Update Multiple Rows

May 13, 2004

Any idea how to fix my code. I am getting this error message below....

Server: Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Procedure TrigRetReqRecIDP1, Line 11

Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

The statement has been terminated.

Set @intRowCount = (select count(*) from RequestRecords where REID = @REID)

While (select @REID from RequestRecords) != @intRowCount


select @intRRID = (select REID from RequestRecords where REID=@REID and RRStatus = 'PE')

Exec TrigAssignImpTaskNewP1 @intRRID, @REID


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How To Update Multiple Rows At Once

Aug 10, 2005

ok my data base has 4 columns id,fname,lname,email and 3 rows 1,2,3
I made a simple update form that accesses the data and displays all three rows with the data in them:

<cfquery name="QUIZ" datasource="test">
SELECT id,fname,lname,email
FROM info
order by id
<TITLE>Update an Employee</TITLE>
<H1>Update an Employee</H1>
<FORM ACTION="databaseupdater.cfm" METHOD="POST">
<cfoutput query="QUIZ">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="id" VALUE="#id#">
First name:
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="fname" SIZE="15" MAXLENGTH="30" VALUE="#Trim(fname)#">
Last name:
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="lname" SIZE="15" MAXLENGTH="30" VALUE="#Trim(lname)#">
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="email" SIZE="15" MAXLENGTH="30" VALUE="#Trim(email)#">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="update">
<INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Clear">

you can use this form to send the updated data to databaseupdater.cfm:

SET fname='#fname#',

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Untitled Document</title>

Thank You

the problem Grieg RN is each column in the database gets updated with all 3 rows of data in each column in stead of seperating the data in its correct row and column. I don't know much about the problem im just starting out please help. Thanks

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Update Multiple Rows - Not Getting It Right

Jan 3, 2006

Hi all,

I need to write an SQL statement to update multiple row (all) as follws and can just not get it right please help.

I have two fileds - "Tilte" and "Title1" in my "notes" table.

I would like to run through the entire table and replace the information in "Title1" with that of "Title", also I need to change a character whilst doing so , ie change a "=" to a "-"

Title - "Will is coming to town = Paul"

need to copy this to Title1 and it must change to...

Title1 - "Will is coming to town - Paul"

Running MS SQL2000 SP4

Help appriciated

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Update Multiple Rows

Apr 1, 2007

I have to update the domain name on our email database. Is there a simple update I can use to change firstname.secondname@olddomain.com to firstname.secondname@newdomain.com. I've got about 2800 records to update and I don't fancy either loosing them all by doing a dogy update query or doing it one at a time.

Any help would be greatly appreciated................

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Update Multiple Rows In One Table?

Nov 11, 2014

I want to update multiple rows in one table

DDL of 3 tables

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[appl](
[app_id] [numeric](9, 0) IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL)
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[appl_party](
[prty_id] [numeric](9, 0) NOT NULL,
[app_id] [numeric](9, 0) NOT NULL)
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[party](
[prty_id] [numeric](9, 0) IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[lockbyid] [char](8)

I want to update muliple rows in table "party" for column "lockbyid"

below is the update query with which i can only update one row but i need to update multiple rows in party table

update party set LOCKBYID ='abcd' where prty_id in
(select distinct prty_id from sappl_party where app_id in (Select appl.app_id
FROM appl INNER JOIN appl_party ON appl.app_id = appl_party.app_id where appl_party.prty_id=1234))
and LOCKBY_USR_ID is null

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Standard Sql: Update Multiple Rows.

Jan 10, 2006

Hi,Does SQL support update to multiple rows where values coming from asub-query?e.ginsert into TABLE1select column1, column2, column3 from TABLE2This is perfectly valid, assumes TABLE1 has only three columns,column1, column2, column3.My question: Is there any way to UPDATE values to TABLE1 similarly?something likeupdate TABLE1 set column1= ?, column2= ? , column3= ?where ................ TABLE2...........OR is it that, sql allows only UPDATEs with one set of values to nrows.Can any one throw some light on this.-Thanks and Regards,Maymon.

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IF Statement To Update Multiple Rows

Oct 12, 2007


I am writting a bit of SQL that takes data from one table then inserts it into another one. There is a field that can be any value (and is usually null), but when I insert the value in the new table then I want to execute:

IF table.field>0 then tabl2.field='400'. In other words for every row in the selection that has a field that is greater than 0 then '400' will be put into the new table.

I am not sure if the IF stamement can loop through a number of rows and execute depending on the value of a field in that row??


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Update Multiple Rows In A Single Query?

Jul 30, 2007

I know this isn't right but I'm trying to build a single query in PHP to re write the sortorder column starting at 0 and writing every row in order.


update categories set (sortorder=0 where catid=32), (sortorder=1 where catid=33),(sortorder=2 where catid=36) where userid=111

PHP Code:

 $qt="update categories set ";
        $qt.=", ";
$qt.=" where userid=111"; 

Using PHP I can amend the loop above to slot in a row I want so I can change the sort order.

unfortunately I'm not sure how to build such a query in mssql, can anyone help?

