Update In DetailsView Not Working
Jun 9, 2008
Can anyone tell me why my Update attempts are not working? Here is my code:
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:DetailsView ID="DetailsView1" runat="server" Height="50px" Width="125px"
AutoGenerateEditButton="True" AutoGenerateRows="False" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"
<asp:BoundField DataField="City" HeaderText="City" SortExpression="City" />
</asp:DetailsView><asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionStringListings %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [City] FROM [Listings]"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE [Listings] Set [City]=@City WHERE [ListingID]=@ListingGuid ">
<asp:Parameter Name="City" />
<asp:Parameter Name ="ListingGuid" />
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>
<asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>
And here is my code behindProtected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load ListingGuid = Request.QueryString("GUID")
End SubProtected Sub DetailsView1_ItemUpdated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DetailsViewUpdatedEventArgs) Handles DetailsView1.ItemUpdated
Label1.Text = "updated"
Label2.Text = ListingGuidEnd Sub
Please let me know what I am doing wrong?
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Dec 18, 2007
Hi,I am using detailsview to update my database and got a question regarding datetime format. Here is part of my code:
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Project Deadline">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtDeadline_edit" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("pro_app_deadline") %>'></asp:TextBox>
<asp:CompareValidator ID="txtDeadlineedit_validator" runat="server" ErrorMessage="Not a valid date format" ControlToValidate="txtDeadline_edit" Operator="DataTypeCheck" Type="Date"></asp:CompareValidator>
<ItemTemplate><asp:Label ID="txtDeadline" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("pro_app_deadline") %>'></asp:Label>
Since the format of my parameter 'pro_app_deadline' is datetime, it get stored as YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss in datebase. If I want to validate user's input like above way, it always fails since hh:mm:ss append to YYYY-MM-DD. My question is, is there some way I can avoid hh:mm:ss?
Thanks a lot!
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Jun 9, 2007
Hi everybody,I have a little Problem with an update and Detailsview.I have 2 table (tblUser - uid,uName,rId) and (tblRole - rId, rDescription) In my update I don't want to use the roles id, I want to use the roles Description.Via sql I do a update the role to Admin like that UPDATE tblUser
SET rId =
FROM dbo.tblRoles
WHERE (rDescription = 'Admin')) But I don't get it to work for the detailsview update
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Jul 23, 2007
i get Incorrect syntax near 'nvarchar'.Must declare the scalar variable "@BookingID".
Description: An
unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web
request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the
error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Incorrect syntax near 'nvarchar'.Must declare the scalar variable "@BookingID".
Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the
current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of
the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
Stack Trace:
[SqlException (0x80131904): Incorrect syntax near 'nvarchar'.Must declare the scalar variable "@BookingID".] System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) +857354 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) +734966 System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj) +188 ...i am using the Edit feature of the detailsview, seems like the datatype is wrong? ID are int (in my DB, BookingID is int), and also its readonly it should not be updating in the first place right? --------------------------------Any way to debug whats in "new" values? ItemUpdating? how to do it?
