Update Condition(store Procedure)

Mar 2, 2004

can anyone help to create storeprocedure in SQL SERVER 2000?
the case is like this:
i have one table call [TIMETABLE] which contains these fields:ID,start_time,finish_time,subject_code,venu e
and another table call [attendant_sheet] has these following fields:ID(which should be from TIMETABLE),student_id,subject_code,status,date.

and the storeprocedure will works like this:

if the time(system time) has pass the finish_time on TIMETABLE table then insert the related field into attendant_sheet. and then update the status field to 'absent'
and the student_id should be get it from another table call [enrolment] who havent take their attendance and enrols related subect?

could this possible? PLZ HELP ME!

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How Do You Write An UPDATE Store Procedure?

Oct 11, 2006

I have these 3 tables that are related to each other. I am trying to change the brand name of a product and the type of the product. How can I do this? 1 CREATE TABLE Products
2 (
3 ProductID int IDENTITY (1,1) PRIMARY KEY,
4 ProductSKU nvarchar(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
5 ProductName nvarchar(255),
6 ProductDescription nvarchar(MAX),
7 isInStock bit,
8 SalePrice decimal (18,2),
9 UnitPrice decimal (18,2),
10 isOnSale bit,
11 isSpecial bit,
12 isActive bit,
13 ProductRating int,
14 ProductImageBig varchar(255),
15 ProductImageMedium varchar(255),
16 ProductImageSmall varchar(255)
17 );
20 (
21 BrandID int IDENTITY (1,1) PRIMARY KEY,
22 BrandName nvarchar(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE
23 );
26 (
28 TypeName nvarchar(150) NOT NULL UNIQUE
29 );
31 // The store procedure I am having trouble with.
33 CREATE PROC SetProductsSKU_Brand_Type
34 @ProductID int,
35 @BrandName nvarchar(255),
36 @TypeName nvarchar(150),
37 @ProductSKU nvarchar(100),
38 @ProductName nvarchar(255),
39 @isInStock bit,
40 @SalePrice decimal (18,2),
41 @UnitPrice decimal (18,2),
42 @isOnSale bit,
43 @isSpecial bit,
44 @isActive bit
45 AS
46 UPDATE Products, Types, Brands
47 SET [BrandName] = @BrandName, [TypeName] = @TypeName, [ProductSKU] = @ProductSKU, [ProductName] = @ProductName, [isInStock] = @isInStock,
48 [UnitPrice] = @UnitPrice, [isSpecial] = @isSpecial, [isActive] = @isActive
49 FROM Products prod INNER JOIN ProductsBrands pb
50 ON prod.ProductID = pb.ProductID INNER JOIN Brands b
51 ON pb.BrandID = b.BrandID INNER JOIN ProductsTypes tp
52 ON prod.ProductID = tp.ProductID INNER JOIN Types t
53 ON tp.TypeID = t.TypeID
54 WHERE prod.ProductID = @ProductID
55 AND [ProductSKU] = @ProductSKU
56 AND [ProductName] = @ProductName
57 AND [isInStock] = @isInStock
58 AND [UnitPrice] = @UnitPrice
59 AND [isSpecial] = @isSpecial
60 AND [isActive] = @isActive
61 AND b.BrandName = @BrandName
62 AND t.TypeName = @TypeName

View 6 Replies View Related

Transact SQL :: Include A Condition In Store Proc

Sep 29, 2015

I have an existing store proc with insert and update statements, I want to add a condition at the top of the proc with conditions like;

declare @dayofweek int
set datefirst 1
select @dayofweek = datepart(dw,getdate())
--select @dayofweek
if @dayofweek = 1

[Code] ...

If the condition meets with either of the above 2 conditions, than have to run the actual store proc.

My actual Storeproc in which I need to incorp the above conditions is:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Load_Product]
@FileDate date = NULL
DECLARE @EventText varchar(500),
@Rows int = 0,
@RowsTotal int = 0,

[Code] .....