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How To Update Multiple Rows Using Single Sql State

Jan 28, 2008


I want to update mutiple rows using single statement.


Now I want to update M as Male and F as Female in Gender Table using single Sql Statement.

Can anyone help me please
Thanks in Advance...

Suresh Kumar

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Newbie - How To Update Multiple Rows With Select Statment

Oct 25, 2004

Newbie to the SQL Server.


Here is the explaination of the above query, I have a column which has the values like '23462Golden Gate' or '348New York'. Above query is stripping all the characters and keeping only numbers. So I need to update the same column with only numbers which is the output of abover query.

Immd help will be greatly appreciated.


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Update Trigger, Multiple Rows, Non Static Primary Key

Jul 17, 2007


Anyone know how to create an update trigger where the primary key isn't fixed.

If the primary key change how can I tie together the Deleted and Inserted tables if more than one row is updated?


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Transact SQL :: How To Update Multiple Rows In Different Transactions In A Single Table

Jul 16, 2015

We have control table which will be useful whether we need to start the job or not. If we are starting the Job we will make it to 1.

Below is the Table Structure.

Table Name       IN_USE_FG
CUST_D                     0
PROD_D                     0
GEO_D                       0
DATE_D                     0

Now we have different packages for 4 tables data loading. These 4 packages will start at a time. Before going to load the data we have to make the Flag to 1 and after that we have to load it. Because of this we have written Update statement to update the Value to 1 in respective Package. 

Now we are getting dead lock because we are using same table at a same time. Because we are updating different records. 

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SQL Server 2012 :: Update Table Based On Existing Values In Multiple Rows?

Oct 1, 2015

The objective is to identify orders where an order fee has been applied incorrectly. I have multiple orders per customer, my table contains an orderID and a customerID. Currently if the customer places additional orders before the previous orders have been closed/cancelled, then additional fees are being applied.

Let's say I'm comparing order #1 to order #2. I need to identify these rows where the following is true:-

The CustID is the same.

Order #2 has a more recent order date.

Order #2 has a FeeDate Before the CancelledDate of Order #1 (or Order #1 has no cancellation date).

So in the table the orderID:2835692 of CustID: 24643 has a valid order fee. But all the subsequently placed orders have fees which were applied before the first order was cancelled and so I want to update the FeeInvalid column with a 'Y'. The first fee will always be valid.

I think I understand why the code I am trying doesn't achieve the result I want but I can't figure out how to write it correctly. Below is one example of code I've tried and also code to create the table and insert some test data.

update t1
SET FeeInvalid = 'Y'
FROM MockData t1 Join MockData t2 on t1.CustID = t2.CustID
WHERE t1.CustID = t2.CustID
AND t2.OrderDate > t1.OrderDate
AND t2.FeeDate > t1.CancelledDate
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MockData](
[OrderID] [float] NULL,


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SQL Server 2012 :: Update Statement Will Not Update Data Beyond 7 Million Plus Rows Out Of 38 Millions Rows

Dec 12, 2014

I run the following statement and it will not update beyond 7 million plus rows and I have about 38 million to complete. I keep checking updated row counts and after 1/2 day it's still the same so I know something is wrong because it was rolling through no problem when I initiated it. I need to complete ASAP so it's adding to my frustration. The 'Acct_Num_CH' field is an encrypted field (fyi).

SET rowcount 10000
UPDATE [dbo].[CC_Info_T]
SET [Acct_Num_CH] = 'ayIWt6C8sgimC6t61EJ9d8BB3+bfIZ8v'
SET rowcount 10000
UPDATE [dbo].[CC_Info_T]
SET [Acct_Num_CH] = 'ayIWt6C8sgimC6t61EJ9d8BB3+bfIZ8v'
SET rowcount 0

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Transact SQL :: Update Table From Another Table For Multiple Rows

Jun 10, 2015

Matrix table has ID column and data below.

ID        Flag     TestDate         Value     Comment                                                                  
111          2       12/15/2014     7.5             null
222         2            Null                10          received

Matrix_Current table could have 1 or multiple rows as below.

