Update On Mulitple Records

Feb 17, 2004

I Have three tables

taskid, taskname, projectid, workid

projectid, projectname
1, project1
2, project2
3, project3

workid, workname

I need to do an update this way

Update the taskname as 'projectname' + '_' + 'workname' for any projectid.
projectname and workname coming from the projectid and workid in the task record

so the task table becomes

I can get all the records doing this

SELECT p.projectname+ ' ' + w.workname AS 'NEWNAME'
FROM task t
JOIN work w
ON t.workid = w.workid
JOIN project p
ON t.projectid = p.projectid
WHERE projectid = 2

how do i do an UPDATE?

any help is appreciated

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I Want To Transfer ONLY New Records AND Update Any Modified Records From Oracle Into SQL Server Using DTS

Jul 23, 2005

I need a little help here..I want to transfer ONLY new records AND update any modified recordsfrom Oracle into SQL Server using DTS. How should I go about it?a) how do I use global variable to get max date.Where and what DTS task should I use to complete the job? Data DrivenQuery? Transform data task? How ? can u give me samples. Perhaps youcan email me the Demo Package as well.b) so far, what I did was,- I have datemodified field in my Oracle table so that I can comparewith datelastrun of my DTS package to get new records- records in Oracle having datemodified >Max(datelastrun), and transferto SQL Server table.Now, I am stuck as to where should I proceed - how can I transfer theserecords?Hope u can give me some lights. Thank you in advance.

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Mulitple Joins And Nulls

May 8, 2007

I am trying to join two tables on multiple fields.  But the nulls aren't considered a match so they aren't included in the results set. 

 Select A.Lot, A.Block, A.Plan, B.Key
from A join B on
In the data, there can be an instance where Block is null in both tables so it "matches" but not in SQL.  How do I get the "matched" nulls to be returned as well? 

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COUNT With Mulitple Table?

Nov 3, 2006

Okay I wanted to get this to work right so I am wondering what I am doing wrong here.

"SELECT COUNT(A.Status) AS TOTAL FROM tts_tickets A,tts_reporters B WHERE A.Ref_Reporter_ID="123"AND A.Status=1"

I need to count the status options but only where from table b is the ID equal to the ID in question.

How do I do this?

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Seaching Mulitple Fields?

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,I need to do a seach in multiple columns for a certain word. With SQLI have to use one specific column right?I.E. select * from DB where Column1 like '%search%'That works.But what if I want to seach multiple columns in the table for thesearch word?You can't do this:select * from DB where Column1, Column2, Column3 like '%search%'Is there a way to do this?Thanks,Tmuld.

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JDBC With Mulitple Databases

Jul 20, 2005

Dear all,Our application needs a bit of database redundancy.Our application only accesses database for reading purposes.We want to have two databases in separate machines. Incase one databaseserver dies the application should automatically extract data from theother server.Is there any JDBC driver available so that it can detect failure in themain database server and then tries to extract data from the standbydatabase server?Kind regards--Posted via http://dbforums.com

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Opening Mulitple Recordsets

Jul 20, 2005

I have a single .asp page that opens a connection and then sequentiallyopens and closes 14 recordsets from stored procedures to obtain variousproduct information before closing the connection.Is it common practice to do something like this? Or is opening 14recordsets going to become a real problem when the page goes live and startsgetting high web traffic?Thank you in advance for any information you might provide.Dave

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Mulitple Updates On Table In Same Transaction

