Update Rows To Resolve Issues About Duplicate Keys On Create Unique Index

May 7, 2008

Hi there ...here comes a tricky one.

I have a database table which needs to make the Index "ParentREF, UniqueName" unique - but this fails because duplicate keys are found. Thus I now need to cleanup these duplicate rows - but I cannot just delete the duplicates, because they might have rows in detail tables.
This means that all duplicate rows needs an update on the "UniqueName" value - but not the first (valid) one!

I can find those rows by

SELECT OID, UniqueName, ParentREF, CreatedUTC, ModifiedUTC FROM dbo.CmsContent AS table0
SELECT OID, UniqueName, ParentREF FROM dbo.CmsContent AS table1
WHERE table0.ParentREF = table1.ParentREF
AND table0.UniqueName = table1.UniqueName
AND table0.OID != table1.OID
ORDER BY ParentREF, UniqueName, ModifiedUTC desc

...but I struggle to make the required SQL (SP?) to update the "invalid" rows.
Note: the "valid" row is the one with the newest ModifiedUTC value - this row must kept unchanged!

ATM the preferred (cause easiest) way is to rename the invalid rows with
UniqueName = OID
because if I use any other name I risk to create another double entry.

Thanks in advance to whoever can help me

View 4 Replies


Unique Index Returns Duplicate Rows

Oct 25, 2004

We are running the following query, which has a unique index on Table_2 (col1 and sys1), and Column col1 from Table_1 is unique.

select top 100 s.*, x.col1
from Table_1 s
left outer join Table_2 x
on x.col1 = s.col1 and x.sys1 = 'SYSTEM0'

Unfortunately this query returns duplicate rows. And every time the result is different

But once we dbcc dbreindex the unique index on Table_2, the result will not have any dups.

Any ideas?



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Elimenating Duplicate Keys With Unique Row.

Jan 25, 2000

I have a large table that consists of the columns zip, state, city, county. The primary
key "zip" has duplicates but the rows are unique.
How do I filter out only the duplicate zips. So in effect I only have one row per unique key.
Randy Garland

if you just want a list of all rows with duplicate zipcodes then ...

SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE zip IN ( SELECT zip FROM TableName


Duncan, I tried this but it does not return one row per key.
Randy Garland

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SQL Server 2012 :: Failing On Update With Unique Index Error (Not Unique)

Jul 5, 2015

This index is not unique


Msg 2601, Level 14, State 1, Procedure DFP_report_load, Line 161
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.DFP_Reports_History' with unique index 'ix_report_history_creative_id'.

The duplicate key value is (40736326382, 1, 2015-07-03, 67618862, 355324).
Msg 3621, Level 0, State 0, Procedure DFP_report_load, Line 161

The statement has been terminated.

Exception in Task: Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.DFP_Reports_History' with unique index 'ix_report_history_creative_id'. The duplicate key value is (40736326382, 1, 2015-07-03, 67618862, 355324).

The statement has been terminated.

View 6 Replies View Related

Integration Services :: Duplicate Key Row With Unique Index

Oct 2, 2015

I have a look up table with old data, which i need to truncate and load with the new set of data, however when loading I'm getting the following error

[OLE DB Destination [32]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR.  An OLE DB error has occurred.
Error code: 0x80004005.
An OLE DB record is available.  Source: "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0"  Hresult: 0x80004005 
Description: "Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.CaseType' with unique index 'idx_CaseType'. The duplicate key value is (49, AH).".

I know , what it means that since CaseType column has a unique index we cannot insert duplicate key, but in real world the scenarios are different , the record in question is as follows: so what is the workaround in this kind of scenario other than making it Non-unique Index?

CaseTypeID CountyID CaseCategory CaseTypeCode CaseTypeName
21 49 Probate AH Probate
48 49 Civil AH Adoption History

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Duplicate Key But Unique Rows.

