I am trying to figure out how to update a dataset. Below is my sample code but it gives me this error on the mySqlDataAdapter.Update line.
Dynamic SQL generation for the UpdateCommand is not supported against a SelectCommand that does not return any key column information.
I looked around and it seems like I'm supposed to add a Primary Key but I did that and still get nothing. Below is my page load code... it is based on the quickstart at http://quickstarts.asp.net/QuickStartv20/howto/doc/adoplus/UpdateDataFromDB.aspx but I'm still having trouble and not sure what I'm missing.
1 // Create a new Connection and SqlDataAdapter
2 SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection("Server=localhost;uid=user;pwd=password;database=northwind");
3 SqlDataAdapter mySqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter("Select * from Customers", myConnection);
4 DataSet myDataSet = new DataSet();
5 DataRow myDataRow;
7 // Create command builder. This line automatically generates the update commands
8 // for you, so you don't have to provide or create your own.
9 SqlCommandBuilder mySqlCommandBuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder(mySqlDataAdapter);
11 // Set the MissingSchemaAction property to AddWithKey because Fill will not cause
12 // primary key & unique key information to be retrieved unless AddWithKey is specified.
13 mySqlDataAdapter.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey;
14 mySqlDataAdapter.Fill(myDataSet, "Customers");
16 showData(myDataSet);
18 // Set PK of table to CustomerID ??
19 DataColumn[] pk = new DataColumn[1];
20 pk[0] = myDataSet.Tables["Customers"].Columns["CustomerID"];
21 myDataSet.Tables["Customers"].PrimaryKey = pk;
23 // Edit some data
24 myDataSet.Tables["Customers"].Rows[0]["ContactName"] = "Maria Anders2";
25 //DataRow myDataRow1 = myDataSet.Tables["Customers"].Rows.Find("ALFKI");
26 //myDataRow1["ContactName"] = "Maria Anders2";
28 showData(myDataSet);
30 //Update DB
31 mySqlDataAdapter.Update(myDataSet, "Customers");
I know this is very very silly.But I am stuck and don't know what to do.I have a simple form which has 1 textbox and a 'Save' button.I have created a Database connection and an Adapter with Dataset withthe help of Wizards.I have binded by text box control to one of the database field.When the form gets loaded it displays the field information correctly."Me.SqlDataAdapter1.Fill(DsBasicData1)"However, when I press the save button it does not update the databasebehind it.I have given the following code to the click event of save button."Me.SqlDataAdapter1.Update(DsBasicData1)"Strangely I don't know why the code does not work.
I have a gridview and a dataset. When I start my application I see the results in my gridview. When I clic on edit and chanche some value and click on update it wil give me this error:ObjectDataSource 'ObjectDataSourcePersoon' could not find a non-generic method 'Update' that has parameters: naam, tussenvoegsel, achternaam, adres, woonplaats, telefoonnummer, original_id, Original_naam, Original_tussenvoegsel, Original_achternaam, Original_adres, Original_woonplaats, Original_telefoonnummer. Does someone know whats the problem??
I have dataadapter and dataset that reads/writes to SQL tables. I can read. I can create "new" records. However, I have not been able to master the "updating" of an existing row. Can someone provide me specific code for doing this please or tell me what I doing wrong in the code below. The code I using is below. I don't get error, but changes do not get written to SQL dbase. For starters, I think I "not" supposed to use the 2nd line(....NewRow). I think this is only for new row, not updating of existing row - but I don't know any other way to get schema of row. thanks to any who can help
I'm bothered by an issue of updating a column in input dataset from a update query. It looks like SSIS has a very poor function on this.
Example, I have an input dataset of name, salary, dept_no, and I have another table called departments which has fields of dept_no, Dept_name, basic_salary
now I want to update salary column in input dataset with basic_salary if it's salary is smaller than the basic_salary.
update #tmp set salary = basic_salary where #tmp.salary <departments.basic_salary and #tmp.dept_no = departments.dept_no
how could I impletement this in SSIS package?
