and i have also another table which is namelist that is linked to the masterlist table.. after i search for the record andrew in the table namelist..i updated andrew as 25 and sex is i want reset andrew's record, same to the records that andrew has in the table masterlist..
I am currently having this problem with gridview and detailview. When I drag either onto the page and set my select statement to pick from one table and then update that data through the gridview (lets say), the update works perfectly. My problem is that the table I am pulling data from is mainly foreign keys. So in order to hide the number values of the foreign keys, I select the string value columns from the tables that contain the primary keys. I then use INNER JOIN in my SELECT so that I only get the data that pertains to the user I am looking to list and edit. I run the "test query" and everything I need shows up as I want it. I then go back to the gridview and change the fields which are foreign keys to templates. When I edit the templates I bind the field that contains the string value of the given foreign key to the template. This works great, because now the user will see string representation instead of the ID numbers that coinside with the string value. So I run my webpage and everything show up as I want it to, all the data is correct and I get no errors. I then click edit (as I have checked the "enable editing" box) and the gridview changes to edit mode. I make my changes and then select "update." When the page refreshes, and the gridview returns, the data is not updated and the original data is shown. I am sorry for so much typing, but I want to be as clear as possible with what I am doing. The only thing I can see being the issue is that when I setup my SELECT and FROM to contain fields from multiple tables, the UPDATE then does not work. When I remove all of my JOIN's and go back to foreign keys and one table the update works again. Below is what I have for my SQL statements:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT:SELECT People.FirstName, People.LastName, People.FullName, People.PropertyID, People.InviteTypeID, People.RSVP, People.Wheelchair, Property.[House/Day Hab], InviteType.InviteTypeName FROM (InviteType INNER JOIN (Property INNER JOIN People ON Property.PropertyID = People.PropertyID) ON InviteType.InviteTypeID = People.InviteTypeID) WHERE (People.PersonID = ?)UPDATE:UPDATE [People] SET [FirstName] = ?, [LastName] = ?, [FullName] = ?, [PropertyID] = ?, [InviteTypeID] = ?, [RSVP] = ?, [Wheelchair] = ? WHERE [PersonID] = ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The only fields I want to update are in [People]. My WHERE is based on a control that I use to select a person from a drop down list. If I run the test query for the update while setting up my data source the query will update the record in the database. It is when I try to make the update from the gridview that the data is not changed. If anything is not clear please let me know and I will clarify as much as I can. This is my first project using ASP and working with databases so I am completely learning as I go. I took some database courses in college but I have never interacted with them with a web based front end. Any help will be greatly appreciated.Thank you in advance for any time, help, and/or advice you can give.Brian
I'm new to SQL Server but not new to SQL because I used it with Oracle. I wonder if it is possible to do this kind of statement on SQL Server:
UPDATE TableX M SET (M.column1, M.column2, M.column3)= (SELECT T.column1, T.column2, G.column3) FROM Table_Y T, Table_Z G WHERE join condition)) WHERE EXISTS (join condition for TableX)
Basically, I'd like to update multiple columns in one statement but for some reason I can not get it to work.
I have a single update statement that updates the same column multipletimes in the same update statement. Basically i have a column thatlooks like . which are id references that need to be updatedwhen a group of items is copied. I can successfully do this withcursors, but am experimenting with a way to do it with a single updatestatement.I have verified that each row being returned to the Update statement(in an Update..From) is correct, but that after the first update to acolumn, the next row that does an update to that same row/column combois not using the updated data from the first update to that column.Does anybody know of a switch or setting that can make this work, or doI need to stick with the cursors?Schema detail:if exists( select * from sysobjects where id = object_id('dbo.ScheduleTask') and type = 'U')drop table dbo.ScheduleTaskgocreate table dbo.ScheduleTask (Id int not null identity(1,1),IdHierarchy varchar(200) not null,CopyTaskId int null,constraint PK_ScheduleTask primary key nonclustered (Id))goUpdate query:Update ScheduleTask SetScheduleTask.IdHierarchy = Replace(ScheduleTask.IdHierarchy, '.' +CAST(TaskCopyData.CopyTaskId as varchar) + '.', '.' +CAST(TaskCopyData.Id as varchar) + '.')FromScheduleTaskINNER JOIN ScheduleTask as TaskCopyData ONScheduleTask.CopyTaskId IS NOT NULL ANDTaskCopyData.CopyTaskId IS NOT NULL ANDcharindex('.' + CAST(TaskCopyData.CopyTaskId as varchar) + '.',ScheduleTask.IdHierarchy) > 0Query used to verify that data going into update is correct:selectScheduleTask.Id, TaskCopyData.Id, ScheduleTask.IdHierarchy, '.' +CAST(TaskCopyData.CopyTaskId as varchar) + '.', '.' +CAST(TaskCopyData.Id as varchar) + '.'FromScheduleTaskINNER JOIN ScheduleTask as TaskCopyData ONScheduleTask.CopyTaskId IS NOT NULL ANDTaskCopyData.CopyTaskId IS NOT NULL ANDcharindex('.' + CAST(TaskCopyData.CopyTaskId as varchar) + '.',ScheduleTask.IdHierarchy) > 0
I am writing a query and have the bulk of it already written.