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Feb 13, 2007
Hi,I'm trying to create a registration page that I've divided into multiple pages (first page for basic details, next page for address, etc.). I insert the record in the first page, and update it in the other pages. I pass the newly created ID to the other pages using the Page.PreviousPage property. In the second page, I have the SqlDataSource configured as "SELECT * FROM [Table] WHERE ID = ?", and the UpdateCommand is "UPDATE .... WHERE ID = ?". In Page_Load, I am updating the SelectCommand to "SELECT ... WHERE ID = " & intID, and the UpdateCommand similarly. The I do a dtlsvw.Databind()But when I go to the next page (the newly created ID is being passed properly), the update doesn't do anything. The new record doesn't contain the values in the detailsview. Can somebody help me out? Thanks,Wild Thing
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Feb 21, 2008
I am using a stored procedure to update data while in detailsview.I am having a rough time. Dont know why this wont workthanks a lotheres my codeALTER PROCEDURE UpdateCustomerInfo ( @CustomerID as INT, @LName as varchar(50), @FName as varchar(50), @Dept as varchar(50)=NULL, @PhoneType as varchar(50)=NULL, @OfficeType as varchar(50) = NULL, @Ext as Int=NULL, @BridgeExt as int=NULL, @Workstation as varchar(50)=NULL, @OldPrinters as varchar(50)=NULL, @NewPrinters as varchar(50)=NULL, @PhoneImg as varchar(50)=NULL, @OfficeImg as varchar(50)=NULL, @Complete as Bit=NULL, @FaxModel as varchar(50)=NULL, @FaxNumber as varchar(50)=NULL, @ConfPhone as varchar(50)=NULL, @ConfExt as varchar(50)=NULL, @ReutersDacsId as Varchar(50)=NULL, @Bloomberg as Varchar(50)=NULL, @NewFloor as Int=NULL, @OldFloor as Int=NULL )AS UPDATE CustomerInfo SET LName = @LName, FName = @FName, Dept = @Dept, PhoneType = @PhoneType, Ext = @Ext, BridgeExt = @BridgeExt, Workstation = @Workstation, OldPrinters = @OldPrinters, NewPrinters = @NewPrinters, OfficeImg = @OfficeImg, PhoneImg = @PhoneImg, Complete = @Complete Where CustomerId = @CustomerId UPDATE Extras SET CustomerID = @CustomerID, FaxModel=@FaxModel, FaxNumber=@FaxNumber, ConfPhone=@ConfPhone, ConfExt=@ConfExt, ReutersDacsId=@ReutersDacsId, Bloomberg=@Bloomberg where CustomerID = @CustomerID RETURN
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Mar 28, 2008
I have 2 Gridviews and a DetailsView for each GridView. The first Gridview and DetailsView work fine and I can Insert, Delete and Update the DetailsView just fine. However the second Gridview/DetailsView will only let me Insert but not Delete or Update. When I click on the "Delete" button it just ignores me. If I do an "Edit", when I try to click on the "Update" button it is ignored again and I have to click on "Cancel". I don't get any error messages...
Anyone have an idea what might be wrong?
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Oct 20, 2006
The Folowing code is not working anymore. (500 error)
Set objRS = strSQL1.Execute
strSQL1 = "SELECT * FROM BannerRotor where BannerID=" & cstr(BannerID)
objRS.Open strSQL1, objConn , 2 , 3 , adCmdText
If not (objRS.BOF and objRS.EOF) Then
objRS.Fields("Exposures").Value =objRS.Fields("Exposures").Value + 1
End If
The .execute Method works fine
strSQL1 = "UPDATE BannerRotor SET Exposures=Exposures+1 WHERE BannerID=" & cstr(BannerID)
objConn.Execute strSQL1
W2003 + IIS6.0
Pls advice?
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Jan 7, 2004
I am writing a pgm that attaches to a SQL Server database. I have an Add stored procedure and an Update stored procedure. The two are almost identical, except for a couple parameters. However, the Add function works and the Update does not. Can anyone see why? I can't seem to find what the problem is...
This was my test:
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("pContact_Update", cn)
'Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("pContact_Add", cn)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserId", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = UserId
cmd.Parameters.Add("@FirstName", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = TextBox1.Text
[...etc more parameters...]
cmd.Parameters.Add("@Id", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = ContactId
Label1.Text = "done"
Catch ex As Exception
Label1.Text = ex.Message
End Try
When I use the Add procedure, a record is added correctly and I receive the "done" message. When I use the Update procedure, the record is not updated, but I still receive the "done" message.
I have looked at the stored procedures and the syntax is correct according to SQL Server.
Please I would appreciate any advice...