Jan 25, 2000

I have a large table that consists of the columns zip, state, city, county. The primary key "zip" has duplicates but the rows are unique.
How do I filter out only the duplicate zips.
Randy Garland

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Cannot Insert Duplicate Key Row In Object 'MSmerge_genhistory' With Unique Index 'unc1MSmerge_genhistory'

Feb 28, 2007

I have 1 client who keeps running into the following error on the subscriber and merge agents >

€œCannot insert duplicate key row in object 'MSmerge_genhistory' with unique index 'unc1MSmerge_genhistory'.€?

Last time we got this error I ran a reindex on table MSmerge_genhistory on the publisher database, I then successfully generated a new snapshot and the subscribers started to synchronize again. This time around I keep getting the error even after I follow these steps (I also ran all the jobs to clean up replication). The last time I ran into this error I created a job to reindex msmerge_genhistory on a nightly bases in an effort to avoid this problem. Can somebody please provide me with a workaround and also the reason why this error occurs in the first place.

Thank you in advanced,
Pauly C

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Cannot Insert Duplicate Key Row In Object 'dbo.lastlogin' With Unique Index 'IX_lastlogin'.

Aug 22, 2007


I have been recently redesigning my tables - creating FK
relationships from child tables to the PK userid in the Users table.
The specifics of what I did and why can be seen here:


But, now I am getting the below error:

Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.lastlogin' with unique index 'IX_lastlogin'.
The statement has been terminated.

Or, for that matter, SavedSearches or any other table where I need to
insert the same userid twice. I can see why I would want to avoid duplicates in the Users table. But, for lastlogin, savedsearches, and
a few of my other tables, the same user may account for multiple rows.

Any suggestions as to where I messed up and how to deal with this?



Code Snippet

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[users](
[userid] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[lastname] [varchar](50) NULL,
[firstname] [varchar](50) NULL,
[email] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[alternateemail] [varchar](50) NULL,
[password] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[role] [varchar](10) NOT NULL,
[securityquestion] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[securityanswer] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[zipcode] [int] NOT NULL,
[birthmonth] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
[birthday] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
[birthyear] [int] NOT NULL,
[gender] [varchar](10) NULL,
[city] [varchar](50) NULL,
[state] [varchar](50) NULL,
[country] [varchar](50) NULL,
[registerdate] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[editdate] [datetime] NULL,
[confirmed] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__Users__confirmed__4CC05EF3] DEFAULT ((0)),
[userid] ASC
[email] ASC


/****** Object: Table [dbo].[lastlogin] Script Date: 08/22/2007 14:16:16 ******/


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[savedsearches](
[savedsearchesid] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[searchname] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[userid] [int] NOT NULL,
[date] [datetime] NULL,
[isdefault] [bit] NULL,
[gender] [char](10) NULL,
[startyear] [varchar](50) NULL,
[endyear] [varchar](50) NULL,
[country] [varchar](50) NULL,
[miles] [int] NULL,
[pictures] [varchar](50) NULL,
[postal] [int] NULL,
[sort] [tinyint] NULL,
[photostring] [varchar](50) NULL,
[orderby] [tinyint] NULL,
[userid] ASC,
[searchname] ASC

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[savedsearches] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_savedsearches_users] FOREIGN KEY([userid])
REFERENCES [dbo].[users] ([userid])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[savedsearches] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_savedsearches_users]

The following insert statement returned the error in the subject because userid = 32 already exists in the Users table.

INSERT INTO lastlogin


Code Snippet

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[lastlogin](
[lastloginid] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[userid] [int] NOT NULL,
[date] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[status] [bit] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_lastlogin_status] DEFAULT ((0)),
[activity] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_lastlogin_activity] DEFAULT (getutcdate()),
[online] AS (case when [status]=(1) AND datediff(minute,[activity],getutcdate())<(30) then (1) else (0) end),
[date] ASC,
[userid] ASC

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[lastlogin] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_lastlogin_users] FOREIGN KEY([userid])
REFERENCES [dbo].[users] ([userid])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[lastlogin] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_lastlogin_users]

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SQL Server 2014 :: Error On Unique Index - Duplicate Key When Insert / Select

Aug 4, 2014

I have an issue where I am getting an error on an unique index.

I know why I am getting the error but not sure how to get around it.

