Update 2 Tables In Single Statement

Mar 13, 2008

Is it possible to update 2 tables in a single t-sql statement?

If Yes, whats the syntax?

Update Table1,Table2 ... is not working

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Single Statement For Insert Or Update

May 8, 2008

In VB6 using MDAC 2.8 I could do a single select statement that would act as either an Insert or an update. Is there a way to do this in ADO.net?
My old VB6 code
Dim dbData As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs1 As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim strParm As String
Dim strCusNo As String
strParm = "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=SQL2000; Initial Catalog=DATA_01; User ID=UserName; Password=password"
dbData.Open strParm
strParm = "Select CusNo from CusFil Where CusNo = '" & strCusNo & "'"
rs1.Open strParm, dbData, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
If rs1.BOF And rs1.EOF Then

End If
With rs1
!CusNo = strCusNo
End With
Set rs1 = Nothing
Set dbData = Nothing

Is there an ADO.Net equivalent?


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Update Multiple Varbinary Records With Single Sql Statement

Jan 16, 2007

I am renovating an existing application and am converting the existing passwords into hashed values using SHA1. I know how to compute the hashed values as a byte array for each record. What I don't know how to do easily is update all of the records i a single call to the database. Normally, I would just do the following:UPDATE HashedPassword = someValue WHERE UserID = 101;
UPDATE HashedPassword = someOtherValue WHERE UserID = 102;

What I don't know is what someValue and someOtherValue should be. How do I convert my byte array into string representation that SQL will accept? I usually execute multiple statements using Dim oCmd as New SqlCommand(sSQL, MyConn) and then call oCmd.ExecuteNonQuery().
Alternatively, I found the following code that uses the byte array directly but only shows a single statement. How could I use it to execute multiple statements as shown above?'FROM http://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/103002-1.2.aspx

'2. Create a command object for the query
Dim strSQL as String = _
"INSERT INTO UserAccount(Username,Password) " & _
"VALUES(@Username, @Password)"
Dim objCmd as New SqlCommand(strSQL, objConn)

'3. Create parameters
Dim paramUsername as SqlParameter
paramUsername = New SqlParameter("@Username", SqlDbType.VarChar, 25)
paramUsername.Value = txtUsername.Text

Dim paramPwd as SqlParameter
paramPwd = New SqlParameter("@Password", SqlDbType.Binary, 16)
paramPwd.Value = hashedBytes

'Insert the records into the database

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Single Statement To Delete Record Into More Tables

Aug 6, 2004

Hi ,

I little question for you ... is it possibile to write a SQL statement to delete records in several tables at the same time?

For example if I've two tables involved by join

DELETE <...> from Customers A
INNER JOIN CustomerProperties B ON A.CustomerID=B.CustomerID

I Must use two statement to remove records from both the tables?


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Multiple Tables Used In Select Statement Makes My Update Statement Not Work?

Aug 29, 2006

I am currently having this problem with gridview and detailview. When I drag either onto the page and set my select statement to pick from one table and then update that data through the gridview (lets say), the update works perfectly.  My problem is that the table I am pulling data from is mainly foreign keys.  So in order to hide the number values of the foreign keys, I select the string value columns from the tables that contain the primary keys.  I then use INNER JOIN in my SELECT so that I only get the data that pertains to the user I am looking to list and edit.  I run the "test query" and everything I need shows up as I want it.  I then go back to the gridview and change the fields which are foreign keys to templates.  When I edit the templates I bind the field that contains the string value of the given foreign key to the template.  This works great, because now the user will see string representation instead of the ID numbers that coinside with the string value.  So I run my webpage and everything show up as I want it to, all the data is correct and I get no errors.  I then click edit (as I have checked the "enable editing" box) and the gridview changes to edit mode.  I make my changes and then select "update."  When the page refreshes, and the gridview returns, the data is not updated and the original data is shown. I am sorry for so much typing, but I want to be as clear as possible with what I am doing.  The only thing I can see being the issue is that when I setup my SELECT and FROM to contain fields from multiple tables, the UPDATE then does not work.  When I remove all of my JOIN's and go back to foreign keys and one table the update works again.  Below is what I have for my SQL statements:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT:SELECT People.FirstName, People.LastName, People.FullName, People.PropertyID, People.InviteTypeID, People.RSVP, People.Wheelchair, Property.[House/Day Hab], InviteType.InviteTypeName FROM (InviteType INNER JOIN (Property INNER JOIN People ON Property.PropertyID = People.PropertyID) ON InviteType.InviteTypeID = People.InviteTypeID) WHERE (People.PersonID = ?)UPDATE:UPDATE [People] SET [FirstName] = ?, [LastName] = ?, [FullName] = ?, [PropertyID] = ?, [InviteTypeID] = ?, [RSVP] = ?, [Wheelchair] = ? WHERE [PersonID] = ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The only fields I want to update are in [People].  My WHERE is based on a control that I use to select a person from a drop down list.  If I run the test query for the update while setting up my data source the query will update the record in the database.  It is when I try to make the update from the gridview that the data is not changed.  If anything is not clear please let me know and I will clarify as much as I can.  This is my first project using ASP and working with databases so I am completely learning as I go.  I took some database courses in college but I have never interacted with them with a web based front end.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.Thank you in advance for any time, help, and/or advice you can give.Brian 

