I am trying to update a field in a temptable with the count of items in another table. To illustrate, CustomerID=23 and I want the number of occurences in the temp table. Here's the code which DOESN'T work:
COUNT(*) FROM Layouts WHERE Layout.customerID = Albums.CustomerID
Albums JOIN
Customers on (Albums.CustomerID=Customers.CustomerID)
Please take a look at the COUNT line. Here I want to count the occurences of a specific customerid in another table and put in into th LayoutCount field.
SQL server reports "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'FROM'". Any ideas how to achieve this?
I want to create a trigger that, when a field is updated or a record is inserted, counts the number of words in "field1", inserting this numeric value into another field in the same table. What would be the most efficient, fastest method for doing this?
If I have a table with 1 or more Nullable fields and I want to make sure that when an INSERT or UPDATE occurs and one or more of these fields are left to NULL either explicitly or implicitly is there I can set these to non-null values without interfering with the INSERT or UPDATE in as far as the other fields in the table?
[Code] ....
If an INSERT looks like any of the following what can I do to change the NULL being assigned to DateAdded to a real date, preferable the value of GetDate() at the time of the insert? I've heard of INSTEAD of Triggers but I'm not trying tto over rise the entire INSERT or update just the on (maybe 2) fields that are being left as null or explicitly set to null. The same would apply for any UPDATE where DateModified is not specified or explicitly set to NULL. I would want to change it so that DateModified is not null on any UPDATE.
INSERT INTO dbo.MYTABLE( FirstName, LastName, DateAdded) VALUES('John','Smith',NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.MYTABLE( FirstName, LastName) VALUES('John','Smith')
INSERT INTO dbo.MYTABLE( FirstName, LastName, DateAdded) SELECT FirstName, LastName, NULL FROM MYOTHERTABLE
Hi all, I have a problem about a query to update a table
UPDATE Email SET EmailDT='31 Mar 2004' WHERE Idx={BDF51DBD-9E4F-4990-A751-5B25D071E288}
where Idx field is a uniqueidentifier type and EmailDT is datetime type. I found that when this query calling by a VB app. then it have error "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Syntax error or access violation" and i have tried again in Query Analyzer, same error also occur, the MS SQL server is version 7. Please help. thanks.
Not a SQL guy but can do enough to be dangerous :)Trying to update a record. We have records that have a field with datasurrounded by some comment text such as *** Previous Public Solution*** Start and *** Previous Public Solution *** End . What I am tryingto do is write a SQL statement that will:Check that field C100 = TICKET0001 (to test with one record beforerunning on whole db)Check that field C101 is = ClosedCheck that field C102 is nullCopy field C103 data to field C102 and strip out any words such as ***Previous Public Solution *** Start and *** Previous Public Solution*** endThanks for any help!Kevin
I have a table like this. Each ConNo can have many boxes. The number of the box is an identfier, not a quantity.ie Box 3 = 1 box.A box may have a letter as a suffix or not.
I want to group by ConNo and total the boxes so I know how many Boxes are in each ConNo eg ConNo 200 5 boxes
I've got a stored proc which returns a location and corrosponding defects for that location. My matrix has the locations as rows and a count of defects as the data.
How can I manipulate the matrix (or table?) so I'll only show the Top 3 highest counts? I've tried screwing around with the Top N Filter, but as soon as I do =COUNT(Field!Defect.Value) on it the report wont run anymore. If the data came over in the above format that would make my life so much easier...but my matrix is all about aggregate data
Also I cant modify the stored proc as that dataset is used on multiple areas in the report
I want to get a count of how many PosAnswer are associated with the QuesToAsk 'List your top 5 favorite places'
This is the syntax I am using to achieve this, and it works, but wasn't sure if there was a better way (changing the data structure is unfortunately not an option in this situation). Here is my table structure
Code: Create Table Test ( QuesToAsk varchar(1000), PosAnswer varchar(1000)
[Code] ....
And this is the syntax I use to get the count I am after
Code: DECLARE @VariableName varchar(25) DECLARE @FormattedVariableName varchar(25) DECLARE @FieldCount int SET @VariableName =
I am attempting to combine to queries that I created and am not having success. I need to get a count on a field for a specific value and have to do this by gender and by an age range. So here is the query I came up with. I don't get any errors produced but I also don't get any results.
$query = "SELECT p1.sex, age_group, COUNT(CASE WHEN p4.q1 = 'Yes' THEN p4.q1 END) AS heart_attack FROM (select p1.sex,". " CASE WHEN datediff(year, dateadd(day, -datepart(dayofyear, GetDate()), p1.birthday) , dateadd(day, -datepart(dayofyear, GetDate()), GetDate())) BETWEEN 11 AND 20 THEN '11-20'". " WHEN datediff(year, dateadd(day, -datepart(dayofyear, GetDate()), p1.birthday) , dateadd(day, -datepart(dayofyear, GetDate()), GetDate()))
Hopefully this makes sense. I am new to SQL Reporting. My code is below. I am trying to get my query to display 0 when a category (prob_ctg.sym, does not have a Count value.