The query does a check on whether a unique value exists in the Insert/Select. If I run it one record at a time (SELECT TOP 1...) it works fine and just won't update it if the record exists.

But if I do it in a batch, I get the error. I assume this is because it does the checking on the file before records are written out and then writes out the records one at a time from a temporary table.

It thinks all the records are unique because it compares the records one at a time to the original table (where there would be no duplicates). But it doesn't check the records against each other. Then when it actually writes out the record, the duplicate is there.

How do I do a batch where the Insert/Select would write out the records without the duplicates as it does when I do it one record at a time.

Name varchar(50),
Email varchar (40)
Insert #TestTable (Name,Email) Values('Tom', 'tom@aol.com')

[Code] .....

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Delete Duplicate Rows With No Unique Columns

Apr 3, 2000

I have 4 rows which are exactly the same. I want to delete one row but i do not have any unique identifing columns. How should i delete that row ?

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Cannot Insert Duplicate Key Row In Object 'dbo.blabla..' With Unique Index 'Idx_blablabl'. The Statement Has Been Terminated. At

Jan 16, 2007

We are developing a project that is expected to hold TB of data and the back end used is SQL Server 2005.

I have the following problem

I have applied Nonclustered index over a column on a table.

Designed a SP for insertion which caters for updation incase the criteria based on the input is met.

The logic goes like this

Incase there exists a row containing the value of the column that is indexed for uniqueness, there should be updation. If not there should be a new row created.

However often there is an error message that is placed above. This happens only on some of the SPs and only on rare occasions.

Can any body tell me if there is any problem with the SQL Server 2005

Thanks in advance

R Suresh, SQLDBA

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Transact SQL :: How To Compare Duplicate Rows Within A Unique Process

Nov 9, 2015

We write to a log file each time a job runs. We give each job a unique batchid. I want to compare the run times of each step/record between two batch ids: '20150101888' and '20150101777'. Column Mins in the number of minutes each step ran. I am having trouble comparing the rows that have generic process and stepname – Trans Switch in this example. A new process within a batchid starts with a 'XX', 'Load'.

So I want to compare CA's Trans to CA's Tran Switch and ER's Trans Switch to ER's, etc. There can be multiple Trans Switch per process. There should be the same number between each batch, but no guarantees that  something might change. Also, Trans Switch is not the record right after the new process (CA, ER) in production.

I have just made a very simplified example.

Want to compare 20150101888 to 20150101777 and end up with this result set. Notice that the duplicate process/step within a process has the process (CA and ER in this example) and a sequential number added to it: 'CA Trans 1'. Need this to pull out the largest time differences.

Time difference, process, step, mins1, mins2, batchid1, batchid2
-6, CA, Load, 17, 23, 20150101888, 20150101777
0, CA Trans 1, Switch, 8, 8, 20150101888, 20150101777
-6, CA Trans 2, Switch, 9, 15, 20150101888, 20150101777
-4, ER, Load, 7, 11, 20150101888, 20150101777
-4, ER Trans 1, Switch, 7, 11, 20150101888, 20150101777


[Code] ....

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How To Create Unique Secondary Index ?? HELP

Apr 3, 2007

I have created the companyid as Primary Key.How to create a unique secondary index on Company Name. To avoid inserting duplicate records in database with the same companyname. I m creatin database in sql server 2005 with asp.net C# 2005. I know one way is write the query if not exists at the time of insert.But,i want to know is there anyother way to make a unique secondary index for the companyname on the company tablethanxs

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Create Unique Index Error

Jan 11, 2005

Does anybody know the significance of 3 in the following error message?

"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX terminated because a duplicate key was found for index ID 3. "

Thank you

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Create Unique Index On Multiple Columns

Jan 19, 2008

Hello, I will explain myself further. I want to make my table in such a way that no two colums have the same value for example:
Row 1 - Column 1 = "cool"
Row 1 - Column 3 = 91
Row 3 - Column 1 = "cool"
Row 3 - Column 3 = 91
I dont care about one column having duplicate values, I want to protect against  Column 1 and 3 having the same values on other rows. Is this possible to do in sql server?