I tried with lookup, modify scripts by enabling memory restriction. It doesn't say any error when I save the package, but I never get pass debug.
(Hope this isn't a "stupid" question, but I haven't been able to find a straight-forward answer anywhere)" I currently have code that iterates through a dataview's records, making a change to a field in some of the records. The way I have this coded, a conection has to opened & closed for each individual record that's updated: dsrcUserIae.UpdateCommand = "UPDATE UserIAE SET blnCorrect = @blnCorrect WHERE (ID = @ID)" dsrcUserIae.UpdateParameters.Add("blnCorrect", SqlDbType.Bit) dsrcUserIae.UpdateParameters.Add("ID", SqlDbType.Int) Dim myDataView As DataView = CType(dsrcUserIae.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), DataView) For Each myRow As DataRowView In myDataView If myRow("FkUsersAnswerID") = myRow("AnswerID") Then intCorrect = 1 Else intCorrect = 0 End If dsrcUserIae.UpdateParameters.Item("blnCorrect").DefaultValue = intCorrect dsrcUserIae.UpdateParameters.Item("ID").DefaultValue = myRow("ID") intUpdateResult = dsrcUserIae.Update() Next It seems like I should be able to do something like this (call update once), but I'm not sure how... dsrcUserIae.UpdateCommand = "UPDATE UserIAE SET blnCorrect = @blnCorrect WHERE (ID = @ID)" dsrcUserIae.UpdateParameters.Add("blnCorrect", SqlDbType.Bit) dsrcUserIae.UpdateParameters.Add("ID", SqlDbType.Int) Dim myDataView As DataView = CType(dsrcUserIae.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), DataView) For Each myRow As DataRowView In myDataView If myRow("FkUsersAnswerID") = myRow("AnswerID") Then myRow("blnCorrect") = 1 Else myRow("blnCorrect") = False End If Next intUpdateResult = dsrcUserIae.Update() 'Want all changed myRow("blnCorrect") to be updated to datasource Can anybody explain how to do the bulk update? I've seen some info about AcceptChanges and Merge, but I'm not sure if they apply here, or if they more for Transactions.
I have an existing call to a webservice that updates an MDB with data from a dataset. I was now moving to a process using SQL Compact Edition sdf instead of an mdb.
I belive I have to DROP/Truncate the table in the SDF file, then create a new table then somehow insert the results of the retrieved dataset into the new table. DOes anybody have any pointers to help me out?
Here is my old way of doing it, using access.
Private Sub retrieveData(ByVal intMode As Integer) 'This process will call a webservice passing a parameter which in turn executes a SQL stored procedure, returning a dataset Dim MyObj As localhost.Service1 = New localhost.Service1 Dim ds As DataSet ds = MyObj.RetrieveSQLdata(txtSecureString, intMode) Dim myConnection As OleDbConnection Dim cmd As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand Dim Connstr As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Path & FileName & ";Persist Security Info=False" myConnection = New OleDbConnection(Connstr) myConnection.Open() cmd.Connection = myConnection Dim mystr As String = "" For Each row As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows mystr = "" mystr = mystr & "INSERT INTO CustMast ( " mystr = mystr & "StoreNo, CustNo, ShipNo" mystr = mystr & "values(" mystr = mystr & "'" & row("StoreNo").ToString & "', " mystr = mystr & "'" & row("CustNo").ToString & "', " mystr = mystr & "'" & row("ShipNo").ToString & "')" cmd.CommandText = mystr cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() Next System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents() cmd.Dispose() myConnection.Close() myConnection.Dispose()
I need to change my usernames in a column from JSmith to ABCSmith. What would be my update statement to make that change? I need something that would basically start at position 1, for a length of 1, then use that to replace with ABC...