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Jan 27, 2008
Hello Just having an issue with my code not updating my tables. Fairly new to asp so its frustrating me that its not working Here is my code 1 Protected Sub btnAddBusDetails_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddBusDetails.Click
2 Dim datasource As New SqlDataSource()
3 datasource.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("insolvency_dbConnectionString").ToString()
5 datasource.UpdateCommand = "Update PrincipalContact set [princName] = @Name, [princPosition] = 'The man', [princContactNumber] = 'At home' Where ([username] = @userName);"
6 datasource.UpdateCommandType
7 datasource.UpdateParameters.Add("userName", My.User.Name)
8 datasource.UpdateParameters.Add("Name", Principal_Name.Text)
9 datasource.UpdateParameters.Add("Position", Principal_Position.Text)
10 datasource.UpdateParameters.Add("Contact", Principal_Contact.Text)
11 datasource.Update()
14 Dim datasource2 As New SqlDataSource()
15 datasource2.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("insolvency_dbConnectionString").ToString()
17 datasource2.UpdateCommand = "Update Firm set [insolvencyPractitioner] = @insolvencyPractitioner, [companyName] = @companyName, [tradingAs] = @tradingAs, [businessDescription] = @businessDescription, [principalAddress] = @principalAddress, [tradingStatus] = @tradingStatus, [numberOfEmployees] = @numberOfEmployees, [locationsByState] = @locationsByState Where ([userName] = @userName);"
18 datasource2.UpdateParameters.Add("userName", My.User.Name)
19 datasource2.UpdateParameters.Add("insolvencyPractitioner", Insolvency_Practitioner.Text)
20 datasource2.UpdateParameters.Add("companyName", Company_Name.Text)
21 datasource2.UpdateParameters.Add("tradingAs", Trading_As.Text)
22 datasource2.UpdateParameters.Add("businessDescription", Description_of_Business.Text)
23 datasource2.UpdateParameters.Add("principalAddress", Principal_Address.Text)
24 datasource2.UpdateParameters.Add("tradingStatus", Trading_status.Text)
25 datasource2.UpdateParameters.Add("numberOfEmployees", Number_of_Employees.Text)
26 datasource2.UpdateParameters.Add("locationsByState", Location_by_state.Text)
28 datasource2.Update()
30 Response.Redirect("~/Default.aspx")
34 End Sub No errors are occurring and when I replace the parameters with actual text it works.eg. Update Firm set [insolvencyPractitioner] = @insolvencyPractitioner, [companyName] = @companyName .... to Update Firm set [insolvencyPractitioner] = 'Luke', [companyName] = 'A Company' ..... Not sure why this is happening. Can someone please give me a hand. Thanks
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Mar 19, 2000
I have a table and I want to update it with data that is available in a
different table, the Master table contains a field called RegID and the other table also has RegId - I am bombing out with this UPDATE QUERY :
UPDATE trainee
SET tra_HomePhone = phone$.EPhoneH,
tra_areaHomePhone = phone$.EPhoneHA,
tra_workPhone = phone$.EPhoneW,
tra_areaWorkPhone = phone$.EPhoneWA,
tra_postcode = phone$.EAddressHP
WHERE trainee.tra_regId = phone$.regID
Any reason why this is not working? Thanks in advance for any help.
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Sep 6, 2006
I'm new to ASP and ASP.NET so I used the Wizards in Visual Web Deverlopment Express 2005 to build the following code:<asp:DetailsView ID="DetailsView" runat="server" DataSourceID="TracksDataSource"
Height="50px" Width="125px" AutoGenerateEditButton="True" AutoGenerateRows="False">
<asp:BoundField DataField="pk_trackID" HeaderText="pk_trackID" ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="pk_trackID" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="trackName" HeaderText="trackName" SortExpression="trackName" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="trackPath" HeaderText="trackPath" SortExpression="trackPath" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="lyrics" HeaderText="lyrics" SortExpression="lyrics" />
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="TracksDataSource" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:connectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Tracks] WHERE ([pk_trackID] = @pk_trackID)" UpdateCommand="UPDATE [Tracks] SET [trackName] = @trackName, [trackPath] = @trackPath, [lyrics] = @lyrics WHERE [pk_trackID] = @pk_trackID" >
<asp:Parameter Name="trackName" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="trackPath" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="lyrics" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="pk_trackID" Type="String" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="TracksListBox" Name="pk_trackID" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="String" />
</asp:SqlDataSource> However, when I click Edit, change something, and then Update it doesn't update the database. However, if I remove the DataField bindings and use the AutoGenerateRows feature it works fine.