Oct 31, 2007

 I need to update information for a user and if the user is classified
as a primary (@blnPrimary) then I need to update information for all
users within his agency (AgencyUniqueId). The issue is that the second
UPDATE to "cdds_User_Profile" always returns a rowcount of 0 (should be
1) even though the values for "@Original_AgencyUniqueId" and
"@Original_UserId" are correct. This is just a snippet of the whole
procedure. I'm trying to implement similar logic in other parts of the
procedure and I'm observing the same behavior there as well. Any help
anyone can provide is greatly appreciated. </p><pre>/*** Update User Profile ***/UPDATE [cdds_User_Profile] SET [FirstName] = @FirstName, [LastName] = @LastName, [Title] = @Title, [Phone] = @Phone, [AcctType] = @AcctType, [AcctStatus] = @AcctStatus, [LastUpdatedDate] = GETDATE() WHERE ([FirstName] = @Original_FirstName AND [LastName] = @Original_LastName AND [Title]=@Original_Title AND [Phone]=@Original_Phone AND [AcctType]=@Original_AcctType AND [AcctStatus]= @Original_AcctStatus AND [AgencyUniqueId] = @Original_AgencyUniqueIdAND [UserId] = @Original_UserId);IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0BEGINSET @err_message = 'Data has been edited by another user since you began viewing this information.'RAISERROR (@err_message,11, 1)ROLLBACK TRANSACTIONRETURNEND IF @@ERROR &lt;&gt; 0 BEGINROLLBACK TRANSACTIONRETURN ENDIF @blnPrimary = 1 BEGIN IF LOWER(@AcctStatus) &lt;&gt; LOWER(@AgencyAcctStatus)/*** Update Users Acct. Status ***//* update all users in same agency profile */UPDATE [cdds_User_Profile] SET [AcctStatus] = @AcctStatus,[LastUpdatedDate] = GETDATE() WHERE ([AgencyUniqueId] = @Original_AgencyUniqueIdAND [UserId] = @Original_UserId); IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0BEGINSET @err_message = 'Data for this agency has been edited by another user since you began viewing this information.'RAISERROR (@err_message,11, 1)ROLLBACK TRANSACTIONRETURNENDIF @@ERROR &lt;&gt; 0 BEGINROLLBACK TRANSACTIONRETURN ENDEND</pre><pre>  

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Pass The Mulitple Values To A Query

Jun 12, 2001


Can anybody help me in solving this problem


declare @var1 varchar(10)
set @var1 = '1,4,9,10'
select @var1
select TGNO, TGNAME from carriers where TGNO in (@var1)



(1 row(s) affected)

Server: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 4
Syntax error converting the varchar value '1,4,9,10' to a column of data type smallint.

I want to pass a list of values to a column of DATA Type smallint.

Thanks in advance.

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Pass The Mulitple Values To A Query

Jun 13, 2001

What is the way to pass the values throug varibale as shown below?


declare @var1 varchar(10)
set @var1 = '1,4,9,10'
select @var1
select TGNO, TGNAME from carriers where TGNO in (@var1)



(1 row(s) affected)

Server: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 4
Syntax error converting the varchar value '1,4,9,10' to a column of data type smallint.

I want to pass a list of values to a column of DATA Type smallint.

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Begginer In SQL-Foreign KEy To Mulitple Tables

Aug 14, 2007

Hey everyone,
I am beggining in SQL and the .NET framework and have been running into some problems trying to design a relational database. I am completely new to it so I bought a book that was recommended in this Forum called "Handbook of Relational Database Design" and it has been pretty usefull so far. RIght now I am trying to make the Logical Data Model before I make the Relational Data Model.
The problem that I am having right now is creating a table that is a derivation from another table. For example, in the book they have a table called Property, and then two other tables called MountainProperty and BeachProperty. MountainProperty and BeachProperty are a type (relationship here) of a property. So basically Property will hold some data in a table, and then MountainProperty and BeachProperty will extend that property to contain more specific data. This is very similar to what I want to do. However I am having a problem understanding how an instance (or row) in Property, will have a link (foreign key) to a piece of data that is in Mountain or BeachProperty. I understand the foreign key in Mountain and BeachProperty and how they will link back to their "parent". But how will Property know its children, where is the link for that, how can one make a link to that. You could make a column with a foreign key, but which table would it point to, can one column point to mulitple tables? That doesn't make very much sense to me.
Basically what I am trying to say is that a row in the Property table can be multiple types, and these types will store more additional data about that row. How can I link to that data from that row in the Table Property.
I am terribly sorry if this is confusing or if it is so appartently easy for you, but this is the first time that I have ever tried to make a relational database and I am really struggling on seeing how to organize these tables properly. Thank yor for your time.

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How To Generate Mulitple Reports From Parameter?