I am looking at a table that contains customer orders. There is a column named Customer_Order.Status Available values for this column is R, F, H, and C.
I'd like for my query to return all lines that have the value R, F, H.
My where clause is written like this
Ok I have a query "SELECT ColumnNames FROM tbl1" let's say the values returned are "age,sex,race".
Now I want to be able to create an "update" statement like "UPATE tbl2 SET Col2 = age + sex + race" dynamically and execute this UPDATE statement. So, if the next select statement returns "age, sex, race, gender" then the script should create "UPDATE tbl2 SET Col2 = age + sex + race + gender" and execute it.
I need to update multiple columns in a table with multiple condition.
For example, this is my Query
update Table1 set weight= d.weight, stateweight=d.stateweight, overallweight=d.overallweight from (select * from table2)d where table1.state=d.state and table1.month=d.month and table1.year=d.year
If table matches all the three column (State,month,year), it should update only weight column and if it matches(state ,year) it should update only the stateweight column and if it matches(year) it should update only the overallweight column
I can't write an update query for each condition separately because its a huge select
Hello All,Is there a way to run sql select statements with column numbers inplace of column names in SQLServer.Current SQL ==> select AddressId,Name,City from AddressIs this possible ==> select 1,2,5 from AddressThanks in Advance,-Sandeep
I am trying write a query to update a column of data in my xLegHdr table however the update is based on multiple criteria. I was trying to use "IF..ELSE" statements but that is not working.
I would like to update the "SMiles" column based on the data in the "Dist" column. If the number in the "Dist" column is less than 250 then subtract 25 and multiply it by 1.15 the result should go in the "SMiles" column. If the number is grater than 250 then subtract 40 and multiply by 1.15 and place the result in the "SMiles" column; like so:
UPDATE xLegHdr SET SMiles = IF Dist<250 THEN Round(Dist-25)*1.15) ELSE Round(Dist-40)*1.15) END IF
I am writting a bit of SQL that takes data from one table then inserts it into another one. There is a field that can be any value (and is usually null), but when I insert the value in the new table then I want to execute:
IF table.field>0 then tabl2.field='400'. In other words for every row in the selection that has a field that is greater than 0 then '400' will be put into the new table.
I am not sure if the IF stamement can loop through a number of rows and execute depending on the value of a field in that row??
I am trying to apply the logic from the following resource: URL....but cannot get it to work with my logic for some reason.For example, the following query:
Produces the following output:
Col1 | Col2 2014-05-08 10:55:54 | 2014/05/08
But, as soon as I try to do something else like:
I receive the following errors:
Msg 8155, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 No column name was specified for column 1 of 'CTE1'. Msg 8155, Level 16, State 2, Line 2 No column name was specified for column 1 of 'CTE2'.
Are there limitations when trying to use multiple CTE in a single query?
I didn't find whats problem with this code. Actually I try to create a select statement with with cte select statement. In cte clause my output ok but when I try to receive that output from write another select statement then its show error.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 276 Incorrect syntax near ';'. Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 315 Incorrect syntax near ')'. Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 351 Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'as'.
I have a table which I need to obtain data from but am having a problem with select statement. Specifically, I have a table that has multiple records for a particular hostName where the name of the host is either a shortname (say "Larry") or a long name (say "Larry's"). I need to display only the long names (NOT THE SHORT NAME records with the similar hostName). Select winsHostName, len(winsHostName) from winsData where winsClientIPAddress IN (SELECT winsClientIPAddress from winsData Group By winsClientIPAddress Having count(winsClientIpAddress) > 1) Order by winsHostName Which returns data Name Length ATVDDR 6 ATVDDR1 7 This is a s far as I can get but, Now, I need to list all remaining table fields based on the Name with the longer length and this is where I run into trouble. The output should read per below with the remaining table fields which I cannot seem to extract with nested select statement Name IP Addr Location ATVDDR1 2ndFloor I tried adding another GROUP BY by this gets me no where because I do not need to execute another aggregate in select statement. Maybe I need to use INNER JOIN Please advise any assistance.
Would it be possible to retrieve a "dynamically" named field from a table by using an input parameter?
For example, if a table has fields named Semester1, Semester2, Semester3, Semester4, and I was lazy and only wanted to create one stored procedure for all semesters could I do the following...