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Sep 26, 2006
I am trying to update a field in gridview. My update is not working, sort of. The original value is being updated with a NULL value when I click on the update button.here is my code <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource2" AutoGenerateEditButton="True" DataKeyNames="rqt_id">UpdateCommand="UPDATE [rqt_data] SET [rqt_title]=@rqt_title WHERE [rqt_id] = @rqt_id" > <asp:Parameter Name="rqt_title" Type="String" /> the field rqt_title is set up as a NVarChar(25) in the db. I can't specify that for the Type property. Could that be the issue?thx
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Feb 13, 2007
i am using visual web developer 2005 and SQL Express 2005 and VB as the code behindi have a table called orderdetail and i want to update the fromdesignstatus field from 0 to 1 in one of the rows containing order_id = 2so i am using the following coding in button click event Protected Sub updatebutton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Dim update As New SqlDataSource() update.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("DatabaseConnectionString").ToString() update.UpdateCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text update.UpdateCommand = "UPDATE orderdetail SET fromdesignstatus = '1' WHERE order_id = '2'" End Sub but the field is not updatedi do not know where i have gone wrong in my coding. i am sure that my database connection string is correctplease help me
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Sep 24, 2007
I am trying to concatenate the columns (PrevEmp01, PrevEmp02, PrevEmp03, PrevEmp04, PrevEmp05) into column (ft) using trigger:
CREATE TRIGGER [tg_prevemp_ft_update] ON [tStaffDir_PrevEmp] FOR INSERT, UPDATEASUPDATE tStaffDir_PrevEmp SET ft = PrevEmp01 + ' ' + PrevEmp02 + ' ' + PrevEmp03 + ' ' + PrevEmp04 + ' ' + PrevEmp05
I would expect the (ft) column will be populated accordingly regardless if any of the columns are (Null).But the Trigger will only work when all the 5 columns are populated. If one of the column is (Null), the (ft) column will be (Null) too.Please advise. Many Thanks.
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Sep 24, 2007
Hi,I have three tables
Primary Key
Primary Key
Primary Key
Primary Key
Primary Key
I want to update Day_Status in Time_Sheet from Leave_Code (Leave) when P_Date in Time_Sheet between start date and End Date in Leave I am getting Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 1Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.The statement has been terminated.Please help me.Thanks,Janaka
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Jan 29, 2008
Can someone please tell me why in the bloody hell this isnt working? It ignores the WHERE VENDORID match portion and marks all instances of USERID match to TRUE. I've been banging my head for an hour... have I really forgotten basic sql???!!!!public static void UpdateVendor(VendorEvaluationEntity VEE)
{int vendorid = Convert.ToInt32(VEE.VendorevalVendor);
int userid = Convert.ToInt32(VEE.VendorevalUser);SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["VendorEvaluationConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Update tblVendorUser set vendoruser_vendor_evaluated = 'true' where (vendoruser_vendor_id = @vendorid) and (vendoruser_user_id=@userid)", conn);SqlParameter pmvendorid = new SqlParameter();
SqlParameter pmuserid = new SqlParameter();pmvendorid.ParameterName = "@vendorid";pmvendorid.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int;
pmvendorid.Value = vendorid;
pmuserid.ParameterName = "@userid";pmuserid.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int;
pmuserid.Value = userid;
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Feb 18, 2008
hi, i am tryuing to use the gridview as means for the user to be able to edit delete and update columns of the database. however when it is run in the browser it allows the user to edit the fields but when i click on the update button it throws an error. can someone please offer me advice on how i can sort this problem out or provide me with any examples as i cant see what the error is. i used the option in edit columns which allows you to specify you want update delete etc controls added to the gridview. how can i make it so it supports updating? thank you
Updating is not supported by data source 'SqlDataSource1' unless UpdateCommand is specified.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.NotSupportedException: Updating is not supported by data source 'SqlDataSource1' unless UpdateCommand is specified.Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
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Jan 5, 2006
I may have posted this in the wrong forum before, but i am trying to update a table in SQL2000 from asp.net2.0 gridview. I follow all the recommended ways and it doesnt update the row. Please help
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" DataKeyNames="ID" CellPadding="4" ForeColor="#333333" GridLines="None">
.......misc code.........
UpdateCommand="UPDATE vacationrequest SET hrapprvl = @hrapprvl, notes = @notes WHERE ([ID] = @original_ID)">
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="HiddenField1" Name="StartDate" PropertyName="Value"
Type="DateTime" />
<asp:Parameter DefaultValue="false" Name="hrapprvl" Type="Boolean" />
<asp:Parameter Type=Boolean Name="hrapprvl" />
<asp:Parameter type=String Name="notes" />
<asp:Parameter Name="original_ID"/>
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Mar 21, 2000
I am trying to write an update query to update rows in one table.
