Update With Different CAST And CONVERT
Jul 6, 2014
I have a table with all varchar data for all different fields for money and int etc. I want to do a calcuation in one field with the rule as below:
UPDATE [dbo].[tblPayments]
SET [PreInjuryWage]=
WHEN [WeekNo]<14
THEN ([MaxWorkCover]+ [WeeklyEarnings] )/0.95
ELSE ([MaxWorkCover] + 0.80 * [WeeklyEarnings] ) /0.80
I tried this command after many other ways of tries
UPDATE [dbo].[tblPayments1]
SET [PreInjuryWage]=
WHEN [WeekNo]<14
THEN CAST ( (cast([MaxWorkCover] as money )+ cast([WeeklyEarnings] as money ))/0.95 AS Varchar(10) )
ELSE CAST ( (convert(money, [MaxWorkCover] + (0.80 * convert(money, [WeeklyEarnings] )) )/0.80 ) as varchar(10))
The structure of the table ( its a legacy table from 2000 i beleive)
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblPayments](
[PaymentID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[ClaimID] [int] NOT NULL,
[WeekNo] [smallint] NULL,
Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type varchar.
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Aug 15, 2006
Dear Experts,Ok, I hate to ask such a seemingly dumb question, but I'vealready spent far too much time on this. More that Iwould care to admit.In Sql server, how do I simply change a character into a number??????In Oracle, it is:select to_number(20.55)from dualTO_NUMBER(20.55)----------------20.55And we are on with our lives.In sql server, using the Northwinds database:SELECTr.regionid,STR(r.regionid,7,2) as a_string,CONVERT(numeric, STR(r.regionid,7,2)) as a_number,cast ( STR(r.regionid) as int ) as cast_to_numberFROM REGION R1 1.00112 2.00223 3.00334 4.0044SELECTr.regionid,STR(r.regionid,7,2) as a_string,CONVERT(numeric, STR(r.regionid,7,2) ) as a_number,cast (STR(r.regionid,7,2) as numeric ) as cast_to_numberFROM REGION R1 1.00112 2.00223 3.00334 4.0044Str converts from number to string in one motion.Isn't there a simple function in Sql Server to convertfrom string to number?What is the secret?Thanks
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Feb 18, 2008
Hi,I want to turn int to double/decimal in microsoft sqlSHould i use cast or convert?if so, how i do it thanks,
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Mar 15, 2006
I need Query syntax to cast/convert values as follws.
Val.: 00005000010260002180 - Result must be: 5.1.2600.2180
Val.: 00005000000213400001 - Reslut must be : 5.0.2134.1
Dots must also be contained in result
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Oct 8, 2014
Have the following in my SELECT statement, which I'm having issues with when I modify it to include a CAST or a CONVERT.
CONCAT(PER.[PERSON-REF],ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY PER.[PERSON-REF] ORDER BY TEN.[tenancy-ref])) AS 'ID'How do I convert or cast it to a varchar (20)?
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Nov 6, 2007
We have a 3rd party application that connects to our SQL 2005 as a external database source.
Our external database has a 'datein' field that for some reason is stored as a varchar(50).
I can use cast to convert the field to datetime, but how would I then format to the yyyy-mm-dd format in the same select statement(using in view)?
I need to convert this field to a format of YYYY-MM-DD in order for the 3rd party application to search on it correctly.
Below is an example of the data --
FieldName = DateIn
DateType = Varchar(50)
Sep 12 2007 11:16AM
Oct 2 2007 12:24PM
Oct 31 2007 8:00PM
Sep 15 2007 9:25AM
Oct 16 2007 7:01PM
Oct 30 2007 11:15AM
Aug 29 2007 8:54AM
Aug 29 2007 8:38PM
Aug 25 2007 2:33PM
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Apr 20, 2007
Can anyone explain in simple terms the difference between cast and convert in SQL?