ID        Flag               TestDate           Value         Comment
111         2                  01/26/2015        7.9                                                                      
111         2                  02/23/2015        7.9                                                      
111         2                  04/07/2015        6.8
222        1                   null                   8               test comment 1
222        3                   null                   9               test comment 2

When I run below update

 SET  M.Flag = MC.Flag, M.TestDate = MC.TestDate,
M.Value = MC.Value, M.comment = MC.Comment
 FROM dbo.Matrix M inner join dbo.Matrix_Current MC on M.ID = MC.ID

Matrix table has value below:

ID        Flag     TestDate         Value     Comment                                                                  
111          2       01/26/2015      7.9             
222         1            Null               8            test comment 1

I want to update Matrix table from all row from Matrix_Current, final table would like below:

ID        Flag     TestDate        Value     Comment                                                                  
111          2        04/07/2015      6.8             
222         3            Null                9         test comment 2

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Merge Multiple Rows Into A One Or More Rows With Multiple Columns

May 7, 2008

Please can anyone help me for the following?

I want to merge multiple rows (eg. 3rows) into a single row with multip columns.

for eg:


1 A

2 A
3 A
4 A
5 A
6 B

7 B
8 B
9 C

10 D

11 D

I want output for the above as:

Pat_ID ID1 ID2 ID3
A 1 2 3
A 4 5 null
B 6 7 8
C 9 null null
D 10 11 null

Please help me. Thanks!

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Arranging Data On Multiple Rows Into A Sigle Row (converting Rows Into Columns)

Dec 25, 2005

I have a survey (30 questions) application in a SQL server db. The application uses several relational tables. The results are arranged so that each answer is on a seperate row:
user1   answer1user1   answer2user1   answer3user2   answer1user2   answer2user2   answer3
For statistical analysis I need to transfer the results to an Excel spreadsheet (for later use in SPSS). In the spreadsheet I need the results to appear so that each user will be on a single row with all of that user's answers on that single row (A column for each answer):
user1   answer1   answer2   answer3user2   answer1   answer2   answer3
How can this be done? How can all answers of a user appear on a single row

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How To Merge Multiple Rows One Column Data Into A Single Row With Multiple Columns

Mar 3, 2008

Please can anyone help me for the following?

I want to merge multiple rows (eg. 3rows) into a single row with multip columns.

for eg:

Date Shift Reading
01-MAR-08 1 879.880
01-MAR-08 2 854.858
01-MAR-08 3 833.836
02-MAR-08 1 809.810
02-MAR-08 2 785.784
02-MAR-08 3 761.760

i want output for the above as:

Date Shift1 Shift2 Shift3
01-MAR-08 879.880 854.858 833.836
02-MAR-08 809.810 785.784 761.760
Please help me.

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Transact SQL :: Query To Convert Single Row Multiple Columns To Multiple Rows

Apr 21, 2015

I have a table with single row like below

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column0 | Column1 | Column2 | Column3 | Column4|
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Value0    | Value1    | Value2    | Value3    |  Value4  |

Am looking for a query to convert above table data to multiple rows having column name and its value in each row as shown below

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column0 | Value0
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column1 | Value1
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column2 | Value2
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column3 | Value3
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column4 | Value4
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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Reporting Services :: How To Create Report With Multiple Rows With One Parent And Multiple Child Groups

Aug 17, 2015

I am in the process of creating a Report, and in this, i need ONLY the row groups (Parents and Child).I have a Parent group field called "Dept", and its corresponding field is MacID.I cannot create a child group or Column group (because that's not what i want).I am then inserting rows below MacID, and then i toggle the other rows to MacID and MacID to Dept.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Concatenate Multiple Rows In Multiple Columns

Aug 5, 2014

I concatenate multiple rows from one table in multiple columns like this:

--Create Table
CREATE TABLE [Person].[Person_1](
[BusinessEntityID] [int] NOT NULL,
[PersonType] [nchar](2) NOT NULL,
[FirstName] [varchar](100) NOT NULL,

[Code] ....

This works very well, but I want to concatenate more rows with different [PersonType]-Values in different columns and I don't like the overhead, of using the same table in every subquery ([Person_1]). Is there a more elegant way to do this, without using a temp table or something else?

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Obtaining Data To Be Displayed In Multiple Columns From Multiple Rows

Apr 23, 2008

Hello All,

I am rather new to reporting on SQL Server 2005 so please be patient with me.

I need to create a report that will generate system information for a server, the issue im having is that the table I am having to gather the information from seems to only allow me to pull off data from only one row.

For example,. Each row contains a different system part (I.e. RAM) this would be represented by an identifier (1), but I to list each system part as a column in a report

The table (System Info) looks like:-

ID | System part |
1 | RAM
2 | Disk Drive
10| CPU
11| CD ROM |


So basically I need it to look like this.

Name | IP | RAM | Disk Drive|
A | | 512MB | Floppy

So Far my SQL code looks like this for 1 item
FROM System Info
WHERE System.ID = 1

How would I go about displaying the other system parts as columns with info

Any help is much appreciated!

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SQL Server 2012 :: Multiple Rows Into Multiple Columns?

Mar 2, 2015

I have the following results:

ID, Office1
1, Testing
1, Hello World

What i am trying to do is to get this result:

ID, Office1, Office2
1, Testing, Hello World

how i can accomplish this task.