Here is what I have been trying:
UPDATE tblusers, SET userLoginID = replace(userloginID, 1, 'ABC')
Like the subject says, I'm using strongly typed datasets. I'm using to designer to create the datasets and the methods. I can select and insert, but I can't update or delete. I right click on the adapter bar and select Add Query. I sleect 'Use SQL Statements'I select 'Update' (or 'Delete')I get a sql statement pane containing the word 'Update' ('Delete') and asking 'What data should the table load?'I can click on next, but anything else gives me errors. I'd list them, but I'm clearly doing something wrong and it's probably obvious. Diane
Imagine the following scenario: two tables (say, "requests" and "details") are joined in a 1:n relationship on MSSQL 2008. Both tables contain an ID (autoincrement field) and a timestamp field for proper concurrency management. Data access in the frontend is provided by a typed dataset in VS 2010. There are SPs on the server which select, update, insert or delete data in each of the two tables (so, 8 SPs alltogether: uspRequestsSelect, uspDetailsInsert etc.). These SPs are used for data access in the dataset. The GUI is a Windows form with 2 datagridviews, one for request datatable and one for the child-relation-based datatable FK_request_details. So, each request shows its details. The form works well so far.
Now, trouble strikes. A business rule says: "the first details row of a request (=row with lowest ID) always has a 0 in column "additional fee". For additional detail rows, this field has to be set to constant value 45". In short: the first detail row of each request is free, second and later details are charged 45 €.
So, I created a SP "uspRequestFeeManager", which recalculates all (!) detail rows of a request. This SP is called in uspDetailsInsert, uspDetailsUpdate and uspDetailsDelete, as each of this cases causes the additional fee to be recalculated for all rows (as rowcount can change). In Management Studio, this works as well!
But: as the uspRequestFeeManager changes data even for rows the user did NOT touch, there's a concurrency exception in my frontend in the following case:
In a request with 2 detail rows (first row has fee = 0, second = 45), the user deletes the row with fee = 0. Committing via TableAdapterManager calls uspDetailsDelete, which calls uspRequestFeeManager, which sets the remaining single details row to a fee value of 0 (which is correct!). This causes TableAdapterManager.UpdateAll to fail ("concurrency exception; delete command has handled 0 of 1 expected records"), as uspRequestFeeManager has "edited" a row which the user didn't touch, and thus updated its timestamp as well. So, the list is out of sync.
The uspRequestFeeManager looked like a good idea... but it seems not to be.
Approach would be: instead of calling the uspRequestFeeManager from within the SP, call it programmatically after TableAfterManager.UpdateAll, and after that, 're-fill' the details datatable with the updated data. But that would transfer business logic from server to client. I don't like that...
Hi, I have an application where I'm filling a dataset with values from a table. This table has no primary key. Then I iterate through each row of the dataset and I compute the value of one of the columns and then update that value in the dataset row. The problem I'm having is that when the database gets updated by the SqlDataAdapter.Update() method, the same value shows up under that column for all rows. I think my Update Command is not correct since I'm not specifying a where clause and hence it is using just the value lastly computed in the dataset to update the entire database. But I do not know how to specify a where clause for an update statement when I'm actually updating every row in the dataset. Basically I do not have an update parameter since all rows are meant to be updated. Any suggestions? SqlCommand snUpdate = conn.CreateCommand(); snUpdate.CommandType = CommandType.Text; snUpdate.CommandText = "Update TestTable set shipdate = @shipdate"; snUpdate.Parameters.Add("@shipdate", SqlDbType.Char, 10, "shipdate"); string jdate =""; for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1; i++) { jdate = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["shipdate"].ToString(); ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["shipdate"] = convertToNormalDate(jdate); } da.Update(ds, "Table1"); conn.Close();
I have a report with multiple datasets, the first of which pulls in data based on user entered parameters (sales date range and property use codes). Dataset1 pulls property id's and other sales data from a table (2014_COST) based on the user's parameters. I have set up another table (AUDITS) that I would like to use in dataset6. This table has 3 columns (Property ID's, Sales Price and Sales Date). I would like for dataset6 to pull the Property ID's that are NOT contained in the results from dataset1. In other words, I'd like the results of dataset6 to show me the property id's that are contained in the AUDITS table but which are not being pulled into dataset1. Both tables are in the same database.