Nov 13, 2007

Hi all,

Is it possible to generate mulitple reports from parameter? what I want is for example: I have a report with a sales orders table, it has 2 input parameter fields; two dates to make up a date range. If the date range is between yesterday and today, I will get two reports (two reports with two different total page number); one is for yesterday and one is for today.

I did some research on resetting the total page, but their solution doesnt work on my special case (very complicate..). A similiar work out also apperciate.


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Mulitple Database Connections Vs Single Connection?

Apr 16, 2008

I have a DLL that acts as an interface between the application and the database. So you create a new instance to the database via:

MyDatabaseClass db = new MyDatabaseClass()

Each instance of the class creates a new connection to the database.

So if I were to have the following, then 4 connections would be made.

MyDatabaseClass db1 = new MyDatabaseClass()
MyDatabaseClass db2 = new MyDatabaseClass()
MyDatabaseClass db3 = new MyDatabaseClass()
MyDatabaseClass db4 = new MyDatabaseClass()

My question is...What if instead of creating new connections upon each instantiation, I re-use the same connection through a "ConnectionManager" class. In this way, the above code will only create 1 connection instead of 4.

What do you guys think about each approach? Obviously the 2nd approach makes sense for non-web applications, but what about websites? Would that just cause that single connection to be overloaded??

Thanks for any insights.

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Retrieving An Answer From Mulitple ResultSet Statements

Jul 20, 2005

I have several ResultSet Querys/Statements within my page. An exampleof the code looks like this:ResultSet rs1 = stmt1.executeQuery("SELECT right('' + '$' + convert(varchar,SUM(ActivePrim),1), 15) AS 'ActivePrim',right(' ' + '$' + convert(varchar,SUM(KGAP),1), 15) AS'KGAP', right(' ' + '$' +convert(varchar,SUM(PrimaryRepo),1), 15) AS 'PrimaryRepo', right('' + '$' + convert(varchar,SUM(WeeklyTotal),1), 15) AS'WeeklyTotal' FROM Intranet..InsuranceStats WHERE EmployeeName ='Jamie' and Date BETWEEN '01/01/04' and '01/31/04'");What would be the correct way to retrieve each result set? Icurrently have it as the example below. But this doesn't allow foreach result set to be displayed separately.<td valign=top><b>Active Primary:</b><%= ActivePrim %></td>Any help would be greatly appreciated.Catherine

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Urgent Help: Regarding Assigning Mulitple Rows Of A Given Column To Variable

Aug 13, 2007

How to assign multiple values to emp1 variable separated by comma
 Ex: If  ajay karthik vijay are employee names in emp table
then emp1= ajay,karthik, vijay 
set emp1= (select employeename   from emp) returns error
error: subquery returns morethan one value

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Upgrading Mulitple 7.0 Servers To 2000 Cluster Server

Jun 6, 2002

We shall be taking a bunch of 7.0 instances and moving/upgrading to a SQL 2000 cluster server. I was thinking of creating new named instances on the 2000 cluster and upgrading each 7.0 server to it's respective named instance. Also thought of using the 2000 copy database wizard; I was told this didn't always work. Anyone hear of problems with this?

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How To Split A Delimited Column Into Mulitple Rows In The Dataflow?

Jan 19, 2006

I'm sure there is probably a very easy solution that I am just not seeing or can't Google...

I have a DataFlow that includes a column of Delimited values (i.e. Value1,Value2,etc..). As this DataFlow is populating a parent table, I need split the values into their own dataflow and populate a child table. I've tried a script transformation and couldn't figure out how to accept 1 delimited input row and output multiple rows after a split. Any ideas?


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Mulitple Reports In A Single Data Driven Subscription

Oct 8, 2007

Has any figured out a work around to having multiple reports in a single email sent out by a data driven sub in SSRS 2005?