View 12 Replies View Related

Update Query Condition

Jul 7, 2007

How can update / insert records from table1 colum to table2 colum
with condition ?

I want to insert/update records like this.

update employee
set joine_date = select joine_date from master_table
where emp_id.employee=emp_id.master_table


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Call Store Procedure From Another Store Procedure

Nov 13, 2006

I know I can call store procedure from store procedure but i want to take the value that the store procedure returned and to use it:

I want to create a table and to insert the result of the store procedure to it.

This is the code: Pay attention to the underlined sentence!

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[test]





CREATE TABLE tbl1 (first_name int ,last_name nvarchar(10) )

INSERT INTO tbl1 (first_name,last_name)

VALUES (exec total_cash '8/12/2006 12:00:00 AM' '8/12/2006 12:00:00 AM' 'gilad' ,'cohen')


PLEASE HELP!!!! and God will repay you in kind!


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Update A Field With Condition

Aug 10, 2014

Table A - data example
Idno Entity Flag
1 1 y
2 1 n
3 1 y
4 1 y

Table B - data example
Idno Entity
1 1
2 1
3 1

Table C - data example
Idno Entity
4 1

I want to update the value flag in table A.Update flag from n to y if idno A in table B and and idno A not in table C, so from table A above, first record and 3rd record remain unchange but 2nd record, flag will be changed from n to y. 4th record where idno A not in table b and in Table C so flag will change from y to n. is it possible, or do i need to use the "fetch" method to compare record by record.

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Please Help Create Trigger Condition On Update

Jun 24, 2008

please help create trigger condition on update

FROM empList
WHERE (unit = 9)


update [dbo].[empList]
set unit = CASE WHEN SELECT na,empID, unit
FROM empList
WHERE (empID IN (111, 222, 333, 555)) AND (unit = 9))
then '4' else t.fld1 end

i have an emmployee table

empid unit


1111 3

2222 9

3333 9

4444 2

5555 2

6666 1

7777 9

8888 2

9999 9


i need help create trigger condition on update like this



WHAN ON UPDATE they have unit =9 THAN


empid unit


1111 3

2222 4

3333 4

4444 2

5555 2

6666 1

7777 4

8888 2

9999 4

ONLY IF someone update EMPID=2222 OR 3333 OR 7777 OR 9999 and UNIT=9

THAN automatic change 9 TO 4

TNX for the help

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Update All The Records Of A Table On A Condition

Sep 20, 2007

I have a two tables as follows

Table Category

LastUpdate DateTime

Table Master

Catrgory DateTime

I wanted to update Catrgory coulmn of all records in the Master table with the Value of LastUpdate of the CategoryTable the where the ID of the both the table are same

Can any one please let me know the query


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UPDATE Statement With A JOIN Condition

Jun 30, 2006

Hi all,


Update WACTS_Inventory_Part_Loc_Tbl SET WIPLT_Part_New_Qty = WIPLT.WIPLT_Part_New_Qty + tmp.MATIN_QTY FROM

WACTS_Inventory_Part_Loc_Tbl WIPLT


Temp_MatIn_Data tmp





I have a Problem with this satment becoz my Temp_Matin_Data_Tmp table contains two records with the same PartNumber that is (ShortId) and the two records have two different quantities.

The WACTS_Inventory_Part_Loc_Tbl has only one Part NUmber Record and the key is the PartNUmber and Location_Code.

Now when the Update Satement runs it updates the qty only from the first record of the temp table and does not update the quantity of the second record from tne source table.

I woould appreciate any help on this.