Structure of Table1:
SocialSecurityNumber Varchar(9) -- Primary Key
Name Varchar(30)
Structure of Table2 :
SocialSecurityNumber Varchar(9)
Name Varchar(30)
Table 1 contains:
Row1: "123456789" Sally
Row2: "999999999" Bill
Row3: "333333333" Alex
Table 2 contains:
Row1: "123456789" <NULL>
Row2: "123456789" <NULL>
Basically I want to update the name column in Table 2 (based on the SocialSecurityNumber column) so that after
the update Table 2 will contain:
Row1: "123456789" Sally
Row2: "123456789" Sally
First I tried:
INNER JOIN Table1 ON Table2.SocialSecurityNumber = Table1.SocialSecurityNumber
SET Table2.Name = Table1.Name
WHERE Table2.SocialSecurityNumber = Table1.SocialSecurityNumber
This works in Access but not it SQL Server 7.0.
Then I tried:
INNER JOIN Table1 ON Table2.SocialSecurityNumber = Table1.SocialSecurityNumber
SET Table2.Name = Table1.Name
Again this works in Access but not it SQL Server 7.0.
Finally I tried:
UPDATE Table2, Table1
SET Table2.Name = Table1.Name
WHERE Table2.SocialSecurityNumber = Table1.SocialSecurityNumber
This also did not work.
Is there any way to write this update statement without cursors?
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Oct 27, 2004
UPDATE support, support_temp SET support.cat_id = support_temp.cat_id_new WHERE support.cat_id = support_temp.cat_id_old
Works with MySQL 4.0.20 but does not work with 3.23.58. What can i do to get that code to work with MySQL 3.23?
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Jun 18, 2008
Hi there
I've amended a table to include some extra columns to track when changes are made. Next step is to amend the stored procedure that updates that table when the changes are made.
I amended an existing stored proc to include CreateTS, CreateID, ModifyTS, ModifyID. Unfortunately, the INSERT and UPDATE aren't working for the new columns.
Am fairly new to this, so not sure why it's not working? Code is below:
DECLARE @ThisBSB VarChar(6)
DECLARE @intCount int
DECLARE @intInserted int
DECLARE @intUpdated int
SET @intInserted = 0
SET @intUpdated = 0
-- fields from New Table
SELECT Replace(bsbnumber,'-','')
FROM ztblBSBText (nolock)
--Print @ThisBSB
-- See if this BSB Already Exists
SELECT @Intcount = Count(*)
FROM tblBankBSB (nolock)
WHERE BSBcode = @ThisBSB
IF @intCount = 0
-- Insert New Record
--Print 'Insert: ' + @ThisBSB
,Cast(Right(bsbnumber,3) AS Int)
FROM ztblBSBText
INNER JOIN tblBank (nolock) on ztblBSBText.Mnemonic = tblBank.BankCode
INNER JOIN tblState (nolock) on ztblBSBText.State = tblState.State
WHERE tblState.StatusID = 1
AND tblState.CountryID = 1
AND Replace(bsbnumber,'-','') = @ThisBSB
SET @intInserted = @intInserted + 1
-- See If Closed since last time this was run, and if so, update
SELECT @intCount = Count(*)
FROM ztblBSBText
INNER JOIN tblBankBSB (nolock) ON Replace(ztblBSBText.bsbnumber,'-','') = tblBankBSB.BSBCode
WHERE Replace(bsbnumber,'-','') = @ThisBSB
AND ztblBSBText.BSBName = 'Closed'
AND tblBankBSB.BranchName Not Like '%Closed%'
IF @intCount > 0
--Print 'Update: ' + @ThisBSB
SET tblBankBSB.StatusID = 0
,tblBankBSB.BranchName = tblBankBSB.BranchName + ' - Closed'
,tblBankBSB.TransferedToBSB = (SELECT replace(substring(address, 14,7),'-','')
FROM ztblBSBText
WHERE Replace(ztblBSBText.bsbnumber,'-','') = @ThisBSB)
,tblBankBSB.ModifyID = @UserContactID
,tblBankBSB.ModifyTS = getDate()
SET @intUpdated = @intUpdated + 1
"Nihil est incertius volgo." - Cicero
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Oct 2, 2007
I have the following update statement, which when executed, updates zero rows. However, if I replace the first two lines with a SELECT * , I will get records. Can somebody tell me why?