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Complex Copy Routine, Mulitple Tables And Changing GUIDs

Dec 11, 2007

I have several tables that have guids as their primary keys and the tables are related as follows:
Table1 - primary key = ServiceNo (Guid), Filter Key = CampaignNo
Table2 - primary key = CostBasisNo (Guid), Foreign Key = ServiceNo (from Table1)
Table3 - primary key = UserId, Foreign Key = ServiceNo (from table1)
Table4 - primary key = SourceServiceNo (Foreign Key from Table1), MemberServiceNo(Foreign Key from Table1)
what I need to do is copy all records from Table1 where CampaignNo = @CampaignNo and insert them into table1, this I can do easily but I will generate a new ServiceNo for each one and associated a new CampaigNo which is fine.
The problem comes in that I need to also copy the contents of Table2 = Table3 for all ServiceNos that have been copied from Table1 but insert the new Guid that will have been created when copying the rows in Table1
This is further compounded when I need to do the same to Table4 but this time I need to insert the newid's for SourceServiceNo and the related MemberServiceNo which all would have changed.
I haven't the first clue where to start with this task, do I need to use temporary tables, cursors? any help gratefully received, even if it's a pointer to the most efficient approach.

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Single Configuration File - Mulitple Packages - Elements Not Used In Each Package

Dec 18, 2007


I'm fairly new to the SSIS world, and I've recently ported a bunch of dts packages over to SSIS. I'm an ASP.NET developer so I'm very familiar with the capabilities that configuration files give you, and I attempted to set up my solution as follows:

All of my "Data Sources" are at the project level, and added (with the same name) to each package. I wanted to have a single config file that had all of the project-level settings (i.e. connection strings, data file paths, etc). I then have a config for each package with the package level settings - i.e. variables, etc.

The problem becomes that all packages do not use all data sources. This results in an error when I try to open up a package for editing, it complains that it doesn't have a reference to data source XYZ that it is seeing in the configuration file.

Is there any way that I can get around this? If I have a password to a database change, I don't want to have to look through every config file and change it in multiple places.

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Update Records

Aug 15, 2007

Here is my question if anyone can help...

I have two tables

Table 1


Table 2


I would like to update Table 1 with the data from Table 2. Here is my problem..Lets say that I have two records in Table 2 that have the same policyNumber but two different NewEmpNames, it only takes the first. In other words, a single policynumber can be moved to a New EmpName and then again later on to another NewEmpName adn even again if need be

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Update Of Records From Other Tables

Sep 11, 2000

I am trying to update a field within one table with the values from another table. With the criteria that another field in each table are equal. What is the correct way to do this. My syntax is all wrong.


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Update Child Records Help

Oct 5, 2004

Please help

I have table1 which has many unique ID numbers and table2 that has many records for each ID. some of the ID numbers in table1 have changed and I have created a translation table (table3) that links the old and new ID numbers.

What I need to do is some sort of update sql statement that updates all the records in table2 changing all the oldID numbers to the new ones using the translation table.

Table1 and table2 are not linked...can anyone help me with the sql statement


Table 1
12345 Joe
12346 Mary
12347 David

12345 hello
12345 goodbye
12346 hello
12347 goodbye
12346 hello
12346 goodbye

12345 54321
12347 74321

need to change the IDNUM in Table2 to 54321 where IDNUM = 12345 and same with 12347..Need to do this for many many IDs but not all.

Thanks very much

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Insert And Update Records

Feb 4, 2008

Good day to all, I am new here so i hope i am doing things correctly.

The Company i work for make coils of shaped wire and work a 6 - 6 shift pattern

I have a database that is updated from a data collection source (MS Access) at 06:00 every morning. This seems to be working ok, my problem is that most coils fit nicely into the 6 - 6 shift pattern, but some now and again drift over into the next shift. I have written a crystal report that picks up this data. at the moment the coils are put in the database as: [Coil Start Time], [Coil Finish Time], [Coil Start Weight], [Coil Finish Weight], etc.

I have written (been helped to write) a SQL statement that will do the following:

Step 1: If the Coil Finish time is greater than the shift end time, then set the shit end time to be coil end time and zero start and finish wheight.
Step 2: The original Coil record is duplicated and Coil Start time set to start time of shift, all other data left alone.