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Update Table With Multipe Condition

Jan 22, 2008

hi, I want to ask how I want update my table using a multiple condition.My table format is like this:









What I want to do is:

IF Ind = C, F05 <> NULL then IC_NO = F05
IF IND = C, F05 = Null and F09 <> Null then IC_NO = F09
IF IND = P, F05 <> Null and F07 <> Null then IC_NO = F07
IF Ind = A, F05 = Null and F08 <> Null then IC_NO = F08

your helpful highly appreciated..thanks

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Update / Insert Trigger With Condition

May 15, 2014

I am currently in the process of writing an INSERT/UPDATE trigger in SQL 2012, the scenario is, I have a table called Quote, what I want to happen is when a record gets added to the table with a field called Approved, populated with a value or a record gets Updated and the Approved field gets populated I want the trigger to execute a stored procedure, passing through a value from a field called Account within the Quote table as a variable. I know I can achieve the action using one trigger "AFTER INSERT, UPDATE" but I am struggling on forming the rest of the trigger.

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Is There A Way To Know The Condition In An Update/Delete Command Inside A SP?

May 7, 2008

Hi to all:

I'm trying to make a sp who generates an export string for everey sql command, for example: Insert, update and delete. In the case of Insert I just have the sp, but in "update" and "delete" commands... how can I know the conditions?..

UDTATE DemoTable SET DemoField=77 WHERE (Condition1 AND Condition2)

....may I use a comparative with 'updated' table?, please help me with your ideas

Thanks a lot.

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SQL 2012 :: Single Query To Update Same Column Name In Different Tables With Where Condition?

Sep 25, 2014

I have two tables table1 and table2 and having a common column "col1"

When i ran the following query

UPDATE table1, table2 SET col1=FALSE WHERE id = 1;

getting the following error

Error Code: 1052 Column 'col1' in field list is ambiguous

id column exist in both the tables and need to update both the tables to false where the id is equivalent to 1.

how to achieve this in single query?

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If Condition With Stored Procedure

Sep 28, 2004

i am trying to use INSERT statement based on some condition not WHERE but using IF condition on the database. something like
INSERT INTO table1 if id = @id or order = @fdfdfd.

i think it will return no of rows affected with insert statement. am i right?
any help will be appreciated.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Change Set Clause Of Update Statement Dynamically Based On Some Condition

May 27, 2015

I want to change Set clause of Update Statement dynamically based on some condition.

Basically i have 2 Update statments having same FROM clause and same JOIN clause.

Only diff is SET clause and 1 Where condition.

So i am trying to combine 2 Update statements into 1 and trying to avoid visit to same table twice.

Update t
Set CASE **WHEN Isnull(td.IsPosted, 0) = 0
From #ReportData As t
Join @CIR AS tmp On t.RowId = tmp.Max_RowId

[Code] ....

But CASE statement is not working...

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Using Results From Stored Procedure In WHERE Condition

Dec 19, 2004


I'm trying to write a nested stored procedure, with the outer proc named "spAssociate", and inner proc named "spSales".

So far I have created the inner proc

FROM Sales_Opportunities
WHERE SalesOppCurrentStatus NOT IN ('Sale Lost','Sales Closed','Sale Closed','Unqualified','Deferred','Dropped')
AND OppOwnerUserID = @userIDGO

This was successfully created. I wanted to use the return set in the outer proc, which I tried creating as:

CREATE PROCEDURE spAssociate(@userID int,
@containerType varchar(100),
@associateType varchar(100))AS SET NOCOUNT ON
SELECT AssociateID
FROM AppRelations
WHERE ContainerType=@containerType
AND ContainerID IN (EXECUTE spSales @userID)
AND AssociateType=@associateType GO

I get an error "incorrect syntax near execute".

How can I use the results from the inner proc for the WHERE condition in my outer proc?

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Update Statement Performing Table Lock Even Though Where Condition On Clustered Primary Index?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,I have a database that is serving a web site with reasonably hightraffiic.We're getting errors at certain points where processes are beinglocked. In particular, one of our people has suggested that an updatestatement contained within a stored procedure that uses a wherecondition that only touches on a column that has a clustered primaryindex on it will still cause a table lock.So, for example:UPDATE ORDERS SETprod = @product,val = @valWHERE ordid = @ordidIn this case ordid has a clustered primary index on it.Can anyone tell me if this would be the case, and if there's a way ofensuring that we are only doing a row lock on the record specified inthe where condition?Many, many thanks in advance!Much warmth,Murray

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Hi I Want To Know How To Write Stored Procedure ..then I Have To Include (IF Condition ) With SP ..