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Can I Update Two Tables In A Single Query

Jun 14, 2008

hi friends

in my sqlserver 2005 i want to update two tables in a single query.

is it possible? or is it possible by creating a view?

thanks in advance.


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Update Multiple Tables In Single Query

Apr 3, 2008

Hello All,

I want to update multiple tables using single query and fields name are same of tables.
I am trying like:

update tablename1 t1,tablename2 t2 set t1.fieldname1 = t2.fieldname1 = 'value' where condition;


update tablename1 t1,tablename2 t2 set t1.fieldname1 = 'value' t2.fieldname1 = value where condition;

Plzzzzzz help me.Thanx in advance.

Thanx & Regards,

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Update Multiple Tables Using A Single Query

Nov 6, 2007

I am using SQl server 2005.
want to update rows in 2 tables,which have a relation on Id field.

Some thing like
Update tblA a , tblB b
Set a.UpdatedDt=getdate(),b.Updateddt=getdate()
where a.Id=b.Id and a.Name='xyz'

can anyone out there help me?


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Can We Insert/Update Into Related Tables In A Single Round Trip ?

Sep 25, 2002

I would like to update/insert data into a Orderhearder Table along with the related details into the corrosponding OrderDetails Tables. Can this be done using a single stored procedure or do we have to make one call to the UpdateOrderHeader Stored Procedure and loop thru all the details and call the UpdateOrderDetails Stored Procedure. How do we handle the Transactions in such a case ?


Anurag Agarwal

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SQL 2012 :: Single Query To Update Same Column Name In Different Tables With Where Condition?

Sep 25, 2014

I have two tables table1 and table2 and having a common column "col1"

When i ran the following query

UPDATE table1, table2 SET col1=FALSE WHERE id = 1;

getting the following error

Error Code: 1052 Column 'col1' in field list is ambiguous

id column exist in both the tables and need to update both the tables to false where the id is equivalent to 1.

how to achieve this in single query?

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Update Two Tables With The Same Statement

Sep 16, 2005

hi,does any know how to update two tables with the same statement?is it possible?here is my unsuccessful try:UPDATE A,BSET A.VAL='BLUH1', B.VAL='BLUH2'from #T A, #T2 BWHERE  A.LOANID=B.LOANID

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Update 2 Tables In One Statement

May 1, 2008

this code is not working.
I can’t update 2 tables in one statement?

update pd, p
set pd.show = 0 , pd.seashow = 0
FROM ProductDetail pd
join Products p on p.itemid = pd.ItemID
where pd.show = 1
and pd.site in (1,4,6)

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UPDATE Statement Involving Tables In Different Databases

Feb 22, 2006

I want to create an UPDATE statement that updates a value in a table indatabase A based on the results of an inner join between tables eachresiding in deifferent databases.What is the correct syntax for doing this?The following should give you an idea of what I'm trying to do:UPDATE A.dbo.tblCarsSET A.dbo.tblCars.Car = 'Ferrari'FROMA.dbo.tblCars INNER JOIN B.dbo.tblHouses ONA.dbo.tblCars.RecID = B.dbo.tblHouses.RecIDWHERE (B.dbo.tblHouses = 'Mansion')

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SQL Server 2000 - Issue W/ UPDATE - Single Row Update Returns 2 Different Messages

Nov 11, 2007

I am hoping someone can shed light on this odd behavior I am seeing running a simple UPDATE statement on a table in SQL Server 2000.  I have 2 tables - call them Table1 and Table2 for now (among many) that need to have certain columns updated as part of a single transaction process.   Each of the tables has many columns. I have purposely limited the target column for updating to only ONE of the columns in trying to isolate the issue.  In one case the UPDATE runs fine against Table1... at runtime in code and as a manual query when run in QueryAnalyzer or in the Query window of SSManagementStudio - either way it works fine. 
However, when I run the UPDATE statement against Table2 - at runtime I get rowsaffected = 0 which of course forces the code to throw an Exception (logically).  When I take out the SQL stmt and run it manually in Query Analyzer, it runs BUT this is the output seen in the results pane...
(0 row(s) affected)
(1 row(s) affected)
How does on get 2 answers for one query like this...I have never seen such behavior and it is a real frustration ... makes no sense.  There is only ONE row in the table that contains the key field passed in and it is the same key field value on the other table Table1 where the SQL returns only ONE message (the one you expect)
(1 row(s) affected)
If anyone has any ideas where to look next, I'd appreciate it.