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Insert Single Row / Multiple Rows Into Multiple Tables

Sep 3, 2014

How to insert single row/multiple rows into multiple tables by using single insert statement.

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Parent Table - (multiple) Rows Into (multiple) Columns

Feb 12, 2015

I have an Parent table (Parentid, LastName, FirstName) and Kids table (Parentid, KidName, Age, Grade, Gender, KidTypeID) , each parent will have multiple kids, I need the result as below:

I need results for each parent like this

ParentID, LastName, FirstName, [Kid1Name,Kid2Name,Kid3Name], [Kid1Age,Kid2Age,Kid3Age],[kid1grade,Kid2grade,Kid3grade],[kid1gender,Kid2gender,Kid3gender]

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Transact SQL :: To Show Multiple Column In Multiple Rows

Aug 14, 2015

I have the following  database structure

Stock        Depth41     Depth12    Depth34
AAA            1              2              1
BBB             2            2               4

How can I show  Each Depth column as seperate row

AAA          1
AAA          2
AAA          1  as follows

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Processing Multiple Rows And Multiple Columns In SSIS

Sep 26, 2007

I previously posted a problem with result set bindings but I have not been able to resolve my problem. I guess all this comes with being new to programming in this environment! Anyway, I am trying to figure out how to process from an ADO.NET connection multiple rows with multiple columns. I have to read and manipulate each row. I was originally looking at using a foreach loop but have not been able to get it to work. One reply to my previous thought I should be using a data task to accomplish this. Could someone tell me the best way to handle this situation? As a note, I am new to programming in SSIS and basically trying to learn it as I go so please bear with me! Thanks in advance!

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Updating Multiple Rows With Multiple Criteria?

Oct 15, 2009

is there a way to update multiple rows in one update query in tsql? what I wanted to do is for example I got a table containing

code : desc
1 : a
2 : b
3 : c
4 : d
1 : e
3 : f

I wanted to update it to

code : desc
1 : x
2 : b
3 : y
4 : d
1 : x
3 : y

how to do it?

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Update Multiple Column With Multiple Condition

Feb 25, 2015

I need to update multiple columns in a table with multiple condition.

For example, this is my Query

update Table1
set weight= d.weight,
(select * from table2)d
where table1.state=d.state and
table1.month=d.month and

If table matches all the three column (State,month,year), it should update only weight column and if it matches(state ,year) it should update only the stateweight column and if it matches(year) it should update only the overallweight column

I can't write an update query for each condition separately because its a huge select

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Transact SQL :: Converting From Multiple Rows With Single Values To Single Rows With Multiple Values

May 10, 2015

Here is some data that will explain what I want to do:

Input Data:
Part ColorCode
A100 123
A100 456
A100 789
B100 456
C100 123
C100 456

Output Data:
Part ColorCode
A100 123;456;789
B100 456
C100 123;456

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Plz Help...update Value In Multiple Db Table Using Single 'update Command'

Mar 18, 2005


we show record from multiple table using single 'selectcommand'.
select *
from cust_detail,vend_detail

i want to insert value in multiple database table(more than one) using single 'insert command'.
is it possible?
give any idea or solution.

i want to update value in multiple database table(more than one) using single 'update command'

i want to delete value in multiple database table(more than one) using singl 'delete command'
it is possible?
give any idea or solution.

it's urgent.

thanks in advance.

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Is There A Way To Update Multiple Fields Using UPDATE Command

Oct 19, 2005

UPDATE #TempTableESR SET CTRLBudEng = (SELECT SUM(Salaries) from ProjectBudget WHERE Project = @Project)UPDATE #TempTableESR SET CTRLBudTravel = (SELECT SUM(Travels) from ProjectBudget WHERE Project = @Project)UPDATE #TempTableESR SET CTRLBudMaterials = (SELECT SUM(Materials) from ProjectBudget WHERE Project = @Project)UPDATE #TempTableESR SET CTRLBudOther = (SELECT SUM(Others) from ProjectBudget WHERE Project = @Project)UPDATE #TempTableESR SET CTRLBudContingency = (SELECT SUM(Contingency) from ProjectBudget WHERE Project = @Project)above is the UPDATE command i am using in one of my stored procedures. I have to SELECT from my ProjectBudget table 5 times to update my #TempTableESR table. is there an UPDATE command i can use which would let me update multiple fields in a table using one SELECT command?

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Multiple Rows To Multiple Tables

May 4, 2001

Hi, Gurus,

I am trying to populate a table with repeating groups in multiple columns by using information from two other tables. The sample tables and records are like:

Table A



Table B



Table C (The empty table I want to populate like the following)


112C1 13 C514 C9
212C2 13 C614 C10
312C3 13 C714 C11
412C4 13 C814 C12

What is the best way to do it? Thanks in advance.


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