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Oct 24, 2005
Hi all,
I have a VB 6.0 application that interacts with an MS Access backend. I am in the process of converting it so that it interacts with SQL Server 2000. The current applications uses Cint, CStr, etc. functions which are MS-Access specific, so I am now switching over to Convert (or Cast) function. The problem is that there are certain places wherein I first need to store the value of the resultant CAST/Convert function in a variable and then use that value in a SQL statement. However, I cant seem to figure out a way of storing the results from CAST/CONVERT functions in the VB 6.0 variable. All the examples on Internet show use of these functions directly in an SQL statement e.g. "Select CAST(title as Int) from xyz", etc.
Can anybody tell me how can i get the values to be stored in the variable? I am really stuck here and cant seem to progress.
Thanks in advance for all your help.
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May 14, 2008
Can anyone tell me what is the difference between Cast and Convert...?
BOL tells me that they provide similar functionality; it doesn't say that they provide the same functionality.
What is the purpose of having both... is the reason historical?
Which one performs better?
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Mar 24, 2008
select @Agg1= Cast(cast(cast(cast(Max(TotMatch) as decimal) / cast((Max(TotNoMatch) + Max(TotMatch)) as decimal)* 100 as int) - 100 as int) as varchar) + '%' FROM #Rpt;
if i try this it is giving me answer in -2%
how i can remove the - sign
also if I try the same statement in different way. well I am going to post in other post.
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May 22, 2008
Hi alll,can anyone tell me that In which cases cast is used in db and what is diff betn cast and convert
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Dec 1, 2000
Hi people,
I am trying to use Aggregate function like count or average on a column which has a datatype Varchar. In order to use avg or count on it , I am doing a cast on it.
If somebody has use Cast/Convert with aggregate function please help me
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Nov 13, 2013
I have an INT field that I want to take the average value of, to the 2nd decimal. Is there a difference between using CAST vs CONVERT?
CAST(Avg(CAST(units AS DECIMAL(10,2))) AS DECIMAL(10,2))
from myTable
from myTable
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Mar 25, 2008
1)Cast(isnull(Partl,0) as smallint)
2) convert(varchar(12),newDate, 101)
what two lines would do. ??
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Aug 21, 2006
Hi ,
I have a hexadecimal string value. I want to convert it to Bigint in Sql Server 2005.
The Hexadecimal value is '0x000000000000000F'.
How is it possible to convert into Bigint.
Please help me
Thanks in advance
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May 31, 2015
How do I use the CAST or CONVERT function in the code below, I require a third column (named Diff) which Minus the StartTime from the EndTime and the result is outputted in the third column (named Diff).
Calculation: @Diff = (@EndTime - @StartTime)
I still want the variables (@StartTime and @EndTime) to remain as nvarchar.
The code:
DECLARE @StartTime nvarchar(10) = '12:10';
DECLARE @EndTime nvarchar(10) = '12:30';
DECLARE @Diff time(1) = '00:00';
SELECT @StartTime AS '@StartTime', @EndTime AS '@EndTimes', @Diff AS '@Diff';
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Jul 23, 2005
I have created a SQL Stored Procedure that uses a Case statement todetermine the Order By. For one of the Case statements I am trying toturn a Char field into Datetime in for the Order By, however I can notget it to work. Can someone please take a look and my code below andtell me what I am doing wrong. Thank you.ORDER BYCASE WHEN @SortBy = 'dttm_stamp' THEN dttm_stamp End,CASE WHEN @SortBy = 'Event_Date1' THEN CAST(CONVERT(char(10),Event_Date1,101) as datetime) End,CASE WHEN @SortBy = 'FullName' THEN Emp_lastname + ', ' +Emp_firstname End,CASE WHEN @SortBy = 'FullName Desc' THEN Emp_lastname + ', ' +Emp_firstname End DESC,CASE WHEN @SortBy = 'Emp_SSN' THEN Emp_SSN End
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Nov 7, 2007
I have been having some trouble trying to get the date format YYYYMMDD 00:00:00.00 to convert to MM/DD/YYYY. I am using SQL 2005 and Reporting Services. I attempted several variations to solve this problem as outlined below, with the final working conclusion at the end. I am not saying that this is the BEST or the ONLY way to achieve the solution, but it worked for me.