I have a small number of rows in a dataset, Table 1. There is a CLOB on a large dataset, Table 2. They join on a PK. I would like to retrieve this CLOB and add it to the data flow for Table1. In short I want to emulate the following:
Table 1: Small table without CLOB, 10 rows. Table 2: Large table with CLOB, 10,000,000 rows
select CLOB from table2 where pk = (select pk from table1)
I want this to return the CLOBs for the small number of rows in Table 1. The PK is indexed obviously so it should be a fast look up.
Table 1 and Table 2 live on different Oracle databases. How do I perform this operation efficiently in SSIS? It seems the Lookup and Merge Join wont do this.
I have a report with multiple datasets, the first of which pulls in data based on user entered parameters (sales date range and property use codes). Dataset1 pulls property id's and other sales data from a table (2014_COST) based on the user's parameters.
I have set up another table (AUDITS) that I would like to use in dataset6. This table has 3 columns (Property ID's, Sales Price and Sales Date). I would like for dataset6 to pull the Property ID's that are NOT contained in the results from dataset1. In other words, I'd like the results of dataset6 to show me the property id's that are contained in the AUDITS table but which are not being pulled into dataset1. Both tables are in the same database.
I found out the data I need for my SQL Report is already defined in a dynamic dataset on another web service. Is there a way to use web services to call another web service to get the dataset I need to generate a report? Examples would help if you have any, thanks for looking
Hi, I have a stored procedure attached below. It returns 2 rows in the SQL Management studio when I execute MyStorProc 0,28. But in my program which uses ADOHelper, it returns a dataset with tables.count=0. if I comment out the line --If @Status = 0 then it returns the rows. Obviously it does not stop in if @Status=0 even if I pass @status=0. What am I doing wrong? Any help is appreciated.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[MyStorProc]
@Status smallint,
@RowCount int = NULL,
@FacilityId numeric(10,0) = NULL,
@QueueID numeric (10,0)= NULL,
@VendorId numeric(10, 0) = NULL
If @Status = 0
SELECT ...... END If @Status = 1 BEGIN SELECT...... END
i have two datasets.one dataset have old data from some other database.second dataset have original data from sql server 2005 database.both database have same field having id as a primary key.i want to transfer all the data from first dataset to new dataset retaining the previous data but if old dataset have the same id(primary key) as in the new one then that row will not transfer. but if the id(primary key) have changed values then the fields updated with that data.how can i do that.
D2 is a list of data. each row in D2 has a classid. D2 may or may not have all the classids in D1. all classids in D2 must be in D1.
I want to show fields in D2 and group the data with classids in D1 and show every group as a seperate table. If no data in D2 is available for a classid, It shows a empty table.
Stepping thru the code with the debugger shows the dataset rows being deleted.
After executing the code, and getting to the page presentation. Then I stop the debug and start the page creation process again ( Page_Load ). The database still has the original deleted dataset rows. Adding rows works, then updating works fine, but deleting rows, does not seem to work.
The dataset is configured to send the DataSet updates to the database. Use the standard wizard to create the dataSet.
cDependChildTA.Fill(cDependChildDs._ClientDependentChild, UserId); rowCountDb = cDependChildDs._ClientDependentChild.Count; for (row = 0; row < rowCountDb; row++) { dr_dependentChild = cDependChildDs._ClientDependentChild.Rows[0]; dr_dependentChild.Delete(); //cDependChildDs._ClientDependentChild.Rows.RemoveAt(0); //cDependChildDs._ClientDependentChild.Rows.Remove(0); /* update the Client Process Table Adapter*/ // cDependChildTA.Update(cDependChildDs._ClientDependentChild); // cDependChildTA.Update(cDependChildDs._ClientDependentChild); } /* zero rows in the DataSet at this point */ /* update the Child Table Adapter */ cDependChildTA.Update(cDependChildDs._ClientDependentChild);
=CountDistinct(IIF(Fields!Released_DT.Value = Fields!Date2.Value, Fields!Name.Value, Nothing)) Released_DT = a date - 09/03/2015 or 09/02/2015 Date2 = returns another date value in this case 09/03/2015
What I'm trying to do is: count distinct number of people (Fields!Name.Value) if the Relased_DT = Date2.My IIF statement is returning a zero value.