Sep 20, 2007

hi i want to know how to write  stored procedure ..then i have to include (IF condition ) with SP ..
let me this post ..................anybody ??????????

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Get Column Used In Where Condition In A Procedure

Apr 16, 2014

Is there any way to get the Columns Used in where condition in a procedure using SQL?

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WHERE Clause' Search Condition From Argument In A Stored Procedure.

Nov 7, 2007


I wonder if someone could suggest a way to obtain the following. Using SQL Server 2005 I want to create some stored procedures. I want to query the DB with various filter arguments and combinations of these. One way would be to create one stored procedure for each function signature. However, as the number of combinations of filter is large, if possible I'd rather have a generic input to the each stored procedure that corresponds to the entire WHERE clause' search condition.

The stereotype behavior I'm looking for is:

SELECT myField
FROM myTable
WHERE @mySearchCondition

Does any one have some good suggestion, code samples and/or links?

Kind regards
Jens Ivar

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.NET Framework :: Searching With Multiple Condition Stored Procedure

Jun 11, 2015

 I want to write a Stored Procedure which can search based on multiple condition and in default is select all.

Example :

User Name [          ALL               ] Textbox
Project Name  [               ALL        ^]  dropdown
ID [      ALL       ^] dropdown

Display On Gridview(Default display all records)

select one condition search one and so on.

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Store Procedure Not Store

Nov 20, 2013

My store Procedure is not save in Strore Procedure folder at the time of saving it give me option to save in Project folder and file name default is SQLQuery6.sql when i save it after saving when i run my store procedure

exec [dbo].[SP_GetOrdersForCustomer] 'ALFKI'

I am getting below error :

Msg 2812, Level 16, State 62, Line 1
Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.SP_GetOrdersForCustomer'.

View 13 Replies View Related

SQL Server 2008 :: Skip Code If Certain Condition Not Met In Stored Procedure

Mar 18, 2015

I have a stored procedure with several insert into statements. On occasion one of the insert into queries doesn't return any data. What is the best way to test for no records then, skip that query?

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Can I Print The Results Of A Condition Based On The Condition?

Feb 9, 2006

For example..

select * from mytable where MyNum = 7

If this brings back more than 1 row, I want to display a message that says,

Print 'There is more than one row returned'

Else (If only 1 row returned), I don't want to print anything.

Can I do this? Thx!

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COndition Spli - Error Date Condition

Apr 19, 2007

Dear friends,

I'm having a problem... maybe it's very simple, but with soo many work, right now I can't think well...

I need to filter rows in a dataflow...

I created a condition spli to that... maybe there is a better solution...

And the condition is: Datex != NULL(DT_DATE)

(Some DATE != NULL)

[Eliminar Datex NULL [17090]] Error: The expression "Datex != NULL(DT_DATE)" on "output "Case 1" (17123)" evaluated to NULL, but the "component "Eliminar Datex NULL" (17090)" requires a Boolean results. Modify the error row disposition on the output to treat this result as False (Ignore Failure) or to redirect this row to the error output (Redirect Row). The expression results must be Boolean for a Conditional Split. A NULL expression result is an error.

What is wrong??