ALTER PROCEDURE u_sp_x @semester int AS Select Semester@semester From ThisTable
Update ed_abcdeeh set category = case when name_of_school = '' then category = 'No Facility' else '' end,status = case when name_of_school = '' then status = 'Non-Compliant' else 'Compliant' end.
How to make this query right.. when name of school is blank i want to update my category to No facility, but if the name of school has data it will just make it blank. same to the status..
I have the following list of fields in a table named call.CallID, CallGroupID, PersonID, ParentID,I have two records.23, 45, John, Null26, <Incorrect Value>, Jane, 23Now, I'm wanting to set the CallGroupID of record two, to that of theCallGroupID of record one.This is what I came up with, but it doesn't work.update call set CallGroupID = (Select CallGroupID from call whereCallID = ParentID) where ParentID is not nullAs you know the Select statment I have embedded is trying to pull up alist CallGroupIDs from records where the CallID = ParentID. What Iwant it to do is pull up the CallGroupID of the record where the CallID= ParentID.The CallID is a unique field, so there is only one such record in thetable.Any help?Thanks
hi myself avii am developing one appliacaion in which i am using vb 6 as front end,adodb as database library and sql sever 7 as backend.i want to update one table for which i required data from other table. andiretrive data from second table by giving some condition. when i get data,then to update first table i need to use do while loop. instead of that iwant to use select statement directly in update query.plz give me some help.following is the my queries and its out putStrSql = ""StrSql = "Select * From SalesVchMaterialDesc where TransactionID=" &txtTransactionID.text & ""rsMName.Open StrSql, Conn, adOpenKeysetDo While Not rsMName.EOFStrSql = ""StrSql = "Update StockTable Set Outward=Outward - " &rsMName("Netweight") & ",OutwardQty=OutwardQty - " & rsMName("Qty") & "Where MaterialId=" & rsMName("Material_Name") & " and VoucherDate='" &Format(rsMName("VoucherDate"), "mm/dd/yyyy") & "'RsAdd.Open StrSql, Conn, adOpenStaticrsMName.MoveNextLooprsMName.Closeout put***main querySelect * From SalesVchMaterialDesc where TransactionID=848do while not loopUpdate StockTable Set Outward=Outward - 8.06,OutwardQty=OutwardQty - 1Where MaterialId=221 and VoucherDate='04/01/2004' and SMID=0loop
I am trying to write an update t-SQL statement from the following select statement:
SELECT EduNextContacts.ssn FROM EduNextContacts Left JOIN EduContactsAuditChanges ON EduNextContacts.ssn = EduContactsAuditChanges.ssn AND EduNextContacts.campaign_code = EduContactsAuditChanges.campaign_code GROUP BY EduNextContacts.ssn HAVING(SUM(CASE EduContactsAuditChanges.release_code WHEN '103' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) + SUM(CASE EduContactsAuditChanges.release_code WHEN '102' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >= 2)
I tried many versions of writing my update statement with no luck. My most recent version is as follows:
UPDATE EduNextContacts
SET EduNextContacts.overLMLimit = 'Y'
FROM EduNextContacts Left JOIN
EduContactsAuditChanges ON EduNextContacts.ssn = EduContactsAuditChanges.ssn AND
HAVING(SUM(CASE EduContactsAuditChanges.release_code WHEN '103' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
SUM(CASE EduContactsAuditChanges.release_code WHEN '102' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >= 2))
And gives the following error:
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
Can anyone help shed some light on how to make an update statement from my SELECT query above?
I want to do an update query like the following:UPDATE tblUserDetails SET DeploymentNameID = 102 WHERE (EmployeeNumber = @selectedusersparam)Is there some simple way to add the @selectedusersparam as value1,value2,value3 etc. or do I have to input it with this type of syntax:UPDATE dbo_tblUserDetails SET dbo_tblUserDetails.DeploymentNameID = 102WHERE (((dbo_tblUserDetails.EmployeeNumber)=value1 Or (dbo_tblUserDetails.EmployeeNumber)=value2));Help appreciated.Many thanks.
I am renovating an existing application and am converting the existing passwords into hashed values using SHA1. I know how to compute the hashed values as a byte array for each record. What I don't know how to do easily is update all of the records i a single call to the database. Normally, I would just do the following:UPDATE HashedPassword = someValue WHERE UserID = 101; UPDATE HashedPassword = someOtherValue WHERE UserID = 102; ...