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How To CREATE Duplicate Rows

Apr 14, 2004

this may sound like a weird one, but i need to create duplicates of all rows that satisfy a condition.

using asp, i am able to select rows from a databate using a recordset, only to insert it straight back into the database, thus assigning it a new unique id.

but is there any one to perform this action just using sql?



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Create Duplicate Rows With One Column Changed

Mar 12, 2013

I am writing a db conversion for a retail grocery chain. This chain uses pricing zones to designate what stores get a certain price

Zone A: $2.79
Zone B: $2.89

The pricing data in the tables is listed by zone. However, the new product uses pricing by store.

Zone A contains stores 1,2,4,6,7....
Zone B contains stores 10,11,12,14.....

I need to be able to duplicate the rows in a manner that I can take the row containing a price for Zone A and duplicate it for each store in the zone. I have a table of stores with corresponding zones.

So I'm looking to go from:

Zone UPC Price
A 1234500000 2.79
B 1234500000 2.89


Store UPC Price
1 1234500000 2.79
2 1234500000 2.79
10 1234500000 2.89
11 1234500000 2.89

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How To Resolve Duplicate Data Problem

Apr 10, 2007

Hi All

i want the output like this
date poid sales ref unit cost ordered received sold shrinkage sale type postage delivery payment type
23/3/2007 12345 test - - 1 - tel 20 shipping credit card

for that i have written two sql queries
qry1 =

"SELECT im_products_stock_logs.orderid,im_products_stock_logs.log_type,
im_products_stock_logs.log_date, im_products_stock_logs.poid,
isnull(orders.totalamt,0) as totalamt, isnull(orders.shippingamt,0)
as shippingamt, orders.delivery_method, orders.payment_method
FROM im_products_stock_logs LEFT OUTER JOIN orders ON
im_products_stock_logs.orderid = orders.orderid LEFT OUTER JOIN Products on
im_products_stock_logs.productid= products.productid WHERE
(im_products_stock_logs.productid = 790) and poid=14 order by log_date desc "
SELECT im_products_stock_logs.log_type, SUM(im_products_stock_logs.qty)
AS qty, im_products_stock_logs.poid, DAY(im_products_stock_logs.log_date)
AS Expr2, YEAR(im_products_stock_logs.log_date) AS Expr3,
MONTH(im_products_stock_logs.log_date) AS Expr4,
{ fn MINUTE(im_products_stock_logs.log_date) } AS Expr5,
{ fn HOUR(im_products_stock_logs.log_date) }
AS Expr6 FROM im_products_stock_logs LEFT OUTER JOIN orders ON
im_products_stock_logs.orderid = orders.orderid LEFT OUTER JOIN
products ON im_products_stock_logs.productid = products.productid WHERE
( im_products_stock_logs.productid = 790 and im_products_stock_logs.colorid = 2 )
GROUP BY im_products_stock_logs.log_type, im_products_stock_logs.poid,
DAY(im_products_stock_logs.log_date), YEAR(im_products_stock_logs.log_date),
MONTH(im_products_stock_logs.log_date), { fn HOUR(im_products_stock_logs.log_date)
}, { fn MINUTE(im_products_stock_logs.log_date) }
ORDER BY YEAR(im_products_stock_logs.log_date) DESC,
MONTH(im_products_stock_logs.log_date) DESC,
DAY(im_products_stock_logs.log_date) DESC,
{ fn HOUR(im_products_stock_logs.log_date) }
DESC, { fn MINUTE(im_products_stock_logs.log_date) } DESC

the table use in are

the sample data is

orderid sales_type delivery_method payment_method
1025 tel v shipping 1

productid lead_time cost_price
13 4 45.00

logid productid orderid log_type log_date poid
40 13 1025 sold 23/3/2007 8

I have written the query for the same is

in my query i m getting the duplicate values .
How can I solve it please help me.