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Reporting Services :: SSRS IIF One Condition Or IIF Another Condition

Jun 22, 2015

I  am trying to write an visibility function to have message shown based on two different IIF  conditions:

If behavior is to Add a customer ( if message =NAME ALREADY EXISTS, return " NAME ALREADY EXISTS",    otherwize return " NAME CREATED")If behavior is to  Delete a customer (( if message =NAME DOES NOT EXIST, return "NAME DOES NOT EXIST",    otherwize return "NAME SUCCESSFULLY DELETED")
I tried the following which doesn't work:
=IIF((UCase(First(Fields!Message.Value, "DataSetName")) = "NAME ALREADY EXISTS"), "WARNING: NAME ALREADY EXIST", "NAME  CREATED"),
IIF((UCase(First(Fields!Message.Value,  "DataSetName")) = " NAME DOES NOT EXIST"), "WARNING: NAME DOES NOT EXIST", " NAME DELETED")

View 6 Replies View Related

Store Procedure

Feb 17, 2008

Hi guysi would really appreciate your help here. what am i doing wrong with this stored procedure ALTER PROCEDURE usp_CreateNewCustomer( @LName as varchar(50), @FName as varchar(50), @Dept as varchar(50)=NULL, @PhoneType as varchar(50)=NULL, @Complete as Bit=NULL, @CustomerID as Int OUTPUT,  @FaxModel as varchar(50)=NULL, @FaxNumber as varchar(50)=NULL, )ASINSERT INTO [CustomerInfo] ([LName], [FName], [Dept], [PhoneType], [Complete]) VALUES (@LName, @FName, @Dept, @PhoneType, @Complete)SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()INSERT INTO Extras (CustomerID, FaxModel, FaxNumber) VALUES (@CustomerID, @FaxModel, @FaxNumber)RETURN  It keeps on complaning "'usp_CreateNewCustomer' expects parameter '@CustomerID', which was not supplied."thanks 

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Store Procedure?

Feb 28, 2008

Hi all,
I have a few question regarding SPROC. Firstly, I want to create a sp, that will return a multiple column of data, how do you achieve that. Secondly, I want to create a store procedure that will return a multiple columns in a cursor as an output variable. Any help will be much appreciated. Can you have more then 1 return parameters???

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How To Run SQL Store Procedure Using Asp.net

Mar 5, 2008

I have asp.net web application which interface with SQL server,
I want to run store procedure query of SQL using my asp.net application.
How to declare connectons strings, dataset, adapter etc to run my store procedure resides in sql server.
for Instance Dim connections as string,
                 Dim da as dataset, Dim adpt as dataadapter. etc
if possible , then show me completely code so I can run store procedure using my button click event in my asp.net application
thank you

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SQL Store Procedure In Asp.net

Apr 11, 2005

I am not sure if it is right place to ask the question. I have a store procedure in which funcitons are called and several temp tables are created. When I use sql analyzer, it runs fast. But when I called it from asp.net app, it runs slow and it waits and waits to get data and insert into temp tables and return. Though I have used with (nolock), it still not imprvoed. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

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Store Procedure Maybe????