SELECT COUNT(*) AS Expr2, ISNULL(COUNT(*), '0') AS Total, CONVERT(varchar(20), Requestor.c_last_name) + ', ' + CONVERT(varchar(20), Requestor.c_first_name, 112) AS Customer, Calls.ref_num, Calls.category, prob_ctg.sym, Calls.summary, DATEADD(s, Calls.open_date - 21600, '1/1/70 12:00:00 am') AS OpenDT, DATEADD(s, Calls.close_date - 21600, '1/1/70 12:00:00 am') AS CloseDT, [Group].c_last_name AS GroupName FROM ctct Requestor INNER JOIN ctct [Group] INNER JOIN call_req Calls ON [Group].id = Calls.group_id ON Requestor.id = Calls.customer INNER JOIN int_org INNER JOIN prob_ctg ON int_org.id = prob_ctg.organization ON Calls.category = prob_ctg.persid WHERE (int_org.iorg_c_id LIKE '%400111%') AND (prob_ctg.del = 0) AND (DATEADD(s, Calls.open_date - 21600, CONVERT(DATETIME, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', 102)) BETWEEN @stdt AND @eddt) GROUP BY Calls.category, prob_ctg.sym, Calls.summary, Calls.ref_num, Calls.open_date, Calls.close_date, [Group].c_last_name, int_org.iorg_name, int_org.iorg_c_id, Requestor.c_last_name, Requestor.c_first_name
I want to avoid iterating through a table row by row and programmatically incrementing a counter,/I have define a view called Q2 with the following fields of interest:
Trial varchar(25) BI int Track int CAT int
What I would like to do is partition by Trial, BI, and Track, and count the number of times CAT changes value. In Access, I would just iterate through a recordset inside a function, but I would like to see if there is a set based solution.Adding Sample Data and Output.
I have one field in SQL Server Report Called Status which is text field. that status can be "Abesent" , Late In", "Early Out" , "Early Out and Late in" , its in table Like this.
Emp no | Name | Date | Time | Status 1 Kaisar 1-1-07 7:15 Late In 1 Kaisar 1-2-07 17:15 Early Out 1 Kaisar 1-4-07 - Absent 1 Kaisar 1-5-07 - Absent 1 Kaisar 1-6-07 - Absent
And So On...... ----------------------------------------------------------------
i want to get count some thing like this
Total Of Absent : 3 Total Of Late in : 4 Total Of Early Out :5
I have a table in Access 2007 that has about 30 field names and I want to have a count of how many unique rows there are in each field. I want to have these results put into another table that will just have the field name and then the count of how many unique rows there are.
I have code in VBA that will loop through my SQL and change out the field name, but I can't seem to get the SQL right before I can start looping it. For just one field name this would be what I have to count the unique names...
So far I have this:
INSERT INTO newtable COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT Raw_Table.FieldName, COUNT(Raw_Table.FieldName) AS CountOfFieldName FROM Raw_Table GROUP BY Raw_Table.FieldName);
I am trying to write a stored procedure that updates a value in a table based on the sort order. For example, my table has a field "OfferAmount". When this field is updated, I need to resort the records and update the "CurrRank" field with values 1 through whatever. As per my question marks below, I am not sure how to do this.
Update CurrRank = ??? from tblAppKitOffers where appkitid = 3 AND (OfferStatusCode = 'O' OR OfferStatusCODE = 'D') ORDER BY tblAppKitOffers.OfferAmount Desc
I am trying to run the plan analyser on a SQL query that I cut and pasted from a Siebel trace. I get the following error
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]COUNT field incorrect
There is no count in the SQL query, and there doesn;t seen to be a message number to look up, anyone got any ideas? I have done the obvious stuff like changing the DB name in the query, but to no avail....
I'm stuck. This is in C#. I am making the following query: string query = INSERT INTO region_info(prefix, region, last_update) VALUES ('" + RegionInfo.Prefix + "', '" + region + "', ???TIMESTAMP???);
and then executing query = query.Replace("???TIMESTAMP???", "'" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "'");
Thus, an example query is: INSERT INTO region_info(prefix, region, last_update) VALUES ('907209', 'Alaska-Juneau', '20040921'); When I execute this query through my program(uses ADO.net), I get a "COUNT field incorrect or syntax error" exception, but if I run this same query through the query analyzer, it works fine.
Total amount = 1000 salemancode1 = space salemancode2 = Staff-99 salemancode3 = space salemancode4 = staff-88
How I can write a one query statement to do this, we expect to count how many salemancode is not space and count the number of salesman to over the total amount.
total amount / (no_of_saleman) as commission the result is 1000/ 2 the commission is $500.
Hi Guys, I cannot seem to get the syntax right on this one. I am trying to Update a field in a table with the recount of another table. Is it even possible to do this???
Update P_Dates SET RecCount = RecCnt FROM (SELECT Count(ACCTNO) As RecCnt FROM IMPORT Where @sDate = StartDate AND @eDate = EndDate)
I have created table in which there are four columns (id, date, parcelname, parcelnumber) and 10 rows. I want to count record of the column parcelnumber but condition that, in between two different dates the record should be counted.
I have created a report which has 3 groups. The report output as shown below. I am having trouble getting the SUM of Total Credtis for each Org.
Can't seem to get the total 42 and 16 (highlighted), but can get total unists 11 and 13. I get expression contains aggregate function. This is because Units assessed is the Count of IDs (details hidden from the report).
Report has three groups Org , Assessor and Unit.
Can someone please help me with this?
Appreciate help.
Thank you,
Org 1(Group1)
Unit Credits Units Assessed(# of Trainees) TotalCredits
I have a table with Bill_Doc, Bill_Item and Bill_Doc_Count fields. I need to update Bill_Doc_Count with 1 only on the first Bill_Item. Is this possible? I tried min and max but they don't work for me.
Field Names: NOs Code Code1a UniqueID61 10 888 1062 10 888 1163 10 888 12Logic: If Count(code >1) & Count (Code1a >1)Update the (Nos) to EQUAL the same Value.ALL the Nos for the above examble should be the same value forall three records whether it's 61 for all three records of anyof the other two numbers, it doesn't matter as long as the equal the same value.How can this be done via sql?