UPDATE [DW_DatamartDB]. [dbo].[FactLaborDollars]
SET [LaborBudget_USD] = Week1
FROM [DW_StagingDB].[ETL].[Transform_FactLaborBudget] BUDGET JOIN
[DW_StagingDB].[ETL].[Transform_FactLaborDollars] LABOR ON
Labor.Location_Code = Budget.Location_Code
JOIN [DW_DatamartDB]. [dbo].[DimDate] DATE ON
Date.FiscalWeekOfPeriod = Labor.FiscalWeekOfPeriod AND
Date.FiscalPeriodOfYear = Labor.FiscalPeriodOfYear
WHERE Labor.FiscalYear = CAST(SUBSTRING(DATE.Date_Code,1,4) AS NVARCHAR(50)) AND
Budget.FiscalYear = CAST(SUBSTRING(DATE.Date_Code,4,1) AS NVARCHAR(50)) AND
Date.FiscalWeekofYear = 1
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Apr 11, 2006
I've got the following update statement:
The fields BAE_FLAG, IA_ISSUE_NO, and IA_SEQUENCE are all of the type int.
When I run this code inside of my windows app (C#),
cmd3.CommandText = "UPDATE ISSUE_ACTIONS " +
"SET BAE_FLAG = 2 " +
"WHERE IA_ISSUE_NO = 437 " +
catch (Exception e)
throw (e);
I get a timeout error:
Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
The statement has been terminated.
But when I run the SAME statement from Query Analyzer, it executes without a problem.
Has anyone run into this issue before? How do I get around this?
The CommandTimeout property of cmd3 is set to the default because this is not a complex query and should not take more than .5 seconds to execute.
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Mar 31, 2008
Please some one help me with this
I have a storedproc
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_updateCustomerList]
(@CustomerID int,
@FirstName varchar(20),
@LastName varchar(20),
@Address1 varchar(35),
@Address2 varchar(35),
@Address3 varchar(35),
@Address4 varchar(35),
@OrderAmount money,
@OrderStatus varchar(6))
UPDATE OrderDetails SET Customer.FirstName=@FirstName,Customer.LastName=@LastName,Customer.Address1=@Address1,Custome.Address2=@Address2,Customer.Address3=@Address3,Customer.Address4=@Address4,
From OrderDetails
ON OrderDetails.CustomerNumber = Customer.CustomerNumber
where OrderDetails.CustomerID = @CustomerID
When iam executing the stored procedure iam getting error
The multi-part identifier "Customer.FirstName" could not be bound.
Please someone help me with this.
I want to update two tables so ia joining the two tables with customer number which in both the tables.
and customerID is only in OrderDetails table.
so someone please help me with this.
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May 14, 2006
Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong...
I have a simple webform that has contains a GridView and a DetailsView. Once the GridView is populated the user simply selects a record from the list. The DetailsView is them populated with all of the data from the selected record.
The DetailsView is bound to a SQL DataSource/CustomerData. I have made sure that the DV control has the Edit/Update Command listed. The user can click the Edit button and successfully edit the fields but when the user clicks the "Update" button I am getting the following message.
Updating is not supported by data source 'CustomerData' unless UpdateCommand is specified
Why isnt the control handling the Update.
Many Thanks!!!!
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Jul 10, 2006
I'm passing a parameter to a stored procedure stored on my sqlserver, or trying to atleast. And then firing off the update command that contains that parameter from a button. But it's not changing my data on my server when I do so.
I'm filling a dropdown list from a stored procedure and I have a little loop run another sp that grabs what the selected value should be in the dropdown list when the page loads/refreshes. All this works fine, just not sp that should update my data when I hit the submit button.
It's supposed to update one of my tables to whatever the selected value is from my drop down list. But it doesn't even change anything. It just refreshes the page and goes back to the original value for my drop down list.
Just to make sure that it's my update command that's failing, I've even changed the back end data manually to a different value and on page load it shows the proper selected item that I changed the data to, etc. It just won't change the data from the page when I try to.