Jun 8, 2006

Hello, I am very new to ASP.NET and SQL Server.  I am a college student and just working on some project to self teaching myself them both. I am having a issue. I was wondering if anyone could help me.
Ok, I am creating a web app that will help a company to help with inventory. The employee's have cretin equipment assign to them (more then one equipment can be assigned). I have a search by equipment and employee, to search by equipment the entire database even then equipment that isn't assigned with the employee's it shows only that employees and if they have any equipment. They can select a recorded to edit or see the details of the record. The problem i am having is that the Info page will not load right. I am redirected the Serial Number and EmployeeID to the info page. I got everything working except one thing. If a person has more then one equipment when i click on the select it redirect and only shows the first record not the one I selected. and when i change it, a employee that doesn't have equipment will not show up totally.
SELECT E.FirstName AS UserFirstName, E.LastName AS UserLastName, eqtype.Description AS UserEquipType, empeq.UserEquipID, E.EmployeeID, E.cwopa_id, eq.IPAddress, eq.Location, eq.DataLine3, eq.DataLine2, eq.Voice, eq.DataLine1, eq.FloorBox, eq.Comments, eq.SerialNo, eq.Model, eq.Brand, eq.TagNo, eq.PurchaseLease, eq.WarrantyExpDate, eq.PhoneType, eq.PhoneNum, eq.CellNumber, eq.DataNumber, eq.SIDNumber, eq.Carrier
 FROM dbo.EMPLOYEES AS E LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.EMPLOYEES_EQUIP AS empeq ON empeq.EmployeeID = E.EmployeeID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.EQUIPMENT AS eq ON eq.EquipID = empeq.EquipID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.EQUIP_TYPE AS eqtype ON eqtype.EquipTypeID = eq.EquipTypeID WHERE E.EmployeeID = @EmployeeID and  eq.SerialNo=@SerialNo
EmployeeID and SerialNo are primary keys.
I was thinking maybe create a store procedures, but I have no idea how to do it. I created this and no syntax error came up but it doesn't work
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.inventoryinfo  AS
    DECLARE @EmployeeID int    DECLARE @SerialNo  varchar(50)
    IF( @SerialNo is NULL)
SELECT E.FirstName AS UserFirstName, E.LastName AS UserLastName, eqtype.Description AS UserEquipType, empeq.UserEquipID, E.EmployeeID, E.cwopa_id, eq.IPAddress, eq.Location, eq.DataLine3, eq.DataLine2, eq.Voice, eq.DataLine1, eq.FloorBox, eq.Comments, eq.SerialNo, eq.Model, eq.Brand, eq.TagNo, eq.PurchaseLease, eq.WarrantyExpDate, eq.PhoneType, eq.PhoneNum, eq.CellNumber, eq.DataNumber, eq.SIDNumber, eq.Carrier
 FROM dbo.EMPLOYEES AS E LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.EMPLOYEES_EQUIP AS empeq ON empeq.EmployeeID = E.EmployeeID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.EQUIPMENT AS eq ON eq.EquipID = empeq.EquipID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.EQUIP_TYPE AS eqtype ON eqtype.EquipTypeID = eq.EquipTypeID WHERE E.EmployeeID = @EmployeeID
SELECT E.FirstName AS UserFirstName, E.LastName AS UserLastName, eqtype.Description AS UserEquipType, empeq.UserEquipID, E.EmployeeID, E.cwopa_id, eq.IPAddress, eq.Location, eq.DataLine3, eq.DataLine2, eq.Voice, eq.DataLine1, eq.FloorBox, eq.Comments, eq.SerialNo, eq.Model, eq.Brand, eq.TagNo, eq.PurchaseLease, eq.WarrantyExpDate, eq.PhoneType, eq.PhoneNum, eq.CellNumber, eq.DataNumber, eq.SIDNumber, eq.Carrier
 FROM dbo.EMPLOYEES AS E LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.EMPLOYEES_EQUIP AS empeq ON empeq.EmployeeID = E.EmployeeID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.EQUIPMENT AS eq ON eq.EquipID = empeq.EquipID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.EQUIP_TYPE AS eqtype ON eqtype.EquipTypeID = eq.EquipTypeID WHERE E.EmployeeID = @EmployeeID and  eq.SerialNo=@SerialNoGO
Also, when a user selects the select button in either Employee search or Equipment search it redirects them to info.aspx. Should I create a different aspx page for both? But I don't believe I should do that. I don't know if I gave you enough information or not. But if you could give examples that would be wonderful! Thanks so much Nickie

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Store Procedure

Aug 30, 2000

I want to know when does SQL flushes Store Procedure from the cache.

Thank You,
Piyush Patel

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Store Procedure

Dec 10, 2004

Hi, All,
I need to write a sales report which needs to seperate total from direct sale and agentsale. The report looks like this( in the table of query,we have agentnumber, productname, sales, month

Month salefromagent directsale total
Jan 1100 2300 3400
Feb 800 500 1300
I know we can handle this in the program use two queries.
But is there a way to do it use store procedure and then pass the result of store procedure to the ASP program. I am trying to write my first store procedure, thanks for any clue.

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