Code Block
--returns value of 20071027 02:26:24.06
--returns value of 2007-10-27 02:26:00
--returns value of Oct 27 2007
--returns value of 2007-10-27 00:00:00
--although this works with GETDATE(), it does not work with the DATE_TIME field
--THIS WORKS!!! Displaying 10/27/2007
Hope this helps somebody someday!
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Dec 29, 2007
Hi I have a varchar(8000) and currently XML files are stored in varchar(8000).Some times when i am doing manuplactions in my varchar column i am getting with special characters error. so now i want to keep my column varchar(MAX) and when i am doing calculations i will convert my varchar datatype to xml datatype. By doing this i hope there wont be any special character problems.
When i am doing calculations with the wellformed xml i am getting error for both convert and cast methods as below
I am trying to do convert(xml,MyVarcharColumn)
Implicit conversion from data type xml to nvarchar is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.
Also i tried with casting and getting same problme. is there any way to convert
please suggest me
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May 11, 2005
All of my currency columns are only storing 2 decimal places when I insert into the database but when I pull out the data with a SELECT statement, I always get 4 decimal places instead of the 2 that were inserted.
For example:
Database Price SELECT statement Price
100.56 100.5600
I have tried to use the CAST and/or CONVERT commands but I cannot get the output to come out as 100.56. Has anyone had a similar problem?
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Apr 16, 2014
i am trying to take a field that has part of a date in it, so I have to parse it out as follows:
SUBSTRING(a1.Field1, 3, 2) + SUBSTRING(a1.Field1,5,2) + '20' + LEFT(a1.Field1,2)
This is because a date of 04/16/2014 will show as 160416 in the first part of the field I need to parse it out of, thus becoming 04162014.
From there I then need to convert this "date" into a legitimate SQL datetime type, so that I can then run a DATEDIFF to compare it to when the record was actually entered, which is a separate field in the table, and already in datetime format.
When I use the below statement, I am getting the message that, "Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string."
CAST((SUBSTRING(a1.Field1, 3, 2) + SUBSTRING(a1.Field1,5,2) + '20' + LEFT(a1.Field1,2)) as datetime)
I also tried CONVERT(datetime, (SUBSTRING(a1.Field1, 3, 2) + SUBSTRING(a1.Field1,5,2) + '20' + LEFT(a1.Field1,2)), and got the same message.
how I can parse that field, then convert it to a datetime format for running a DATEDIFF statement?
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Apr 20, 2008
Using OnSelected on the SqlDataSource----here is my currect code:private void On_Load(Object sender, SqlDataSourceCommandEventArgs e){if (e.Command.Parameters["@DueDate"].Value = "NULL"){e.Command.Parameters["@DueDate"].Value = "0000-00-00 00:00:00.000";}}
I am trying to change the value from NULL(in a datetime field) to "0000-00-00 00:00:00.000" for use on the page.Any ideas, suggestions, or thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
,Gary"we truly fail, only when we quit."
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Oct 26, 2007
I have a table that I want to update an nvarchar field that have null records with the account# field that is nvarchar and a date field that is smalldatetime. I am getting an arithematic overflow error due to the smalldatetime field if I don't cast as nvarchar, however, when I cast the date field as nvarchar I get "Feb 03 2007". I need this field to return the same as it shows in the date column of 20070203. Is this possible? Here is my sql statement:
Update tbl_Services
Set TicketNum = account + Cast(date as nvarchar)
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Jan 14, 2004
I'm having problems creating an update statement in a script.
I have a table Registration, with columns PayrollID (PK), Deleted (PK) and NextTransferRef (set as CHAR(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '00001').
This works in Query Analyzer:
update Registration
set NextTransferRef = substring(cast(100002 as char(6)), 2, 5)
where PayrollID = 'WB81'
and Deleted is null
This doesn't work in code (nothing happens, but it doesn't fail in the code either):
update EDISchedule..Registration
set NextTransferRef = substring(cast((?) as char(6)), 2, 5)
where PayrollID = (?)
and Deleted is null
.. and nor does this (same null result):
update EDISchedule..Registration
set NextTransferRef = substring(cast(100003 as char(6)), 2, 5)
where PayrollID = (?)
and Deleted is null
-- NextTransferRef = '00002'
The script is XML, passed through some proprietary 3rd party software (which I know works for a 'normal' update).