Hi every body... I have a probleme I have a web Services which contains a method getValue(IDEq (int), idIndicator(int), startTime(dateTime), endTime(dateTime)) I need to call this method. But my problem is how pass parameter ? I see the tab Param but it isn't work as I wait,... maybe I do a mistake...
I want that statTime and endTime are select by the user via a calendar for example... now idIndicator and idEq was result of an other dataSet from a xml datasource...
But I don't how integrate dynamically... I try to enter a parameter via the param tab, and create and expression : =First(Fields!idEq.Value, "EquipmentDataSet") but when i execute the query, the promter display <NULL>... So I don't know how to do and if it is possible ! I hope someone can help me ! Thank you !
update xxx_TableName_xxx set d_50 = 'DE',modify_timestamp = getdate(),modified_by = 1159
where enc_id in
but From linked server this takes 8 minutes????!!!??!:
update [xxx_servername_xxxx].xxx_DatabaseName_xxx.dbo.xxx_TableName_xxx set d_50 = 'DE',modify_timestamp = getdate(),modified_by = 1159
where enc_id in
What settings or whatever would cause this to take so much longer from the linked server?
Edit: Note) Other queries from the linked server do not have this behavior. From the stored procedure where we have examined how long each query/update takes... this particular query is the culprit for the time eating. I thought it was to do specefically with this table. However as stated when a query window is opened directly onto that server the update takes no time at all.
2nd Edit: Could it be to do with this linked server setting? Collation Compatible right now it is set to false? I also asked this question in a message below, but figured I should put it up here.
I am hoping someone can shed light on this odd behavior I am seeing running a simple UPDATE statement on a table in SQL Server 2000. I have 2 tables - call them Table1 and Table2 for now (among many) that need to have certain columns updated as part of a single transaction process. Each of the tables has many columns. I have purposely limited the target column for updating to only ONE of the columns in trying to isolate the issue. In one case the UPDATE runs fine against Table1... at runtime in code and as a manual query when run in QueryAnalyzer or in the Query window of SSManagementStudio - either way it works fine. However, when I run the UPDATE statement against Table2 - at runtime I get rowsaffected = 0 which of course forces the code to throw an Exception (logically). When I take out the SQL stmt and run it manually in Query Analyzer, it runs BUT this is the output seen in the results pane... (0 row(s) affected) (1 row(s) affected) How does on get 2 answers for one query like this...I have never seen such behavior and it is a real frustration ... makes no sense. There is only ONE row in the table that contains the key field passed in and it is the same key field value on the other table Table1 where the SQL returns only ONE message (the one you expect) (1 row(s) affected) If anyone has any ideas where to look next, I'd appreciate it. Thanks
Hi SQL fans,I realized that I often encounter the same situation in a relationdatabase context, where I really don't know what to do. Here is anexample, where I have 2 tables as follow:__________________________________________ | PortfolioTitle|| Portfolio |+----------------------------------------++-----------------------------+ | tfolio_id (int)|| folio_id (int) |<<-PK----FK--| tfolio_idfolio (int)|| folio_name (varchar) | | tfolio_idtitle (int)|--FK----PK->>[ Titles]+-----------------------------+ | tfolio_weight(decimal(6,5)) |+-----------------------------------------+Note that I also have a "Titles" tables (hence the tfolio_idtitlelink).My problem is : When I update a portfolio, I must update all theassociated titles in it. That means that titles can be either removedfrom the portfolio (a folio does not support the title anymore), addedto it (a new title is supported by the folio) or simply updated (atitle stays in the portfolio, but has its weight changed)For example, if the portfolio #2 would contain :[ PortfolioTitle ]id | idFolio | idTitre | poids1 2 1 102 2 2 203 2 3 30and I must update the