What I don't know is what someValue and someOtherValue should be. How do I convert my byte array into string representation that SQL will accept? I usually execute multiple statements using Dim oCmd as New SqlCommand(sSQL, MyConn) and then call oCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(). Alternatively, I found the following code that uses the byte array directly but only shows a single statement. How could I use it to execute multiple statements as shown above?'FROM
'2. Create a command object for the query Dim strSQL as String = _ "INSERT INTO UserAccount(Username,Password) " & _ "VALUES(@Username, @Password)" Dim objCmd as New SqlCommand(strSQL, objConn)
'3. Create parameters Dim paramUsername as SqlParameter paramUsername = New SqlParameter("@Username", SqlDbType.VarChar, 25) paramUsername.Value = txtUsername.Text objCmd.Parameters.Add(paramUsername)
Dim paramPwd as SqlParameter paramPwd = New SqlParameter("@Password", SqlDbType.Binary, 16) paramPwd.Value = hashedBytes objCmd.Parameters.Add(paramPwd)
'Insert the records into the database objConn.Open() objCmd.ExecuteNonQuery() objConn.Close()
There is a stored-procedure that it has multiple select statements as returned result set. How can I use SqlCommand.ExecuteReader to get all result set?
What if the multiple select statements is " FOR XML", how can I set all xml using ExecuteXmlReader?
I tried to use ExecuteReader or ExecuteXmlReader, but seems that I can only get back the result set of the first select statement, all others are messed up.
stored procedure example: NorthWind database:
Create PROCEDURE dbo.getShippersAndEmployeesXML AS
select * from Shippers for xml auto, elements select * from Employees for xml auto, elements
first of all is it possible? if so, what am i doing wrong with this
ClientCode, EngagementCode, EngagementDescription
SELECT (SELECT dbo.tarCustomer.CustID FROM dbo.tPA00175 INNER JOIN dbo.tarCustomer ON dbo.tPA00175.CustKey = dbo.tarCustomer.CustKey INNER JOIN dbo.tPA00007 ON dbo.tPA00175.intJobKey = dbo.tPA00007.intJobKey),
SELECT (SELECT dbo.tPA00175.chrJobNumber FROM dbo.tPA00175 INNER JOIN dbo.tarCustomer ON dbo.tPA00175.CustKey = dbo.tarCustomer.CustKey INNER JOIN dbo.tPA00007 ON dbo.tPA00175.intJobKey = dbo.tPA00007.intJobKey)
the first select statement for works fine, but the second one and all after i get a syntax error near 'select'.
this is just a shortened version of the statement. how would i run select statements for a table to be inserted into with different column names. also with items that are hard coded like the 'null'. thanks
This is more of a basic SQL question rather than anything specific for T-SQL, but I assume someone here can help me...
I have a problem with properly combining a lot of AND and ORs in a SELECT statement in a stored procedure in order to get the desired results. The problem is that I want to have all results that fullfill all of the supplied conditions: InstitutionCode, CollectionCode, ScientificName, Locality (unless they are null, hence 'coalesce') and the Parentid, that can be in one of eight columns.
SELECT * FROM QueryView WHERE InstitutionCode = COALESCE(@museum, InstitutionCode) AND CollectionCode = COALESCE(@collection, CollectionCode) AND ScientificName LIKE '%' + @binomen + '%' AND Locality LIKE '%' + @locality + '%' AND ParentID1 = COALESCE(@taxparent, ParentID3) OR ParentID2 = COALESCE(@taxparent, ParentID2) OR ParentID3 = COALESCE(@taxparent, ParentID3) OR ParentID4 = COALESCE(@taxparent, ParentID4) OR ParentID5 = COALESCE(@taxparent, ParentID5) OR ParentID6 = COALESCE(@taxparent, ParentID6) OR ParentID7 = COALESCE(@taxparent, ParentID7) OR ParentID8 = COALESCE(@taxparent, ParentID8)
The current construction, however, gives me all results that fullfill either on of the four conditions, or the parentid in one of the columns. putting parentheses around parentid part gives me zero query results. I understand that the ORs should be restricted to the parentids and not the rest, but putting parentheses around parentid part gives me zero query results.
Has anyone got a good tip to help me resolve this puzzle?
UPDATE g SET g.GroupID = gp.GroupID, g.Contact1 = members.FirstName, g.BusPhone1 = members.BusPhone, g.HomePhone1 = members.HomePhone, g.Internet1 = members.Email FROM statelst AS g INNER JOIN grpcon AS gp ON g.GroupID = gp.GroupID INNER JOIN members ON gp.MemberID = members.MemberID CROSS JOIN
I have my table statelst that I want to update certain columns from the values returned by a select on the grpcon table joined to the members table.I am getting an error "Incorrect syntex near 'JOIN'.
SELECT - 1 AS OrganisationID, '--Please Select--' AS OrganisationName UNION ALL SELECT OrganisationID, OrganisationName FROM tblOrganisation ORDER BY OrganisationName
I have a user login scenario where I would like to make sure that they not only exist in the user table, but also make sure there account is "verified" and "active". I'm trying to return 3 output parameters. UserID, verified, active. Is this possible?
Do I need just a select statement to do this? What is the difference between the output and select statements?