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Plz Help...update Value In Multiple Db Table Using Single 'update Command'

Mar 18, 2005


we show record from multiple table using single 'selectcommand'.
select *
from cust_detail,vend_detail

i want to insert value in multiple database table(more than one) using single 'insert command'.
is it possible?
give any idea or solution.

i want to update value in multiple database table(more than one) using single 'update command'

i want to delete value in multiple database table(more than one) using singl 'delete command'
it is possible?
give any idea or solution.

it's urgent.

thanks in advance.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Create Dynamic Update Statement Based On Return Values In Select Statement

Jan 9, 2015

Ok I have a query "SELECT ColumnNames FROM tbl1" let's say the values returned are "age,sex,race".

Now I want to be able to create an "update" statement like "UPATE tbl2 SET Col2 = age + sex + race" dynamically and execute this UPDATE statement. So, if the next select statement returns "age, sex, race, gender" then the script should create "UPDATE tbl2 SET Col2 = age + sex + race + gender" and execute it.

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Need A Single Sql Statement

Feb 23, 2005

How can I do it by using two subqueries the second of them to be aggregate and have two left joins from the first to the second??

e.g. How can I left join these two queries with the joinfield1,joinfield2 fields??

1st query
Select field1, field2, joinfield1,joinfield2 FROM Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.field3 = Table2.field4 where field5=Value

2nd query
Select sum(agfield1) As f1, sum(agfield2) As f2, joinfield1,joinfield2 FROM Table3 INNER JOIN Table4 ON Table3.agfield3 = Table2.agfield4
where agfield5=Value
Group By joinfield1,joinfield2

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Is It Possible In Single SQL Statement

May 31, 2006

Does anyone know how should I write the sql for getting the following result?

Original Table like below.
06/12/01 3
06/12/02 2
06/12/02 3
06/12/03 2
06/12/03 3

Curernt SQL:

When I put an "agentcode=2" in 'WHERE' clause, the result does not have '06/12/01' row.

SELECT DISTINCT WorkDay, AgentCode FROM MasterScheduleTransaction WHERE AgentCode=2
06/12/02 2
06/12/03 2

I would like to know the agent is in the specified date.
The expected result like below.
06/12/01 NULL
06/12/02 2
06/12/03 2

Please help its urgent

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SQL Server 2012 :: Update Statement With CASE Statement?

Aug 13, 2014

i was tasked to created an UPDATE statement for 6 tables , i would like to update 4 columns within the 6 tables , they all contains the same column names. the table gets its information from the source table, however the data that is transferd to the 6 tables are sometimes incorrect , i need to write a UPDATE statement that will automatically correct the data. the Update statement should also contact a where clause

the columns are [No] , [Salesperson Code], [Country Code] and [Country Name]

i was thinking of doing

Update [tablename]
SET [No] =
WHEN [No] ='AF01' THEN 'Country Code' = 'ZA7' AND 'Country Name' = 'South Africa'
ELSE 'Null'

What is the best way to script this

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Transact SQL :: Update Statement In Select Case Statement

May 5, 2015

I am attempting to run update statements within a SELECT CASE statement.

Select case x.field
FROM OuterTable x

I get incorrect syntax near the keyword 'update'.

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UPDATE SQL Statement In Excel VBA Editor To Update Access Database - ADO - SQL

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,I am trying to update records in my database from excel data using vbaeditor within excel.In order to launch a query, I use SQL langage in ADO as follwing:------------------------------------------------------------Dim adoConn As ADODB.ConnectionDim adoRs As ADODB.RecordsetDim sConn As StringDim sSql As StringDim sOutput As StringsConn = "DSN=MS Access Database;" & _"DBQ=MyDatabasePath;" & _"DefaultDir=MyPathDirectory;" & _"DriverId=25;FIL=MS Access;MaxBufferSize=2048;PageTimeout=5;" &_"PWD=xxxxxx;UID=admin;"ID, A, B C.. are my table fieldssSql = "SELECT ID, `A`, B, `C being a date`, D, E, `F`, `H`, I, J,`K`, L" & _" FROM MyTblName" & _" WHERE (`A`='MyA')" & _" AND (`C`>{ts '" & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss") & "'})"& _" ORDER BY `C` DESC"Set adoConn = New ADODB.ConnectionadoConn.Open sConnSet adoRs = New ADODB.RecordsetadoRs.Open Source:=sSql, _ActiveConnection:=adoConnadoRs.MoveFirstSheets("Sheet1").Range("a2").CopyFromRecordset adoRsSet adoRs = NothingSet adoConn = Nothing---------------------------------------------------------------Does Anyone know How I can use the UPDATE, DELETE INSERT SQL statementsin this environement? Copying SQL statements from access does not workas I would have to reference Access Object in my project which I do notwant if I can avoid. Ideally I would like to use only ADO system andSQL approach.Thank you very muchNono

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JDBC 2005 Update Statement - Failing Multi Row Update.

