Before the start of each season, the various clubs/teams compile an initial game schedule using Excel. Once the master schedule is complete, it is sent to me. The initial master schedule is loaded into the database [MatchSchedule] from the Excel spreadsheet using the SQL Server Import/Export Wizard. This works well enough. However, during the season there are frequent small changes to dates & times, venues, etc. These changes are sent to me in Excel spreadsheets.
I need an efficient & ERROR FREE method of getting the new game details into the master schedule. I thought perhaps the easiest way to accomplish updates to the table MatchSchedule t1 was to use a temporary table MatchSchedule_Updates_temp t2 to hold the new game details (obtained from Excel spreadsheets) and then use UPDATE to update MatchSchedule with those games that have changed. The primary key is Match_Id.
Unfortunately, I keep getting the following error messages which I have been unable to correct!
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 4
Incorrect syntax near 't1'.
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 5
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'SET'.
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 41
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'WHERE'.
Here is my code:-
USE [database]
UPDATE dbo.MatchSchedule t1
I have an application that has a dropdown in which, I want a users most popular choices (from history) to be on top. This is easily done via a query however the query is too slow, after be optimized. I'd like to have create a table that contains each users most popular selection, and then just update it nightly. How can I schedule some SQL code to run nightly?
Is there a way to create a Batch file that will run an Update Statement and schedule it to run?I've used bcp to extract data to a txt file before, but i'm not sure if an Update can be performed.I'm using SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition so i don't have Server Agent available.
My Name is Nick Soutter, I am the owner of a small game company, Aepox Games(We're in the middle of a name change from "Lamar Games"), first commercial game, Andromeda Online ( isgoing into beta soon. It runs on an evaluation edition of SQL Server 2000(our intention is, when it launches, we earn the money to buy a copy beforethe evaluation expires).We have been testing Andromeda Online, and found that saves to the databasetake about 10 seconds (we were anticipating less than 1). We felt we needsomebody experienced in optimizing sql databases to help us optimize thedatabase, and get it running in the best method for our particularapplication.Our program accesses the database in Java, and people with understanding inhow to optimize java connections would be a tremendous help.My company is small, and we honestly cant afford much. Everybody on thisproject, from the sound guys to the graphic artist, has worked for 1/10 to1/100 of the value of the job. We're simply a starting company looking fordedicated people who are willing to work more for credit than money.We can offer credit on our website( to anybody who helps us, butlittle more (maybe $100, but we're very over budget, and in desperate needof help). Because of how we intend the game to run (with maybe 100-200concurrent games running online), a 10 second save time is simplyunacceptable.Anybody who would be willing to help us, please send a resume toJoin Bytes!. Experience would be nice, but not a requirement.We're looking for someone who can talk with our programmer about the typesof calls made to our SQL database, and then can log into the DB and optimizeit to run as fast as possible considering our specific needs.Thank you for your time.Nick SoutterAepox (Lamar) Games
Im just wondering if it is possible to use a SQL DB to query game servers, Im very new to SQL, an if it is possible please lead me in the right direction on start this.
So I am trying to wrap my head around the most efficient way to store some game data in sql server 2005.
I wont list all of my tables or columns as there would just be too many, but will try to post as exact as I can.
Basically lets say I have 3000 monsters in my game, and over 8000 items some of which are monster loot.
Each monster could have 1 drop item or they could have 200 different item drops all depending on the monster.
So I am just trying to find the best method of creating a loot table.
So I have the following in mind.
So I'm not worried about how I would get all of the data in there, I'm just wondering if this simple method of using Ref. ID's between tables would provide the best method for extracting the data when needed.
Any ideas or thoughts are more then welcome, any questions just ask, and thanks for any guidance or information you can provide on a more efficient manner.
Those who is interested in computers, games can check out a freemassive online strategy scifi game at http://www.spacefederation.netThis game is also looking for staff, especially those in the computerline like programming, development, it and Internet security. to apply,goto the game and click on jobs, or click on contact to send them anemail to apply. they are always on the lookout for talented andpassionate people, if there is no such post available they will makeone for you.Cowly the Game playerVisit some of the games I playhttp://www.gamestotal.comhttp://mmorpg.gamestotal.com i need to schedule asp code execution using SQL Stored Procedure not allowed to connect using Enterprise Manager is it possible in ASP and in case how?
Hi all, I want to make a job schedular in SQLServer 2005. That is i want to send email to users daily at 12:00 PM. how can i schedule using SQLServer Agent in SQLServer 2005. And i want to filter the users from user table. Please help me Thanks!
I have lots of DTS Packages that I am running manually daily and I am trying to create schedule all of those and all of them are failing. Some of those are accross domians,but the owner on both domains have same userId and password.
Any Idea why this is failing would be really helpful
I would like to import data via DTS from one db to another to run every half hour.What would be the easier way to do this?Should I setup a job to run every half hour?
If anyone could help with some suggestions , it would be appreciated.
When I try to schedule a DTS package which is an EXE it doesn't run. If I just run the DTS package it works fine. I have checked the permissions of the DTS scheduled package and made sure it had proper rights. SQL Server Services were started with the proper security rights. When I schedule the DTS package, it is being done on the Server, and not a workstation. Any ideas on why it will not run?...
Also, How do you schedule and EXE under SQL Server Agent Jobs. Even when I schedule an EXE that is not a DTS package it doesn't run...
I have almost completed a full project by myself which is soooo exciting. The last thing I need to do is schedule a job to run the query on a specific day and time. So how do I do this? It asks me for a command and I am not sure what I am supposed to enter in here.
Im trying to schedule a DTS package that I have created. When I right click on the package in Enterprise Manager and click on "Schedule" I get the options to set up the job to run on a schedule.
I fill out the time and click "OK". But when I immediately right click on the package again, all my settings are gone, and the defaults are back in place.
How do I know if the package will run- or if it did run?
I would actually prefer to run the job from a command line using a Scheduled Task... What would the syntax be? My DTS Local Package is named "IMPORT_DAILY_UPDATE"
I create a new in SQL Server Agent. However, When I click start Job at step, the first step start immediately,not the schedule I set. So How can do I make it to run at the schedule time?
I have MS SQL installed on my workstation at work. I am trying to use DTS to export data from our local network that uses a Pervasive DB to our web server that is hosted with another company.
If I go in and manually execute the DTS package from my workstation, it send the data to the web server.
If I try to schedule the DTS Package to automatically send the data, it fails. SQL Server Agent is running on my workstation and on the web server.
Is what I am trying to do possible? What am I doing wrong?
I want to create a job to run once a week in sql server agent jobs. Setting up the the job to run is no problem. I want the job to run a sql statement that will retrieve sql. I then want the records to be inserted in a txt file. What is the best way to accomplish this.
anyone ever encountered this....i have a package which will execute fine manually but when i try to schedule it, it fails immediately (within the first second).i can even right click on the scheduled package and do "generate sql script" and then run that script and again, no problem. it just will NOT schedule.any ideas?
I create DTS package and when I want to schedule the package an error occures. The message says : Microsoft SQL-DMO Connection user failure (null) Non associate to a secured SQL server link
I have a DTS package that I can execute manually all I want, no problem.
However, when I try to schedule the package to run as a job, it error when it tries to connect to my remote database, giving me comments about the ODBC driver (which is installed correctly).
My best guess is that when I run it manually, it running under my userid/password (NT authentication), but when it runs as a job, it is using the SQL Agent, which has a different level of authority somehow.
This may be a no-brainer, but I've looked at everything I know of.