Example of code:


SELECT [Batch Name], [Batch Start], [Batch End], [Coil Start Weight], [Coil Finish Weight], [Product], [Shift], [Operator ID], [Works Order No]
FROM dbo.tblCoilData
WHERE (DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 6 AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 18) OR
((DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) < 6 OR
DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 18) AND (DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 6 OR
DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) >= 18))
SELECT [Batch Name], [Batch Start], DATEADD(hour, 17, DATEADD(minute, 59, CONVERT(char(10), [Batch End], 101))), 0, 0, [Product], [Shift], [Operator ID],
[Works Order No]
FROM dbo.tblCoilData
WHERE DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 6 AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) < 18 AND (DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 6 OR
DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) >= 18)
SELECT [Batch Name], DATEADD(hour, 18, CONVERT(char(10), [Batch Start], 101)), [Batch End], [Coil Start Weight], [Coil Finish Weight], [Product], [Shift],
[Operator ID], [Works Order No]
FROM dbo.tblCoilData
WHERE DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 6 AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) < 18 AND (DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 6 OR
DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) >= 18)
SELECT [Batch Name], [Batch Start], DATEADD(hour, 5, DATEADD(minute, 59, CONVERT(char(10), [Batch End], 101))), 0, 0, [Product], [Shift], [Operator ID],
[Works Order No]
FROM dbo.tblCoilData
WHERE (DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) < 6 OR
DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 18) AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) >= 6 AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 18
SELECT [Batch Name], DATEADD(hour, 6, CONVERT(char(10), [Batch Start], 101)), [Batch End], [Coil Start Weight], [Coil Finish Weight], [Product], [Shift],
[Operator ID], [Works Order No]
FROM dbo.tblCoilData
WHERE (DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) < 6 OR
DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 18) AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) >= 6 AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 18


I have 2 options now

option 1:
Leave this as a SQL View and report from this

option 2:
Insert updated records to the tblCoilData table so that the data in the table is permanent

I would prefer option 2 but am a bit of a nugget when it comes to writing update / insert statements, Could someone please help me with this

Thank you very kindly


Steve Dyson

View 4 Replies View Related

How To Update 2 Records On 1 Field

Aug 20, 2013

I have this code

I want to update nilai = total where kd_bulan = 9 and nilai = 0 where kd_bulan = 12

View 13 Replies View Related

Update Top 25 Records In Table

Sep 23, 2013

I'm having a problem with the syntax for doing an update to the top 25 records in my table.... This is what i have...

UPDATE TOP (25) FROM ud402.jd_mcp_master SET comments = 'MONDAY 092313 ' WHERE QUEUE_NAME = 'JD_Testing' ORDER BY DATE_WORKED ;

View 8 Replies View Related

What To Update The Duplicate Records

Jul 11, 2007


i want to update the second row of the c column.can any one help me in this . this is the sample records.
a b c

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Update Take Too Long On Some Records.

Mar 31, 2008

Hi all,

I have confusing problem here. My table which have about 150.000 rows have problem with updates on 15 rows.

It's access application which connect to sql server 2005 database. Access gets error:
"ODBC --update on linked table 'MyTable2 failed"

If i try to update on sql it's take couple minutes to update.
Evrything else on that table is ok.

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How To Do An Update On Existing Records?

Jul 20, 2005

I have one table of new records (tableA) that may already exist intableB. I want to insert these records into tableB with insert if theydon't already exist, or update any existing ones with new data if theydo already exist. A column (Action) in tableA already tells me whetherthis is an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. I'm able to derive that I can doan insert withselect * into tableB from tableA where Action = 'INSERT'....and I think I can handle the delete.But I'm stuck on the update. How do I do the update? An ordinaryUPDATE statement just won't do unless I use a cursor to cycle throughthe recordset. I want to avoid a cursor.

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Use Db-lib To Update Database Records

Jul 20, 2005

How to use db-lib to update/insert database records without using SQLlanguage. I want to change the value of the data individually withoutplugging in the new values in the SQL language then execute it. Theperfect situation for me is loop through the retrieved records thenedit the values individually until EOF.Thanks,Carlo

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Update ID Field Of All Records

Aug 29, 2007

Hi everyone,

I'm fairly basic in SQL and I was wondering if it was possible to update the id field of a certain table in all records of that table. And to update the links to those ids in other tables.

Hope you understand and thanks in advance,

View 12 Replies View Related

All The Records Update Or Just Half?