This is what the stored procedure looks like:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[UPDATE_sp] (@SelectedID int) AS
UPDATE [Current_tbl]
SET ID = @SelectedID
WHERE PrimID = '1'
And here's my aspx page:
<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Editor.aspx.vb" Inherits="Editor" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
<head runat="server">
<title>Data Verification Editor</title>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SQLDS_Fill" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Test %>"
SelectCommand="Current_sp" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure" DataSourceMode="DataSet">
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SQLDS_Update" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Test %>"
SelectCommand="Validation_sp" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure" DataSourceMode="DataReader"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE_sp" UpdateCommandType="StoredProcedure">
<asp:ControlParameter Name="SelectedID" ControlID="Ver_ddl" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="Int16" />
<table style="width:320px; background-color:menu; border-right:menu thin ridge; border-top:menu thin ridge; border-left:menu thin ridge; border-bottom:menu thin ridge; left:3px; position:absolute; top:3px;">
<td colspan="2" style="font-family:Tahoma; font-size:10pt;">
Please select one of the following:<br />
<td colspan="2">
<asp:DropDownList ID="Ver_ddl" runat="server" DataSourceID="SQLDS_Update" DataTextField="Title"
DataValueField="ID" style="width: 100%; height: 24px; background: gold">
<td style="width:50%;">
<asp:Button ID="Submit_btn" runat="server" Text="Submit" Font-Bold="True"
Font-Size="8pt" Width="100%" />
<td style="width:50%;">
<asp:Button ID="Done_btn" runat="server" Text="Done" Font-Bold="True"
Font-Size="8pt" Width="100%" />
<td colspan="2">
<asp:Label runat="server" ID="Saved_lbl" style="font-family:Tahoma; font-size:10pt;"></asp:Label>
And here's my code behind:
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Partial Class Editor
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Saved_lbl.Text = ""
Done_btn.Attributes.Add("OnClick", "window.location.href='Rpt.htm';return false;")
Dim View1 As New DataView
Dim args As New DataSourceSelectArguments
View1 = SQLDS_Fill.Select(args)
Dim Row As DataRow
For Each Row In View1.Table.Rows
Ver_ddl.SelectedValue = Row("ID")
Next Row
End Sub
Protected Sub Submit_btn_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Submit_btn.Click
Saved_lbl.Text = "Thank you. Your changes have been saved."
End Sub
End Class
Any help is much appreciated.
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Oct 26, 2007
I have tried the following, the update part i snot working. Any idea why? alter PROCEDURE dbo.SP_FeaturedClassifieds
@PageIndex INT,
@NumRows INT,
@FeaturedClassifiedsCount INT OUTPUT
select @FeaturedClassifiedsCount = (Select Count(*) From classifieds_Ads Where AdStatus=100 And Adlevel=50 )
Declare @startRowIndex INT;
Set @startRowIndex = (@PageIndex * @NumRows) + 1;
With FeaturedClassifieds as (Select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Order By FeaturedDisplayedCount * (1-(Weight-1)/100) ASC) as
Row, Id, PreviewImageId, Title, DateCreated, FeaturedDisplayedCountFrom
WhereAdStatus=100 And AdLevel=50
SelectId, PreviewImageId, Title, DateCreated, FeaturedDisplayedCount
Row between@startRowIndex And @startRowIndex+@NumRows-1
Update FeaturedClassifiedsSET FeaturedDisplayedCount = FeaturedDisplayedCount+1
Row between
@startRowIndex And @startRowIndex+@NumRows-1
I have tried function too for this, but function can not update table I guess.... Can I call stored procedure for each column? How?
I thought the code above would work? What am I missing?
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Nov 21, 2007
My code worked a few weeks ago and has since stop working, reasons are totally not clear to me as to what happended.
However, I need to get this thing up and running. It will not longer Coalesce data entry. Iran the debugger and the correct values are in the specified objects as if it is the first time I run the page for a person it will input data, but not of subsequent data entry attempts.
