54) does not match your Reporting Services installation. This version of the database cannot be upgraded. You must use a different database. Has anyone seen this before? I can create a new database, but don't want to loose all my reports. Any ideas. Oh, not even sure if the backups exist from before this error, I've spent 2 weeks trying to get access to the server so I could try to upgrade, only to get the above results. Thanks for your help, David
I m using Windows 2003 Server. I installed SQL Server2005 and now i want to apply CTP service pack on it. I downloaded all the SP2 patches available on the site http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=D2DA6579-D49C-4B25-8F8A-79D14145500D&displaylang=en . Each of them is giving an error and it is not getting installed on SQLServer 2005; Is it a problem with my hardware? or the version of Windows? or the version of SQLServer 2005?
I have run exec xp_msver on the sql server management studio please can anybody tell me which edition of sql server 2005 i am using... is it ENTERPRISE EDITION or EXPRESS edition. thanks in advance regards, pranav
I have sql server 2005 - version 9.00.3054.00 -SP2 - Enterprise Edition. Is there any latest version than this to upgrade. I am having lot of troubles on the server these days. Whenever Analysis server cube is processed, the server is going really slow and before the cube process analysis service is stopping. I don't understand what the problem is? Analysis services is getting stopped whenever a cube is processed and server performance is getting really slower. Please let me know how to trouble shoot this.
Hi everyone I've just installed the microsoft's evaluation version of sql 2005 at my home computer. Now i'm trying to connect ("sql sever management studio") but i dont know the server's name nor user name. I dont rememeber ever asked to produce any during the installation. Bottom line- the evaluation version of sql server 2005 is installed but i cannot log in. How do i get to know my user name ? server name ? What ever i try i'm announced that the present version is not working for remote connections. I try to connect from the same very machine of the sql server. What is wrong ? Thanks
I would like to know if it's possible to embed a SQL Server 2000/2005 DBwithin a desktop application so that the end users cannot view the DB.Also, this will prevent them from copying the database on to their otherSQL Servers.Also, what are the options to load SQL Server 2005 on Win 98*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***
I have Windows Vista Ultimate 64 installed on my computer, along with IIS 7 and the required IIS 6 components for SQL Server 2005. I also have Visual Studio 2005 Pro installed, but I have uninstalled SQL Server 2005 Express.
When I try to install SQL Server 2005 Pro, with all features, the 32 bit version always wants to install. I can't find a way to get the x64 version of SQL Server to install.
I have been running SQL Server 2005 Express with the Management Studio Express. I just downloaded and installed the Eval (Trial) version of SQL Server 2005 but have not been able to get it working. Here are a couple of questions:1. Is there a potential confict with having both versions on my machine. I don't want to uninstall express since I may have to do back to it in 180 days.2. Is there a program comparable to the Management Studio for the Eval version of SQL Server 2005?3. How do I access the Eval version? I found the folder where it installed on my C drive but don't know what to do with it.Thanks for any help you can provide.
Is there any way to get the version of a database without attaching it to the server. Or can I attach a database without converting from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005.
The reason is that I have to ask the user before a convert the database from SQL Server 2000 to 2005.
We have our SQL databases clustered using MSCS on X64 servers and are planning to apply SP2. During initial tests, we find that around 20-25% queries perform slow after applying SP2 compared to SP1. Just wanted to know if anyone else has found the same behavior and if there are any known patterns / issues with respect to performance for Sp2
I'm trying toinstall sql server 2005 trial version on my vista operating system. which extraction excutablile I should select from the following x85 excutable, x64excutable?
Hello! I hope somebody can solve my question, now my workstation PC is install with Sql Server 2005 Evalution Version, I need to view sys.sysobjvalues, and after i check online, it need i logon using Dedicated Administarator Connection (DAC), but I failed to do that! Is it the Evaluation version not have this feature?
When I ran @@version I get this: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.2047.00 (Intel X86) Apr 14 2006 01:12:25 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 1)
I assume this is a licensed version because the std edition does not have a trial license? Can someone confirm this?
If this were a trial version, what could I expect to see?
I am trying to uninstall the SQL SERVER 2005 Beta version but I am getting following error.
SQL Server 2005 has detected incompatible componanets from Beta version of Visual Studio. NET framework or sql server 2005
I have SQL Server 2005 is already in my system but it is B version so I am trying to uninstall it but it is not getting Uninstalled. and my system is having visual studio 2003 .net
so how to uninstall SQL Server 2005 Beta version ?