May 26, 2008

update top (50) percent table1 set fields1 = 1
update top (50) percent table1 set fields1 = 2

like the subject, all or half? thanks

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Update Table From Old Records

Apr 23, 2008

I'm using SQL Server 2000.

I have a table with data similar to this.... Multi field = 0 indicates current record, 1 indicates an old record

FWK NVQ Multi Key Start Date NVQ Date FWK Date
NULL NULL 0 123456 03/04/2006 NULL NULL
NULL NULL 1 123456 03/04/2005 01/09/2006 NULL
NULL NULL 0 234567 03/04/2006 NULL NULL
NULL NULL 1 234567 03/06/2005 04/10/2005 03/11/2005
NULL NULL 0 345678 03/04/2004 NULL NULL
NULL NULL 1 345678 03/07/2003 NULL 01/12/2003
NULL NULL 1 345678 03/08/2002 NULL NULL
NULL NULL 0 456789 30/09/2002 11/06/2003 NULL
NULL NULL 1 456789 29/08/2000 NULL NULL
NULL NULL 0 567890 30/09/2002 11/06/2003 11/06/2003
NULL NULL 1 567890 29/08/2000 30/05/2001 NULL
NULL NULL 0 678901 03/04/2006 01/09/2006 15/09/2006
NULL NULL 1 678901 30/03/2005 30/08/2005 15/08/2005
NULL NULL 0 789012 02/03/2000 03/09/2000 15/09/2000
NULL NULL 0 789013 30/06/2001 07/08/2001 14/08/2001

I need to update the table, setting the first two columns to the date of the old records... ie. I want the table to look like this...

FWK NVQ Multi Key Start Date NVQ Date FWK Date
NULL 01/09/2006 0 123456 03/04/2006 NULL NULL
NULL NULL 1 123456 03/04/2005 01/09/2006 NULL
03/11/2005 04/10/2005 0 234567 03/04/2006 NULL NULL
NULL NULL 1 234567 03/06/2005 04/10/2005 03/11/2005
01/12/2003 NULL 0 345678 03/04/2004 NULL NULL
NULL NULL 1 345678 03/07/2003 NULL 01/12/2003
NULL NULL 1 345678 03/08/2002 NULL NULL
NULL NULL 0 456789 30/09/2002 11/06/2003 NULL
NULL NULL 1 456789 29/08/2000 NULL NULL
NULL 30/05/2001 0 567890 30/09/2002 11/06/2003 11/06/2003
NULL NULL 1 567890 29/08/2000 30/05/2001 NULL
15/08/2005 30/08/2005 0 678901 03/04/2006 01/09/2006 15/09/2006
NULL NULL 1 678901 30/03/2005 30/08/2005 15/08/2005
NULL NULL 0 789012 02/03/2000 03/09/2000 15/09/2000
NULL NULL 0 789013 30/06/2001 07/08/2001 14/08/2001

Can anyone help me with this?

Code Snippet
([FWK] datetime,
[NVQ] datetime,
[Multi] Smallint,
[Key] varchar(10),
[Start Date] datetime,
[NVQ Date] datetime,
[FWK Date] datetime)
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,0,'123456','2006-04-03',null,null)
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,1,'123456','2005-04-03','2006-09-01',null)
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,0,'234567','2006-04-03',null,null)
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,1,'234567','2005-06-03','2005-10-04','2005-11-03')
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,0,'345678','2004-04-03',null,null )
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,1,'345678','2003-07-03',null,'2003-12-01' )
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,1,'345678','2002-08-03',null,null )
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,0,'456789','2002-09-30','2003-06-11',null)
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,1,'456789','2000-08-29',null,null)
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,0,'567890','2002-09-30','2003-06-11','2003-06-11')
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,1,'567890','2000-08-29','2001-05-30',null)
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,0,'678901','2006-04-03','2006-09-01','2006-09-15')
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,1,'678901','2005-03-30','2005-08-30','2005-08-15')
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,0,'789012','2000-03-02','2000-09-03','2000-09-15')
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,0,'789013','2001-06-30','2001-08-07','2001-08-14')

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