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Delete Rows With Duplicate Column Data But Unique Row Data

May 25, 2000


This probably has been addressed before but I was unable to get the search to work properly on this site.
I am needing a script/way of deleting all rows from a DB with the exception of one record left for each row that has duplicate column data. Example :
Row 1
Field1 = 12345 Field2 =xxxxx Field 3=yyyyy Field4=zzzzz etc.
Row 2
Field1 = 12345 Field2 =zzzzzz Field 3=xxxxxx Field4=yyyyyy etc.
Field1 = 12345 Field2 =20202 Field 3=11111 Field4=zzzzz etc.
Row 4
Field1 = 54321 Field2 =xxxxx Field 3=yyyyy Field4=zzzzz etc.
Etc. Etc.

I want to be able to find the duplicates for Field1 and then delete all but 1 of those rows.( I don't care which one I keep just so only one is left.) The data in the other fields may or may not be unique.

I know how to find the duplicates it's just the deleting part I am having problems with. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks,


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What Is The Difference Between A UNIQUE INDEX And A UNIQUE CONSTRAINT?

Sep 22, 2004

A UNIQUE INDEX must inherently impose a unique constraint and a UNIQUE CONSTRAINT is most likely implemented via a UNIQUE INDEX. So what is the difference? When you create in Enterprise Manager you must select one or the other.

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Unique Constraint Vs Unique Index In MS SQL 2000

Jul 20, 2005

HelloWhat should I use for better perfomance sinceunique constraint always use index ?ThanksKamil

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Unique Constraint And Unique Index, What's The Difference?

Jun 24, 2006

What's the difference in the effect of the followings:

I found there're two settings in Indexs/Keys dialog box of the management studio, Is Unique, and Type. The DDL statements above are generated by setting Is Unique to yes plus Type to Index, and just Type to Unique Key, respectively. What's the difference between them?

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Transact SQL :: Create Index On Temp Table To Reduce Run Time Of Update Query

Apr 29, 2015

I want to create index for hash table (#TEMPJOIN2) to reduce the update query run time. But I am getting "Warning!

The maximum key length is 900 bytes. The index 'R5IDX_TMP' has maximum length of 1013 bytes. For some combination of large values, the insert/update operation will fail". What is the right way to create index on temporary table.

Update query is running(without index) for 6 hours 30 minutes. My aim to reduce the run time by creating index. 

And also I am not sure, whether creating index in more columns will create issue or not.

Attached the update query and index query.


[Code] ....

View 7 Replies View Related

Unique Keys

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I plan to create a table with 3 unique keys.Combination of three fields has to be unique for each row in a table thatare vendor ID (char 8), vendor name (char 40), and vendor office (5).Will it be okay to have a unique key which has a long character such asvendor name?How should I index those three fields? Those fields will be searched manytimes.RCW

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Adding Unique Keys

Aug 22, 2006

Would anyone please instruct how to prevent the duplicate record bysetting the unique keys on the ms sql server? i've been checking theduplicate record as front-end and i found out if there is an internetdelay or some other reasons, it has a chance to store the duplicateddata into the database. so i realized it has to be done on the back-endside.for example, if i have three columns (office code, office id, officesection) as a unique key, how can i setup this? thanks in advance.

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Define Unique Keys

Oct 17, 2007

I have a primary key (column name is emp_id) in employee table. Also,I would like to make a combination of other two columns is unique.(combination of officecode field and claimno field must be unique).how can I implement this uniquess in ms sql 2000? thank you.

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Unique Index Vs Unique Constraint

Mar 7, 2001

Hi everyone,
I need urgent help to resolve this issue...
As far as the performance goes which one is better..
Unique Index(col1, col2) OR Unique constraint(col1, col2) ?
Unique constraint automatically adds a unique index
and unique index takes care of uniqueness then whats the use of unique constraint ?

Which one do one use ?


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Unique Constraint Vs Unique Index

Jan 20, 2006

BOL says a unique constraint is preferred over a unique index. It also states that a unique constraint creates a unique index. What then is the difference between the two, and why is a constraint preferred over the index?

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Unique Index Vs Unique Constraints

Mar 26, 2008

hi team,
.Can i create umique constraint with out unique index.when i am creating a unique constraint sql creates a unique index (default) can i have only unique constraint ?