Here are the parameters:
<assign to="param1">//NextTransferRef/text()</assign>
<assign to="param2">//Result/Row[number(//CurrentRow)]/PayrollID/text()</assign>
which give results of 100003 and WB81 respectively.
Why am I trying doing all this in the first place? I need the leading zeroes, so an integer is no help.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated!
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Oct 5, 2006
I have a datagrid script where I modify data in an sql dbase in asp.net, when i hit the "update" button, I get a Specified cast is not valid error on my 'descript' declaration, whereas 'descript' is a multiline text box and a varchar datatype (everything else is either a char or a datetime datatype). Am I assigning 'descript' a wrong datatype? Tried making it a nvarchar, still get same result'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Sub MyDataGrid_UpdateCommand(s As Object, e As DataGridCommandEventArgs ) Dim conn As SQLConnection Dim MyCommand As SQLCommand Dim strConn as string = "Server=sql.mydomain.com;Initial Catalog=mydb;User ID=DBxxx;Password=xxxxx;" Dim company As textbox = E.Item.cells(2).Controls(0) Dim address As textbox = E.Item.cells(3).Controls(0) Dim city As textbox = E.Item.Cells(4).Controls(0) Dim state As textbox = E.Item.cells(5).Controls(0) Dim county As textbox = E.Item.cells(6).Controls(0) Dim zip As textbox = E.Item.cells(7).Controls(0) Dim phone As textbox = E.Item.cells(8).Controls(0)'''''' the following line declaring the descript var is the line of the error Dim descript As textbox = E.Item.cells(9).Controls(0) Dim web As textbox = E.Item.cells(10).Controls(0) Dim email As textbox = E.Item.cells(11).Controls(0) Dim datesold As textbox = E.Item.cells(12).Controls(0) Dim dateexpire As textbox = E.Item.cells(13).Controls(0) Dim strUpdateStmt As String strUpdateStmt =" UPDATE CPAs SET" & _ " company = @company, address = @address, city = @city, state = @state, " & _ "county = @county, zip = @zip, phone = @phone, descript =@ descript, " & _ "web = @web, email = @email, datesold = @datesold, dateexpire = @dateexpire" & _ " WHERE cpaID = @cpaID" conn = New SqlConnection(strConn) MyCommand = New SqlCommand(strUpdateStmt, conn) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@company", company.text)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@address", address.text)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@city", city.text)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@state", state.text)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@county", county.text)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@zip", zip.text)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@phone", phone.text)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@descript", descript.text)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@web", web.text)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@email", email.text)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@datesold", datesold.text)) '', dateexpire =@dateexpire MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@dateexpire", dateexpire.text)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@cpaID", e.Item.Cells(1).Text )) conn.Open() MyCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() MyDataGrid.EditItemIndex = -1 conn.close BindDataEnd Sub'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''netsports
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Mar 5, 2007
I have dates in "mmddyy" format coming from the sources and they are older dates of mid 80s like 082580 for instance.
When I cast it this way (DT_DBTIMESTAMP) Source_Date , It says ok but throws a runtime error.
When I hardcode a date in same format, (DT_DBTIMESTAMP) "082580" , It becomes red (an indication of syntax error) . Please note that we use double quotes in expressions in Derived Column Transformation; So an anticipation that using double quotes over single ones would be the syntax problem would be wrong.
Any help in this will sincerely be appreciated.
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Apr 29, 2008
My database stores the decimals in Spanish format; "," (comma) as decimal separator.
I need to convert decimal nvarchar values (with comma as decimal separator) as a decimal or int.
Any Case using CAST or CONVERT, For Decimal or Int gives me the following error:
Error converting data type varchar to numeric
Any knows how to resolve.