My code: ( I trully appreciate your help)
'Using "With/End With" pass content to columns from text objects and datatime variables (see above)With cmdCommentUpdate
.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@UserID", ddlEmployeeSuperCmt.SelectedValue)).Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Today", bDate))
.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Comments", dtToday & " " & UCase(userNamedbInsert) & " " & txtComment.Text & " " & vbCrLf)).Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@CommenterLogon", UCase(userNamedbInsert)))
.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@CommentDate", dtNow))
'Establish the type of commandy object
.CommandType = CommandType.Text
'Pass the Update nonquery statement to the commandText object previously instantiated.CommandText = "UPDATE ATTTble" & _
" SET Comments = COALESCE(Comments, '') + @Comments, CommenterLogon = @CommenterLogon, CommentDate = @CommentDate" & _
" WHERE (UserID = @UserID) AND (Today = '" & lblDate.Text & "') "
End With
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Dec 11, 2007
i dont know if it is just because im tired or what. im trying to do a update one this table here is the stored procedure im usingALTER PROCEDURE Snake.UpdateSPlits
@name nvarchar(50),
@split nvarchar(50)
Update accounts
Set split_id = @split
Where name = @name
RETURN Here is what im using to call it Protected Sub GridView1_RowUpdating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewUpdateEventArgs) Handles GridView1.RowUpdating
Dim name As String = Me.GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells(0).Text
Dim Split As String = Me.GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells(1).Text
Dim pname As New Parameter("name", TypeCode.String, name)
Dim psplit As New Parameter("split", TypeCode.String, Split)
End Sub I keep getting one of 2 errors they areObject reference not set to an instance of an object. orone that says i had to many aurgements any idea what im doing wrong?
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Dec 17, 2007
I have inserted couple of data in a particular table which is as follows..
Portfolio Table
PortId PlanId PortfolioName PorfolioDescription ClientPortolioId
NULLMy FundDBF is as follows
RowNumber FUND_ID f.ASSETDESC Import
Moderate Growth
High Growth
and this is my Update statement UPDATE
PlanId = pm.PlanId,
PortfolioName = pm.FUND_ID,
PortfolioDescription = pm.ASSETDESC
Statements..PlanPortfolio p
Join (
PartDBF pd
INNER JOIN Statements..ClientPlan p
on pd.PLAN_NUM = p.ClientPlanId
on pd.FUND_ID = f.FUND_ID
pd.Import = 1
Len(pd.FUND_ID) = 0
Statements..PlanPortfolio pp
pp.PlanId = p.PlanId
) pm
on p.PlanId = pm.PlanId
I am trying to put the above table with f,AssetDesc in the PorfolioDescription field..
Any help will be appreciated..
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Jan 12, 2005
I'm trying to run a UPDATE stored proc to allow my users to update records that are in a datagrid. What the update proc looks like is as follows:
Proc sp_UpdateRecords
@fname nvarchar(30), @lname nvarchar(30), @address1 nvarchar(50), @address2 nvarchar(50), @CITY nvarchar(33), @ST nvarchar(10), @ZIP_OUT nvarchar(5), @ZIP4_OUT nvarchar(4), @home_phone nvarchar(22), @autonumber int
UPDATE NCOA20040603 SET fname=@fname, lname=@lname, address1=@address1, address2=@address2, CITY=@CITY, ST=@ST, ZIP_OUT=@ZIP_OUT, ZIP4_OUT=@ZIP4_OUT, home_phone=@home_phone
WHERE autonumber=@autonumber
The message I'm getting is as follows:
Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index
What could be the problem
Any ideas are appriciated -- Thanks in advance
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Aug 8, 2005
Hello,I'm following the tutorial for setting up notification services, available here: ms-help://MS.SQLCC.v9/MS.SQLSVR.v9.en/sqltut9/html/44aa0556-b9c2-48f5-8775-134bbe0b90aa.htm. Where it says:Update the Instance of Notification Services
After you modify the ADF, you update the instance of Notification Services to add event class objects to the application database:
In Object Explorer, expand Notification Services.
Right-click Tutorial, point to Tasks, and then select Update.
In the Update Instance dialog, click Browse, browse to the TutorialICF.xml file, and then click Open.
In the Parameters grid, enter values for the _ServerName_, _DBEngineInstance_, and _InstancePath_ parameters. Use the same values you used to create the instance.
Click OK.
Review the Notification Services - Update Summary dialog box, and then click Update.
When the update actions complete, click Close.
I'm getting the error: The instance must be disabled before it can be updated or upgraded. How do I do that?Thanks.
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