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What 's Difference Between Unique Key And Unique Index

Nov 13, 2007

What 's difference between Unique key and unique index in SQL server 2005?

View 9 Replies View Related


Oct 2, 2007

Hello Everyone:

I am using the Import/Export wizard to import data from an ODBC data source. This can only be done from a query to specify the data to transfer.

When I try to create the tables, for the query, I am getting the following error:

Msg 2714, Level 16, State 4, Line 12

There is already an object named 'UserID' in the database.

Msg 1750, Level 16, State 0, Line 12

Could not create constraint. See previous errors.

I have duplicated this error with the following script:

USE [testing]

IF OBJECT_ID ('[testing].[dbo].[users1]', 'U') IS NOT NULL

DROP TABLE [testing].[dbo].[users1]

CREATE TABLE [testing].[dbo].[users1] (

[UserID] bigint NOT NULL,

[Name] nvarchar(25) NULL,



IF OBJECT_ID ('[testing].[dbo].[users2]', 'U') IS NOT NULL

DROP TABLE [testing].[dbo].[users2]

CREATE TABLE [testing].[dbo].[users2] (

[UserID] bigint NOT NULL,

[Name] nvarchar(25) NULL,



IF OBJECT_ID ('[testing].[dbo].[users3]', 'U') IS NOT NULL

DROP TABLE [testing].[dbo].[users3]

CREATE TABLE [testing].[dbo].[users3] (

[UserID] bigint NOT NULL,

[Name] nvarchar(25) NULL,



I have searched the "2714 duplicate error msg," but have found references to duplicate table names, rather than multiple field names or column name duplicate errors, within a database.

I think that the schema is only allowing a single UserID primary key.

How do I fix this?


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Runnaway UPDATE Statement In SQL2005 - How To Resolve?

Jun 16, 2006

I am in the process of moving a SQL2000 database to a SQL2005 database.

Porting from: SQL200, Windows Server 2000(SP4) (32 bit dual processor 4GB RAM)
to:SQL2005, Windows Server 2003(SP1) (x64 bit dual processor 4GB RAM)

After porting the database from SQL2000 to SQL2005 (no changes)
I then compare an update statement running from Management Studio on the 2003 Server and and Query analiser on the 2000


SQL2000 completes the command in 2 minutes SQL2005 is still running after 60 minutes.

SQL2000 is the live/production system with users connected, the SQL2005 is in a test environment with no other processors


The SQL2005 activity monitor shows:
3 suspended processes in CXPACKET wait state and
2 runnable process high CPU counts (SQLServer running at 100% cpu).
All processes with the same Process ID.
Wait time is 0
High CPU counts for the runnable processes.
Low physical IO
No lock conflicts

When I add the "option (maxdop 1)" to the update statment then:

The activity monitor shows:
1 runnable process with a high CPU count (SQLServer running at 50% cpu).
Wait time is 0
High CPU count for the runnable processe.
Low physical IO
No lock conflicts

How do I debug this situation?
Why is the SQL2005 unable to complete the task?

The update statement is as follows...

set [Balance Movement Month] = M.[Balance Movement Month]
where (T.[Transaction Date] >=
(SELECT DATEADD(d, - 70, minDate) from (select min([Transaction Date]) minDate
T.[Transaction Date] >= C.[MostRecentSnapShotDate] or
T.[Value Date] = T.[Balance Movement Month] ) and
T.[Value Date] <= C.[MostRecentSnapShotDate] and
T.[Value Date] >= T.[Transaction Date] and
T.[Company_Code] = M.[Company_Code] and
T.[Value Date] > M.[SnapShotFromDate] and
T.[Value Date] <= M.[SnapShotToDate] and
C.[Company_Code] = M.[Company_Code]

View 9 Replies View Related

Constraint Expression For Unique Keys

Jun 28, 2006

if i have a table which defines a rule as "combination of two fieldmust be unique", how can I write this in a constraint expressionsection?i started learning more about ms sql side to handle all the necessaryrules in back-end instead of front-end.also any good learning links, references, or book recommandations?thanks

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