Or any knows any parameter or similar, to indicate to the Cast or Convert, that the decimal separator is a comma instead a dot.
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Nov 27, 2015
I have a table that has a DATE field named. AccountingDate that is in the format YYYY-MM-DD. It's not a VARCHAR field. I simply want to convert this date field into the format MM/DD/YYYY and call it New_Accounting_Date.
I've played with various combinations of CAST & CONVERT but haven't been able to get it to work.
Below is my latest effort which returns the error:
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'as'
What code would work to return a MM/DD/YYYY value for New_Accounting_Date?
Select GLBATCH.AccountingDate,
convert(GLBATCH.AccountingDate as date),101) AS New_Accounting_Date
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Sep 18, 2001
In answering this question you could just tell me what you think would work rather than trying to test it.
The following query works correctly and returns rows with pairs of values repid and repid2. I need loop through a large table and update *its* repid2 with rm_repid2 for any rows where its repid value equals rm_repid but only for the pairs that result in the below query
rm.repid AS rm_repid
,rm.repid2 AS rm_repid2
,r.repid AS r_repid
,r.prim AS r_prim
FROM sfrep r JOIN sfrepmst rm ON r.repid=rm.repid2
WHERE rm.repid IN
rm_repid rm_repid2 id2contact r_repid
-------- --------- ---------------------------------------- -------
TEST01 NEW01 John Smith NEW01
TEST02 NEW02 Ken Roberts NEW02
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Oct 12, 2004
In DB2, we can do FOR UPDATE selection, in order to lock the records until the transaction is completed. e.g.
select field1, field2, field3
from table
How can I perform the equivalent feature in SQL Server?
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Apr 13, 2007
Hi Guys
I need your help again, I am try to update several columns and the data type is 'money'.
Below is the code I have used:
UnitCost ='10.00',UnitCost2 = '10.00',UnitCost3 = '10.00',UnitCost4 = '10.00',UnitCost5 = '10.00',UnitCost6 = '10.00'
WHERE ProductCode = '0008'
But it will not update, instead I get this error:
>[Error] Script lines: 1-9 -------------------------- Disallowed implicit conversion from data type varchar to data type money, table 'dbo.CAT_Products', column 'UnitCost'. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.
More exceptions ... Disallowed implicit conversion from data type varchar to data type money, table '.dbo.CAT_Products', column 'UnitCost2'. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.
The error message indicates that I need to use the convert function. But the columns data type is set at 'money' not 'varcher' . So do I need to convert data type to 'varcher' in order to update and convert back to data type 'money' when update complete? Or do I need to indicate in the update statement that data type is already 'money'? I am not sure how I would either.
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Apr 7, 2004
I am trying to convert code I have working for access to work with SQL.
fldName, fldEmail, ID are the names in the database. recNum does have the value of the record that I want to edit. Here is the error I am getting.
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '?'.
And here is the stack trace (which I don’t know how to read except for the line the error is on)
[SqlException: Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '?'.]
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream) +723
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() +194
goodellweb.adm_contact.editNow_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:Inetpubwwwrootwebrootgoodellwebadmadm_contacts.aspx.vb:306
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) +108
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +57
System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument) +18
System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData) +33
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain() +1315
here is my code.
Dim editSQL As String = "Update tbEmail Set fldName=?, fldEmail=? Where ID=?"
Dim SqlConn As New SqlConnection(ConnStr)
Dim Cmd As New SqlCommand(editSQL, SqlConn)
Cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@fldName", nameEdit.Text))
Cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@fldEmail", emailEdit.Text))
Cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@recNum", recNum))
End Try
Response.Write("recNum " & recNum & " <br>")
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Feb 15, 2008
I have this update working in an Oracle database and I need to make it run on SQL Server.
UPDATE table3 C
SET C.column1 = 'A'
WHERE (C.column2, C.column3) IN (SELECT B.column2, B.column3 FROM table1 A, table2 B WHERE A.column2 = B.column2 AND A.column3 = B.column3 AND B.column4 = 1)
Help please.
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