PortfolioTitle based on these values :idFolio | idTitre | poids2 2 202 3 352 4 40then I should1 ) remove the title #1 from the folio by deleting its entry in thePortfolioTitle table2 ) update the title #2 (weight from 30 to 35)3 ) add the title #4 to the folioFor now, the only way I've found to do this is delete all the entriesof the related folio (e.g.: DELETE TitrePortefeuille WHERE idFolio =2), and then insert new values for each entry based on the new givenvalues.Is there a way to better manage this by detecting which value has to beinserted/updated/deleted?And this applies to many situation :(If you need other examples, I can give you.thanks a lot!ibiza
The Folowing code is not working anymore. (500 error)
Set objRS = strSQL1.Execute strSQL1 = "SELECT * FROM BannerRotor where BannerID=" & cstr(BannerID) objRS.Open strSQL1, objConn , 2 , 3 , adCmdText If not (objRS.BOF and objRS.EOF) Then objRS.Fields("Exposures").Value =objRS.Fields("Exposures").Value + 1 objRS.update End If objRS.Close
The .execute Method works fine
strSQL1 = "UPDATE BannerRotor SET Exposures=Exposures+1 WHERE BannerID=" & cstr(BannerID) objConn.Execute strSQL1
If I have a table with 1 or more Nullable fields and I want to make sure that when an INSERT or UPDATE occurs and one or more of these fields are left to NULL either explicitly or implicitly is there I can set these to non-null values without interfering with the INSERT or UPDATE in as far as the other fields in the table?
[Code] ....
If an INSERT looks like any of the following what can I do to change the NULL being assigned to DateAdded to a real date, preferable the value of GetDate() at the time of the insert? I've heard of INSTEAD of Triggers but I'm not trying tto over rise the entire INSERT or update just the on (maybe 2) fields that are being left as null or explicitly set to null. The same would apply for any UPDATE where DateModified is not specified or explicitly set to NULL. I would want to change it so that DateModified is not null on any UPDATE.
INSERT INTO dbo.MYTABLE( FirstName, LastName, DateAdded) VALUES('John','Smith',NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.MYTABLE( FirstName, LastName) VALUES('John','Smith')
INSERT INTO dbo.MYTABLE( FirstName, LastName, DateAdded) SELECT FirstName, LastName, NULL FROM MYOTHERTABLE
hi need help how to send an email from database mail on row update from stored PROCEDURE multi update but i need to send a personal email evry employee get an email on row update like send one after one email
i use FUNCTION i get on this forum to use split from multi update
how to loop for evry update send an single eamil to evry employee ID send one email
Hello,I am trying to update records in my database from excel data using vbaeditor within excel.In order to launch a query, I use SQL langage in ADO as follwing:------------------------------------------------------------Dim adoConn As ADODB.ConnectionDim adoRs As ADODB.RecordsetDim sConn As StringDim sSql As StringDim sOutput As StringsConn = "DSN=MS Access Database;" & _"DBQ=MyDatabasePath;" & _"DefaultDir=MyPathDirectory;" & _"DriverId=25;FIL=MS Access;MaxBufferSize=2048;PageTimeout=5;" &_"PWD=xxxxxx;UID=admin;"ID, A, B C.. are my table fieldssSql = "SELECT ID, `A`, B, `C being a date`, D, E, `F`, `H`, I, J,`K`, L" & _" FROM MyTblName" & _" WHERE (`A`='MyA')" & _" AND (`C`>{ts '" & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss") & "'})"& _" ORDER BY `C` DESC"Set adoConn = New ADODB.ConnectionadoConn.Open sConnSet adoRs = New ADODB.RecordsetadoRs.Open Source:=sSql, _ActiveConnection:=adoConnadoRs.MoveFirstSheets("Sheet1").Range("a2").CopyFromRecordset adoRsSet adoRs = NothingSet adoConn = Nothing---------------------------------------------------------------Does Anyone know How I can use the UPDATE, DELETE INSERT SQL statementsin this environement? Copying SQL statements from access does not workas I would have to reference Access Object in my project which I do notwant if I can avoid. Ideally I would like to use only ADO system andSQL approach.Thank you very muchNono
It appears to update only the first qualifying row. The trace shows a row count of one when there are multiple qualifying rows in the table. This problem does not exist in JDBC 2000.