Nov 9, 2007

It appears to update only the first qualifying row. The trace shows a row count of one when there are multiple qualifying rows in the table. This problem does not exist in JDBC 2000.

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Single Select Statement

Mar 1, 2008


i have an input parameter @PageloadYN Bit Null

if @PageloadYN = 1 then Select top 500 Records from the Table
if @PageloadYN = 0 then Select * from the Table

i tried like this

Select top 500.* From Table where @PageloadYN = 1
Select * From Table where @PageloadYN = 0

Is there any way to get details in Single select statement only.

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Single SQL Statement Solution….

Oct 31, 2007

What is the single SQL statement to truncate the blank space on either side of data.
Table1 has Name as column.
I have records filled with blank space on both side for Name field.
With one query I want to correct (truncate the leading and trailing space) the data.
SQL Server 2005 SP2.
Thank you,

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Stored Procedure - Update Statement Does Not Seem To Update Straight Away

Jul 30, 2007


I'm writing a fairly involved stored procedure. In this Stored Procedure, I have an update statement, followed by a select statement. The results of the select statement should be effected by the previous update statement, but its not. When the stored procedure is finish, the update statement seemed to have worked though, so it is working.

I suspect I need something, like a GO statement, but that doesnt seem to work for a stored procedure. Can anyone offer some assistance?

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Using Single Quotes In EXEC Statement

Mar 27, 2001

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Sql Statement With Multiple Single Quotations

Apr 19, 2007

>Thanks you for quick answer but we still the same problem special with names like the following exmple:




"ala'a " is Arabic name in English characters.


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Single Update Query

Apr 29, 2008

Table Name:-emp
table structure:-  Name           Gender
                         A                  Male
                         B                  Male
                         C                  FeMale
                         D                  FeMale
I want only one update query to update this table like this
table structure:- Name           Gender
                         A                  FeMale
                         B                  FeMale
                         C                  Male
                         D                  Male
   please help me?                  

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How To Update Single Column

Oct 25, 2007

hi guys i have a problem;;;

i have to update table'''



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Single SP For Insert And Update

Apr 4, 2014

I Want to write a single SP which inserts and updates.

@UserName nvarchar(50),
@OldPassword nvarchar(50),
@NewPassword nvarchar(50)
INSERT INTO RGH_ChangePassword(vUserName, vNewPassword) VALUES(@UserName, @NewPassword)
UPDATE RGH_LoginMaster SET vPassword=@NewPassword WHERE vUserName=@vUserName and vPassword=@OldPassword

When i tried to create above sp it gives me an error saying

Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Procedure sp_NewPassword, Line 8
Must declare the scalar variable "@vUserName".

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Single SQL Update Statements

Oct 31, 2007

What is the single SQL statement to truncate the blank space on either side of data.
Table1 has Name as column.
I have records filled with blank space on both side for Name field.
With one query I want to correct (truncate the leading and trailing space) the data.
SQL Server 2005 SP2.
Thank you,

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Multiple SET/WHERE Within Single UPDATE?

Mar 21, 2008

Can an Update statement support multiple SET/WHERE clauses? The following example won't work, but this is what I'd like to be able to do:

Code Snippet
UPDATE [CPSAgacar].tmp_CTA2

SET [Admit Date] = NULL
WHERE [CPSAgacar].tmp_CTA2.CalcAdmitDate IS NOT NULL

SET CalcDischDate = Discharge
WHERE [CPSAgacar].tmp_CTA2.CalcAdmitDate IS NOT NULL AND CPSAgacar].tmp_CTA2.CalcDischDate IS NULL


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Help With Creating SQL Statement To Get Data From Single Table...

Aug 4, 2005

Hi, I'm having some difficulty creating the SQL Statement for getting some data from a table:
I have the following table of data
I want to beable to pull out the total number of votes a user has had over a period of months.
eg Total up each users users votes for months 4 and 5
that would give:
An added complecation is that user B does not have any data for month 5
Any help or pointers would be fanstatic
Many thanks

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